enviroklenz · 2 years
Tips for Churches to Ensure Good Air Quality
  Places of worship are often seen as a sanctuary for prayer, spiritual growth, and the coming together of like-minded individuals. Many rituals, actions, and behaviors occur on a regular basis within these environments, carried out by their respective religious communities. To many, places like the church, temple, mosque, or shrine are considered a safe haven; though, a factor common to all worship settings but often unconsidered is indoor air quality. With variables like poor ventilation, mass gathering of people, and pollution created through ritual activities, the quality of air is far from safe.  
Indoor air quality within places of worship has become a large area of concern with the recent risks of airborne illness transmission, however there is much more of a need for better air quality beyond a single virus. Breaking down what affects air quality in churches and temples, from the burning of candles to a choir assembly, gives a better understanding of how to improve it for safer practice.  
Follow along for more information on ventilation concerns in places of worship, indoor air quality guidelines for churches, and how churches can improve indoor air quality.  
What Affects Indoor Air Quality in Places of Worship?
Sacral buildings, like other indoor environments, can be described as their own ‘micro-climate’ of sorts; the air quality created in these spaces is altered or maintained by its occupants, air conditioning systems, and external factors like outdoor air. The routine of hosting large masses of people during short segments of time dramatically fluctuates the air quality within these gathering places to create a varying indoor climate that is not always up to par with healthy conditions. Air quality in places of worship is affected by all sorts of factors, including burning candles and incense, singing and chanting of people, and poor ventilation throughout confined rooms and large open spaces.  
Aerosol Particles Produced by Singing & Chanting
People naturally produce carbon dioxide when simply breathing or talking. Now think about the additional breaths taken while singing or projecting your vocals. Singing and chanting create more aerosols than breathing or talking do, therefore producing more carbon dioxide as a result. With large masses of people singing or chanting along with choirs and worship leaders, levels of CO2 can reach beyond the threshold of what experts call a “hygiene minimum”.  
According to one study on ventilation within churches, CO2 increased 80% higher than the hygiene minimum of 1,000 ppm during a service, indicating unhealthy conditions for the indoor occupants. The C02 created by such a large mass of people within a short amount of time has more of an impact on air quality as one may think! 
VOCs Created from Candles & Incense
While it may warm the soul, the burning of candles and incense creates dangerous particulate matter from smoke and ash that can affect one’s lungs if inhaled. Mix increased air pollution with poor ventilation and you’ve almost guaranteed the inhalation of these particulates by a church’s members. It is often overlooked that candles are toxic to indoor air quality, as VOCs (volatile organic compounds) can also stem from scented candles, oils or incense that are involved with religious rituals within these spaces, which further pollute the air and worsens a church’s overall air quality.
Mold Growth & Humidity in Churches
Mold and mold-generated VOCs can greatly impact air quality in places of worship, but how does mold grow indoors? Stemming from warm, moist conditions, mold can grow in sacral buildings that experience high humidity and increased temperatures from poor ventilation or a lack of central air conditioning. This is especially common in buildings with high ceilings, which are sometimes harder to control air quality in, or when windows and doors are left open.
While mold grows and spreads in these optimal conditions, its spores pollute the air with odors, allergens, and VOCs, which can trigger allergic reactions and health affects to exposed individuals.
Shop Air Quality Solutions for Churches
Ventilation in Church Spaces 
Many sacral buildings rely on natural ventilation, based on their traditional structure or age. It is common for temples, shrines, and even churches to utilize open windows and doors as the main source of air flow, though this isn’t usually sufficient to support the large crowd within. Without central HVAC systems or added filtration of some sort, particulates and aerosols coexist indoors, leading to increased air pollution, humidity, and viral transmission among people.  
Poor ventilation is common for large auditorium-type spaces with high-volte ceilings. A lack of central air conditioning can greatly impact the amount of ventilation and air exchanges produced. Confined corners like confessional booths are also affected by poor ventilation that traps moisture, aerosols, and particulates, making them a hot spot for contaminated air while in use.  
  Effects of Poor IAQ on Communities of Faith
The result of poor ventilation can start affecting the health of attending church members. Side effects like headaches, dizziness and drowsiness can stem from high CO2, while heat stroke can be caused by increased humidity and temperatures. Not to mention, these negative factors can affect worship buildings as well. Moisture from high levels of humidity gets trapped indoors, causing mold growth within the building. This not only damages the building, but it pollutes the air even further with mold spores and mold-generated VOCs that can negatively impact health through symptoms of coughs, irritated eyes and throat, sneezing, and difficulty breathing.  
Ways to Improve Ventilation in Churches 
There are easy improvements that can increase ventilation, filtration, and air exchange within places of worship. Simple actions like propping open doors and windows can create air flow to help exchange particulates and CO2 that get trapped in stagnant environments. Exhaust fans and box fans installed in windows are also easy additions that pull pollutants from the indoor air and filter them outside.  
For filtration of CO2, VOCs, and viruses inhibiting the air space, air quality improvements such as HVAC upgrades and portable air purifiers provide filtration to not only get rid of pollutants but supply fresh air to circulate within these occupied spaces.  
Portable air purifiers are becoming increasingly popular as air quality awareness continues to rise. As a recommended strategy from ASHRAE, in-room air cleaners with HEPA filtration and UV-C are suggested for any use case of worship places, no matter the existing air system or lack thereof; air purifiers promote additional filtration and ventilation where natural or mechanical ventilation systems may underperform. 
As found on ASHRAE.
Most air purifiers on the market offer particulate reduction through HEPA filtration. Unique through its patented proprietary technology is the EnviroKlenz Air System Plus, which not only utilizes HEPA and UV-C for germicidal and particulate reduction, but also relies on its earth mineral Air Cartridge to capture, neutralize, and destroy all airborne contaminants. An efficient air purifier such as the EnviroKlenz can work alongside existing HVAC systems for additional air exchange and contaminant reduction where air conditioners fall short.  
Shop EnviroKlenz Air System Plus
How Have Churches Adapted to COVID-19 
In light of the pandemic, churches have experienced a hard hit to their normal operations. From mass gatherings of person-to-person interaction to health concerns of at-risk individuals, communities of faith have had to severely adapt to new ways of existing. Viral transmission is a great danger among the religious community, as many ritual activities include face-to-face interactions, singing and chanting, and large gatherings, which are all hefty contributors to the spread of illness.  
Air quality-specific mitigation strategies have been the key to allowing many industries to return to work, and churches are no exception. Some churches and other religious institutions have implemented HVAC upgrades and portable air cleaners into their safety standards, however there is still so much room for this initiative to expand. As religious communities become aware that airborne illnesses are just one factor to poor air quality in their places of worship, the need for filtration and ventilation advancements will continually grow. This awareness for general indoor air quality in churches is important for keeping people safe and healthy while also preserving the beauty and history behind religious traditions.  
UV Mobile Air System
$899.00 $799.00
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✓ Patented earth mineral technology works to attack VOCs and break them down on a compound level
✓ No chemicals or masking agents
✓ Will not release any chemicals back into your environment
✓ UVC lamps are continuously shining on the collected organisms with high effeciency of kill and destruction
EnviroKlenz® Medical Disclaimer:
“Any information that is provided on this website is not for the use by any commercial or personal entity without expressed written consent of the blog author. The material and statements illustrated within this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or medical conditions. Nor does the author in any way guarantee or validate the validity, totality, or efficacy of any claims and will therefore not be held responsible for the content of any claims. Always consult your medical physician for any specific medical advice or recommendations.”
Tips for Churches to Ensure Good Air Qua...
Mar 5, 2022
How Does Mold Grow Indoors?
Jan 14, 2022
Non-Toxic Gift Guide For The Home
Dec 6, 2021
What’s Making My Home Unhealthy Th...
Oct 28, 2021
from EnviroKlenz https://ift.tt/Jd2pV64 via https://enviroklenz.com
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enviroklenz · 2 years
How Does Mold Grow Indoors?
How Does Mold Grow Indoors?
Mold is a gross, smelly issue that no homeowner wishes to deal with. Not to mention, it causes health issues when exposed to. Find out how hidden mold can grow its way into your home and affect you and your air quality.
How Does Mold Grow Indoors?
Mold. A foul-smelling, sneaky menace, this fungal villain has a knack for growing in your home without a proper invite. Mold is a silent danger that affects many homes, whether on that old loaf of bread you forgot about in the back of the pantry, or along the edges of your bathroom grout after months of soap scum and steamy showers. Worst of all is the hidden mold that makes its way behind walls or underneath flooring, which often goes unnoticed until it’s too late.  
Simple cases of mold growth can be easily cleaned away, like on food or washable surfaces, however other cases of large-scale mold growth take greater effort to completely remedy. And what about the side-effects of this mold on you and your household? How do you know if this indoor mold is making you sick?  
Let’s take a look at typical household molds, symptoms and health effects of mold exposure, and how to get rid of this dirty, dangerous intruder in your home. 
Mold is a type of fungal organism that grows both outdoors and indoors, blooming from airborne mold spores that seek out ideal places to germinate and spread. While outdoor mold is completely natural and very necessary for breaking down plant and animal matter, indoor mold is often seen as more of an unwanted disturbance over anything else. A few of the most common types of indoor molds found in the home include: 
Cladosporium – Brown, green, or black in color, this mold is commonly found on wood, carpets, or fabrics. 
Penicillium – With a fuzzy blue, green, or yellow appearance, this mold is common to surfaces affected by water damage. 
Aspergillus – Green, white, or gray powdery texture with dark spots characterizes this mold species, and it forms on fabrics, walls, attics, and basements experiencing poor ventilation. 
Stachybotrys chartarum – Also known as ‘black mold’, this toxic mold species thrives in moist, cellulose-rich buildings with humidity and water damage. 
The perfect breeding ground for mold is somewhere humid or moist, with little to no airflow, and often dark. Think of basements, attics, laundry rooms, and bathrooms, which typically experience the most moisture or lack of proper ventilation. Mold spores can enter through openings of doors, windows, and HVAC or exhaust fan vents, as well as attach to clothing, bags, and other belongings that came from outside. Once indoors, the mold spores travel through the air and latch onto any prime growth spot they can find.  
It is a common belief that the dreaded ‘toxic black mold’ found in any home is worst-case-scenario due to the health dangers of this fungus. Despite what you may think, no specific mold is much more ‘harmful’ than another. Certain types of molds are classified as toxigenic molds, as they release mycotoxins that trigger allergic reactions and exposure symptoms. Nonetheless, all molds should be treated equal in the sense that you want to remove any type found in your home as quickly as possible. Even molds classified as “non-toxic” can still trigger allergy symptoms and irritation from exposure.  
It is typical for every home to have at least a little mold, whether on a surface or in the air. It can come through doors and windows, or on your clothes and belongings as you come indoors, and it can further form via humidity from poor ventilation or moisture from unexpected flooding or water leaks. Allowing these optimal conditions to exist is what leads to mold growth and mold exposure within your home, which is why it can be so valuable to know exactly how to prevent future mold growth. 
Signs of mold exposure can resemble typical allergy symptoms for most. In cases of severe sensitivity to mold or history of other respiratory illnesses like asthma, reactions may be worsened. There is no set guideline for how much mold exposure is harmful, but the degree of sensitivity to mold can determine how severe someone’s reaction is. 
Here’s a list of common symptoms of mold exposure:
Coughing & throat irritation 
Wheezing or shortness of breath 
Itchy, watery eyes 
Runny nose 
And in extreme cases, 
Fatigue and weakness 
Experiencing any of the above symptoms, especially for a prolonged period of time, can be a strong indicator that you may need to check your home for mold. Living with these symptoms is not ideal, and promptly getting rid of mold growth can reduce these health effects sooner rather than later. 
Detecting mold in your home can be tricky if it is not visibly showing. With hidden mold behind walls, underneath flooring, or in areas of the house like attics and basements that get a little less attention throughout the year, you will want to utilize other tell-tale signs that can indicate mold growth.  
First off, the pungent smell of mold is hard to miss. A musty, earthy odor is produced by mold, which can often indicate to homeowners that mold is growing in their enclosed space. While it’s displeasing to the nose, this odor can also be an allergy trigger and something you want to remediate quickly. Experiencing exposure-related symptoms is a second major indicator of mold growth within your home, as these unavoidable reactions are a good hint that something moldy may be hiding beneath the surface.  
Can I stay in my house with mold?
A little mold isn’t something to panic about if it is manageable enough to clean up. However, you may want to consult a doctor on what to do if you are experiencing severe symptoms from mold exposure; they may suggest you stay somewhere else until mold removal is fully complete, depending on the severity of your symptoms and severity of the mold case. The key to feeling better is to act immediately. Whether that be your own cleaning efforts or the help of a professional, you want to get rid of any mold so that health effects and home damage don’t persist! 
It is best practice to clean away mold at its first signs so that you don’t accumulate a larger, more costly problem later. Wipe away washable hard surfaces with a non-toxic cleaner for any physical mold. In the case of post-flood or leak damage, mold growth on carpet, insulation, and drywall will most likely result in removal and replacement of these structural essentials. Do your best to thoroughly dry out any surface or item that you have cleaned mold from, as this prevents regrowth. If you have mass growth of mold beneath walls or flooring, consulting with a professional remediation service is best. 
