dunnewithyou-arch · 4 months
joining the club and moving julia over to @mecwmellc <3
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dunnewithyou-arch · 5 months
Send me a scene that happened in canon and I’ll write in detail how my muse felt in it!
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dunnewithyou-arch · 6 months
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julia sneaking this picture when daisy comes over to billy's house, guitar in hand. she stays away because there's a long history and she knows they didn't tell her absolutely everything and she's afraid that if she says something they'll stop and they obviously sound amazing so she just takes this so she has proof and stays away. daisy's there for hours but she doesn't mind at all. she's kinda sad when she finally leaves because then dad puts his guitar away again
tagging @wildhecrt cause she wrote a headcanon a couple months back about daisy and billy singing together again <3
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dunnewithyou-arch · 6 months
"you still owe me that song, billy dunne" kill me
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dunnewithyou-arch · 6 months
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daisy and julia
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dunnewithyou-arch · 6 months
out of everyone, julia had been the most excited to interview daisy. uncle graham and dad would sometimes share stories, explaining what everyone else was up to if she asked. but daisy had become a sort of enigma, still making headlines years after the band split. it took a few interviews, but once they found their footing the time would fly by and julia had to go back home or daisy had to go take care of her sons. billy's story of daisy asking if she could give julia a cookie took her right back to the recording studio, walking in with mom and then hanging out with dad as they put the final touches on aurora. a few others memories came back, hanging out with daisy while dad and uncle graham were adding the final guitar bits and watching the band do the photoshoot for aurora stood out to her.
so it didn't surprise her that much when daisy said she felt the same, her memory wasn't that clear but remembering that much had to mean something. she nodded and put the microphone down, making sure it was turned off before laying it on the floor. "okay, no mic. so what's up?" julia wished she knew what she was getting into, daisy was still a bit of a wildcard even retelling everything all these years later.
@dunnewithyou asked: ❝​🇮​ ​🇫​​🇪​​🇱​​🇹​ ​🇾​​🇴​​🇺​​🇷​ ​🇦​​🇧​​🇸​​🇪​​🇳​​🇨​​🇪​.❞
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Daisy wasn't entirely sure what she'd expected to go down when she agreed to do this. This whole interview, this book - she couldn't shake the feeling it was going to be incredibly awkward for everyone involved. She hadn't spoken to Julia - or anybody from that period of her life since Chicago, and she wasn't entirely sure she was doing a good job at pretending she hadn't missed the child - fuck, whole grown woman - in front of her. As their conversations had gone on, Daisy had been able to grasp some of what Julia already knew, which made things a little easier for her; she didn't particularly want to be the one who brought up the affair - hello kid who's forever six in my mind, here's the time I nearly ruined your parents marriage - so it was better for everyone when she'd found out that it had already been mentioned.
❝​You...have no idea how much I feel that,❞
Julia's comment had thrown her off her beat slightly. Truth be told, she'd felt her absence too. Daisy acted how she thought an older sister may when it came to Julia; doing her hair, playing around with her - bonding over a shared love of pineapples. Though she'd probably never say it, especially to Billy, Daisy had probably missed Julia more than anyone else in the damn band. And she felt bad - really, fucking bad - for what probably looked like just skipping out on her for no reason - for abandoning her in the same way Daisy had so often complained about the adults in her life doing to her. Even though she'd been able to give context to Julia during their conversations, Daisy would've been lying if she said she wasn't holding herself back, just in case any of the boys, or Karen, read the notes from the conversation.
❝​Put the mic down a second - I want to...justify myself.❞
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dunnewithyou-arch · 7 months
still at the restaurant (djats rpc)
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dunnewithyou-arch · 8 months
"are you really using my mom's words on me?" julia asked. it had been a few weeks since the book came out, and now she had fallen into a sort of rhythm with her dad and daisy and making time for both of them. today was daisy day, mostly because she wanted some advice on her career and didn't feel that comfortable going to dad just yet. "you had been performing for some time before you joined the six, did you just know honeycomb was going to be your big break?"
