endlessxrealities · 24 days
“Shh, save your energy.” Lauren tells him, and orders Sam to find an axe or something similar they could possibly cut the beam apart with.
“… Sam…?” It was the other brother’s name that left Lauren’s lips as she carefully moves the two open ends of Dean’s jacket; revealing a small bump, of something that hasn’t pierced the fabric of his shirt.. but let a dark red begin to seep through… - her lips part, her eyes gloss quickly, and refuses to look away from the man she loved.. the man who was impaled by something against a god damned beam of all things. “Dean.” ~ endlessxrealities
He reached out for her. " It's in my back." He said softly. His voice wavering slightly as the pain took over. He could feel pain radiating from where he'd been impaled. But his legs, those were numb. " I..I don't think...I don't think I'm making it out of here." He wheezed. " I..can't move. "
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endlessxrealities · 28 days
“No stop, stop.” She says to Sam when he tries to move him again. “Stop, don’t.. don’t move him, okay, we just.. I just, let me think!”
Her eyes flail around looking for something- anything.
“… Sam…?” It was the other brother’s name that left Lauren’s lips as she carefully moves the two open ends of Dean’s jacket; revealing a small bump, of something that hasn’t pierced the fabric of his shirt.. but let a dark red begin to seep through… - her lips part, her eyes gloss quickly, and refuses to look away from the man she loved.. the man who was impaled by something against a god damned beam of all things. “Dean.” ~ endlessxrealities
He reached out for her. " It's in my back." He said softly. His voice wavering slightly as the pain took over. He could feel pain radiating from where he'd been impaled. But his legs, those were numb. " I..I don't think...I don't think I'm making it out of here." He wheezed. " I..can't move. "
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endlessxrealities · 28 days
“You’re not dying, Dean.” She told him, her own voice shaking, her eyes watering. “I’m not letting you die, understand? - we need you, I need you.”
Little did Dean know what she meant by we…
“… Sam…?” It was the other brother’s name that left Lauren’s lips as she carefully moves the two open ends of Dean’s jacket; revealing a small bump, of something that hasn’t pierced the fabric of his shirt.. but let a dark red begin to seep through… - her lips part, her eyes gloss quickly, and refuses to look away from the man she loved.. the man who was impaled by something against a god damned beam of all things. “Dean.” ~ endlessxrealities
He reached out for her. " It's in my back." He said softly. His voice wavering slightly as the pain took over. He could feel pain radiating from where he'd been impaled. But his legs, those were numb. " I..I don't think...I don't think I'm making it out of here." He wheezed. " I..can't move. "
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endlessxrealities · 29 days
“I’m not leaving you.” Lauren didn’t let even a second go by before she argued. “There isn’t a chance in hell-“
“… Sam…?” It was the other brother’s name that left Lauren’s lips as she carefully moves the two open ends of Dean’s jacket; revealing a small bump, of something that hasn’t pierced the fabric of his shirt.. but let a dark red begin to seep through… - her lips part, her eyes gloss quickly, and refuses to look away from the man she loved.. the man who was impaled by something against a god damned beam of all things. “Dean.” ~ endlessxrealities
He reached out for her. " It's in my back." He said softly. His voice wavering slightly as the pain took over. He could feel pain radiating from where he'd been impaled. But his legs, those were numb. " I..I don't think...I don't think I'm making it out of here." He wheezed. " I..can't move. "
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endlessxrealities · 29 days
Lauren shakes her head, “no, no it’s okay, you’re gonna be okay. - SAM!!” She screams over her shoulder, trying to get his ass over here to help.
She lifts Dean’s shirt and instantly croaks at the sight of a rusty piece of jagged metal just barely sticking through him… it was entirely through him.
“Oh fuck, oh god…”
“… Sam…?” It was the other brother’s name that left Lauren’s lips as she carefully moves the two open ends of Dean’s jacket; revealing a small bump, of something that hasn’t pierced the fabric of his shirt.. but let a dark red begin to seep through… - her lips part, her eyes gloss quickly, and refuses to look away from the man she loved.. the man who was impaled by something against a god damned beam of all things. “Dean.” ~ endlessxrealities
He reached out for her. " It's in my back." He said softly. His voice wavering slightly as the pain took over. He could feel pain radiating from where he'd been impaled. But his legs, those were numb. " I..I don't think...I don't think I'm making it out of here." He wheezed. " I..can't move. "
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endlessxrealities · 1 month
She glances at him, then back over the horizon.. feeling faintly woeful that the experience was indeed at an end.
