elysiumblue · 6 months
Pick a card - Stop worrying! 😄
Hi. Things do be happening recently so I feel that it will be helpful if I do a general reading on helping you to stop worrying on something.
The messages of this reading are more specific than expected, so don't force the messages to fit if it's not right for you. You can always choose another pile or another reading. Also the messages are quite heavy so don't read it if you're not ready for intense messages.
Anyway, I hope this reading can help you to stop worrying about things and create something better in the future.
👇🏻 Pick an emoji that you felt drawn to 👇🏻
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And find the corresponding reading for you below!
Pile 1
I can see that you're at your breaking point. You're so mentally, or maybe even physically drained. It feels like the weight of the whole world and your whole past is crashing on you, and you have zero idea how to deal with this situation.
Idea. All you need is an idea to get out of all this crap, and to be more precise, a new idea. I can see some of you are currently suffering from being screwed over by fake friends, backstabbers, or suffering the consequences of that kind of situation. You're so tired of having to deal with stupid people constantly, and hey, this is where the problem lies. You're surrounded by crappy people and this is why you cannot get out of this nightmarish state. You need to talk to better people.
You need to meet and talk to wise people, such as a teacher, a spiritual advisor, a priest, or maybe even your own father. I can see that they're probably a male and are older than you. The older people part may not match your situation but I can feel it strongly that they are a male. If you're not able to talk to someone physically, then you should read some new books or videos and receive new ideas from those people. Anyway, that wise man will teach you how to get out of the situation and become a better person living a better life. Even if they're not helping with your situation directly, there will be something they tell you that will give you a lightbulb moment, and set you free from the situation. He will make you realize your worth again, and remind you that you don't need to be stuck with those losers to make your life work, because you are always good enough on your own.
If you're working on a new project and are worrying about how can you pull it off without the "help" of those "friends" and "allies", you should really stop worrying about the consequences of cutting them off because I can see that there will be better people connecting with you after you ditching those losers. They may not be as experienced as the people you are with now, but they have the passion and most importantly, they will not screw you over. They may not look friendly or may be the type that doesn't want to make friends, but it doesn't mean that they're here to make enemies. Sometimes, you don't have to be friends with your partners to make things work. You both just have to focus on the same goal, put more effort in the goal and less effort in making drama instead.
Pile 2
I can see that you're mourning the loss of someone, who is/was probably a female. They can be still alive or not. I can hear a very specific situation that someone is being haunted by the loss of their mother and is having nightmares about it. For some of you, it can be a breakup.
Anyway, I can see that you're not living in the present. You're still fixating on the past and you really have to move on. Memories are just memories in your brain and sometimes they're not even that real. The more you hold on to them, the more distorted they become, like a worn out book you read too many times, or an old photo that you take out to look at for too many times. The past you think that is beautiful, may not be as beautiful as they are. Also, going back to the past is not an option in this world. You can only move on and move further away from the past as time goes on. It will be better for you if you focus on being optimistic and creating a better future, instead of holding onto the past.
Believe in yourself. You can be happy on your own and create something great that's truly belongs to you, and will never leave you. What you truly owns can be with you for the rest of your life, like achievements and talents. I can hear a very specific advice that you should try make a movie of your life, and it will lead to great success. Anyway, don't be a slave of the past, and also anyone from the past. You always have control over your own life. Time to discover your true self and write your own story.
Pile 3
The situation I see for pile 3 is quite specific, so if it doesn't fit, this is not your pile and you can choose another one/ another reading.
You are extremely jealous of someone. It feels like their beauty or their talent is shining so bright that it hurts your eyes and their existence is reminding you how useless you are. You really want to do something to get rid of the negativity this person brought to your life so your mind can finally be at peace. However, I can see that the approach you're planning to use is not really nice. For some of you, you may be the one that is receiving the jealousy and it's a heads up for you to tell you someone is plotting some not so nice things on you. If this is the case, then just read this message in a different perspective.
This reading is to remind you that your tricks will not work as it is not backed up by the universe. It will be better for you to give up your plans because it will not work the way you wanted anyway, so giving up is the best option.
You probably feel very hurt by this person, but you have to remember that they are doing anything to hurt you. They are using their gifts and it shall not be a reason for them to be punished. Everyone is gifted in something but it will be harder to find your gift if you focus too much on why you're so bad at something. Instead of plotting on them, use the energy to better yourself. Even if your talent is the same as them, and it seems that you are not able to be better than them no matter how hard you try, it still doesn't mean that you should give up on yourself. Sometimes you just happen to meet a genius that is sent to earth to be good at that thing. But it still doesn't mean that you should stop trying, because life is not a competition. If doing that thing is what makes you happy, then continue doing it. Focus on the joy it brings you, instead of comparing yourself to others. Only you can make yourself happy and that person is worse than you in doing this.
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elysiumblue · 7 months
Pick a card - What chapter you need to burn down? 🔥
Hi everyone. It’s been a while since I last posted here. It’s because I am working a full time job now. I wanted to do a general reading for you all in the full moon in Aries so badly but unfortunately I didn’t have the stamina to do it that time. However, I believe that it’s never too late to throw some pages of the old chapter to fuel the new chapter. That’s why I still decided to do the general reading I intended for the full moon in Aries now.
I hope the quality of the reading is still here and I am still helpful for you all. Or maybe better, that I become better at doing reading as I make some personal progress. Anyway, I hope this reading can bring some positive changes to you.
As this is a general reading, just take what resonates and leave the rest behind! Don’t force things to fit your situation if it’s not making any sense at all! Also, sometimes you may pick the wrong pile so maybe you can pick another one if this happens.
👇🏻 Pick an image that you felt drawn to 👇🏻
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And find the corresponding reading for you below!
Pile 1
I can see that you are swinging between two options, deciding whether you should continue tolerating and use your skills to try fix or slowly nudge a situation to a better direction, or just fuck it and tell those who are messing around and making all this mess to fuck off. The first option may probably be what you always do, while it's like the first time the second option comes up in your head. This reading is to tell you to try a new approach and just go with the second option.
You have dimmed your light and lower yourself for others for too long. You may probably brainwash yourself that it is a service for others so you can feel better when doing this. You feel barely good enough to continue the things you're doing, but you don't really want to continue repeating this as it never truly makes you happy. To be honest, it's even tiring to always be the one that fixes things, or at least have the expectation to do that. This reading is a call for you to stop this behaviour.
This is a lesson for you to understand your value, and to respect yourself. Those people are sent to your life to remind you how ridiculous it is to disrespect yourself and tolerate them. It's almost like the universe is trying to give you a lesson in a "funny" way. If you continue taking yourself as a joke and help those people to wipe their asses, the universe will continue laughing at you. I can see that you have skills and knowledge and even the correct timing to break from this cycle, so it's time to stop carrying the burdens of others and live for yourself.
Yes, you don't have to wait for the correct timing and continue perfecting the plan to fix whatever problems or people, because the perfect timing is literally here and the best action to take is to quit and say goodbye to those people. Maybe all that waiting is just an excuse to procrastinate, because you don't feel that you're good enough to be on your own. However, it really seems that it's worse if you continue sticking with people that just stay here to mess things up. You may not be perfect now, but you can take steps to be more perfect by being better, like taking the better option instead of settling with a worse choice.
You have the power to make a change for yourself on your own, just like how you believe you have the power to help fix all those problems from others yourself when no one cares to help you or even themselves. You are always strong enough, so why use all these power to be a doormat under people's feet, when you can stand so tall and touch the stars.
You really deserve better than this.
(It is a confirmation that you will be successful on your own. For some of you, I can see that the song is an indication of a toxic partner keep clinging on you, hoping that you can fix all their problems by providing all the help you can offer, but is never appreciative, or it feels that it's never enough no matter how much you've done. It's time to leave them if that's the case. They may be able to cause some damage to your reputation for now, but I can really feel that you can pull off stuff much shadier than them, that can guarantee they never mess with you again, if they dare to do a thing to you. 💀)
Pile 2
Although I cannot see the specific situation you're in, I can see that you're stuck in some sort of cycle that has repeated for way too many times. You may think that continue to go with the flow is much easier, as you have done it so many times before. However, this time, you're too exhausted to go through this again. It's like the first time you sincerely want to take a break from that. This reading is here to confirm that you can indeed take a break from that, and even better, the break will be forever.
It's really just a choice to step out from the cycle. The only one thing that stops you from getting out of this loop is you believing that it's impossible that change can be instant, or the fear of quick changes. If you believe in this, then you should be reminded that the step you took into this cycle was a quick change too, like the moment you started working at this company, or the moment you confirmed that you want to commit to this relationship. You're able to adapt to such a sudden change that well, or probably too well in the past, why can't you believe that you can do this again?
If you don't believe that you have the ability to make a choice, then you're correct because it's actually not a choice. You must and will get out of the situation soon. It's something that you must face, so this reading is actually just here to remind you to be prepared for the change, so you can feel better when the breaking of the cycle happens, instead of mourning the end of it (which is pretty pointless).
If time can really heal and numb all the emotions, why are you still feel bad for yourself? Why those monsters keep chasing you even when you're in your dreams? This is an indicator that you're not here to suffer and be stuck in this cycle. You're here for something better, so celebrate and embrace it when the start of a new chapter arrives.
(Surrender to the changes is the message I get from the song. Don't struggle when it comes.)
Pile 3
It's time to stop the fight. If it's impossible for you to tell the other person to stop or make them change, you can stop all these by stepping away from this relationship.
I can see that you probably suffered a lot from your person. (which may be a romantic partner, a platonic friend or maybe a sibling) However, no matter how many times they hurt you and disappointed you, you always try to believe that it's not their intention to harm you, and you're always trying to find some lesson to learn in the situation. Your attitude is admirable, and it also makes you grow so fast, and make so much progress in your journey. But this also makes you walk so faraway from your person. You may think that you two are still physically together and believe that things can continue to be as it is in the past, but you failed to realize how much you've changed, and how little they've improved.
If they're really capable of improving themselves, why are they still like that after all these years, while you already gone through multiple lessons in the same situation? It's a wake up call for you that you're better off without them because time has proven that you're not the one to help them or save them. They won't change even you wait for a couple more years or even decades, but you have the ability to make a change now. Even if it's not an instant cut of the relationship, at least you can make a change in your mindset.
You have to appreciate what you have done, and realize, learn the value of yourself. You managed to shine so bright even when you're with someone that dims your shine. It's because you have a beautiful soul and a strong will. They contributed nothing to your growth, as they're not even strong enough to hide your glow. You don't need them. You don't have to be with them.
(It's a cool song but here I see this as an indicator of a toxic relationship. You believe your destiny is bounded with this monster of a person who harms you multiple times. It's time to wake up and run away from the danger, instead of wasting time to fight with them.)
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elysiumblue · 8 months
Pick a card - What do you need to know? 🥴
Felt drawn to do a general reading asap so I did one. I don't really know what to write for the intro so maybe just jump straight to the reading lmao.
Remember, as this is a general reading, please take what resonates and leave the rest behind. Hope this reading can help you clear things up and provide you with the information you needed to move to a better place in life.
👇🏻 Pick a color you felt drawn to 👇🏻
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And find the corresponding reading for you below!
Pile 1
You have the suspicion that someone is plotting on you and damn you're so right. You may feel that it's so draining to be with someone in your life as you always thinking that they're hating you, or hoping the worst for you. It feels like every day that the person in your social circle, or every moment you spend with that person is a torture, as you don't want to anger them or make them jealous of you (then plotting more crap on you). Even posting on social media feels like walking on thin ices. You feel really restricted and have to fight thru so many worries every time you want to do a thing, as you feel like they're watching.
However, even living in such a restrictive environment, you still want to become better. You hate to live in someone else's shadow, have the rest of your life controlled by others, or have to drag the weight of someone else's problems around for your whole life. You want to be better, be good enough to break free from the situation, and yeah, you're going to do it. And wait, even better, you're going to break free of the people or community that you don't want to care about anymore, and shine so brightly alone.
You may question how is it possible for you to pull this off, and I have to tell you that you have so much energy inside you, waiting for you to burn it and make something real big. It seems that you're always rejecting negativity, thinking that all they can do is to bring a big black fog to your life. However, the big pile of negativity can act as an excellent source of inspiration and motivation at the same time. For example, you can use your worries and sorrow as inspirations for art, and the fear of not going to make it/ pessimism to motivate you to put 120% effort, so you can make sure that you must and will succeed.
