encore-encore-rpg · 4 years
.001: Long Time, No See!
Hello, good people of Chaplin Cove and those who write them! It’s been a while since we’ve done one of these, hasn’t it? And not just that, but for many, many of our characters, a while since we’ve really worked out what they’re up to lately and shared it with the world. Of course, we’re busy, they’re busy, it’s easy to get caught up in work and school and adult living. But lately, we’re all a little less busy than usual, so why not take advantage of it! For this prompt, tell a little about what your character has been up to lately (what’s their job been? are they going to school? what’s been going on in their personal lives? anything you think is relevant!) and on top of that, how has their life been impacted by current events (where have they been qu*rantining, and who with? are they an ess*ntial w*rker, have they been working from home? how have they been keeping themselves entertained?) Obviously we’re not making light of the subject, but given that it’s the state of the world, it’s an interesting and unique opportunity to write about and since we roleplay in real time, it’s obviously a chapter we’re not just ignoring. So what’s been up before, and what’s up now? Maybe even include a picture that shows what your character’s up to, whether it’s to premiere a new hair color they’ve dyed out of boredom, showing the people they’re hunkering down with, or just a reminder of how good they look. And hey, bonus challenge: see if you can get all of your characters done! 
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encore-encore-rpg · 4 years
next gen november is ON!
WELCOME TO THE YEAR 2037, 18 years into the future
It’s been a minute since we had any kind of AU week around here, so what do we do when we decide to have one again? Make it last a whole damn MONTH.
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Hey guys! Kina here, making an informal post bc I’m not about to mod but I absolutely will be mom friend. We’ve all been a little busy and haven’t really known how to properly kick off this AU month, so I figured I’d kickstart it with an announcement post as well as some tips I figured I’d share. Obviously nothing I have to say here is bible and everyone can do whatever they want but I figured I’d help solve some things abt how all this is gonna work. So if you’re interested in that, feel free to click the read more, otherwise let’s get this party started!
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OK SO obviously with the way we have our group set up these days, there’s a lot of room for confusion already, so adding an AU could make it even harder to navigate LMFAO but it’s NOT GONNA BC WE GONNA SOLVE PROBLEMS BEFORE WE EVEN HAVE THEM! Which, I mean, isn’t really hard bc we all know how to behave around here, the dumb bitches have been removed from the situation for years now and we all know how to treat each other, so most of this is just about the mechanics of things. 
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This AU is 18 years into the future, making it November 2037. For some perspective: Any babies that were born this year are 18 years old, and any that will be born within the next year will be 17. Characters that just turned 21 will be 39. If someone is 30, they are now 48 for a month. So basically, a lot of the kids will now be young adults and our current young adults will be middle-aged. Wild, right? 
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It’s gonna be expected for the kids of our characters to be plotted and probably even played some. That’s part of why we chose the time lapse that we did, so that we can get a look into the futures of Chaplin Cove’s next generation. Some will already be in their 20s, some will be teenagers, and some will still just be little—which is cool, because these would be the character babies that we’d never get to see in canon time or more recent future weeks. 
Being that we’ve posted as literal children on the dash in future weeks, I think it’s safe to say that any of the kids of the group can make posts and be RPed as. I doubt we’re going to want to involve ourselves in things like the dating lives of next gen characters (aka it feels fucking weird to rp stuff about s-e-x for the older versions of characters that are usually babies in the canon time, and it’s especially weird if said character isn’t 18+ yet so ABSOLUTELY don’t do that) but there’s nothing wrong with giving them plots, writing as them like they’re playable characters, etc. I think that’s always part of the fun of FWs. 
Oh, and unless it’s otherwise discussed among RP partners, I think it’s safe to assume that anyone who plays the parent of a next gen character is “allowed” to post as them during this AU. Hell, both partners can if they want to. Why the fuck not, really, it’s not like we do that dumb ~i play the mom so i automatically am the one that gets to play them~ shit LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.
