eenie-meanie-mertle · 7 years
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Mertle on a rare and quiet visit to a museum
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eenie-meanie-mertle · 7 years
Randall gave her a bright smile when she didn’t make a move to push him away and seemed happy enough to see him. He felt like she was really going to give him a chance, and that made his heart soar. “If you’ll follow me, m’lady,” he said with as formal of a voice as he could muster as he led the way to a carriage tucked on the other side of a line of trees on the sidewalk and hopped up, holding a hand out to her to help her up. “I figured you wouldn’t want to walk with the peasants,” he teased lightly. “You look lovely, by the way,” he said as he took a seat.
The carriage took off and took them to the restaurant they had reservations at. The ride was short and he attempted small talk, but he worried that it fell short. His nerves were getting the better of him despite all the effort he was putting into seeming normal. He worried that taking her out to eat was a mistake, too, and that she would be angry with him, but he wanted make a bit of a point. When they arrived at the restaurant, Randall thanked the driver and hopped down first, once again holding a hand out for her. “I thought this would be a nice start to our date,” he said as he then held the door open for her into the romantically lit establishment. 
Alright, this was off to a decent start, she had to admit.  When prompted, she had to admit the Randall cleaned up nicely.  As much as she wanted to stay mad at him, she just... always wanted to not hold that grudge.  That was until he did something like that again to her and the cycle just seemed to always repeat itself.  But she had hope.  This time it had to be better.
Mertle’s eyes glanced around, taking in the restaurant.  “Yes, I suppose it is a nice place to start off,” she smirked as she took his hand.  She eyed him suspiciously.  “You know how I feel about food, Boggs.”
An Attempt || Eggs
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eenie-meanie-mertle · 7 years
“Alright” Donald said, taking another huge chunk from the cookie, continuing to leave her some for now. Maybe she would change her mind and was just turning it down to be polite. “Ah, well… you know where McDougal manor is? That’s where I need to go. Ugh… I can try to remember the cross streets, if you want, but it’s pretty big. Kinda hoping someone would know.”
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Had she been drinking her latte at the time he said where he was going, Mertle might have choked.  She laughed instead.  “What business do you have going there?  Anyone who’s anyone knows where that is.  Don’t tell me you’re hoping to ask for charity?  Word on the street is that guy isn’t very generous.”
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While the Sun’s Right
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eenie-meanie-mertle · 7 years
Jack-Jack rolled his eyes, “There’s a considerable effort made to make it appear that way, but no. Probably not.” he was hoping Mertle would want to talk more about it all, but he also understood why she didn’t. If anything, he was more concerned that she would even date someone so vile, and that she was going to get hurt in the process. But pushing was crossing a boundary, and nobody liked to be pushed when they were already exhausted.
The Parr gave her a knowing glance, “It’s because you’re usually okay that I know you aren’t now.” he said, looking her up and down quickly. “Anything I can do to make it better? I have a shoulder, and two ears that are good for listening and unloading on if you want to.”
“Considering that you basically rescued me tonight, I’d say you’re pretty tough.”  It was a small and rare compliment that came with an actual genuine and appreciative smile.  However, like any and all authentically kind gestures from Mertle, it was fleeting.  She turned to him and let a finger slide up the side of his arm.  “And, I’d say you certainly look the part.  Get all the girls swooning over you.”  She chuckled and turned back away, crossing her arms.
“I’m fine even now.”  A part of her liked that someone was actually concerned about her, but Randall was like that and then... well, look where that exploded.  He played her when she thought he actually cared.  She wasn’t letting that happen again.  “Don’t worry your pretty little head, Parr.  Fine as a peach,” she added dryly.
Wedding Blows || JJ & Mertle
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eenie-meanie-mertle · 7 years
Jack-Jack was still red when she thanked him, and his redness only went supernova at the kiss on his cheek. He shouldn’t be thinking of anyone else other than Meg, and here he was getting flustered by Mertle. “Yeah, o-of course.” He said, quickly, “Let me know if you need any more help another time. I’ll…. well I’ll let you get to your team’s lesson.” He said, spotting someone coming in through the doorway.
Mertle smiled at him, pretending to smile in kindness when really, she was gloating at how flustered JJ appeared.  “I will indeed.  See you later, Parr,” she winked before turning her attention completely to the incoming Slytherin member.
Coupon Clippings // JJ & Mertle
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eenie-meanie-mertle · 7 years
Shea didn’t like when her clients did stupid shit that jeopardized their dealings. Most of the time it was limited to asshats who felt the need to gloat about the trinkets they paid Shea to procure for them to the people from whom the trinkets had been procured. She was careful enough with the acquisitions business that there was little chance anyone would link a gloating asshat to Shea herself but it was still more of a chance than Shea was willing to take. And then there was what had happened at Fiona’s reception. 
