ebonyforthestrategist Β· 5 years
I had to grow up before i was supposed to.Β 
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ebonyforthestrategist Β· 5 years
β€œq: how does he love you? a: with every atom of his existence q: how does he look at you? a: like his soul is screaming at him to be selfish q: how do you love him? a: with hope q: how do you look at him? a: with despair”
β€” You didn’t tell by Abby S
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ebonyforthestrategist Β· 5 years
Sorry for the drop in posting, trying to finish this particular monster for this weekend's Kupocon in Glasgow so I just have my queue staggered for now. I'll be responding to asks and threads tomorrow c:
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ebonyforthestrategist Β· 5 years
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I merged Ifrit’s skin/eye texture with Iggy’s to see what it’d look like.Β  It’s not perfect by any means, and I didn’t feel like switching the normal maps too…but…tadaa?
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ebonyforthestrategist Β· 5 years
β€œThe road to Hell is easy. Pluto’s door is open day and night. But to retrace one’s steps and come back up to the world above, that is the problem.”
β€” Aeneid, VergilΒ 
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ebonyforthestrategist Β· 5 years
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ebonyforthestrategist Β· 5 years
β€œPeople do not see you, / They invent you and accuse you.”
β€” HΓ©lΓ¨ne Cixous, from The Selected Plays of HΓ©lΓ¨ne Cixous; β€œThe Perjured City,” (via violentwavesofemotion)
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ebonyforthestrategist Β· 5 years
X: β€œThat ship doesn’t make sense” Me:
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ebonyforthestrategist Β· 5 years
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Ignis Scientia, the Patron Saint of Coffee β˜•οΈ
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ebonyforthestrategist Β· 5 years
Enemies to β€œugh I can’t believe I’m saving your life” to β€œugh we have to work together or the world ends but it’s not like I like you or anything” to β€œoh we actually connect pretty well but that doesn’t mean anything” to β€œI would die for you but don’t read too much into it” to β€œI’ll kill anyone who lays a finger on you” to Lovers.
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ebonyforthestrategist Β· 5 years
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Ardyn Screenshots For Your Dash
Β  All acquired and edited by me after replaying the ending a couple times and episode Ignis. Just needed some good Ardyn vibes.Β 
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ebonyforthestrategist Β· 5 years
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Close your eyes… forevermore.
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ebonyforthestrategist Β· 5 years
noun one who fakes a smile or represses their pain by stifling a smile.
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ebonyforthestrategist Β· 5 years
β€œHe took and took from me until I no longer existed. That’s murder.”
β€” Gone Girl (via miss-dissimilar)
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ebonyforthestrategist Β· 5 years
Few people knows that Ignis is quite afraid of the dark. Oh, don’t for a second think that the man doesn’t know that this is irrational or know how to counter said fear. It is something he has dealt with ever since he was a child and learned to suppress and ignore.
It dates back to when Ignis was almost five years old and before his parents moved to live in the safety of the Lucian capital. Ah, though almost all of his memories are from growing up in Lucis Ignis was born in Tenebrae, not far from Pagla where the summers were burning hot from the desert in the north and the winters a freezing nightmare from the mountains in the west.
It was the time before he needed glasses.
You’re thinking this is a story of tragedy and drama, and yes, there is some of that, but none as grave as you’d think. This has everything to do about seeing too much yet not nearly enough.
It is human nature to fear the dark, survival instinct telling the primitive part of our brain that there are things that can hurt or kill us. It is why we seek the light and flock around it. Ignis? As a child - Not so much.
He was curious in an odd way of what went on around him, inquiring as to why things were fashioned this or that and how they worked. Admittedly most of his questions were related to what he’d seen in books in the safety of the family library but every now and then as children are wont to do he’d go out and explore. And as a sensible child he kept to the relatively safe parts of the woods. but even one who was calm and sensitive could trip over an old log and fall into the old den of a group of Falxfangs, only that as he fell deep into the earth he set off loose soil that tumbled down and sealed off the entrance.