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When it comes to our canon characters that are all now in their late 30s and 40s, It could be fun to use older FCs instead of the usual ones. However, since we all have so many OCs and don’t even know if we’re going to be using them all this month, it could also feel like big pressure to find suitable older FCs for all or even any of our characters. That being said, just do whatever you want here and don’t let it stop you from posting on the dash/enjoying the week. If you found someone that works, great! If you can’t find anyone or don’t want to bother, great! If you start off the month using the usual FC but later on find someone that works and use them for the rest of the month, great! This is just a fun added detail that should only be used for fun and not for added stress. Pls don’t worry if you can’t or don’t want to do this. 
When it comes to our next gen characters that are usually just kiddos and will now be full on people, probably talk with your RP partner about the face claim(s) of your kid(s). Even if it’s just like, hey what’s up I’m gonna make a post as our kid and I think I’m gonna use this fc, what do you think. Just something, no one should claim a shared kid without consulting their RP partner first. 
Oh, and across the board, faceclaims are totally allowed to repeat. We even do that with canon stuff now so don’t even worry about it. IMO this even means that you can use FCs of canon characters to represent next gen characters if you want. Don’t worry about anyone being “taken”. 
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Since we do multi-everything around here, there’s no reason why we can’t multi-everything but +18 years. The same way we just kind of respect other canons and know who would and would not be involved in what versions of an OC’s life, just keep doing for next gen. No one should have to feel left out for any reason, it should all just be fun, who cares, etc. etc. If anything gets confusing just talk with your RP partner(s) about it!
ALSO this means that characters that exist in more than one timeline may be different from one version of their AU to the next! In fact, they probably will. They may or may not have the same jobs, the same housing situation, same older FC, etc. but they may also be entirely different people (with different kids, who will probably be participating on the dashboard). Basically just do what you want to do with your characters and pay attention to everyone else’s. Talk with each other if anything seems confusing or not right.
That just kind of goes for everything, really: talk with each other if anything seems confusing or not right!
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Since everything is taking place in a vastly different universe than the current canon, it probably feels weird to just dive right in, especially since not everybody knows what your characters are doing. If it makes you feel more comfortable or organized, feel free to post brief summaries about any characters you want that let us know what they’re up to (I say brief because I don’t expect anyone to wanna write whole bios about their future OCs, but if you want to, go for it!). You can also just make posts that give exposition about your characters, like an IG picture that shows their future FC and gives some tidbits about their current job/life/etc., or a starter that has some info about what they’re up to on it, you get the gist. Just include any context you think the group would need to know. Also, make sure to respond to other people’s posts; anyone putting effort in is important and should be interacted with! 
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We should probably all tag our posts for the au. We usually do, and as usual, everyone can do whatever tagging system works best for them, and it will help keep everybody on the  same page (and make us remember that the dashboard is currently 18 years into the future). It also helps in case anyone has anything they want to post during this month that actually takes place in canon time, because those posts wouldn’t say anything about taking place in the AU. 
Also since it’s already a week into November and we haven’t done much, I’m sure we can shave some time off the beginning of December if we want to maximize our time in the AU. Alternatively, if we find ourselves over it and ready to go back to the canon by the time November is wrapping up, we can just end it there too. We can regroup to talk about it towards the end of the month, guage what everyone’s feeling.
And finally, don’t be afraid to post even if you don’t have everything figured out!!!!!!!!!! You can use only one character at a time if you want, figure it out as you go, make things up on the spot, w/e. But remember that this is supposed to be fun so don’t keep yourself from having a good time because you’re hyperfocused the details of everyone’s futures. It’s all an AU anyway, I tend to do these AUs knowing that things could be completely different by the time we do the next one based on things that will happen in the canon or between roleplayers along the way. We tend to make our future weeks set as like, the future that exists given things the way they are now, not necessarily set in stone in any way. So just remember that and don’t worry. Your character can be a serial killer this AU and then one day later down the road you decide to make her a CEO instead. It doesn’t matter, it’s all pretend, pls just have fun I beg of u all.
