dunnystuff · 2 years
If you are looking for a church home, please consider joining us either in person or online every Sunday morning at 1030 EST. We celebrate Holy Communion both in person and online the first Sunday of each month.
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dunnystuff · 2 years
If you are looking for a church home, please consider joining us either in person or online every Sunday morning at 1030 EST. We celebrate Holy Communion both in person and online the first Sunday of each month.
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dunnystuff · 2 years
If you are looking for a church home, please consider joining us either in person or online every Sunday morning at 1030 EST. We celebrate Holy Communion both in person and online the first Sunday of each month.
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dunnystuff · 2 years
If you are looking for a church home, please consider joining us either in person or online every Sunday morning at 1030 EST. We celebrate Holy Communion both in person and online the first Sunday of each month.
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dunnystuff · 2 years
If you are looking for a church home, please consider joining us either in person or online every Sunday morning at 1030 EST. We celebrate Holy Communion both in person and online the first Sunday of each month.
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dunnystuff · 2 years
If you are looking for a church home, please consider joining us either in person or online every Sunday morning at 1030 EST. We celebrate Holy Communion both in person and online the first Sunday of each month.
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dunnystuff · 2 years
If you are looking for a church home, please consider joining us either in person or online every Sunday morning at 1030 EST. We celebrate Holy Communion both in person and online the first Sunday of each month.
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dunnystuff · 2 years
Good morning and Welcome to Grace Church Seaford online ministry. Please consider inviting someone to join us this Sunday morning and every Sunday morning at 1030 EST via your various social media outlets. Holy Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of every month.
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dunnystuff · 2 years
Join us please https://graceseaford.online.church/
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dunnystuff · 2 years
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dunnystuff · 2 years
All of us are equal here. But some of us are more equal than others. - George Orwell
Hi to all -
We [in Atlanta] weathered The Great Storm of 2022 quite well here. We got a light dusting of snow, like powdered sugar on a pastry, that lasted almost a day. Global Warming is good to us, in the south.
Looking at their business is a good indication of where people are moving to. Yes, we have statistics showing that people are departing blue states, like California and New York, in record numbers. This changes the makeup of congress, as districts must be realigned to fit the new population counts. This is reinforced by U-Haul records. Blue states have lost about a million (legal, registered, taxpaying US citizen) residents in recent times. Besides NY and California, major losses have occurred in Pennsylvania, Mass. and Alabama. Meanwhile, red states have gained about a million new legal, US citizen, taxpaying residents. Big winners are Florida, Texas, South Carolina and Arizona. These figures are tempered by the fact that U-Haul ran out of equipment to rent in those blue states, causing delays for people who wanted to leave. This will make the red states more wealthy and prosperous, as well as increase their power in congress. At the same time, blue states will fall further into debt, trying to support all those illegals, with fewer taxpayers to do so. It will not take many years for this to totally separate the two groups.
Well, 5G phone services have started their rollout, and this week marks a major rollout by the phone companies. This promises faster service, more data transfer and storage, and more. But, the airlines are less excited by this. Seems the frequencies that 5G uses interfere with 'safety equipment' and possibly navigation equipment on airplanes. Less than half the air fleet has completed the changes needed to adapt to this, and the airlines want another delay in the rollout of 5G. If this does not happen, much of our air service could be grounded, until the necessary changes can be made. If you thought supply chain issues were bad before, imagine how much worse they will be if not only trucks cannot roll, but planes cannot fly. A gift for those who want to destroy our economy and system of government. It's all just a coincidence, don't you know?
Much celebration over the weekend marking the holiday honoring Dr. King. I have visited his memorial in downtown Atlanta. My group was politely asked/warned to leave the area quickly since we were white. And that was a long time ago - before BLM.
But, for Bill Penzy of Pensey's Spices, this was a weekend to celebrate "Republicans are Racists' '. He is a very pro BLM guy, and does not much like republicans. He was quite vocal about it.