Through various contacts, Shea had come to learn that Mertle had not been the one to start the fight. Mertle had also not been the one to stop the fight and from the sounds of things had even gone off into a private corner with Randall to talk. This warranted a little bit of worry. The plans to ruin Randall’s life were taking a while to put together and if Mertle got impatient or started having second thoughts then she could decide to call the whole thing off. That didn’t work for Shea. So, she’d called another meeting.
You’d never know how tense Shea actually was, as she hid it well behind a butterbeer and a fashion magazine. But her eyes didn’t take in the words on the page as she impatiently waited for Mertle to walk in. 
After the rather rude (and late-minute) note she received from Shea, Mertle took her sweet time to meeting up with her, she supposed, employee.  After all, she was paying Shea for a service.
A few minutes after the time Shea had basically demanded from Mertle, the redhead finally strolled in and leisurely took a seat across from the other girl.  Mertle removed her sunglasses, planting them atop her head, and gave Shea a sickly sweet and fake smile.  “Now, Gold, I hope you have a good reason for calling me out here on a beautiful day where I could be laying in bed with a boy toy.”
No Refunds || Mertle & Shea
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eenie-meanie-mertle · 7 years
“Oh, it will be,” Shea assured her. “But like I said it, it will be a process. That means it’s going to take time.” This was no small feat they were planning. Well, Shea was planning. Mertle would have her part to play, but Shea was the one getting all the ducks into their designated rows. “What I need from you is patience. You start trying to get things done more quickly and you’ll quickly find the whole plan ruined, you understand?”
Mertle rolled her eyes and let out a small, annoyed sigh at Shea’s patronizing tone.  “Clearly, since I’m the one paying for all this, I’m gonna want this to work out.  No need to worry about me.  If anything, I should be worrying about you.  How do I know you’re not about to run off with my money and rip me off?”
Hidden Fees and Taxes || Mertle & Shea
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eenie-meanie-mertle · 7 years
Randall had managed to get some plans together for his date with Mertle, as rushed as they were. They were going to go for an early dinner and then, if everything went to spec, they would take a carriage ride to the second part of their date. He was a bit hesitant, however, that it would go well, as he made his way to the base of Big Ben, where he’d gotten her to agree to meet him. 
Already, he was nervous, and he fiddled with his sleeves as he waited for Mertle to arrive. Every way that this date could possibly go wrong ran through his head, and he knew that it was already going to be rough because of the way they’d left things before. And he had a lot of proving to do. And she had a lot of grudges held against him. Those thoughts left, however, as soon as he spotted her. It was time to put his game face on and make things better. “Mertle! Hello! How are you?” he asked as he approached her, a smile on his face. He took her hand in his and leaned in to press a kiss to her cheek.
Past adolescence, Mertle was rarely ever nervous.  She simply would never allow herself to be in such a weak, vulnerable state.  So was she nervous for this date with Randall?  She’d say no, but deep, deep, deep down, a little part of her felt uneasy.  It could be because she had the plan in motion with Shea to publicly humiliate and ruin Randall.  Of course she planned on going through with it, especially since she had already coughed up the fees for it.  But that was also a problem for future Mertle to deal with.
Mertle had checked her outfit more than she’d like to admit and only left the house when she felt confident enough in her attire that it would make any man salivate at the sight of her.  And of course she would never show up early or on time.  It was always best to keep the date waiting, especially if it was Randall.  So when she did finally arrive, she simply smiled at his greeting and accepted the kiss to the cheek.
“So.  Dazzle me with whatever date you’ve got planned for me today.”
An Attempt || Eggs
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eenie-meanie-mertle · 7 years
Mertle: date with Randall by thedazedstarling for this thread
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eenie-meanie-mertle · 7 years
As she backed up and bumped into him his face blossomed with pink as he stumbled backward to put some distance between them, realizing that he was all too close to someone that wasn’t his girlfriend. He laughed, a bit nervously, and nodded, “Hey, you’re starting to get it.” He said, stepping a bit further back and coming around to her front once more. “Practice a bit more and you’ll get it. Ah… want me to stick around once your team gets here, or are you all good? They should be coming soon.”
“You’ve helped me quite a bit,” she smiled, turning back to face him and saw his rosy cheeks.  She certainly felt accomplished in today’s little bit of mischief.  And she definitely did not need additional help for the training.  After all, she knew exactly what to do and she didn’t need her team to underestimate her by seeing a Hufflepuff help her.  “Thanks again soooo much, JJ,” she said sweetly as she planted a small kiss on his cheek.
Coupon Clippings // JJ & Mertle
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eenie-meanie-mertle · 7 years
“Well, I don’t usually toss people on the floor, Mertle, no matter the situation,” Ken replied, smirking a bit, “I am usually the one that likes to get pushed around.”