As it were he hit his forehead on a rock during the fall and was knocked out cold and when he woke there was nothing but darkness. A normal person would have panicked, and yes, even a boy as clever as Ignis had his pulse sky-rocketing and his breath coming out in shaky pants, calling out for help as he tried to get back on his feet, only he hit his head on the low ceiling shortly after sitting up and crashed back down. For twenty minutes - though to Ignis it could as well have been 20 hours, he allowed himself to panic before he began to make himself calm down. The cave couldn’t hurt him, it didn’t make any sense that this actually would be dangerous. He just had to focus enough and he would find a way out. Still his heart kept up a rapid stringendo, eyes scanning the inky blackness as if he magically would be able to see his surroundings. Swallowing deep, coughing. Crawling on his hands and knees he concluded that the lair was fairly sizeable but without a discernible exit… except for one place where the soil was loose as if recently disturbed.
Most people would have waited to be rescued. Most people were idiots, or so Ignis reasoned. He began slowly digging his way out, frustrated those times when more soil came tumbling down and undid the progress he had made. Eventually however he managed to make headway and after hours of work he felt his fingers touch air instead of more soil. It took another few minutes before he managed to crawl out and lay panting on the ground, heart pounding like a drum. All the while digging furiously shutting out the panic lingering just under the surface, threatening to drown him. He never wanted to close his eyes again, so grateful that he could discern his surroundings.
I am certain you believe that by now young Ignis was out of danger but no, that would imply that the sun still shone over Eos. Light had fled over an hour before the dirty-blonde boy once more reached the surface world. Though daemons were scarce throughout Tenebrae what with the close proximity to the lady Oracle they very much dwelled in the shadows, seeping out through cracks in the earth as darkness shrouded the world.
Something Ignis became aware of not so much by the hiss and crackle of something malevolent materialising but that vague sense of unease of feeling watched and his instincts all of a sudden screaming that there was something wrong but no matter how he turned his head he couldn’t see it except for a faint something in the corner of his eyes. That primitive part of every being indicating that you were prey. There was nothing evil about this feeling, but nor was it good. Just a steady pressure, as if the night at once seemed too dark, for a few seconds racing towards him to swallow all light and him in the process. Nothing but that inky blackness and emptiness, feeling as if he could never leave.
Then far off in the distance there was a sudden flash of blinding light and Ignis was on his feet before he knew what he was doing, feet practically flying towards it, towards home, not stopping until he crashed into his mother’s arms, a seldom seen trembling mess. He never spoke about that last event, just that he’d fallen into a den and had to dig his way out. Very quietly mentioning that perhaps he needed glasses to be able to see better.Β 
It took weeks before he could sleep without a light on, almost a year before the feeling of panic left him as he lay in his bed at night, staring up at the dark ceiling as he felt darkness closing in on him and trapped him into a void. Eventually he learned to deal with it, to push it back and treat it reasonably and it came to a point where Ignis without a seeming care traversed through dark tunnels.
Altissia reawakened the wound he had thought he had sealed firmly shut.
Adrenaline was crashing through him, was this truly happening? Panic flooding through him, the overhanging worry over Noct - was he all right? Were the others alive? Even as he felt his eyes burn with searing white hot pain and the world blotting out dot by dotΒ consciousness clung to him and he knew his eyes were wide open his thoughts were with his friends though panic was searing even that away. Knew that he should be able to see everything around him. Yet there was that staggering feeling back in his chest, panic clawing at his throat. No. Nononono. Anything but this. He could almost hear that gaping void laughing at him as it came for him and swallowed him back into the darkness. In his heart of hearts he knew what this meant, that this had been the price to be paid, and honestly in the heat of the moment he hadn’t cared whether he lived or died earlier as long as it meant Noct lived to fight another day. But this was cruel. This was the Gods laughing at him.
That evening he hated himself for his own weakness when he in a very quiet voice inquired if Prompto could by any chance keep him company but the relief from knowing that there was somebody around when he woke up eased some of that internal hatred.
He didn’t ask again.
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ebonyforthestrategist Β· 5 years
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I can’t believe Ignis is prince frog πŸΈπŸ˜‚
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ebonyforthestrategist Β· 5 years
You walk in on my muse tied to a chair nude what do you do?
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