eco-earth-warrior · 3 years
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Enjoying nature, and relaxing with the cat! 
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eco-earth-warrior · 3 years
Greenhouse Gas Effect
Not only are emissions going to change the planet they already have. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), “there's a more than 95 percent probability that human activities over the past 50 years have warmed our planet.” Humans use of fossil fuel energy has caused the planet to warm. According to climate activist Greta Thunberg the planet will, “warm by over 1.5 degrees Celsius, or 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit, above temperatures in the late 1800s.” Most humans use fossil fuels every day without knowing the effect. People also tend to believe what they hear from peers and their community, but before recent years, climate change was not something to have an everyday conversation about. People need to think about what they do every day and how it is affecting the planet. 
Sometimes you have to look at things from a different perspective. You have to think about your children and their children and the generations to come. You don't want your kids and the generations after to look back and say, “they could have changed everything but they didn't.” What would you say if your child or grandchild came up to you and asked “what's a koala?” because they went extinct because humans clear cut all their forests. Factories that produce a large percent of everything that we buy are using oil and coal to make these products additionally these products are shipped long distances, further using fossil fuels. These businesses could use eco-friendly substitutions but they can make more money using fossil fuels, so they choose not to. We as a community, we as a world, need to come together to find a healthy solution to climate change. Implementing renewable energy sources is just the start, if we want to make a change we have to do it now.     
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eco-earth-warrior · 3 years
Reusable Energy
Reusable energy will help generate energy that our society needs while significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Currently, the majority of our energy is provided by fossil fuels, which are non-renewable. Associations like Harvard University, who have done a fair amount of research, are trying put in their fair share. According to Harvard University,” Energy choices not only contribute to our planet’s changing climate, but that there are enormous public health, ecological, and economic effects that are also associated with the burning of fossil fuels.” Harvard plans that they will be completely free of fossil fuel use by the year 2050. Scientists from around the world have concluded that reusable energy is one of the most beneficial courses of action to take to slow down climate change. Reusable energy is generated by technology like solar panels and hydropower. Solar panels are one of the main ways to generate energy without emitting greenhouse gasses, but solar panels also have a side effect. When you place a large amount of solar panels in one area, it prevents the sun's light from reaching the ground, which makes it so the Earth is not getting the amount of solar energy that it needs. This generates changes in the local areas around, changes such as decreases in rain. Along with solar, hydropower was one of the first energy sources. Using a turbine that is put in a moving water source, the water pushes the turbine to spin, creating energy. This energy can be used to power whole cities! But hydropower fully relies on the local water cycle, and if the cycle is not steady then the amount of energy is inconsistent. This could lead to loss of power for long periods of time. Despite some problems, these technologies should be used more widely in order to reduce the effect of climate change.
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eco-earth-warrior · 3 years
Fast Fashion
Fast fashion is one of the most infuriating things to me. Seeing people wearing clothes they got off some cheap online store. What people decide to see about these stores is the prices, and how the prices are so low you can buy so much more stuff than you could before. But what the don’t see is the people who make these clothes, people who only get payed 10 cents an hour. People whos living conditions are unbearable. The reason why these prices are so low are because they manipulate these people. And not to mention the child laborers. Some companies will choose to have their products made in a different country because they have different rules such as: they don’t have child labor laws, or a minimum wage. It disgusts me to know that companies do these things. because of this I have choose to make a change for myself and my planet. Now I choose to buy all my clothes second hand. Buying second hand not only helps your wallet but helps the earth and the people living on it. instead of buying brand new over priced clothes you could buy something unique that nobody else has. So choose to make a change for a better earth!
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eco-earth-warrior · 3 years
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These are my two amazing rescue dogs. The german Shepard husky is Max, and the little one is Lulu. I love rescue dogs if you cant tell, I don’t know why people feel the need to buy from a breeder especially when there is a dog somewhere out there that is ready to love and have a family. Did you know that, everyday 70,000 puppies are born, everyday! Yet some of these dogs will never find a home or someone to love. lots of dogs need homes. So I encourage you if your looking for a new member of the family check your local shelters and you just might find your new best friend, I know I did. 
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eco-earth-warrior · 3 years
Reusable Energy
By 2050, the global temperature will be 1.5 degrees Celsius higher than it is today if climate change continues. Instead of digging through Earth's surface to find fossil fuels such as coal and oil, people should be working on reducing greenhouse gasses and carbon emissions. Although fossil fuels are cheap, reusable energy is the most promising solution to climate change. However, even if the whole world reduced fossil fuel use by a hundred percent it wouldn't cut a hundred percent of carbon emissions, though it would significantly decrease them. Despite there being scientific agreement that greenhouse gas emissions are causing climate change, some people still believe the sun could be causing global warming. However, according to a NASA report, if the sun were to affect the temperature it would be making the planet cooler. Human activities have definitely warmed our planet, and this has been known for over 50 years. Unless we drastically reduce emissions and create widespread use of renewable energy the future of humanity is at stake.  
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eco-earth-warrior · 3 years
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eco-earth-warrior · 3 years
Hard Times
Moving away from something so easy is really hard. In June I will be moving all the way across the country. The place I live now if very environmentally friendly. The people there are different and Im really worried Ill be the odd one out. But i am exited to bring a new point of view to a place where that point of view is small. I want to influence young people to care about the environment and by moving its pushing me to strive harder. Even though Im scared Ive got to take the leap and strive for a better tomorrow! Till next time. 
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eco-earth-warrior · 3 years
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Go outside, see nature, and be present in the real world. Nature is so beautiful! 
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eco-earth-warrior · 3 years
Buying second hand
Where do you get your clothes? Are they expensive or costly? Well, I have a solution to your problem. Many people buy their clothes brand new, and after a few years there are new styles and trends, and most of the clothes go in the landfill to decompose for hundreds of years. But there is an eco-friendly way to find clothes that are your style.
Have you ever been to a thrift store? Most thrift stores carry all types of things, from clothes to shoes to toys. But what if i told you you could find almost brand new clothes for a fraction of the price you would buy something new for. Well some thrift stores have higher quality items, and others may have mostly lower quality items, but sometimes you can find something great, like a diamond in the rough. By buying used clothes you are not only helping the environment but your neighbors.
Have you ever heard of St. Vincent De Paul? Well they are a local thrift store designated in the Oregon area. St. Vincent De Paul donates money to people who maybe aren't making enough money or are down on their luck, sometimes they can even turn somebody's life around. Many people that you see everyday, whether it's your neighbor, or your work associate, could be down on their luck without you even knowing. By buying from places like these you could, without knowing it, help someone in need.
Buying clothes is costly, and you may not be able to buy everything you need because of how much it is. Well, buying second hand products can help with that. You can buy all the clothes you need to fill your closet without draining your bank account. With all that extra money you might even be able to donate it to a cause or support a local business.
Human culture is based on consuming thing after thing. But why do we need all this brand new stuff when we could buy something just as good for half the price and reusing something. Humans use up so many resources. Many things we produce are one use plastics. The human population creates so much waste that has taken a turn for the worst. But by buying second hand you can feel good by not adding to that waste.
So learn to feel good and try different things without creating waste. Find new styles and create new looks from things that could have been thrown away, but instead they were reused. Have a great day and go upcycle something great to add to your closet.
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