enby-ernhardt ¡ 7 hours
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enby-ernhardt ¡ 8 hours
I know a lot of people miss the Blades 1 seduction skill because of the sheer hilarity of how chaotic MC could be and how everyone would be scandalized by who they'd flirt with, and you know what? I do, too.
But what I find myself missing more right now is the beastmaster skill. Just MC being a walking Disney Princess, talking to animals they have no business knowing how to communicate with, leaving everyone in shock because how'd they learn to do that? How are they making that sound with their mouth? What in the actual fuck?
I miss that.
Consider: the owlbear cub getting fussy and MC just starting to soothe it with little chirps and hoots, mimicking it perfectly. The cub calms down and starts doing it back, the two of them communicating back and forth. The party members who never witnessed MC do anything like this are just like ??? but the b1 squad is just like "yeah, classic MC"
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enby-ernhardt ¡ 8 hours
I am sorry to everyone who tagged me in some tag game and I never responded. I saw it and thought “aww they thought of me” and proceeded to forget about it right after
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enby-ernhardt ¡ 9 hours
I lowkey want a fic where Palpatine gets exposed because he’s in a bad mood, not paying much attention, and accidentally answers a holocom from somebody looking for the Supreme Chancellor as Darth Sidious. Example: *Separatists have just suffered a major defeat and everyone in the CIS keeps calling him for advice* *incoming call* Sidious: “Tyrannus if you cannot resolve this situation on your own then perhaps you are not worthy to be my Apprentice!” “…Master Yoda, this is.”
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enby-ernhardt ¡ 10 hours
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help he's so funny
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enby-ernhardt ¡ 10 hours
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that is fucked
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enby-ernhardt ¡ 11 hours
Little cat wakes up and stretches after a beautiful nap
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enby-ernhardt ¡ 11 hours
Witchy Names for Herbs
I’ve always found it interesting how witches are portrayed in Hollywood throwing actual animal parts into their cauldrons. So I looked it up since I’ve never seen a spell that truly called for animal parts, “Eye of Newt” and such, though I’m sure there are a few out there. And I stumbled onto this list. I love it! I think everyone should share it. 
A Bone of an Ibis: Buckthorn  Adders Tongue: Dogstooth Violet  A Titan’s Blood: Wild Lettuce  A Lion’s Hairs: Tongue of a Turnip (the leaves of the taproot)  A Man’s Bile: Turnip Sap  A Pig’s Tail: Leopard’s Bane  A Hawk’s Heart: Heart of Wormwood  An Eagle: Wild Garlic  Ass’s Foot or Bull’s Foot: Coltsfoot  Blood: Elder sap or another tree sap  Blood of Hephaistos: Wormwood  Burning Bush: White Dittany  Bread and Cheese Tree: Hawthorne  Blood from a Head: Lupine  Bird’s Eye: Germander Speedwell  Blood of Ares: Purslane  Blood of a Goose: Mulberry Tree’s Milk  Bloodwort: Yarrow  Blood of Hestia: Chamomile  Blood of an Eye: Tamarisk Gall  Blood from a Shoulder: Bear’s Breach  Bat’s Wings: Holly  Black Sampson: Echinacea  Bull’s Blood or Seed of Horus: Horehound  Bear’s Foot: Lady’s Mantle  Calf’s Snout: Snapdragon  Cat’s Foot: Canada Snake Root and/or Ground Ivy  Candelmas Maiden: Snowdrop  Capon’s Tail: Valerian  Christ’s Ladder: Centaury  Cheeses: Marsh Mallow  Chocolate Flower: Wild Geranium  Christ’s Eye: Vervain Sage  Clear-eye: Clary Sage  Click: Goosegrass  Cucumber Tree: Magnolia  Clot: Great Mullein  Corpse Plant: Indian Pipe  Crowdy Kit: Figwort  Cuddy’s Lungs: Great Mullein  Crow Foot: Cranesbill  Cuckoo’s Bread: Common Plantain  Clear Eye: Clary Sage  Crow’s Foot: Wild Geranium  Devils Dung: Asafoetida  Dragon’s Blood: Calamus  Dog’s Mouth: Snap Dragon  Daphne: Laurel/Bay  Devil’s Plaything: Yarrow  Dove’s Foot: Wild Geranium  Dew of the Sea: Rosemary  Dragon Wort: Bistort  Earth Smoke: Fumitory  Eye of Christ: Germander Speedwell  Elf’s Wort: Elecampane  Enchanter’s Plant: Vervain  Englishman’s Foot: Common Plantain  Erba Santa Maria: Spearmint  Everlasting Friendship: Goosegrass  Eye of the Day: Common Daisy  Eye of the Star: Horehound  Eye Root: Goldenseal  Eyes: Aster, Daisy, Eyebright  Frog’s Foot: Bulbous Buttercup  From the Loins: Chamomile  Fat from a Head: Spurge  Fairy Smoke: Indian Pipe  Felon Herb: Mugwort  From the Belly: Earth-apple  From the Foot: Houseleek  Five Fingers: Cinquefoil  Fox’s Clote: Burdock  Graveyard Dust: Mullein  Goat’s Foot: Ash Weed  God’s Hair: Hart’s Tongue Fern  Golden Star: Avens  Gosling Wing: Goosegrass  Graveyard Dust: Mullein  Great Ox-eye: Ox-eye Daisy  Hairs of a Hamadryas Baboon: Dill Seed  Hair of Venus: Maidenhair Fern  Hag’s Taper: Great Mullein  Hagthorn: Hawthorn  Hare’s Beard: Great Mullein  Herb of Grace: Vervain  Hind’s Tongue: Hart’s Tongue Fern  Holy Herb: Yerba Santa  Holy Rope: Hemp Agrimony  Hook and Arn: Yerba Santa  Horse Tongue: Hart’s Tongue Fern  Horse Hoof: Coltsfoot  Hundred Eyes: Periwinkle  Innocense: Bluets  Jacob’s Staff: Great Mullein  Joy of the Mountain: Marjoram  Jupiter’s Staff: Great Mullein  King’s Crown: Black Haw  Knight’s Milfoil: Yarrow  Kronos’ Blood: sap of Cedar  Lady’s Glove: Foxglove  Lion’s Tooth: Dandelion  Lad’s Love: Southernwood  Lamb’s Ears: Betony  Little Dragon: Tarragon  Love in Idleness: Pansy  Love Leaves: Burdock  Love Lies Bleeding: Amaranth/Anemone  Love Man: Goosegrass  Love Parsley: Lovage  Love Root: Orris Root  Man’s Health: Ginseng  Maiden’s Ruin: Southernwood  Master of the Woods: Woodruff  May: Black Haw  May Lily: Lily of the Valley  May Rose: Black Haw  Maypops: Passion Flower  Mistress of the Night: Tuberose  Mutton Chops: Goosegrass  Nose Bleed: Yarrow  Old-Maid’s-Nightcap: Wild Geranium  Old Man’s Flannel: Great Mullein  Old Man’s Pepper: Yarrow  Oliver: Olive  Password: Primrose  Pucha-pat: Patchouli  Peter’s Staff: Great Mullein  Priest’s Crown: Dandelion leaves  Poor Man’s Treacle: Garlic  Queen of the Night: Vanilla Cactus  Queen of the Meadow: Meadowsweet  Queen of the Meadow Root: Gravelroot  Ram’s Head: American Valerian  Red Cockscomb: Amaranth  Ring-o-bells: Bluebells  Robin-run-in-the-grass: Goosegrass  Semen of Helios: White Hellebore  Semen of Herakles: Mustard-rocket  Semen of Hermes: Dill  Semen of Hephaistos: Fleabane  Semen of Ammon: Houseleek  Semen of Ares: Clover  Seed of Horus: Horehound  Sparrow’s Tongue: Knotweed  Soapwort: Comfrey or Daisy  Shepherd’s Heart: Shepherd’s Purse  Swine’s Snout: Dandelion leaves  Shameface: Wild Geranium  See Bright: Clary Sage  Scaldhead: Blackberry  Seven Year’s Love: Yarrow  Silver Bells: Black Haw  Sorcerer’s Violet: Periwinkle  St. John’s Herb: Hemp Agrimony  St. John’s Plant: Mugwort  Star Flower: Borage  Star of the Earth: Avens  Starweed: Chickweed  Sweethearts: Goosegrass  Tarragon: Mugwort  Tartar Root: Ginseng  Thousand Weed: Yarrow  Thunder Plant: House Leek  Tanner’s Bark: Toadflax  Torches: Great Mullein  Tongue of dog: Houndstongue  Tears of a Hamadryas Baboon: Dill Juice  Unicorn Root: Ague Root  Unicorn’s Horn: False Unicorn  Unicorn Horn: True Unicorn Root  Wax Dolls: Fumitory  Weazel Snout: Yellow Archangel  White: Ox-eye Daisy  White Wood: White Cinnamon  Witch’s Asprin: White Willow Bark  Witch’s Brier: Brier Hips  Weasel Snout: Yellow Archangel  Wolf Foot: Bugle Weed  Wolf Claw: Club Moss  Wolf’s Milk: Euphorbia  Weed: Ox-Eye Daisy  White Man’s Foot: Common Plantain 
I did not make this list. I found it here: http://lebanon-pagans.tripod.com/id14.html
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enby-ernhardt ¡ 12 hours
Today was chore day and Patches was VERY HELPFUL
HELPED with laundry (got inside the laundry basket and chewed on the mesh)
HELPED with mopping the kitchen (stood in the way because the mop was interesting to her)
HELPED with mopping the bathroom (walked across the wet floor and sat there on the wet floor with her wet little paws)
HELPED with groceries (BIT my red bell peppers BIT them with her TEETH)
HELPED with vacuuming (sat on the couch and watched me vacuum living room. sat on dining room chair and watched me vacuum dining room. sat on)
HELPED with garbage (tried sneaking out front door while I was heading to throw away the trash)
HELPED with cleaning the bathroom (sniffed and said "oh I don't care for that actually" and left)
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enby-ernhardt ¡ 13 hours
That was EPIC! Good on you for standing your ground
AITA for killing my character and quitting a D&D game I was part of?