I can see that you may be deterred by the low quality of work and the lack of skills in the beginning. It seems that success is so far away and so unlikely to happen to you. However, you have to understand that you have to start somewhere, and no one is a master in the beginning of their journey. Even DaVinci needed to learn painting from someone in the beginning of his journey. Don't be deterred by the progress. As long as you keep trying, you are making progress every day. No matter how small the progress is, learn to appreciate it. If it's not motivating for you enough, then think of winning to spite those whose messing with you. Win so fucking hard so that they can realize how big of an L they're taking by not appreciating you in the past. Also, I heard that the harder you win, the faster those people will receive their karma? Is it motivating for you enough lol.
Pile 2
I can see this pile is so hopeless in getting a lover and a love reading is the least you want to hear about. But, love is on its way for you! You probably the type that believes that you will never find a lover in the rest of your life, and believe that you are absolutely fine and cool with it. However, you low key wish to get into a relationship at the same time, as you keep helping your friends in their relationships by giving them advices and listening to their vents. You kinda want to try it yourself but you really feel that it's too much effort and you're not wasting any energy on getting into trouble yourself. For some of you, I can also see that you've gone thru a real tough relationship in the past. That may even be a divorce for some of you. So getting into a relationship again is the last thing you want to do.
No matter how unwilling you want to be in a relationship, I can see that you're going to have the opportunity to meet a potential lover, as it's a reward for you for going thru and completing a cycle. You probably spent so much time to undo the pain of an event, or the thing may be so long ago that you don't even remember that it happened, and left an impact on you. No matter you remember you've done your work or not, you will be paid regardless as you did the work.
You may think that you are not hot enough for anyone to like you, and you also can't see anyone that will have the potential to develop any feelings towards you. However, it will just happen and you don't even have to do a thing to make it work. Don't sabotage it if this is actually what you hoped for. Don't complicate the situation by bringing the past to the present. You can act passive and take things slowly, so you can clear your doubt. As long as you understand that this is a whole new cycle and you're in a completely new chapter of your life, then you're fine.
Pile 3
You are obsessed with someone. If this is not your situation, then this may not be your pile, or maybe this is not even the reading for you. You are so obsessed with someone and you keep hoping and thinking that you can be in a romantic relationship with them. However, you feel that your connection is stuck, and stagnated, and you don't have the energy to push it forward even though you want things to work so badly.
Instead of pushing the connection forward, which is not an option as you don't have enough energy to pull it off, you may find yourself indulging in past memories with that person, and making decisions based on outdated assumptions. Some of you probably haven't talked for years, but you still thinking that they will just respond and go out on a date with you if you finally have the courage to talk to them, because you remember the time that you two got along so well years ago.
It may be a depressing news for you, but the thing you need to know is this connection is not going to anyway. It can be hard yo believe, but this is actually the best outcome for this connection. The obstacle, the big stop sign on the path, is to protect you from something worse. It may be the person is actually a shitty person, or you have a better future ahead of you instead of spending your time with that person.
Also, you really need this connection to die, as it's draining so much energy from you. You're lost and unable to even feel joy anymore. It seems that nothing matters anymore. You will find out that it's not the case, as you will discover lots of joy around you as soon as you try to pull yourself away from the obsession. Then, you will start to heal, and become the master of your own mind and emotions again.
It's so much better to be able to make yourself happy, instead of betting your happiness on others, as it's so difficult to make others do things the way you want them to. Having yourself to do the job instead can dramatically decrease the effort you have to spent on getting an enjoyable life.
(Some of you may be spamming that person's phone and they're thinking that you're annoying... But the real one will not feel annoyed by you. They will be so happy to hear from you... so, maybe they're really not the one.)
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elysiumblue · 8 months
Pick a card - Good thing that's happening soon 😁
Hi. Here's a general reading providing you message about a good thing that's going to happen soon. I feel that this reading is some sort of news you need to know right now too so maybe it's a mix of two lol.
I did this reading because I felt that my readings here are too intense. However, the messages I got this time is also intense so 💀💀💀 The good news may not sounds that "good" at first, but I'm sure that it's a positive thing that needs to happen to bring positive energy in your life.
Also, it's a general reading, so just take what resonates, and leave the rest behind. Don't force things to fit if it doesn't make any sense for you at all!
👇🏻Pick a color that you felt drawn to👇🏻
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And find the corresponding reading for you below!
Pile 1
Oops... some of you may not like this news now. The good thing that is going to happen to you is... you will get out of draining, toxic, or even abusive relationship really soon. It can be all sorts of connections but I can feel its more towards romantic relationships. Although I can feel that some of you probably don't want this to happen, I can see that you already know that something is really off about your relationship. So, if this is not the case for you, then this pile may not be your pile.
The existing relationship makes you feel really stuck and you have no idea how to get rid of it. Although you are suffering right now, some of you may still want to cling onto this connection because you don't want to think about how to deal with the consequences, or even how to escape from this connection. Some of you also make yourself believe that it's better for you to continue tolerating their nasty behaviours. However, no matter how hard you trying to convince yourself that things are working out really fine, some thing will happen unexpectedly and destroy your connection. But I don't really feel that it's that unexpected, as I can see that the negativity has already built up for a long time to the point that it's impossible to continue building.
By getting out of this connection, you will have a lot of time to be alone. It may sounds scary for now, but the time for solitude will actually be a very empowering experience for you. You will realize that you don't have to work that hard to get emotional support from others, as you are capable of taking care of yourself. It will be a transformative experience for you, and you will learn what is true love, as well as how to love yourself after the time of being alone.
Also, to be honest, the connection probably already met a dead end long time ago. You tried lots of method to make things work, but things never worked. I guess that's why some of you decided to be delusional, thinking that things are perfectly fine, in order to cope with the situation. It's really feel like a fucking maze and you are constantly trying to find the way out, but you can't. The event that will happen soon will lead you out of the maze, like literally send you to the exit. You will gain lots of clarity, and able to come up with new ideas, as well as new perspectives, when you get rid of the situation that drains so much of your energy. And I will be sure that you will understand in the future that things are not fine at all right now.
It may be a scary experience as it can be shocking and unexpected. However, I am very sure that the event that's happening in the future is exactly what you need, and what you low key wishing for. It'll bring so much positivity to your life, which will be 100x more than the nasty feeling of experiencing the sudden event at first.
(Despite the title, I really feel that this song is indicating that you have lost yourself for so long. With the event, you will be able to meet yourself again, and it'll feel so good for you.)
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(And when I was tidying up the cards for your pile, the 7 of swords showed up. I feel that you will seriously question if the future event is good for you in any way. It may even feel so painful for you to experience the event. However, as the imagery of this card suggests, the event is a necessary step of creating the beautiful artwork that the person is drawing. An incomplete drawing always look ugly, but if you endure the "disgust" from the unfinished artwork, and continue working on it, you will receive a beautiful artwork. Everything will worth it when you see how gorgeous the finished work is.)
Pile 2
I can see that you are worrying about something right now. There's something that you really want to do, but you feel that you lack the skills to do it. However, it won't be like this anymore real soon! I can see there will be a person helping you to make things work in the future. They can be a new person or a person you already know. For some of you, the event may come in the form of a random thought, a random inspiration, or even a random dream that you happen to remember.
The event that is going to happen soon is literally a dream come true. It's really like finding THE missing piece of the puzzle, because I can see that you already have everything for the thing to work, except that one spark to start the engine. Yes, you literally have everything you need right now.
Damn, maybe this reading is the one missing thing you need lol. If you are thinking that you lack the skills, I can see that you actually have the skills you think you're lacking. If it's a new concept or knowledge that you think you're lacking, you actually have that in your head right fucking now.
The major problem you're having right now is that you're worrying too much, and also you have like a millions thoughts floating around in your head right now. You really just need that one spark, that one push to make everything into order, and boom, it's done. No additional thing needed except that one hit. Good luck on the thing you're thinking about because you will succeed.
(Yeah. This is the perfect metaphor. You literally have the whole domino sorted out and all you need is that one single push to make a good show. And that one push will happen soon!)
Pile 3
Bruh. The good news for you is you will receive a blessing in disguise of something you absolutely don't want to happen right now. I can see that you are trying to make some innovations, bringing some new ideas, or suggest some changes. You will face a huge obstacle that prevents you from doing the thing you want to do, or a very clear sign showing that you should stop what you're doing right now. It may even be intimidating or infuriating for you at first, but I am sure that you will thank this event for happening in the future.
Judging from the energy of the reading, it seems that you lack the ability to actually do the thing you want to do. You will probably make a mess if you decide to do it. It's a case that you fucked around and unable to find out, or find out something you absolutely don't want to happen. (Yeah, something that's worse than a huge STOP sign telling you to stop what you're doing right now.)
Besides of the fact that you are not capable of pulling the thing off, I can also see that it's unnecessary to go against the flow for now. I am sorry if it's offending you, but I really don't see any positive outcome from carrying out the things you're thinking about. And I am not the type to deter people either, so I am really expressing my honest opinion, with the energy I read from this reading. You will find things to be 10 times better if you make peace with the current situation, instead of going against it.
(Well, I cannot find a song that's directly pointing out the message of this reading so I just share the last song played while I'm typing this. Also, the next song in the queue is about something burning. I take this as a sign that it'll be really dangerous for you if you proceed with what you're wanting to do, ignoring the big STOP sign.)
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elysiumblue · 8 months
Pick a card - Diving into the unconscious 🐟
Hey I'm back doing a general reading for yall. Utilized the energy of the Pisces Super-moon to deliver some messages from your unconscious mind.
The messages are very different for each pile, but they both aim at giving you some clarity on this hidden part of your mind, and guiding you to clear some obstacles that stem from it.
This time I was guided to actually show you the cards I got so you can have a look at them and maybe come up with some messages yourself! The decks I used in this reading are Tarot of the 78 Doors and Moonology Manifestation Oracles, which are both AMAZING DECKS.
Also, I was guided to let you pick from some clear quartz I owned so here they are.
👇🏻 Pick a clear quartz that you feel drawn to 👇🏻
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And find the corresponding reading for you below!
Pile 1
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You have an intense fear of failing in something. I got a specific scenario in relationship. You might poured a lot of effort in the past to win someone back, but it failed horribly. The experience left a mindset telling you that you will fail no matter how hard you try, so it's better for you to not try at all. However, as this is a general reading, I feel that the message can apply to any situation if it resonates with you, as the message about a specific scenario may be given to me so I can explain the message better.
Maybe you haven't noticed the impact of the mindset I've mentioned above, but I can really feel that you are feeling some sort of obstacles that prevent you to chase your dream, or even just make things work. For example, your brain may generate a million thoughts when you're trying to do something, which makes you so exhausted that you can't even start a thing, or have an intense fear that you cannot explain nor ignore of actually completing something.
Even though it's difficult for you to get things done, you still want to do something in your life, as you have the belief that things shouldn't end here, or be that bad. You feel that it's stupid, ridiculous that you're not doing anything while others are getting something done, or even feel that it's so unfair for you to not be able to do a thing/ not doing anything meaningful for the society. You really want to make a change. However, the constant clash of the hope for the future and the unresolved residual energy from the past is draining all your energy to do anything in the present. It's like the harder you want to move forward, the harder "fate" drags your backward.
You are suggested to release the past, as you have to resolve the energy from the past, so you don't have to go through a tug-of-war with it every time you want to do a thing. Don't think that you're a loser, because it will just further empower the shadow of the past. It's just an obstacle in your life. Everyone will eventually come across some sort of obstacles in their life. You just meet one earlier than others. Instead of whining and thinking about why things were like that, you can just walk around it and move on. And for how to move on from the past, you have to figure out yourself, as I feel that people who choose this pile have totally different scenarios, making it hard for me to come up with 1 suggestion that can work for everyone.
I can also feel that some of you are at an earlier stage of healing, and are indulging in the feeling that you're so hopeless and will be a loser forever. I am here to remind you that you're not destined to be a loser. It's just a tough period and you shouldn't let this define you. You still want to win and you will win, because true losers won't even feel sad for being a loser, as this is what they are. Stay hopeful, believe that things will be alright, instead of remaining shit forever, and try to work on resolving the shadows from your past.