And so concludes my lil breakdown. If anyone has anything else they need to figure out, feel free to bring it up to me or anyone personally or hell just drop it in the gc. Otherwise, now it’s party time!
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encore-encore-rpg · 5 years
happy december, encore!
‘Tis the season for whichever holiday you prefer, and the joy is in the air! To celebrate, we’re going to bring back an old favorite RP tradition: Secret Santa! However, we’ll be doing it a little differently this year: instead of matching everyone up at random, you get to pick who your gifts go to! 
Why? Because not only will it be less work for everyone involved to put out a list of who’s getting involved and then figuring out pairs, but it’s actually a really great chance to connect some characters. In years’ past, we’ve had Secret Santa lead to friendships, hookups, and more, so start thinking about who your characters might have their eye on—whether it be someone they really want to be friends with but don’t know how to start a conversation, someone they have a crush on, someone they want to hook up with...whoever you want to get talking!
How? Go through your characters as well as everyone else’s (links to stats and muse pages will be provided at the end of this post) and figure out who could be in any way interested in someone else. Do they have common interests? Go to the same places but don’t really interact? Both have kids who could go on playdates? (Kids can get presents too, by the way!) Just see them on Tumblr and think “I’d like to get to know this person”? However they may know them, think up some gifts and post them on the dash (preferably tagged with #encoresecretsanta so we have something to follow) along with any kind of a note that can start a conversation, maybe even with some reasons as to why your character wants to get to know their recipient. Do this with as many characters, to as many characters, as you’d like! There are no limits on how many people you can use, how many times a character can gift to someone else, etc. Even if a character doesn’t live in the same location, you can say the gift was mailed. And if your character wants to gift back, go right ahead!
When? So that we don’t have to stress about deadlines, feel free to do this throughout the whole month of December. This gives everyone time to think and come up with presents at their leisure, so gift whenever the mood strikes!
This should be a fun way to get some new connections going and to get into the holiday spirit. Happy gifting!
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encore-encore-rpg · 6 years
go follow!
Hey everyone! Murder AU week will be starting October 15th at 8pm EST. I will be posting all the killings from a new page. It will help keep the AU week notifications away from the character posts I will be making through out the week. I am not going to post through the main page because I will be queueing everything and then it won’t be a surprise for Kina and Rach. A killer has been chosen. I will be sending out messages to everyone saying if they are not or are the killer. PLEASE DO NOT SHARE WHAT YOUR MESSAGE SAYS EVEN IF IT SAYS YOU ARE NOT THE KILLER! There are only 5 rpers participating and that will definitely narrow down who the killer can be. I am very excited to bring this to you guys and I hope you are as excited to participate. Please do follow sa5mauweek.tumblr.com. If I run another AU week in the future this is where the posts will be posted as well.
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encore-encore-rpg · 6 years
Hey, Fam!
Exciting news: our very lovely friend Sa5m has taken on the task of running a Murder Mystery AU for us this October! That’s right, this Halloween season we’ll be getting our third horror-themed AU week where a character in Chaplin Cove is killing off everyone else—but we need your help to get it set up!
Being that there are so many characters in this group, we can’t possibly include every single one of them in the victims, as it would just be way too much to write up. That being said, Sa5m has requested that any roleplayer looking to participate selects up to 15 characters to be thrown into the mix (please note that they may or may not all be included). You can message Sa5m on Discord with your list by Friday, September 14th. Please note that if you fail to due this, the involvement of your characters in the AU week will be determined by Sa5m.
Some tips from Kina about who you pick for your 15: 
Try to consider how familiar the group is with this character. Remember, victims are used to help set up clues, so any characters that haven’t made many appearances in the roleplay might not add to the story.
Definitely include your characters that have the most connections! This not only makes it easier for the group to get involved, but for the killer to plan their next move.
If you’re not sure Sa5m, herself, knows much about a character you include, be sure to give her some backstory. She’s already going to be taking time out of her busy schedule to set this up, so make it a little easier on her by making sure she knows what she’s working with without having to go hunt it all down herself.
