drunkieislame · 5 years
dumb vore story 2:electric boogaloo.
(part two)
(please read the first one if you haven't already i would love that)
(sorry if it seems a bit bad)
(go ahead and give me some asks for the next thingy i beg of you)
It was in the middle of the day, Sugar and Rai were outside, exploring.
"Did you like yesterday?" Rai looked over at Sugar, who was on his shoulder, gripping on really hard to avoid not falling off.
"Although it wasn't my cup of tea, i found it somehow enjoyable." Sugar shrugged.
"So, why are we out here anyways?"
"I dunno, I just wanted to hopefully find some things that could help us..not die perhaps?" Rai frowned.
"Okay, I can understand that." Sugar huffed, looking around.
It was silent for a while after that, until Rai decided to pipe up.
"So..did you have any siblings..or anything?" He awkwardly smiled, still looking ahead for any signs of civilization, or at least something to help him.
"Eh, my mind's a bit fuzzy, but I DO know I had a brother." Sugar scratched the back of her head.
"What was their name?"
"..iunno, why are you asking me this? Like, half of my memory was washed away." Sugar crossed her arms, frowning.
"Oh man, geez okay." Rai scoffed, looking for better things to do than talk with her.
"..Sorry, I just..really scared for the future." Sugar started to worry.
"What do you mea-""I mean im afraid we are just going to be corpses in a stump!"
Rai stopped walking, and looked down.
"Well..I can see why." He looked over at Sugar.
Sugar looked really worried.
"Hey, it's going to be okay, alright?"
"I just gotta, find more food before winter."
"Isn't winter really far away, though?" Sugar raised a 'candybrow'.
"Crap, I dunno, maybe? I don't really know, since i also lost half of my memory."
"..Hey, are you alright?" Rai started to wonder about Sugar.
"Yeah, im just a bit..scared, for the future I guess." Sugar started to tear up.
"Aw man, is there any way i can help?" Rai smiled reassuringly, he wanted to let Sugar know it's gonna be okay.
"Uh, well, I would like to go in there." Sugar would point at Rai's stomach.
"..You want to go in my shirt?" Rai raised a 'cloud'brow.
"No, your stomach." Sugar would blush, putting her palms on her cheeks.
"Oh, okay." Rai would snicker, before offering his hand towards Sugar.
Sugar would gladly accept, walking on top of Rai's palm.
"I can tell you have already gotten used to this, eh?" Rai would continue to snicker.
Sugar would nod, embarrassed in herself for liking such a thing.
"Okay, im ready."
"Okay then, get ready for a 3 second rollercoaster." Rai would laugh, before opening his mouth and pushing Sugar in.
Sugar would yelp, because she wasn't used to the 'fall'.
But, no matter, Sugar started to lay on Rai's floofiness, already feeling better.
But..she still thought about what would happen, would she die? Or find civilization?
"Man, it's like I ate a hot dog, but didn't chew it." Rai huffed, before feeling suddenly tired.
"Man, I gotta head back to the stump."
Before Rai could turn around, he saw something bright not too far.
It seemed to be a circle, just a really bright circle, it vanished once it was seen.
"..What in the hell?" Rai started to turn back, running to the big tree.
Sugar didn't care what was happening, she was starting to fall asleep anyways.
Few minutes passed, and Rai made it back to the 'house', what he saw, he could not understand.
"F..uck. I need some rest." Rai sighed, before sitting next to the lantern, and shutting his eyes.
It was still day time, but whatever Rai saw, it made him tired, he thought about this while he rested his eyes, is he being watched? or is this a crap remake of The Matrix, and he's really in some sort of virtual reality?
He sighed, before trying to doze off to sleep.
(you came to the end again, this seemed a little bad to me, but hopefully you tolerate it, i dont really.)
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drunkieislame · 5 years
a very dumb vore story
(this is also my first vore story, which is less epic.)
(Also, it may be a bit bad, so let me know about some flaws in the 'story'.)