Many school boards there are aghast at the new Governor's order to let parents, not schools, decide if their children should wear masks. They cling to the 'suggestion' by CDC as an excuse to enforce illegal mandates. Looks like this will be the first battle for control of the hearts and minds of the citizens, parents and children, in Virginia. My bet is on the governor.
This is one of the most 'woke' cities in the nation. So, naturally, they must try yet another social engineering experiment. Just because all the others have failed is no reason not to try, try again. This time, a lot of traffic laws will no longer be enforced, because they are racist. See, black drivers, 'driving while black' get stopped far too often in the woke mind. If you travel to Seattle, it would be wise to have good insurance, paid up, and to be very, very alert.
This is not usually thought of as a hotbed of political correctness. Yet, it is so. Dr. Meryl Nass, a thirty year veteran of medical practice, has been suspended from practicing medicine for spreading 'misinformation' Seems Dr. Nass questioned the effectiveness of the vaccines, since they don't actually work. She also said that HCQ and Ivermectin do work, as supported by hundreds of studies. But, this is heresy to the left, just like Galileo was to the church back in the day. So, she must be punished.
This neighboring state is insisting that all voting be done via mail in ballots. Please do not look at all the fraud that this has caused. And, their governor, Phil Scott is listed as a republican! Go figure. Vermont joins Colorado, Oregon and Washington as the 4th state to cancel actual voting in favor of mail in voting. This will be interesting to watch in the fall.
Can you read the writing on the wall, yet? Perhaps a great divide is coming, and very, very soon.
Miasma vs. Germ Theory
When we think of public health, we often picture an image of doctors, nurses and other medical facilities and people. These represent the best in health care. We rarely think of 'medicine men', or 'medicine women' who sing, dance and gather magic plants to cure illness.
But, we almost never think of workers we see outside all the time as public health servants. Those folks who bring us clean, treated water, those who gather our trash, those who run sewage treatment plants, etc. have done more for public health than all the doctors in history.
Miasma refers to the idea that health is a function of having an effective immune system. One that is well fed, clean, and allowed to function 'as nature intended'. Our bodies are filled with all kinds of microbes (some say about two kilos worth in each adult - that is a lot of microbes) that do all sorts of things, some essential, others not so good. But, our bodies are pretty good at keeping things in balance, given half a chance.
Medicine tells us that things improved greatly after we invented vaccines against infectious disease. Indeed, those vaccines did a lot to stop such infections, or prevent them from getting worse. The large-scale use of vaccines has only been in effect for 50 years or so. Yet, the incidence of 'childhood diseases' and so forth that killed so many for so many generations, was in sharp decline before the vaccines came along. Why is that?
Well, after the industrial revolution, people began moving into cities, and then public works came into major use. Cities needed water. The aqueducts of Roman times were not adequate for modern cities. And, it was not safe to drink from rivers or streams - anything that fell into the water, like a dead animal, could pollute the water for miles downstream. That is why early settlers almost never drank water. When they did, they added enough alcohol in it to kill the germs.
Cites also produce waste. Garbage, and human waste. Many years ago, this was just tossed into the street (still is, in less well developed parts of the world) where this smelly mess attracted rats, and other vermin, and disease followed. Public sanitation, like removing trash, and treating sewage, and cleaning water supplies changed and improved conditions for all. One of the signs of our time is a return to those poor sanitation conditions. Homeless camps are filling up with rats, and trash and human waste fill the streets of many of our cities. It does not take a rocket scientist to see where this will go, and what will follow.
Here is a historical footnote. British sailors, when about to go into battle, were told to 'change into clean underwear'. What did that have to do with combat? Sanitation and washing was not always commonplace aboard ship, and a dirty body, and dirty clothes would lead to infection, if wounded. Did you know why British sailors were called 'limeys'? Scurvy was a common ailment on sailing ships. This was a side effect of not having fresh foods to eat, and the body just couldn't prevent such ailments without proper nutrition. So, when someone figured out that limes contained that nutrition, and that limes would last a long time, even at sea, this became standard issue for sailors. There were no Flintstone Vitamins back then, nor any gummy ones. Nor were there any vaccines.
