dreamleee · 3 years
Dream just chuckled, gathering both of Tommy’s wrists in one hand and prodding him in the stomach with the other. “Watch your mouth, little man,” he teased. “I could do plenty.”
The air was cool, and a light cloud cover dusted the sky as Dream wandered the SMP. He felt energized and confident that morning, a bit of a skip in his walk as he moved, and his mask was settled comfortably over his face.
To be completely honest, the speedrunner was bored. He couldn’t find anyone around, and his skin itched to bother someone.
So, of course when he found Tommy sitting by himself, Dream grinned and crept up behind the younger blonde. He gently slipped his hands over Tommy’s eyes. “Guess who, Toms,” he hummed.
[ @dreamleee its me >:) ]
Tommy scoffed, “Someone with abnormally sweaty hands?” He joked. “BAZINGA-” Tommy however reached behind him and poked the older one's side, “Let me goooo! Your hands are soooo stinky- I'm dyiiing-”
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dreamleee · 3 years
Dream giggled softly, his cheeks tinted a soft pink. Foolish was stupidly sweet sometimes.
“Y-Yeah, I-” he paused, giving Foolish a shy smile. “Sapnap and George can… they go for like… hours. And I haven’t died yet. You don’t have to, obviously, but- I-I don’t really… mind.”
Did he sound like an idiot saying it? Yeah, probably. He didn’t want to worry Foolish or make him do anything.
It was quite a warm day, which wasn’t the best for a certain demigod. Foolish had been running and walking back and forth to different areas all around the SMP, collecting objects and materials for the new build that he planned to do. After traveling for so long, he was starting to get tired, and decided that now would be a good time to rest.
Foolish walked down the prime path, looking for a place to sit down and relax. However, what, or who, Foolish ended up seeing was Dream, the one and only. The other appeared to be preoccupied, and a smirk formed at the demigod’s lips, why not cause some mischief? He silently crept up behind Dream, standing behind him menacingly and waiting for him to notice. He tightened his lips shut to prevent any possible noises out, as he could already feel the laughter bubble up in his stomach.
[your anon asks aren’t on but hi :D @tickley-totem]
This was…. bad.
Dream had been in a lee mood all morning, and a painful one at that: he’d been trying to provoke Sapnap and George all day and both had failed to notice. So he was left jumpy and with tingling skin to wander on his own.
Dream was preoccupied with trying to coax a fox out from under one of the buildings in L’Manberg, so much so that he failed to notice Foolish creeping up on him. When he finally gave up and went to leave, he let out a startled squeak as he nearly slammed right into Foolish and clamped his hands over his mouth, his face instantly starting to redden.
“H-Hi!” He exclaimed shyly. “I-I didn’t see you- what are you doing here?”
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dreamleee · 3 years
Dream wasn’t expecting that. He let out an embarrassingly cute shriek as he felt Schlatt’s nails scratch gently against the inner side of his thigh, and the feeling combined with the ruthless tickles on his tummy made his laughter vault several octaves until his giggles almost sounded like squeaks ( well… they were squeaks. Not that Dream would admit it ). The speedrunner kicked his legs, though there wasn’t much energy behind it, and let his head fall back into the grass, his hair tousled and filled with grass and leaves from his squirming.
“YOHOHOU’RE AHAHAHA BUHUHULLYHYHY!” Dream whined, but his voice held no malice and was punctured by unfortunately adorable hiccups and other embarrassing noises. “SCHLAHAHATT- EEHEHEEKSTAHAPPIHIHIT!”
A light breeze ghosted along Dream’s exposed skin and he flinched, twitching at the foreign feeling and rubbing the back of his neck to alleviate the tingling it had caused.
It wasn‘t an especially warm day, but Dream had left his hoodie tied loosely around his waist and was left in a thin, slim-fitting black t-shirt. It outlined the muscle on his torso, and even the thick scars lacing his chest and stomach, but he ignored that.
As for why the speedrunner had dressed down, well… he rubbed his pink face with his palms, willing the embarrassed blush to go away. He wished the butterflies in his stomach would go away.
Dream slumped back in the grass he was laying on, a shy grin quirking at his lips as the long grass tickled his jaw. Fuck this lee mood. He just wished someone — anyone — would happen upon the poor speedrunner and mess with him a bit.
[ @dreamleee hi it’s me :D anon asks aren’t on sobs but I am here now ]
Schlatt had been sitting underneath a tree, smoking. What else is new? He took a deep inhale as he stares into the open obese of the server. He felt somewhat at peace to be back. His ears twitched at the feeling of the somewhat cold weather, but he shook his head. He had woken up in a particular mood, but he was going to be pushing it down until it either went away or until the opportunity arrived. Either way he is choosing to ignore it.
He had not been into deep thought as he watched a figure make their down into the grassy area. His eyes narrowed at them, not to be condescending, he was just curious of who it was. Then he realized it was Dream. That was a..surpise to say the least, after all Schlatt only has seen him with his other two friends. 
Deciding to get up and pinching out the cigarette bud, he made his way over to Dream. Schlatt stood where dreams head was, so he looked down at him with a small tilt of his head. 
