eatlive · 2 years
The crocodile's bite is outstanding as it
holds the record for the most powerful
bite force in all of the animal kingdom.
The Nile crocodile, in particular, has
the most powerful bite of any other
living creature in the world. The Nile
crocodile's bite goes as high as 5,000
pounds per square inch (psi); to put that
in perspective, that's approximately five
times the bite force of a lion and about
30 times of an average human being.
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eatlive · 2 years
Leonardo da Vinci had many ideas with
his innovative, engineering mind that
employed pulleys, weights, and gears.
Certainly, these three components
were crucial to many of his mechanical
inventions, including his versions of
the clock, air conditioner, and hydraulic
power saw.
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eatlive · 2 years
NASA'S Super Guppy is an aircraft
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explicitly built to ferry large cargo.
The idea for the Super Guppy was
introduced in 1965 after the agency
created Aero Spaceline Industries'
Pregnant Guppy in 1961. Retired U.S.
Air Force pilot Jack Conroy pitched the
idea to NASA following a conversation
with aircraft broker Leo Mansdorf
regarding reselling Boeing Model 377
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eatlive · 2 years
As the highest mountain in Africa,
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Kilimanjaro itself is pretty outstanding.
But as a free-standing mountain whose
climate zones become progressively
less like the ground-level landscape
the further you ascend, Kilimanjaro is
especially remarkable as an incubator
for isolated, mutated, or rare species
found almost nowhere else. One of the
most striking of those species is the
giant groundsel varietal Dendrosenecio
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eatlive · 2 years
The Coca-Cola Company's formula for
Coca-Cola syrup, which bottlers combine
with carbonated water to create the
company's flagship cola soft drink, is a
closely guarded trade secret. Company
founder Asa Candler initiated the veil
of secrecy that surrounds the formula
in 1891 as publicity, marketing, and
intellectual property protection strategy.
While several recipes, each purporting
to be the authentic formula, have been
published, the company maintains that
the actual formula remains a secret,
known only to a very few select (and
anonymous) employees
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eatlive · 2 years
El Salvador has become the first country
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in the world to accept Bitcoin as legal
tender. Announcing the decision on
Tuesday, the government of El Salvador
claimed that the move will give many
citizens of the country access to bank
services for the first time. In addition,
trading in cryptocurrency will help the
country save around $400 million in fees
that are levied by banks and financial
institutions on the money sent home by
The acceptance of Bitcoin as a legal
Currency by El Salvador follows a law
approved by the country's parliament in
June. At the time, the country allowed
Bitcoin to be accepted as tender for
all goods and services. The bill was
approved within 24 hours of being
presented to Congress by President
Nayib Bukele.
Following the decision, Bukele
announced on Monday evening that
El Salvador had bought its first 400
Bitcoins. The Bitcoins were bought
in two tranches of 200. Bukele
even promised that more of thee
cryptocurrency will be coming to the
To widen the acceptance of Bitcoin
within the country, the government is
also installing over 200 Bitcoin teller
machines. AFP reports that some of
these machines are even guarded by
soldiers to prevent possible arson.
In addition, Bukele has announced
$30 for each citizen who adopts the
With the widespread use of Bitcoin
within the country, El Salvador
government is wishing to tackle two
major financial problems. One, it
hopes that the use of cryptocurrency
will provide banking access to more
citizens than ever before. Since Bitcoin
is decentralized, it is not dependent on
any particular institution to be made
available to the public. Anyone can join
in and trade Bitcoins through an internet-
enabled device.
Another big factor that works in favor
of El Salvador is that Bitcoin will help
the country prevent the enormous fee
on banking transactions when over 1.5
million citizens living in other countries
send money home. AFP notes that such
remittances comprise more than a fifth
of the country's GDP and amounted to
over $5.9 billion in 2020 as per data
by the World Bank. With the country's
economy struggling after the Covid-19
pandemic, the government hopes that
the acceptance of Bitcoin will let it retain
more of its money through an entirely
new channel.
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