edenszerofan · 1 year
Something I really really like about Undead Unluck is how small, simple, and personal most of the characters tragedies are for them. Unlike a lot of manga that feel the need to give their characters extremely dark and over dramatic backstories the further it goes on (*coughcough* OnePiece *coughchough*) all Undead Unluck needs to do is show how the characters powers activating ruined their lives in some way.
For example, we have Nico. Nico’s tragedy is that he can’t remember anything of his dead wife other than her dying face. And it ruins him, it eats him alive and we feel it in his interactions with others, especially in the lead up to Ragnarok where he betrays the entire Union for a chance of seeing Ichigo one more time. It’s powerful because it’s so simple and human.
Now there are outliers in this, like Gina and Fuuko, who’s tragedies have a very large death count, but even still the focus is on how the characters feel after what happens, and how their tragedies fit them thematically. Like Gina with her desire for her life to never change being forced into it by God, and Fuuko, a person who cares so much and so easily about others, having a power that is worse the more she cares for someone.
Andy is probably the best example of a deeply personal tragedy as well, with his dream in the fight against Seal being to grow old and live a long fulfilling life and then dying of old age being the one thing he could never do
All in all, Undead Unluck and Yoshifumi Tozuka have an impeccable grasp on how to make, a character’s backstory inform who they are today by abiding by the rule of simple and effective.
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edenszerofan · 2 years
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Shicca ♡
• Eden's Zero (215)
• Colored By Me
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edenszerofan · 2 years
So the new chapter just dropped and being the talented individual that I am, I will make it all about Rebecca.
While the chapter makes it seem like Elsie is the true villain I don't think that's the case. Elsie hasn't had that big of a presence in the story nor does she have any means of possessing or controlling someone that we know of. I also don't think the true Villain will be introduced in the same chapter we were told there was a true Villain. It is also likely that the true villain has time related powers. Which leads me to think that either Rebecca or future Rebecca is the true villain.
I wanna make one thing clear while I do think it's possible that Rebecca is the true villain, I don't believe for a second that she would willingly hurt anyone.
Hermit says there is one thing that still doesn't make sense to her which lead her to think of a person who could be the villain. The thing that she brought up a few chapters ago was future Rebecca's necklace that had the words Edens Zero carved onto it even though Edens Zero didn't exist in Ziggy's original timeline. So it's possible that she thought of Rebecca rather than Elsie.
Of all the characters that were presented as the potential true villain Rebecca is the only one who has "possessed" someone, that is the version of herself in other timelines when she briefly takes a glimpse into other timelines. So while possessing someone else isn't something she can do right now it's not entirely impossible.
Rebecca has "died" about thirty or so times that we know of. She has always been able to cheat death so the future Rebecca being dead is something I had a hard time believing. The way her body was being preserved, how Ziggy kept talking to her for years to follow and how the scene was framed that made you think she was actually listening, her ether being used in Edens Zero and Ziggy having her necklace all leads me to believe that future Rebecca isn't actually dead but frozen in time and she is still able to perceive things around her.
I don't know about her motivations for being evil. I'm not even sure if she's doing it on purpose. My best guess would be she was able to see into other timelines where the world meets the same fate as her world and humans or Shiki is somehow responsible. Because she was stuck alone with her thoughts and terrible visions of the future it affected her psychologically.
Ziggy might still have her necklace with him which might possibly possess her ether through which she could have gained control over his body. That necklace was drawn to our attention a few times. The first time the machines from the future discovered Shiki and Rebecca, when Rebecca carved Edens Zero onto that necklace, when we saw that Ziggy has it, and when Hermit wonders why does it has Edens Zero written on it.
If the real villain is future Rebecca it is also possible that she possess the present Rebecca.
I use the word possess here very loosely because despite what Ziggy said I don't think the evil version of Ziggy was an entirely different entity. I think it was more close to someone or something corrupting a part of his mind. Because the evil Ziggy talked and acted as if he was Ziggy instead of a different person pretending to be Ziggy.
What Ziggy said in this recent chapter actually contradicts what he said previously.
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Then there is also something that Xenolith said
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This leads me to believe that something triggered the evil side of Ziggy insted of him being possessed by a different entity. And I'm more inclined to believe Rebecca/future Rebecca being the trigger for it instead of actually possessing him.
I also think there is a good chance that present Rebecca is actually the real villain. Let me explain.
