enriquedev · 11 years
BBC Knowledge Explainer DNA
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enriquedev · 11 years
Finally Gizmodo released an interesting article on something I feel Apple should have addressed in the past few years. That is the move to a flat design on it's iOS GUI, and hopefully it's Mac OSX operating system too! Skeumorphic Design simply said by Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan over at gizmodo is a design that "...uses gradients, textures and other details to make digital objects look real" and flat design is simply a very minimalistic and simple design, like the windows smartphone or the new Windows operating system. I totally agree with Kelsey, in the sense that skeuomorphic design only adds to a cluttered interface, and in the present there is no need for it. I feel as if everyone now understands how to interpret the different elements and buttons in a modern GUI, and there is no need to provide a connection between real life elements and digital ones. Don't get me wrong, at the time skeumorphic design was key to the quick understanding of elements in the newly introduced GUI's like the Apple Lisa. However now it's just adding to an unnecessary amount of disorder and clutter on your iphone homescreen and computer's Desktop. Head to the article for more detail, on what we might see in the new iOS.
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enriquedev · 11 years
A lot of cool tips that I'll try to look over this weekend.
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enriquedev · 11 years
Looks like a great plugin. Although I would hate to use javascript for things as essential as the look of the text and the overall design of a websites content. Jquery in my opinion should only add extra functionality and appearance that is not essential to the users experience. That overflown text needs to be fixed in some other way. What do you think? I guess it also depends on the market you are developing for.
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jQuery.dotdotdot, advanced cross-browser ellipsis for multiple line content.
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enriquedev · 11 years
Spinners are an important component of any app, as Max states a “lack of spinners can be a usability problem”. It lets the user know to hang in there and wait it out. However it’s cool to see how creative you can get when designing the spinners. Specially like the spinner he created for his Filibaba app.
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enriquedev · 11 years
Haven't been posting much lately, but here's a video that will definitely kick start your life!
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enriquedev · 11 years
Super funny ad coming from Microsoft. Have to give it up for their marketing team, even though I am not a big fan of the Windows tablet. I feel that as of now apple is the only company that can guarantee an app for almost everything, and that is not only functional but also looks beautiful. I feel that apps made for other mobile operating systems are being poorly designed and to an extent a lot of them look very amateurish. Sometimes some guidelines for app design need to be set by the company, such as the "iOS Human Interface Guidelines" or else there is no unity between the operating system's design, and the many different apps the user encounters. When using my Galaxy S3 I feel as if there is a constant discontinuity between the look of the operating system (jelly bean) , and the different apps I use throughout the day. Maybe I am just being super picky, but as I download more apps I become even more disappointed with what the google play store has to offer and the lack of beautifully designed apps easily found in the iOS app store.
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enriquedev · 11 years
Watch it now! Livestream begins at 1:00 PM EST. Let's see what microsoft has to offer on their next gen console. Wondering what is going to show up? Head out to Kotaku's article.
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enriquedev · 11 years
Super Cool Animated Camera Icon. No Javascript. Enjoy.
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enriquedev · 11 years
Pumped for his new album! 06.18.13
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enriquedev · 11 years
Coding + Daft Punk = Productivity.
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enriquedev · 11 years
Verlet-js — A JavaScript physics engine
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Take a look.
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