Why do Schools Require Masks?
You saw school boards in Virginia defy their new governor about having students mandated to wear masks. Why is that? Do school boards think that masks keep kids safe? Would you bet your paycheck that they even care about the safety of your kids? Nope, it is the same old story. Follow the Money.
See, the so-called American Restoration Act (another clever misleading name, like all Biden's programs) bribes schools with money. Lots of money. But, only if they fully support whatever social engineering mandates that are prescribed by the feds (read that as the left). So, to those school boards, that money is more important than the health or safety of your children. If that money was removed tomorrow, you would never hear another word about masks.
Test Kits
Ever wonder why we still do not have adequate numbers of at-home test kits, two years into this pandemic? Someone thought this would be wise, from the start. Biden canceled the order, and program, if he was ever aware of what it was. Now he wants to buy millions of such kits. So, who got paid, and who got left out?
Jen Psaki was asked about that, and several other simple issues, and she out and out refused to answer. She routinely mumbles something totally unrelated, like "I like peanut butter, can you swim?", she then tries to pretend that she actually answered the question. How does she sleep at night?
Dr. Mary Bowden
She was dismissed, suspended then quit, from her job at Houston Methodist Hospital, for spreading 'misinformation' about the vaccines and alternative treatments. So, she is suing the hospital. She is demanding the data on actual results of the vaccines - especially reports of adverse reactions, and complications resulting from them. As well as actual death rates. Implicit in this is confirmation of 'the science' that says these are safe and effective. And, also actual reports on alternative treatments, and results as to whether or not they work, and are safe and effective. She is also demanding the financial records of the hospital. She wants to know the financial ties between the hospital and governments - like how much they get paid to treat pandemic related illness, and also those ties with the pharma companies. Under both state and federal law, the hospital must provide these records. But, so far, they have been very, very reluctant to do so. You can see them digging in their heels, and hoping to stall this one. If this data becomes public, the entire pandemic scam could fall apart, fast, Many rich and powerful people have a lot to lose, all because of one brave woman.
Courage is Contagious. This one brave woman could inspire and provide a spinal stiffener to many others.
Boris Johnson has been under massive pressure over his mandates, etc. The people have had enough. So, he just announced that the mandates are over. No mandated masks. No Vaccine Passports. None of the other restrictions they have peddled. After all, as he finally admitted, 'the science' shows that this pandemic is on the wane, and can be treated like any other seasonal ailment.
Coming soon to the US.
Justice John Roberts
He has been under attack by supporters of Justice Sotomayor, who refused to work in person next to an unmasked Neil Gorsuch. So, she has been 'teleworking'. Justice Roberts just denied that he ordered anyone not to mask up. It is a personal choice, not a mandate. This would not have seemed odd, even a few months ago. But, in our modern pagan world, where so many are heavily tattooed and pierced, and live by chants, rather than reason, it is normal. It is as if the old Mad Max movies have come to life.
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dunnystuff · 2 years
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2022 1:52 PM
Subject: Rich's Blog
Viva la Revolution !!!
Hi to all -
An undersea volcano erupted near to that island nation, and sent tidal waves all over the Pacific, even as far as Japan. Lots of damage, many people injured or killed, much destruction. But, that is not important. Changing our voting laws, now that is worth news time.
Union Pacific Railroad
They have a large base of operations in Los Angeles, and they are not happy with the looting and damage done to their tracks and systems. They have announced that unless LAPD does their job, and protects their business, then they will move their operations to another location where the public can get protection by police and local governments.
Ghislaine Maxwell
She has quit her efforts to conceal the identities of the Johns who she and Epstein sold their young girls to. Partly this is because of the one victim who refused to take a bribe to be silent, and partly due to other sources threatening to make this public. This has been going on since 2017, and most of these men have long since lawyered up and demanded that their 'privacy' be protected. No concern for the privacy or other rights of the girls involved. The matter is now before a judge, who will decide what to release. Have you ever heard the sound of a 'pucker factor' taking over?
Have you noticed how many times it is the brave stand of one or two people that changes everything?
