drskagarwal · 3 years
Top 12 Homoeopathic Remedies for Every Home by Dr. Suresh Kumar Agarwal
Homoeopathy is the second largest system of medicine used in India and many celebrities from almost all walks of life have appreciated the role of Homoeopathy in healing and treatment of acute as well as chronic diseases. The father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi, Amitabh Bachchan, William Osler, Queen Elizabeth, Prince Charles, Paul McCartney, American Singer Cher and many more have advocated the use of Homoeopathy. Homoeopathy facilitates the body’s own natural healing process and brings it back to a balanced state of health. However Homoeopathy is equally useful in several acute conditions and common ailments as well, as general fever, nausea, cold, injuries etc. Hence I am providing 12 common remedies of Homoeopathy which every home must possess:-
1.     Arnica: - For injuries, bruises, trauma and it also relieves pain and swelling.
 2.    Aconite: - For sudden onset of fever with headache or sore throat.
 3.    Belladona: - An excellent remedy for fever in children.
 4.    Arsenicum: - For vomiting, diarrhea, food poisoning, viral infections etc.
 5.    Podophyllum: - For Watery diarrhea associated with cramping pain.
 6.    Calendula: - For cold sores, mouth ulcer or burns.  
 7.    Nux Vomica: - For stomach upset and headache after hangover.
 8.   Rhus Tox:-A versatile remedy to treat bruises and sore muscles and joint pain of the body.
 9.    Apis:-To treat insect bites, stings, allergic reactions when the affected areas are red, hot, swollen associated with stinging pain.
 10.  Hypericum: - Excellent remedy for injuries of nerves, such as in the region of fingers, toes, the spine etc. Sharp and Shooting pain in the affected part are very sensitive.
 11.  Symphytum:-Relieves pain of fractures and promotes rapid healing.
 12.  Ledum: - For punctured wound caused by needles, nails or any sharp objects. It helps in healing wounds and also helps in preventing tetanus. It is also suggested in severe injury such as black eyes or blows from firm objects.
However, it is always suggested to consult a qualified Homeopathic physician before using any of the remedies.
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drskagarwal · 3 years
ABOUT SANATANA DHARMA by Dr. Suresh Kumar Agarwal
Sanatana Dharma is a term used to denote the “eternal” or absolute set of duties. eternal, because it is endless, it has no beginning and no end. When Lord Narayana created Brahma and taught him the Vedas, it marked the beginning of the Sanatana Dharma. In Hinduism the term Sanatana Dharma is used to indicate an absolute set of duties which consists of virtues such as honesty, refraining from injuring living beings, purity, goodwill, mercy, patience, forbearance, self-restraint, generosity, and asceticism. The basic five principles of Sanatana Dharma are:-
1.    God Exists. According to the Hindu religion, there is only one Absolute Divine, a singular force that joins all facets of existence together known as the Absolute OM. (sometimes spelled AUM)
2.    All Human Beings Are Divine.
3.    Unity of Existence.
4.    Religious Harmony.
5.    Knowledge of 3 G’s(Three Gunas-satva, rajas and tamas)
Sanatana Dharma is another name for Hinduism. The word Sanatana Dharma means the original or the eternal dharma. Although this word is not new, its use as an alternative of the word Hinduism is quite new. People who realized this fact that Hinduism is not a religion and that Hinduism itself doesn't have a name, came up with this idea of calling it Sanatana Dharma. In fact according to a number of religious scholars Hindu is not a religion (Dharma). It is a non – native term used by Persians to refer the people living beside the Sindhu river. Sanatana Dharma is the oldest religion in the world whereas the term Hinduwas given by some Persians only a few centuries ago. The term Hindu does not find mention in ancient literatures like Vedas and Puranas.
Sanatana Dharma is the oldest religion in the world. It is based upon the collection of spiritual laws discovered by Rishis thousands of years ago. It prescribes certain duties that a human being must perform to achieve fulfillment of life. Sanatana-dharma is pre-historic and absolute in nature. On the other hand the term Hindu or Hindu dharma is a term given by Persians only a few centuries ago, to mean the people living beside the river Sindhu. With the beginning of the 19th century Hindu came to be understood as a collective term to describe the religion practiced by Indians as well as the people of India.
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drskagarwal · 3 years
The solutions given to solve the problem of calcium deficiency is very reasonable
 If you want to overcome calcium deficiency then adopt these affordable and simple remedies.
 Many of us have weak bones due to lack of calcium. Let's know few very simple and cheap remedies which will treat calcium deficiency. Calcium deficiency treatment is possible that too at a minimum cost.This treatment is especially for those who do not take milk or milk products.
 1. Put ginger in water and boil it. Squeeze honey and light lemon in this water. Drink for 20 days in the morning. It would provide calcium in your body.
 2. Drink 2 teaspoons of sesame per day. You can also take it as laddu or chikki.
 3. Soak a spoonful of cumin seeds in water overnight. Drink it in the morning. Results will be seen in 15 days.
4. Thaw 1 fig and two almonds at night and consume it in the morning. There will be definite benefit.
 5. Take lemonade once a day.
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