eproctomaniac · 23 hours
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eproctomaniac · 5 days
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Self doubt - a short comic (2023)
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eproctomaniac · 7 days
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Ross Lynch
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eproctomaniac · 17 days
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Rank Romance?
As the first member of your family to go to college. There was a lot of pressure on you. You had known work your entire life, and now was no exception. Your parents hustled, and sent you spare change every month, but that didn’t stop you from having two jobs.
After your first semester of disappointing grades. You realized that the only way to save your gpa was to get a roommate, and relieve yourself of some of the financial burden you were struggling with. That’s where Riley came in. After he moved into the apartment you now shared. You were able to quit one of your jobs and focus more of your time on studies. Riley was, well beautiful. He played on the schools football team, which gave a nice strong build, and an admirable ass.
The first time you met Riley. Was a little awkward, as a timid gay man you usually didn’t talk to the jocks around campus, because it felt a little dangerous. Conversing with Riley was strenuous. You were so unsure of what to say, or feel. But Riley was sweet, for the most part at least. The first day you two hung around the apartment together he said,
“Up high!” Before stretching his arm as vertically as he could, and shoving your face in his pit. At the time you didn’t know how to react, other than to hide the way your dick sprung from the ripe smell of his armpit. He laughed it off, but you thought about it for the next couple of nights. Little did you know this was the sort of behavior you’d grow used to. After weeks of living together you were able to successfully evade any unwanted erections from coming to Riley’s attention. He kept up with his shenanigans. Not flushing the toilet, tea-bagging you, rubbing his musty body on you and even sitting on you once when you were laying on the couch. Not to mention the countless amounts of times he had burped, or farted in your direction, or directly onto your body. It wasn’t all cruel tricks though. To your surprise you two got along well. You and Riley had study sessions together whenever there were tests coming up, and you were both off of work.
Today you two scheduled to study together. You decided to read ahead while waiting for him to get back home from work. You heard the door click open, and Riley walked in. He looked tired, and sweaty. The glistening on his forehead made you bite your lip. You tried not to lust over him, but to live with someone so attractive, and not crave their body was more difficult than not. The way he walked, the way his body stunk up the entire apartment after football practice, the way he was so arrogant yet charming. He was a good friend too, and very understanding. Other than the overall stinky nature of his body, and habits he was a perfect roommate.
As Riley walked it you waved at him, and he smiled back at you.
“These damn exams are killing me man,” he complained as he walked over to his closet You each had a closet. Barely big enough to stand in, but you made do, and put curtains in front of the doors. To provide some privacy in order for you to get dressed.
“Good thing you have such a great study partner,” you joked back sarcastically. Riley laughed a little, and then dissappeared behind the curtain, and after a few moments returned completely naked. You were distracted by your book, but you looked up to the sound of him clearing his throat aggressively. Everything was perfect. A pair of somewhat saggy and full balls hung behind a flaccid yet impressive uncut cock, and a stomach that wasn’t a perfect six pack, but didn’t need to be, because the fat that clung to his bones sat in all the right places. His chest was perky, and muscular further extenuating his big arms and shoulders. Seeing him naked wanted to make you melt into him. You nearly drooled at first sight, but quickly tried to stop before things got weird between the two of you,
“Ew man put some clothes on. I don’t like the way your dick is eyeing me.” You both chuckled, and then Riley responded with,
“What, you don’t like what you see?” He had turned around now. He was playing with his ass. Massaging his cheeks, and allowing his fat to jiggle. You were transfixed, until an all too familiar sound startled you,
“Ahh, man I’ve been holding that in all day,” he moaned. Clearly relieved to decompress. In the comfort of his home.
“Great. Can we get to work?” You replied a little annoyed. As much as you wished that fart were ballooning your cheeks, and sliding down your throat. You were genuinely concerned about this test that was coming up. Riley just looked at you and sighed. He moved towards his closet, and just before going in he stopped and pulled his cheeks apart. You stared at his hole. Watching as if almost in slow motion. His hole pulsed, and then slowly,
The scent was faint, from the distance, but you could tell it was rank. He then stepped into the closet, and got dressed in a pair of briefs, and a pair of tight, short, shorts. When he walked out you eyed him without hesitation. He was looking for his books, and not paying attention to you. After finally finding his study materials, he sat across from you on the other side of your coffee table. You two sat on the floor. It was comfy enough, and provided enough room to spread out all of your materials. Once he settled on the ground you watched as he leaned to one side and,
The fart echoed off the floor. Lasting 5 seconds it was loud, and rancid. It smelt very meaty, and had you been anyone else it probably could’ve cleared you out of the room.