Apologies in advance but this is going to be rather long, I'll put a TL;DR at the bottom.
So this all started about eleven months ago when I (14, she/they/he) started getting into D&D, and joined a D&D group thanks to a friend of mine we'll call T (14, he/they). The group was made up of about five people total, but the main people in this situation are me, T, and the DM who we'll call N (15, he/him).
Now when I was making my character, T was helping me out by letting me describe what sort of character I wanted and suggesting different races, classes etc to make it work how I wanted, and what we ended up with was a Pact of the Undead warlock. The backstory of my character was that their older brother died defending them from an invasion of the village they lived in.
My character managed to make contact with their spirit in the afterlife and formed a "pact" with them, gaining power in exchange for letting him "look after them" (i.e. keep watch over them from the afterlife, protect them from harm, all that sorta thing). T told me to run the final concept past N but that they were sure it'd be allowed and that the pact idea was really sweet.
So I told N about my character and the backstory idea like T suggested and N seemed really on board with the whole thing, though he wanted to make a few slight changes to things in secret that would come up during the campaign, to make things more exciting I guess.
I told him I was alright with that, as long as nothing about who the pact was with and what it was for changed too much. He assured me that it wouldn't and that he'd get back to me on what changes he was planning, but he never did, and at the time I just put that down to him being busy.
The campaign starts, and for the first few months things are going pretty good. I do notice that a lot of NPCs, in fact nearly every non-child NPC, seems to be flirting(?) with my character, but I don't think too much of it at first, she is a young elven woman with blonde hair and silver eyes and everyone in the group has said that she's very pretty.
It isn't until one of the others who is also playing an elven character points out that they've been on the receiving end of essentially racism towards elves from NPCs who have simultaneously been showering my character with compliments that I start realizing how frequent and honestly rather obsessive it is, and as mentioned, just how many of the NPCs are doing it.
Then we get to T's character arc, exploring his character's backstory and helping them with things that come up. However, there are certain characters that are introduced that, out of character, T reacts rather negatively to, and when I ask him outside of session what's going on he confides in me that N is changing elements of his backstory that he'd told him he didn't want changing. As an example, T wrote that their character's mother was never part of their character's life growing up.
One of the characters we met was the character's mother, who was instead apparently a very prominent part of their life and cared greatly about them "not that they ever noticed". He also changed the character of T's father from "kind and caring man who did his best to raise his child alone and teach them how to defend themselves" to "stubborn, angry and neglectful father that is constantly disappointed in his son", which completely blindsided and upset T.
T also said that he'd tried talking to N about this but that the response had ended up being, to put it bluntly, "I'm the DM so I have the final say in things". This started to worry me, especially when I realized that N had never gotten back to me with his "proposed changes" to my backstory.
So I sent him a message, but because I didn't want to drag T into my own business with N I decided to say something along the lines of "hey, did you ever figure out what you wanted to change about my backstory?". He messaged back and said that he'd figured it out, but that things with school were so busy that he hadn't had time to sit down and properly write it all out to send to me yet, but assured me that he would by the time T's arc was over.
Several more months passed with no further word from N about my character's backstory, and as T's arc wraps up there's this idea that starts getting brought up, of how demons often exploit the grief of mortals to latch onto them and claim their souls by impersonating the dead person.