Pile 2
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I feel that you are not happy of what you're doing no matter how much you've done. You're constantly in a tense state and keep trying to prove yourself as a winner. The constant need of proving yourself worthy also leads you to keep finding new opportunities and challenges to conquer. You're like a warrior who constantly finding battles to fight. However, have you ever wonder why life must be like that? It's a cheesy question but have you ever think about why you're still unhappy even when you've achieved so much, while those who just chilling and not doing much seems to be much more happier about their life? Have you ever think about the possibility that... you're going full speed constantly because you're just running away from something?
If it's easier to just lay flat and do nothing, why move? There must be a motivation behind this, making you continue doing things even when it's so unsatisfying. I can see it's bad parenting from the past that form the shapeless monster that keep chasing you. You were constantly being told that you're not enough in the past, and being neglected, punished, even you tried your best. I won't dig deeper about the detail of the horrible past as it's a terrible energy that makes me want to cry. Also I am not here to triggered you in this reading, so I guess it's enough information for you to elaborate my point.
Childhood plays an important part in shaping our mind. Adler said that "A lucky person's lifetime is cured by childhood, while an unlucky person's lifetime is spent curing childhood." But I really feel that you don't have to spend your whole life on rewriting the part that's less than one third of your lifetime. Just accept that you're unlucky, cut ties with your past, and move on. The monster was big and scary when you were a small child, but now you're grown up, and have achieved so much... You're so different from your past, so much more powerful and wise, so don't be a fool and respond to it like a child. You have so much more options now. Also, I really don't feel like it's chasing you anymore, since you've gone so far away.
Stop and observe the present. It's safe to have fun, and be happy. Life is not a battlefield. Instead, it's filled with undiscovered joy and love. There are so many things to be discovered surrounding you. As long as you stop living like a prey, and open up yourself to joy, you can feel the warmth of the embrace of the universe. She's holding you, and loving you so gently even when you're lost, hating on a part of her, or even wanting to destroy a part of her, which is you. She loves you for who you are, even when you're not yourself, so please have the courage to go for what you want to try, go fuck around, or just take a rest. You're loveable even when you're not doing anything.
Drop that shit if it's not bringing you joy, because you can be successful even when you're having fun. If you decide to continue doing the thing you're doing, appreciate your effort and work, and stop doing things for the sake of doing something or proving something. It's really that easy to be happy. No drugs, no alcohol, just take off the monochrome lenses and see the world in brilliant colors.
(Man it do be a motherly energy reveal for me. I tried to be more logical and channel some logical messages but love songs keep playing and I become like that lol. It's fun tho. Maybe you should try dropping the logical mind aside and discover the fun side of you. There may be a pleasant surprise.)
Pile 3
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Well that's pretty unexpected but it seems that you are being psychically attacked. I never expected to deliver such messages in this reading but here we go. The vibe of the cards I got for you the first time was completely off and I kinda spooked and wanting to give up on this. But I really feel that someone needs to hear this message right fucking now so I amped up my protection and proceed. If being psychically attacked or mind controlled doesn't seem like a thing to you at all, maybe this reading is not for you, and you may try pick another pile because things like that happen sometimes when you are doing a general reading.
Since this reading aims to discover some obstacles that exist in you unconscious mind, it seems that someone is trying to mess your life over by injecting harmful thoughts in your mind. You feel that your mind is pretty clogged right now. Instead of being able to function properly, it's frying itself with lots of negative thoughts. I had a brief memory of the cards I got first time and it's something like, "you're nothing", "you should continue doing nothing", "stop trying and continue being trapped and do nothing in your life", "you deserve nothing", etc.
I feel that you are quite smart and used to have the ability to think clearly about things and handle negativity in a proper way, but not now. I can see that someone is actively trying to mess with your mind, by doing darker spells, or manipulating your mind by methods like... gaslighting? I don't know much about these things. There're multiple messages regarding to who is doing this to you. It may be a toxic lover/ex lover, a toxic female figure who is two-faced, or some friend, probably an ex friend, you know since childhood. It's leaning more to the feminine side. Also, they are skilled at doing this kind of stuff, and knows what they are doing extremely well.
I can see that some of you are being haunted by nightmares, or hearing very annoying scary noises, like knocking, in your head constantly because I am hearing it right now and it's scaring the shit out of me. These events are constantly reminding you of some horrible things happened in your childhood and it's overwhelming you. This is also why I believe that the perpetrators know you pretty well, as they know how to hit your soft spots, which lies in some history that very few people know.
I feel that there's an urgency in resolving this situation because the vibe is completely off even for me who is reading your energy. If it's possible to complete cut off the communication with the person who is doing this to you, cut them off. Also, remember that these negative thoughts are not from you. This can help you protect yourself from being pulled to the negativity. Seek external help if you need to.
Moreover, don't make major decisions right now, as you are in a very bad state now. Don't take any leap of faith. You may feel that you have wasted some time in this period not doing anything constructive, but then you will realize you actually dodged a big fucking trap by turning your back.
(Since the vibe is terrible, I will not leave any song for you to connect with this kind of vibe.)
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elysiumblue · 9 months
Pick a card - Bringing light to your life ☀️
Inspired by the New Moon in Leo, I am guided to do a general reading that brings a positive message to give you hope and light. This is a timeless reading so it'll always be helpful when you feel drawn to it.
As this is a general reading, please take what resonates and leave the rest behind. Also, despite there are some heavy messages in the reading, this reading is specifically aim to bring positivity to you. So, if you feel really bad after the reading, then you may not be ready for the messages.
In addition, I want to shout out to my private reading service. Feeling interested in doing love readings recently but there's no love in my life 💀 It'll be cool if you can let me help you with your relationship issues.
👇🏻 Pick a color that you felt drawn to 👇🏻
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And find the corresponding reading for you below!
Also, here's a song that I inspired me to do the reading. Maybe you will like it too! (I LOVE THIS SONG ITS ONE OF MY FAV.)
Pile 1
You have gone thru/ are going thru a period of stagnation and confusion. However, right now you have much more clarity on what you shall work on. Even for those who are still yet to make up their mind, the general picture of the direction of your life is starting to form, and will become clearer in the future.
Continue working on the direction you are moving forward. This reading is a confirmation that you have chosen the correct direction, and shall remain focus, instead of going back and reviewing other options. Put all your efforts in perfecting that one decision you've made, or the direction you're heading toward.
From the experience of being in a fogged mind, you learned the importance of focusing on yourself, and making judgements with your own experience only. For some of you, the lesson can be knowing not to let other's opinions dictate your decisions. You realized that everyone is on their own journey with different lessons. So, the experiences that are helpful for others, can mean nothing to you. You shall learn to use your inner compass that powered by your soul and intuition, and fine-tuned by your own experiences.
Some of you may have lovers or siblings that have strong opinions, or have strong negative reactions to the decisions you've made. Some of you may already walked away from those person, but are still feeling their impact on your life. However, you should always remind yourself that your opinion is what matters the most in you life.
Don't let others disturb your decisions again, or you will be thrown into the same messy situations again and again, until you fully understand to trust yourself. If the noises from others are drowning the voice of your own, make it shout louder.
Pile 2
Some of you may have gone through some terrible heartbreak or betrayal. However, the hate from others does not break you or reshape you. Actually, you probably are the one who decided to cut those people off, as you're sick of their sickening desire to mould you into their desired form. You have a healthy ego and plenty of confidence that makes you shine so proudly. If you don't feel like you're being confident right now, then it's a sign that you shall do it. It's very difficult to change people's perceptions, so instead of using the energy to do the tedious task of change their minds, better use the same determination to make yourself shine brighter.
You are a creative mind who can always come up with wild ideas quickly. Embrace your creativity and quick wit. Work on expressing your ideas more often. Sometimes you may think that others probably won't like them because your ideas may be too unpolished or ridiculous. However, the best way to find out if your guess is correct is to put your ideas out to the public. Better know the answer now than wasting those time, which you can come up with several brilliant ideas, to guess if people like your ideas.
Also, by holding back your ideas, it makes your mind become unnecessarily clogged with so much unreleased energy. It's so exhausting to carry so much things inside your head, and the draining of energy may lead to some issues with your mental health. You already have the confidence to be different from others, so don't be afraid to stray further from the crowd. The hate that's hardest to ignore is yourself, so you just have to make yourself more loveable for yourself. The rest is a piece of cake to handle.
Although you're encouraged to execute your ideas, you should not ignore it when your mind tells you that something is a horrible idea. When you're feeling really unmotivated to work on something, it's your mind will tell you that something is not worth trying, or at least should take more time to process. If this happens, you should probably work on something you're more enthusiastic about at the moment.
Finally, it's a reminder for you to continue being your authentic self, no matter how many connections you may need to walk away from. Those who refused to celebrate your achievements, are not the people you should keep. So, just let them go, and continue being yourself. Shine brighter and your glow will attract those who truly admire you for who you are.
(This song makes me feel that some of you really experienced some major heartbreak. I hope the messages above can help you recover and walk out from the pain as a stronger, better person.)
(I felt that this song is just confirming what I just said lol.)
Pile 3
I can see that those who choose this pile had the experience of being stuck with horrible people or are currently stuck right now. Some of you may even have to deal with violence. It is definitely a terrible thing to deal with. However, you're still here, trying to exist in this world. This shows you immense strength, and with this strength you developed, you will be rewarded by amazing things in your life.
People probably always telling you that you don't deserve good things happening in your life. Despite being exposed to such negative mindset for a long time, you still have a feeling that it's not all that you deserve in your life, and you're absolutely right. It's your soul reminding you that there's so much more in your life, and you're destined to receive the things you always deserve. Those who telling you otherwise are just trying to keep you stuck in the shitty situation they're suffering. Don't let them be obstacles for the abundance and blessings coming in your way. You can never be stuck forever no matter how hard they try to have you believe in this. There's always a way out of a nightmare, and it's by waking up.
Something will happen soon, which will act as an opportunity for you to get out of the bad situation you're in. Don't let the negativity block your way. Don't listen to it and try going back to the shadows. Believe that you deserve good things in your life. You deserve happiness, and you don't have to suffer with them. They will eventually find their way to happiness, as everyone deserves it, but their path is definitely not having you as their stepping stone.
It may be difficult to believe that there are people you can trust, and can provide you so much things other than suffering. Whether you believe it or not, they truly exist, and you are destined to meet them and have them in your life. Don't let your past act as the model for you to judge people. You're just being presented a very poor example of how people should be. The people you've met are probably less than 1% of the people in the planet, so don't let that 1% distort your view on the 99% of the people. You will find friends and soul family members you can trust. With their help, your life will become so much better and more beautiful.
I really see that some major changes are coming for this pile that will change your life over in the very near future. So, please don't let your past become a blockage of this opportunity. You don't deserve to be stuck in this cycle any longer. Please keep an open mind and be receptive for great things and opportunities, and get the hell out of the situation you are in.
(I got a Cantonese song for your pile. Usually, I will try get an English song so more people can understand the song. However, I feel that this song is the perfect song for your pile. It's a song about meeting a true love that love you even when you're "trashy". They don't judge you from where you're from. Instead, your history just makes them more attracted to you. They're here to "fall" with you and bring you love and happiness. Maybe it's a sign that you are going to meet a new love?)
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elysiumblue · 9 months
Pick a card - JUDGEMENT DAY: Review your past and learn to improve your future 🪦
The reading is inspired by the major arcana, "Judgement". It's quite a complex card for me so I want to do a reading inspired by the card to learn more about it. The spread I used is here, and the message I got from it is so informative, so you can give it a try too.
As the title said, this reading will give you a brief review of your past, reflection on the past, and guidance on what you can learn from it to create a better future. I think the text is quite long this time, so I won't provide a song for each pile, as I don't want to overwhelm you (and me lol).
Anyway, as it's a general reading, takes what resonates and leave the rest behind!
👇🏻 Pick an emoji you feel drawn to 👇🏻
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And find the corresponding reading for you below!
Pile 1
In the past, you were shrouded by the sense of fear and anxiety. The situation you were in was not necessarily the worst thing on earth. Actually, for some of you, I can see that the situation you were in was somewhat "decent". It's like life was going on a nice direction, and you were always inspired to generate new ideas. However, it seems that it's very difficult for you to be happy even when things were "right".
