elizoi · 2 years
And all i can do is watch and see, not ever listen and learn.
I feel like the eyes on me are made just to look, not for understanding the importance of the things I saw. The mouth I had on and the lips are there just for the pleasure of having them, being closed at the first word I try to say. My ears are there for hearing the things I’m not made for and the things I could never see and say, because I’m just an painting not finished put away in the corner of an art studio.
/discovering the ways my body aches trying to find its place/
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elizoi · 2 years
And my blood is like rosemary red…
And you can see it on the snow in te sidewalk
But dont go to far,
Not a single person is safe from being forgotten.
And don’t cry little soul when you find me sleeping in the snow with my arms crossed, cuz I’m sleeping in my rosemary bed of red,
Tomorrow I will not worry about the colour going into black…and today you go tell the world about the only thing that was left from me…rosemary red the colors of every child’s cheeks and lips after coming from the snow.
-dark poetry-
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elizoi · 2 years
And, for what it is worth, the life you are living, is a story too - a story to be told.
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elizoi · 2 years
Fizicaly i am all out
And mentally all in,
I feel like am New sets of cards
In the hands of someone who is not a player of poker
Not much capable to have a poker face
how they say when you play w the big teams
And use the good terms.
I feel like snow, in your hands
And on the ground, cold.
I feel like snow,
at your touch I don’t feel as cold as my name made me,
I feel hot,
but when you go outside and let me all on you, my name takes my place and all I am left is cold.
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elizoi · 2 years
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Gothic Slytherin Pisces Moodboard
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elizoi · 2 years
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Aphrodite Made Me Do It
-Trista Mateer
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elizoi · 2 years
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green home
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elizoi · 2 years
Some say that the ending isn’t tragic enough because it gives us hope. I would say that it’s so much more tragic because of that hope.
If James is dead and Oliver is sure of it he has two choices. He can try and build himself another life maybe with Meredith maybe not. He can grief and finally make peace with it. Or he can end his life as well if he’s not able to live in a world without James.
But because of this hope there is so much that can go wrong and only worsen the situation Oliver’s currently in.
James is alive but hidden so well that Oliver is unable to find him basing on the only clues he has. James waits his whole life and Oliver spends the rest of his on looking for his love.
James is alive but doesn’t want to be found. Oliver finds him and they face the tragic reality - they have to pretend everything is as it was but it’s not or they have to terminate the relationship forever leaving both of them heartbroken.
James is alive but Oliver decides to make his peace with the fact he’s not. He’s not looking for James leaving James waiting for him.
James is dead and at the bottom of the ocean. But Oliver led with hope spends all his life trying to find him and never achieving that. He never finds peace.
James is alive but Oliver decides to believe he’s not. He kills himself out of misery. It’s ‘Romeo and Juliette all over again. This time James gets the role of Juliet instead of Romeo. It’s all Shakespeare’s fault again.
Hope is the worst thing a hopeless person can receive.
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elizoi · 2 years
The fucking irony of iwwv and the love triangle being a love hexagon:
Richard loves Meredith but Meredith loves Oliver while also trying to get over Richard simultaneously, but Oliver actually loves James AND Meredith. James loves Wren but not really, and is actually in love with Oliver, but Wren gives absolutely no fucks and loves no one.
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elizoi · 2 years
“Luring him was as easy As flashing valentines. But like a lady firefly They hid a secret call to die.”
— Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
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elizoi · 3 years
Și vreau să știi că te iubesc,
Chiar și dacă zilele îmbătrânesc;
Orice este pe lumea-n întreagă eu ție ți-aș da-o Dragă,
Chiar și dacă nu muncesc
Pentru iubirea ce-o doresc,
Tu să știi că din sicrie de pământ și flori am să-ți fac al nostru cor,
Iar din stele și Luceafăr o să-ți croiesc o altă viață;
Din marmură și poțiuni o să-ți croiesc un drum mai bun,
Unde ai să-n întâlnești un viitor făr de necazuri și vise fără speranță.