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@selfruin sent ❝ You’re all sorts of things you don’t even know yet.  ❞
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dunnewithyou-arch · 8 months
❝ I am not a muse. I am the somebody. End of fucking story.  ❞
❝ Men often think they deserve a sticker for treating women like people.  ❞
❝ I don’t believe in soul mates anymore and I’m not looking for anything.  ❞
❝ I think you have to have faith in people before they earn it. Otherwise it’s not faith, right?  ❞
❝ I wish someone had told me that love isn’t torture.  ❞
❝ I thought love was bombs and tears and blood. I did not know that it was supposed to make you lighter, not heavier.  ❞
❝ I thought love was war.  ❞
❝ You have these lines you won’t cross. But then you cross them. And suddenly you possess the very dangerous information that you can break the rule and the world won’t instantly come to an end.  ❞
❝ Passion is…it’s fire. And fire is great, man. But we’re made of water. Water is how we keep living. Water is what we need to survive.  ❞
❝ It’s like some of us are chasing after our nightmares the way other people chase dreams.  ❞
❝ You have to have one person in your life that you know would never do anything to steer you wrong.  ❞
❝ All I will say is that you show up for your friends on their hardest days. And you hold their hand through the roughest parts.  ❞
❝ If she knew how often I was thinking about her, she wouldn’t feel lonely.  ❞
❝ But loving somebody isn’t perfection and good times and laughing and making love.  ❞
❝ Love is forgiveness and patience and faith and every once in a while, it’s a gut punch.  ❞
❝ I am not going to sit around sweating my ass off just so men can feel more comfortable.  ❞
❝ It’s not my responsibility to not turn them on. It’s their responsibility to not be an asshole.  ❞
❝ No matter who you choose to go down the road with, you’re gonna get hurt.  ❞
❝ No matter who you love, they will break your heart along the way.  ❞
❝ Music is never about music.  ❞
❝ Women will crush you, you know?  ❞
❝ I suppose everybody hurts everybody, but women always seem to get back up, you ever notice that? Women are always still standing.  ❞
❝ It scared me that the only thing between this moment of calm and the biggest tragedy of my life was me choosing not to do it.  ❞
❝ Confidence is being okay being bad, not being okay being good.  ❞
❝ We love broken, beautiful people.  ❞
❝ When you think of me, I hope it ruins rock ‘n’ roll.  ❞
❝ That’s the glory of being a man. An ugly face isn’t the end of you.  ❞
❝ You’re all sorts of things you don’t even know yet.  ❞
❝ It hurts to care about someone more than they care about themselves.  ❞
❝ I love you as much as I’m willing to love anybody.  ❞
❝ But knowing you’re good can only take you so far. At some point, you need someone else to see it, too.  ❞
❝ It’s the ones who never loved you enough that come to you when you can’t sleep.  ❞
❝ I used to care when men called me difficult. I really did. Then I stopped. This way is better.  ❞
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dunnewithyou-arch · 8 months
it was only as julia got older that she started to wonder about her parent's history, especially her dad. she had always known him as billy while her classmates, mostly their parents, knew him as billy dunne from daisy jones & the six. one album under the name dunne brothers, and one album with daisy before it all came crashing down. there had been several attempts to piece everything together, news articles and blog posts making a timeline from the formation to the infamous chicago performance. but julia was right to the source so why not? her dad had never told her about the band while she was growing up, but she didn't want him to keep it away forever. that was where the documentary came in. everything on the record from the band themselves, along with everyone who was involved. maybe she could get rod reyes to join.
daisy was the big question, the lead singer along with her dad. she had some solo projects after the band split, but now she was mostly focusing on the nonprofit and taking care of her daughter. so it seemed fitting that they'd meet for breakfast at the apple pan, only something daisy could come up. julia took a bite of a fry and listened as daisy started talking. her parents had given her the same warning, they didn't want to unload everything on her even as she insisted that she was old enough. still, this was daisy and if one thing hadn't changed it was how much she admired the woman. mom had told her that she spent some time with daisy in the studio.
"i'd love to hear it. thank you, daisy," julia said. "i'm hoping to meet with eddie and uncle graham tomorrow. think it's dad i'm really worried about."
𝗆𝖺𝗒𝖻𝖾 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗌𝗉𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗍 𝗁𝖺𝗌 𝗀𝗈𝗍𝗍𝖾𝗇 𝖺 𝖻𝗂𝗍 𝗆𝗈𝗋𝖾 𝖻𝗋𝗈𝗄𝖾𝗇. 𝗂𝗇 𝖺 𝗀𝗈𝗈𝖽 𝗐𝖺𝗒. 𝗂𝗇 𝖺 𝗇𝖾𝖼𝖾𝗌𝗌𝖺𝗋𝗒 𝗐𝖺𝗒.