Mold & Indoor Air Quality
Mold growth has a lot to do with the quality of air in your home. Factors like air flow, ventilation, and humidity can easily determine whether a space in your home is suitable for mold growth. Not to mention, mold spores travel through the air before attaching to an optimal surface. Treating mold at its source begins with proper air quality solutions! 
Air purifiers are great home additions for the treatment and prevention of mold. Older HVAC systems can lack in their air flow and ventilation capabilities, which is where a portable air purifier can pick up some of the slack. It is also important to remember that mold spores can still exist in an enclosed air space, even after professional remediation of physical mold growth. Having an air purifier to filter out mold spores and boost air exchanges within a room reduces humidity and prevents mold spore germination.  
The EnviroKlenz Air System Plus filters out airborne mold spores and mold-generated VOCs through its patented earth-mineral technology and multi-filtration process. It further protects against mold with the added germicidal irradiation of UVC bulbs, which deactivate fungal microorganisms like mold spores and internally clean the system. The Air System Plus works to capture and destroy existing mold, along with preventing future mold and the side effects it produces. This powerhouse purifier can also quickly remove mold odors from an indoor air space, for a breath of fresh, odorless air.  
Preventing mold in your home
Removing mold is one thing, but preventing it is another. Always clean and dry surfaces and spaces that were exposed to moisture and mold growth. Any leak, big or small, could be the beginning of a giant mold bloom, which is exactly what you want to avoid! Controlling humidity and ventilation is also a must; regular use of an air purifier and a dehumidifier are two air-specific actions that can prevent mold growth. Try placing these devices in the basement, kitchen, or near the laundry room where extra humidity and moisture accumulate. Natural ventilation through open doors and windows can also offer an escape for trapped hot air or steam, as well as provide air flow to a stagnant room. 
Follow the right steps towards healthy indoor air, and you can guarantee a fresher, mold-free environment to thrive in. It just takes some preventative measures, along with common knowledge about the nature of mold growth, and you’re set to tackle any daily fungi thrown your way!
    Mobile UV Air System
Patented technology that captures & destroys viruses, bacteria, allergens, and other chemical toxins
UVC protection for added germicidal defense
Never releases chemicals or byproducts back into the air, making it non-toxic and safe
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Mobile UV Air System
Patented technology that captures & destroys viruses, bacteria, allergens, and other chemical toxins
UVC protection for added germicidal defense
Never releases chemicals or byproducts back into the air, making it non-toxic and safe
$899.00 $799.00
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Non-Toxic Gift Guide For The Home
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from Enviroklenz https://ift.tt/3K9hVzA via https://enviroklenz.com
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enviroklenz · 2 years
Non-Toxic Gift Guide For The Home
  Whether shopping for friends, family, or even yourself, it can be hard to pick out the perfect gifts to suit the needs of everyone on your shopping list. Will they absolutely love the gift, or will they feel the urge to return it a few days later? We’ve made your shopping journey a little easier by creating the ultimate EnviroKlenz Gift Guide, the perfect roadmap for you to follow. This guide is packed with great gift ideas tailored to all sorts of people you may be shopping for this year! We’ve got gifts for the busy family, the germaphobe, the pet parents, the dust buster, and more, all in one place for you to check out!
So, what are you waiting for? Keep scrolling for some shopping inspiration, and get your pen ready to jot down these perfect finds! 
GIFTS FOR: Pet Parents
We love our furry family members, but pet owners know all too well the unpleasant odors that dogs, cats, and other critters can leave behind on furniture, blankets, bedding, and carpets. Even worse, this smelly issue makes hosting friends and family a less-than–favorable gesture in pet-friendly households when lingering odors take away the welcoming feel in any home. 
EnviroKlenz Everyday Odor Eliminator
Consider gifting the useful hack of odor removal throughout your home with the EnviroKlenz Everyday Odor Eliminator. Safe to use on a variety of surfaces, the Everyday Odor Eliminator works to eliminate odors at their source, freshening up that spot on the couch where your cat loves to curl up. As a plus, you can even use it throughout your car to remove odors after trips to the dog park or vet clinic! This deodorizer is non-toxic and completely safe to use around your pets, and your two-legged family members, too. 
EnviroKlenz Carpet Refresher
Another product that is perfect for pet-friendly households is the EnviroKlenz Carpet Refresher. A quick and easy solution to manage everyday odors around the home, the Carpet Refresher can tackle pet odors and other stinky smells left on carpeted surfaces. 
GIFTS FOR: The Clean Freak
We all know at least one crazy cleaning fanatic that prides themselves on keeping their home as clean as possible. No dust, no mold, and no germs! Dust rags, cleaning gadgets, and disinfectants are at the top of their wish lists, and any new trick to optimizing their cleaning routine is always a winning gift idea. Gift the gift of clean, crisp air to this year’s clean freak.
EnviroKlenz Air System Plus
The EnviroKlenz Air System Plus serves as the gift that keeps on giving. Through a multi-stage filtration process utilizing an EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge, true HEPA filter, and UVC bulbs, this powerhouse gift tackles airborne viruses, bacteria, VOCs, mold, allergens, and other toxins that pollute indoor air spaces. While this is more of a big-ticket splurge, any household would greatly appreciate this clean-living investment, all year round! This is also a perfect idea for elderly couples, those with immunity diseases, and chemically sensitive individuals. 
Who else is this gift great for? What about the chronic sneezers in our lives! For allergy-prone friends and family, tissues can only do so much – why not give them the gift of fresh, allergen-free air! Airborne particulates like dust and pollen can aggravate allergies, both mild and severe. Extra air filtration through the EnviroKlenz Air System Plus can give relief to anyone who wants to put a stop to their allergies.
GIFTS FOR: Eco-Friendly Shoppers
Shopping for someone with a “go green” attitude? Buying products that are non-toxic and sustainable is especially important to some people, whether they care about preventing toxins from polluting the environment or strive to eliminate chemicals in the home. With this in mind, gifting choices can become more limited. Give the gift of a clean, non-toxic home!  
EnviroKlenz Household Products
EnviroKlenz Household products are all made from the same simple ingredients – a blend of earth minerals designed to capture and eliminate odors and toxins without releasing anything back into the environment. With laundry, surface, and personal applications, these green household finds are sure to put a smile on your eco-conscious giftee.  
GIFTS FOR: The Active Lifestyle
What’s the perfect gift for active lifestyles? We’re talking daily gym-goers, soccer moms, athletes, and big families with kids attending sports teams, dance practices, and summer camps. If you’ve got someone on your shopping list that’s an active go-getter, always on the move with sports, fitness, or even families, they might need a helping hand in the laundry room to remove stubborn odors from life’s busiest moments. Or maybe that sounds like you!  
EnviroKlenz Laundry Products
Gift yourself and your friends the EnviroKlenz Laundry Enhancer. This product is a safe, non-toxic solution to remove sweat odors, without added fragrances or masking agents. It is compatible with your regular laundry detergent, and it comes in powder and liquid form.  
While you are at it, show a little love to the washing machine in charge of these extra loads. The Laundry Enhancers pair well with the EnviroKlenz Washer Deodorizer, which utilizes the same active ingredients to remove odors that build up within washing machines over time. This bundle makes a perfect pairing to freshen up anyone’s laundry routine. 
GIFTS FOR: Expert DIYers
We’ve got a thoughtful gift for your local crafters and DIYers who thrive on getting their hands dirty with new projects. From an at-home pottery studio to a garage designed for woodworking, these different crafts can create quite a mess, not to mention affect the air quality through dust and dirt.
EnviroKlenz Air System
These messy projects need an EnviroKlenz Standard Air System, great for filtering these particles out of the air. The Air Systems are compact and mobile, making them easy to transport to wherever extra air filtration is needed! And they have a 99.9% efficiency rating for removal of airborne toxins and particulates, so you can worry less about your air quality and focus more on fixing up that old coffee table you were refurbishing. 
EnviroKlenz Everyday Odor Eliminator
Consider gifting the useful hack of odor removal throughout your home with the EnviroKlenz Everyday Odor Eliminator. Safe to use on a variety of surfaces, the Everyday Odor Eliminator works to eliminate odors at their source, freshening up that spot on the couch where your cat loves to curl up. As a plus, you can even use it throughout your car to remove odors after trips to the dog park or vet clinic! This deodorizer is non-toxic and completely safe to use around your pets, and your two-legged family members, too. 
EnviroKlenz Carpet Refresher
Another product that is perfect for pet-friendly households is the EnviroKlenz Carpet Refresher. A quick and easy solution to manage everyday odors around the home, the Carpet Refresher can tackle pet odors and other stinky smells left on carpeted surfaces.  
GIFTS FOR: Clean Freaks
We all know at least one crazy cleaning fanatic that prides themselves on keeping their home as clean as possible. No dust, no mold, and no germs! Dust rags, cleaning gadgets, and disinfectants are at the top of their wish lists, and any new trick to optimize their cleaning routine is always a winning gift idea. Give the gift of clean, crisp air to this year’s clean freak.
EnviroKlenz Air System Plus
The EnviroKlenz Air System Plus serves as the gift that keeps on giving. Through a multi-stage filtration process utilizing an EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge, true HEPA filter, and UVC bulbs, this powerhouse gift tackles airborne viruses, bacteria, VOCs, mold, allergens, and other toxins that pollute indoor air spaces. While this is more of a big-ticket splurge, any household would greatly appreciate this clean-living investment, all year round! This is also a perfect idea for elderly couples, those with immunity diseases, and chemically sensitive individuals. 
Who else is this gift great for? What about the chronic sneezers in our lives! For allergy-prone friends and family, tissues can only do so much – why not give them the gift of fresh, allergen-free air! Airborne particulates like dust and pollen can aggravate allergies, both mild and severe. Extra air filtration through the EnviroKlenz Air System Plus can give relief to anyone who wants to mitigate their allergy symptoms.
GIFTS FOR: Eco-Friendly Shoppers
Shopping for someone with a “go green” attitude? Buying products that are non-toxic and sustainable is especially important to some people, whether they care about preventing toxins from polluting the environment or strive to eliminate chemicals in the home. With this in mind, gifting choices can become more limited. Give the gift of a clean, non-toxic home!  
EnviroKlenz Household Products
EnviroKlenz Household products are all made from the same simple ingredients – a blend of earth minerals designed to capture and eliminate odors and toxins without releasing anything back into the environment. With laundry, surface, and personal applications, these green household finds are sure to put a smile on your eco-conscious giftee.  
GIFTS FOR: The Active Lifestyle
What’s the perfect gift for active lifestyles? We’re talking daily gym-goers, soccer moms, athletes, and big families with kids attending sports teams, dance practices, and summer camps. If you’ve got someone on your shopping list that’s an active go-getter, always on the move with sports, fitness, or even families, they might need a helping hand in the laundry room to remove stubborn odors from life’s busiest moments. Or maybe that sounds like you!  
EnviroKlenz Laundry Enhancer & Front Load Washer Deodorizer
Gift yourself and your friends the EnviroKlenz Laundry Enhancer. This product is a safe, non-toxic solution to remove sweat odors, without added fragrances or masking agents. It is compatible with your regular laundry detergent, and it comes in powder and liquid form.  
While you are at it, show a little love to the washing machine in charge of these extra loads. The Laundry Enhancers pair well with the EnviroKlenz Front Load Washer Deodorizer, which utilizes the same active ingredients to remove odors that build up within washing machines over time. This bundle makes a perfect pairing to freshen up anyone’s laundry routine. 
GIFTS FOR: Expert DIYers
We’ve got a thoughtful gift for your local crafters and DIYers who thrive on getting their hands dirty with new projects. From an at-home pottery studio to a garage designed for woodworking, these different crafts can create quite a mess, not to mention affect the air quality with dust and dirt.
EnviroKlenz  Air System
These messy projects need an EnviroKlenz Standard Air System, great for filtering these particles out of the air. The Air Systems are compact and mobile, making them easy to transport to wherever extra air filtration is needed! And they have a 99.9% efficiency rating for removal of airborne toxins and particulates, so you can worry less about your air quality and focus more on fixing up that old coffee table you were refurbishing. 
Mobile UV Air System
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EnviroKlenz® Medical Disclaimer:
“Any information that is provided on this website is not for the use by any commercial or personal entity without expressed written consent of the blog author. The material and statements illustrated within this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or medical conditions. Nor does the author in any way guarantee or validate the validity, totality, or efficacy of any claims and will therefore not be held responsible for the content of any claims. Always consult your medical physician for any specific medical advice or recommendations.”
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Non-Toxic Gift Guide For The Home
Dec 6, 2021
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What’s Making My Home Unhealthy Th...
Oct 28, 2021
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Tips for Hosting a Safe Holiday Gatherin...
Oct 8, 2021
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How To Keep Wildfire Smoke Out of Your H...
Jul 9, 2021
The post Non-Toxic Gift Guide For The Home first appeared on Enviroklenz. from Enviroklenz https://ift.tt/3lHZ43X via https://enviroklenz.com
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enviroklenz · 3 years
What’s Making My Home Unhealthy This Season?