Let her know if your character has any special connection to death, the occult, or anything else that could make them a candidate to be a poltergeist. The role of the poltergeists in these AU weeks are to be the only dead victims that can still communicate with the living world from the afterlife, so be sure to include any relevant information (i.e. fixation on a dead friend/relative/former lover, wicca- or pagan-type spirituality, has witnessed a death or even killed someone, general obsession with dying, etc.) to help Sa5m choose who gets to fill these roles. (Expect only one or two characters per roleplayer.)
So get excited for this spook-tacular event and be sure to send Sa5m your characters before the deadline if you want to be included. More information about it will be posted closer to the week, itself, which is still to be determined. A big shout-out to Sa5m for doing this for us as Rach and I had made it known we weren’t up to running it this year and Sa5m stepped up to the plate. Thank you so much and I’m sure I can speak for all of us when I say we’re very excited to see what you’ll have in store!
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encore-encore-rpg · 6 years
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The wait is finally over! After battling with beetles and re-audition or two, the moment you’ve all been waiting for is here. As always, directors Audrey, Wade, and myself would like to thank everyone who came out to audition and/or signed up to be apart of this production in some way, and for all of the patience everyone has showed along the way. We are pleased as ever with the turnout and know this production is going to be one for the books!
Congratulations are in order to everyone that got parts, whether multiple leads or supporting roles! This show doesn’t have an ensemble so there were cuts to be made, however, with 2 traditional casts and 1 genderbent cast, we were able to keep a majority of those who tried out. To anyone that didn’t get a “lead” or the role they necessarily wanted, you shouldn’t be discouraged from auditioning for future shows; you never know when the right part for you might come up. And to anyone who auditioned and didn’t end up with a role this time, know that most Chaplin shows do have an ensemble, so please do try out in the future—and you’re more than welcome to join a crew to help out behind the scenes! (
The two traditional casts are listed as Cast A and Cast B with the genderbent cast as Cast C. Since there is no ensemble, only actors in those casts will be performing on the days their cast is listed (if you’re listed first, you’re in Cast A, etc.). With the addition of a third cast, we will be adding matinee performances, just to make sure everyone has some more time to shine! The show dates and times and who will be on them are: 
week 1: • Friday, October 19th @ 8 PM (CAST A) • Saturday, October 20th @ 2 PM (CAST C) • Saturday, October 20th @ 8 PM (CAST B) • Sunday, October 21st @ 2 PM (CAST A) • Sunday, October 21st @ 7 PM (CAST C)
week 2: • Friday, October 26th @ 8 PM (CAST B) • Saturday, October 27th @ 2 PM (CAST A) • Saturday, October 27th @ 8 PM (CAST C) • Sunday, October 28th @ 2 PM (CAST B) • Sunday, October 28th @ 7 PM (CAST A)
week 2: • Friday, November 2nd @ 8 PM (CAST C) • Saturday, November 3rd @ 2 PM (CAST B) • Saturday, November 3rd @ 8 PM (CAST A) • Sunday, November 4th @ 2 PM (CAST C) • Sunday, November 4th @ 7 PM (CAST B) 
Until further notice, rehearsals will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-8 PM, and on Saturdays from 6-9:30 PM. They will begin on Thursday, August 16th. More dates and hours may be added over time to focus on specific leads, polish anything we may need to work on, and just get more time in for rehearsing. And of course, the week before opening night will be our tech week, so clear your schedules and be prepared to rehearse every night that week! (Times for tech week are still TBD and will vary depending on how ready we are). Also expect one or two brush-up rehearsals in the days between show weekends, just to make sure we don’t get rusty. Please also note that no understudies have been appointed as we have 3 entirely separate casts, so in the event that an understudy is needed, we will already have 2 leads from the other casts that we should be able to call in—so, leads, be prepared on your off days, just in case!