“Evening, smiley.” He greets with a pretty calm, he was internally debating if he wanted to be a cocky bastard or just have a mellow conversation with Dream. It really depended, to him how he responded and what he will do.  [howdy hey! sorry for the late reply, and sorry about not having anons on, I am still trying to figure out how that works! But I hope this is okay with you!] 
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dreamleee · 3 years
Dream shrieked loudly with every change of method, his skin lighting up with ticklish sparks as he bucked and squirmed. He knew what Schlatt was doing — he’d done it a hundred times on his friends — but it was still absolute fucking torture.
Though Schlatt’s words were painfully true, they still brought a bright blush to the speedrunner’s cheeks, and Dream hid his face in his shoulder, shyly covering his smile with one hand and continuing to grab for Schlatt’s tickling fingers with the other. He wanted so badly to curl up in a ball but his ler’s positioning on top of him made it impossible.
“PLEEHEHEHEHEASE!” He squealed, a wide yet adorable grin tugging at his lips. “IHIHI CAHAHAHAN’T- EEK! IHIHIT T-TIHI- IHIHIHIT TIHIHIHICKLEHEHES!”
A light breeze ghosted along Dream’s exposed skin and he flinched, twitching at the foreign feeling and rubbing the back of his neck to alleviate the tingling it had caused.
It wasn‘t an especially warm day, but Dream had left his hoodie tied loosely around his waist and was left in a thin, slim-fitting black t-shirt. It outlined the muscle on his torso, and even the thick scars lacing his chest and stomach, but he ignored that.
As for why the speedrunner had dressed down, well… he rubbed his pink face with his palms, willing the embarrassed blush to go away. He wished the butterflies in his stomach would go away.
Dream slumped back in the grass he was laying on, a shy grin quirking at his lips as the long grass tickled his jaw. Fuck this lee mood. He just wished someone — anyone — would happen upon the poor speedrunner and mess with him a bit.
[ @dreamleee hi it’s me :D anon asks aren’t on sobs but I am here now ]
Schlatt had been sitting underneath a tree, smoking. What else is new? He took a deep inhale as he stares into the open obese of the server. He felt somewhat at peace to be back. His ears twitched at the feeling of the somewhat cold weather, but he shook his head. He had woken up in a particular mood, but he was going to be pushing it down until it either went away or until the opportunity arrived. Either way he is choosing to ignore it.
He had not been into deep thought as he watched a figure make their down into the grassy area. His eyes narrowed at them, not to be condescending, he was just curious of who it was. Then he realized it was Dream. That was a..surpise to say the least, after all Schlatt only has seen him with his other two friends. 
Deciding to get up and pinching out the cigarette bud, he made his way over to Dream. Schlatt stood where dreams head was, so he looked down at him with a small tilt of his head. 
“Evening, smiley.” He greets with a pretty calm, he was internally debating if he wanted to be a cocky bastard or just have a mellow conversation with Dream. It really depended, to him how he responded and what he will do.  [howdy hey! sorry for the late reply, and sorry about not having anons on, I am still trying to figure out how that works! But I hope this is okay with you!] 
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dreamleee · 3 years
Dream hiccuped out a small string of curses as Schlatt leaned back, only to burst into hysterical laughter once again as his ler’s fingers vibrated into his tummy. He tossed his head back, eyes squeezed shut and a permanent grin on his bright red face.
“GOHO FUHUHUCK YOHOHOURSEHELF!” The speedrunner shrieked, every word from Schlatt’s lips making his face burn hotter. He wiggled and squirmed, bucking and arching his back only to crash back down to the ground at the electric feeling. The grass gently tickling at his back and hips didn’t help, and he  continued to wrestle with Schlatt’s hands to try and fight him off ( though he didn’t particularly want his ler to stop ).
A light breeze ghosted along Dream’s exposed skin and he flinched, twitching at the foreign feeling and rubbing the back of his neck to alleviate the tingling it had caused.
It wasn‘t an especially warm day, but Dream had left his hoodie tied loosely around his waist and was left in a thin, slim-fitting black t-shirt. It outlined the muscle on his torso, and even the thick scars lacing his chest and stomach, but he ignored that.
As for why the speedrunner had dressed down, well… he rubbed his pink face with his palms, willing the embarrassed blush to go away. He wished the butterflies in his stomach would go away.
Dream slumped back in the grass he was laying on, a shy grin quirking at his lips as the long grass tickled his jaw. Fuck this lee mood. He just wished someone — anyone — would happen upon the poor speedrunner and mess with him a bit.
[ @dreamleee hi it’s me :D anon asks aren’t on sobs but I am here now ]
Schlatt had been sitting underneath a tree, smoking. What else is new? He took a deep inhale as he stares into the open obese of the server. He felt somewhat at peace to be back. His ears twitched at the feeling of the somewhat cold weather, but he shook his head. He had woken up in a particular mood, but he was going to be pushing it down until it either went away or until the opportunity arrived. Either way he is choosing to ignore it.
