eccentricelliot · 2 years
td:r never loses with covers
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eccentricelliot · 2 years
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(Bat)Family portrait by Gabriel Larragán / antygabo14
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eccentricelliot · 2 years
E E B Y  D E E B Y
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there is a horse loose in the (children’s) hospital
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eccentricelliot · 2 years
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eccentricelliot · 2 years
hi! im asian, and an ex-buddhist!
buddhism, ESPECIALLY tulpamancy, is a closed practice! yes, anyone can join the religion! its encouraged! they love spreading the word of buddha and how everyone deserves a second chance at life!
but you cant pick and choose on what you want to follow from buddhism! tulpamancy is very outdated, and extremely dead, and it's an excuse for people to not take responsibility for their actions.
my great grandma, from my asian side, is buddhist, and HAS practiced tulpamancy. now she says its the biggest bullshit that she's ever done.
thanks, @sophieinwonderland for listening to WHITE people about an ASIAN dominated religion :)
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eccentricelliot · 2 years
Some reputable links to help Ukrainian military & civilians
- https://savelife.in.ua/en/
Charity fund Come Back Alive that supports soldiers on front lines and after service.
- https://voices.org.ua/en/
Charitable Foundation Voices of Children, mostly with focus on mental health and development of children in Lughansk and Donetsk region.
- https://www.peoplesproject.com/en/
Ukraine's military and civil crowdfunding.
You can also donate directly to Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, for logistical or medical support. More info here: https://mil.gov.ua/en/donate.html
Please do not ignore individual calls for aid and crowdfunding too! Whether they come in form of patreon links, emergency commissions, etc. I'd say setting up a patreon account to support creators and people in need would be the surest way to help, since things like PayPal, Ko-Fi, CashApp etc do not work in Ukraine (although some people still use them through friends or relatives in different countries). Not all circumstances are dire enough to need organizational help, but even 10$ can really help an individual person who had to evacuate from their town, relocate from a damaged building, etc.
Last but not least: CHECK YOUR INFO SOURCES!! Russia has been on disinformation pipeline since last week, and sowing panic in Ukraine and around the world is one of the worst things to do right now. Like, for real, stop with the WW3 bullshit. The conflict as it is, while obviously hard for Ukraine, is fairly localized and with your help it can very much stay that way.
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eccentricelliot · 2 years
If you are looking for an emergency exit from Ukraine, Poland will open EIGHT safety points on the border with Ukraine (you will get warm food, medical help and from there you will be guided to safety) in two of our voivodeships: lubelskie and podkarpackie. It is confirmed by the Polish Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, Paweł Szefernaker.
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I've marked those voivodeships on the map!
Please share because it can save lives!!!!!!
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eccentricelliot · 3 years
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Tilda Swinton risked arrest waving a rainbow flag in front of the Kremlin in violation of Russia’s new homosexual propaganda bill. And she wants everyone who can to reblog it in solidarity.
Guys please reblog this, it won’t ruin your blog, this is important
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eccentricelliot · 3 years
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I am working on the way I draw facial features.... Even now I'm only capable of drawing the boys
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eccentricelliot · 3 years
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Axolotl sides!!! ✨💦🌈
They turned out so cute I’m so happy! They are all inspired by real axolotl varieties (tho colors are greatly exaggerated) and I got this idea through a convo with @purplecrayonismine
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eccentricelliot · 3 years
I want a Sanders Sides episode where logan finally has enough of the others bs and just drags them all into a classroom in the mind palace, assigns them seats, and then just lectures/teaches them. Powerpoint presentation, laser pointer, lab set up, and everything. “If ur all gonna act like children then so be it”
Everyone: *start bickering and speaking over logan*
Logan: *leans against his desk, arms crossed* I’ll wait
Roman: this is boring can i just leave?
Logan: I dont know, can you?
Logan: if no one volunteers to answer im just gonna pick on someone
Virgil: *nervously sweating while avoid eye contact at all costs*
Patton: *franticly waving his hand, half falling out of his seat*
Logan: Virgil
Patton & Roman: *having a conversation and ignoring logan*
Logan: *chucks an eraser at each of them full force*
Logan: i have a youtube video prepared for this… *cant for the life of him figure out how to get the audio to work*
Logan: Roman! I swear to god if you dont put your safety goggles on right now!
Roman: Logan! Its literally hot water and food dye-
Virgil: *wearing a lab coat, gloves, and 2 pairs of goggles, with a fire extinguisher at the ready* yeah dude safety first
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eccentricelliot · 3 years
idk if you're still in the fandom and if not feel free to ignore!! but my fav headcanon,,,, is virgil with freckles,,,, pale baby doesn't tan,,,,,,,,,,, just gets more freckles all over his cute lil face,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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freckle bab!!!!
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eccentricelliot · 3 years
People need to go back to first grade and realize that pronouns are just mini nouns. When it comes to pronouns applied to people, they're like mini names.
"Why should I call people by their correct pronouns?" Because it's like calling people by the correct name! It's respectful!
I have a friend named Ella. Her name is Ella, not Samantha. There's nothing wrong with the name Samantha, but if I went up to her and said "Hi Samantha!" she'd probably be pissed. Because it's not her name. She wants to be called by a name that is actually hers.
In a similar way, my pronouns are ae/aer (among other things). My pronouns are ae, not she. There's nothing wrong with the pronoun she, but if someone introduced me as "This is Shai, she's my friend," I'd probably be pissed. Because it's not my mini-name. I want to be called by a mini name that is actually mine.
And people's pronouns can be whatever! We're given names when we're born, but it's not like we get a say in them. We're also given pronouns when we're born, and we don't have a say in those either.
People change their names all the time, whether it's because they got married, want a cooler sounding pen name/stage name, rejecting or trying to become closer to a culture, they just like the other name better, or whatever! When people- especially celebrities- change their names, the general public will call them the new name!
People also get called "stupid sounding" names sometimes. Maybe it sounds stupid to you, but it has cultural or historical significance, like chai/chaim pronouns. Maybe it's part of an inside joke or something- a teacher once mispronounced my name and my friends call that a lot. Maybe they just want to go by a dumb nickname, I don't know!
And sometimes people change their pronouns, and sometimes the pronouns sound stupid to you, but pronouns function as mini-names, so treat them how you would treat a name.
(For a cis person. Cis people change their names all the time and people respect that.)
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eccentricelliot · 3 years
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Lady Deceit 💛💛
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eccentricelliot · 3 years
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🏳️‍🌈Sanders Sides Icons (pt 1/6)🏳️‍🌈
I decided to redraw the pride icons I made last year, I really hope you like them😫😫 I'll try to post the other drawings as soon as I can. Stay tuned 👀💛
(I posted a version with a transparent background. So if you want to add a different flag you can do that^^)
♡reblogs are appreciated♡
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eccentricelliot · 3 years
I really want it to set in for non palestinians that a 16 year old child was shot and killed and nobody is going to be held responsible
he's not even the first CHILD to be killed this way by the IDF, let alone the first innocent person to be killed.
and we palestinians have to live with this hopelessness and powerlessness every single day
The American government and the UK governments are openly funding the murder and displacement of Palestinians. So you cannot be neutral on this. And you cannot say there's nothing you can do.
We need you to help us.
His name was Saeed Odeh. His future was stolen from him by the IDF.
الله يرحمه ويصبر أهله
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eccentricelliot · 3 years
More bookmarks :D!!! Now with Roman and Remus!!
(someone should take the book away from Remus before tragedy strikes)
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