There are two main things to focus on. Chronophages and overdrive.
@howtoeatworms once pointed out that there is a possibility of Rebecca either turning into or being the origin of chronophages as they both posses time related powers and have the same desire to consume. That thought isn't leaving my mind.
"Ziggy" has stated in the past that Chronophages and mother are connected. A chronophage was responsible for dropping him into this universe. They have also been attracted to Rebecca's power. Rebecca once wished a chronophage should eat a plant's time. Now she's on the verge of summoning a chronophage to do just that. Chronophages most definitely have a big role to play in the story.
Rebecca's love for food is a huge part of her personality. When she didn't eat for a week While she was grieving Shiki in universe one, it felt more impactful because we all know how much Rebecca loves food. While big eater is a popular trope in manga, we don't see the female lead and love interest having that trait all that often. So I think it's entirely possible that there is a bigger reason for Rebecca's love for eating other than it being a quirky part of her personality.
Overdrive is the ultimate form of ether gear. But since everyone on Edens Zero was able to do it relatively early on in the series I speculated that there might be something above overdrive. Overdrive required a lot of ether power and it enhances the ability to the person while also changing their physical appearance. So what happens when a person has too much ether?
In fairy tail, Ultier (who just so happened to look like Rebecca's mother) was born with too much ethernano which put her in a constant state of pain and her way of managing her excess ethernano was to master a difficult form of magic which just so happens to be time related.
So what if things don't go as planned and Rebecca ends up consuming or merging with a chronophage in order to stop it or just by accident. What if she absorbs so much ether her body forces itself into overdrive and then something beyond that? In this hyper overdrive state along with her abilities something else gets enhances. Her desire to consume, eat and destroy. Keep in mind Rebecca is very trigger happy and she has a lot of destructive tendancies.
This is one possible scenario. What if she gets eaten by a chronophage while trying to fight it. What if her power reacts with it somehow. What if she activates ether gear as she is being consumed by a chronophage. What would happen then?
In any case Rebecca being lost in time, seeing alternate realities and coming across Ziggy because he was eaten by a chronophage too or being responsible for him being eaten in the first place is possible.
If Rebecca being the true villain does end up happening I think there are enough clues or foreshadowing for it.
The first thing that came to my mind was this thing Xenolith said
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With the vaguely romantic wording and the woman from the future, this is very clearly about Rebecca and you can't tell me otherwise. So I have to wonder if Ziggy attracted Rebecca that was lost in time after her encounter with chronophage.
Time and gravity especially in the setting of Edens Zero are incredibly strong forces. You can't just give your two main characters the power of time and gravity and not do anything with it. From Ziggy we already know that their powers combining will result in sometime extremely powerful so wouldn't their powers clashing be equally catastrophic?
Because of the whole thing with Cure I can't shake the idea of someone aligned with good, aligned with Shiki ending up as his enemy.
Then we have the red string of fate incident where both of them started hating each other resulting in them fighting and wishing the other was dead.
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Something that we never followed up on. As of now that incident is never mentioned nor did it had any impact on the plot at the time. So maybe there is an actual reason as to why that incident took place.
Shiki's power is described as something that can destroy the world but not Shiki himself while Rebecca's power was described as something that can save the world. Although it could just be because of the translation or most likely I'm just reading too much into it. None the less their powers being described as incredibly powerful but not in the exact same way is something I find very interesting.
In this arc Rebecca has been blaming herself for all the other chronophage attacks it would be ironic if she ends up becoming something very similar to a chronophage. Both Weisz telling Rebecca that she will have a chance to get to know her mother and Hermit and Sister waiting for Coner to tell her he is her father himself feels like a set up for Rebecca not getting an opportunity to talk to either of them.
In some ways Ziggy and future Rebecca remind me of Zeref and Mavis. While some relationships in Edens Zero resemble relationships in fairy tail they are never one to one. The roles of the characters in it end up being different if not completely opposite. So I think it's possible that Future Rebecca while resembling Mavis at a first glance ends up being more like Zeref.
All of this is of course pure speculation. We will know more with next chapters to come.
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edenszerofan · 2 years
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I'll be with you the whole time, I promise I'll keep you safe, Rebecca, no matter what.