  Tis the season of cozy nights spent by the fireplace, houses full of visiting family and friends, and ovens packed with holiday dishes all month long. As we continue to drift into colder months, our minds are wrapped around holiday preparations and how to stay warm for winter! But, what most people may not think about is the health of their homes this season. Many actions that seem like normal rituals for fall and winter could significantly impact your indoor air quality without you even realizing it. That pumpkin spice candle you just lit in the living room, or the turkey you have baking in the oven, could be diminishing the quality of your home’s air, leaving you with anything but warm and fuzzy feelings.  
When talking about odors, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and poor ventilation, these negative factors stand out as a serious problem for indoor air quality. Learning how to avoid their unhealthy impact on your indoor environment can make for a better season, and better health, as we close off the last few months of the year. And not to worry, simple fixes that are easy to implement can leave your home feeling fresh and crisp without taking time away from your holiday plans.  
Prevent Lingering Cooking Smells in Your Home
While the delicious scents of a roasting turkey, fresh-baked dinner rolls, or your mom’s famous apple pie fill you with nostalgia and a hungry stomach, the lingering odors of this holiday feast could be a sign of poor ventilation in your kitchen. It is important to maintain proper ventilation throughout your home, especially in the kitchen where many people gather to cook and eat. This lack of airflow prevents food odors from filtering out of the kitchen quicker when mealtime is over, which is where alternative sources of filtration can come in handy. Rather than lighting a candle, which not only fails to get rid of other odors but also contributes to unhealthy air quality, try utilizing added filtration that actually eliminates odors at their source, like EnviroKlenz air purifiers. The EnviroKlenz Air System captures and eliminates odors quickly, without the use of chemicals or masking agents, to cleanse the air and promote ventilation through added air exchanges. 
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Is the Air Quality in My House Making Me Sick?
Lingering odors aren’t the only issue created in the kitchen; the dangerous truth behind ordinary things like cooking sprays and gas stoves is their ability to produce indoor air pollutants like carbon monoxide and irritating aerosols. Exposure to these VOCs and air pollutants can result in headaches, dizziness, nausea, and respiratory irritation, which are worsened when poor ventilation causes stagnant air. An air purifier can help in this situation, as well, remediating the health risks associated with indoor air pollution by filtering out these toxins. Check out more tips on how to best prepare your kitchen’s air quality before Thanksgiving, especially if you are hosting this year! 
Best Air Purifier for a Healthy Home
All air purifiers aren’t created equally. When choosing an air purifier to get rid of indoor toxins that are making your home unhealthy, remember to look for key elements like safety and efficiency when filtering your air. The EnviroKlenz Air Systems are a great pick for more than just food odors. Using patented earth mineral technology within its Air Cartridge, paired with UV bulbs and HEPA filtration, this purifying powerhouse actually captures and destroys airborne particulates like bacteria, viruses, chemicals, allergens, and other pollutants at a 99.9% efficiency rating. What’s even better is that the EnviroKlenz technology is non-toxic and completely safe to use in your home, making it a healthy addition to any indoor environment.  
Learn More About EnviroKlenz Air Systems
Are Candles Bad for Your Home?
Circling back to that pumpkin spice candle you were about to light, you may want to put down your lighter instead. Candles are great for creating an aromatic ambiance in any room, not to mention the anticipation of burning holiday scents like pine, cinnamon, and vanilla that has been building up all year. But, you could be compromising your indoor air quality with these scent boosters. Believe it or not, a candle is considered a common household toxin. When lit, candles burn off parabens and VOCs that pollute indoor air. Knowing what scented candles are made of can be a good indicator of what’s going to make its way into the air once burned. Try looking for soy or beeswax candles, as these are made from natural products and are safer for indoor use, as neither produces the toxic parabens that a regular candle would.  
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Another creative trick to give your home a boost of fragrance is to simmer a pot of stovetop potpourri. Add fresh cloves, cinnamon sticks, ginger, and citrus peels to a pot of simmering water for a warm, inviting scent that will carry throughout the home. This is not only safe and toxin-free, but it can supplement holiday candles by recreating nostalgic, festive aromas.   
Alternatively, no odors are sometimes better than good odors. Instead of masking stale odors in your home with candles or potpourri, the EnviroKlenz Air System can eliminate bad odors and leave any room with a fresh supply of air. After all, clean has no odor! 
Improve Your Indoor Air Quality During the Winter
Winter months call for more time spent indoors. This can, in turn, affect your indoor air quality. With windows and doors shut tight, your home could suffer from a lack of ventilation; this lends a helping hand to mold growth if humidity or stagnant air is created. Indoor air pollutants can also accumulate when closed-up homes give less chance of natural ventilation; it is common to find higher levels of CO2 or radon in homes during the winter when there is more focus on keeping internal heat inside and less focus on air exchange and ventilation to sweep away these lingering pollutants.  
So how can you test for these toxins in your home this winter? A great way to see exactly what is lurking in your air is by investing in an air quality monitor. Air quality monitors are a non-invasive way of measuring different pollutants and particulates in your air, which oftentimes is then displayed in a graphic manner for you to visualize. By tracking levels of VOCs and particulate matter, you can better gauge how healthy your home air truly is. 
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Shop Air Quality Monitors
A good point of reference to compare to is an air quality recommendation set by official groups, like the World Health Organization, that set safe indoor air quality conditions for short and long-term exposure indoors. With your own air quality measurements and a recommended goal to strive for, you can implement the proper measures to improve overall air quality moving forward.  
Create a Healthy Home for the Holidays
Air quality is the heart of a healthy home. While it may not be visible, like the shelves you have to dust or the fancy plates you have to clean before Thanksgiving dinner, it could have a huge impact on your health this season. Investing in an air purifier can tackle many of the large risks surrounding poor air quality, like reduction of odors and VOCs, prevention of mold, and improvement to ventilation as you stay indoors. Think about penciling in an EnviroKlenz Air System on your wish list to cover these measures and more. It’s not a huge hassle to consider improving your indoor air quality, but a few simple fixes for better filtration and air flow can make a huge difference.  
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EnviroKlenz® Medical Disclaimer:
“Any information that is provided on this website is not for the use by any commercial or personal entity without expressed written consent of the blog author. The material and statements illustrated within this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or medical conditions. Nor does the author in any way guarantee or validate the validity, totality, or efficacy of any claims and will therefore not be held responsible for the content of any claims. Always consult your medical physician for any specific medical advice or recommendations.”
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What’s Making My Home Unhealthy Th...
Oct 28, 2021
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Tips for Hosting a Safe Holiday Gatherin...
Oct 8, 2021
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How To Keep Wildfire Smoke Out of Your H...
Jul 9, 2021
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Do Air Purifiers Reduce Pet Odors?
Jul 6, 2021
The post What’s Making My Home Unhealthy This Season? first appeared on Enviroklenz. from Enviroklenz https://ift.tt/3mnF1IZ via https://enviroklenz.com
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enviroklenz · 3 years
Tips for Hosting a Safe Holiday Gathering
  Break out the decorative tablecloths, family recipe books, and those fancy plates you have tucked in the back of your cabinets because it’s holiday season! The leaves are just starting to change, the air is getting a little cooler, and people around the globe are preparing their homes for festive gatherings of family and friends. Though as the world witnessed last year, the art of hosting for the holidays looks a little different than it once did – that is, pre-pandemic.  
While organizations like the CDC and WHO have recommended guidelines to follow for safe gatherings, it can still feel overwhelming to consider the right safety measures for a holiday dinner when you are already worried about the typical catastrophes of a festive feast, like what flavor pie to make or how many casseroles you can fit in the oven at once.  
Practicing a few mindful actions while preparing and hosting a holiday gathering can reduce the risks associated with illness exposure and transmission among guests, which can help promote a safer holiday season this year. These measures are simple, and most likely things you have already adapted to within the past year and a half. Follow along for tips and tricks on hosting for the holidays in 2021.  
Social Gatherings During the Holidays
As the holidays roll in, so do more indoor gatherings, increased travel, and cold and flu season. These all can contribute to a surge in illness cases, as often seen around the holiday times and especially last year during the COVID-19 pandemic. With this in mind, creating a few “social gathering rules” for you and your guests to abide by is a great first step in holiday planning. A strong suggestion for holiday gatherings is to keep the guest list at a household level; however, this is hard to enforce for many families that haven’t seen distanced relatives in a year or more. 
In these cases, consider the following guidelines to share with your guest list: 
Stay home if you are showing signs of any illness!
The last thing you want is to invite germs into your home so they can spread to everyone at the gathering. Remind your guests to let you know if they are feeling ill before the event and have them stay at home to avoid further exposure.  
Seat guests from the same household together to limit exposure.
Arranging tables on a household basis is an easy way to practice social distancing and prevent exposure between immediate families, especially among out-of-town relatives who just got done traveling. 
Ask that your guests take the extra precaution of getting a COVID test.
If you are particularly worried about the spread of COVID-19 during the holidays, you may want to request that your unvaccinated guests get a COVID test before arriving at your gathering so that you can be sure no one is spreading the virus across the dinner table. 
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Don’t be afraid to set some boundaries with your friends and family during this holiday season. A recent survey revealed that 52% of respondents that have been vaccinated said they would feel uncomfortable attending a holiday gathering knowing that there would be unvaccinated guests there. Further, 54% of all respondents declared that vaccination status would be a deciding factor for travel and holiday plans. Navigating current reality is still a bit fresh for everyone, so it is okay to learn how to say no to family gatherings if you or another guest doesn’t feel comfortable with the conditions of the dinner. That’s what video chatting is for! 
Prepare Your Home for Hosting
Make your home holiday-ready by taking a few precautionary steps for a safe gathering space. Air quality has become a vital component of safe indoor environments, especially considering airborne transmission of seasonal illnesses and COVID-19. To improve your air quality, try to create as much ventilation as possible to maintain a fresh supply of air. If applicable, open windows and doors or install window fans to increase ventilation. If it is too cold to keep the windows open, there are easy alternatives to protect the space you are hosting in. 
  Keep your air conditioner running with the fan on. By not utilizing the automatic function on your HVAC system, you can maintain a constant air flow while guests are gathered indoors. 
Invest in additional filtration to work alongside your HVAC system; this could include an air purifier, which if portable, can be moved from room to room to best address the busiest part of your home.  
Air purifiers are becoming a household essential for many families that have given greater thought to safer indoor air quality. It’s an investment not just for the health-conscious individual, but also allergy sufferers and pet owners who deal with airborne triggers and odors. The EnviroKlenz Air Systems offer advanced air purification for your home, utilizing safe earth-mineral technology to capture and destroy airborne viruses, particulates, and odors from indoor spaces. They are quiet, compact, and mobile, making these air purifiers convenient for when you are hosting events and need to bring added air filtration to a busy room. The EnviroKlenz Air Systems act as a protective barrier against holiday germs and colds that travel in with your guests, working against these pathogens at a 99.9% effective rate.  
Learn More About EnviroKlenz Air Systems
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Tips & Tricks for the Holiday Hostess
Practice a few added measures as you event plan to accommodate for traditional, higher-risk holiday customs. As an obvious measure, wash your hands frequently when prepping and serving food or handling any glasses, dishes, and silverware. Get creative with single-serve snacks and appetizers for guests to grab and eat, which minimizes contact of food and hovering groups of people. And consider pouring all the drinks so that there are less hands touching bottles and glasses.  
If you wish to see more faces around the holidays, why not host a virtual gathering! This low-risk option creates a compromise for guests who can’t make it to your event in person, and it’s a safe alternative to an overpacked dinner table! 
Traveling During the Holidays
Whether you are traveling to another location or anticipating guests who are traveling to you, taking a holiday trip has its risks around this time of year with everyone preparing to visit family and friends. It might be smart to limit your travel as much as possible this season to avoid the potential exposure to another illness surge. It’s a common question among many people to ask, “can traveling to visit family and friends increase my chances of getting and spreading COVID-19?” The condensed atmosphere of an airport can transmit a lot of germs among different crowds of people, creating a greater chance of getting and spreading any illness. Road trips could be a safer option in this case, however either mode of travel should come with mindful practices of frequent sanitation, social distancing, and overall safety. 
Holidays are meant to be enjoyed, and this is year is no exception! As a host, you shouldn’t stress over rearranging your entire dinner plans; with a few proactive adjustments, your home can be a safe sanctuary to gather in. Minimizing contact between people and any food laid out, and added filtration for cleaner air spaces, can do wonders for protecting the family and friends you’ve been waiting all year to see. These practices will also help you stay safe and healthy after the holidays and into the new year, which is a long-lasting gift anyone would ask for! 
Shop Air Purifiers for the Holidays
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EnviroKlenz® Medical Disclaimer:
“Any information that is provided on this website is not for the use by any commercial or personal entity without expressed written consent of the blog author. The material and statements illustrated within this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or medical conditions. Nor does the author in any way guarantee or validate the validity, totality, or efficacy of any claims and will therefore not be held responsible for the content of any claims. Always consult your medical physician for any specific medical advice or recommendations.”
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Tips for Hosting a Safe Holiday Gatherin...
Oct 8, 2021
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How To Keep Wildfire Smoke Out of Your H...