There is a rash of stories from far left news outlets, suddenly noticing that Biden is old, and making poor decisions. To translate that from democrat-speak, this is the shove that will push Biden under the bus in the near future. Biden has failed on every issue, not just a little, but a lot. As Obama said, 'Never underestimate the ability of Joe to f*** things up.' Joe is now a liability, and the democrats are getting desperate to find a replacement. Too bad they do not have a viable candidate.
But, in order to complete their agenda, now that changing our voting laws has failed, and mandates have failed, etc. etc. they must go to Plan B. Yesterday Canada announced that truck drivers who are not vaxxed will not be allowed to bring cargo to the US. That will affect 15-40,000 drivers, and make the shortages of goods more pronounced. Newson is doing his part, keeping ships anchored offshore, since he will not allow half the trucks on the road to come to his state and move cargo. All these moves are being coordinated somewhere, by someone. There is a dedicated effort to crash the economy, since that will create the chaos needed for the left to take over. It is likely to get worse in the short term - they only have till November and the elections to complete their task.
Washington DC
Yet another local 'mandate' threatens to fire firefighters who refuse the vax. Fire departments are already short staffed, with people routinely working doubles or even more. They are nearly at the point now of not being able to respond to some calls. That means property damage and human deaths. Only democrat-run cities face such things. Vote for us.
A single reporter, opposed at all times and by all other media, has forced the release of information on nursing home deaths of elderly people due to the pandemic. Turns out that Gretchen the Governor was just as slothful as Cuomo the Killer. Michigan was listed as among the top five states in deaths early on, along with NY. But, in proportion to total population, Michigan was just as deadly as NYC. Under the banner of 'protecting the health of seniors', they caused the death of thousands, Did we not fight a world war to stop genocide?
The voting fraud scandal is now out in the open, and will have to be dealt with. When I saw 'drop boxes' on the street, I was appalled. An open invitation to fraud, as anyone could see. Well, that was correct. But, Candid Camera was in play, quietly, and caught 242 people who arrived at these boxes between 2 am and 5 am, to deposit stacks of 'absentee ballots', from person's unknown. Even the new laws only allowed the person, or a family member, to drop off ballots, and only one. These were young people, with backpacks filled with ballots.
Well, our crooked Secretary of State, and other left-people, tried to dismiss the videos as 'too grainy' and fake. But, that one has fallen apart. Why? At least one of those doing the drop offs has come forward as a witness. That gives the left a real cause for fear. So, suddenly, our Secretary of State did a reversal, and wants to 'investigate' this (forever, without ever reaching a conclusion). The young man in question said he was paid $10 per ballot, and tasked to deliver 4500 ballots. He had to prove that he did it by submitting cell phone video of the drop, in order to get paid. Let's see, 4500 ballots at $10 each is $45,000 dollars, times 242 delivery persons, is $10,890,000 iin delivery fees. Not counting all the costs in creating, collecting and printing those ballots, and all the staff and resources needed to accomplish that. That is a lot of money, to steal the election in just one state, and this was done in six swing states, plus on a lesser scale in dozens of others. No wonder democrats are always fund-raising. Being a crook is expensive.
Each of these acts is a felony. So you can expect that all those who are behind this, and looking at a few centuries in jail, will put forth much effort to blunt, stop or change the direction of this 'investigation'. This young witness is in danger of Arkancide.
Remember 1984. The 'new normal' is a boot on your neck, forever.
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dunnystuff · 2 years
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dunnystuff · 2 years
If you are looking for a church home, please consider joining us either in person or online every Sunday morning at 1030 EST. We celebrate Holy Communion both in person and online the first Sunday or each month.
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dunnystuff · 2 years
Church Online is a place for you to experience God and connect with others.
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dunnystuff · 2 years
Join us at 1030 EST if you are not otherwise churched! https://graceseaford.online.church/
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dunnystuff · 2 years
If you are not otherwise connected to a church, please join us this morning at 1030 EST. You won't be sorry! https://graceseaford.online.church/
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