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edenszerofan · 2 years
Here's a somewhat angsty Edens Zero/Shicca prompt: Rebecca is nearly killed bringing Shiki back to the light, causing a guilt ridden Shiki to realize the error of his ways. Shiki blames himself for what had happened, realizing his feelings for Rebecca; when she wakes up, Shiki tearfully hugs her, apologizing for his actions and confessing his feelings for her, Rebecca reassuring Shiki that what happened wasn't his fault and tells him she loves him too and they kiss.
Hi bearandbirdfan!
Thanks so much for the prompt, I don't often write a lot of angst so it was a nice change of pace to flex those creative muscles. I hope it doesn't disappoint?
title: Don't Deserve Love (2.8k)
pairing: Shiki Granbell x Rebecca Bluegarden
warnings: SFW, heavy angst, negative thoughts and emotions, violence, blood, severe wounds, Shiki has fallen into despair, the boy needs a hug, manga spoilers (be warned if you have only watched the anime!!)
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He didn’t know how it had come to this. Couldn’t see the point at which he had strayed upon a twisted path shrouded in darkness. The shadows greeted him like an old friend but were indeed anything but friendly towards him.
The hole in his heart had been invaded by evil, stealing inside and pumping his veins with poisonous intent. Anger sizzled just below the surface, ready to strike at the smallest altercation. Fury descended like a blinding haze over his vision. It wasn’t fair. None of this was fair.
Shiki Granbell had succumbed to despair; the death of Witch too much for the young man to bear. It didn’t matter how hard his friends tried to pull him back into the light, a part of him wanted to remain in the void. Darkness was his ally, it cooed in his ear – told him again and again of the injustice of his situation – and most importantly, it numbed his pain.
The captain of Edens Zero could walk from day to day without the bow breaking agony that tried to rip at him, the pain that would’ve sucked at his very soul and the ringing demand of retribution in his ears. The shroud of grief kept his guilt at bay, at least down here in the black abyss his mind didn’t constantly torture him with the thought that he was to blame.
He hadn’t been quick enough.
Hadn’t been strong enough.
Couldn’t protect his family.
He was a walking black hole and to be pulled into his gravity was to condemn one’s self to a day of the utmost misery. The waves of despair and pain radiated from him, the man himself did not sense the clawed strikes that lashed upon his friends, too self-absorbed to see the agony twist their features.
Not even Rebecca could reach him, his best friend and the one most likely to be able to free him from this cesspit of diseased corruption. Often he would wake in the middle of the night to the sound of her sweet voice calling to him, but not once had she been there when his eyes sprang open.
She’ll never come for you, Shiki. You’re worthless and Rebecca knows that...
His body was drenched in sweat from the nightmares that robbed him of sleep each and every night, the flash of hope that was quickly flattened as he remembered where he was, remembered that he was alone. None of it was true, he had people that loved him dearly, that were worried to the point of sickness over his condition but he was completely blind to it.
The faces he passed in the halls were vacant to his gaze, painted masks of indifference that his brain conjured to keep him stuck within the confines of his loathing. He hated them, wished they would desert him like Witch had done but still they remained.
Shiki spent every day locked within the VR room, endless training simulations running until he only had the strength to make it back to his room before he passed out. It was all he could do to force sleep upon himself, that was until the nightmares awoke him.
The cycle was a vicious one, and as he got stronger and stronger in body, his mind crumbled just as fast. He ate only enough to be able to keep his body functioning, finding no joy in the food which tasted like ash on his tongue. He washed daily but never lingered under the spray of water, only standing long enough to keep his hygiene at an acceptable level. Shiki had barely spoken to anyone in days and when he barked out demands to ‘leave him alone’, his voice was broken and raw from lack of use.
All of this had been the building catalyst for the fight. It would be a fight that changed everything, and Shiki stared in horror as Rebecca’s body hit the floor with a thud that reverberated through his heart and soul.
The ebony haired male’s day had started as normal; his feet traced the all too familiar route from his quarters to the VR room, ready for another day of pushing himself past his physical limits. His path had been blocked by Weisz, his arms folded over his chest as he leant against the door Shiki needed to pass through.
“Snap the fuck out of it!” the engineer yelled suddenly.
He pushed away from the door and stopped directly in front of Shiki, their chests almost bumping together. The blonde male’s jaw was set in determination, his cheeks peppered with whiskers and dark shadows ringing his eyes.
The details went entirely unnoticed by the captain who was fast losing the grip on his ire. Hands clenched into fists by his sides and his Ether Gear activating as the instinctual thought was that of aggression. No one was going to stop him from going through his daily routine.
