eastbluenative · 4 years
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long lost lovers unite
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eastbluenative · 4 years
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eastbluenative · 4 years
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eastbluenative · 4 years
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912 notes · View notes
eastbluenative · 4 years
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the sun rises, and it brightens everything—even my sadness. 
more opening 14 redraws… i cry every time
[op sideblog]
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eastbluenative · 4 years
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6K notes · View notes
eastbluenative · 4 years
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“Sorry, Sasuke. Let’s do it some other time.”
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eastbluenative · 4 years
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— Fire is also life, not just destruction.
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eastbluenative · 4 years
Love this! Sweet Bakugou <3
First Kiss.
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pairing: katsuki bakugou x fem!reader
word count: 3k
rating: mature 🌧
warnings: kissing, suggestive content
genre: fluff, tiny bit of angst
(currently unavailable)
Synopsis: you and bakugou had never quite got along. Not because there was any bad blood, he just chose to very obviously avoid you and treat you like every other extra in the class. However, while out on a walk during the evening, you stumbled onto bakugou all alone and seemingly upset. Thats when this rocky relationship became a bit more stable.
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The night sky started to paint the atmosphere, the cool breeze swaying your hair and tickling your exposed skin. As you slowly settled into your new dorm at u.a, you found yourself feeling more tense than usual. Maybe it was all the stress of the move or just plain old home sickness, but either way the feeling ran deep within you. That’s exactly why tonight you decided to take a walk, not too far from the dorms, but just enough to finally take a refreshing break.
You eyed and analysed the scenery, the dazzling stars sprinkled the navy sky above that dripped its evening hue onto the shrinking sunset. Softly, the wind spun in and out of the trees and bushes, their leaves rustling and crunching followed by the occasional whistling of the wind. It was a calming scene to watch.
As your eyes explored the view around you, they landed on something a bit more unsettling. A blonde male, better known as katsuki bakugou, sat on a bench in the distance.
This evening, similarly to you, he had felt overwhelmed. Though he hated to admit it, he started to feel out of touch with himself, someone had been on his mind. It felt like a constant itch that never went away, no matter how much he scratched at it, the thought failed to leave him alone. This very thought he blamed for his sudden “downfall”. Admittedly, to everyone else, this failure he considered himself was completely unseen. It was all in his head.
You carefully scanned the boy from a far, reluctant on whether or not you should approach him. After all, he wasn’t the nicest of people, or at least that’s how he presented himself. Him blowing up in you face was the last thing you wanted. A heavy sighed escaped through your parted lips as you weighed the pros and cons of this current situation. Should you approach him?
The initial conflicted question was soon provided with an easy answer.
You watched his body tense up further and further, his hands clenched into tight fists as his eyes stayed fixed on one point, clearly zoned out. Something was bothering him. Regardless of his awful demeanour, you couldn’t help but lend him a listening ear. After all, it was in your nature to be so blindly giving sometimes.
You took slow and hesitant steps towards him, his bothersome state becoming clearer. The steps you took were gentle, soon gaining more of a steady pace. Though your stomach was turning, adrenaline coursing through your sluggish body as your heart thumped in your ears. It was no surprise that approaching him would shake up all these nerves inside you, his reaction would be unpredictable. You were definitely scared and nervous for the outcome, however your caring nature got the better of you.
Soon, you were right next to him, taking a careful seat on the bench, not too close but no too far. His unusual unfocused state the only reason you were able to get so close. As your body finally made contact with the bench, his head took a harsh and sudden snap. His vermillion eyes glared right back at you, his posture only getting more tense.
“um...hi” you started shyly.
He was clearly taken aback, if it weren’t for his current state, you doubt he’d tolerate you being near him. His face grew flushed in embarrassment, his eyebrows furrowing angrily at his sudden “weak” response.
You didn’t know exactly what was on his mind, why he was flustered or why he was so tense. Only if you knew that it was in fact you who was bothering his thoughts tonight.
Bakugou had never had an intense liking to someone, someone he didn’t even know, someone who was just an extra in his little world. It frustrated and confused him beyond compare. Tonight, he couldn’t shake the thought of you and to be honest, it began to frighten him a bit. After all, he was new to these sort of emotions. No matter how much he distanced himself or was rude to you, this weird feeling never left him. And it just had to be today, the day this thought bothered him most that you showed up.
“fuck off” he cursed, glancing away and sinking into the bench.
His word were harsh, but the his voice came out calm, motivating you to try and figure him out.
“hey, listen. i was taking a walk, had a lot on my mind and i’m guessing you do too”
You tried sparking up a conversation once more, a warm smile on your face. You kept your eyes on him, watching his response but he remained silent. The chilling air caused a shiver to run through you, more nervous now to see what would happen next. You tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear, nuzzling your hands into your oversized sleeves.