Jul 9, 2021
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Do Air Purifiers Reduce Pet Odors?
Jul 6, 2021
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What is Silicosis – Hidden Dangers...
Jun 7, 2021
The post Tips for Hosting a Safe Holiday Gathering first appeared on Enviroklenz. from Enviroklenz https://ift.tt/3oIZ462 via https://enviroklenz.com
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enviroklenz · 3 years
How To Keep Wildfire Smoke Out of Your Home
  The Western wildfire season of 2021 is in full swing, and residents of affected states are battling the risky conditions associated with this natural disaster. Even when active wildfires are controlled to the point where evacuations aren’t necessary, these hazardous flames still create serious health concerns to everyone in the surrounding area that oftentimes are very hard to avoid. What may be surprising is that your home isn’t always the safest escape from wildfires, as smoke could be seeping into your living space without you realizing it. Knowing how to prevent wildfire smoke from entering your home can be a vital step in your effort to provide protection to yourself and your family, and it may teach you a thing or two about the importance of proper indoor air quality.
Find out how wildfire smoke could be sneaking into your home this season, and what steps you can take to limit this indoor air pollutant from affecting your household.
Wildfire’s Effect on Air Quality
Wildfire smoke is no joke. This thick, cloudy byproduct of wildfires is a combination of gases and fine particulate matter that are not only unhealthy for the environment, but especially dangerous to our lungs.
There are two main concerns with the byproduct of wildfires – particulates and chemicals. Particulates released into the air from a forest fire include ash, smoke dust, and allergens. These tiny particles range from 10 micrometers to less than 2.5 micrometer, which means some of these fine particles are invisible to the eye. It can irritate your eyes, nose, and throat, as well as get lodged into your lungs and even blood stream when breathed in, causing irritation and serious health concerns. On the other end, many people are unaware that chemicals are also released from burning wildfires. Formaldehyde and carbon monoxide are among the two main chemicals released. Formaldehyde is found from natural environmental processes like forest fires, but it can also be produced from the burning of building materials and insulation that might cross paths with a wildfire; high exposure to formaldehyde is known to cause cancer, and it is identified as a toxic air contaminant. Excessive carbon monoxide exposure through wildfire smoke can cause damage to your respiratory system, worsen heart and lung diseases, and prompt long-term health effects. This is especially a concern for firefighters working in close contact with this smoke for extended periods of time.
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It is clear to see how wildfire smoke intensely affects the outdoor air quality, as the visual smoke and ash, as well as the smell and respiratory irritation from breathing in this air, are all obvious signs of its impact. However, indoor air quality after a fire is just as important to pay attention to, as wildfire smoke is considered an indoor air pollutant and can contribute to your risk of smoke inhalation even when you are inside your home or a public facility. The question is, how is this smoke getting inside a seemingly safe house, and how can you get rid of it?
Ways That Wildfire Smoke Can Enter Your Home
Smoke can seep into your house in more ways than you think. What seems like a well-sealed home could actually have hidden spots where it’s not fully closed off, or you could also be doing typical home activities that contribute to outdoor air letting itself in. Check out a few common sources of outdoor air leakage.
Windows & Doors
Anytime windows and doors are open, they are letting in outdoor air and all of its pollutants inside your home. You may say keeping these closed is a simple solution, but windows and doors can usually still let in a good amount of smoke when shut, even if you think your well-sealed openings are leak-free.
If you have a fireplace in your home, the damper at its top is your main protection from outdoor exposure. You may want to have your top damper checked by a professional before wildfire season, as the quality of this closing’s seal could determine how much smoke could enter your home through this source. This is your best bet on how to keep wildfire smoke from coming into the house through a fireplace.
Basements can often be less sealed compared to the rest of the house, and this problem could affect the entire home’s air quality if your air conditioning is circulating air from all spaces in the house. This is something to keep in mind when checking for leakage locations of outdoor air.
Exhaust Fans
In kitchens and bathrooms, your exhaust fans could be doing the opposite of what you think they are doing. Rather than simply sucking up bad air and filtering it out, these type of fans throughout the home could actually be sucking bad air into the home from small cracks and crevices that aren’t well-sealed. This is grabbing polluted air from outdoors, and it isn’t guaranteed that your exhaust fan will pull it back out depending on how long you use it for. Avoid the use of these when you can.
Filtering Out Wildfire Smoke
Now that we know where the smokey issue is coming from, it is good to understand how well we can filter out the smoke and put a halt to its risks. It is common to wonder if air conditioners filter wildfire smoke, and to what degree. The way that AC units operate presents problem for outdoor air exposure, as certain settings on these systems can pull outdoor air into indoor spaces or recirculate polluted air instead of purifying it through filtration. To get more detail on how to utilize your AC unit safely during wildfire season, check out EnviroKlenz’s article on Do Air Conditioners Filter Wildfire Smoke, and see if your air conditioning habits are contributing to the amount of wildfire smoke and particulate matter in your home.
If you now wonder how to purify indoor air from wildfire smoke, a good alternative to HVAC systems is the added benefits of a portable air purifier, which can help pick up the slack of an air conditioner for filtering out wildfire smoke. An air purifier is able to capture and remove particulates of smoke and ash rather than recirculating them throughout your indoor air, and air purifiers even help eliminate smoke smells from wildfires. The EnviroKlenz Air System is capable of tackling wildfire smoke particulates with its double filtration system, combining its patented air cartridge and a HEPA filter to thoroughly filter out airborne pollutants. Its patented earth mineral technology is also completely non-toxic and is able to trap the harmful gases of wildfire smoke without releasing any toxins back into the air. Safe for homes, the Air System is a highly efficient option that not only takes away apparent smoke smells of the Western region, but takes care of the invisible particulate threats that are harmful to your health.
Learn More About EnviroKlenz Air Systems
Creating Healthy Indoor Air: Solutions for a Smoke-Free House
It’s of large importance to the health of everyone in your home to keep this indoor space as safe as possible during wildfires. If outdoor conditions are severe and you are advised to stay inside, the EPA recommends creating a clean room to spend as much time as you can in. Setting up a clean room isn’t too hard, and it can really impact your avoidance of smoke exposure and inhalation.
  Choose the right room: pick a large enough room to best fit your household members. A central room with minimal windows and doors is most ideal.
Prevent smoke from coming in: seal off windows and doors with damp rags or painter’s tape to create a tightly sealed space. Avoid using exhaust fans in this area of the house.
Stay cool: use fans and HVAC units to pump cool air into this space, but turn off all ‘fresh air’ settings to avoid outside filtration.
Filter the air: this is where a portable air purifier would come in handy. To create the highest level of filtration, air purifiers like EnviroKlenz’s Air System can capture and destroy any smoke particulates to offer fresh air for your family to breathe.
Avoid activities that cause indoor air pollution: try not to add any more pollution into the air of your clean room by avoiding the use of candles, room sprays, aerosols, and even excessive cooking if possible. This will ensure the best condition for your clean room.
Shop Air Purifiers for Wildfire Smoke
Clean rooms are a best practice for achieving a smoke-free environment in your home, however many of these steps can be applied to the rest of your home for your best chance of keeping smoke out. Try sealing all of your windows and doors with the painter’s tape or damp rag methods, practice minimal use of exhaust fans or outdoor ventilation, avoid added air pollution indoors, and even consider an air purifier for your whole home. These steps are valuable to your health, as negative effects of smoke inhalation can be dangerous and long-term. Help make your home a safer place to take shelter in during this hazardous season, and breathe a little easier knowing that these tips and tricks could be improving your chances of staying healthy and safe in the midst of future wildfires.
UV Mobile Air System
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$899.00 $799.00
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✓ Patented earth mineral technology works to attack VOCs and break them down on a compound level
✓ No chemicals or masking agents
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✓ Will not release any chemicals back into your environment
✓ UVC lamps are continuously shining on the collected organisms with high effeciency of kill and destruction
EnviroKlenz® Medical Disclaimer:
“Any information that is provided on this website is not for the use by any commercial or personal entity without expressed written consent of the blog author. The material and statements illustrated within this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or medical conditions. Nor does the author in any way guarantee or validate the validity, totality, or efficacy of any claims and will therefore not be held responsible for the content of any claims. Always consult your medical physician for any specific medical advice or recommendations.”
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How To Keep Wildfire Smoke Out of Your H...
Jul 9, 2021
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Do Air Purifiers Reduce Pet Odors?
Jul 6, 2021
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What is Silicosis – Hidden Dangers...
Jun 7, 2021
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What Do I Need For a Pottery Studio At H...
Jun 4, 2021
The post How To Keep Wildfire Smoke Out of Your Home first appeared on Enviroklenz. from Enviroklenz https://ift.tt/3e4Jhs6 via https://enviroklenz.com
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enviroklenz · 3 years
Do Air Purifiers Reduce Pet Odors?
Do Air Purifiers Reduce Pet Odors?
  We love our house pets dearly, but we don’t love the smells they leave behind throughout our homes. It can be difficult to get rid of pet odors in the home, as they cling to furniture, bedding, and scattered toys, not to mention the odors associated with pet food and potty breaks. Masking these odors with air freshening sprays is a mere temporary solution, and it can backfire due to its release of unnecessary pollutants into your indoor air. It’s time for a more reliable, safe solution that actually works!
Read more about the benefits of using an air purifier in your pet-friendly home, and how to provide solution to pet odors, pet hair and dander, and even pet allergies.
Air Purifiers for Pet Odors
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Skeptical pet owners may ask, “Do air purifiers actually get rid of pet odors?” and the answer to that is yes. Pet odors linger behind on furniture, carpeted flooring, bedding, and other surfaces that animals commonly lay on. While some pet owners set designated spots for their pets to cozy up on in an effort to seclude smells to certain corners of the house, odors can still travel through the air and make their presence known throughout the home. Aside from dog and cat odors on these absorbent surfaces, you might also want to keep in mind the potential issue of accidents in the home. Especially for new pet owners who may be potty training their pets, or even just the occasional unexpected accident, pet urine can be a very pungent stench that is hard to get rid of depending on which surface it is on.
Air purifiers are an efficient way of capturing and neutralizing these odors while also supplying fresh, odorless air in return. Choosing the right purifier for your home is key to receiving the best results for your odor issues. The EnviroKlenz Air System is a great option for the home that not only covers pet odors, but other home odors like cooking and cleaning, along with neutralization of airborne pathogens and indoor air pollution. Backed by patented technology, this system is proven to provide a clean air space in a safe, non-toxic way; this is a much healthier option of treating odors instead of relying on room sprays and fresheners to solve the issue.
Learn More About EnviroKlenz Air Systems
Dog & Cat Hair
Air purifiers have no problem tackling pet odors, but the real test is its ability to capture pet hair. Dog and cat hair can become a huge annoyance for more than one reason. It clings to most surfaces and can float through the air when you are petting or brushing your animal, or while they are rolling and pouncing around. Efficient air purifiers can get rid of airborne pet hair by capturing it in its filtration system. This can therefore reduce allergy triggers in the air, reduce odors, and make for better indoor air quality. This also applies to pet dander, which is less visible and can be very problematic for allergies; quality filtration, like HEPA filters, can capture and retain smaller particulates like dander and keep them from reentering the air. EnviroKlenz Air Systems even work with a double filtration system, pairing a HEPA filter with its patented Air Cartridge, in order to ensure that airborne particulates remain captured.
Do Air Purifiers Help with Litter Box Odors?
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Cats unfortunately get a bad rep for their litter box odors. Even with frequent emptying of an indoor litter box, it’s difficult to completely avoid its distinct smell. By placing an air purifier near your cat’s litter box, you can put a stop to these odors at the source and prevent them from drifting through the rest of the house. And the results can be quick depending on the exchange rate of the air purifier used.
Alleviating Pet Allergies
As mentioned, allergies can be triggered by the fur and dander of common house pets. For some people, symptoms from pet allergies are very intense and make it difficult to comfortably live with any animals in the house. Dander is also a common trigger for asthma symptoms. Asthma and allergies can greatly benefit from an air purifier, as a dramatic reduction of airborne pet fur and dander via the purifier means less triggering of symptoms. Investing in a purifier can allow allergy and asthma-prone pet lovers to enjoy a household with their animals, something that may have seemed far-fetched before. Air purifiers can alleviate allergy symptoms that stem from other sources, too, including dust, mold, and pollen allergens.
Seeing as air purifiers are capable of addressing a collection of pet-related concerns, it is fair to say that this indoor air quality solution is a good match for any household that has animals. From allergies to odors, reducing these unfavorable side effects of taking care of a pet makes for a better relationship with your furry friend and a fresher feel within your home. It is impressive how noticeable an improvement to your indoor air quality can be, and it’s quite easy to achieve with the right technology.
Shop Air Purifiers for Pet Owners
As a worthwhile investment and valuable addition to pet-friendly homes, it’s a good idea to do some research on the best air purifier for your household and its pet-related needs. Look out for high-efficiency filtration that can tackle particulate matter like fur and dander, frequent air exchange rates for quick turnover of your home’s indoor air, and key performance benefits like odor elimination. These features should satisfy any home of dogs, cats, and other family critters, and create a fresher, odor-free environment. So sit back and relax, and maybe even let your pet hop on the couch; an air purifier has got you covered for the rest!  