"Okay." Lauren says, looking back at him, the faintest, accepting smile twitching at her lips as she takes in his beautiful blue eyes once again, before pushing herself up and off the hood of the car, and towards the passenger side door again, to get back in, and to head home..
Billy looked out to the horizon with her. He shyly reached out, taking her hand in his as they basked in the late sunlight. He enjoyed the moment with her watching as the sunlight faded, giving way to moonlight and stars.
Yes tomorrow was a different day. First thing in the morning he’d give Tommy the money for the bet.
Then he planned on asking Lauren out properly. He really hoped for a second date with her soon.
Billy sighed softly, he gives her one another sweet kiss.
“ Let’s get you home, Beautiful.”
161 notes · View notes
endlessxrealities · 1 month
Her scared eyes look into his, and she hiccups faintly.. she knew he couldn't promise that. Surely he knew it too... but would it hurt to hold onto hope even if just for right now?..
He cups her face in his big hands, his metal rings slightly cool on her skin. “ Hey…I’m not going anywhere. You won’t lose me. Okay? It’s my year, remember. We’ve got this.” He assured her once more. “ You won’t lose anyone else. ”
191 notes · View notes
endlessxrealities · 1 month
Lauren blushes faintly, but smiles brighter as she exhales in faint amusement. "You're such a sap." She nuzzles her nose against his for a moment. "I was trying to be dirty." She takes in a pleasant deep breath, and twirls a finger that's still tangled in his hair. "You're still inside me." She seemed so content, though. As if she were the most at peace she'd been in so long.
Steve blushed at that. “ Well to be honest I haven’t really thought about it…I can give you all the love I have. If that helps at all. ”
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endlessxrealities · 2 months
She hummed faintly in response. He wasn’t gonna see her again. She knew how guys like him worked.
The fact he’d even gotten to her at all, showed how quickly he ran out of fresh tail in Hawkins already.
“Tomorrows a different day, Hargrove.” Was all she said, looking out over the horizon.
Billy nods. “ I know I could have. But you just looked so peaceful. I didn’t want to wake you. And I had a lot on my mind. ” he tells her honestly. He turned to look at her leaning in to capture her lips in another kiss. “ I’ve had a really good time,Sweetheart. You make me feel things I haven’t felt in years.”
161 notes · View notes
endlessxrealities · 2 months
Robin sighs, and shrugs her shoulders hopelessly. “I don’t know… show up at her door with chocolate and roses?” All she really had to go off was what she’d seen in movies.
“Dude… remember what I said, right? She’s accepted what you said that night, and all the days back in high school… to be her truth.” Robin was trying to get this point across without being a dick to either of her friends. “If I was her… that night confessing to someone I’d liked for years, only to be rejected like that, probably put her head right back where she was then.”
Robin was spot on. That night Lauren had felt herself completely devolve back into the introverted girl she was in school. Didn’t go out.. wouldn’t eat around others anymore neither. Only goal was to make it through the day out in public with as little attention on her as possible, before crawling back into her small safe space at home.
Lauren Henderson stared at Steve Harrington, like she usually did. She stood out in one of the aisles of tapes, meant to be putting things away, but she wanted to listen in on the disgusting flirting happening between worker and customer at the counter. “That could be you, you know.” Robin would say, coming up behind her to actually start doing the job Lauren had been tasked with. - “Robin I told you, okay? He and I talked at your birthday party last month, he isn’t interested in me like that.” Lauren sighed, also finally working, looking away from Steve. - “run it by me again.” Robin was teasing, no, tormenting her. - “I got hammered, confessed, he was kind about it, I got the wrong idea, tried to kiss him, then he gently explained to me how I was not his type and that it would be wrong, and I went home and cried myself to sleep.” The girl listed off without break, turning to give her queer friend a sarcastic smile. “Happy?” The girl scowled and moved around her to get to the Romance section. - “No, because he’s a dingus who’s very clearly into you.” Robins words had Lauren audibly laugh- briefly getting the attention of the blonde girl who was busy toying with Steve’s vest from across the counter; but she quickly returned to her attentions on Steve, and Lauren looked at Robin. “I’m sorry, are you blind, or deaf? Because 1. He’s got a sometimes literal line up of hot thin bimbos, and 2. This last week, he’s come in three out of five days with at least one hickey on his neck.” Lauren gestured with her hands, she was getting worked up the more Robin poked. And Robin had been poking… for weeks. “He went on lunch break last week and came back 20 mins later with a hickey, Robin. He’s got a whore on speed dial, okay? I’m just the dorky older sister of his best friend.” Robin didn’t seem to have a rebuttal for that one, and Lauren sighed and moved elsewhere to work. She hated blowing up at Robin like that, but she seriously could not take it on top of the regular torture of Steve still trying to be friends. How do you be friends with someone who literally owns your heart?