“Sheesh. You’re going to disturb the downstairs neighbors,” you complained jokingly. Riley just laughed and said,
“Bonus points of they’re eating.”
“Ew,” you groaned in response, and tried to get back to the task at hand when again,
You looked at Riley fake annoyed.
“What I’m sorry man. I’m really gassy today, and I couldn’t fart at work,” he apologized.
“Whatever,” you quickly grumbled, before continuing with your lesson.
“So when writ-“
“Is cutting off our limited study time getting you off,” you said getting genuinely annoyed now.
“No, but I could find myself getting off on cutting off your air,” Riley joked menacingly.
“What?” You asked genuinely confused. Riley then stated,
“I mean my ass your face. My farts your air.”
“Don’t even-“ you tried to get up, but before you could even get on your feet. Riley pounced on you. Wrestling you roughly into submission, until he finally got you in position. He was on his knees. Straddling your face with his thighs, and his crotch reaching just over your bottom lip.
“Ok. Riley get off. We get it. You are more physically athle-“
He ripped a gnarly 4 second fart that rumbled on your chest and burned your nostrils.
“Riley p-“
“Stop,” you screamed as you slapped his thighs. You could feel his dick growing over your face in his shorts. The smell had gotten so rancid that you started to cough. Choking on the putrid stench of Riley’s rotten bowels that stunk of spoiled meat, and curdled cheese. No doubt the scent of a college jocks ass.
Your dick was painfully erect. Maybe it was from the lightheadedness, or maybe it was from the complete arousal you felt being pinned between his legs stuck to endure his awful farts. All you knew was that there was no way of hiding the boner that resided behind his fat ass.
“Ahh, sniff it. I love to hear you gag.” Riley began to rub his ass and crotch back and forth. Engraining his stink on your face.
“Fuckk,” he moaned as he placed his hole over your nose.
His airy little toot warmed up your face quite a bit. You began to gag at the intense stench that lingered over your nose. After retching a few times Riley finally stood up. He stood over you with his feet on either side of your shoulders.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. That was too far,” Riley apologized. You could clearly see he meant it, but it was sudden, and kind of unexpected. Riley always did stuff like this. Maybe not this intense, but it wasn’t the first time you had choked on one of his farts. You weren’t even mad. You were just trying to find a way to hide your boner.
“Listen. I’ve gotta be honest. I have a huge crush on you, and the only way I knew how to keep it casual between us was to gross you out, but I can’t do it anymore.” You looked up at him shocked. He had a crush on you? You laughed thinking it was a joke, but when he flashed a look of confusion, you realized that he was being serious. Riley smiled anxiously, and started to nervously laugh. Clearly trying to lighten the mood, as he was unsure of what you were feeling, but you felt the same. Beyond physical attraction Riley was respectful, helpful, smarter than you’d imagine, and yes he was sloppy at times, but it was endearing. Unsure of what to do you didn’t speak, but instead you sat up and rubbed his dick, cradling it in your right hand. It was clearly trying to grow erect, but thwarted by the fabric of his briefs and shorts. He looked down at you with a twinkle in his eyes, and that’s when you knew for a fact that it wasn’t some practical joke. He wanted you, and you so desperately craved him. With a swift movement of your left hand you grabbed at his waistband, and began to slowly pull it down. He stuck his thumbs in the back of his shorts, and helped you to pull them over his voluptuous ass. You let go of his dick, and placed your right hand on the waistband. Reaching further back. You gently rubbed his thigh all the way down to his ankle as you pulled his clothes off of him. Feeling the hair on his legs glide against your hands, and watching as his erect penis shot out of his clothes. Once all the way down, he moved to get his shorts and underwear from around his feet, and placed them on the couch behind you. You simply gawked as his manhood swung, almost hypnotically in front of your eyes. He looked down at you. Riley looked so focused. His gaze could cut a diamond. As he stood straight back up. You stared back into his eyes, and all of their intensity. While staring into his eyes. You maneuvered yourself onto your knees, and knelt over to his feet. Lightly sniffing, and then kissing them. You then traced his body with your hands as you made your way up to his dick. Fully erect, you wanted nothing more than to please him, so you did. You wrapped your lips around the head of his cock, and began to lick. You heard loud moans come from above you, and you could feel his knees getting weak.