(Also also, Sugar is made out of literal sugar and is a sweetheart- and Rai is a cloud who is very floof and cute but they are an egotistical FUCK but i love him)
Far away from civilization, there was a cloud in the shape of a human, but they had actual clothes on and an actual face.
He seemed to be an 'elemental' a material that has taken sentient form.
His name was Rai, and he didn't seem to remember a whole lot.
Rai seemed to be leaning on a tree stump, he forgot how he got here, or where he was.
He stood up, rubbing his eyes, before looking at his surroundings, in the distance he saw a little pink blur.
His blank face started to walk towards the colorful blur.
He looked closely to reveal a very small pink person, who looked like they were sleeping, Rai poked them, after picking them up.
"She doesn't look too good."
Rai put them in their pocket, hoping he doesn't forget about her.
It started to get dark.
Continuing to walk around the forest, there seemed to be a giant tree, with a big hole in it.
It looks like it could be lived in, which was a surprise.
Inside the tree, there was a small lantern, which was on.
in fact, it looked like it has been used a few days ago, wonder where the owner went.
Rai felt a rustling in his pocket, so he decided to sit near the lantern, lightly pulling out the girl he took.
This girl seemed to be really small, and really..pink, she seemed to be made out of candy, how sweet.
"Oof..my head, hm-"
Her name was Sugar, and was pretty dazed, she shook her head and looked at Rai.
"OH- oh- hi-"
Sugar jumped a bit, not knowing she was being fuckin carried.
Rai smiled, not knowing why she recoiled so much.
"Uh, where are we? Is this a kidnapping?"
"..No, I'm lost, and so are you..I think."
He crossed his legs, looking at Sugar still, before raised his head to look outside
Already, it was super dark.
"Great, that's great."
"I can't believe its already dark, I dont have any fluffy pillows-"
"I mean, well, I could eat you."
Rai said with a blank face.
"I- wha- excuse me?"
Sugar moved back a bit on Rai's hand, almost falling off.
"Not chewing wise, but like.."
"I could put you in my stomach, and then cough you back up tomorrow, so you technically DO have a pillow."
Sugar sighed, before asking a question.
"Is this safe? Are you going to literally eat me like a gum ball?"
"No, of course not, everything is good. And plus, it's all comfy in there, probably, I dont know." He smiled.
"Eugh, what about the saliva and stuff?" She gagged to herself.
"..No saliva, it's just water."
Rai reassured Sugar.
"Oh, I know why, hah."
I don't think she knows why.
"So..would you like to try it?"
"..I don't know WHY, but okay, I trust you, even though we LITERALLY met an hour ago."
Rai raised an eyebrow, before moving his hand towards his mouth.
"Are you ready?"
"Just get on with it already-"
Sugar looked like she was readying herself.
Rai hesitated a bit, before dumping Sugar in his mouth.
"Holy shIT-"
Sugar screamed, before falling down Rai's throat.
Rai felt like he was about to fuckin choke, so he turned his head up and gulped, hoping Sugar goes down faster.
Obviously, he was right.
Sugar fell down to the somehow soft stomach, actually making her feel better that it's actually water, not saliva.
"Erm..you okay in there?" Rai yelped, feeling his stomach.
"Its, erm, very soft! And it sounds like a wet cave in here."
It was very dark, but very soft.
"That must mean it's sleepable in, right?"
"Yeah, it feels soft-!"
Sugar patted a bit of the t u m, before sighing.
"Okay, everything's fine now, im going to bed."
"Can't believe i went through with this, but now i dont really regret it." Sugar laughed, before shutting her eyes.
Rai chuckled, before turning off the lantern.
"Oh..I forgot her name."
Rai blushed to himself, before starting to close his eyes.
(you made it to the end, which is a surprise, even though this story is small as hell, i haven't done this in a while, lmao. if you guys want, i can make more, i actually like this, so far.)
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