UV Mobile Air System
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$899.00 $799.00
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✓ Patented earth mineral technology works to attack VOCs and break them down on a compound level
✓ No chemicals or masking agents
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✓ Will not release any chemicals back into your environment
✓ UVC lamps are continuously shining on the collected organisms with high effeciency of kill and destruction
EnviroKlenz® Medical Disclaimer:
“Any information that is provided on this website is not for the use by any commercial or personal entity without expressed written consent of the blog author. The material and statements illustrated within this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or medical conditions. Nor does the author in any way guarantee or validate the validity, totality, or efficacy of any claims and will therefore not be held responsible for the content of any claims. Always consult your medical physician for any specific medical advice or recommendations.”
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Do Air Purifiers Reduce Pet Odors?
Jul 6, 2021
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What is Silicosis – Hidden Dangers...
Jun 7, 2021
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What Do I Need For a Pottery Studio At H...
Jun 4, 2021
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How to Cope with Spring Allergies
Mar 31, 2021
The post Do Air Purifiers Reduce Pet Odors? first appeared on Enviroklenz. from Enviroklenz https://ift.tt/3Axjbrw via https://enviroklenz.com
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enviroklenz · 3 years
What is Silicosis – Hidden Dangers of Working with Clay at Home
What is Silicosis – Hidden Dangers of Working with Clay at Home
  Pottery can be a relaxing, enjoyable pastime for many artists and hobbyists, but what if they were to know that this activity could potentially put them in danger? It is valuable for potters of all skill levels to educate themselves on Silicosis, a chronic illness commonly known as Potter’s Lung or Potter’s Rot to the pottery community. This damaging disease can easily be prevented with safe practices in the pottery studio, and these precautions will also save the quality of pottery projects.
Continue reading to learn more about causes and symptoms of Silicosis, how silica dust can affect your pottery work, and simple preventative solutions to implement in your studio.  
What Is Silicosis?
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Silicosis is simple in concept, but this illness can pack a punch on a potter’s lungs. The lung disease is caused by continuous breathing in of silica dust found in clay. The silica dust particles enter the lungs and cling to its tissue, causing the immune system to attack the particles. This prompts inflammation and development of scar tissue, deteriorating the lungs over time. Silicosis is chronic, meaning there is no cure; once silica exposure is ensued on the lungs, damages are irreversible.
Common symptoms associated with Silicosis include chronic cough, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath during exertion, fatigue, fever, weight loss, and chest pains. Treatment can lessen the severity of everyday symptoms, but lack of any remedy can lead to worse diseases like Pulmonary Fibrosis, lung cancer, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
The one positive thing about Potter’s Lung is that it is easily preventable if you instill safe practices and precautions from the start of your pottery journey. Knowing the ways to reduce silica dust’s ability to sneak into your lungs can save you from this pretty scary sickness.
Where Does Silica Dust Come From?
Silica dust is a common component in rock, sand, and clay, making it especially relevant to pottery activities. This very fine dust can contain other kinds of elements such as copper and chemicals from the clay itself, which can have their own dangerous side effects on your body. To put it plainly, silica dust is almost everywhere within the enclosed space of a pottery studio, making it hard to avoid. It floats up in the air while mixing dry clay, settling on shelves, tables, floors, and the potter, himself. Silica dust is produced in jobs involving construction or masonry, too, though these have the advantage of being in larger facilities and outdoor spaces that give the dust more room to disperse; a small pottery studio creates a concentrated environment that traps in the dust, which puts a potter at greater risk of breathing in the silica while working.
Effects of Silica Dust on Pottery
If you think silica dust only affects the potter, don’t be mistaken. The dust can ruin unfinished work that waits on storage shelves for prolonged periods of time. As the dust settles on surfaces over time, it easily coats pottery like bisque work that hasn’t been glazed yet. It is a good recommendation to dust off any older pieces of pottery before glazing them to avoid any deterioration or unwanted texture on your ceramics. Irregular cleaning and dusting of your pottery studio can lead to this unwanted damage of a potter’s work.
Learn More About EnviroKlenz Air Systems
How Can Potters Prevent Silicosis?
There are a few practices that should become standard for you to perform as a smart potter to lessen your chance of developing Silicosis, and you might be able to save the quality of your pottery while you’re at it. The first step is to make a routine of cleaning your studio, especially after mixing clay. The key to limiting the amount of dust you kick up in the air while cleaning is to take the wet approach. Mop floors instead of sweeping to trap the dust within the wet mop. The same goes for wiping down surfaces, which can be done using a large sponge or wet cloth. With more regular cleaning of all surfaces, a potter can minimize the amount of silica accumulation throughout a studio, reducing the degree of exposure the potter will experience and the build-up of dust on unfinished work. Another good practice to remember while cleaning is to avoid any excessive shaking of towels and aprons within your studio to prevent extra dust from entering the air space.
When dealing with dust particulates, this weightless substance directly impacts the indoor air quality of a space. The only way to actually clean the air of silica dust that hasn’t settled is with some form of air filtration that will suck up this contaminant and replace it with fresh, filtered air. A portable air purifier is a valuable investment for pottery studios due to the associated high risk of exposure and lung damage from Silicosis. Providing an additional means of filtration to your pottery studio can do the heavy cleaning that a simple HVAC system is incapable of. Quality air purifiers will capture the silica dust particles and retain them in their filters, which can significantly reduce a potter’s exposure to the silica, further lessening their chances of developing the illness.
The EnviroKlenz Air Systems are worth considering for a pottery studio, as these portable purifiers capture and destroy 99.9% of airborne pathogens and pollutants, backed by third-party testing and accomplished through a double filtration system of the EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge and a HEPA filter. Utilizing patented earth-mineral technology, the Air System locks in any particulate matter that enters its unit, providing superior indoor air quality in return. This beneficially impacts the health of a potter by promoting a cleaner, safer environment to work in.
Early prevention is key when avoiding the threat of Silicosis. If a potter considers the importance of their studio’s indoor air quality, and how this directly impacts the potential and potency of silica dust exposure, they would be smart to instill safety measures like air purification to their studio. Your health is worth the investment, and this precaution could allow any potter to worry less about the health of their lungs and spend more time molding clay into beautiful pottery.
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Now that you have all the key elements for designing the perfect home pottery studio, you’ll be molding clay and firing pottery in no time. Let this be a guide for approaching pottery at home, and more importantly, approaching your artistic ventures in a safe, healthy way.
Shop Air Filtration For Potters
UV Mobile Air System
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$899.00 $799.00
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✓ Patented earth mineral technology works to attack VOCs and break them down on a compound level
✓ No chemicals or masking agents
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✓ Will not release any chemicals back into your environment
✓ UVC lamps are continuously shining on the collected organisms with high effeciency of kill and destruction
EnviroKlenz® Medical Disclaimer:
“Any information that is provided on this website is not for the use by any commercial or personal entity without expressed written consent of the blog author. The material and statements illustrated within this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or medical conditions. Nor does the author in any way guarantee or validate the validity, totality, or efficacy of any claims and will therefore not be held responsible for the content of any claims. Always consult your medical physician for any specific medical advice or recommendations.”
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What is Silicosis – Hidden Dangers...
Jun 7, 2021
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What Do I Need For a Pottery Studio At H...
Jun 4, 2021
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How to Cope with Spring Allergies
Mar 31, 2021
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4 Important (But Often Overlooked) Thing...
Dec 8, 2020
The post What is Silicosis – Hidden Dangers of Working with Clay at Home first appeared on Enviroklenz. from Enviroklenz https://ift.tt/34Yt8Q0 via https://enviroklenz.com
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enviroklenz · 3 years
What Do I Need For a Pottery Studio At Home?
What Do I Need For a Pottery Studio At Home?
  Any artist knows that a little private time can do just the trick for creating a masterpiece. This goes for pottery and ceramics creators, as many create their work in public studios or schools but may desire to get their hands dirty with clay in a more personal studio setting. If this applies to you and your pottery needs, have you ever considered creating your own pottery studio at home? If so, it may be a bit intimating to think of where to begin with this venture. It is helpful to consider the space you have available, supplies needed, costs to create, and present conditions for lighting, ventilation, and electricity to ensure that your studio will be a healthy, safe environment to work in.
Continue reading for more details on creating pottery at home, and tips for organizing your own pottery studio.
Getting Started With Pottery
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If you are new to the pottery world or strictly familiar with attending a public studio, you may wonder if you can even do pottery at home. Well, the answer is yes, if you prepare accordingly! You first want to evaluate the extent of your pottery creation; consider how many pieces of pottery you plan to make on a regular basis, the size of the pottery, and your preferred method of creating pottery, hand-building or throwing, to give a better idea of how spacious your studio and storage space should be.
Another important question to answer is will you need a kiln? Depending on your budget, space, and size of pottery and ceramics, you can either invest in a small electric or manual kiln or leave the hassle to another studio where you can transport your ready-to-fire pieces. Electric kilns can be expensive, but worth the purchase if you choose a quality brand due to their low maintenance and ease of use; a noteworthy option is Skutt electric kilns.
Essential Pottery Materials
Be sure to stock the right materials used for pottery in your new studio. From clay to small hand tools, you’ll want to have everything at hand before starting a new project at home. Listed here is an at-home pottery kit to get started with, though you can always build on it once your pottery studio starts to feel more like home.
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Now that you’ve covered the necessary materials, next comes the bigger equipment. Pottery equipment for beginners can be kept at a minimum, especially for a smaller home studio. We already touched on what kind of electric kiln would best suite an at-home potter, and now onto equipment needed for crafting pottery pieces. If you are planning on ‘throwing’ your clay, you will need to invest in a small pottery wheel. The price of wheels can range from $400 to $1,400, and a bit of research can help narrow down which wheel would best accommodate for your pottery needs. A canvas-covered worktable, storage shelves, and a glazing station should complete the checklist for your studio.
Air Filtration in Home Pottery Studio Layout
Air filtration in a home pottery studio is extremely important due to the nature of this artistic activity. Think of the dust and earthy sediment floating through the air when working with large blocks of clay. Less visible, and more harmful, are the toxic fumes produced by glazes that potter’s brush onto their pottery before firing it in the kiln. These air pollutants are hard to avoid with an activity like pottery, though that doesn’t give them the right to make their way into a potter’s lungs. Good ventilation in a pottery studio is a great start for increased air flow and circulation in a room, but this isn’t enough to clear the air of toxins.
Solutions for achieving better filtration in the concentrated space of a pottery studio include adding a portable air purifier to the studio space. High-efficiency air purifiers are able to grab the airborne pollutants and capture them within filters, while supplying fresh air at quicker air exchange rates than HVAC systems or natural ventilation. The EnviroKlenz Air System is an industrial-grade powerhouse when it comes to filtering indoor air spaces. Place one of these systems in your home pottery studio, and its patented earth-mineral technology will go to work; with its combination of the EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge and HEPA filter, this double defense can capture and destroy 99.9% of airborne particulates, including dust and VOCs produced by pottery activities. It is worth the investment, as this consideration can make for a much healthier studio for any potter.
Learn More About EnviroKlenz Air Systems
Designing Your Own Pottery Studio
The real fun begins when you decide how to organize your pottery studio. There are many options for home pottery studios, like utilizing a spare bedroom, basement space, or even a small shed in the backyard. Design your space to your liking for functionality and comfort while you work, and try to make designated spaces for each process of pottery-making to stay organized and have a fluid system of creating art. Also, don’t be afraid to have plenty of storage bins for easy arrangement of your tools, materials, and cleaning supplies.
Something to keep in mind is the safety of where you choose to set up your studio. Does this space have access to electricity? Is there proper ventilation? Potters of all skill levels should be aware of dangers like dust and chemical inhalation from working with clay and glazes, which can lead to lung diseases like silicosis or Potter’s Lung if precautions aren’t taken. Adequate ventilation is also needed for kilns while they are firing. Crafting a healthy pottery studio will ensure a safe environment that you can enjoy making art in without any worry.
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Now that you have all the key elements for designing the perfect home pottery studio, you’ll be molding clay and firing pottery in no time. Let this be a guide for approaching pottery at home, and more importantly, approaching your artistic ventures in a safe, healthy way.
Shop Air Filtration For Potters
UV Mobile Air System
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$899.00 $799.00
Buy Now
✓ Patented earth mineral technology works to attack VOCs and break them down on a compound level
✓ No chemicals or masking agents
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✓ Will not release any chemicals back into your environment
✓ UVC lamps are continuously shining on the collected organisms with high effeciency of kill and destruction
EnviroKlenz® Medical Disclaimer:
“Any information that is provided on this website is not for the use by any commercial or personal entity without expressed written consent of the blog author. The material and statements illustrated within this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or medical conditions. Nor does the author in any way guarantee or validate the validity, totality, or efficacy of any claims and will therefore not be held responsible for the content of any claims. Always consult your medical physician for any specific medical advice or recommendations.”
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What Do I Need For a Pottery Studio At H...
Jun 4, 2021
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How to Cope with Spring Allergies
Mar 31, 2021
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4 Important (But Often Overlooked) Thing...
Dec 8, 2020
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3 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Your ...