With all of that being said, we once again would like to thank everyone for their patience and enthusiasm, and for all of the time, hard work, and pure talent that will be put into these shows!  Without further ado, we present to you the crew cast lists for Chaplin Community Theatre’s production of Spring Awakening!
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Bentley Chandler (Costume Crew)
Charlotte Sterling (Makeup Team)
Claws Cruz (Directors’ Assistant)
Gerard Kiamos (Lighting Tech, Stage Crew)
Jade Sharkey (Set Design)
Jake White (Stage Crew)
Jersey Gallagher (Costume Crew Director)
Maggie Reyes (Stage Manager)
Monty Dargan (Prop Master, Stage Crew)
Naomi Savage (Makeup Team)
Parker Gallagher (Stage Construction Manager)
Percy Perkins (Sound Tech)
Piersyn Ward (Assistant Stage Manager)
Reese Pear (Set Design)
Victoria Palacios (Makeup Team)
(please note that there is still plenty of time to sign up for crew. all you have to do is submit your name and what position you’d like to join!)
Abel Elliot (Percussion)
Acadia Elliot (Bass, Cello)
Alec Blackhart (Percussion)
Axel Spader (Keyboard, Guitar, Viola)
Daphne Compton (Bass Guitar)
Gemini Salazar (Violin)
Oliver Elliot (Guitar)
Rylie Wright (Violin)
Scully Nightingale (Harmonium, Guitar)
Vincent Royal (Guitar)
(please note that you can also still join our pit band. just submit your name and instrument/s of choice and unless you’re told otherwise, you’re in!)
A / B
Wendla Bergman: Iris Dreamweaver / Georgie Madden
Melchior Gabor: Hayden Rias / Christian Valjean
Moritz Steifel: Neil Vannucchi / Elias Gambaro
Hanschen Rilow: Joel Bolton / Blake Blackhart
Ernst Robel: Cyan Blackhart / Oliver Elliot
Georg Zirschnitz: Charlie Gallagher / Xavion Bloodworth
Otto Lammermeier: Dean Gallagher / Levi Gambaro
Ilse Neumann: Abby Stone / Vendetta Novak
Martha Bessell: Bandit Trayne / Yumi Novak
Thea: Layney Moondust / Luciana Chandron
Anna: Olivia Sylve / Penelope Martinelli
Adult Male: Pierce Dreamweaver / Rob Moondust
Adult Female: Noah Jacobs / Suri Gambaro
Reformatory Boy 1: Vaughn Novak
Reformatory Boy 2: Calvin Worthington
Reformatory Boy 3: Levi Gambaro
Reformatory Boy 4: Dean Gallagher
Wendla Bergman: Xavion Bloodworth
Melchior Gabor: Vendetta Novak
Moritz Steifel: Petunia Perkins
Hanschen Rilow: Lila Gambaro
Ernst Robel: Jordyn Chandler
Georg Zirschnitz: Sinead Gambaro
Otto Lammermeier: Yumi Novak
Ilse Neumann: Hayden Rias
Martha Bessell: Neil Vannucchi
Thea: Cyan Blackhart
Anna: Jace Hunter
Adult Male: Ivy Collins
Adult Female: Joel Bolton
Reformatory Boy 1: Sinead Gambaro
Reformatory Boy 2: Eden Marguerite
Reformatory Boy 3: Logan Summers
Reformatory Boy 4: Layney Moondust
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encore-encore-rpg · 6 years
Just A Few Notices!
First of all, Vacation Week has obviously been delayed since we didn’t get around to posting about it in time for the original dates. We’ll have more on that soon...hopefully.
Second, I (Kina) am currently doing some updating on the main pages, so if there’s anything you see or know needs to be added, let me know!
Also we have a decent amount of Spring Awakening casting done but haven’t been able to get the lists finalized yet. Just assume Chaplin Theatre is dealing with beetles until we get that done lmfao.
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encore-encore-rpg · 6 years
Summer 2018 Upcoming Events
Hey, all! With Spring drawing to a close, we’re about to head into a pretty eventful season. Here’s some dates you’re gonna wanna put on your calendars!
