eatsyougore · 2 years
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kunit92 on Instagram
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eatsyougore · 3 years
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eatsyougore · 3 years
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2020′s Top Aesthetics
No one does cozy-creepy like you, Tumblr.
Dark Academia
Light Academia
Grunge Aesthetic
Cottage Witch
Anime Aesthetic
Witch Aesthetic
Study Aesthetic
Goth Aesthetic
Chaotic Academia
90s Aesthetic
Soft Grunge
Romantic Academia
Academia Aesthetic
Golden Aesthetic
Vulture Culture
This list is new. Hooray!
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eatsyougore · 4 years
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After work drinks and meat pie 
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eatsyougore · 4 years
types of girls
spring girls. they make you feel the way your favourite color palette feels. Their eyes remind you of honey. fuzzy lambs and soft animals make them more excited than anything. kisses as soft as dandelions and cheeks that turn pink at the slightest acts of affection. their hair carries flowers and vanilla in the wind. peach daydreams and pretty words that they are too shy to send. telling them your thoughts feels like confiding in the moon. they make you feel the sweetest kind of comfort.
autumn girls. a soft heart that is continuously being healed and broken. a poet that associates every little thing with a person or a memory. bullet journals filled with dreams and pressed flowers and plane tickets. road trips together under the starlit sky, but also lazy afternoons on the sofa. photographs can’t capture their entire beauty. they make you want to do everything and be everything. a quiet beauty that grows more radiant the more you know them. they make you excited to be alive.
summer girls. everything they do is so luminous and breathtaking, you can’t look away. they make you feel sun-kissed. windows open in the warm evening. feeling nostalgia as you are living in the moment. old french songs on the radio. conversations with them makes you fall in love with the world. scrunchies round their wrist, smiles during kisses, and a signature perfume. magic tumbles from their lips. nothing makes them happier than seeing others happy too. they make you crave sunlight, and ignites a desire to become a better person.
winter girls. the longest hugs where they refuse to let go. soft music in the background, sleeping on your shoulder in the car. eyes full of stories, long conversations about the meaning of life in the darkness. sentimental objects and words from the right person can comfort them. they can act emotionless, but they melt in your arms. temptation to stay in bed during the daylight and stay awake until dawn. they make you appreciate midnights and find love in silent moments.
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eatsyougore · 4 years
Little Ways to Bring Sustainability into Cottagecore. 🍄📚☀️📖☕️
•Make your own bread/baking/food (especially things that can only be found plastic wrapped)
•Make your laundry detergent and dish soap, or buy eco friendly ones
•Buy in bulk with your own containers
•Use glass and metal containers to store things in, as opposed to plastic
•~*C O M P O S T*~
•Buy local and trade with neighbours to keep business small and purposeful
•Reuse, repair, and repurpose old stuff
•Spend more time outside and less time wasting electricity
•Permaculture gardens!!!
•Go thrifting and antiquing before buying new
•Buy cute lil totes (especially from local artists) and stop using plastic bags
•Be mindful of what you’re consuming. Food and fashion wise, and otherwise. Take note of what you truly want or need.
•Hang your clothes on a line to dry
•Learn to hem and mend your own clothing
•Educate yourself on water conservation (especially in gardens)
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eatsyougore · 4 years
everyone’s talking about “getting coffee with friends someday” and “seeing my pals again” and “making out passionately with my homies for an hour after this is all over”
but the real question is, will we all recognize each other when this done?? Half of y’all are giving yourselves living-room haircuts of ten inches and dying your bangs pink with kool-aid, some other people are working out and going for walks like crazy so who knows how buff they’ll be, other people are crafting it the hell up and even making new clothes for themselves
plus, forget prison tats, give it another week and Quarantine Tattoos are going to be big as hell as people start experimenting with stick and poke
we’re going to meet up again and it’s just going to be
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eatsyougore · 4 years
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eatsyougore · 4 years
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eatsyougore · 4 years
Wearable Spell Jars
Deity Jars
The idea of spell jars is no new concept, and this may be an idea done before, but I wanted to spread it out there for the new witchlings who would like to find another way to be with their deities!
Now why the loop in these jars? This is so you can wear the jar as a necklace, attach as a keychain, or hang up somewhere! These small jars are easy to hide for witches that are still in secret, and portable! I recommend wearing them when asking for a deity’s help, as well as when you are performing actions you want to dedicate to the deity! For example, when I am gardening, I would wear or keep close my Gaea jar to dedicate it to her. This can also be applied to spirit companions!
