dreamcafes · 5 months
emergency contact | calum hood x fem!reader
FUCK this took so long and took so many twists and turns but i have finished lads
summary: you end up in the hospital after an accident, only to find that your emergency contact number hadn’t been updated. you are yet to find out if it’s a blessing or a curse. 
word count: 8.9k
warnings: self doubt, talking down about oneself, she/her pronoun usage, swearing, breakups, angst, drinking, car accident, hospital mentions, injury mentions, mentions of weed, partying, fighting
author's note: it might be rushed at the end and there's no set timeline of events, so it might not align with the true events IRL.
i also would like to say that we support girls here! no hate toward anyone, girls support girls!
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In defense of yourself, you hadn’t expected to be back in Los Angeles so soon. Nor had you anticipated an accident like this to update your contacts on your phone. It was on the back of your mind, yes, but you had intended to change your emergency contact list on your phone for events like these. It was something you’d remind yourself occasionally, only to push it off for the next day, then the next day, then forget about it altogether. 
And perhaps you were too cowardly to change the list. You didn’t admit this to another soul since it had been nearly a year since the two of you broke things off. Your friends time and time again had persuaded you to put yourself back on the market, to get over the musician. But how could you? You had dedicated the best years of your life to him, nearly six of them. You thought you were going to marry the man, but life had other plans. 
That being said, you still loved him. The small act of removing him off your emergency contacts list felt so final to you. Like that was the end of your sad little love story with him. Truth be told, it was the end. It was the end from the moment you broke things off with him. You were just too stubborn to admit that to yourself. 
It was your doing, wasn’t it? You were the one to tell him it was over. He had just gotten back home from their tour and went to greet you with open arms. You had been wretched enough to deny him that, pulling away immediately. You ignored his eyes when you told him you were tired of your lifestyle. Of waiting on him like a dog for him to come back from tour. Of relishing that one month of being together like it was the last thing on earth, only for him to leave once again for tours or writing retreats. 
And most of all, you were tired of not feeling enough for him. In the world of popular and beautiful stars, why did he stay with you? Calum never made you feel so ordinary, not on purpose, at least. You had nothing to offer him other than your love. You feared that wouldn’t be enough in the end. The more years that passed, and the closer the possibility of marriage became, you thought it would be better to let go of him first before he ended up resenting you for not choosing someone better when he had the chance. 
You didn’t listen to his pleas for you to stay. Or his professions of love for you, or how his promise to leave the band entirely if it meant you staying. You felt so cruel to let someone who loved you so much go so easily. He was willing to give up his music for you, so how could you ever claim that you were second best to his music? 
But that was the very thing, you were afraid. He loved you so much that he was willing to let his entire life go for you. You couldn’t let him do that to himself, to let go of his happiness. But you had enough self dignity to know that you deserved more out of life than waiting in an empty home to fill up again. 
Calum wasn’t sure what to make of the phone call he received just a moment ago. He never thought he’d hear your name again, much less be summoned to the hospital to see you. 
“Mate, why are you still here?” Ashton asked, tucking away his drumsticks. “The nurse called you a half hour ago. Aren’t you going to see her?” 
“I don’t know,” Calum uttered truthfully. “It’s been so long since I last saw her. It was probably a mistake, right? Why would they call me up?” 
Michael rolled his eyes from the couch where he was tuning his guitar. “Because you’re still down as her emergency contact,” he drawled sarcastically. 
“Thanks for pointing out the obvious,” Calum deadpanned. “I mean, why would they call me and not her parents or something? Or her new boyfriend,” he muttered under his breath. 
Luke approached the group from the bathroom, running his fingers through his hair. “Easy there, tiger,” he teased, grasping Calum’s shoulders from behind. “One might assume you’re jealous.” The youngest of the group quickly dodged the bassist’s shove, laughing while doing so. “To calm your worries, no, she doesn’t have a new boy in her life. And her parents moved to the east coast three months ago so they can’t come over.”
“Well aren’t you the stalker,” Ashton snickered. 
Luke shot the drummer a glare. “I’m not a stalker,” Luke defended himself. “In case you actually wanted to know, I still keep contact with y/n. At least Sierra does for the most part. Though, last time I heard she was in Boston.” 
“Boston,” Calum spoke up in confusion. “What’s she in Boston for? And how did she end up here?” 
Luke clicked his tongue, a knowing look on his face. “If you want to know, you can ask her yourself,” he sang in an annoying tone. 
Michael set his guitar down and stood up in defense of his friend. “While that’s true,” he began. “What about..you know?”
“What about “you know?”” Ashton piped up. “There’s no harm in Calum going. She could really be hurt and need someone with her. If what Luke said is true and you’re the only nearby emergency contact, it’s better safe than sorry that you go to her.” 
The boys shared a look with each other. In their heart of hearts they knew it was a bad idea to let Calum go, especially after everything that had happened. But a selfish part of them wanted their best friend back, so what harm was in that notion? 