“just go back to the dorms, dumbass” he mutters taking a quick pause before his heavy eyes fall back onto you.
“you’re clearly cold”
He was right, you weren’t just cold, you were practically freezing. Yet, you didn’t want to go back, not right now. You’d never had a proper conversation with Bakugou, a once in a life time opportunity. Not to mention, you’d often prioritised someone else well-being over your own.
“and something’s clearly bothering you” you gave him a reassuring smile, hoping to warm him to the idea of opening up.
He didn’t seem to budge, instead crossing his arms over his chest and giving you a smug look.
“nothings fucking bothering me. just go home”
his cold attitude should have hurt you, but his blatant lies only confirmed your suspicions. Something was definitely bothering him. Deep in thought, you bit your lower lip, looking down at you hands that hid cosily in your sleeves. Another breath escaped your lips as you dared to speak again.
“i want to stay with you for now” you hesitated to speak out at first, wondering if such a response was too forward. Maybe it was the adrenaline that invaded your thoughts right now, or maybe it just felt natural to say, regardless those words had left your mouth.
Bakugou felt his body tense up again as his stomach felt an unfamiliar buzz. Completely lost for words, so he just hummed in response.
You both stayed in comfortable silence for a while. You watched as he sat almost paralysed, his hands returning to their shaken state. Watching him like this was worrying to say the least, maybe even terrifying. He was one of the strongest students in class, never showing a weak side to him, until now of course. You didn’t know what to do or what to say.
Gently, you untucked your hand from your sleeve, the cold air harsh on your skin as it lost its previous heat. Though you were nervous to make another move, you didn’t want to see him like this anymore. You reached out slowly, until your cold hand rested on top of his larger, more heated one. In fact, his hands were dangerously hot and sweaty. Now you were really worried on what had worked him up this much.
His hand twitched as he felt your touch, shocked by the sudden affection he’d never experienced before. Yet he allowed this foreign territory to be further explored, making no effort to push you off or yell. His heart began thumping faster in his chest, his stomach turned as adrenaline rushed to fill his body. He was no longer bothered by his previous thoughts, previous worries of you clouding his mind for days, the unshakable feeling he got around you. Maybe it was the adrenaline, but those thoughts were soon buried deep inside him, long forgotten. All his mind could think about in that moment was your touch. How soft your hand felt as you fingertips carefully massaged his hand, the way your minor movements brought him to a calmer state. But most importantly, how cold your hand felt.
“your hand is cold” he spoke bluntly, no emotion in his voice, contradictory to his adrenaline being at an all time high.
“it doesn’t matter”
Your voice was gentle, like your touch it was some how soothing him. It didn’t make this weird adrenaline rush calm down, it was probably just making it heighten. However, his anger, irritability and lack of patience faded as you quite simply just sat there, softly speaking. It was odd that another person had so much control over him, not only invading his daily thoughts, but now in possession of his very emotions. That’s how he viewed the situation at least. But even when this thought hit him, he couldn’t be mad at you.
“it does matter, dumbass” he spoke slightly harsher this time, worry laced in his voice.
You were taken aback by his tone, not prepared for his empathy. But he just kept surprising you more after that, giving you no time to respond. He interlaced his fingers with yours, his hand engulfing your significantly smaller one. His hand felt warm, very warm. His touch was rough, but it held way more emotion than you could uncover in that moment. As you stared down at your hand hidden within his, you felt your face burn red.
Never did you imagine that you’d be in this position, sat next to Katsuki Bakugou, blushing at his selfless gestures. On top of that, you never imagined he’d be like this.
He grabbed something from his side, the side that wasn’t visible to you.
“wear it, you’ll be less cold”
Rather than handing you the jacket to put on yourself, he used his free hand to rest it over your shoulders. A soft smile lingered on his lips, his eyes starring deeply into yours as he waited for your reaction.
Your heart rate sped up as your blush grew deeper, his action making you feel something weird towards him.
“thanks, bakugou” you managed to say through your flustered state.
You felt the bench move slightly, as bakugou shifted closer towards you, his leg now in contact with yours. You were side by side, joint at the hands as your shoulders, thighs, knees, all of that were pressed together.
“i have something to ask”
Through the midst of all of this, his voice sounded calm as though unfazed by anything going on. But as you watched his seemingly emotionless face, you saw his hidden nervousness, his face starring straight ahead as a soft pink glow coated his cheeks. Was he blushing?
Before you could think, you lay your head onto his shoulder, your other hand coming to rest on top of your intertwined hands. You hummed in response, eagerly waiting for his question.
“what does it mean when you can’t stop thinking about someone. like you try so hard but they won’t leave your mind”
his question was a bit out of place, but it soon started to make a bit more sense as you allowed it to sink in.