“You know I don’t mind the stink,” you said taking his dick out of your mouth.
“It was kind of hot. I always hid my boner, cause I thought you were straight,” you continued.
“Are you saying my dick stinks?” Riley joked, as he slowly made his way down to his knees.
“Yeah you need to showe-“ Riley didn’t let you finish. He pulled you into a deep kiss. It was slobbery, and wet. You didn’t mind. There was something so attractive about his ability to be as carefree and disgusting, yet make it cute.
Riley pulled away, and looked down at your body. He started to take off your shirt. He was gentle, and sensual. He took his time, and kissed your chest as he pulled the shirt over your face. making his way down your body. He pushed you onto the floor, where you were now laying on your back. With him on top of you. He smiled at you as he made his way down your torso stroking his dick as he inched backwards towards your cunt. With the same carefulness, but more rapid. Riley took off your sweatpants, and underwear.
“You know I never could stand those sweatpants,” he said lightly, smirking at you. He began to stroke his cock again, and he used his now free hand to rub your hole. Spitting on it, and sticking his fingers inside of you. You yelped as he shoved his second, third and then fourth finger in your hole stretching you out.
“Does it hurt,” he mumbled softly. You nodded your head yes, which prompted him to then ask,
“Do you want me to stop?” You shook your head no in response. Of course you didn’t want him to stop. The feeling of his fingers filling your hole, and rubbing your ass was heavenly.
“Can I put my dick inside of you?”
You nodded your head yes, and watched as he slowly moved his member down to your hole. He rubbed it against the outside of your anus. Grinding it up and down. Until he finally slid it in. You both let out a moan, as his dick passed the barrier of your asshole and entered the threshold of your insides. He began to thrust into you. Slowly at first, but he gradually got faster and rougher. You moaned in ecstasy as his pelvis clapped against the bottom of your thighs. Riley laughed as he looked into your eyes. His face was full of happiness. He smiled as he inhaled. Breathing heavy, he held squeezed legs and squinted. Contorting his face in a manner that made you think he was ready to cum, but instead,
You came as the fart rang out. The pure stink that Riley had trapped you in as he fucked you was beautiful. It was a loud 10 second fart, and it pushed its way out of his clenched ass. Riley laughed hysterically, which was replaced momentarily by ooh’s and moans.
“Fuckk.” You felt his body tense as he came inside of you.
“Fuuuckkk.” You felt him pull out, his cum followed, and oozed out of your anus. Riley took large breaths, nearly gasping for air.
“They don’t teach you breath control?” You teased. He just replied with a smile, and laid down on top of you.
You could feel his warm sweat melt into your skin, as the two of you embraced on the floor with him on top of you. He was kind of heavy, but you didn’t mind. You found his weight comforting. Not to mention the fact that you were trapped in his musk. His body smelled so manly, and ripe. It wasn’t the last time you two came that night, and it wasn’t the last study date to go rogue
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eproctomaniac · 18 days
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Hayes Grier
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eproctomaniac · 18 days
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eproctomaniac · 18 days
Had a dream about Hayes y’all
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eproctomaniac · 22 days
KJ Apa lets out massive juicy fart, definately been waiting to see his farts did not disappoint
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eproctomaniac · 1 month
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eproctomaniac · 1 month
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eproctomaniac · 1 month
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eproctomaniac · 1 month
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Noah Beck
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eproctomaniac · 1 month
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eproctomaniac · 1 month
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eproctomaniac · 2 months
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eproctomaniac · 2 months
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eproctomaniac · 2 months
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