You always felt that you're not enough, even though you had so much achievements in life. Such responses were caused by others opinions, as they never recognized your achievements, failed to express it to you in an honest way, or maybe you felt that you're hurting people with your progress as you made them jealous of you. You tried your very best to stay cool with those people, even when they said mean words to you. You tried not to have your emotions dictate your judgment, and you also tried very hard to hide them from people. You could be suffering from nightmares every night, but at day time you always tried to put on a show for people.
Those people can only see the surface of you. You can make them believe that you're doing absolutely ok. But can you do the same to yourself, when you have full information of yourself from both your body and mind? You tried to focus on the exterior of yourself to distract yourself from the pain you don't want to face. However, not looking at it doesn't mean that it's not here. You cannot neglect it's existence either as you can feel it in you so strongly no matter how hard you're distracting yourself from it.
The shroud separated your achievements from your heart, so you could never feel joy no matter how much you've achieved. Besides this, the grudge you have for the people also prevents you from expressing your ideas freely. You had, or maybe still have the tendency to hold back your ideas, because you don't think people deserve your brilliant ideas. You hate them and they don't deserve your best. You might be able to come up with the solution to a problem they're having instantly, but instead of telling them your idea immediately, you make them wait, and watch them suffer for a while before telling them your ideas.
Not telling people your ideas the second it generated from your mind is actually a great thing for you. However, the intention for you to do so is completely wrong. You used the time to enjoy people suffer, and feast from their negativity, instead of using the time to improve your ideas. Your ideas are really good even in their rawest form, but they can be so much better if you spend time on polishing them. It's because there's a duality in you that needs to be balanced. It's not a bad thing that there're two opposite minds in your brain. This trait can really help improving your thoughts if you take time to let them having constructive debate with each other.
By doing so, you can also learn how to let the two sides of you coexist in harmony, instead of fighting each other or neglecting the existence of each other. However, you first have to acknowledge the existence of one of the two sides, as it seems that you're trying to reject the existence of one of them. Also, you have to care less about other's opinions on you, because it's impossible to focus on the external and internal at the same time. By pulling back the focus on yourself, and fully accepting the two sides of you, you will be able to have a better knowledge of yourself, and find your own voice.
By being more connected to yourself, you will also experience less pain in relationships with others, as you no longer care that much about their opinions, and no longer have the desire to perform poor actions that can potentially hurt the relationship to make them agree with you.
Pile 2
You had an intense romantic relationship with someone in the past. It can also be a marriage, a family member, or a relationship that was so intense that it felt like family. Even thought it looked promising and felt like the real thing, you decided to cut them off because you're able to see that something was going extremely wrong even with the rose-colored glasses on.
Instead of giving your whole life, pouring all your love into that person, you resisted the temptation of going with the flow, and cut ties with them completely. For some of you, you may still have to face that person as it's still not possible to have them completely removed from your life due to different reasons. However, you basically blocked them from getting anything more than necessary from you. You decided to invest your time and energy into those who are bonded with you by exchanging energies with you fairly, instead of the person that's bonded with you by some fated event that you had to go through.
You having the courage to cut that person out of your life is one of the best things you've done in your life, as you accepted the fact that they could do nothing good to your life, instead of giving into the illusions. However, you are still suffering from the pain of making such decision, even though everyone, including you, acknowledges that this is a great decision. No matter how much time has passed, you still think about the possibilities that could happen. You may fantasize what could happen if you gave them a chance, or what could happen if they magically change into a better person one day.
It is very understandable for you to feel this way, as that person was once a very important part of your life. But you really have to accept the fact that it's impossible for you to invest your energy into the connection, and yourself at the same time, as they're really that useless to your life. Nothing can come out from the connection no matter what you do, as they're designed to be unhelpful to your life. You've dumped the garbage out from your house, so why you're still leaving the door open for a little bit, for the stench to enter your house.
Accept that things are DEAD, and stop looking back. Nothing good can happen if you continue such behaviour. You've chosen yourself instead of sinking with them back then, so it's time to commit to your option wholeheartedly. It may take time to completely erase their impact from your life and their existence in your mind, especially for those who still have to be stuck with the person in some way. However, changes can be made when you decided to switch your mindset, like how you decided to cut that person out from your life at the past. Focus on the goal of completely cutting off the energetic link to them, and keep putting effort into working towards the goal. The progress may be slow but if you keep doing it, eventually you can make it.
If this isn't motivating for you enough, I can see that the universe will give you a lesson if you don't start working on cutting energetic ties with them right now. The universe will do something to make you realize that it's the only thing you can do in this situation. I think you don't want to suffer more pain from this terrible situation. Also, I really think that you don't deserve being lectured by the universe again as I can see you put in so much effort in throwing the trash out of your life. There's only one step left to complete the cycle. Don't make yourself suffer the whole thing again just because you missed a step, even though you've finished 99% of the work.
Pile 3
I can see that your family had brought you a lot of suffering in the past. They set a really poor example of how people and the world works, and it distorted your view heavily. For some of you, your family members may be very full of themselves, thinking that they're superior than others. For some of you, they often demand you to give them something, but never give anything back to you in return.
Despite the distorted vision they've provided you, you are able to realize that there are other options for you outside. The suffering is so great that it pushes you to realize that home is not where you should be, and your family is not the people you should stay with. You might be confused or unsure about your future, but you're smart enough to know that your future is definitely not related to your family, and you are also sure that you don't want to have any relationship with your family anymore.
From your past experiences, you learned that you have the option to put an end to something in your life, as you discover that you have the power to cut ties with families you've been placed in since birth. The universe wants you to stick with this mindset. Believe that you're powerful enough to shape life the way you want. The traditions, the religions, the people in your life, have no power in deciding how your life should be, if you don't let them to have such power.
After understanding that you are powerful enough to decide how your life should be, you need to learn and understand that you are worthy and perfect. You're perfect as the way you are, so please don't do anything out of lack. If people fail to realize your worth, you should cut them off from your life, instead of changing yourself to the shape they like. You may think that it's an easy thing to do, as you've had your view distorted by your family for years. However, it's so much harder to do it when you're awakened. Awakening is like breaking a mirror. You can try everything but you cannot go back to the state when you were asleep, as you can always see the crack in the mirror.
Also, you should open yourself up to love and affection. It may be difficult for you to feel that you're loveable or deserve love, as people had mistreated you for so long in the past. However, you already know that they're wrong, so don't follow the false guidance to the wrong path ever again. Be comfortable with their praises, gifts, and offers to help you. You know that you don't have to be stuck in the excruciating pain forever. It's time to have fun in the present, and create a happier future.
Don't fall back into the patterns of the past. You may look back at it for inspiration, but you have to remember that there's a barrier between you and the past. No matter how close it felt, you have to remember that there's always a distance between you and the past. It's like looking at the view from the window. Your past is a completed story, so don't interact with it ever again.
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elysiumblue · 9 months
Pick a card - What is your person thinking? (Platonic Connections) + What can you do to improve the situation? 🤔
I feel very drawn to do a platonic version of what is your person thinking about you because I've seen lots of love readings on this topic.
It seems that the majority of my readings are very intense, and this one is no exception 💀 maybe it's my style... If you're not ready for intense messages, and you feel that you're very likely to get an intense message, then you may not be ready for this reading yet. Anyway, as it's a general reading, just take what resonates and leave the rest behind.
You can use this reading by thinking of your person, and pick a color you are drawn to. If you want to ask about another person, repeat the process.
👇🏻Pick a color you are drawn to 👇🏻
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And find the corresponding reading for you below!
Pile 1
I can see a lot of scenarios in this pile but there are some common messages, and I believe these common messages are those that truly matters for you.
You probably know this person for a long time. Some of you are so close that they're like family to you. However, a series of events that brings conflicts between you two keeps happening recently. It seems that you two are destined to fall apart if you view the relationship in a logical way, as the events keep revealing their uglier sides to you. Some of you just completely betrayed by them. However, you feel that you two still have hope. Some of you probably think that they're just acting weird and you can fix them. Some of you may not be able to accept the fact that you can/have to cut off someone you've known for years.
It may be very cruel to hear, but I can feel a very clear message that you two are destined to be apart. You two may have some soul contracts that teach you some lesson, or maybe you two know each other since past life. However, it is time to let go of them. It is the end of the connection. If you don't want to accept it, the universe will just keep throwing you harder signs that it's time to go. I really believe that you receive plenty of signs already, and you don't deserve more suffering and pain. There's literally no choice but accept... (The Death card appeared so I feel that things can get worse if you don't let go, because the energy is already pretty tense without The Death card.)
Regarding to what's on their mind, I really see that they feel really happy and optimistic now, and feel that they're heading towards clarity they've never seen before, and they also feel the love they've never felt before. However, you're not what makes them feel such emotions. It can be new friends, new love, literally anything but you. Some of them may still talk to you, but I don't feel that they actually feel happy talking to you anymore. They probably just do it because it's a habit, as they feel like communicating with you is like a chore. They can so ready to move forward if you just stop replying or talking to them, as they feel like the connection between you and them is hindering their future progress.
You really have to fight off the feeling that you have power in this connection, because the fact is you can't do anything about it. The feeling that you have better options is just an illusion. (Both 2 of swords and 7 of cups, which are cards meaning options to me are reversed.) It's better to use this optimist mindset to make positive changes in your life, instead of using these beautiful energies to try manifest a person that's destined to leave your life. I can really see that great new opportunities will happen if you decide to walk out of this desperate energy and cut ties with this person completely. I can also see new love, which can be platonic or romantic. You won't be alone without this person.
(I feel that you really need to surrender yourself to changes instead of degrading yourself for this connection. It's a terrible experience for now, but this is actually an indicator that you're so close, literally at the door of the new chapter of your life. Take care man.)
Pile 2
Bro what are you doing here in this reading. You definitely not come here for platonic stuff only. You have a CRUSH on them, and you're DENYING IT. No way you only want to be friends you're so sus af 😭 But since you're here, we will explore what your person is thinking, as you deserve to know it. If this is not your case then just leave here and pick another pile 😭
(Man with the pink color I also feel that you watched the barbie movie with your person. Now you got me blushing 😭 Good job asking them out for a movie night 😭😭)
I can see that you're trying your best to hide your feelings because you feel that it won't work. You feels that you're not good enough for them or don't have good enough technique to pull them in. But it doesn't stop you from talking to them and having them constantly on your mind literally 24/7, because you feel that they're so perfect, like the final puzzle piece to your life.
Ok too much about your feelings. You come for their feelings so here it is. They definitely have some feelings for you. At least they find you interesting enough to tolerate your back and forth behaviour. Like you're so passionate to them one day and just pull away completely for a couple of days. It takes some... love to tolerate such behaviour as I see that you probably just know them recently. However, your behaviour makes them super unsure what you want from them, and they feel like they have no choice but to wait for you to make the moves. (Because you're so confusing.) This still applies even when it seems like they're actively trying to talk to you. Even if it seems like they are actively trying to engage in new conversations with you, they are not confident enough to push any major progress on this connection.
I can also see that your person was severely hurt in the past, which makes it impossible for them to make a major move. They have lots of secret feelings towards you, but they prefer to keep it secret, as they just know you and they don't know how bad it can go if they open up to you. I can also see that your hot and cold attitude is actually seriously triggering for them. You really have yo understand that they're literally trying their best to continue talking to you instead of cutting you off completely, because it hurts so much for them to tolerate your behaviour.
Some of you was also hurt in the past, which leads to your low confidence, pessimistic attitude and the hot and cold behaviour. Despite this, I feel that you have to take the lead in this connection, because it seems it's slightly easier for you to do so. I can see that your person can be so defensive that they will cut you off brutally even when they have serious feelings to you, because you're triggering them too hard and they just want to be mentally stable instead of going back to the mess that they once were.