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time has passed , in a way that feels unreal. the last time she had seen @dunnewithyou , she had been so tiny. sharing secret candy in the lobby of a hotel , letting her help with sound check. so much had changed , the woman sharing breakfast with her. daisy was still unsure , about the documentary. she had closed those chapters , left behind all the pain , the anger. but there had been happiness too , in spite of the way everything ended that night. july. every year , it's like she's making that choice again. leaving behind that family she had found , the one built by music , by riding high at the top of the world. a burger for breakfast , half eaten on her plate. the usual from the apple pan. full circle , that this is their meeting place. where she had stolen moments with julia's father. she remembers that first day , tiny love blaring on speakers. ❝ do you believe that everything happens for a reason? ❞ she asks , napkin pressed against her face, leaving the stain of red lipstick as it's tossed aside.
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❝ if i do this , if everyone else does . . . there might be things you don't want to hear honey. ❞ there was the projected endings of the six. the rumors , where the truth lay somewhere in-between. ❝ i was broken then. maybe , parts of me still are. but i think you're right. without all of that happening , the band , the music? i wouldn't be who i am now. i'm not sure i'd even be alive. ❞ she leaves out his name , billy. like something unspoken and unshared. ❝ but if you really want the story , at least mine , i'll do it. ❞ only because it was julia , only because daisy loved her as her own daughter.
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dunnewithyou-arch · 8 months
❝  don’t be ridiculous,  there’s enough room on this bed for both of us. ❞ 
❝  please stay.  i don’t think i can be alone tonight.  ❞
❝  i’m staying,  okay?  you don’t have to be alone tonight. ❞
❝  you shouldn’t be alone right now.  i’ll take the couch,  it’ll be fine.  ❞
❝  will you sleep with me?  i know how that sounds i just mean—  i feel safe when you’re there.  ❞
❝  i’ll be here the whole night okay?  nothing will get to you while i’m here.  ❞
❝  wait— have you been here all night?  ❞
❝  i thought you went home after i went to bed.  you didn’t have to do that— you could’ve at least joined me in bed that couch is shit for sleeping on.  ❞
❝  can i stay with you tonight?  i don’t wanna go home yet.  ❞
❝  it’s late,  you might as well just stay here.  ❞
❝  can you just…stay here?  and hold me.  ❞
❝  i know this might sound weird but,  do you wanna stay over?  i guess ‘sleepover’ sounds kind of childish but.  i think it’d be nice.  ❞
❝  i’m not expecting anything,  i just,  thought it’d be nice to keep you company tonight. ❞
❝  i don’t have nightmares when you’re there.  ❞
❝  i get you’re doing the whole protective thing— and i appreciate it.  i do,  but there’s no reason for you to stay awake all night.  might as well come to bed.  ❞
❝  thank you for staying.  it just gets so lonely at night sometimes.  ❞
❝  i don’t want you to be alone tonight and honestly,  i don’t really wanna be alone either.  ❞
❝  do you wanna stay with me tonight?  ❞
❝  stay,  please.  ❞
❝  i’ll stay.  ❞
❝  i’m staying.  ❞
❝  i’m staying.  end of discussion.  you gotta learn to let people take care of you.  ❞
❝  i’m not ready to say goodbye yet.  ❞
❝  i don’t wanna have to say goodnight.  ❞
❝  honestly i can’t sleep,  so if you wanna stay up with me?  ❞
❝  i don’t sleep a lot either these days.  we can be insomniacs together.  ❞
❝  well,  i can think of some ways to wear you out.  ❞
❝  if you can’t sleep,  there are other things we could do.  ❞
❝  i’d rather fuck than stare at the ceiling counting sheep to be honest.  ❞
❝  it doesn’t have to mean anything,  i just don’t wanna feel lonely tonight.  and i want to feel good for once.  ❞
❝  please don’t go—  i need.  i need someone—  i need you.  ❞
❝  the night doesn’t have to end here,  you know.  ❞
❝  i like it when you’re here.  so stay.  please?  ❞
❝  you’re just as lonely as i am.  might as well be lonely together.  ❞
❝  you can stay but i’m not letting you sleep on that couch.  ❞
❝  chivalry is overrated,  get in my bed.  ❞
❝  you’re clearly exhausted.  you can go in the morning.  ❞
❝  you don’t have to pretend to be fine,  if you need me to stay i will.  ❞
❝  when i said i wanted everyone to leave me alone i didn’t mean you.  i can’t handle everyone else right now but you…you’re different.  ❞
❝  you need someone right now.  and i’m the one that’s here.  let me be what you need.  ❞
[ GUARDED ]  sender insists on staying the night to keep watch over receiver who has been in some kind of danger. 