“in what way? like they’re annoying you or are you interested”
You question back, trying to gather more information on his situation, realising this is what must have been bothering him.
Weirdly enough, someone had been bothering your thoughts as well. Maybe that’s exactly why you felt so flustered at his simple touches. For months, you found yourself attracted to Bakugou, his little glances towards you sending an electric feeling to course through you. Better than anyone, you understood how he felt in this moment, and the frustration of not being able to get someone out of your head, especially when liking them seemed so far fetched.
“i never really thought of it but i guess interested or whatever” he let out a low sigh.
The reply to his statement was simple, he liked someone. Deep down, you wished it was you, after all you’d been feeling this way for bakugou for a while. However, he had no real reason to like you, he pushed you away, ignored you and rarely made an effort to talk. Today was a situation slightly out of the blue, his actions out of character but enjoyable.
“then you like someone” you chirped.
You sounded happy for him, well you tried your best to. But the selfishness within you was still present. you hoped he was taking about you.
You heard a low laugh escape his lips, his hand squeezing yours a bit, but not in a painful way. Tranquility surrounded you both once more as both of you didn’t speak.
“well, i guess i like you dumbass”
You felt that same buzz bounce around in your stomach as his simple response clouded your brain. You were not expecting him to say that. Not at all. You finally turned to face him, his ruby eyes less furious as they had a sleepy look to them. His face was calm, not tensed up in a frown or in an annoyed glare as it usually was. Not to mention, his ash blonde hair was spiked up, but slightly messy. He looked... cute. You felt your face get all warm, your chest all fuzzy and your hands began to slightly sweat. The nervous feeling you rarely got was present. His eyes starred right back at yours, his lack of emotion in the face and unreadable expression only made this feeling you were experiencing more intense.
“it’s not mutual?” he questioned, almost sounding disappointed as you remained silent.
You took in a deep breath, nervous to respond but you didn’t want to ruin the moment.
“no, no... it’s mutual”
The stuttering in your voice was evident, he knew exactly how nervous he made you and it filled him with pride to know that.
Silence invaded your surroundings. Your bodies turned towards each other, your eyes still locked. you analysed his features, hoping to understand what he was thinking or feeling, but it was impossible.
The distant sound of passing cars was now audible as no one spoke, the rustling of leaves as the wind hummed.
"you sure" he finally spoke up.
"i'm sure"
You both stayed silent once more, not moving an inch as you awaited his next move.
"i just don't want to fuck this up" he admitted.
This moment was nothing like you have ever experienced with him before. He was being confusing, acting out of character and the feelings that flooded your body only made this whole situation a lot more perplexing.
"you won't, i promise" you gave him your signature smile, hoping to keep him from breaking character even further.
You watched him carefully as he edged closer to you, making your heart race. His face was only inches away from yours now.
"Don't make me fucking regret this then” he scoffed, his minty breathe tickling your face.
You didn't know what he was doing, but the anticipation was killing you.
You felt his warm hand trail up your stomach, making a stop at your waist, gripping it softly. His eyes darted around your face, almost as if he panicked to see your reaction.
Nervousness and excitement pumped through your body, heat rushing to your face at his soft touch. You gave him another reassuring smile, confused as to wether you wanted him to do anything more or if you wanted him to get his hands off you.
His eyes slowly, met yours again fully concentrated. Your chest felt slightly tight, the nervousness only growing greater and greater, making your heart pound at your chest. You really prayed he couldn't hear how loud your heart was beating.
Once again, his hands wandered, lightly grazing across your cold skin, leaving goosebumps with wherever his warmth evaporated after his touch left. He finally placed this hand on your cheek, rubbing his thumb in circles. His eyes flickered between your two eyes and mouth, almost as though he was drawing a triangle on your face. that's when it really hit you, he was going in for a kiss.
He finally leaned his face closer, his lips slightly parted. It felt like time was moving in slow motion, still yet to process the exact event that was currently unfolding. But all the analytical thinking soon vanished when his soft lips finally locked with yours.You batted your eyelids shut. The tenderness of his touch finally calming you, the confusion and fear steaming out of your body. His lips slowly started to move as you adjusted into the kiss. Your both inexperienced lips moved oddly in sync, locked into each other's like jigsaw pieces.
You picked your free hand up, pressing it against Bakugous abdomen. he twitched under your cold delicate touch, but as you dipped your hand under his charcoal coloured top, you felt him relax. you traced your fingers up his abs, admiring his physique.
He brought your face even closer to his, as the hand that had been resting on your cheek slid up to the back of your head, tugging softly at your roots. His nose bumped yours a bit as his silky platinum hair tickled your face.