“Move,” he demanded.
His obsidian eyes snapped to meet Weisz’s gaze and found the sneer that was unfurling on his face to be downright disrespectful and full of scorn. Shiki felt the stab of one thick finger hitting the strong wall of his chest and that brief contact was enough for him to see red.
“C’mon Shiki, let's fight it out. Your head needs a good knocking and I’m more than willing to smack that shitty attitude right outta ya!”
Time flowed as normal, not that Shiki was aware of that. His psyche was so damaged that only flashes of what unfolded in the next few minutes registered in his brain. He remembered thundering into the VR room, following the taunting face of Weisz and squaring off against him.
He didn’t recall how the injuries to his body had been caused; the split lip, the bruised kidney and the swelling that threatened to close his right eye completely. Shiki remembered the impact of his fist colliding with toned muscles, the grunts of pain and the spray of blood that rained upon the floor – although he did not know if it had come from him or Weisz.
At what point the crew of the Edens Zero had descended upon them, he had no idea.
Some tried to intervene, only to be held off by others. Homura’s eyes filled with tears as she struggled against the unbreakable restraint of Jinn, her eyes never wavering from the panting frame of Weisz. Sister and Hermit shouted at one another over what they should do yet never came to any conclusion. Pino danced anxiously, her shouts for them to stop not enough to reach Shiki and went ignored.
“This isn’t the Shiki I know!” Weisz roared, wiping blood from his mouth with the back of his hand.
His black tank top was ripped down the side, the beginning of purple bruises forming over the exposed flesh and he was bleeding profusely from several wounds to his face and chest.
Up to this point, Shiki had been pulling his punches. His Ether Gear activated but not engaged in the fight, it was only fair considering Weisz refused to shift into Arsenal. However, at those last words, his restraint sheared clean in half.
Power raced through him, sweeping aside all thoughts until he was an empty vessel to be filled. He felt nothing, numb to the pain that had lingered only a second prior as his fist reared back and his gravity ether took the reins. He would punch a hole clean through Weisz’s torso at this rate and not even that realisation was enough to sober him.
Blonde hair caught his attention as it moved across his field of vision. Two sapphire eyes sparkled, and pink lips parted in a shout that did not filter to his ear. It was Rebecca and comprehension dawned that she was using Leaper to jump between them before his fist landed.
It was the slap in the face he needed. The freezing cold water to splash against his skin, but not quite in time to halt his strike. Fear weaved around his heart, the strings of fate pulling taut. His fist ducked to the side to prevent him from punching directly against Rebecca’s chest but his aim was still off. Shiki had not taken into account the speed of her Ether Gear and had no option other than watch in abject horror as he tore into the tender flesh of her stomach.
Everything erupted, a pressure wave much like a sonic boom detonated outward from Shiki as his scream of agony filled the space. He crumpled to the ground, crawled on hands and knees to the fallen Rebecca and pulled her into his lap.
Tears raced down his cheeks and snot flowed freely as his grief manifested full force. His fingers traced the wound he had inflicted and he watched the blood coat his skin, it was sickening and he screamed himself hoarse.
She looked so angelic in his embrace.
A halo of blonde cascaded over his knees, her eyes closed and laboured gurgles escaped through her lips. The wet sound of blood in her throat was enough to break him even more – although he had thought it impossible.
His hand ran through her locks and painted them crimson from the blood that he had spilled. She was an angel and he was the devil. Shiki was the Demon King, misery and pain his to impart on others who did not deserve it.
He panicked at what he had done, what he continued to do and the wound that sputtered under his gaze. Had he killed her? She was still breathing, but for how long? Had he ruptured a vital organ? Would she die from blood loss?
Question after question overpowered him.
He was crazed, utterly manic over what he had done. It was too much. Blackness was beginning to swallow his vision, the edges turning grey and his field of vision diminishing as the darkness crept towards the centre. He couldn’t breathe, his chest burned from the need for oxygen.
Shiki awoke with a start.
Bright lights glared overhead and the white walls appeared clinical in nature. He frowned, trying to recall what had happened, why he would be here and not in his own room?
The memories tore through him like physical strikes to his body. He curled upon himself as every second played out in slow motion, the pain that twisted on Rebecca’s beautiful face as his fist collided with her. He was a monster, none of this would have happened if he had just dealt with his emotions like a mature adult rather than running from them like a child would do.