Steve felt regret. He did. It wasn't that he didn't want her. No, he so did but he knew what it was to be that hammered. As badly as he wanted to profess his own feelings for Lauren...That wasn't the time. He wanted her to remember it. That and he had to get up the courage to talk to Dustin about it...It didn't feel right since she was his older sister after all.
No, Steve had pushed her away. Prayed she wouldn't remember that night and he could work up the courage to tell her properly. Let her know how he'd liked her for about a solid year now.
From his experience, drinking and confessions didn't mix.
So, Steve had stuffed his feelings down and let himself have a bit of fun. But that's all it was. It never meant anything and after every date he just felt miserable and hollow.
Steve finished talking to...Wendy? He thinks that's the blonde's name. He gives her a good recommendation. One both she and her boyfriend will like. Then he moved to take a stake of tapes to the horror section. He cursed loudly as he ends up knocking into a display. Steve's arm ful of movies landing on the floor.
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endlessxrealities · 2 months
She keeps her hand from him. “Don’t waste your time.” Is all she says, before climbing into the car, shutting the door and starting the car up, and leaving.
Steve Harrington was left there in the rain, watching the old beat up car gone down the road. Robin just inside the glass door, looking out at Steve as she mouthed the word ‘dingus’.
Lauren Henderson stared at Steve Harrington, like she usually did. She stood out in one of the aisles of tapes, meant to be putting things away, but she wanted to listen in on the disgusting flirting happening between worker and customer at the counter. “That could be you, you know.” Robin would say, coming up behind her to actually start doing the job Lauren had been tasked with. - “Robin I told you, okay? He and I talked at your birthday party last month, he isn’t interested in me like that.” Lauren sighed, also finally working, looking away from Steve. - “run it by me again.” Robin was teasing, no, tormenting her. - “I got hammered, confessed, he was kind about it, I got the wrong idea, tried to kiss him, then he gently explained to me how I was not his type and that it would be wrong, and I went home and cried myself to sleep.” The girl listed off without break, turning to give her queer friend a sarcastic smile. “Happy?” The girl scowled and moved around her to get to the Romance section. - “No, because he’s a dingus who’s very clearly into you.” Robins words had Lauren audibly laugh- briefly getting the attention of the blonde girl who was busy toying with Steve’s vest from across the counter; but she quickly returned to her attentions on Steve, and Lauren looked at Robin. “I’m sorry, are you blind, or deaf? Because 1. He’s got a sometimes literal line up of hot thin bimbos, and 2. This last week, he’s come in three out of five days with at least one hickey on his neck.” Lauren gestured with her hands, she was getting worked up the more Robin poked. And Robin had been poking… for weeks. “He went on lunch break last week and came back 20 mins later with a hickey, Robin. He’s got a whore on speed dial, okay? I’m just the dorky older sister of his best friend.” Robin didn’t seem to have a rebuttal for that one, and Lauren sighed and moved elsewhere to work. She hated blowing up at Robin like that, but she seriously could not take it on top of the regular torture of Steve still trying to be friends. How do you be friends with someone who literally owns your heart?
Steve felt regret. He did. It wasn't that he didn't want her. No, he so did but he knew what it was to be that hammered. As badly as he wanted to profess his own feelings for Lauren...That wasn't the time. He wanted her to remember it. That and he had to get up the courage to talk to Dustin about it...It didn't feel right since she was his older sister after all.
No, Steve had pushed her away. Prayed she wouldn't remember that night and he could work up the courage to tell her properly. Let her know how he'd liked her for about a solid year now.
From his experience, drinking and confessions didn't mix.
So, Steve had stuffed his feelings down and let himself have a bit of fun. But that's all it was. It never meant anything and after every date he just felt miserable and hollow.