The kiss was soft, soft for a guy like him. you never expected his touches to be so gentle, or his kisses to hold so much emotion. It felt like with every time your lips collided more and more emotions fogged your minds.
you pulled your hand from under his shirt, bringing it up to his collar, tugging the cotton material towards yourself. His chest was flush against yours, his heart evidently beating fast across you.The sudden contact of your two bodies sent an overload of excitement shooting through you.
Without warming, his gentle hand untangled from your hair, instead grabbing your hand that was tugging at his tank top. Eager to gain dominance, he grasped your wrist, snatching it from his body. Though his current movements were rapid, they still remained careful not to hurt you. Quickly, he rested your hand on his thigh. His grasp loosened, gently caressing your palm with his warm fingertips before interlacing his fingers with yours. His other that hand that was once locked with yours, now snaking around your waist.
He sunk his teeth into your bottom lip, not too roughly, but noticeably harsher than his other actions.Your lower lip was given a slight tug, and in this short moment you both caught your breaths. You opened your eyes slightly to meet his as they bolted around your face. Without a second thought, he leaned back in, smoothly dipping his tongue into your mouth. It felt warm and soft as it pressed against yours. He explored every inch of your mouth, his tongue brushing and swirling your own. The warmth filled your mouth as he claimed your mouth.He continued to deepen the kiss, it becoming more sloppy and careless.
He pulled away suddenly, a trail of saliva connecting you both. A smirk was plastered on his face, as both of your faces beamed red.
“did i fuck it up” he questioned, as his chest was rising and falling in attempt to catch his breath.
you gave his hand a soft squeeze, leaning in to give him one more peck on his lips.
“not at all”
The softness of your low whisper to him, caused a child-like smile to form on his face. He brought you closer to him, his hands leaving their previous positions to wrap around you in a tight hug. His head reset over your shoulder as he hugged you.
“well, does that make you mine?” his breath tickled your neck as he spoke.
You only had one answer to his question, not hesitating to give it.
“i’ve always been yours”
and with that, this once foreign feeling, foreign acquaintance, foreign touch became something a lot more familiar and secure for the two of you.
[a/n]: i hope you enjoyed my first written piece of work on here, since i’ve never shared my writing🥺 ngl this was little bad but i still put in a lot of effort into it so i couldn’t let it go to waste :) don’t be shyyy to give me feedback on my work!!
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eastbluenative · 4 years
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wordcount: 725
warnings: language ofc, this is purely crack but i guarantee you this is 100% canon!! prove me wrong, i dare ya
Bakugou is a major tsundere, duh. This much is obvious; a well-known fact even among his classmates. He’s not a fan of PDA either, whether it’s kissing in public or even a little bit of hand holding. Something you’ve accepted as just another quirk of dating him. 
However… One night, you’re relaxing in your room after a quick post-workout shower and your phone dings. You check the home screen and see that it’s from your boyfriend, Bakugou. You smile and slide your phone open to see that the emo child that is Bakugou sent you… this
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877 notes · View notes
eastbluenative · 4 years
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388 notes · View notes
eastbluenative · 4 years
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Saw this crocs trend on Tik Tok and…
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eastbluenative · 4 years
This was AMAZING I would absolutely love to see a part two you are so talented
No Touching
Kirishima Eijirou
word count : 4.3K of S M U T (seriously 98% smut)
[ ✘ (nsfw!) ]  
themes : sub!kiri, dom!reader, thigh riding, ball gag and cock ring nastiness
bio : You finally give in to the desires of your favorite client, Red Riot… Not that you’re complaining though.
author’s note : ya so i said i was writing something sinful (shouto smut on hold for the moment) and uhh well this certainly qualifies lmao. ALSO go easy on me please this is my first Kiri fic and I tried my best to do him justice :’(
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eastbluenative · 4 years
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To the Grand Line
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eastbluenative · 4 years
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icons for you and your friends (credit isn’t needed but would be nice ღ ) for the grumpy friend:
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eastbluenative · 4 years
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943 notes · View notes
eastbluenative · 4 years
i love this! please read if youre into it
a gentle reminder
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Summary: Bakugou has made a name for himself as the Pro Hero Ground Zero, and yet it does little to satiate the competitive nature he feels even with you. One day, when it all becomes too much, you take it upon yourself to give him a gentle reminder that he is everything you need and more.
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader Rated: M/E+ Warning: smut, language, etc. Word Count: 3,899
bakugou’s birthday party has begun! see here for more info!
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“A-Are you…jealous?”
Bakugou huffs, “Not jealous of that extra, no way.”
You put your phone down on the countertop and lean forward, hands cupping your face as you look over the bar at him. He’s got a pink tinge on his cheeks, eyelids hiding those crimson irises that you’ve come to know will betray him if he were to look at you.
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