Be brave, and take this opportunity to fight your fears. You may fear that they will leave you if you make a move, but I can guarantee that the percentage of them leaving you will be 100% if you are not doing anything to improve the situation. Put that calculator aside and stop analysing the connection. First, your data is bad because you just know them. Second, your calculations are slow. Just do it and see what will happen. You may even just go wild and make big moves now, because I can see that your person is expecting major changes in this relationship. Also, the oracle card that said "Destined to Have" shows up for your reading. So... you're destined to have them I guess 😳 I draw some cards to see the future and I can even see marriage for some of you. It may not for all of you but at least the outcome for this relationship is super optimistic fr, so what are you even waiting for 😭❓❔
(With this song and "North Node" card, I can see that you may know this person in past life. Your person, and probably you too are coming back to find each other. How beautiful. Also this is one of my favourite songs. The music video is just soooo beautiful and sweet when Prince laid down on Mayte's lap 🥺😔)
(Also the energy of this reading is so beautiful. I want to do this for you forever. Maybe that's what your person think of you too 😭🥺🥺 But this reading already too long, so it's time for me to go to another pile 💀)
Pile 3
You feel that there is an argument coming between you and your person. You're trying your best to talk less so you two will less likely to have a conflict. I also see that they're someone significant in your life. They're a friend that you really care about and you don't want them to leave your life, which push you to try harder to prevent the potential conflict.
Unfortunately, the pressure between you two will not just go away without an opportunity for you two to vent out all your emotions. And that opportunity is very likely to come in a form of... argument 💀 I can see that they have a lot of things they want to say to you but they trying so hard to not tell you. However, by doing so, it makes them feel less valuable in this connection. Pressure and anxiety continues to build up inside them so I can see that they will eventually come to you and let them all out, no matter you like it or not. I also feel that it will be happening soon so you really have to do something with it.
An argument, or at least an intense conversation is unavoidable. However, you can make the impact more controllable by taking the lead, asking them how they feel about the connection. I can see that some of you have the tendency to build a perfect image to others. But you have to know that perfection doesn't truly exist, and you cannot maintain this illusion forever, especially when your person is so close to you and knows you for a while/ long time. And your person is not perfect either. They have their ugly side and you can't just ignore it forever if you really want to be with them for a long time. Expect that ugly things have to happen, so that you can have the opportunity to dig deeper into each others mind, and set up better foundation for your relationship.
I can see that after this conflict, you two will have a better understanding of each other, and also set up clear boundaries/ rules to avoid future conflicts. It is a crucial step for a long-term relationship between you two. Things are scary for now but I can really see that the gain surpasses the loss by a large amount.
(Yeah time to get things under control before the negativity erupts.)
Pile 4
I can see that you may have a strong urge to fix your person. You refuse to believe that they're that shallow, that stupid, or that toxic. However, you feel that everything you do will not work/ is not working. You're being super frustrated with your person and so you're here to see if they really care about you or are they just incurably stupid. I can even see that some of you are so ready to cut them off, because you feel that you deserve so much better than that, and you're just here for some confirmation.
The answer is super clear. You can't help them, because they're really that dumb lol. I can see some of them are stuck in past patterns for a long time that it makes you cringe so hard when you see them doing that shit again. They definitely have a major lesson to learn in life, and things are definitely not ok for them for now. But you are not the one to help them, so it's better to move on now. I can literally hear that even staying for an extra second is too much for this connection 💀
If you're so ready to leave your person, do it now. It will be painful for them but it's really not your fault. If you are still actively trying to fix your person, stop doing it and think about what you're doing. You probably are doing this for a long time, and you have to ask yourself some questions. Are you seeing any progress? Do you really think that you have the ability to help them? Is it worth your time and energy to make a minor change in their life? Judging by the energy in this reading, I feel that the answers are no. Accept the fact that you are not the one to fix them, and move on.
Loki, who is helping with this reading also wants to deliver some messages to you.
He sees that you're suffering so much right now. However, he wants you to know that not all suffering can lead to progress. He feels that the pain you're enduring right now is pretty pointless. It's time to bring the focus back to yourself, because it seems that all you care about is your person, and others. Look at how hurt your heart is, and you can see the answer to this connection is so crystal clear. There's no progress now, so is the future. You should really stop investing energy in this connection. He sees that your person may be very important to you, but it doesn't mean that you have to sacrifice everything to keep them in your life. You can keep the beautiful memories between you two even when you cut them off from your life. This is so much better than creating more and more depressing moments in you two's time line.
Pile 5
I feel that your person may be abusing some substances or have mental illness, or both. I don't even know what they're really thinking about, because it seems that they're not here at all. They're super delusional and are having multiple thoughts at the same time, but those thoughts don't really mean anything. Just trying to understand what's going on in their mind makes my head hurt.
You feel that things are not finished between you and your person, but you don't know how long you can keep trying. It's like everyday, or everytime you two are interacting, you're fighting a battle with them. It's super exhausting for you and you don't have the stamina to continue trying, even when you want to. I can also see that some other friends are telling you not to invest in this connection. I feel that the support from these friends is literally the one thing that makes you continue existing, because this is how tired of things you are.
Since I am unable to understand what your person is thinking about, I will give you some advice instead. This situation desperately need logic in order to reach a resolution. Unfortunately, it seems that there is no logic in your person's mind, so you have to be the one that brings logic to the situation. You are trying to understand what your person thinking, trying to be in their shoes. I appreciate your effort but I believe that you have to stop doing this, because this is the last thing you want to do for this situation. Their "mind set" (but it in brackets because their mind is pretty much gone) is poisoning your mind, and it's making you lost your mind, like them. You have to remember who you are, instead of trying to understand the situation in their delusional viewpoint.
You can start by re evaluating the connection honestly, in your own view point, or maybe with the help with your other friends too. You will soon realize how powerless you are in this situation. Their problems are not those you can solve. Even though things are pessimistic, you have no power to change it. Accept that you've tried your very best in this connection, even when the result is not good.
"If you let your hands go, they will fall into the abyss. If you hold on to them, both of you will fall into the abyss." This is a sentence I heard... Also I feel that your situation is a little bit similar to Pile 4, so you may want to check it out if you also feel drawn to Pile 4.
(Idk what it means in this reading as it's an instrumental track. But the name and the music is spooking me out. It may be a warning sign telling you to leave the connection asap.)
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elysiumblue · 9 months
Pick a card - Who will be your future love? 😍
A fun reading to see who will be your future love. This reading is mainly for the singles but I really won't judge lmao. The definition of future love in this reading is the lover you will likely to be with for a long period of time, like at least a year.
We will explore some characteristics of your future love, and see if there is any suggestions to clear some obstacles in your way of love. Also, if you don't like what you see, you can always work on changing it, as nothing is set in stone for your future.
As this is a general reading, please just take what resonates and leave the rest behind. Hope this reading can provide you guidance for a fulfilling relationship.
👇🏻 Pick a heart you felt drawn to👇🏻
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And find the corresponding reading for you below!
Pile 1
Your future love will appear in a time that you feel lost, and cannot find a focus to pour your energy into. This will be a time that you don't feel like you're doing anything at all, even though you believe you're trying really hard, or feeling extremely frustrated as you feel that you have no choice but to make no move in life.
Your future love is a person who is innovative and inspiring. They will bring you ideas, or inspire you to come up with ideas that you've never thought of before. Their appearance will bring significant help with your situation. Not only they can bring you new solutions to your situation that you feel so lost in, they are also very willing to take care of you even when you're not in your best shape. They will be there to listen to your frustrations, tolerate your bad temper, and will try their very best to bring back the happier, healthier version of you.
They are also perfectly fine with you not making any progress at all. They just love the way you are, and will never push you to make progress if you're not comfortable with. Some lovers may be in a relationship with the intention of getting financial support or some boost in their social status. Your future lover is the total opposite of this. They really just love you for who you are.
Although they are very willing to help you get out of your struggles, you have to have the mindset to be willing to get out of the struggles. It seems that they are a bit pessimistic, like they have a sad boy/girl/person vibe. So if you let yourself become a complete mess, they will probably be too scared to reach you. Even if they are willing to be with you, things just won't work out if two of you are both sad af. Also, I feel that if you let yourself lose all the motivation to get out of your struggle, the universe will make sure that you find your spirit first, before letting a person to come into your life to help you out.
It's not that you have to be 100% happy in order to meet your future love, it's really about having the will to move forward. It is very normal to feel bad when in shitty situations. It's more devastating when you don't see any methods to solve the problems in that moment. However, what matters is you have the hope for a solution, and have the determination to put in the work when a possible situation is presented to you. The universe will provide you with the resources you need to move on, which includes your future love. But you can't just wish for someone to save you and not doing anything but wishing.
Pile 2
I am very sorry to say this but it seems that you're not attracting the best partner for you with your energy right now. So this reading will probably be a warning for you and to provide you guidance on how to attract better people in your life.
I can see that you are having a very pessimistic view on true love, or just love in general for now. However, you have an urge to prove yourself wrong, or to pour your love into someone else, and you want it to happen real quick.
You will have an opportunity to meet a person that you can pour your love and energy into, but it doesn't seem that they're worth it. First, it seems that they are not loyal, and are constantly comparing you with other options they have in love. This also makes them to not be patient with you. You may have the potential to stick with them for a long period of time. However, from what I see, it will basically be a waste of time, as they will never be able to give you the commitment you want, since they're constantly looking for better person.
Second, they have toxic aggressive traits, especially when you are attracted to masculine people. It seems that they love to see people struggling and be sad, including you. So, they will sad really mean things to make you feel really bad about yourself. For some of them, they will even spread rumors about you to your social circles, so they can enjoy some drama. Some of them may not be that sadistic and may be rude due to them having a very low self esteem. But it's still not nice to have someone who will keep you down.
Also, they often make impulsive, poor decisions, but will be really mad if you don't tolerate their behaviour. Actually they don't even like it when you have opinions on their actions. They may also have violence tendencies so you should really not consider them to be your partner at all.
(Extra notes: they may be in your workplace so watch out for sus people)
Sorry for bringing up so much bad news. Now it's time to give you some advice to improve your future. Nothing is set in stone so you can always make your future better.
First, you have to really take the time to develop your sense of self. It seems that you are too reliant on others to provide you value. For example, you may think that you are only desirable if you have a romantic partner. However, such mindset makes you really vulnerable to being manipulated by toxic people. You have to work on believing that you are desirable, attractive and have high value even when you're alone. Your value comes from yourself, not from others. You have to believe that even when no one appreciates your ideas, talents, etc., they still have value. The right person that can truly appreciate you for who you are will appear in your life in the future. However, if you never appreciate yourself, no one will do it for you, and that person will never come too.
Second, you have to be patient in love. The right person may take time to find you, but they will eventually find you. You don't have to wish for them 24/7 for them to come. Instead, you should take time to improve yourself, so you will be well prepared when they finally enter your life. Please feel more comfortable in putting your energy into yourself, because the right one won't blame you for that. If you meet someone that's mad because you're working on yourself instead of giving them attention 24/7, then they're NOT the right person. They're an energy vampire that you will want to get rid of.
(From this song, I feel that the person I am describing may be your ex. If this is your case, it means that you still not over your ex. Your energy is still stuck in the past. You really have to work on moving forward, or you will be stuck in the cycle and keep meeting bad person again, and again, until the lesson is learned ☹️😞 Take time in working on yourself, instead of looking for a new person to get over your ex.)
Pile 3
Omg pile 3 your future lover is dominant af. They give me the vibe of daddy fr. (They don't have to be masculine tho.) If a dominating person is what you want in your life, then congratulations pile 3, because they're coming in full force omg.
You will most likely meet them when you cut ties with a group of friends, which is probably not good for you at all. You feel so relieved, and so confident after doing so. You feel like a winner in life and then you meet your future love, which makes you win harder 🔥🔥💯
I feel that they really treat you as THE ONE in their life. Their goal in this relationship is to marry you. If you're not into marriage, they still want them to be your last lover, vice versa.
They just want to love you and hold you in the palm of their hands. They will try their best to make sure that you will never escape them. They will try their best to provide you answers to all your questions. They will probably also work their ass off to provide you with financial stability, so you will never have to work a day ever again. I get the vibe that they really want to keep you and love you like a pet (a kitty to be specific 😭). They will even try their best on bed, so the passion will forever be there, and you will feel like the first day of love everyday. 😭 I can really see that they will literally do anything for you. The only bad thing is that they're obviously obsessive. Their love may be suffocating, so you may want to communicate with them if they're making you really uncomfortable.
