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“I’ve decided to sketch the bard who plays in Riften square. She is a much better musician than the one in the tavern. I find myself sitting by the well often when she plays there.”
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“My adventures have come to a lull for the time being, giving me some time to sketch. I realize it’s been some time since I’ve sketched anything. This is a starlight haired Bosmeri woman who was sitting at the Withered Tree this evening. She was quite pretty and was sitting with an Altmer man who had the same colored hair.”
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Want to do some ESO RP sometime? ^_^ My @name is @SerpentPsyoria
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“It has been long since I was able to make it back to Riften to sketch. Learning magic spells has been quite an undertaking but I’m picking it up. While in the Rift I saw this beautiful pale skinned and haired, white eyed ‘Maormer’ who was simply too striking not to draw. She was very elegant and kind to me when I showed her my sketch. She looked like a sea elf. I am glad I captured her likeness.”
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“Leaks-When-Struck, the legendary bartender at the Whithered Tree tavern in Riften. If you got secrets, he’s not telling. I thought he was worth sketching since he’s always been so nice to me. And also the tavern was quite empty when I started so I thought it time.”
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“Had a delay in returning to my art in Riften for a while but I’m back at it for now at least.
Saw this striking red haired healer in heavy armor and decided to sketch him. He seemed brave and altruistic, even attempting to help a man not drink himself into complete oblivion.
The drunk man was a great reminder to be careful who I talk to in areas like this. Maybe it’s because I wore a hat instead of a mask this time. Perhaps he’s correct that I should have more means of protecting myself than I currently possess.”
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“This was an unnerving day in the Rift. I overheard someone talking about feeding on cult members and I think she might have been a vampire but I didn’t get a look at her face. This particular woman I sketched with black stood next to me on the balcony of the Withered Tree and I admit she had me quite nervous. Her eyes were so pale i thought she might have been blind but I couldn’t tell. I sketched her quickly but she left before I could put much detail down so I did my best.”
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“After a recommendation from a very nice priestess of Dibella to try inks again so I am! This interesting and extremely friendly argonion with a name that I believe contained the word rats had the most peculiar mask on and I had to add it to my sketchbook. I think Riften might have some of the most interesting people I’ve come across.”
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“This sweet dog seems to always be friendly and welcoming every time I go to the balcony of the Whithered Tree Tavern. I like to give him scraps from my meals sometimes. So I just had to sketch him.”
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“Today I had gone out determined to sketch the most interesting face I saw... that is until I ran into this cute snowy fox named Powder and his owner, probably the most adorable Bosmeri woman with long red braids. I think she was a hunter of some kind but I admit I was too distracted to get a thorough look. Before I had finished my sketch the fox jumped off the chair to the ground and decided to sit upon my feet.”
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“I saw this lovely Dunmeri woman tonight and had to sketch her... She was very kind and stood still for me. While I sketched a very tall, very blond Nord warrior came to inquire if I’d draw him. Who knew Nords loved art so much? But before I could finish this sketch he disappeared”
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“Sketched a most kindly Nord today by the name of Kanther. He sat for me very still and I had a chance to get a proper likeness.”
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“My first two subjects were roguish figures in the Withered Tree tavern in Riften. Though I don’t know who these men and mer were, they seemed to be conducting business of a serious nature. I was glad not to attract their attention. I did seem to attract some attention by my mask, and artist and a knight. They were quite friendly and a welcomed distraction from work.
I find the Rift a beautiful and refreshing place that feels like a real autumn paradise to look at. I am excited about the future art studies here.”
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“I have left the studio and decided to travel all over Nirn to draw and paint the people in it! I’ll wear a mask while sketching my subjects so they aren’t aware of my activities... hopefully.”
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