He had not been into deep thought as he watched a figure make their down into the grassy area. His eyes narrowed at them, not to be condescending, he was just curious of who it was. Then he realized it was Dream. That was a..surpise to say the least, after all Schlatt only has seen him with his other two friends. 
Deciding to get up and pinching out the cigarette bud, he made his way over to Dream. Schlatt stood where dreams head was, so he looked down at him with a small tilt of his head. 
“Evening, smiley.” He greets with a pretty calm, he was internally debating if he wanted to be a cocky bastard or just have a mellow conversation with Dream. It really depended, to him how he responded and what he will do.  [howdy hey! sorry for the late reply, and sorry about not having anons on, I am still trying to figure out how that works! But I hope this is okay with you!] 
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dreamleee · 3 years
Dream giggled. He was getting to Techno. Sparring was always more fun with actual spur behind the fight. Now if his rival were to show any more than lighthearted annoyance towards him he’d fold immediately: he’d hate to make Techno angry.
But for now he was clear. “Aw, is poor Techie’s ego shriveling?” He cooed playfully. The speedrunner threw out his arms dramatically, almost an invitation for Techno to come for him.
“You want your cape back, Blade?” He teased, almost giving his rival a bow as he smirked at him. “Then come get it.”
Now, Dream wasn’t usually the overly-energetic and hyperactive type. He was usually mellow and relaxed, almost like he was half-asleep at times. But this particular morning… he had a lot of energy. A LOT of energy.
He was practically bouncing as he wandered the prime path, looking for something to do to dispel the unbelievable amount of energy pumping through his system. Usually he would go to Sapnap to mess around with, since he would usually play along with whatever wild idea the speedrunner had, but Sapnap was with Karl and Quackity in Las Nevadas, and George was sleeping.
His next best choice led him to the barren tundras where Technoblade lived. Though Techno wasn’t the most… enthusiastic, he supposed, he could spar better than anyone else on the server and was strong and quick enough to tire Dream out adequately.
Dream discovered Techno standing in the tundras not too far from his own home, and upon seeing him he grinned. He snuck up quickly behind the other and ducked under his cape to hug Techno from behind.
“Technooooo!” The speedrunner singsonged. “Do something with me!”
[ @dreamleee HI :D I hope this is okay!! /gen ]
Techno had just woken up from what had been labeled as a "mini-hibernation" thanks to whoever came up with the term which just meant it had been about a week and a half or so. He had gotten up, sloppily throwing on a few layers and heading out to go off and tend to the ever-growing hoard of pets around the joint houses. He managed to lug around some dog food still while dozing off while he walked with it. It took him a while to make his rounds and make sure their animals were alright and now fed, but after he put everything back up and headed out again. It was just for a walk this time, to make sure everyone was still alright and still alive from when he saw them all last.
He had stopped right outside the gate surrounding the area only to be greeted with a surprisingly nice hug. It was unexpected, especially from someone who he recognized to be Dream. He was warm, that was... okay, but he ended up pulling away to face the seemingly hyper speedrunner.
Techno looked at him with a tired and just shy of fond look. "Sure. Have-" he yawned, covering his mouth with his hand, "excuse me, sorry. Have any idea what you want to do?"
[ @dreamleee hello!! yeah this is great!! :D ]
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dreamleee · 3 years
Dream squealed at the feeling of Schlatt vibrating his thumb into the divot of his hip, squirming away from the feeling only to jerk back away from the tickling on his stomach. Bullying. That’s what this was. Absolute fucking bullying.
But was it really if he was enjoying it?
A sweet red blush bled through Dream’s cheeks as Schlatt spoke, the teasing coos and murmurs from his ler sending ticklish chills through his skin. His squirming continued, a small snort ripping from his throat at the raspberry pressed just below his jaw, and he scrunched up his shoulders, his nose wrinkling up slightly due to the wide grin plastered to his face.
A light breeze ghosted along Dream’s exposed skin and he flinched, twitching at the foreign feeling and rubbing the back of his neck to alleviate the tingling it had caused.
It wasn‘t an especially warm day, but Dream had left his hoodie tied loosely around his waist and was left in a thin, slim-fitting black t-shirt. It outlined the muscle on his torso, and even the thick scars lacing his chest and stomach, but he ignored that.
As for why the speedrunner had dressed down, well… he rubbed his pink face with his palms, willing the embarrassed blush to go away. He wished the butterflies in his stomach would go away.
Dream slumped back in the grass he was laying on, a shy grin quirking at his lips as the long grass tickled his jaw. Fuck this lee mood. He just wished someone — anyone — would happen upon the poor speedrunner and mess with him a bit.
[ @dreamleee hi it’s me :D anon asks aren’t on sobs but I am here now ]
Schlatt had been sitting underneath a tree, smoking. What else is new? He took a deep inhale as he stares into the open obese of the server. He felt somewhat at peace to be back. His ears twitched at the feeling of the somewhat cold weather, but he shook his head. He had woken up in a particular mood, but he was going to be pushing it down until it either went away or until the opportunity arrived. Either way he is choosing to ignore it.