There will be no secret between you two in this relationship. If you have any confusion about them, they will try to make things crystal clear for you. I can really see the minds of you two merge into one, in a good way. Also, I feel that your future love will be very attractive, charismatic, and if you're attracted to masculine, they will be really handsome and hot too. I can feel that they're really good in bed too. So energetic, and passionate. It's like they will never be tired of you. 😭😭 Man you really be winning 😭💯👍🏻🔥
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elysiumblue · 9 months
Pick a card - Message from Lilith 🦉
Inspired by the previous reading on how to make some changes in your life, I invited Lilith the mother monster to give us some guidance to live a better, freer, more independent life.
As expected, some of the messages are HEAVY. If you're not ready for heavy messages, this reading may not be for you. I put trigger warning on the parts I mentioned potentially triggering topics. You can skip those parts if you don't want to see them.
As this is a general reading, please take what resonates and leave the rest behind. You may also tone down the intensity of the messages by yourself if the general ideas of the message still apply to you.
I hope this reading can help you live a more honest and fulfilling life. Even when some of the messages are harsh, Lilith and I deliver them with the intention of improving your situation, and bringing positivity to you.
👇🏻 Pick a butterfly that you felt drawn to 👇🏻
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And find the corresponding reading for you below!
Pile 1
Lilith wants you to be more selfish. It seems that you're pouring too much of your energy on others. You're so quick to react to people's wishes, opinions, expectations, etc. You're a people pleaser, and you believe you can find happiness in people's compliments. However, Lilith wants to remind you that you're sacrificing your own personal development for the happiness you're getting. The more time you spend on thinking about what to do for the people, the less time you spend on thinking what to do for yourself. The more time you spend on thinking what people want from you, the less time you spend on thinking what you really want for yourself. These are the two tasks that cannot be performed at the same time, so Lilith really wants you to evaluate if what you're doing really worth the amount of happiness you're getting for return.
Some of you may become a people pleaser because of past traumas. Some of you may do it just because you believe that you shouldn't change something that's working in the past. But Lilith wants to remind you that you can never find the one that truly loves you or care about you, if what you're showing to people is not your authentic self. The thing you're working so hard to get love from people is the one thing that blocks you from being loved by people, isn't it a bit pathetic?
Lilith wants to invite you to discover what you truly desire, and just do the things that you enjoy. The process of digging through your heart to find your true self, and the experience of being a "villain" is tedious, painful, and even terrifying at first. But Lilith wants to tell you that it will worth the hard work, and she also wants to remind you that it's literally the only way to find true love and happiness.
Toss your worry behind, and start making real progress now. You will find sorrow within you, you will feel bad for a while, but those are difficulties that you can solve. If you don't face them, they will never be solved. Lilith also wants to tell you that making yourself happy is actually so much easier than making others happy, because you know exactly what you're thinking. It is a harsh truth that you can never know what others truly thinking about you no matter how much effort you pour into investigating it.
Lilith also wants me to tell you that The Emperor card was drawn in this reading. It may be meaningful for you, or the meaning of the card can be inspiring for you. A message I want to add personally is, "Your family can make you a king, but only you can make yourself a conqueror, and you don't need the help of your family, or even anyone else to do that."
Pile 2
You're suffering. Lilith wants you to acknowledge the fact that you're suffering (more specifically, a victim), instead of trying to tell yourself that everything is fine. You cannot right the wrongs if you never acknowledge the fact that there's something wrong happening. Stop fighting with yourself in your mind. Start working on the same goal. Even if it takes you time to plan, or just to pin point what is truly important to you, it's so much better than wasting your time and energy to work on nothing. You have to understand that performing meaningless actions will not lead to any progress, even if you're doing something.
Lilith also want me to talk about sexual trauma here, so I will talk about it in the next paragraph. Skip it if you are not comfortable with this topic.
I can see that some of you may be harmed by someone that you really looked up to, like a lover that you paid so much efforts in getting their heart. I can also see that you may be shamed by a group of friends, or just people in general about your sexuality. It may be related to the harm that you suffered, or not. You believe that it is your fault, because it seems to be impossible for others to be wrong, especially when the one who harmed you is a person that you really looked up to. But Lilith wants to remind you that denying your worth, denying the truth of what happened, will not make the wound magically disappear. Time can heal your wounds, but you have to allow yourself walk away from the past. This can only be done when you stop building a cocoon of lies, so you can sleep in a dream that everything is ok. Acknowledge the fact that you're the victim. It may not help with the situation, as it had already happened. But changing your perspective can really help you to vent out the emotions trapped within you. When the toxicity starts to be drained from the system, it'll be so much easier for you to heal, and invite happiness and confidence you always deserve to enter your life.
Lilith feels that your life is stuck because you're denying the fact that people did you wrong. It's like you're trying to balance the two sides of the scale, while there's nothing on one side. It's a mission impossible until you put something on the other side, which is putting yourself into the equation. Before this, you're just doing nothing but wasting your time. Lilith wants you to start putting yourself first. You may believe that it's so foolish to only think about yourself, or even believe that it is harmful for people. But Lilith wants to tell you that you can go full force on being selfish because this is how imbalanced the scale is right now.
Lilith admires that you have a logical mind, and likes to use this side of you to solve problems. You want to solve problems in the best way possible, and that's why Lilith wants to remind you that you have left yourself out of the equation. Remember, you're a good person no matter what you do, because this is the nature of you. You're an angel so please don't ever make yourself live in hell again.
Wow! Lilith thinks that you're slaying! You're doing great so please take this reading as a confirmation that you should continue to shine and glow. If you're still considering if you should show yourself off to the world, do this right now because you're so flawless! You're amazing even when you're in your worst days. Some days you can be messy, but you're still a beautiful (hot) mess. Continue to radiate your energy, and great things will come to you.
Sometimes you may think that you're impulsive, and always let your intrusive thoughts win. But Lilith wants you to admire this aspect of you. Not only you have the ability to carry out your intrusive thoughts so beautifully, the work you are doing is also very inspiring to people. Your honesty makes people rethink about the values they're following. Some of them may not agree with you, but you still inspire them to think about why they still believe in what they believe. Please continue to follow your heart and do what you're doing. If you're scared that things you want to do may offend people, Lilith wants you to throw the fear away and do the thing right now. Also, if you're an introvert, Lilith wants you to show yourself to the people more. Engaging in more social activities can lead to more positive energies flowing into your life!
For some of you, especially the feminine ones, you have great skills in dealing with men. Men can't help but fall in love with you, and treat you like the queen you are. You have a mesmerizing way to interacting with men, making even the most "aggressive" man become a kitty for you and do what you want them to do. Lilith loves what she sees and wants you to keep up the good work 🦉👍🏻 or be more confident in yourself and start using your talent if you're not doing the good work yet.
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elysiumblue · 9 months
Pick a card - What can you do to change your life? 🌊
Inspired by the super moon in Aquarius, here's a general reading for you to guide you to a radical change for your highest good.
The messages I channelled in this reading are SUPER intense. If you're not ready for harsh messages, this is not a reading for you. Also, don't force it to fit your situation if it doesn't resonate. Take what resonates, and leave the rest behind. Use my message for guidance and inspiration only. Don't make blind moves if my messages don't make sense for you at all.
👇🏻 Pick a glitch you feel drawn to👇🏻
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And find the corresponding reading for you below!
Pile 1
I feel that you're super determined to be successful. Such pressure to be "great" in life may be from your family. They may be very harsh on you, or maybe you just want to prove them wrong, like showing them you can be successful. You may also follow some path suggested by your family. For example, it seems like being a lawyer is the only successful path in your family's eyes, so you work so hard to be a lawyer.
I have to say that you really have the quality to be successful. You have the patience, have the perseverance, have the intelligence to plan for long term... just everything. I really feel that you can do everything you want and nail it because you're so determined to be the best. (Are you an earth sign? That's earth sign energy for me 😳)
However, have you ever thought about what you TRULY want to do? You're killing it even when it's a torture for you to pursue this path... just imagine if you're truly enjoying it. Imagine your flame is burning wildly, and freely, and glow so brightly in the field you truly enjoy, instead of keeping the anger in your heart, and feel the burning pain.
You know that success takes time. It's not something that can happen randomly one day. So why not take a break, and reflect on the direction you're moving in. I believe that nothing can be truly eliminated. This is same for the effort you've invested in the past. Even if your true passion is something that is totally different from what you're working on right now, I can guarantee that the experience from the past can still help you in your new journey. Also, your unique experience can help bring innovation to the field you wanted to work on. I really believe that bringing real innovation into the world is the best thing a man can do in their life, instead of following a path flawlessly.
Don't be afraid of people walking away from you. It's inevitable that you will disappoint someone, but does it really matter that much? Imagine if today was the last day of your life, and you're living a life that you don't like. Disappointing yourself is the ultimate betrayal, as you have no one to blame on. Why waste time and energy to build a jail to trap yourself, when you can break free. The people you can meet are either warden or inmate in the jail. You deserve so much more, as everywhere you go, success follows.
Take your time in your journey, as success can never miss you.
Pile 2
I can see that you have to cut off some person that doesn't serve you anymore from your life. I feel that the person you have to walk away from is a feminine figure, like a demanding mother or girlfriend. They don't have to be a female tho. You definitely know who is ruining your life and making it insufferable, because I can see that you're at your limit. You may be a masculine, but it may also just your energy for now. I can see that you're trying so hard to use logic to justify this connection, but it seems that your calculation is wrong, because you miss a major factor in this equation, YOURSELF.
Why do you feel that you're lesser than them, and have no real purpose other than feeding all your life force to them, so they can look so beautiful and glowing? You're not a piece of log in the fireplace. You're a person, with your own purpose that your life shall burn for. There's only 1 real person that's living if you continue feeding the other person, but it should be 2 living people on earth. The world wants you to be like an individual person too.
Don't be afraid of the pain that will come from cutting ties with that person, because it'll probably be less than one third the pain you're suffering right now. You may be suffering for a long time, but please believe that the cycle of pain can end right now, if you decide to put an end to it.
Stop living for others. Start living for yourself. It's not serving the world when you're serving a meaningless purpose. Remember that your existence matters. Explore what you want to do for yourself, and fight for yourself. Start glowing, so you can stop being someone else's shadow.
(I can also feel that this situation may require quick action because of how bad it is. You really need to do something right now or at least make a change in your thought patterns, so you can stop being delusional in this situation.)
Pile 3
Do you have a feeling that your thoughts are super volatile? It can be thoughts that you have to devote, or even sacrifice for someone. It can also be like your thoughts are super strong and wild that it doesn't seem like belongs to you. It you resonates with this, you may have dark spells being casted on you. If you don't feel like it's your situation at all, then it's not your pile. Go pick another one.
Someone has casted some dark spells to sabotage your life. I don't even want to dig deeper into this situation, as I don't feel safe to do so. But I am very sure that someone need to know this as soon as possible, so I am delivering this message.
Seek professional help right now. Your life is a mess, because someone wants you to be ruined. You have to solve the problem or it will only be worse for you. Go figure out who's sus. I don't want to go into the energy it's so creepy 💀😭
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elysiumblue · 9 months
Pick a card - Describing your beauty 😍
A reading that can help bringing you positivity. Let me attempt to describe your beauty. I may also provide some advices to enhance your beauty in some piles.
As always, this is a general reading, so just take what resonates, and leave the rest behind. Also, this reading is aim to provide positive vibes. If you find the messages offensive, then the message may not be for you. Maybe you are not ready for the messages, or you can try pick another pile.
👇🏻 Pick a heart emoji that you feel drawn to 👇🏻
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And find the corresponding reading for you below!
💜 Pile 1 💜
People feels that you need to be seen more, because they want to see your beauty! They can see the glow of you, even when you're trying your very very best to hide it. Besides that, people also see that you're visibly hurt, so they want to help you with the healing.
Yes, I can see that pile 1 is definitely going through some shit. It's more apparent in the way you push people away, or hurt people with your words. I can see that you don't do this because you like to hurt others, but it's due to you not feeling yourself worthy enough to be loved 😔 You seem to be pessimistic, due to the intense suffering you've been through. I can specifically see suffering inflicted by male or religion here.