Guilt that he had been more than happy to escape only hours ago flooded him, and although it hurt, he was glad of it. Shiki was done with being selfish, he could not remain within his cocoon of sorrow when it was hurting those around him.
His stomach churned that it had taken a physical altercation with Weisz and an accidental injury to the girl he adored above all others to realise this. This was all his fault and he had to fix it, this would be his mission – to make amends with everyone he caused to suffer.
Shiki was running, he had no idea where he was heading but his instincts took him straight to her. The blonde angel lay in a bed with monitors attached to her chest and hands. A series of steady beeps settled his nerves, she was stable and the colour had returned to her cheeks.
No one else was around and he was thankful for that fact, although he was surprised that they had not locked him up for their own safety. He sat on the edge of her bed and took her dainty hand into his own, the rough pad of his thumb stroking against her knuckles as tears fell upon her skin.
His shoulders shook from the agony he experienced. A part of him wanted to peek beneath the covers to see her wound, to find if Sister had been able to fix the damage he had inflicted, but he knew it would be an invasion of her privacy.
Instead, he bent his head over her chest and sobbed into the stiff fabric of the bedsheet. Shiki silently vowed to do everything within his power to fix this, if that meant leaving the Edens Zero and handing over control of the ship to Rebecca, he would willingly do it.
A moan had his head snapping up. Blue eyes muted with lingering pain blinked up at him and he was gobsmacked by the faint smile that traced her dry lips – how can she smile at me like this?
“Shiki?” her voice was faint and hoarse.
Her fingers twitched below his hand, moving to link their fingers together and tugging him when he tried to break away.
“Rebecca… I’m – I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t be here, I can go,” he wailed loudly.
Relieved to see her awake but so desperately broken from the lines around her eyes and the stiff way she adjusted in the bed. At that moment he realised that he loved this girl, it took a situation as grave as this for him to understand what he had felt for a long time and the realisation made him sick. To finally put a name to his feelings and in the same thought know that he would have to walk away, for she could never love him back – not after what he did.
“No, please. Need you here, can you – can you hold me?” she asked quietly.
He would deny her nothing and despite knowing that it would be best if he cut the strings binding them now, he couldn’t stop himself from scooting onto the bed carefully and wrapping a gentle arm over her midsection. Shiki was careful of the wires that trailed across the bed and he pointedly avoided the area where her wound lay.
It seemed as if she fell back into sleep as soon as he settled with her. Shiki sobbed into the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent and hating the smell of sterile medical equipment that mixed into her skin.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
The words were chanted like a mantra, it went on and on as he grieved for the time he had lost to his despair. Annoyed with himself for letting the pain he had experienced from Witch’s death fester until he had become poisonous.
“It’s okay,” she mumbled, her head turning slowly to look him in the face.
“We all know how hard it's been for you, and I don’t blame you for what happened.”
Rebecca paused, it was clear it took a lot out of her to speak and he waited patiently as he knew more was to come. He absently stroked the bangs from her face, pushing the stray strands behind her ear. Why had he never noticed before – how beautiful she was?
“I chose to leap, I knew that you wouldn’t be able to stop that punch and I did it anyway. Sometimes we have to reach the very bottom before we can rise again. Let us – let me help you,” she begged.
Her sapphire eyes sparkled with the start of unshed tears and her lip trembled as she waited for his reply. Shiki drew in a shaky breath, utterly astonished by her acceptance of what had happened. She might not blame him, but he would bear that burden until the end of time. It was the least he could do, he would accept her every request without question.
He nodded slowly, his fingers tracing her gentle jawline until he cupped her cheek and his finger could wipe away the fresh tears that slipped from her lashline.
“I love you, Rebecca Bluegarden. I promise to make you proud of me again, never again will I cause you pain. I don’t deserve your love, but –”
His words were cut off as the blonde placed a finger over his lips. She frowned at him and he swallowed thickly.
“Don’t deserve love? You fool Shiki…”
Shiki was shocked by the strength she displayed as she tugged his face down to meet hers, her nose rubbed along his own and her sweet breath fanned his cheek. His pulse quickened from her nearness, pupils dilating from the sweep of her tongue over her lips.
He could not and would not close his eyes as she kissed him so tenderly. Seconds passed before he could lose himself in the sensation, sweet loving movements that spoke volumes and made him tear up all over again.
As they broke apart, she spoke in a whisper of emotion.