Steve finished talking to...Wendy? He thinks that's the blonde's name. He gives her a good recommendation. One both she and her boyfriend will like. Then he moved to take a stake of tapes to the horror section. He cursed loudly as he ends up knocking into a display. Steve's arm ful of movies landing on the floor.
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endlessxrealities · 2 months
She’s still rather groggy when he moves in for another kiss- she just barely moves for him to catch the corner of her lips rather than the full of them. Her face flushed brightly, and her nose scrunched up just a tad, but her expression was not an unpleasant one.
“Mm, smokey.” She mumbled, playing off her bashfulness with the fact his lips were fresh with the taste of ash.
Billy nods. “ I know I could have. But you just looked so peaceful. I didn’t want to wake you. And I had a lot on my mind. ” he tells her honestly. He turned to look at her leaning in to capture her lips in another kiss. “ I’ve had a really good time,Sweetheart. You make me feel things I haven’t felt in years.”
161 notes · View notes
endlessxrealities · 2 months
She shakes her head, as she opens the car door and tosses her tote inside, before looking at Steve. “Don’t do that. Don’t lie to my face, it only proves your lack of respect for me.“
Lauren’s expression doesn’t falter even as the rain starts to soak through her hood, and run down her face.
Lauren Henderson stared at Steve Harrington, like she usually did. She stood out in one of the aisles of tapes, meant to be putting things away, but she wanted to listen in on the disgusting flirting happening between worker and customer at the counter. “That could be you, you know.” Robin would say, coming up behind her to actually start doing the job Lauren had been tasked with. - “Robin I told you, okay? He and I talked at your birthday party last month, he isn’t interested in me like that.” Lauren sighed, also finally working, looking away from Steve. - “run it by me again.” Robin was teasing, no, tormenting her. - “I got hammered, confessed, he was kind about it, I got the wrong idea, tried to kiss him, then he gently explained to me how I was not his type and that it would be wrong, and I went home and cried myself to sleep.” The girl listed off without break, turning to give her queer friend a sarcastic smile. “Happy?” The girl scowled and moved around her to get to the Romance section. - “No, because he’s a dingus who’s very clearly into you.” Robins words had Lauren audibly laugh- briefly getting the attention of the blonde girl who was busy toying with Steve’s vest from across the counter; but she quickly returned to her attentions on Steve, and Lauren looked at Robin. “I’m sorry, are you blind, or deaf? Because 1. He’s got a sometimes literal line up of hot thin bimbos, and 2. This last week, he’s come in three out of five days with at least one hickey on his neck.” Lauren gestured with her hands, she was getting worked up the more Robin poked. And Robin had been poking… for weeks. “He went on lunch break last week and came back 20 mins later with a hickey, Robin. He’s got a whore on speed dial, okay? I’m just the dorky older sister of his best friend.” Robin didn’t seem to have a rebuttal for that one, and Lauren sighed and moved elsewhere to work. She hated blowing up at Robin like that, but she seriously could not take it on top of the regular torture of Steve still trying to be friends. How do you be friends with someone who literally owns your heart?
Steve felt regret. He did. It wasn't that he didn't want her. No, he so did but he knew what it was to be that hammered. As badly as he wanted to profess his own feelings for Lauren...That wasn't the time. He wanted her to remember it. That and he had to get up the courage to talk to Dustin about it...It didn't feel right since she was his older sister after all.
No, Steve had pushed her away. Prayed she wouldn't remember that night and he could work up the courage to tell her properly. Let her know how he'd liked her for about a solid year now.
From his experience, drinking and confessions didn't mix.
So, Steve had stuffed his feelings down and let himself have a bit of fun. But that's all it was. It never meant anything and after every date he just felt miserable and hollow.
Steve finished talking to...Wendy? He thinks that's the blonde's name. He gives her a good recommendation. One both she and her boyfriend will like. Then he moved to take a stake of tapes to the horror section. He cursed loudly as he ends up knocking into a display. Steve's arm ful of movies landing on the floor.
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endlessxrealities · 2 months
“What do you want, Steve?” She asked, though still not looking at him, as she gets the old Henderson BMW, taking out her keys to unlock the door.