Nov 4, 2020
The post What Do I Need For a Pottery Studio At Home? first appeared on Enviroklenz. from Enviroklenz https://ift.tt/3g73Zbi via https://enviroklenz.com
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enviroklenz · 3 years
How to Cope with Spring Allergies
How to Cope with Spring Allergies
  Spring is in the air! And consequentially, so is pollen. Allergy season is kickstarted by pollenating trees and flowering plants in the spring, prompting scratchy throats, itchy eyes, running noses, and congestion to name some common symptoms. These symptoms can really take the fun out of warmer weather and blooming nature as we shift from winter to spring.
Believe it or not, the quality of your indoor air can contribute greatly to your health and the degree of risk you are at in terms of allergy triggers. Knowing the quality of your indoor air, and recognizing ways to keep it in proper condition, can reduce these risks and promote a more symptom-free environment.
Find out more about common causes of spring allergies, their impact on your indoor air quality, and how to reduce their risks inside your home.
Common Causes of Spring Allergies
With the start of spring comes new blooms of trees, flowers, and grasses; their pollination releases tiny, light-weight pollen cells that are carried through the air by spring winds. These allergy triggers make their way into your nose and lungs, causing irritating allergic and asthma-related symptoms.
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According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, tree pollen is the primary trigger of seasonal allergies, with common culprits stemming from Cypress, Birch, Chestnut, Olive, and Poplar tree families; depending on what region you live in, specific types of trees bloom allergens in different areas. Grass pollen follows as another major springtime allergen. Blooming mold spores from yeast and mildew can also heighten allergy symptoms, as forms of outdoor mold like Hormodendrun, Alternaria, and Cladosporium can transport via wind from spring to fall season, along with the potential for indoor mold growth, as well.
What are the Symptoms?
Common symptoms associated with seasonal Allergic Rhinitis, known by most as Hay Fever, include the following:
Sneezing and runny nose
Nasal congestion
Cough and wheezing
Sore, scratchy throat
Chest congestion
Itchy, watery eyes
Why Do My Allergies Continue Indoors?
While these spring-induced allergies may form from outdoor sources, these pollen particles can easily find their way into your home through several different modes. With nicer weather rolling in, people are often more inclined to leave their doors and windows open; however, this exchange of outdoor and indoor air invites the pollutants directly inside. This outdoor exchange could also create increased humidity if windows are open and HVAC systems are shut off, which is where conditions become perfect for indoor mold allergens to grow. Pollen can also stick to your clothing or external belonging that have been outside and travel indoors when you enter your home.
Once the allergen particulates make their way inside, circulation of the air through air conditioning systems can trap these triggers, redirecting them in all areas of the house. This allows for continual irritation of allergy symptoms, especially when air is not being thoroughly filtered or ventilated. At this point, your indoor air quality is being compromised, but to what degree?
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The Impact of Indoor Allergens
Indoor exposure to pollen and outdoor allergens is a form of indoor air pollution, usually prompting allergy symptoms to worsen in these confined spaces. Indoor air pollution stems from particulate matter such as pollen, mold, pet dander, household products, tobacco smoke, indoor gases, asbestos, and other harmful or irritating substances that get trapped in a recirculating area. This not only pollutes the air supply, but also prolongs the triggering of allergy symptoms and respiratory irritation as you constantly breath in the same contaminated air.
If you cannot find relief from this situation, your indoor space may suffer from poor ventilation or filtration of its air supply. This poor indoor air quality could be enhanced by older HVAC systems, inadequate filtration systems, or isolation from a central air unit, and your home may need further forms of remediation in order to improve its air quality.
Spring Allergy Relief: Ways to Stop the Symptoms
Allergies can become pretty unbearable if left untreated, so why not have a list of ways to relieve them and prevent their reoccurrence through the rest of spring season? Allergy medication is one of the most immediate remediations for those who suffer with spring allergies; whether prescribed or over the counter, keeping up with a regular allergy medicine throughout the season can significantly treat present symptoms and control their severity later on. Let’s check out a few more options that are more preventative tips for allergy-free living.
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It is wise to consider investing in additional means of air filtration, especially during these spring months of heightened air pollutants. EnviroKlenz® offers their high-efficiency Air System Plus, a portable air purifier that utilized its earth-mineral technology within air cartridges, alongside HEPA filtration and UV-C bulbs, to enhance current air filtration and purification in indoor spaces. Adding one of these systems to your home can capture and remove pollen and mold allergens, along with other particulate matter, at a more efficient rate than an average HVAC system, which can improve the living conditions for allergy-prone members of the household. This further consideration for allergy relief can make all the difference in your IAQ and respiratory health, and this relief lasts throughout all seasons of the year!
Learn More About The EnviroKlenz Air System Plus
UV Mobile Air System
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$899.00 $799.00
Buy Now
✓ Patented earth mineral technology works to attack VOCs and break them down on a compound level
✓ No chemicals or masking agents
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✓ Will not release any chemicals back into your environment
✓ UVC lamps are continuously shining on the collected organisms with high effeciency of kill and destruction
EnviroKlenz® Medical Disclaimer:
“Any information that is provided on this website is not for the use by any commercial or personal entity without expressed written consent of the blog author. The material and statements illustrated within this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or medical conditions. Nor does the author in any way guarantee or validate the validity, totality, or efficacy of any claims and will therefore not be held responsible for the content of any claims. Always consult your medical physician for any specific medical advice or recommendations.”
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How to Cope with Spring Allergies
Mar 31, 2021
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4 Important (But Often Overlooked) Thing...
Dec 8, 2020
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3 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Your ...
Nov 4, 2020
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How To Get Rid Of Winter Mold?
Oct 6, 2020
The post How to Cope with Spring Allergies first appeared on Enviroklenz. from Enviroklenz https://ift.tt/3sJDqxO via https://enviroklenz.com
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enviroklenz · 3 years
4 Important (But Often Overlooked) Things To Look For When Booking a Vacation Rental
4 Important (But Often Overlooked) Things To Look For When Booking a Vacation Rental
  Ready for a change of scenery? If you’re planning to hit the road and will be  choosing a vacation rental such as an Airbnb or VRBO, there are many important factors to consider. Number of bedrooms and property location tend to be the most popular search criteria, but that’s not all you should consider when looking for the right place to stay.  
When planning a vacation or any type of getaway using a vacation rental, these four important (but often overlooked) factors will help make your travels safer, healthier, more enjoyable and free from stress.
What types of features should you look for?
1. Space and Accessibility
The next thing to consider when choosing a vacation rental are home features. What home features are a priority for you for the duration of your stay? Do you want a big kitchen? An outdoor space? Is it a clean modern home with laundry, heat, and AC? 
Do you need a property that’s handicap accessible? Handicap facilities are not always available, so finding this out in advance will make your vacation getaway so much easier.   
2. Office and Technology
More people than ever before work remotely, making high-speed wireless internet a must. There’s nothing worse than arriving at your destination, laptop in hand, only to realize there’s no WiFi. It’s also a good idea to inquire about cell service.
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3. Air Purification and Indoor Air Quality
Now more than ever, good air quality is a top priority and should be on the minds of everyone who travels. There are several types of air quality offenders you need to be aware of as you choose a vacation rental.
Dirt, dust, and smoke
The first type of airborne offenders are invisible airborne particles such as dust, dirt and smoke. These particles can cause chronic bronchitis, asthma attacks, decreased lung function, coughing, painful breathing, cardiac problems and heart attacks – definitely NOT the kind of souvenirs you want to bring home from your trip!
Airborne virus
In addition to airborne particles, viruses can also be a concern. Studies show viruses can remain airborne for longer periods of time and travel further than originally thought, contaminating surfaces and the air and heightening the risk of transmission.
Mold, cleaning chemicals, and pets
It is also necessary to consider the presence of mold, cleaning chemicals and pets in a vacation rental. Pet rules are not the same for every rental. Keep in mind that other people and possibly pets have previously stayed in this facility, so asking about the cleaning policy can eliminate some of the stress of staying in a vacation rental. 
So what should you do? Find out if the rental properties you’re considering have an air purification system, like the EnviroKlenz® Air System Plus UV Air Purification System.
The EnviroKlenz® Air System Plus UV Air Purification System safely and effectively combines advanced chemistry technology, germicidal UVC, and HEPA filtration to capture and destroy airborne toxic and noxious gasses, particulates, allergens, bacteria, viruses, and other allergy triggers.
Tests show that EnviroKlenz® Air System Plus UV Air Purification System provides 99.9% reduction of viruses, 99.9% reduction of E Coli and Staphylococcus Epidermidis in an environmental test chamber and demonstrates good activity against various fungal VOCs.
The EnviroKlenz® Air System Plus UV Air Purification System has also been proven to eliminate 99.99% of mold without releasing any byproducts into the air. This system contains an earth mineral technology that captures and neutralizes odors and VOCs. The medical-grade HEPA filter captures 99.99% of particles in the air and contains UV-C lights for germicidal destruction.
An air purification system like the EnviroKlenz® Air System Plus UV Air Purification System is an important safety feature of any vacation rental.
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Learn More About The EnviroKlenz Air System Plus
4. Other Safety Features
Safety features are a necessary consideration while planning your vacation, yet they’re often overlooked.  Smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors, window locks and clearly marked exits are vital to ensuring your safety.  
Working security cameras and secure locks are a must to provide a safe environment.
If you are carrying valuables, make sure your destination has a secure place to store them. A well-lit parking area is also an important feature in an unfamiliar location. 
If you are traveling with young children, it is important to remember that not all rentals are child proof. All safety precautions are essential for a stress-free vacation.
Finding the right property
Read the rental property descriptions thoroughly. If you still have questions, use the contact information in the listing to connect with the host before making reservations. 
Learn more about the EnviroKlenz® Air System Plus UV Air Purification System here!
UV Mobile Air System
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$899.00 $799.00
Buy Now
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✓ Patented earth mineral technology works to attack VOCs and break them down on a compound level
✓ No chemicals or masking agents
✓ Will not release any chemicals back into your environment
✓ UVC lamps are continuously shining on the collected organisms with high effeciency of kill and destruction
EnviroKlenz® Medical Disclaimer:
“Any information that is provided on this website is not for the use by any commercial or personal entity without expressed written consent of the blog author. The material and statements illustrated within this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or medical conditions. Nor does the author in any way guarantee or validate the validity, totality, or efficacy of any claims and will therefore not be held responsible for the content of any claims. Always consult your medical physician for any specific medical advice or recommendations.”
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4 Important (But Often Overlooked) Thing...
Dec 8, 2020
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3 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Your ...
Nov 4, 2020
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How To Get Rid Of Winter Mold?
Oct 6, 2020
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The Impact of Wildfire Smoke on Indoor A...
Sep 14, 2020
The post 4 Important (But Often Overlooked) Things To Look For When Booking a Vacation Rental first appeared on Enviroklenz.
from Enviroklenz https://ift.tt/3gza2VS via https://enviroklenz.com
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enviroklenz · 4 years
3 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Your Indoor Air Quality Before Thanksgiving
3 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Your Indoor Air Quality Before Thanksgiving
  One of the things that many Americans enjoy about fall is the fresh and crisp, clean air. And as we get closer to Thanksgiving and the Christmas holiday, we start to think of the smells of turkey in the fryer, of gingerbread baking in the oven, and pine-scented candles burning throughout the house. These smells and experiences are par for the course during the holidays. But nothing can kill an excellent scent memory more than low air quality.
As air is always moving, air quality is ever-changing. Though we might associate air quality with the outdoors, indoor air quality (IAQ) refers to the air quality within structures, buildings, and homes. Low indoor air quality can create health risks for inhabitants and occupants.  This year, more than ever, homeowners should take the time to assess their indoor air quality situation, and doing it before Thanksgiving will be well worth it.
3 reasons to improve indoor air quality before Thanksgiving
Thankfully, Thanksgiving is a few weeks away yet, and we have time to make some critical improvements before it is too late. Here are the top 3 reasons why you need to improve your indoor air quality at home during the holiday season:
1. Remove lingering food odors
Though we all love the smells of the holiday season, proper ventilation is essential. Food odors can be fun at first, but as they linger, we quickly tire of them. Further, poor ventilation can lead to headaches, fatigue, allergies, sinus congestion, shortness of breath, nausea, and more. There are a variety of methods that you can partake in to get rid of kitchen smells. One of them is turning on an air purifier with an odor removal filter, like the EnviroKlenz Air Cartridge. The cartridge does not only capture unwanted odors and VOCs, but it also neutralizes them.
Paying attention to your overall home ventilation is also important to avoid lingering odors. Poor ventilation can lead to moisture build-up in your home, increase the chances of asthma and other bronchial conditions, create hay fever-like symptoms, and increase volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the house. Even those air fresheners you buy in the store can help to mask smells and odors, they increase VOCs’ prevalence, thus often working against their intention.
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2. Gas stoves result in high CO2 levels
Natural gas stoves can release carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and various other airborne contaminants into the environment (and into your home). These contaminants can be harmful to pets, children, and the elderly. Wood stoves and fireplaces can also create high levels of indoor air pollution. If you are using a natural gas stove, wood stove, or fireplace for cooking or comfort, investing in an air purifier is the way to go. Air purifiers are a proven solution to help remove those harmful pollutants and unwelcome odors from your home.