“I love you Shiki Granbell. Let’s go find Mother.”
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edenszerofan · 2 years
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Sorry, but she is my quarry. I refuse to let you have her.
• Eden's Zero ( 185 )
• Colored By Me
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edenszerofan · 2 years
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“Their hearts are crying…” // EZ Chapter: 157
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edenszerofan · 2 years
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EZ Chapter 180: Operation Planet Ether
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edenszerofan · 2 years
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EZ Chapter 185: Corroded Arena
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edenszerofan · 2 years
While the new leaks of Edens Zero almost gave me a damn heart attack and I was about to faint from happiness, I still think the people who are comparing that with NaLu and wishing for similar moments are being a little naive.
I absolutely agree that NaLu is being dragged too much to the point I've to vent out my anger everyday by making this kind of posts, doesn't matter if it's Hiro or Atsuo doing it. Hiro is officially in charge of the storyboard so I'mma have to assume it's him, taking in account the fact that the way the Natsu and Lucy's relationship is being handled is pretty similar to the main series(altho that was better with actual moments).
Anyways, I don't think Lucy giving Natsu a kiss on the cheek like Rebecca did to Shiki is ever gonna happen in Fairy Tail. Lucy is extremely shy and hesitant in matters involving love and romance. She dreams of a prince charming and even tho she met her perfect match, she didn't go on a date with that nerdy guy only to go on a job with Natsu and Happy. That's where her happiness lies and that's the kind of love she needs much to her unknowing. And whenever someone had raised the topic of her and Natsu being romantically involved, she had instantly denied the possibility and recently she said she thinks Natsu isn't interested at all in that stuff so there's absolutely no chance Lucy will ever try to make a move on him in a normal situation unless she's somehow forced to.
And Natsu just doesn't understand the importance of taking their relationship one step further. He knows and can tell that he's "sexually" interested in Lucy but it doesn't bother him a bit how that changes the situation. It has come to a point where he just thinks Lucy belongs to him without even expressing how he feels about her. He doesn't bother about the growing tension between him and Lucy. He's an adult and he can act like one at times, times when it's about any of his friends(ofc including Lucy) but not when it's about his relationship with Lucy.
While Shiki and Rebecca are both the exact opposites of Natsu and Lucy. Shiki isn't only matured in terms of having physical attraction for someone but also as a grown up. He has changed a lot since the last arc and grown as the crew leader. He can act like his age except for the few goofy moments. He's a lot serious as a person. And Rebecca, she's way bolder than Lucy could ever become. Even during the red thread of fate incident, it was her who was making a move on Shiki. She's enough honest with herself to accept the fact that she finds him attarctive. No wonder she made a move on Shiki and didn't even run away or anything.
Shiki didn't expect the whole thing that happened between them and got flustered understanding the situation. The tension was written all over their faces and it was clear that both of them were feeling that. If this happened to Natsu and Lucy, I bet, Natsu would be pleased as well as confused over that. At this point Natsu needs some realisation before any of them can make a move on each other.
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edenszerofan · 2 years
The Shicca parallels are beautiful 😍
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Even after 3 years they are still very much the same. Shiki will always be looking out for Rebecca, just as Rebecca always supports him 💜
I also feel so much empathy for Rebecca, especially with the responsibility that she has with the chronophage. I'm so excited to see what this next arc brings!!
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edenszerofan · 2 years
We have some really good Shicca moments in chapter 183.
When Rebecca got hit Shiki was the first person to react. He immediately went out to help her.
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He said he would protect her and he kept his word.
Rebecca has been so distracted since she learnt that she was attracting the chronophages. It's a good thing Shiki kept an eye out for her.
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The Nalu shipper in me feels so jealous right now. Mashima is definitely taking Edens Zero more siriously than 100yq.
If this was a NaLu moment it would immediately be ruined for the sake of some cheap meaningless fanservice. But instead with Shicca we have this genuinely sweet moment. He protected her, he was worried about her and when he knew she was fine he was relieved.
Let's hope we get more of this in the future.
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edenszerofan · 2 years
The Shicca parallels are beautiful 😍
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Even after 3 years they are still very much the same. Shiki will always be looking out for Rebecca, just as Rebecca always supports him 💜
I also feel so much empathy for Rebecca, especially with the responsibility that she has with the chronophage. I'm so excited to see what this next arc brings!!
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edenszerofan · 2 years
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Happy White Day everyone!!!
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