Lauren Henderson stared at Steve Harrington, like she usually did. She stood out in one of the aisles of tapes, meant to be putting things away, but she wanted to listen in on the disgusting flirting happening between worker and customer at the counter. “That could be you, you know.” Robin would say, coming up behind her to actually start doing the job Lauren had been tasked with. - “Robin I told you, okay? He and I talked at your birthday party last month, he isn’t interested in me like that.” Lauren sighed, also finally working, looking away from Steve. - “run it by me again.” Robin was teasing, no, tormenting her. - “I got hammered, confessed, he was kind about it, I got the wrong idea, tried to kiss him, then he gently explained to me how I was not his type and that it would be wrong, and I went home and cried myself to sleep.” The girl listed off without break, turning to give her queer friend a sarcastic smile. “Happy?” The girl scowled and moved around her to get to the Romance section. - “No, because he’s a dingus who’s very clearly into you.” Robins words had Lauren audibly laugh- briefly getting the attention of the blonde girl who was busy toying with Steve’s vest from across the counter; but she quickly returned to her attentions on Steve, and Lauren looked at Robin. “I’m sorry, are you blind, or deaf? Because 1. He’s got a sometimes literal line up of hot thin bimbos, and 2. This last week, he’s come in three out of five days with at least one hickey on his neck.” Lauren gestured with her hands, she was getting worked up the more Robin poked. And Robin had been poking… for weeks. “He went on lunch break last week and came back 20 mins later with a hickey, Robin. He’s got a whore on speed dial, okay? I’m just the dorky older sister of his best friend.” Robin didn’t seem to have a rebuttal for that one, and Lauren sighed and moved elsewhere to work. She hated blowing up at Robin like that, but she seriously could not take it on top of the regular torture of Steve still trying to be friends. How do you be friends with someone who literally owns your heart?
Steve felt regret. He did. It wasn't that he didn't want her. No, he so did but he knew what it was to be that hammered. As badly as he wanted to profess his own feelings for Lauren...That wasn't the time. He wanted her to remember it. That and he had to get up the courage to talk to Dustin about it...It didn't feel right since she was his older sister after all.
No, Steve had pushed her away. Prayed she wouldn't remember that night and he could work up the courage to tell her properly. Let her know how he'd liked her for about a solid year now.
From his experience, drinking and confessions didn't mix.
So, Steve had stuffed his feelings down and let himself have a bit of fun. But that's all it was. It never meant anything and after every date he just felt miserable and hollow.
Steve finished talking to...Wendy? He thinks that's the blonde's name. He gives her a good recommendation. One both she and her boyfriend will like. Then he moved to take a stake of tapes to the horror section. He cursed loudly as he ends up knocking into a display. Steve's arm ful of movies landing on the floor.
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endlessxrealities · 2 months
“No thanks.” Lauren did not keep eye contact with Steve for long at all, and looked right back at Robin, completely ignoring Steve’s initial question.
“Robin,” she pats the letter, and Robin nods.
“Yeah, yeah I’ll make sure he gets it.” The poor girl was stuck between a rock and a hard place. - or, well, between her two good friends.
Lauren nodded back, mumbled a “thanks” and then left; pulling the hood up on her sweater, as it was lightly raining outside.
Lauren Henderson stared at Steve Harrington, like she usually did. She stood out in one of the aisles of tapes, meant to be putting things away, but she wanted to listen in on the disgusting flirting happening between worker and customer at the counter. “That could be you, you know.” Robin would say, coming up behind her to actually start doing the job Lauren had been tasked with. - “Robin I told you, okay? He and I talked at your birthday party last month, he isn’t interested in me like that.” Lauren sighed, also finally working, looking away from Steve. - “run it by me again.” Robin was teasing, no, tormenting her. - “I got hammered, confessed, he was kind about it, I got the wrong idea, tried to kiss him, then he gently explained to me how I was not his type and that it would be wrong, and I went home and cried myself to sleep.” The girl listed off without break, turning to give her queer friend a sarcastic smile. “Happy?” The girl scowled and moved around her to get to the Romance section. - “No, because he’s a dingus who’s very clearly into you.” Robins words had Lauren audibly laugh- briefly getting the attention of the blonde girl who was busy toying with Steve’s vest from across the counter; but she quickly returned to her attentions on Steve, and Lauren looked at Robin. “I’m sorry, are you blind, or deaf? Because 1. He’s got a sometimes literal line up of hot thin bimbos, and 2. This last week, he’s come in three out of five days with at least one hickey on his neck.” Lauren gestured with her hands, she was getting worked up the more Robin poked. And Robin had been poking… for weeks. “He went on lunch break last week and came back 20 mins later with a hickey, Robin. He’s got a whore on speed dial, okay? I’m just the dorky older sister of his best friend.” Robin didn’t seem to have a rebuttal for that one, and Lauren sighed and moved elsewhere to work. She hated blowing up at Robin like that, but she seriously could not take it on top of the regular torture of Steve still trying to be friends. How do you be friends with someone who literally owns your heart?
