dylanwilder-blog · 6 years
when you’re a rapper who has no other purpose behind rapping beside saying things that nobody has the guts to say in order to get people to start talking about the taboo things, you tend to make enemies as well as fans. some people aren’t used to honesty putting a spotlight on their flaws, so boone wasn’t shocked when some middle-aged man threw a soda at him while yelling insults. before boone got outrageously mad, he took a deep breath and wiped the carbonated liquid from his face. “fuck man, what is this!? GLEE!?“ he called out, “it’s just a fuckin’ act, y’know, i’m not really a fuckin’ dick— not all the time.“ boone said now to the familiar face by his side, “it’s like in ancient greece, or some shit, like when they threw tomatoes because they thought the person playing the bad guy was a bad guy. i don’t fuckin’ get it, they suck, i tell ‘em they suck, and they get mad.” 
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dylan laughed at the whole thing, he calmed his laugher when he directed his words towards him. “ its not your fault man, honesty is underrated. ”
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dylanwilder-blog · 6 years
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Tori was sat at a table in the coffee shop, editing her next video and workshopping some ideas for the next one with her team through emails. After a while of doing this, she realized she was out of coffee and stood up to get some more. When she turned from her table,she ran into someone, “I’m sorry,” she said, looking up at the person.
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a small ‘oomph’ escaped his mouth at the collision. “ does anybody use their eyes these days. ” he muttered the words under his breath. the cold hearted tone never left the words that came from his mouth. 
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dylanwilder-blog · 6 years
“Well then, don’t make me yell too much or it might not be all that dormant. I want you to interact with the elements Dylan. I need you to feel like a big fish in a small pond, I need you to be Adam and the only way I can capture that is if we have you out there. Also, you’ll need to lose the attitude. I need him to be a likeable bad boy.”
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“ fine. when do we have to leave? also i hope you bring unlimited hot chocolate packets because i only assume you’re gonna be throwing us out in the cold. and attitude? what attitude? don’t worry the role should come easy to me, i’m already a likeable badd boy. ”
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dylanwilder-blog · 6 years
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mandy followed him to the balcony not long after. the busy noises of LA was refreshing and inspiring. on the pavement you could see a couple walking their dog and mandy wondered if they were in love. they certainly looked in love. they looked genuinely in love. and mandy only dreams of acquiring such a pristine relationship. “ dylan believe it or not you mean something to me. ” she said the sentence hesitantly but regardless, there was truth in her words. “ it’d be nice if i meant something to you as well. ”
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he let out a scoff as the words from mandy came within his hearing range. he leaned his arms on the railing and refused to make eye contact with mandy. he continued to look on to the busy city of LA, it was so vibrant and excitement sparked from everywhere. the only place that seemed to be dull was his apartment, where him and mandy were standing. “ oh come on, don’t do this. ” the sentence came out as a whisper and he wasn’t sure if his words were buried by the noises of the city.  “ mandy you are wasting your time. you shouldn’t care about me. i will never care about you, you will never mean anything to me. ” he kept his eyes on the city. he didn’t want mandy do leave, he dind’t want mandy to stop caring about him. he wanted to hold her and hug her but he couldn’t love two people at the same time. 
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dylanwilder-blog · 6 years
“Oh believe me, you wouldn’t want that. Next time you’re coming with me. While we were there I decided there was no way we could authentically portray Portland unless we shot there. It’s unique in it’s irrelevance and I think that you and Alissa really need to be involved in the environment to truly capture the contrast the brightness of Mia and Adam to their bleak backdrop.”
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he let out a laughter that spelled out disbelief. “ margot, you are crazy if you think i’m going there. it has a freakin’ dormant volcano within city limits,  can’t you just cgi it? ”
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dylanwilder-blog · 6 years
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‘      you’re a mean one , mister grinch .     ’      she murmured , poking her tongue out at him .
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“ at least im prettier than you. ” 
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dylanwilder-blog · 6 years
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“ what's the problem I don't know. ”
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dylanwilder-blog · 6 years
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“ you can go away now.” 