You may not believe it, but people feel that you're a royalty, as they can't help but admire how you go through so much shit, while still be able to remain a good person. The color you picked, which is purple, is a color of royal too. Also, 3 of the 4 queens have showed up in your reading. The only one missing is the Queen of Cup, which indicates you should try to be more open to the idea of love. Let people love you. Believe that you are loveable. And more importantly, love yourself.
Give yourself a chance, to be open to more people. This time it's not the same, as you're stronger than before, and also not all people is as horrible as those you've met before. Be open to the love and kindness of people. Let them help you, and most importantly, let us see your beauty and your glow. I feel that you're now living in a shell, but not even the shell can fully cover your brilliance, no matter how hard you try to shut it tight.
(I don't want to specify the events, but I really feel that you've been through some tough things. Songs about toxicity and violence keep showing up in this reading. Your pain is valid, but don't let it define you. Things will definitely get better. ❤️‍🩹)
🩵 Pile 2 🩵
I feel that you have a dark vibe and a retro style. Your beauty feels timeless, which reminds me of Lana Del Rey and Dita von Teese. You probably like black, and maybe blue too.
Your beauty is intimidating yet breathtaking. You make people just want to stop and admire you, and be with your vibe. The vibe of yours is dark yet very soothing, making people feels like everything will be ok if you're here. Some also find your style very inspiring. I cannot accurately describe why but I can come up with an example. It feels like people spend hundreds of dollars to buy an e-ink tablet, so that their eyes won't hurt by the light of the screen, and one day you remind them that paper book exists. 💥📕
I didn't forget about the intimidating part of your beauty. People knows that you look fine but they also know that you are not the one to be fucked with. Just looking at you, they can imagine what will happen if they make an unwise move on you 💀 You feel dangerous, but it only makes you dangerously beautiful. Must be the dark vibes that you exude. Reminds me of "Jiraikei", a Japanese style which looks really cute, but can be very destructive. As the name, "jirai", which literally means landmine suggested, people will be shred to pieces if they're not careful. But there may be some people who purposely mess with you, because they want to be screwed lol 💀💣
❤️ Pile 3 ❤️
Man. You probably an air sign. The energy is so air sign. Or maybe you aren't because I am not an air sign, and am not experiencing the air sign experience firsthand.
You feel so elusive. Looks like a fairy that doesn't belong in the human world, and is super rare. You looks beautiful, but at the same time you feels like you don't belong to anyone exclusively. This makes some people want to catch you, and own you. (And then they failed lol) Some people will try to make you commit in a relationship with them, just so they can see you more often. (I guess they also failed too lol 💀)
The way of your speech also has a charm to it. You can say something that makes zero sense at all, rambling bs, and people still listen the whole thing, or even believe in you. You may find this a bit amusing sometimes. However, there may be some people thinking that you're shallow, and untrustworthy, because of the way you speaking.
You probably surrounded by people. I feel that you're quite popular, and may even have multiple people crushing on you. They really be like moths to the flames. This makes you feel overwhelmed, and makes you want to hide from people sometimes. It also makes you a bit confused about who you should spend your time with. This makes you hop from people to people, one thing to another thing, which contributes in your elusive vibe.
Although you know that you're liked by people, you still find yourself comparing yourself to others. You make changes to yourself from time to time, which is a nice thing. However, some changes are unnecessary, especially those you made just to please others.
I heard an example that sounds quite contradictory, but if you get it then maybe it's a message for you. Some people may think that you're so hard to keep up with, and they want you to be more grounded. However, when you try to be grounded, you lost your charm and find yourself struggling. You have to acknowledge that your unpredictability is a part of your beauty, that should not be changed. You have to know that if people find it struggling to deal with you, that means that you're not for them, instead of you being the problem. 🥴
(This is one of my favourite songs. Also Prince was a Gemini. More air sign energies. He was not afraid of speaking up and changing things up. And he was always changing musically. There's a quote from him, saying that making music is like meeting a new friend, which made him want to make something he had never seen before.)
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elysiumblue · 10 months
Pick a card - What are the rumors about you + How to deal with them? 😩
Super interested in doing this topic. Maybe I just heard "toxic gossip train" for too many times. 💀
For this reading, I picked up different specific scenarios for different piles. So, if the message totally not resonating at all, maybe it's not your pile. Also, it's a general reading. So just takes what resonates and leave the rest behind 🙏🏻
This time, I feel drawn to let you all pick your pile with figures. They're all inspired by a major arcana, so let's see how it goes with the reading! There's also an oracle card for you, so you can see if you can get more messages from it.
👇🏻 Pick a figure you feel drawn to 👇🏻
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And find the corresponding reading for you below!
Pile 1
The "gender" of the energies I get in this reading is more defined. I feel that you are the one with feminine energy, and a past lover of yours, who has more masculine energy, is spreading rumours on you.
They're saying that you're seducing people everywhere, and saying that you're kinda loose. Their description of your gave me the vibe of "fox spirit", which can be an offensive term we use here to describe women that loves playing around with men.
However, it seems that you don't have to take these rumors seriously, as they're pretty silly. Also, it is difficult for people to believe that you're like what they heard from the rumours. It's very likely that the rumor will just clear up on its own, as you get The Sun + the oracle card you got is Leo. Also, the figure you chose is The Star. So things seem to be in your favour. You are suggested not to put too much effort, or any effort at all in dealing with the rumors. Actually, it's better if you don't even thinking about them.
I also felt that the problems you had with the person that started rumors about you should be resolved long time ago. Even if there's a heartbreak, they really shouldn't be that petty about it after such a period of time. You're suggested not to invest any energy towards this person, as things should really be finished, done between you two. It's their problem for not being able to chill, so don't make it become your problem too.
If you really want to find a trustworthy person to talk about the situation, you can find a female family member, especially your mum, or just a mother figure you've known for a long time. They can give you some nice advices (to not deal with this situation lol).
Your oracle card:
Last Quarter Moon in Leo - Lighten Up
Pile 2
For this pile, I will talk about family issues, so if you feel that this is going to trigger you, then it may not be the right timing for you to receive this message.
It seems that your mother is spreading rumors about you, and it really breaks your heart. She is saying that you're so spoiled that you're not doing anything helpful for the family, and just taking from the family. Maybe she said it to your face too.
It is extremely painful for you to deal with this. However, you're suggested to hold back from taking action towards her. Spirits wants to remind you that she's acting like this because she's dealing with some extremely tough situations (e.g. your father did some bad things on her, divorce). She is in a terrible mindset right now, and she's using you as a punching bag. This is a horrible experience for you, but you're suggest to forgive her for now, and let time resolve the situation for you.
If you find it really difficult to forgive, or at least tolerate her behaviour, you can try recalling the better times, when your mother was in a better mental state. Remind yourself that she's actually not the person she's right now. It can help you to get through the painful period of waiting for time to resolve your situation. You got The Judgement card in reverse, but the figure you picked is The Judgement. I take this as a sign that it's the wrong timing for now, but things will definitely be better in the future.
Your oracle card:
First Quarter Moon in Capricorn - Unleash your kindest self
Pile 3
Something is really wrong with your workplace. People are saying that you're no longer useful, and are not going to achieve anything good in the future. They basically say that you're so done. You're already super tired of doing things, and you having to deal with these people just makes everything worse.
Actually, everyone in your workplace is not that trustworthy, but there are some people who are particularly worse. You may use these information as a confirmation. First, is someone who's really popular, and likes to be with/ talk to people, especially gossiping with people. Next is someone who is quite good looking, and may be a male. They pretend that they're super confident about themselves, but deep down they aren't. They are super insecure about their performance, and they believe talking crap about you to people can make them look much better. 😭💀
The best, and probably the only way to solve this situation is get the hell out of there. Quit that damn job. Stop neglecting yourself, and feed yourself to this hell hole. They don't have much positive stuff to provide you, and you deserve way better than that. The figure you picked is The Fool, which is a sign for you to take that leap of faith. Even if the pay will be worse in your future job, at least you will be 100 times happier than now. Also, I don't feel like you can do this anymore, judging by the energy of this reading 💀
Your oracle card:
First Quarter Moon in Aries - Step into your power
(As I type this, "Mars, the Bringer of War" played. So much Aries energy. As an Aries, I feel that Aries is the sign of "Fuck it. Just start something right now and think later." Maybe it's a message you need to hear 🥴)
(I think the main message is in the title of the song. Also, it's my ringtone. It's another sign that tells you to get a new job. As it reminds me of the time of turning on my ringtone, when I was waiting for an important call (e.g. when finding a new job).)
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elysiumblue · 10 months
Pick a card - How does your ex view you + Do they want to reconcile with you? ❤️‍🩹
Spirits really wanted me to do this reading for you all, so I did it. It's understandable because it's new moon in Cancer right now, and Cancer is a bit nostalgic.
This reading is a timeless reading, and will explore how your ex views you, their view on reconciliation for now, and see if there's a possibility for reconciliation. You can think of an ex when using this reading, or just let spirits decide which ex they want to talk about. I also got some advice from your spirit guides to help you with your situation. 😁
Remember this is a general reading, so just take what resonates and leave the rest behind!
👇🏻 Choose a color that you feel drawn to 👇🏻
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And find the corresponding reading for you below! 😳
Pile 1
You probably got dumped by your ex recently, because the song that reminds me of such period played. They probably did it coldly, or even suddenly. I'm so sorry that you have to go through this 😔 because I feel that little care was given when they cut you off. If it's not a recent thing, then it may indicate that you still care quite a lot about the event. You're still grieving about it, and even want to make some sacrifices, or put a lot of effort to make your ex happy or come back to you. It's very difficult for you to face the fact that they're now your ex.
You may still put your ex on a pedestal in your heart, but it seems that your ex is not doing the same. I can see a female figure, especially the girlfriend of your ex, or someone that really likes your ex, is talking crap about you. They don't necessarily need to be a female, but still, they're talking crap about you, and your ex is buying it. I particularly channelled that your ex thinks you are very useless, like you wouldn't be able to do anything with your life. In general, they have negative view on you right now.
Reconciling with you is the last thing your ex wants to do right now, as they're having real fun right now, sexually for some. There is possibility that you can reconcile with your ex. However, you have to put an enormous amount of effort to do so. Also, I can see that it's a very humiliating thing for you to do, especially if your ex is already with a new person. Your spirit guides want you to reevaluate your worth, logically. They want you to think throughly before making any action that's related to your ex. If you really think that it's overwhelming for you to analyse the situation, you may seek help from your friends, to have a more honest view of the situation.
Pile 2
The break up may be a long painful process of realizing that you two are not meant for each other. It's so painful that you're having sleepless nights, nightmares, or crying yourself to sleep. I also see that your self worth is damaged by the break up, for some of you.
For your ex, they're doing bad too. The break up caused huge pain for them. They think that you're a very great person, and they still have some passion for you. They may also think about reconciling with you, but even when they do so, it will not be a thing that they will do impulsively. They want to make sure that this time, the decision is right, and the move they make is perfect.
However, I can see that for some of you, this kind of thoughts in your ex's mind is caused by you doing some magick on them, or you paying someone to do it on them. It is a sign that things are working for you, but your spirit guides want you to rethink about your actions. They want you to think about is this really worth it, as they showed me that this dead. They want to remind you that there are better uses for your energy or money, instead of investing it to try reviving something that's dead.
For some of you, it seems that communicating with your ex will be helpful for your situation. But keep in mind, don't be too desperate when communicating with your ex, nor just communicate with your ex for the sake of getting something from your ex. Stay mindful, and be logical during communication.
Pile 3
The breakup was messy. It's like the minds of you two were in a horrible state back then when this decision was made. Your ex may decided to break up with you because they were overwhelmed by past traumas, or you were the one who did it. I felt that it was a very illogical decision for you two to break up, because the main "reason" for this decision barely has anything to do with the "present". It was a heartbreaking experience, but now, you're healing from it.
Your ex may still revisit the memories of the relationship, but some of them knows that the flame is not here anymore. For some of you, your ex is pessimistic about reconciling with you. They feels that they are the one that did this to you, and they don't think you deserve any more bs from them. I heard a very specific message that they're actually not attracted to your gender, and they're very sorry for the things they did to you.
As your ex feels that they did you wrong, they're not actively doing things to reconcile with you, despite having feelings for you. They feel that it's up to the divine to decide. If they deserve a second chance, things will happen between you two. It can also be the view for some of you.