He had not been into deep thought as he watched a figure make their down into the grassy area. His eyes narrowed at them, not to be condescending, he was just curious of who it was. Then he realized it was Dream. That was a..surpise to say the least, after all Schlatt only has seen him with his other two friends. 
Deciding to get up and pinching out the cigarette bud, he made his way over to Dream. Schlatt stood where dreams head was, so he looked down at him with a small tilt of his head. 
“Evening, smiley.” He greets with a pretty calm, he was internally debating if he wanted to be a cocky bastard or just have a mellow conversation with Dream. It really depended, to him how he responded and what he will do.  [howdy hey! sorry for the late reply, and sorry about not having anons on, I am still trying to figure out how that works! But I hope this is okay with you!] 
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dreamleee · 3 years
Dream stumbled suddenly, nearly tripping over his own feet, but managed to catch himself in time to spin around and see Techno let out a rare laugh. A grin overtook his features and he laughed too, hugging Techno’s cloak closer to himself.
“Don’t laugh at me!” He exclaimed playfully, stepping with care over a small patch of blue flowers. “Now you don’t get your cloak back. Take that.”
It was all in good fun, of course. The speedrunner snickered, standing up straighter and grinning at Techno. “You know, you’re a lot less intimidating without your cape, Tech,” he teased, his voice sweet and cooing. “It almost makes you shorter.~”
Now, Dream wasn’t usually the overly-energetic and hyperactive type. He was usually mellow and relaxed, almost like he was half-asleep at times. But this particular morning… he had a lot of energy. A LOT of energy.
He was practically bouncing as he wandered the prime path, looking for something to do to dispel the unbelievable amount of energy pumping through his system. Usually he would go to Sapnap to mess around with, since he would usually play along with whatever wild idea the speedrunner had, but Sapnap was with Karl and Quackity in Las Nevadas, and George was sleeping.
His next best choice led him to the barren tundras where Technoblade lived. Though Techno wasn’t the most… enthusiastic, he supposed, he could spar better than anyone else on the server and was strong and quick enough to tire Dream out adequately.
Dream discovered Techno standing in the tundras not too far from his own home, and upon seeing him he grinned. He snuck up quickly behind the other and ducked under his cape to hug Techno from behind.
“Technooooo!” The speedrunner singsonged. “Do something with me!”
[ @dreamleee HI :D I hope this is okay!! /gen ]
Techno had just woken up from what had been labeled as a "mini-hibernation" thanks to whoever came up with the term which just meant it had been about a week and a half or so. He had gotten up, sloppily throwing on a few layers and heading out to go off and tend to the ever-growing hoard of pets around the joint houses. He managed to lug around some dog food still while dozing off while he walked with it. It took him a while to make his rounds and make sure their animals were alright and now fed, but after he put everything back up and headed out again. It was just for a walk this time, to make sure everyone was still alright and still alive from when he saw them all last.
He had stopped right outside the gate surrounding the area only to be greeted with a surprisingly nice hug. It was unexpected, especially from someone who he recognized to be Dream. He was warm, that was... okay, but he ended up pulling away to face the seemingly hyper speedrunner.
Techno looked at him with a tired and just shy of fond look. "Sure. Have-" he yawned, covering his mouth with his hand, "excuse me, sorry. Have any idea what you want to do?"
[ @dreamleee hello!! yeah this is great!! :D ]
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dreamleee · 3 years
Dream’s smile lingered throughout the rest of the walk, and he continued to babble about whatever came across his mind, noting silently that Techno seemed almost comforted by the background noise. As they walked he spoke of a couple things: childhood stories with Sapnap, new ideas for builds on the server, sparring methods, really anything he could settle on.
He was so busy talking that he hardly noticed he’d reached his desired destination until they were almost upon it. The speedrunner giggled excitedly and let go of Techno’s arm in favour of hopping over the fallen tree in their path and running out into the open clearing he always used for sparring. A dozen different colours of flowers covered the clearing floor, joined by tall grass and a variety of small plants.
Dream spun on the spot, Techno’s cape billowing around him as he took in the scenery. He loved this stupid pretty clearing with all his heart.
Now, Dream wasn’t usually the overly-energetic and hyperactive type. He was usually mellow and relaxed, almost like he was half-asleep at times. But this particular morning… he had a lot of energy. A LOT of energy.
He was practically bouncing as he wandered the prime path, looking for something to do to dispel the unbelievable amount of energy pumping through his system. Usually he would go to Sapnap to mess around with, since he would usually play along with whatever wild idea the speedrunner had, but Sapnap was with Karl and Quackity in Las Nevadas, and George was sleeping.
His next best choice led him to the barren tundras where Technoblade lived. Though Techno wasn’t the most… enthusiastic, he supposed, he could spar better than anyone else on the server and was strong and quick enough to tire Dream out adequately.
Dream discovered Techno standing in the tundras not too far from his own home, and upon seeing him he grinned. He snuck up quickly behind the other and ducked under his cape to hug Techno from behind.
“Technooooo!” The speedrunner singsonged. “Do something with me!”
