eleventhhousesun · 4 years
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eleventhhousesun · 4 years
Reading for N.L.
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Birth Chart: This is a person of earthly, masculine magic. This is a person who truly builds their reality and manifests the world they live in; they are in complete control whether they realize it or not. This is a person of sensation; their power is their physical attention, whether that be attention on their body and sexuality or attention on their material world/worth. This energy does not require input from others to succeed, however. Their beauty lies in their deep desire to understand and communicate with others; you don’t just keep your head down. You find meaning in the relationships you have and place that high on your priorities (or at least always in the back of your mind). All this is ignited by a beautiful flame. Your journey is your identity. You understand that your life is a mirror of who you are inside: your job, your success, your hobbies, your appearance, your relationships, even your home or surroundings, all of it. You take your life seriously, but do not take yourself too seriously. Your ascendant personality might be confusing to others. While you behave authentically, it can throw people off when they sit in your energy and realize how efficient and diligent you really are.
A mantra that comes to mind: “I manifest my reality.”
Bottom of the deck: Page of Pentacles
1. Ten of Pentacles, Seven of Pentacles R: I see distraction and no reward clarifying a culmination of the earthly path. You’ve learned what it is to earn something for both yourself and your future. You forged this path and manifested everything you have. But are you satisfied? I see discontent and exhaustion. Maybe you question if it was worth it? Or maybe you don’t see your success as satisfying?
2. The Empress R, Knight of Wands R: I see smothering and extinguishing. This night has been reversed and your temper and control may be awry. This fire has always been within you, but it has been turned inward. This bottled flame is reckless and impulsive, the opposite of your typical earthly magic. And we see it clarifying the Empress, typically a bountiful, feminine, earthly, and nurturing energy. She is reversed, but it’s a case of chicken or the egg. Did she become smothering and dependent because of this recklessness or anger? Or did her reversal cause this impulsiveness?
3. Four of Cups R, Eight of Cups: Here, you reach out and choose happiness. Through all of these burning embers and ash you see the beauty of regaining control over your emotions and sensitivity. Your dreams and emotional aspirations are heavily influenced by something as earthly as feeling safe and secure. You also invest your emotions into your passion and power. What are you reaching for that brings you happiness? What are walking away from? What are you walking towards?
4. Death R, The Fool: Cycles end and begin constantly. You may feel it’s difficult to let go. You could be going against the current, where letting go brings you peace and flow. The Fool brings hope and excitement for your new beginning or path. Regardless of what is/was in your control, you now know your manifestation powers. These cycles often be broken and you can often choose. And being of earthly magic, you also know that for one thing to live another must die; a sacrifice is required to maintain order and flow. Lean into the excitement of the Fool, for he leads with a burning torch willingly into the unknown. You acknowledge the flow and, now exhausted from some sort of resistance, can realign with the current of your path.
5. Ace of Wands R, Nine of Swords: Be weary of burnout. In moments of demotivation or exhaustion, you may fall into or return to an old cycle. When we are not motivated by a new venture or path, it is easiest to turn around and go back down a familiar path. But this takes you backwards and fights the current. Does this boredom initiate the cycle? Or is it the symptom?
6. Knight of Pentacles, Six of Cups R: But alas, there you are. Standing tall in your power. This rider, this explorer of the earthly pursues his own path. He leaves his home and safety to following his own path. You are a person of diligence and responsibility. This is what guides you and gives you meaning in your journey. And the road leading away from stability or home can be difficult one; we know so little without having left the comfort zone. Now, you see your past weaknesses and strengths and tread on, steadily and with purpose.
I manifest my reality.
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eleventhhousesun · 4 years
5th House Reading
1. The Chariot: You have regained power and control. Where you were foggy, you are clear. And though you may see the path clearly, with that you see even more possibilities. You take the path alone, kept company by your willpower. The Charioteer drives his path forward, despite difficult situations, with no hesitation. Reason tames appetite and will.
2. Ace of Pentacles: You planted a seed. You know what it is that you planted. It was a seed that saved you from hopelessness. It was, for a moment, your star. What have you done to further nurture this seed? If not nursing, what is the reason for this path? Where does it come from? How did it get there? Nursing is a life. And it is one of the most material and worldly careers . My mind went to nursing from seeing what essential means. That many of my female role models are women of nurturing and care. None of them work for businesses. None of their nobility and legacy is owned by anyone. It is earned. They earn their legacy by simply helping and giving care. Nurturing the spirits, bodies, and minds of those around them; a lifelong career and life path. That gave me a sense of legacy and purpose. To continue a legacy of females that, in the face of their world they were born into, chose to help and nurture. These women give their lives to the cause and never lose their spirit. This is my path. I want to walk alongside them. That I didn’t work for money, but that I earned as I went and only helped people in that minimal food chain along the way. That I was in a legacy of nonprofits. That we came here to heal our environments in peace.
3. Four of Wands R: Sometimes when we walk the road that others do not dare, it may be in isolation. Even though you may feel as though you don’t belong, the wands will lead you to where you are meant to go. Have trust. Your journey is yours alone and theirs their own.
4. Three of Pentacles: Where first we had to walk alone on our own path, carving the way forth. This three is the karmic next step. In realizing the limitations of walking alone, you have also realized you need to collaborate with a steady diligence to your goal. Understand your own potential and this teamwork can build something even greater together.
5. Ace of Swords: This is a breakthrough. This is a clear decision. This is perspective
6. *The Lovers: Your decisions will bring you harmony. These dualities all coexist together. It all belongs. Be everything. That is your destiny. Your legacy is to walk down the middle with discipline and responsibility. To honor those who came before you; those who lived and died. This is not pressure, this is honor. This is a noble path and one that will challenge you. It is a path that will require you to have both temperance and clarity, judgement and reason. You can do anything you set your mind to. This is manifestation. This is how and why we continue on. Because we do not accept no for an answer. We do not accept the system. We do not accept a challenge without a fight. We are females who fight for essential caregivers. We are females who fight for ourselves.
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eleventhhousesun · 4 years
Daily Reading
1. King of Pentacles R, Prince of Wands R: Do not allow anger and greed to get the better of you. Keep temperance and stillness, keep your head clear. Know what is real and what is not. Determine what you have to work with right now.
2. The Moon, The Chariot: Do not let these emotions drive your path forward. These paths are made in our mind and spirit. This path is also for you alone, giving into temptation and another’s power does not serve you. Do not be fooled.
3. Prince of Cups, The Emperor: Your sensitivity now requires discipline. With the power to express emotions comes great responsibility. This wisdom is your guide only if you honor and respect it. And this added fiery energy makes this power even more exciting.
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