Your spirit guides suggest you not to take any action right now, as you're probably tired of all the things happened to you. Also, you're not in the right state of mind for planning about reconciliation. I can see that if you two are meant to have a second chance, things will just happen, like you bumping into your ex randomly in a social even, or even just seeing your ex when you're walking around. There will be a chance for you to reignite the flames between you and your ex.
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elysiumblue · 10 months
Pick a card - What are your psychic abilities + How to improve them? ✨
Hi! It's me again with a new general reading for yall. I bought the beautiful Tarot de la Nuit today, so I decided to do a reading to test it out. It is an amazing deck and I am blown away by its performance 😭
Also, I decide to open for paid personal reading here. Read this post if you're interested.
Anyway, this reading is a general reading, so please take what resonates and leave the rest behind!
👇🏻Choose a color that you feel drawn to👇🏻
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And find the corresponding reading for you below!
Pile 1
You have the ability to attract people, especially romantically. You can make them attract to you that they are hypnotized, fixated on you. Your ability to increase your attractiveness is so strong that it can even make the impossible becomes possible.
For some of you, such message may be impossible for you to believe. Such belief may be cause by you not believing in love, or some traumatic events in the past, or both. To overcome it, you need to let those burden go. It's suffocating you, and covering up your flames. Investigate the reasons that is blocking your love, and work on removing them.
To enhance your psychic abilities, you need to be more courageous, and active. Go get that love you want. Be playful and open in love, as it is the right you have for possessing such abilities. However, it doesn't mean that you can be reckless. Be mindful of what you're doing with your abilities, and use it with care, or you may attract some side effects you don't want to deal with in the process.
Have fun, and let go of expectations when using your abilities. The less you worry about the outcome, the better you abilities will work.
Pile 2
You have the ability to gain clarity when you're alone. You have the light within, to guide you to see even with your eyes close, and the intelligence to explore even when you're asleep. For some of you, your psychic abilities are related to dream.
The less you care about others, the better your psychic abilities perform. Also, it will makes you shine brighter, so bright that some may idolize you. You have the flame within to fuel your glow. You don't have to please others in order to shine. Be more selfish, and cut off relationships that don't serve you at all.
You have to remember, the more you put into others, the worse you perform. You cannot do both at the same time. You're not here to babysit others. No one will thank you for that, but they will definitely thank you if you shine so beautifully, as you are here to be a star, an icon.
(I am reminded of the tragic story of Amy Winehouse. You may find clarity and inspiration from her story. Also R.I.P. Amy 🙏🏻)
Pile 3
You have the ability to bring hope. You bring the end of dreadfulness, like the night disappears when the sun rises. No matter how long the night lasted, you have the key to get out of the dark, and you can get out of the maze, as well as bringing others out of it, when you decide to do so.
You probably went through some shit. Some of you may think that you're doomed because of the shit you went through. However, don't let the dark define you. You're not the dark. The past experience is not here to mould you into a vengeful person, but to give you strength, so you can conquer the darkness, and break it, like the lightning that cuts through the stormy sky.
To improve your abilities, you may want to cut ties between you and your past. Some of you invested too much energy in figuring out why things happen that way, or what could've happened if things were different. These thoughts have to be stopped, so the past can stop draining your energy.
You have to believe that you are free. Some of you may suffered something from your family. However, not even them can chain you forever. You can leave the night whenever you decide to do so, as you always have the key in your hand.
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elysiumblue · 10 months
Open for personal reading! 😁
I am open to provide paid personal tarot readings!
The price for 1 question is US$15. I can only accept payments through PayPal/ Ko-Fi. 🥲 If you are from Hong Kong, there are more payment methods for you.
I can answer all sorts of questions, except those about health, birth, death and lottery numbers. However, I have the right to reject your request. Send your request with your questions through message, and I will reply if I accept your request or not. Don't pay me before this step.
After confirming that I received your payment, I will send you the reading in 48 hours. The result will be written in English, or Chinese if you request it.
If you have any question, feel free to ask me through message. 😃
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elysiumblue · 10 months
Pick a card - Does your person love you? 😳
General romantic reading to figure out what is going on between you and your person. It's leaning a little more to the singles because of the topic, but I believe that it actually works for any relationship. It's another 5 -pile reading as I was instructed to do 5 piles 💀
For some piles, I may not be able to give you the answer directly, as it is a general reading. However, I believe I left enough information for you to get a clear answer from my reading.
As this is a general reading, just take what resonates, and leave the rest behind. Don't force things to fit your situation!
👇🏻 Choose a color that you feel drawn to 👇🏻
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And find the corresponding reading for you below!
Pile 1
Things are going well between you and your person for now. However, you're worried that you're not "the one" in your person's heart. I believe that's why you want to check this reading out 🥴
For some of you, your person may be in a relationship with another one in this moment. I don't feel like the other person is the "third person" based on chronological order of things. For some of you, the situation may be the opposite, which you find out that your person is being with another new person. However, I feel that you know about this already. So if this sounds like a surprise for you, this may not be your pile.
For some of you, your person may broke up with their ex recently, or maybe you just feel that their ex is still important in your person's heart. Overall, you are worrying a lot, despite everything looks nice on the surface for you and your person.
For your person, I feel that they have disconnected with their past. Even if they are not completely done with it, they have decided to do so in their mind, and will actively do something to cut the cords. They may also make such thoughts more public, known to more people instead of just some thoughts living in their head. Overall, they probably took some time to think about it already and their mind is set.
If you are the one that caught your person interacting with a new person, then it is bad news for you. 😔 For the rest of you, I feel that your person has chosen you, and will do something to prove this to you.
For those who their person is in a relationship, I can see that some fights, or even a messy one, will happen in that relationship. Your person starts them so they can cut ties from the existing relationship, and to prove that they are true to the "third person".
I feel that there will be people from both side in this situation looking at this reading, so judge if things are good or bad for you according to your place in the situation. If you are the one that being cut off by your person, then I suggest to let go of this relationship, because hope is very slim. 😔
Even if your person is not connected with another person, I can see that a fight, or quarrel may happen between you two, which is very likely to be caused by you worrying that their ex is still in their mind. However, after the conflict, you will find out that your person's heart belongs to you truly. Not only the worries are cleared after such events, your relationship with your person will be strengthened.
(This song may be indicating a fight on phone? 🤔🤔 Something is connected to the phone 🤔📞📱)
Pile 2
Wow. I got lots of different energies for this pile. So this may be the one that most people picked lol. Because of that, the message will be more general, but I will try my best to include everything. 😭🙏🏻
For this pile, I feel that you and your person is not in an official relationship yet. Your person may be a very popular person, a hot one if I have to say 😏 Because of that, you feel that you are competing with lots of people, or your person has a lots of options to choose from, and this makes you believe you have to work real hard to get them.
You probably have a crush on your person. For some of you, your interest towards your person is more publicly known. For some of you, your friend group may even make fun of the relationship of you and your person already, even when you two are not together yet. They probably say something like, "You two is THE perfect match! 😭" However, the things mentioned above still applies to you. You still feel like you're in a competition to get your person's heart.
I feel that things are hopeful between you and your person. You two definitely have the potential to start a nice relationship together. However, it seems that your person knows that they are hot, so their attitude is more like, things will come to me, instead of fighting for a relationship.
But it doesn't mean that your person is an absolute player. They will pay effort to maintain a long lasting relationship if they believe you are the one. They may even treat you like a royalty. They just don't want to waste time on everyone, as it seems that your person has a lot of admirers.
You can increase your chances with your person by showing that you're hopeful, and keep up the positivity. I feel like looking negative is a big turn off to your person. Your person is probably acceptive to your love, so continue putting efforts in it. You two have the potential.
No matter the outcome, I can see that the results will be revealed soon, so if things don't work out, you can stop putting effort into them. I feel that your person is not that patient. If they don't like you, you will know it if even if they don't tell you directly, as you can feel that they've lost passion and interest in you.
Overall, for now, there is hope between you and your person. It's just that you have to be the one who put effort in getting your person for now.
Also, extra notes, I feel that your person may be a sensual person 😳 and they are good at that thing 😭 Because there are so many sensual songs playing during this reading. Or maybe it's just you having a lot of umm... thoughts about your person 🤨 Anyway, I feel that their energy (and probably their appearance too) is really attractive, so you have good taste 😭😭
Pile 3
For this pile, the message is short, because I get a very very concrete answer even before actually drawing the cards. Your person doesn't care about you at all. (I'm sorry for that 😔) I don't even want to list out the situations to trigger you. Also it won't matter tbh as it's very clear that they have no feelings for you anymore.
You are probably heartbroken in this situation, and you want things to work out so badly. However, they aren't. They don't want to see you anymore. Some of you may still in some sort of contact with your person. However, I feel that the main goal for them talking to you, is to tell you to get lost. (Sorry for the heavy wording 😭) If this doesn't work, then they will probably just ghost you later, because they really don't care about you at all. 😔
I will just give some advice to help you move on from your person...
Leave the past behind. It doesn't matter anymore. Don't view what the situation can be if you do this or that as an option, as it's never an option. Put the focus back to yourself. Focus on improving yourself, or do something that will make you happy. As you put more energy into yourself, the pain will die down eventually. The pain is not here to last forever. 🙏🏻
Pile 4
For this pile, lots of cards come out... You probably have a lot going in your mind right now. I feel that you are feeling powerless and the fire is fading out in this connection with your person. You are analyzing if there are possibilities for you and your person.
I will say that your person cares about you. They love you, even if this answer is probably shocking to you. You just can't see it as they're having trouble to show it in this timing. They are probably busying with work right now. Love is not their focus in this moment, but it doesn't mean that they don't like you. It's just life 😭
I suggest you to hold the urge to make any major decisions on this connection for now, as your mind is super overwhelmed by everything. It's better for you to have faith in your person.
You may also want to put more focus into yourself in this timing, instead of having the energy to think about things that is out of your control. You have to accept that sometimes your person needs to do other things, instead of showing you love 24/7, and this is what it is. Stop finding reasons for this.
As you stop trying so hard to figure things out, and spend time on loving yourself, such difficult times will past faster and you will see that your person still likes you. Also, I feel that if you show that you can take care of yourself well while your person is busying with things, it will strengthen the relationship between you and your person 🤨👍🏻
Song: Radiohead - Creep
(I cannot put the song here from Spotify and idk why. I guess it may also be a sign that you feels it's difficult to reach your person for now. But the song is here anyway. Your person will be more available later so don't worry 😃)
Pile 5
Very specific and weird message. Twin flame. If the messages of this pile doesn't resonate at all, it is not your pile. Go pick another one.
You are stuck in a very weird situation. You are super tired of thinking about your person, but you just cannot stop. Nothing works, and it's not that you can do anything else either. It feels like thinking about your person is the only one single thing you are capable of doing, no matter how tired you are, and how tired this is making you feel.
Every ounce of your braincell has gone to thinking about your person. So bad that you're not even interacting with others, or caring about other things. You may even try to send messages to your person like you two are meant for each others, and try to explain why there is a magic connection between you and your person. They may be still around to receive your messages, but it seems that they don't really care about this at all at the same time.
There is always a reason for them to not put focus on you. Even if there's nothing at plain sight, it seems like things just got generated out of no where. You are never their focus. You are losing your sense of self as the chaos keep going on.
I got some advices from the cards to improve your situation, but it is probably not what you expected to hear. I will try my best to put this in words because things are vague af.
You have to distance yourself from the thoughts, or even thinking anything. Look at the reflection as the sea of your mind is still, as you stop startling the water. Observe your mind, and you will find out what is hidden, and forgotten about yourself. You are not the thinker, but the observer of your mind. It will be a painful process, and may even feel like dying. However, the effort will worth the pain, as you can finally put the energy to dig deeper to the truth, instead of creating more questions to be answered.
As you give up your expectation, and give up your control of the connection, things will work out in a magical way that may not make any sense at all.
Actually, I don't think I did a good job in explaining what is going on 😭 If you still reading this really confusing passage, you may want to check out this playlist to learn more about your situation.
I swear this is not an ad. I am shocked that such messages will come out for this reading, but this is the only way to read the cards. Even the song I heard when I saw books about Twin Flame played in this reading, which I take as a confirmation. Someone has to receive this message.
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