[ @dreamleee HI :D I hope this is okay!! /gen ]
Techno had just woken up from what had been labeled as a "mini-hibernation" thanks to whoever came up with the term which just meant it had been about a week and a half or so. He had gotten up, sloppily throwing on a few layers and heading out to go off and tend to the ever-growing hoard of pets around the joint houses. He managed to lug around some dog food still while dozing off while he walked with it. It took him a while to make his rounds and make sure their animals were alright and now fed, but after he put everything back up and headed out again. It was just for a walk this time, to make sure everyone was still alright and still alive from when he saw them all last.
He had stopped right outside the gate surrounding the area only to be greeted with a surprisingly nice hug. It was unexpected, especially from someone who he recognized to be Dream. He was warm, that was... okay, but he ended up pulling away to face the seemingly hyper speedrunner.
Techno looked at him with a tired and just shy of fond look. "Sure. Have-" he yawned, covering his mouth with his hand, "excuse me, sorry. Have any idea what you want to do?"
[ @dreamleee hello!! yeah this is great!! :D ]
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dreamleee · 3 years
Dream’s rambling continued, excited and probably too quick to be understood, but he cut himself off with a small squeak of alarm as he felt something heavy ( and warm ) settle over his shoulders. Techno’s cape.
His heart wasn’t warmed. Nope. Not at all.
“Th-Thanks.” A big smile tugged at Dream’s face, which he quickly hid by ducking his head and covering it with the back of his hand. He didn’t say anything else, far too embarrassed by his reaction to Techno’s kindness to do so, and returned to walking, grabbing Techno’s sleeve again with a bounce in his step. Techno was supposed to be his rival, and yet here he was, allowing Dream to drag him around like a little kid. He thanked Techno for that.
Now, Dream wasn’t usually the overly-energetic and hyperactive type. He was usually mellow and relaxed, almost like he was half-asleep at times. But this particular morning… he had a lot of energy. A LOT of energy.
He was practically bouncing as he wandered the prime path, looking for something to do to dispel the unbelievable amount of energy pumping through his system. Usually he would go to Sapnap to mess around with, since he would usually play along with whatever wild idea the speedrunner had, but Sapnap was with Karl and Quackity in Las Nevadas, and George was sleeping.
His next best choice led him to the barren tundras where Technoblade lived. Though Techno wasn’t the most… enthusiastic, he supposed, he could spar better than anyone else on the server and was strong and quick enough to tire Dream out adequately.
Dream discovered Techno standing in the tundras not too far from his own home, and upon seeing him he grinned. He snuck up quickly behind the other and ducked under his cape to hug Techno from behind.
“Technooooo!” The speedrunner singsonged. “Do something with me!”
[ @dreamleee HI :D I hope this is okay!! /gen ]
Techno had just woken up from what had been labeled as a "mini-hibernation" thanks to whoever came up with the term which just meant it had been about a week and a half or so. He had gotten up, sloppily throwing on a few layers and heading out to go off and tend to the ever-growing hoard of pets around the joint houses. He managed to lug around some dog food still while dozing off while he walked with it. It took him a while to make his rounds and make sure their animals were alright and now fed, but after he put everything back up and headed out again. It was just for a walk this time, to make sure everyone was still alright and still alive from when he saw them all last.
He had stopped right outside the gate surrounding the area only to be greeted with a surprisingly nice hug. It was unexpected, especially from someone who he recognized to be Dream. He was warm, that was... okay, but he ended up pulling away to face the seemingly hyper speedrunner.
Techno looked at him with a tired and just shy of fond look. "Sure. Have-" he yawned, covering his mouth with his hand, "excuse me, sorry. Have any idea what you want to do?"
[ @dreamleee hello!! yeah this is great!! :D ]
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dreamleee · 3 years
Dream burst into hysterical giggles at the look Techno gave him, quickly covering his mouth to muffle the embarrassing noise. Techno was his rival. He was supposed to look strong and good around him, and here he was giggling like he was having his tummy tickled-
Whoops. Anyway.
The speedrunner bounced up and down and grabbed Techno’s sleeve, not wanting to go for the piglin’s hand just in case it made him uncomfortable. He tugged his friend along, babbling about what they could do and gently rubbing his nose, which was turning pink. “Listen, my idea is we either do with swords or without- I’m pretty good with swords and axes and I’ve wrestled Sapnap quite a bit, so I’d say I’m not too bad. Obviously the snow’ll make it a bit harder to move and we’ll get cold quicker and stuff, but that’s fine. I wonder if I could beat Sapnap in a sparring match. Or George. Or Tommy, or Tubbo- whatever! I could beat everyone, sword or no sword.”
Now, Dream wasn’t usually the overly-energetic and hyperactive type. He was usually mellow and relaxed, almost like he was half-asleep at times. But this particular morning… he had a lot of energy. A LOT of energy.
He was practically bouncing as he wandered the prime path, looking for something to do to dispel the unbelievable amount of energy pumping through his system. Usually he would go to Sapnap to mess around with, since he would usually play along with whatever wild idea the speedrunner had, but Sapnap was with Karl and Quackity in Las Nevadas, and George was sleeping.