Even a properly adjusted gas range can create a CO (carbon monoxide) output between 5 to 15 ppm (parts per million). Compare this to average CO levels in a home without a gas range of 0.5 to 5 ppm. High levels of carbon monoxide can increase the risk of lower respiratory problems, general cardiovascular issues, diabetes, poor birth outcomes for expectant mothers, cancer, and premature mortality.
Learn More About The EnviroKlenz Air System
3. Social gatherings increase the risk of illnesses transmission
This year more than ever, we need to pay attention to our health. Coronavirus shows no sign of going away, which will put pressure on families hoping to gather and celebrate the holidays this year. Though many families have something to be thankful for, following CDC recommendations around social distancing and the donning of masks and gloves will help increase the likelihood that we will remain safe and healthy, ready to celebrate the holidays again in 2021.
The EnviroKlenz Mobile Air System is fitted with HEPA filtration, designed to capture and eliminate harmful dust particles, allergens, and microorganisms. Not only that, but the EnviroKlenz is 99.9% effective in helping to ward off viruses by plucking those nasty contaminants out of the air.
For those making plans for the Thanksgiving 2020 holiday, we need to consider the risk of infection. Keep in mind that indoor gatherings are at greater risk of spreading the illness than outdoor gatherings. Adding an EnviroKlenz Air System Plus to your home can help with lingering food odors, neutralizing high levels of CO2, and pathogens removal from the air.
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Mobile Air System
$749.00 $699.99
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✓ Patented earth mineral technology works to attack VOCs and break them down on a compound level
✓ No chemicals or masking agents
✓ Will not release any chemicals back into your environment
✓ Safer and faster at removing VOC’s than traditional carbon filters and PECO air purifiers
EnviroKlenz® Medical Disclaimer:
“Any information that is provided on this website is not for the use by any commercial or personal entity without expressed written consent of the blog author. The material and statements illustrated within this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or medical conditions. Nor does the author in any way guarantee or validate the validity, totality, or efficacy of any claims and will therefore not be held responsible for the content of any claims. Always consult your medical physician for any specific medical advice or recommendations.”
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3 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Your ...
Nov 4, 2020
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How To Get Rid Of Winter Mold?
Oct 6, 2020
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The Impact of Wildfire Smoke on Indoor A...
Sep 14, 2020
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Why does my car smell?
Aug 20, 2020
The post 3 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Your Indoor Air Quality Before Thanksgiving first appeared on Enviroklenz.
from Enviroklenz https://ift.tt/2TPGdpv via https://enviroklenz.com
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enviroklenz · 4 years
How To Get Rid Of Winter Mold?
How To Get Rid Of Winter Mold?
  With cold weather approaching, it is necessary to consider how we can best prevent mold from growing in our homes. Mold is a fungus that often grows in moist environments, and because each type has its own ideal temperature, a variety of molds grow even when it is cold outside. As temperatures drop and moisture levels increase, our homes become ideal places for mold to grow and thrive. We should be prepared for the possible effects of winter mold and do everything we can to prevent the mold from growing.
Learn more about why mold grows in the cold, the allergies you may experience because of this, and how to prevent mold growth in the cold.
Can mold grow in the cold?
Many people assume that mold only grows when it is warm, but this is incorrect. Different types of mold grow during different temperatures, so it is still very possible for mold to grow when it is cold. Even extreme temperatures do not kill molds, but rather deactivate them. The less-drastic temperatures inside homes allow molds to thrive, even when it is cold outside.
When the weather is cold, people are more likely to spend time indoors and keep windows and doors shut. While this makes sense, the low ventilation during winter months results in poor indoor air quality and therefore increased mold growth. You may notice condensation forming on windows or even paint peeling on the walls, which are warning signs that you should evaluate your air quality. Especially in rooms that naturally get wet such as the kitchen and bathroom, it is important that you keep track of water, humidity, and potential mold growth. Since mold growth in the winter is not just possible but actually very common, we recommend paying attention to the signs as much as possible, so you do not need experience potential health effects in the future.
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Mold allergies in the winter
If your home smells musty or you see signs of leaks or other water problems, then you might have mold growing in your home. Even if you do not see visible mold growth, it is still possible that the moisture is well on its way to causing mold, or there may already be mold growth in places you cannot see. It is important to get this under control as soon as possible to limit the effects that this can have on your health.
Any time there is mold in your home, you will likely feel the effects. The symptoms of winter mold allergies may vary depending on the person and type of mold, and people with asthma or weakened immune systems may experience more serious health issues.
Common symptoms of mold allergies in winter include:
Runny nose and sneezing
Itchy eyes, nose, throat
Rashes on the body
Sinusitis (sinuses inflamed)
Coughing and congestion
Since you do not always see or smell signs of mold when it is growing, one of the best ways to spot it is to use an indoor air quality monitor. We recommend using the AirThings Wave Mini, an air quality meter that also measures humidity, temperature, VOCs, and has a mold risk indicator.
Learn More About The AirThings Wave Mini
How to prevent mold during cold months
It is difficult to prevent mold growth, but you can follow several precautions to reach this goal. Experts recommend lowering the humidity level, maintaining gutters, being aware of wet areas and drying them as soon as possible, and improving the airflow around your home.
Unfortunately, these precautions do not always keep mold away, and it can be difficult to get rid of mold once it has grown. The EnviroKlenz Air System Plus has been proven to eliminate 99.99% of mold in your home, so you can rest assured that you are doing everything you can to keep you and your family healthy. Our air purifier contains an earth mineral technology that captures and neutralizes odors and VOCs from the air without releasing any byproducts, a medical-grade HEPA filter that captures 99.99% of particles in the air, and UV-C lights for germicidal destruction.
While taking these precautions to prevent mold growth, it is very important that you also monitor the air quality to best assess the situation and be able to react accordingly. With the AirThings Wave Mini, you can monitor the air quality and even see an indicator of mold risk. We want you to stay safe and limit your mold exposure this winter, and we are confident that these products will help stabilize your air quality and therefore improve your quality of life.
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Mobile Air System
$749.00 $699.99
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✓ Patented earth mineral technology works to attack VOCs and break them down on a compound level
✓ No chemicals or masking agents
✓ Will not release any chemicals back into your environment
✓ Safer and faster at removing VOC’s than traditional carbon filters and PECO air purifiers
EnviroKlenz® Medical Disclaimer:
“Any information that is provided on this website is not for the use by any commercial or personal entity without expressed written consent of the blog author. The material and statements illustrated within this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or medical conditions. Nor does the author in any way guarantee or validate the validity, totality, or efficacy of any claims and will therefore not be held responsible for the content of any claims. Always consult your medical physician for any specific medical advice or recommendations.”
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How To Get Rid Of Winter Mold?
Oct 6, 2020
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The Impact of Wildfire Smoke on Indoor A...
Sep 14, 2020
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Why does my car smell?
Aug 20, 2020
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How To Clean a Stinky Washing Machine
Aug 13, 2020
The post How To Get Rid Of Winter Mold? first appeared on Enviroklenz.
from Enviroklenz https://ift.tt/2I5Zwbz via https://enviroklenz.com
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enviroklenz · 4 years
The Impact of Wildfire Smoke on Indoor Air Quality
The Impact of Wildfire Smoke on Indoor Air Quality
  Just when your need for clean air has peaked (amid a global pandemic), let us now consider wildfires in the Western part of our country. If you live in an affected area, not only are you likely being told to limit your time outdoors, but you also should take careful steps to protect the quality of air that you’re breathing inside. Your indoor air may not show visible signs of pollution; however, it does not take long for fumes, smoke, and other airborne debris to enter through your doors, windows, roofing vents, and fireplaces.
Learn more about the health effects of wildfires, how to tell if your indoor air is unhealthy, and how to deal with wildfire smoke. 
The health effects of wildfire smoke
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, “Smoke is made up of a complex mixture of gases and fine particles produced when wood and other organic materials burn.” Of greatest concern to your health are these fine particles mentioned, which can enter your lungs through your nose and mouth and also irritate your nose and eyes.  Prolonged exposure to wildfire smoke can lead to asthma, bronchitis, irritated sinuses, eyes, throat, and nose.
If you suffer from chronic diseases such as heart or lung disease – these conditions can also be aggravated by exposure to wildfire smoke and even lead to premature death in some cases. Generally, older individuals and those battling other health conditions that affect their breathing are at the most significant risk for complications related to wildfire smoke.
Common health effects to watch out for include:
Running or bleeding nose
Eye irritation and blurred vision
Scratchy throat and raspy speaking voice
Dry cough
Chest pains and trouble breathing
How can I tell if my air is unhealthy?
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Sometimes it may be challenging to detect unhealthy indoor air. You can always purchase an air meter to detect your indoor air quality levels. If you live in an area frequently affected by wildfires, it may be a wise investment to purchase an air quality meter. However, without a meter, you can look for visual and physical clues.
These clues include fog or color to the air. The odor of smoke or pollutants of any kind is also a tell-tale sign.  Are your white or light-colored home furnishings becoming slowly discolored over time? Are you noticing an increase in the dust on your floors, countertops, and hard surfaces? Are you or those in your household experiencing any of the health issues detailed above, including difficulty breathing, coughing, or frequent irritation to their throats and eyes? These are all signs that your indoor air quality may be lacking.
Also read: “Do Air Conditioners Filter Wildfire Smoke?”
Learn More About The EnviroKlenz Air System
How to deal with smoke from wildfires
It can be overwhelming to deal with smoke from nearby wildfires.  Even when fires are “far” away and not immediately threatening to your property, these wildfires can risk damage to your health – far more important than property. An important first step in protecting yourself from the damaging effects of smoke is to increase the filtration capacity of your existing equipment, including HVAC units.  Additionally, inspect your home during better weather conditions and seal your home from cracks and gaps where smoke may easily enter the home.
To help preserve your health and safety, we recommend adding portable filtration units to your disaster supply kit. Make sure you’re ready when nature takes hold of your environment, and you’re at risk for air pollution. The EnviroKlenz Air System utilizes a patented earth mineral technology that captures and neutralizes odors and VOCs from the air without releasing any byproducts. 
The EnviroKlenz Air System also has a hospital-grade HEPA filter that captures 99.99% of particles as small as 0.3-microns from the air, guaranteeing the air in your home stays as clean as possible by recirculating your air rather than just blowing the airborne debris back out into another area. Our units are portable, simple to maintain, and easy to use and move around your home as needed. With an EnviroKlenz Air System, you can rest assured that you’re doing all that you can to protect your family’s health during wildfire season.
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  Mobile Air System
$749.00 $699.99
Buy Now
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✓ Patented earth mineral technology works to attack VOCs and break them down on a compound level
✓ No chemicals or masking agents
✓ Will not release any chemicals back into your environment
✓ Safer and faster at removing VOC’s than traditional carbon filters and PECO air purifiers
EnviroKlenz® Medical Disclaimer:
“Any information that is provided on this website is not for the use by any commercial or personal entity without expressed written consent of the blog author. The material and statements illustrated within this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or medical conditions. Nor does the author in any way guarantee or validate the validity, totality, or efficacy of any claims and will therefore not be held responsible for the content of any claims. Always consult your medical physician for any specific medical advice or recommendations.”
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The Impact of Wildfire Smoke on Indoor A...
Sep 14, 2020
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Why does my car smell?
Aug 20, 2020
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How To Clean a Stinky Washing Machine
Aug 13, 2020
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Should You Get an Air Purifier For Your ...
Aug 11, 2020
The post The Impact of Wildfire Smoke on Indoor Air Quality first appeared on Enviroklenz.
from Enviroklenz https://ift.tt/33pV7Hj via https://enviroklenz.com
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enviroklenz · 4 years
Why does my car smell?
Why does my car smell?
  Since so many of us are working from home these days, and with many weekends and after school activities put on pause, your car probably isn’t seeing the action that it used to when you were driving more frequently. Maybe it’s been a few days or even a week since you last drove, but all of a sudden, you might be noticing strange or unfamiliar odors in your car that you’d previously been nose-blind to. What are these?
If your car is giving off an unpleasant odor, it’s important to get to the bottom of it quickly. Something could be wrong, which might lead to expensive repairs down the road, or perhaps there’s an even more serious problem that could be affecting your health.
In this article, we are going to learn about the most common causes of odors in your car, VOCs, and how to eliminate these unwanted odors with EnviroKlenz.
What’s causing the smells in my car?
In order to know what’s causing the odors you might be smelling, it’s important to identify what kind of smell it is. Here’s a list of different types of odors, and what each may mean:
Musty Odors
This probably means that mold or mildew has formed in your air conditioning unit. Read more here: is mold in a car dangerous? 
Sweet Odor
Antifreeze has a sweet smell, so if it’s sweet you’re detecting, you might have a leak. Breathing antifreeze is toxic, so it’s essential to get that looked at by a mechanic right away.
Burning Odor
This could be caused by an oil leak, worn brake pads, or leaving the emergency brake engaged while driving. If you’re driving a car with a manual transmission, this can also be a result of riding the clutch pedal.
