eggsmacklee · 2 years
22.5 reasons why being my bf is the best decision you could ever make
1) i am extremely loyal, sometimes i’m too loyal but there’s no such thing as being too loyal when it comes to you, mwah
2) i love kissing and if you like kissing too, then dating me means that you’ll get kissed a LOT
3) i will try my best to make sure that you have fun with me every single time we’re together, and maybe sometimes when we aren’t (via fun texts and stuff) 
4) i will work hard to make sure you’re as happy as you can be with me, whatever that looks like, whatever it takes 
5) i’m always going to work to find a solution to any problems we might have, so you don’t have to worry about me giving up or something 
6.0) i will protect and defend you from harm and from hate
6.5) i will always prioritize your growth as a person because i want you to be the best lil junnie junnie you can be 
7) i will always be honest with you, ALWAYS, no lies, ever, NOT EVEN ONE
8) i will give you all the space and freedom you need, along with all the attention and care you need too
9) i’ll show you songs that i think are cool (althought sometimes they might be weird)
10) i’ll show you MEMES that i think are cool (although tbh they might make you wanna break up with me but they’re just so funny i can’t help it kdjsngfkdfjg)
11) you can wear my clothes, any of them! take em! leave me naked i dont care! 
12) we’ll have COOL dates and they won’t be the lame dinner and a movie ones either, we’ll go on adventures, take pictures, try new shit, we’ll even travel together
13) i’ll kiss your feet 
14) i’ll kiss your ass 😏
15) i’ll skin myself alive idk I’LL JUST DO ANYTHING YOU WANT, ANYTHING
16) i’ll make art for you and it will suck but i will pour every ounce of my jakeisms into it to make it special for you
17) i will listen to you and take criticism where necessary
18) i feel shy saying this but wecandoitwheneveryouwant AHHHHHHjhbsdfsljdfbgnsdkfgn
19) i’m a fantastic nurse so if you get sick don’t worry, i’m basically a doctor 
20) when you’re not busy we’re gonna have thee most fun movie nights ever 
21) i’ll beat people up for you
22) probably rob a bank too
so what do you say, yes or no?!
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