His next best choice led him to the barren tundras where Technoblade lived. Though Techno wasn’t the most… enthusiastic, he supposed, he could spar better than anyone else on the server and was strong and quick enough to tire Dream out adequately.
Dream discovered Techno standing in the tundras not too far from his own home, and upon seeing him he grinned. He snuck up quickly behind the other and ducked under his cape to hug Techno from behind.
“Technooooo!” The speedrunner singsonged. “Do something with me!”
[ @dreamleee HI :D I hope this is okay!! /gen ]
Techno had just woken up from what had been labeled as a "mini-hibernation" thanks to whoever came up with the term which just meant it had been about a week and a half or so. He had gotten up, sloppily throwing on a few layers and heading out to go off and tend to the ever-growing hoard of pets around the joint houses. He managed to lug around some dog food still while dozing off while he walked with it. It took him a while to make his rounds and make sure their animals were alright and now fed, but after he put everything back up and headed out again. It was just for a walk this time, to make sure everyone was still alright and still alive from when he saw them all last.
He had stopped right outside the gate surrounding the area only to be greeted with a surprisingly nice hug. It was unexpected, especially from someone who he recognized to be Dream. He was warm, that was... okay, but he ended up pulling away to face the seemingly hyper speedrunner.
Techno looked at him with a tired and just shy of fond look. "Sure. Have-" he yawned, covering his mouth with his hand, "excuse me, sorry. Have any idea what you want to do?"
[ @dreamleee hello!! yeah this is great!! :D ]
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dreamleee · 3 years
Dream giggled, hiding his smile with one hand before running his fingers through his hair to neaten it a bit. “Going sparring, Tech!” He exclaimed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Duh!”
The speedrunner continued to bounce up and down on the balls of his feet, scrunching up his nose a little. “You’re so slow,” he whined playfully. “Let’s goooo!”
Now, Dream wasn’t usually the overly-energetic and hyperactive type. He was usually mellow and relaxed, almost like he was half-asleep at times. But this particular morning… he had a lot of energy. A LOT of energy.
He was practically bouncing as he wandered the prime path, looking for something to do to dispel the unbelievable amount of energy pumping through his system. Usually he would go to Sapnap to mess around with, since he would usually play along with whatever wild idea the speedrunner had, but Sapnap was with Karl and Quackity in Las Nevadas, and George was sleeping.
His next best choice led him to the barren tundras where Technoblade lived. Though Techno wasn’t the most… enthusiastic, he supposed, he could spar better than anyone else on the server and was strong and quick enough to tire Dream out adequately.
Dream discovered Techno standing in the tundras not too far from his own home, and upon seeing him he grinned. He snuck up quickly behind the other and ducked under his cape to hug Techno from behind.
“Technooooo!” The speedrunner singsonged. “Do something with me!”
[ @dreamleee HI :D I hope this is okay!! /gen ]
Techno had just woken up from what had been labeled as a "mini-hibernation" thanks to whoever came up with the term which just meant it had been about a week and a half or so. He had gotten up, sloppily throwing on a few layers and heading out to go off and tend to the ever-growing hoard of pets around the joint houses. He managed to lug around some dog food still while dozing off while he walked with it. It took him a while to make his rounds and make sure their animals were alright and now fed, but after he put everything back up and headed out again. It was just for a walk this time, to make sure everyone was still alright and still alive from when he saw them all last.
He had stopped right outside the gate surrounding the area only to be greeted with a surprisingly nice hug. It was unexpected, especially from someone who he recognized to be Dream. He was warm, that was... okay, but he ended up pulling away to face the seemingly hyper speedrunner.
Techno looked at him with a tired and just shy of fond look. "Sure. Have-" he yawned, covering his mouth with his hand, "excuse me, sorry. Have any idea what you want to do?"
[ @dreamleee hello!! yeah this is great!! :D ]
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dreamleee · 3 years
Dream let out a wheeze, kicking and squirming ferociously as Schlatt continued to wreck him. He tossed his head back, silent cackles wracking his body as he twisted and trembled with laughter. Fucking hell, this was cool. He hadn’t laughed this hard in years.
The sudden touch at his hip made his silent hysterics twist into verbal laughter once more, bucking up away from the touch before slamming himself back down away from Schlatt’s tickling on his stomach. He couldn’t tell what was worse: bucking up into Schlatt’s hand or not being able to squirm away from the tickling on his hip.
“WHY WOULD I TELL YOU THAHAT?!” Dream shrieked, surprised that his voice held out long enough to say it. “F-FUHUCK YOHOHOHOU- IHIHI CAHAHAN’T!”
A light breeze ghosted along Dream’s exposed skin and he flinched, twitching at the foreign feeling and rubbing the back of his neck to alleviate the tingling it had caused.
It wasn‘t an especially warm day, but Dream had left his hoodie tied loosely around his waist and was left in a thin, slim-fitting black t-shirt. It outlined the muscle on his torso, and even the thick scars lacing his chest and stomach, but he ignored that.
As for why the speedrunner had dressed down, well… he rubbed his pink face with his palms, willing the embarrassed blush to go away. He wished the butterflies in his stomach would go away.