[ GUARDING ]  receiver insists on staying the night to keep watch over sender who has been in some kind of danger. 
[ UNEXPECTED ]  one muse stays the night to keep an eye on the other after something traumatic and they end up having comfort sex.
[ CONSOLE ]  sender asks receiver to stay the night because they don’t want to be alone and they end up cuddling.  
[ CONSOLED ]  receiver asks sender to stay the night because they don’t want to be alone and they end up cuddling. 
[ ACCIDENT ]  sender winds up staying at receiver’s house all night because receiver fell asleep against them/in their lap and they didn’t have the heart to wake them. 
[ UNPLANNED ]  receiver winds up staying at sender’s house all night because sender fell asleep against them/in their lap and they didn’t have the heart to wake them. 
[ STAY ]  sender is carrying receiver to bed because they fell asleep somewhere else but when they start to walk away,  receiver grabs their hand so sender joins them in bed. 
[ STAYING ]  receiver is carrying sender to bed because they fell asleep somewhere else but when they start to walk away,  sender grabs their hand so receiver joins them in bed. 
[ APPROACHED ]  sender is staying with receiver for safety and asks if they can sleep in their bed with them. 
[ APPROACH ]  receiver is staying with sender for safety and asks if they can sleep in their bed with them. 
[ SHARE ]  sender is unexpectedly staying with receiver overnight,  receiver insisted sender sleep on the bed while they take the floor but sender winds up insisting they join them in bed. 
[ SHARED ]  receiver is unexpectedly staying with sender overnight,  sender insisted receiver sleep on the bed while they take the floor but receiver winds up insisting they join them in bed. 
[ FOUND ]  sender is staying with receiver who had them take the bed while receiver takes the couch.  in the middle of the night,  sender goes out to join receiver on the couch because they don’t want to sleep alone. 
[ FIND ]  receiver is staying with sender who had them take the bed while sender takes the couch.  in the middle of the night,  receiver goes out to join sender on the couch because they don’t want to sleep alone. 
[ DISCOVERED ]  receiver wakes up in the morning to find sender asleep on their couch because sender was watching over them. 
[ HAVEN ]  receiver wakes up in the morning to find sender asleep on their couch because sender felt safer with them. 
[ WEARY ]  sender cries themselves to sleep in receiver’s arms. 
[ TIRED ]  receiver cries themselves to sleep in sender’s arms. 
[ PROPOSITION ]  one or both muse(s) are having trouble sleeping so they have sex to pass the time. 
[ PURPOSE ]  one muse can’t sleep so the other initiates sex to wear them out. 
[ TRAPPED ]  one muse ends up staying the night with the other due to a storm. 
[ KEEP ]  sender fell asleep on receiver and when receiver tries to get up,  sender whines so they stay put.  