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dylanwilder-blog · 6 years
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dylanwilder-blog · 6 years
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“ then tell me dylan! tell me, help me understand. it’s time you take those walls down. ” mandy said softly. her eyes softening and her shoulders dropped. no matter how much dylan wilder infuriated her, she wanted to be his friends. he knew a pr stunt won’t be easy and there was a hidden desire for meaning something to him. she didn’t need him to fall in love with her, she just needed him to care. 
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as he looked into her eyes, the fury in his eyes slowly started to fade. but his walls, that he’s built since he was twelve, built so high they touched the clouds and built by marble and the strongest glass there could be. so he could see through, he could see the other person but never be able to reach them. “ no. ” he muttered softly before turning away from his ‘girlfriend ’ and he made his way toward the balcony. 
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dylanwilder-blog · 6 years
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“ what ?! me, self centred?! you’ve got your facts wrong their mister. you’re the one that’s self centred and thoughtless of the people around you. you hate being in conversation, you hate small talk. you don’t say sorry when people bump into, your chest is hollow and i feel sorry for you because you’ll never ever feel what its like to love or be loved. ” mandy pressed a firm finger on his chest, where his supposed heart resided. 
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“ no you’re the one that’s wrong amanda. you’re so opinionated, you make up your opinions on nothing. you have no solid foundations for the facts you randomly blurt out. you have no idea what my childhood was like, you have no idea about the things that built me to be according to you- coldhearted. “ 
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dylanwilder-blog · 6 years
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a scoff escaped her lipstick covered lips. “ you are unbelievable. ” she carefully articulated the last word as she let her crossed arms drop down to her sides. “ and since you’ve got the mind of a peanut. i’m gonna let you know about the freedom of speech so you can’t shut me up and i will say whatever i want to. ” mandy said, stepping closer to the boy she was infuriated with. 
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dylan shook his head, tilting his head back with an exasperated sigh. “ you are such a burden!’ the sentence came a little louder than he had intended. “ all you think about is yourself and how it would be easier it would be for you to pretend. you have no thoughts about anybody else. you’re one of the most self-centred people i know. ”
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dylanwilder-blog · 6 years
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“ yeah, im fine with that. but im just saying it would be easier to pretend if you were nicer. that’s all im saying. ” mandy sighed before crossing her arms. she remembered when she first met dylan in twenty-ffiteen. she found him so dreamy, she could’ve looked into those chocolate brown eyes of his for a whole day. she thought that maybe they could have something real, fall in love. but as soon as dylan opened his mouth that thought vanished quickly. 
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maybe in another world, he and amanda would’ve made a good couple. a real couple. one with solid foundations of trust, loyalty and pure love. but they were in this world and in this world, their ‘romance’ was built on demands from the fans and commands from their publicists. maybe in another world, he could fall in love with her. “ and maybe that’s all you should say. and it would be easier for me if you just shut your mouth. i mean looking at you is annoying enough. don’t get me started on your chatter. “ 
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dylanwilder-blog · 6 years
“Watch the mouth. I was on location, apparently not it’s impossible to get that dead overcast look in LA and it only looks fake if we recreate it.”
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“ i have a good suggestion, next time you’re there, maybe just stay there.” dylan said nonchalantly, his cold heart only grew colder in the winter.  
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dylanwilder-blog · 6 years
continuation from. here.
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“ no, sweetheart only uglier. “ he feigned a soft smile. 
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dylanwilder-blog · 6 years
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@dylanwilder “ you know it’s not that hard to be a decent person, in fact being kind is actually considered fun by some people. you should try it some time, dork. ”
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“ dork? seriously? are you twelve. look, i don’t like you either. so let’s just pretend that we’re a happy, go-lucky couple like our publicists want. and we’re actors, it shouldn’t be that hard. just pretend.  “ 
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dylanwilder-blog · 6 years
send me a symbol:
        send ☆ for a movie/tv quote starter         send ♫ for a lyric starter         send ✎ for a literature quote starter         send ❶ for a one line starter         send ☞ for an action starter (no dialogue)         send ✉ for a text message starter         send ❤ for a romantic fluff starter         send ✰ for a platonic fluff starter         send ✗ for an angst starter         send ⦚ for a crack starter
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