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Mertle actually let out a bark of laughter at Ken’s response.  If he hadn’t just done her basically a favor last night, this was too good to be true and such hot gossip to share.  “Never pegged you for a submissive.  Though, is pegging a thing you’re into?” she rolled her eyes and teased.  “Should have mentioned it sooner.  Might have helped us spice things up last night.”
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eenie-meanie-mertle · 7 years
Jack-Jack smiled and rolled his eyes. “He is. And yeah, he’s not so tough. Taken out bigger guys with much bigger attitude problems.” He said, joking once more. Of course, Blaine was a pretty big dick and it showed the second the Parr got him outside. “But seriously… He is an ass.”
Her question caught him a bit off guard and he looked at her oddly. “Actually, it’s because you’re usually okay. So when you look like you’re not… feels right that I’m here to offer some support.”
“Tough guy, aren’t you,” she chuckled as she leaned back against the wall.  For once, she really didn’t feel like talking about herself.  Her family was probably looking for her, ready to scold her to no end.  That was not a conversation she was looking forward to.  Another thing for her sister to put her down about.
So JJ thought Mertle was always ok?  Well, she supposed she was.  “You’re right.  I’m usually okay.  Am right now.  Nothing’s changed.  See?” she flashed him a winning smile that certainly didn’t feel genuine at all.
Wedding Blows || JJ & Mertle
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eenie-meanie-mertle · 7 years
We need to talk. Three Broomsticks, 4:45 pm. Do not be late. -- SG
Mertle rolled her eyes at the note.  She crumpled it and tossed it to the side.  She had time before 4:45.
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eenie-meanie-mertle · 7 years
Donald shrugged, “Hey, I just call it how I see it.” He was used to those sort of comments, so he could shrug them off easily enough.
He watched her take a bit of cookie and slid it further between them so she could get however much she wanted. “I was hungry, and I figured you would be too. Besides you have to have something to go with coffee.”
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“Then you must be blind,” she snapped back.
Mertle smirked as Donald moved the cookie closer, but she was no longer interested.  A tiny piece was more than enough for her.  “No, I’m good.  I’ll just stick with my drink, thanks,” she smiled sweetly at the boy before taking another sip.  “Now, tell me where I’m escorting you to.”
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While the Sun’s Right
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eenie-meanie-mertle · 7 years
JJ smiled as he took up a seat beside the fiery red-head, “I don’t know… Been ensuring a lot of people don’t stay free all summer. But they abused the privilage. I don’t think I will.” It was a small quip, but maybe enough to get another smile out of her.
The Parr didn’t push for her to look up or even at him as he just took in the room around them. “Don’t worry about it. He was stupid. Stayed stupid outside too.” Jack-Jack said with a smirk, “His family wasn’t too pleased at how he was escorted out, but I think they were more upset with him to begin with, so there is that.”
The silence unfortunately stuck with them for a while before JJ decided to turn and look at her, though not expecting her to look back. “You going to be okay?”
Mertle let out a laugh and rolled her eyes.  “Shut up, you nerd,” she teased at his little joke.
Well, Blaine was most certainly pissed at her then, though technically he didn’t keep his end of the bargain so he can’t blame her for not keeping her side.  He probably can hook up with some other girl instead.  “Yea, he’s a real piece of work,” she sighed, now looking up and running her fingers through her hair, undoing the tangles.  “Surprised you managed to get the upper hold on him.  All that summer work is really paying off on you, huh?”
“Am I never okay?” she smirked, throwing JJ a brief glance.  At the very least, in his eyes, she hoped she had always appeared to land on her feet, so to speak.
Wedding Blows || JJ & Mertle
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eenie-meanie-mertle · 7 years
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Mertle out and about and gracing the public with an appearance
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eenie-meanie-mertle · 7 years
“Oh please,” Shea very plainly rolled her eyes, as hers were not hidden, “no one bats an eye at that kind of shit. Boys are allowed to play around. It’s just boys being boys.” The sarcasm oozing out of Shea’s words was laced with venom, but her anger towards this particularly unfortunate fact about their society was no less clear as she leaned forward and spoke earnestly. “And they continue to think it’s perfectly fine because no one makes them face any kind of real consequences for their actions. No one humiliates the cheating bastards because they’re too worried about not being humiliated themselves, so they don’t go loud enough. You hired me to hurt him, and I will. Trust me to insure that any humiliation you suffer will be spun to your advantage in the end. You’re the victim in this, after all. Everyone sympathizes with the victim.”
There was truth in that, and it definitely resonated with Mertle.  Boys always got off relatively easy whenever it came to consequences for their actions.  But, being the victim was something Mertle had struggled with.  She didn’t mind if she chose to be the victim because then it would mean she ultimately had the power in her hands; but if victimhood was forced upon her, that was a different story.  However, the way Shea played it, Mertle was all ears.  “Ok.  I think I go with that.  This is why I hired you.  I want his social career to be over by the time this is done.”
Hidden Fees and Taxes || Mertle & Shea
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