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dunnewithyou-arch · 8 months
𝑵𝑶𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑩𝑼𝑻 𝑽𝑼𝑳𝑵𝑬𝑹𝑨𝑩𝑳𝑬 .    ( soft  angst  starters.   )
❛  i  can’t  do  this  without  you .  ❜ ❛  it’s  not  safe  for  people  to  see  us  together .  ❜ ❛  please  don’t  leave  me  alone .  ❜ ❛  i  don’t  want  to  know .  ❜ ❛  just  go .   get  out  of  here ,   go .  ❜ ❛  i  can’t  even  trust  myself ,   anymore .  ❜ ❛  there’s  nothing  left  for  me  here .  ❜ ❛  i  still  need  you .  ❜ ❛  i  only  wanted  to  help .  ❜ ❛  why  are  you  doing  this ?  ❜ ❛  tell  me  it’s  not  true .   please .  ❜ ❛  i  have  to  do  this  alone .  ❜ ❛  how  did  you  get  this  scar ?  ❜ ❛  you  don’t  have  to  tell  me .  ❜ ❛  don’t  yell  at  me .  ❜ ❛  i  never  meant  to  hurt  you .  ❜ ❛  things  are  getting  bad  again .  ❜ ❛  you  should  go .  ❜ ❛  you’ve  said  enough .  ❜ ❛  how  dare  you ?  ❜ ❛  why  are  you  still  here ?  ❜ ❛  you  deserve  better .  ❜ ❛  i  don’t  want  to  talk  about  it .  ❜ ❛  how  can  i  fix  this ?  ❜ ❛  why  do  you  hate  me ?  ❜ ❛  i  just  want  to  feel  something .  ❜ ❛  don’t  lie  to  me .  ❜ ❛  did  you  ever  care  about  me ?  ❜ ❛  i  don’t  regret  any  of  it .   not  a  single  thing .  ❜ ❛  how  could  you  say  that ?  ❜ ❛  i  never  asked  for  this .  ❜ ❛  this  isn’t  you .  ❜ ❛  i  need  to  go .   i  can’t  be  here .  ❜ ❛  what’s  that  supposed  to  mean ?  ❜ ❛  i’m  not  sober  enough  to  talk  about  this .  ❜ ❛  thank  you  for  being  gentle  with  me .  ❜ ❛  how  can  i  possibly  trust  you ?   after  all  you’ve  done ?  ❜ ❛  don’t  run  away  from  this .  ❜ ❛  you  don’t  understand .  ❜ ❛  please ,  i  can’t  do  this  right  now .  ❜ ❛  can  you  forgive  me ?  ❜
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dunnewithyou-arch · 8 months
i miss her your honor
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dunnewithyou-arch · 9 months
LETTER @dunnewithyou
MARCH 13TH, 1974
Dear Baby Dunne, 
Your daddy left on his first big tour today. The first of many, if the world is as crazy about him as I am. As crazy about him as I know you’ll be… I’m used to documenting things by taking photos, so bear with me. Your dad is the one who’s good with words. I just thought maybe when you’re older you’d want to know what it was like when we were young. 
I had to stay behind because a rock and roll tour and babies aren’t really the best combination when you think about it. Right now, I’m loving the peace and quiet. All those boys under one roof really got to Aunt Karen and I after a while. I feel so bad for sending her out with them all alone. She’s doing what she loves and I’m so proud.  I’m definitely going to miss them all pretty quickly, though. I’ll miss Warren’s go with the flow way of living and your Uncle Graham’s ability to light up a room. I’ll miss Karen’s unwavering friendship. From the moment I met her, she’s been there for me whenever I needed her. It’s like she knows how I’m feeling when we’ve only exchanged one look. Find friends like that. I’ll miss Eddie and how he’s always been there for me, rain or shine. And your dad… I’ll miss waking up to him every morning. How he writes little songs for every little thing we do, like going grocery shopping (he’s a nerd, don’t tell anyone). He’s doing what he loves though, and I would never prevent him from doing that. 
This is just between you and I, baby, but since we moved to California, I’ve felt a little lost. I wasn’t sure of my purpose here. It was wonderful seeing your dad and uncle’s dreams come true, but I never really had a dream like that. 
Until I found out I was having you. 
I think I was meant to be your mama. I don’t even know you and I’m already completely in love with you. I keep thinking of all the things that your dad and I are going to be able to teach you and share with you. I can’t wait to meet you and see who you become. I am proud of you, no matter what.
So, I’m sitting here wondering what I’m going to do on my first night alone in a big city that I just moved to, and I decided to write a love letter to the most important person in my life. You.
  It’s you and me, kid. I love you forever.
P.S. This is the only picture from mama and daddy’s wedding. Uncle Warren really dropped the ball. You can let him know I said that, too. 
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dunnewithyou-arch · 9 months
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❝ It just seemed so obvious that I loved him. That I was in love with him. ❞ ❝ How could I be around Daisy Jones and not be mesmerized by her? Not fall in love with her? ❞
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dunnewithyou-arch · 10 months
looking through my threads with summer like
alexa play bigger than the whole sky by taylor swift
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dunnewithyou-arch · 10 months
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𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐝 ✉️ 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. / @dunnewithyou !
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