NYC Pride Parade: Sunday, June 24
For anyone looking to go to one of the biggest, gayest celebrations of the year, the annual New York City LGBT Pride March will be held from 12:00 PM on 9:30 PM heading southward down Fifth Avenue and ending at Greenwich Village in Lower Manhattan. Dress for warm weather, bring sunscreen, stay hydrated, and prepare for lots and lots of rainbows! (info)
 Chaplin Prom: Friday, June 29
Chaplin Cove’s yearly prom will be taking place in the grand ballroom of the Palacios Hotel with doors opening at 5 PM for Chaplin High School seniors (and their dates) and then to the rest of the public at 8 PM, with the crowning of our prom court at 9:30 PM. As always, all are welcome to attend after the senior hours are over and formal dress is expected. If you have any ideas for prom theme or nominations, let us know!
Chaplin High School Graduation: Saturday, June 30
Taking place in the auditorium of Chaplin High School, the class of 2018 will be bidding their farewells and given their diplomas from 6 PM - 8:30 PM, with granting of scholarships and awards, performances from the Chaplin Band, and speeches from our principals and cherished staff/community members as well as valedictorian, Bentley Chandler. The ceremony opening and pledge of allegiance will be led by salutatorian, Briar Ward, followed by a performance of the national anthem by senior Scully Nightingale. The senior class, in green robes with white stoles, will be seated at the front of the auditorium save for the top 10 GPA students, in black robes with white stoles, who will have seats onstage. Cords and medals will also be worn by students with specific honors, as well as the gold/silver V-stoles and medallions for our valedictorian and salutatorian. Each student will also be given a graduation cap to match their robe and is highly encouraged to decorate it! Family, friends, faculty, staff, students, and anyone else in the community are more than welcome to attend as we send our seniors off.
Vans Warped Tour: Saturday, July 28
This might be your last chance to go to the always-popular summer tour, and the closest date to Chaplin County is the date in Wantagh, New York at the Jones Beach Ampitheatre. Doors open at 11 AM and bands start playing immediately, so be sure to get there early to get a good place on line! It is a rain or shine event so be sure to prepare for any type of weather, drink plenty of water, and stay as safe as possible because crowds can get rowdy. (info)
Chaplin Vacation: Thurs., August 5 – Wed., August 18
More info soon...stay tuned!
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encore-encore-rpg · 6 years
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Although the town of Chaplin Cove, itself, is pretty small, it—as well as its surrounding regions—makes up all of Chaplin County (though, people often refer to anything within it simply as “Chaplin”). You can find it on Long Island between Queens and Nassau County. Here you can find a breakdown of the area and some tidbits about each of its locations!
Founded in the early 1950′s and named after the classic actor, Charlie Chaplin, Chaplin Cove was one of the first North America suburbs, and to this day still acts as one. While its neighborhoods consist mostly of middle-class housing and apartment complexes, it also has plenty of shops and businesses (many of which have been around almost as long as the town has) along with parks, pools, a community center, and several other means of social interaction! It’s an “everybody knows everybody” sort of place with lots of community involvement and town pride, and is the first (and probably most famous!) of the county’s districts.
The heart of the county, Lake Chaplin was named alongside the town of Chaplin Cove. Being that each area of the county rests somewhere on its edges, it serves many purposes; from casual activities like fishing, boating, and swimming, to businesses based in or around it, it plays a very active role in a lot of Chaplin lifestyle, no matter where you live.
When Chaplin Cove began to gain interest, its previously-rural surroundings started to become urbanized, the biggest (and wealthiest) of them being Marilyn Pass (named after the iconic Marilyn Monroe). Despite its geographic advantage over the rest of the county, it homes the least amount of residents due to each of its mansions claiming wide expanses of private land. There are some high-end stores in the area, but most of it is occupied by personal, upper-class residences.