Steve felt regret. He did. It wasn't that he didn't want her. No, he so did but he knew what it was to be that hammered. As badly as he wanted to profess his own feelings for Lauren...That wasn't the time. He wanted her to remember it. That and he had to get up the courage to talk to Dustin about it...It didn't feel right since she was his older sister after all.
No, Steve had pushed her away. Prayed she wouldn't remember that night and he could work up the courage to tell her properly. Let her know how he'd liked her for about a solid year now.
From his experience, drinking and confessions didn't mix.
So, Steve had stuffed his feelings down and let himself have a bit of fun. But that's all it was. It never meant anything and after every date he just felt miserable and hollow.
Steve finished talking to...Wendy? He thinks that's the blonde's name. He gives her a good recommendation. One both she and her boyfriend will like. Then he moved to take a stake of tapes to the horror section. He cursed loudly as he ends up knocking into a display. Steve's arm ful of movies landing on the floor.
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endlessxrealities · 2 months
Robin’s stature softened significantly. She wasn’t good with this part of comforting… she shrugged her shoulders gently. “Steve, I don’t think other people don’t get to decide that. You do.”
Her eyes shifted a bit, and it looked like she seemed to make some sort of connection. “Other people told you this about yourself, and it became true in your head.” She looked back to him. “In school, people told her the same thing…” you told her, Steve. She didn’t say out loud. “Now she’s decided it’s her truth, too.”
The door to the back room opens, and Lauren came out with her bag over her shoulder, vest off, and an envelope in her hands.
“Robin, when Keith comes in to close tonight, can you make sure he gets this.” She says, putting the unsealed envelope on the counter.
Lauren Henderson stared at Steve Harrington, like she usually did. She stood out in one of the aisles of tapes, meant to be putting things away, but she wanted to listen in on the disgusting flirting happening between worker and customer at the counter. “That could be you, you know.” Robin would say, coming up behind her to actually start doing the job Lauren had been tasked with. - “Robin I told you, okay? He and I talked at your birthday party last month, he isn’t interested in me like that.” Lauren sighed, also finally working, looking away from Steve. - “run it by me again.” Robin was teasing, no, tormenting her. - “I got hammered, confessed, he was kind about it, I got the wrong idea, tried to kiss him, then he gently explained to me how I was not his type and that it would be wrong, and I went home and cried myself to sleep.” The girl listed off without break, turning to give her queer friend a sarcastic smile. “Happy?” The girl scowled and moved around her to get to the Romance section. - “No, because he’s a dingus who’s very clearly into you.” Robins words had Lauren audibly laugh- briefly getting the attention of the blonde girl who was busy toying with Steve’s vest from across the counter; but she quickly returned to her attentions on Steve, and Lauren looked at Robin. “I’m sorry, are you blind, or deaf? Because 1. He’s got a sometimes literal line up of hot thin bimbos, and 2. This last week, he’s come in three out of five days with at least one hickey on his neck.” Lauren gestured with her hands, she was getting worked up the more Robin poked. And Robin had been poking… for weeks. “He went on lunch break last week and came back 20 mins later with a hickey, Robin. He’s got a whore on speed dial, okay? I’m just the dorky older sister of his best friend.” Robin didn’t seem to have a rebuttal for that one, and Lauren sighed and moved elsewhere to work. She hated blowing up at Robin like that, but she seriously could not take it on top of the regular torture of Steve still trying to be friends. How do you be friends with someone who literally owns your heart?
Steve felt regret. He did. It wasn't that he didn't want her. No, he so did but he knew what it was to be that hammered. As badly as he wanted to profess his own feelings for Lauren...That wasn't the time. He wanted her to remember it. That and he had to get up the courage to talk to Dustin about it...It didn't feel right since she was his older sister after all.