Dream slumped back in the grass he was laying on, a shy grin quirking at his lips as the long grass tickled his jaw. Fuck this lee mood. He just wished someone — anyone — would happen upon the poor speedrunner and mess with him a bit.
[ @dreamleee hi it’s me :D anon asks aren’t on sobs but I am here now ]
Schlatt had been sitting underneath a tree, smoking. What else is new? He took a deep inhale as he stares into the open obese of the server. He felt somewhat at peace to be back. His ears twitched at the feeling of the somewhat cold weather, but he shook his head. He had woken up in a particular mood, but he was going to be pushing it down until it either went away or until the opportunity arrived. Either way he is choosing to ignore it.
He had not been into deep thought as he watched a figure make their down into the grassy area. His eyes narrowed at them, not to be condescending, he was just curious of who it was. Then he realized it was Dream. That was a..surpise to say the least, after all Schlatt only has seen him with his other two friends. 
Deciding to get up and pinching out the cigarette bud, he made his way over to Dream. Schlatt stood where dreams head was, so he looked down at him with a small tilt of his head. 
“Evening, smiley.” He greets with a pretty calm, he was internally debating if he wanted to be a cocky bastard or just have a mellow conversation with Dream. It really depended, to him how he responded and what he will do.  [howdy hey! sorry for the late reply, and sorry about not having anons on, I am still trying to figure out how that works! But I hope this is okay with you!] 
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dreamleee · 3 years
Dream only blushed more, tilting his head shyly away from Foolish’s analyzing gaze. “I-Ihi’m ohokahay,” he responded earnestly. “Yohou dihihid- yohohou dihid gohood.”
He shifted on the spot a bit, hesitantly letting go of Foolish entirely in favour of tucking his arms against his chest and hiding his fond smile. “You dohon’t… have to, uhm- to stohop. Ihif you dohon’t wahant to.”
It was quite a warm day, which wasn’t the best for a certain demigod. Foolish had been running and walking back and forth to different areas all around the SMP, collecting objects and materials for the new build that he planned to do. After traveling for so long, he was starting to get tired, and decided that now would be a good time to rest.
Foolish walked down the prime path, looking for a place to sit down and relax. However, what, or who, Foolish ended up seeing was Dream, the one and only. The other appeared to be preoccupied, and a smirk formed at the demigod’s lips, why not cause some mischief? He silently crept up behind Dream, standing behind him menacingly and waiting for him to notice. He tightened his lips shut to prevent any possible noises out, as he could already feel the laughter bubble up in his stomach.
[your anon asks aren’t on but hi :D @tickley-totem]
This was…. bad.
Dream had been in a lee mood all morning, and a painful one at that: he’d been trying to provoke Sapnap and George all day and both had failed to notice. So he was left jumpy and with tingling skin to wander on his own.
Dream was preoccupied with trying to coax a fox out from under one of the buildings in L’Manberg, so much so that he failed to notice Foolish creeping up on him. When he finally gave up and went to leave, he let out a startled squeak as he nearly slammed right into Foolish and clamped his hands over his mouth, his face instantly starting to redden.
“H-Hi!” He exclaimed shyly. “I-I didn’t see you- what are you doing here?”
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dreamleee · 3 years
“They are not staged!” Dream bristled, jokingly smacking Techno on the shoulder. “I’m just as good as I seem, you know. Maybe if you actually accepted my invitation to join one you’d know, Tech.”
Though he didn’t respond to the comment Techno made about his energy, Dream felt a grin pull at his lips. Hearing something like that from anyone was nice, sure, but though he’d never really admit it Techno was one of his favourite people ( and definitely not his idol. Nope. Not ever. ) and it brought a warm fuzzy feeling to the speedrunner’s chest.
“A-Anyway!” He cut himself off, not allowing himself to dwell on the warmth his piglin friend brought him. “Hurry up. You’re slow, let’s go!”
Now, Dream wasn’t usually the overly-energetic and hyperactive type. He was usually mellow and relaxed, almost like he was half-asleep at times. But this particular morning… he had a lot of energy. A LOT of energy.
He was practically bouncing as he wandered the prime path, looking for something to do to dispel the unbelievable amount of energy pumping through his system. Usually he would go to Sapnap to mess around with, since he would usually play along with whatever wild idea the speedrunner had, but Sapnap was with Karl and Quackity in Las Nevadas, and George was sleeping.
His next best choice led him to the barren tundras where Technoblade lived. Though Techno wasn’t the most… enthusiastic, he supposed, he could spar better than anyone else on the server and was strong and quick enough to tire Dream out adequately.
Dream discovered Techno standing in the tundras not too far from his own home, and upon seeing him he grinned. He snuck up quickly behind the other and ducked under his cape to hug Techno from behind.
“Technooooo!” The speedrunner singsonged. “Do something with me!”