On the southern border of Chaplin Cove is a village known as Little Venice. Modeled after Venice, Italy, it centers around a man-made river carved out from Lake Chaplin. Within it, you’ll find multi-story architecture of businesses, restaurants, and houseboats, as well as bridges and gondola rides reminiscent of the town’s European inspiration. While serving as a tourist trap, as well as a popular hangout and date spot for locals, owning or renting a home there is possible with an upper-middle class income.
Named after actress Audrey Hepburn, Hepburn Haven rests in the middle of the county, and is home to several gated communities. Popular also among the upper-middle class, its neighborhoods pride themselves on both quality and community, exclusive to its residences and their guests. Each complex in the area can have houses or apartments, depending on the price range, and guarantee services such as private pools, gyms, and daycare centers, as well as personal ferry rides across the lake to the other end of the township, all with 24/7 security. Like Marilyn Pass, it also has a few businesses, but is mostly known for its home properties. 
The “south side” of Chaplin County, named after actor James Dean, is Deanborough. Notorious for being lower class, its inhabitants have reputations for being poor, improper, and often dangerous. While this isn’t always the case and much of the area is simply made up of small businesses, trailer parks, and lower-income housing, the presence of gang conflict doesn’t help—the two leading groups being the Hellhounds, of West Deanborough, and the Goblins, of East Deanborough. Close geographic distance, moral differences, and even dominance over Lake Chaplin are only a few of the issues that cause terf wars amongst the two, but both of their attraction to members throughout Chaplin County give all of Deanborough a bad name.
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encore-encore-rpg · 6 years
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Audition Deadlines are Monday, May 21st!
Just a reminder that Spring Awakening auditions should be in by midnight! While we’ll still welcome them afterwards, we’re going to begin casting as soon as possible, so you’ll want to get them in now for a better shot at being cast! For more information, check back on our first post about it!
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encore-encore-rpg · 6 years
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Audition Deadlines are Monday, May 21st!
Just a reminder that Spring Awakening auditions are due in four days. For more information, check back on our first post about it!
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encore-encore-rpg · 6 years
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Audition Deadlines are Monday, May 21st!
Just a reminder that Spring Awakening auditions are due in one week. For more information, check back on our first post about it!
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encore-encore-rpg · 6 years
Lights, Camera...Action!
Encore Encore RPG is Officially Open!
Again, there is no rush, so feel free to start posting at your leisure. But just know that we are ready for action and very excited to see what’s in store for this next chapter of our community!
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encore-encore-rpg · 6 years
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We Here at Chaplin Community Theatre Thank You For Your Patience...
As many of you know, our beloved theater has recently been put on a temporary hiatus due to a re-infestation of the infamous powderpost beetles. But, with the hard work of both our exterminators and carpenters, we are in the recovery process and the theater should be up and running again soon—and with it, our production of Spring Awakening!
Unfortunately, with our previous auditions having been months ago, a lot of information has been changed, lost, or damaged. That being said, we find it in the show’s best interests to hold auditions and signups once again (more details on that to follow). 
Forgot the details about this performance? Never fear! We’ve still got those. For this production, we will be doing something very special and very unique: our first genderbent show! We will be double-casting, and while Cast A will feature binary actor-role casting, Cast B will leave all roles open for all genders and will mostly consist of casting choices that would not be made in the show's traditional setting. Because of certain plot points (especially pregnancy) some of the characters genders will have to still be true to the script (meaning actors will in some way be in drag, rather than gender-swapping the character entirely) but details about character genders, pronouns, and costumes can be decided later in the season when the casts are in place. Every actor will be in both casts, whether as a main role or a supporting one, so everyone will basically be learning the entire show two ways and have to be willing to do some type of genderbent costuming. Also note that since each show will be very different, we are open to double-casting actors in leads (meaning, a girl can be cast as a female lead in Cast A and a male lead in Cast B). How much double casting will depend on the turnout for auditions, and if there's enough, we may do more than two casts! 
