dudeheckno · 6 years
i’m back what’s going on
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dudeheckno · 7 years
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dudeheckno · 7 years
You swerve to avoid a squirrel. Unknown to you, the squirrel pledges a life debt to you. In your darkest hour, the squirrel arrives.
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dudeheckno · 7 years
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dudeheckno · 7 years
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By poorly drawn cats
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dudeheckno · 9 years
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dudeheckno · 9 years
they don't even care anymore
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dudeheckno · 9 years
Impossible heights.
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dudeheckno · 9 years
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dudeheckno · 9 years
Aries – You’re a cluttered mind. A storybook overflowing with all the dreams you had growing up but life got in the way and things just didn’t work out. The word almost is weaved into every ounce of your being. So close. Too far. Almost there. Almost gone. You’ve still got a lot of fight left in you. Taurus – Perfection is highly unattainable and extremely boring. There’s always going to be more beauty found in the chaos, in the longing, in the hunger. The chase. The fallout. Walk like you’re the sky set ablaze. Talk like the apocalypse is coming tomorrow and you’ve got things left to say. Forget about repercussions. Gemini – Open your hand. Open your eyes. Close your mouth for a minute, you’ve gotta listen to somebody else this time. You’ve got this talking thing down stat, but when was the last time you let somebody tell their own story? You can’t be a teacher if you’re refusing to ever learn from anybody else. Cancer – It’s hard for me to muster up any sympathy for somebody that willingly lets others push them around. You’re letting them corner you. When are you going to speak up? Bite. Growl. Sting. You’re not a welcome home rug to walk all over. Let them know they aren’t welcome here anymore. Leo – So you got hurt once before and you haven’t been the same since. You put up a wall that nobody else has managed to find a ladder tall enough to get over. You need somebody with a wrecking ball. I know you have to miss the light. You were never a fan of the dark. Hiding away from the world because you’re scared won’t ever let you get anywhere. Virgo – Okay, so the world is harsh. We all get it. The fairy tales all lied to you and you’re angry that you’re not where you wanted to be. Love breaks your heart and everything else is trying to chip away at your soul. So what? Don’t let them. You’re locking yourself in the castle. There’s nobody else to blame and there’s nobody else that can save you. Save yourself. Libra – The world’s moving too fast lately and you’re struggling just to stay upright. I know how hard it is to keep yourself together and not let pieces of you slip away. This life is constantly going to want to reinvent you into something you swore to never be. What you need to learn is that you don’t have to let them. Even when this whole world is turning upside down, you stand on your own two feet and swear you could get used to the sky being where the sea used to be. Scorpio – You’ve heard it all before, I know. You’re vicious but you’re mesmerizing. You’re cold but there’s fire in your eyes. Strong. Captivating. Mystical. Manipulative. Calculated. Unnerving. There’s only going to be a handful of people in your life that you’ll ever let see the soft side of you. You’re cold for the rest of the world but when they come around you’re burning. All those vicious edges dull away because you’ll be damned if you ever see them hurting. Strong but they found your weak spot. Captivating but your eyes are stuck on them. Calculated until you’re drunk and stumbling over the words to make them come home. Sagittarius – I talk a lot about lightning in veins, thunder in hearts. Eyes like city lights, fairy dust seeping off finger tips. But there’s no metaphors for you. You’re real and raw and it’s something that’s hard to define. It’s ever-changing and I think maybe you’re something like the leprechaun at the end of the rainbow. Maybe you’re there, maybe you’re not. Everybody is dying for that pot of gold but they all forget about who’s lucky enough to have it on a regular basis. Capricorn – I’m running out of words and you’re running out of patience. Writing about the feel and texture of silence is hard when my hands and mouth are on opposite sides of the fence. I’m trying to tell you about the way you make my brain stop buzzing, make me breathe again, how it hurts when I can’t stop thinking in black and white but you were a neon light, but you’re not here and now my teeth are chattering. But my hands know from months of experience that you’re hot to the touch and I’m the only one that’s ever freezing and I’m sorry it took so long to say but I don’t think you’re catching on anyway. Aquarius – You were created from the air of every beautiful place in this world. The ruins. The temples. The pyramids. The crypts. Nothing to be seen by those with weak stomachs. You were made from dust and passed down fables and all the witches burned at the stake. You were born into fallen royalty, from a heritage that won’t be taught inside school classrooms. You were denied your chance to be great before you could even learn your battle cry. Pisces – I’m always talking about the pure side that you show off to the world. It has to be hard to be told what you were meant to be. That you weren’t born into this world, you were a mere daydream that popped and appeared out of a wisp of lavender and sage. That you’re soft. That you’re too far gone. We all forget that underneath that sugar, you crumble into a toothache. Into something that can gnaw away and be born out of the anger of the riots, with a heartbeat like the drum of a marching band.
poetry for the signs #5, a.l. (via versteur)
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dudeheckno · 9 years
i dont know what im feeling but there is a lot of it
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dudeheckno · 9 years
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Back Pain Hacks - If you like this list follow ListHacks for more 
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dudeheckno · 9 years
today is a bad day. very bad.
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dudeheckno · 9 years
Today kinda sucked. I am not getting enough sleep. It's an even more busy day tomorrow and I am going to be so exhausted.
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dudeheckno · 9 years
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dudeheckno · 9 years
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dudeheckno · 9 years
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