[ @dreamleee HI :D I hope this is okay!! /gen ]
Techno had just woken up from what had been labeled as a "mini-hibernation" thanks to whoever came up with the term which just meant it had been about a week and a half or so. He had gotten up, sloppily throwing on a few layers and heading out to go off and tend to the ever-growing hoard of pets around the joint houses. He managed to lug around some dog food still while dozing off while he walked with it. It took him a while to make his rounds and make sure their animals were alright and now fed, but after he put everything back up and headed out again. It was just for a walk this time, to make sure everyone was still alright and still alive from when he saw them all last.
He had stopped right outside the gate surrounding the area only to be greeted with a surprisingly nice hug. It was unexpected, especially from someone who he recognized to be Dream. He was warm, that was... okay, but he ended up pulling away to face the seemingly hyper speedrunner.
Techno looked at him with a tired and just shy of fond look. "Sure. Have-" he yawned, covering his mouth with his hand, "excuse me, sorry. Have any idea what you want to do?"
[ @dreamleee hello!! yeah this is great!! :D ]
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dreamleee · 3 years
Dream snorted at Techno’s response, leaning back a little and waving his hands back and forth a little to keep himself busy. “Shut up,” he said indignantly, though he didn’t mean it. “I’m not that bad. I am the best speedrunner out there, after all.”
Said speedrunner nodded excitedly at Techno’s words, before realizing how childish he was really acting. He stilled himself ( though it took quite a bit of effort ) and ducked his head slightly, embarrassed. “S-Sorry. I- I’m supposed to be stoic. Sorry.”
Now, Dream wasn’t usually the overly-energetic and hyperactive type. He was usually mellow and relaxed, almost like he was half-asleep at times. But this particular morning… he had a lot of energy. A LOT of energy.
He was practically bouncing as he wandered the prime path, looking for something to do to dispel the unbelievable amount of energy pumping through his system. Usually he would go to Sapnap to mess around with, since he would usually play along with whatever wild idea the speedrunner had, but Sapnap was with Karl and Quackity in Las Nevadas, and George was sleeping.
His next best choice led him to the barren tundras where Technoblade lived. Though Techno wasn’t the most… enthusiastic, he supposed, he could spar better than anyone else on the server and was strong and quick enough to tire Dream out adequately.
Dream discovered Techno standing in the tundras not too far from his own home, and upon seeing him he grinned. He snuck up quickly behind the other and ducked under his cape to hug Techno from behind.
“Technooooo!” The speedrunner singsonged. “Do something with me!”
[ @dreamleee HI :D I hope this is okay!! /gen ]
Techno had just woken up from what had been labeled as a "mini-hibernation" thanks to whoever came up with the term which just meant it had been about a week and a half or so. He had gotten up, sloppily throwing on a few layers and heading out to go off and tend to the ever-growing hoard of pets around the joint houses. He managed to lug around some dog food still while dozing off while he walked with it. It took him a while to make his rounds and make sure their animals were alright and now fed, but after he put everything back up and headed out again. It was just for a walk this time, to make sure everyone was still alright and still alive from when he saw them all last.
He had stopped right outside the gate surrounding the area only to be greeted with a surprisingly nice hug. It was unexpected, especially from someone who he recognized to be Dream. He was warm, that was... okay, but he ended up pulling away to face the seemingly hyper speedrunner.
Techno looked at him with a tired and just shy of fond look. "Sure. Have-" he yawned, covering his mouth with his hand, "excuse me, sorry. Have any idea what you want to do?"
[ @dreamleee hello!! yeah this is great!! :D ]
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dreamleee · 3 years
Dream slumped back with a gasp as Foolish’s tickling halted, and he hiccuped and giggled as he tried to get his breath back. He loosened his grip on Foolish’s hair, feeling slightly guilty about his reaction and hoping he hadn’t hurt his friend.
“Aahaha… s-sohorryhy,” he giggled, blushing profusely at the demigod’s words. “I-Ihi’m- Ihi’m juhuhust reheheally tihicklihihish…” 
It was quite a warm day, which wasn’t the best for a certain demigod. Foolish had been running and walking back and forth to different areas all around the SMP, collecting objects and materials for the new build that he planned to do. After traveling for so long, he was starting to get tired, and decided that now would be a good time to rest.
Foolish walked down the prime path, looking for a place to sit down and relax. However, what, or who, Foolish ended up seeing was Dream, the one and only. The other appeared to be preoccupied, and a smirk formed at the demigod’s lips, why not cause some mischief? He silently crept up behind Dream, standing behind him menacingly and waiting for him to notice. He tightened his lips shut to prevent any possible noises out, as he could already feel the laughter bubble up in his stomach.
[your anon asks aren’t on but hi :D @tickley-totem]
This was…. bad.
Dream had been in a lee mood all morning, and a painful one at that: he’d been trying to provoke Sapnap and George all day and both had failed to notice. So he was left jumpy and with tingling skin to wander on his own.
Dream was preoccupied with trying to coax a fox out from under one of the buildings in L’Manberg, so much so that he failed to notice Foolish creeping up on him. When he finally gave up and went to leave, he let out a startled squeak as he nearly slammed right into Foolish and clamped his hands over his mouth, his face instantly starting to redden.
“H-Hi!” He exclaimed shyly. “I-I didn’t see you- what are you doing here?”
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