eldritch-goose · 1 year
And yet... he hasn't yet gotten the hang of the whole "communication" thing.
Sometimes I cant stop thinking about how Bruce initially benched Jason and temporarily fired him because he was worried Jason is going to get killed and he had Jason's best interest at heart.
And because of that Jason ultimately died because Jason felt unwelcomed and coincidently found out that Catherine Todd wasnt his best mother and so because he craved unconditional famial love so much he searched out and ran away to find her
and she betrayed him and Jason died and Bruce's nightmare became reality.
Because all Bruce wanted was to keep Jason safe but his inability to communicate that lead to tragedy and heartache; also considering that was during the stage of Jason's life where he just started healing from all that he went through.... just makes me wanna bang my head
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eldritch-goose · 1 year
This, right here, is my relationship goals.
you'll never possibly guess which one I'll be tho
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Minsung version because why not
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eldritch-goose · 1 year
Yeah, I have no idea how to use any of this.
Also what is this "blog" thing that I spent 20 minutes decorating cluelessly? I feel a couple decades older now that I've realized I have no idea how coding works. Lovely.
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