What you need
Miniature jar with metal loop in the cork (you can put in the metal loop yourself if need be)
Objects associated with the deity
Candle (optional)- color depends on the deity; if no candle, use hot glue to seal the jar
Incense/scented spray associated with the deity (optional)
Chain/cord/thick string to thread the loop
How to make the jars
While working on the jar, light a candle in honor of the deity you are making the jar for. If you can’t, that’s ok- incense or a spray works or you can even ignore this step. Pray to your deity to let them know what you are doing. These miniature jars can be found in craft stores, with the loop already in, in the jewelry-making section. If you have trouble finding them, you can stick a thicker wire in the cork of a miniature jar and use jewelry pliers to create the loop yourself! If you do so, I do recommend bending the other end to secure the wire in. Put the anything you associate your deity with into the jar. You can put little charms, miniature objects, herbs, gem chips, and so forth! I will list a few examples/recipes of my own. What’s important is that these are items that made you think of them- found or bought doesn’t matter. When you have finished putting in the objects, put on the cork and seal the jar with the candle wax from the candle you lit. If you were unable to light a candle, some hot glue will work just fine. Let the wax/glue cool. If you lit a candle, let it burn down with the jar placed near it. Thread the jar with some thick string, chain, or leather cord. There you go, all done!
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Here are a few of my own recipes:
Aphrodite Jar
1 seashell
2 apple seeds
1 rose quartz bead/chip
2 myrrh pieces
2 small jasmine flowers
A pinch of lavender
Sealed with pink candle wax
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Hestia Jar
Pinch of ash (mine came from a campfire I dedicated to her)
Pinch of lavender
Magic purple basil
2 dragon’s blood resin pieces
1 jasmine blossom
2 amethyst beads
1 garnet bead
Sealed with purple candle wax
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Gaea Jar
1 rose quartz bead
1 green fluorite bead
1 sandalwood bead
2 pieces myrrh resin
Lavender pinch and sprig
Magic purple basil leaves
Pinch of dirt from my garden
Sealed with green candle wax
Note: Many ways to substitute. Any crystals or stones will do. I decided to represent nature in different forms: leaves, resin, wood, flower. You can also include a root of some sort. Gaea is nature all around us, so representing her in a bottle can be very diverse.
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eatsyougore · 4 years
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eatsyougore · 4 years
The world is going to hell. You owe it to yourself to watch this video of Irish people attempting to get a bat out of their kitchen.
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eatsyougore · 4 years
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I planted some saguaro seeds about a week ago. Who woukda thunk that such large lads start out so smol. (submitted @nolayelde)
this speaks for itself when paired with a pic of the grown plant for scale:
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they usually live to be 150+ years old. cutting one down in Arizona, where they’re native, is a felony with a maximum 9 months in prison. 
in my brief wikipedia exploration to find out how old they could be for this ask i found out that there was a dude in 1982 who was vandalizing one (which is also highly illegal) by shooting at it and then poking at it, and not only did the 500 pound arm of the cactus he was shooting at fall on top of him, but the actual trunk of the cactus then also proceeded to fall on him. he died. smited by the cactus gods for his transgressions 
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eatsyougore · 4 years
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🍯How to Feel Like You Live in a Cottage in the Countryside 🍯
(When you actually live in an apartment in a big city)
Do you live in a big city but long to live in an adorable little farmhouse in the south of France? With an herb garden, a thatched roof, chickens and goats? Here are just a couple ways to incorporate cottage living into your urban lifestyle :)
🥧Bake a lot! Especially fresh bread and lattice pies
☕️Drink tea! Lavender, camomile and peppermint are all good ones
🌲spend time in nature whenever you can. This could be your backyard, a public park, a botanic garden, etc.
🌱If you have a backyard, plant a garden and tend to it! If not, planters on your fire escape or front stoop.
🥕The farmers market! So much more fun than buying groceries at the supermarket. Bring a wicker basket to carry your groceries in! It’s cute and it helps the environment.
📚old books! You can find them at second hand stores. Use them for reading or for decorating
🍶Pretty cups and dishes! You can also find these in second hand stores
🌿House plants make your apartment feel like a forest
🌸Dried flowers and herbs can be hung up in your bedroom and kitchen
🕯Candles are a nice substitute for a fireplace
👒Wear straw hats! Bonus points if it has a cute bow
👖Denim overalls make you feel like a cute lil farmer
💠gingham everything! Curtains, tablecloths, dresses, pants, sheets etc
Hope this helped :)
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eatsyougore · 4 years
How things are gonna be:
House on the coast surrounded by trees
Closest town is 2-2.5 miles away
Live with lover and our animals
Lots of land for gardening and goats and chickens (specifically the cute goats with the floppy ears)
Make handmade bath products, teas, baked goods, and art
Watch the sun rise on the roof
Make the roof have grass on it
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Little dock with a little wooden boat
Stained glass windows would be n e a t
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Befriend all the nearby crows
Friends who will join me in adventures for forageable things on my land and have picnics and play dungeons and dragons
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Sell my goods at the local farmers market while playing my uke to entertain the people
Give uke, clarinet lessons to kids
Art studio with a kiln pls
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Lots of windows to let the sun in
Get energy from wind on the sea
Would be superb to have a lil grotto to explore
Feel free to add!!!!!
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eatsyougore · 4 years
Me everyone anyone compliments me
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eatsyougore · 4 years
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