Speranța-n mine nu mai este,
nici pic de iarbă verde,
se așterne-n într-o mie de petale de despărțire,
Pentru că în lumea ta fericirea ta-i al alteia și nu a mea,
Iar eu din păcate plec sper pământul de care tot mă feresc,
Un viitor de suferință și tristețe cel fără de care eu nu voi înțelege,
De ce munca cea mai grea este despărțirea mea de-a ta,
de-a binelea.
Și știu că-i rău să pleci din viața celui pe care-l iubești,
dar crede-mă când îți spun că-i drumul cel mai bun.
/o poveste fără sfârșit/
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elizoi · 3 years
Ne uitam la stele și speram sa cada una să-ți întoarcă viața-n bine.
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elizoi · 3 years
Doua persoane sunt făcute una pentru cealaltă in momentul in care fiecare nerv din corpul lor se unduiește după al celuilalt, in momentul in care ochii se înțeleg între ei fără să-și rostească vreo vorba iar fiecare părticică din creier să-i înțeleagă gândurile fără a întreba.
Iubirea iartă,
Iubirea suferă și plânge după însăși ea;
Iubirea urlă,
Iubirea strigă și se agită dar in continuare, tot după ea;
Iubirea alină,
Iubirea calmează și liniștește, după fiecare dintre celelalte sentimente pe care le simți,
tot din cauza ei.
Iubirea cearta,
Iubirea te Înșeală și te răscolește cu minciuni, tot despre ea;
Iubirea amăgește,
Iubirea spera și așteaptă dar tot după ea;
Iubirea te întristează,
Iubirea se chinuie și se torturează, dar iaca,
tot pentru ea;
Și in cele din urma iubirea este iubire și iubirea se caută iubire,se jelește după iubire, se omoară pentru iubire și se îmbătrânește după iubire.
Iubirea este cel mai mare păcat al lumii, nescris in biblie sau oriunde altundeva, decât in ea.
/iubire păcat al acestei vieți trăite pentru iubire/
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elizoi · 3 years
Am avut grija să-ți dau aripi, sa zbori mai departe de mine, să-ți fie bine...iar tu ai avut grija sa mi le tai cu fiecare lucru pe care l-ai făcut.
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elizoi · 3 years
Pinky promises
And shit
That’s the thing, you make me promise
to much because you don’t think I am true,
But I am true to you, the only one in my life, I would give u the world
I would give you my mind.
Eyes closed, can’t focus
In the car with these bitches, windows open.
The air is fresh…like this cash, and I don’t need no one…
But you, and your pinky promises.
And it’s true, all the things that u say…
I want this but the thing is
I am too scared of commitment.
All these bitches like me bcs they know how much I make…daily,
daily they call and ask where I am going next…
and when I say your name they get obsessed.
Observe and obtain the cash that I pay to do the thing that you don’t let me do.
And I know that we love each other but every time we call each other we lie on the line…
And it’s all true I love you, I really do, but the thing is I am to immature to tell you, that I love you for real girl, I love you.
So much that I can’t move on without thes bitches that spend my money like it’s your trust issues.
You ask me to open up more,
I start to lie more,
You ask me to come closer,
I get further on
from the life that I want.
The girls I don’t like.
And I know what I want,
but I’m to fucking scared.
I am to obsessed by the thing u do and the things they do, the bitches that know what I want to do to you. And you know it too.
Pinky promises that when I see u my mind goes blank and all I know is your name.
And I want you to hear me say
that I promise to keep you safe,
by the fireplace, in our home in the states,
in LA, by a pool with some cocktails and some bitches tired to see your face.
We don’t care by the things they say bcs we have each other, we care for each other, we do love each other. We pinky promise to each other.
- I would like drake to sing this…
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elizoi · 3 years
“Hearts get infiltrated. Promises get broken. Rules get shattered. Love gets ugly.”
— Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover
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elizoi · 3 years
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