The others in the group all latch onto this and start speculating about how exactly the demons use impersonation to claim souls, except for T who gives me this rather worried look from across the table, and it suddenly hits me that this is probably meant to be the opening of my character arc.
I pull N aside after the game is over for the night and ask him directly if this is the opening to my character arc, and he says that it is, but not to worry because the demon thing is, to quote, "just being brought up to get the others interested". I remind him about what I told him about not wanting anything to change about who the pact was with and what it was for, and ask him again what changes he's made to my backstory.
He promises he'll have a full list to me by the start of next session, that we'll have time to sit down together and discuss it all even, and that he won't do anything I don't want him to do. Despite my concerns and the fact that he has already said several times he'll send me this list without doing it, I decide, like a fool, to trust him, even though in hindsight I had absolutely no reason to by this point.
The next session rolls around, and of course there's no list, instead a lot of NPCs who start voicing concern whenever my character brings up the fact she's a warlock, or her dead brother, especially if the pair come up in quick succession. One of the other characters figures out what's going on and asks if they can basically cast some sort of spell to determine if a demon's got control of my soul, which N agrees to, and the spell determines that yes, that's exactly what's going on.
I immediately confront N, mid-session, and tell him outright that this isn't fair, that I told him I didn't want him to change this part of my backstory, and I wanted him to change it back immediately or I wasn't going to play anymore. He started on this long-winded response basically summarizing as "I'm the DM, I can do what I want".
This is the part where I may be the asshole, because well, I saw red in that moment, and decided I not only wanted to follow through on my threat of quitting, but also do something to ensure that my point was driven home.
I fired off a quick message to T on my phone warning him what I was about to do, and while the others were talking about what to do to help me I loudly announced that my character was stabbing herself through the heart, which N had previously ruled would be an instant method of death if carried out.
Silence falls over the group. N tells me that I need to roll to see if I even hit, which I argue (with T backing me up) that if my character is willing to get hurt then it's automatically a hit. N tells me that I need to roll to see if I even pierce my heart. Okay, fine, I roll, and as luck would have it I roll a Nat 20. N attempts to send me just to death saves, but I remind him (again, with T backing me up) that he'd ruled that this was an instant death.
So then he tries to have an NPC cleric show up and revive my character, but T brings up that the soul has to be willing to return to life for that to work, and I immediately say that my character wouldn't even be able to consent to that if her soul was held by a demon, nor would she even be willing if she could. Then I tell N directly that he can consider this my official resignation from the group and walk out, and T follows along behind me after a few minutes.
Ever since then N's been blowing up my phone, fluctuating between begging for me to rejoin the group and promising that he'll do things differently this time, and calling me a selfish bastard for "ruining the fun". T still goes to sessions occasionally, though I think now it's just to spectate, and he's said that maybe things went a little far with the character death in hindsight. And honestly, I'm not exactly proud of how I acted now either.
TL;DR -- I joined a D&D campaign where the DM has made unwanted changes to my character's backstory, despite my attempts to communicate with him, so I retaliated by killing my character mid-session and refusing to let him revive her before quitting. AITA?
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enby-ernhardt ¡ 14 hours
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enby-ernhardt ¡ 14 hours
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enby-ernhardt ¡ 15 hours
so they said i should change my icon
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enby-ernhardt ¡ 15 hours
My new YouTube video: A DM’s Guide to Ranged Combat is now live! Please go give it a watch!
If you’re a DM looking for a way to challenge your overspecced crossbow player, or just generally make mixed-range combat more interesting and enjoyable, it’s full of helpful tips and visualisations. Plus, supporting these long videos really helps keep my channel alive and funds more future content!
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enby-ernhardt ¡ 16 hours
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While we wait for a second printing of my book, here's a new comic l've been working on in between other projects that I finally finished. This is actually my longest comic ever, at just under 40 pages. 😵‍💫 I'll be sharing more parts of it this week but of course you can read the whole thing early for just a buck! Here!
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enby-ernhardt ¡ 16 hours
Atton Rand: Hey, it’s nice to meet you.
Kreia: This galaxy is imperfect.
Atton Rand: What?
Kreia: If only I could wipe away the impurities…
Atton Rand: Is anyone else listening to this?
Kreia: And make it as beautiful as me!
[five hours later]
The Exile: *gasp* Kreia! You were behind all this!
Atton Rand:
Kreia: Yes, it was I! My machinations lay undetected, for I am a master of deception!
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enby-ernhardt ¡ 17 hours
Time machine
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