Rotten Eggs
May be an indicator that your catalytic converter might have gone bad.
Can be caused by an overheated clutch plate in a manual transmission. In an automatic, this might be caused by an accessory drive belt that’s slipping or getting chewed up by a broken pulley or hose rubbing against a moving part.
This one is very serious, as it can indicate a short circuit. Short circuits are the main causes of car fires.
If you smell this any time other than when you first turn on your car, it’s important to get this checked out. This could indicate a possible gas leak.
Rotting fruit
Honestly, it’s probably just old food. Time to clean the interior!
Is ‘new car smell’ harmful to us?
Everyone loves the smell of a new car, so much so that there are air fresheners called “new car scent” that try to mimic it. Is “new car smell” harmful to us, though? It turns out; it actually might be.
Some of the chemicals that are responsible for the scent of a new car include ethylbenzene and formaldehyde. These are found in paints and glue and are linked to headaches and allergies.
There have been a few studies done to really examine the health effects of the chemicals used to produce “new car smell,” and while they were not necessarily found to be more harmful than other chemicals, in the worst-case scenarios, ingesting chemicals of any kind can lead to birth defects in children, learning disabilities, and cancer.
Even if the worst thing that happens is allergies, is dealing with a runny nose and itchy eyes really worth it for a fragrance?
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Learn More About The EnviroKlenz Odor Eliminating Pad
Do car air fresheners release VOCs? 
The short answer is: yes! VOCs can stay suspended in the air of your car’s already constricted environment. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, exposure to VOCs can cause headaches, loss of coordination, nausea, liver, kidney, and central nervous system damage, cancer, and other health hazards.
While the chemicals that produce the scent of a new car fade over time, it can be dangerous to be consistently reintroducing new ones with artificial scents. A much better option would be to neutralize odors naturally.
Neutralizing car odors is made easy with EnviroKlenz
A lot of the time, odors in your car are not severe and can be eliminated easily.
EnviroKlenz Odor Eliminating Wipes are the perfect solution for cleaning your car’s carpet, upholstery, and other surfaces. We only use non-toxic, all-natural ingredients that contain no masking agents such as fragrances or dyes. Enviroklenz Odor Eliminating Wipes will work to neutralize those odors left behind by all of life’s unpleasantries. They’re a match for even the toughest of offenders, like cigarette smoke, and mildew, without the toxicity and VOCs that traditional car fresheners contain.
Once you’ve done the hard part, you’ll want to keep those odors from accumulating again with the EnviroKlenz Odor Eliminating Pad. Embedded with our own odor-neutralizing technology, the EnviroKlenz Odor Eliminating Pad is versatile enough to fit the smallest of spaces for ongoing freshness where you need it.
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Everyday Odor Eliminator Wipes
Buy Now
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✓ Patented earth mineral technology works to attack VOCs and break them down on a compound level
✓ No chemicals or masking agents
✓ Will not release any chemicals back into your environment
✓ Non-toxic and easy to use
EnviroKlenz® Medical Disclaimer:
“Any information that is provided on this website is not for the use by any commercial or personal entity without expressed written consent of the blog author. The material and statements illustrated within this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or medical conditions. Nor does the author in any way guarantee or validate the validity, totality, or efficacy of any claims and will therefore not be held responsible for the content of any claims. Always consult your medical physician for any specific medical advice or recommendations.”
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Why does my car smell?
Aug 20, 2020
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How To Clean a Stinky Washing Machine
Aug 13, 2020
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Should You Get an Air Purifier For Your ...
Aug 11, 2020
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Can poor indoor air quality affect your ...
Aug 4, 2020
from Enviroklenz https://ift.tt/3l2crdp via https://enviroklenz.com
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enviroklenz · 4 years
How To Clean a Stinky Washing Machine
How To Clean a Stinky Washing Machine
  We’ve all been there- those times where you go to do a load of laundry, and that terrible odor creeps up on you as you lift the washing machine lid. You know that if you don’t find a way to get rid of the odor quickly, the smell is going to linger on your freshly washed clothes. With the challenges of today’s world, and so many of us working from home in new and demanding ways, a battle with your washing machine is one less thing you should have to deal with.
In this article, learn about the common causes of washing machine odors, myths related to eliminating odors, and why EnviroKlenz is the best solution to eliminate unwanted odors!
Why does my washing machine smell?
So many things can contribute to the unpleasant odors that linger in our washing machines. An intense game of one-on-one or a sweaty, summer morning jog can leave your shirts grimy with odor. These odorous particles are so microscopic; often, multiple washes will not be enough to break them free. Pets are another big offender, as our furry friends can do a number when it comes to unpleasant smells.
But are these things the only factors contributing to that odor lingering in your washing machine?
Read more: Why does my new washing machine smell?
The type of washing machine you own could be contributing to the problem
If you’re using a front-loader washing machine, you’re definitely on the right track with a superior product.  But, the attributes of front-loaders that make them so effective are also contributing to odors lingering longer than they should be.
Front-loaders don’t fill with water all the way, unlike their top-loading counterparts, and thus, don’t always rinse thoroughly. The layers of soap scum left behind are warm, ripe environments for mold and bacteria to grow. Both of those things lead to that nasty odor we all hate.
Front-loaders also have a rubber gasket on the door, which keeps water from leaking during the wash cycle. Bits of debris tends to get caught in the gasket, also creating the perfect environment to breed mold, bacteria, and mildew.
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Is it safe to use vinegar to clean my washing machine?
Using vinegar to remove odors from your clothes and your washing machine is a tale as old as time, but as it turns out, most of the alleged benefits of using vinegar are actually completely false!
According to this article, the use of vinegar actually began in the 1950s, before the birth of laundry detergent. People used soap at that time, which left an unwanted residue on clothes. Vinegar was a great solution to combatting the soapy residue.
But vinegar, even though effective in dissolving soap scum, is not a powerful enough acid to be considered a disinfectant by any means.
Vinegar might be able to handle the tiny problem of soap scum, but it isn’t powerful enough to clean your washing machine, and might actually end up doing some considerable damage to the delicate surfaces in the machine itself.
Get Your EnviroKlenz Washing Machine Deodorizer
So, what’s the best way to clean your washing machine?
1. Laundry detergent
First and foremost, the laundry detergent you’re using is likely a large part of the problem – changing that will get you well on your way to living odor-free.
Read more: How long does an allergic reaction to laundry detergent last
2. Keep the drum dry
Next, you want to make sure you’re keeping the drum dry by removing damp laundry promptly when the load is finished, and leave the door open for the machine to air-dry.
3. Clean the gasket regularly
Following, cleaning the gasket should be done regularly, as this is where pesky mold and odor-causing bacteria love to thrive. Make sure to remove the debris from the rubber seal around the door and wipe it clean with your preferred cleaner. There are many natural options when looking to choose a cleaner that works best for you.
A Solution for your stench
Enviroklenz Washing Machine Deodorizer & Cleaner can be used with both front and top-loaders alike. Just add ½ cup to the washtub or detergent dispenser and run a normal, warm water cycle.
Enviroklenz is a safe and effective odor eliminator and is powerful enough to blast away those pesky odors by neutralizing them completely. Enviroklenz is proven to produce incredible results fighting even the toughest odors in your washing machine.
We are proud to use only all-natural ingredients comprised of simple earth minerals. Enviroklenz doesn’t include any fragrances, dyes, harsh chemicals, or masking agents. We neutralize odors at the source.
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Washing Machine Deodorizer
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✓ Patented earth mineral technology works to attack VOCs and break them down on a compound level
✓ No chemicals or masking agents
✓ Will not release any chemicals back into your environment
✓ Get rid of odors
EnviroKlenz® Medical Disclaimer:
“Any information that is provided on this website is not for the use by any commercial or personal entity without expressed written consent of the blog author. The material and statements illustrated within this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or medical conditions. Nor does the author in any way guarantee or validate the validity, totality, or efficacy of any claims and will therefore not be held responsible for the content of any claims. Always consult your medical physician for any specific medical advice or recommendations.”
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How To Clean a Stinky Washing Machine
Aug 13, 2020
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Should You Get an Air Purifier For Your ...
Aug 11, 2020
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Can poor indoor air quality affect your ...
Aug 4, 2020
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How Do You Remove Pet Urine From Carpet?
Jul 16, 2020
from Enviroklenz https://ift.tt/33XUgzC via https://enviroklenz.com
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enviroklenz · 4 years
Should You Get an Air Purifier For Your Dorm Room?
Should You Get an Air Purifier For Your Dorm Room?
  Going back to college during a global pandemic is understandably a worry for many students and their parents. Even before COVID-19, college dorm rooms were considered to be like Petri dishes. This is a fairly accurate comparison due to the enclosed environments, shared bathrooms, and lack of regular cleaning and laundry. 
Having an air purifier is a sure way to improving the air quality in your dorm room and eliminate bacteria and viruses. So this year, when you’re heading to college with a bucket load of hand sanitizer, soaps, and surface wipes, consider purchasing an EnviroKlenz air purifier to clean the air in your dorm. 
Do you need an air purifier in your dorm?
In a simple answer, yes!  By purifying the air in your dorm, you can create a safe space away from the outside toxins and pollutants. According to the Environmental Protection Agency’s 2019 research report on 341 college campuses, there are high levels of formaldehyde, nitrogen oxide, and carbon dioxide in the buildings and dorms. With the average American spending around 90% of their time indoors (if not more now, thanks to COVID-19), an air purifier is a great way to prevent exposure to toxins and pollutants indoors.
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Air purifiers benefits for a dorm room
There are numerous benefits to having an air purifier in your dorm room:
Minimized risk of spreading illness
In the wake of the pandemic, it is wise to be cautious with the air you breathe in. From a breeze through an open door to a roommate’s sneeze, there are many ways to fill a room with unhealthy particles. Air purifiers protect us against the pathogens that are frequently dispersed into the air. 
Eliminate VOCs and pathogens that may cause health issues
You may also experience other health issues as a result of your dorm room environment. Over the past few years, there have been reports of students having to relocate after experiencing respiratory problems, headaches, and cognitive issues as a result of mold found in their dorm rooms (mold identification key). An air purifier will eliminate mold, dust, and allergens, which can negatively impact your quality of life both short-term and long-term. Read more: what makes indoor dust and dander levels high.
Remove odors
Another benefit that will be greatly appreciated amongst students and their visitors is an air purifier’s ability to remove odors. Whether there’s a pile of unwashed laundry or some undesirable leftovers, trust your air purifier to get rid of those nasty smells and keep the air clean and fresh.
Get Your EnviroKlenz Air System Today
Are air purifiers allowed in dorms?
Due to other restrictions in college residential buildings, you may be wondering if you’re even allowed to bring an air purifier. Since they do not produce any heat and aren’t a fire hazard, they shouldn’t be a problem. Also, retail air purifiers won’t overload the electrics. It’s always best to check with your University standards, just in case!
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How to choose an air purifier for your dorm room
Not every air purifier does the same thing. They vary from size, filter technology, room coverage, and noise level. These are the main things you’ll need to consider when purchasing yours. It is recommended to use an air purifier with a HEPA filter. It will eliminate 99.99% of harmful particles and allergens. You should also consider air purifiers that are able to neutralize odors and toxic chemicals without releasing any byproducts.
When it comes to finding the perfect air purifier for your dorm room, the EnviroKlenz Air System is a good choice. Our air system utilizes a patented earth mineral technology that captures and neutralizes VOCs and odors, as well as a medical-grade HEPA filter to capture particles, guaranteeing the air in your dorm stays as clean as possible. 
The EnviroKlenz Air System can cover rooms up to 1,000 square feet, which should be more than enough for your dorm room. It’s also simple to set up with no tools required. The air cartridge will only need replacing after 5-6 months of use, and the HEPA filters last between 18 and 24 months – both of the filters can easily be bought online. With our Auto-Refill program, they can be automatically delivered to your dorm room!
Learn More About The Auto-Refill Program
If you’re concerned about keeping your roommate up or being distracted by noise whilst you’re studying, worry no more! The EnviroKlenz Air System also has a whisp-air setting – you’ll sleep peacefully and safely with your dorm room’s clean, pollutant-free air!
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Air System
$749.99 $699.99
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✓ Patented earth mineral technology works to attack VOCs and break them down on a compound level
✓ No chemicals or masking agents
✓ Will not release any chemicals back into your environment
✓ Safer and faster at removing VOC’s than traditional carbon filters and PECO air purifiers
EnviroKlenz® Medical Disclaimer:
“Any information that is provided on this website is not for the use by any commercial or personal entity without expressed written consent of the blog author. The material and statements illustrated within this blog are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases or medical conditions. Nor does the author in any way guarantee or validate the validity, totality, or efficacy of any claims and will therefore not be held responsible for the content of any claims. Always consult your medical physician for any specific medical advice or recommendations.”
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Should You Get an Air Purifier For Your ...
Aug 11, 2020
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Can poor indoor air quality affect your ...
Aug 4, 2020
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How Do You Remove Pet Urine From Carpet?
Jul 16, 2020
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The Difference Between Allergies and COV...
Jul 6, 2020
from Enviroklenz https://ift.tt/3kx8nl3 via https://enviroklenz.com
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