Please also note that this production contains many adult themes (including sexuality, molestation, suicide, and death) so keep the following in mind: 
• Your Well-Being (ic and ooc): If you (or any of your characters!) don’t feel comfortable participating in a show with potentially triggering scenes, or just don’t want to be involved in scenes with certain triggers, we will totally understand your absence from the show or work with you to ensure you’re not involved in anything that would hurt you. (If you’re concerned about triggers but want to know more, feel free to ask!) • Nudity And Sexual Scenes: A few characters get partially naked and scandalous; Hanschen has an extensive onstage masturbation scene (although no genitals are actually shown), the Adult Female opens her shirt to reveal her bra and motorboats Georg/allows him to grope her, and, of course, Wendla exposes her breasts and Melchior pulls down the back half of his pants and underwear during their sex scene and its reprise (please note that although the goal is just for Melchior’s butt to show, it’s very likely some amount of genitals get exposed in the undressing process). If you wouldn’t be comfortable performing any of these acts onstage, make sure to let us know!
• Parental Permission: Although we won’t be allowing any minors to get naked or participate in sexual roles, you are still very much welcome in the cast and eligible for any other part. However, given the mature nature of the musical, all minors participating in this production will need written permission from a parent or guardian to do so (so make sure any of your minor characters that audition would have that, or at least be willing to forge it).
If all of that checks out and you want to audition—and we sure hope that lots of you do!—be sure to submit the following here: 
• Name:  • Roles Interested In (optional):  • Vocal Part (optional):  • Skill levels for singing, acting, and dancing (optional):  • Any other notes you may have, especially ones pertaining to triggers, explicit scenes, or roles you know you don’t want:
(You can audition simply by submitting names, but including vocal part and skill levels will increase chances of being cast as it helps us to know who is capable of what.) 
If you are interested in any other position in the production (pit band, stage crew, set design, lighting, makeup team, etc.) just submit your name and what field you’d like to be apart of (including what instrument(s) you can play for pit band). These are unpaid positions with the exception of costume crew (which you can inquire about with our current costume director, Jersey Madden) and set construction (which you can inquire about with our current construction manager, Parker Gallagher).
A few more notes about auditions: 
• You can still be cast for a role that you don’t indicate interest in. We just like knowing when people have preferences. It helps with decisions.
• You might get two parts, or no parts at all. We are going to try and include as many people as we can, but given that this is a show with a limited number of roles, cuts may be made. Alternatively, we may cast people as more than one character, lead or not.
• The bigger our turnout, the more casts we can have! We are prepared to have as many as 4 casts (two binary, two genderbent) if we have that many people audition! That would mean maximum chances of you guys getting good roles and minimum chances of anyone getting cut. Just saying!
Auditions will be held throughout the weekend of May 19th (so submissions will be “due” by Monday, May 21st. You’re welcome to submit auditions as long as the cast list hasn’t been posted, but note that we are going to start making final casting decisions followng the deadline, so you’ll have a better chance of characters being cast if your submissions are in before then!)
This show is a long-time favorite of the directors' and we're very excited for both the traditional and unique takes we will be putting on it, so we look forward to seeing you all there!
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encore-encore-rpg · 6 years
Get Ready for Opening Night!
Hey, all! With all of these blogs made and all of this excitement brewing, it’s high time we get to posting, don’t you think? We will officially be “opening” the community for dashboard posting this Friday, May 4th! Obviously there’s no rush to be ready that day (and nothing stopping anyone from posting before it) but we figured having an “official” starting date would get everyone on the same page. Who’s excited? We know we are!
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encore-encore-rpg · 6 years
Welcome to Encore Encore RPG!
Did somebody say something about an encore? Welcome to the main page of our new Tumblr RP home! We know our personal roleplay blogs aren’t finished yet, but we wanted to get everyone on the same page—literally!
To get started, feel free to check the follow page so that you can follow all of the blogs that we have so far, and the guidelines to see what you can expect for this community. From there, you can look around, see what we have so far, submit any missing info, and get ready to rumble!
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