No, Steve had pushed her away. Prayed she wouldn't remember that night and he could work up the courage to tell her properly. Let her know how he'd liked her for about a solid year now.
From his experience, drinking and confessions didn't mix.
So, Steve had stuffed his feelings down and let himself have a bit of fun. But that's all it was. It never meant anything and after every date he just felt miserable and hollow.
Steve finished talking to...Wendy? He thinks that's the blonde's name. He gives her a good recommendation. One both she and her boyfriend will like. Then he moved to take a stake of tapes to the horror section. He cursed loudly as he ends up knocking into a display. Steve's arm ful of movies landing on the floor.
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endlessxrealities · 2 months
Robin closed her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose, letting out the most frustrated sigh she’s probably ever given. “You absolutely dingus Harrington!” She scolds him, hitting his arm again, but a bit softer this time. “Alcohol is a truth serum. If the girl told you she liked you, she was telling the truth.”
She groaned, glancing in the direction of the back room, then back to Steve. “- and realistically, who cares what Dustin thinks?” She shakes her head, deciding she should word that better. “I mean, it’s his sister, yeah I get that; and you’re all bros before hoes or whatever, but if he was a good friend to you, and a good brother to her, he’d want you both to be happy, no matter if it was with each other. Stop letting other people come between you and happiness.”
Steve had let people come between him and happiness many times in his life. Tommy and Carol, his parents.. now Dustin, and the kid had never actually once indicated he’d have an issue with it if he actually liked her.
She tugs at the collar of his shirt, revealing a faded hickey, “- and what the hell is this? You trying to look like a douche?”
Lauren Henderson stared at Steve Harrington, like she usually did. She stood out in one of the aisles of tapes, meant to be putting things away, but she wanted to listen in on the disgusting flirting happening between worker and customer at the counter. “That could be you, you know.” Robin would say, coming up behind her to actually start doing the job Lauren had been tasked with. - “Robin I told you, okay? He and I talked at your birthday party last month, he isn’t interested in me like that.” Lauren sighed, also finally working, looking away from Steve. - “run it by me again.” Robin was teasing, no, tormenting her. - “I got hammered, confessed, he was kind about it, I got the wrong idea, tried to kiss him, then he gently explained to me how I was not his type and that it would be wrong, and I went home and cried myself to sleep.” The girl listed off without break, turning to give her queer friend a sarcastic smile. “Happy?” The girl scowled and moved around her to get to the Romance section. - “No, because he’s a dingus who’s very clearly into you.” Robins words had Lauren audibly laugh- briefly getting the attention of the blonde girl who was busy toying with Steve’s vest from across the counter; but she quickly returned to her attentions on Steve, and Lauren looked at Robin. “I’m sorry, are you blind, or deaf? Because 1. He’s got a sometimes literal line up of hot thin bimbos, and 2. This last week, he’s come in three out of five days with at least one hickey on his neck.” Lauren gestured with her hands, she was getting worked up the more Robin poked. And Robin had been poking… for weeks. “He went on lunch break last week and came back 20 mins later with a hickey, Robin. He’s got a whore on speed dial, okay? I’m just the dorky older sister of his best friend.” Robin didn’t seem to have a rebuttal for that one, and Lauren sighed and moved elsewhere to work. She hated blowing up at Robin like that, but she seriously could not take it on top of the regular torture of Steve still trying to be friends. How do you be friends with someone who literally owns your heart?
Steve felt regret. He did. It wasn't that he didn't want her. No, he so did but he knew what it was to be that hammered. As badly as he wanted to profess his own feelings for Lauren...That wasn't the time. He wanted her to remember it. That and he had to get up the courage to talk to Dustin about it...It didn't feel right since she was his older sister after all.
No, Steve had pushed her away. Prayed she wouldn't remember that night and he could work up the courage to tell her properly. Let her know how he'd liked her for about a solid year now.
From his experience, drinking and confessions didn't mix.
So, Steve had stuffed his feelings down and let himself have a bit of fun. But that's all it was. It never meant anything and after every date he just felt miserable and hollow.
Steve finished talking to...Wendy? He thinks that's the blonde's name. He gives her a good recommendation. One both she and her boyfriend will like. Then he moved to take a stake of tapes to the horror section. He cursed loudly as he ends up knocking into a display. Steve's arm ful of movies landing on the floor.
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