“I’ll go,” Calum finally relented. “But she’s coming with me.” 
When Calum arrived at the hospital, he wasn’t sure what he was expecting. The doctor explained it was a car accident, and although you were recovering okay you still had to be observed after minor surgery. A part of Calum’s heartstrings tugged at the thought of you alone and afraid during the accident, thinking he could have done something if you hadn’t broken things off, but he pushed that feeling down. It’s been a year; you’ve probably gotten over him and he’s started a new chapter of his life without you. 
Calum followed the nurse to the recovery room where you were still unconscious. At the sight of you, he instantly lost all air in his lungs. Frozen, the bassist stood before you with a mix of emotions flooding through his face. 
It was as though you were entirely different but still the same in some way. Your face, albeit bruised, looked more peaceful than Calum had seen of you. Hell, even before you broke things off you always had a furrowed brow or frown of some sort. It broke Calum’s heart to know that he was the cause of that stress. 
Calum sat down beside you, instantly grasping your hand like second nature. It was just as soft as he could remember, and your nail polish was chipped and stained the skin surrounding it. Calum chuckled to himself, a tearful smile on his face. He knew your nail polish was your own doing, seeing as you had always asked him to paint your nails since he had “more precision.” 
“Oh y/n,” he whispered, his voice cracking slightly. “What the hell did you get yourself into now?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” 
Calum jerked back to see your eyes staring back at him. “Hi, stranger,” you managed to crack a smile. “What brings you to this hospital?”
Calum choked out a laugh, his thumb grazing against the top of your hand. “Oh you know me,” he said. “Always hanging around these parts whenever I get the chance.” 
“You idiot,” you snorted, shaking your head and wincing in pain.
“Easy now,” Calum reached over to cup your cheek. “The doctor said you have a mild concussion and a sprained ankle, but nothing a bit of rest can’t fix.”
Your hand met his on your face, instantly warming to his touch like nothing had changed between the two of you. “Why are you here, Hood?” you asked curiously.
“You tell me.” Calum pulled out his phone and showed his past calls list. “I got a call from the hospital saying I was your emergency contact.” 
You dropped his hand and covered your face in embarrassment. If your headache wasn’t killing you, the sheer embarrassment was. “Oh my God,” you groaned. “I’m so sorry, Calum. I had meant to change it but I never got the chance and–”
“It’s alright,” Calum calmed you down. “Relax. I’m not mad or anything. If anything, this gave us a great opportunity to reconnect and catch up on things. It’s been what, a year?”
One year, three months, twenty eight days, and twelve and a half hours, the both of you thought subconsciously. But who’s counting? 
The both of you were. Clearly.
“Something like that,” you lied smoothly. “How are you? How are the boys? I’ve kept contact with Crys and Sierra, but I haven’t had a chance to meet with them both. I was actually planning on shooting them a text as soon as I landed here, but obviously I haven’t had the chance.” 
Calum laughed at your blunt humor. He missed that a lot about you. “I’m alright,” he replied. “The boys are great, too. They send their love, by the way. We’ve been cooped up at the studio writing and producing music, though you probably expected that from us.”
Ouch. Was that a dig toward why you broke up with him? “Naturally,” you grinned. “Do I make a special feature in this album? The trashy ex that broke up with the bassist as soon as the tour ended? You best get back to the studio, I’m sure this whole debacle has given you something to write about.” 
“You are far from trashy,” Calum countered, continuing the light banter. “And I’m not going to throw your dirty laundry out like that, I have some taste, you know.” 
“Oh come on,” you pressed. “That hoe called me back, gave me a heart attack,” you sang terribly, making Calum cover his ears. “Oh yeah she broke my heart, that’s not even the start-”
“Oi, quit that!” he laughed. “Leave the songwriting to me because good God that was terrible. Any more of that and you’d put me in the hospital bed next to you. And please do not call yourself a hoe. That’s worse than Luke calling Ash “daddy.”” 
Once your laughter had died down and you ran out of lyrics to spew, a comfortable silence filled the room. His chocolate brown eyes rested down at your joined hands. 
“Thank you, by the way,” you spoke to break the silence. “For coming. You didn’t have to do that.” 
“For my trashy ex?” he teased, a smirk dancing along his lips. “I’d do anything.” 
God why did you break up with him? He was perfect, still is. Why does he still tug at your heartstrings and make you weak with one smile. How could you still feel this way after a whole year? Do you still love him-
“Babe, there you are! This place is a maze, I could barely understand the nurse’s directions.” 
You turned your head so fast, you nearly got whiplash again. Standing before you was a beautiful girl with the most luxurious beach waves and tan that every girl dreamed of. 
She bent down to kiss Calum’s cheek swiftly, making your breath hitch without you realizing. The girl smiled at you, taking your hand -that Calum instantly dropped at the sound of her voice- and squeezing it. “You must be y/n,” she concluded cheerfully. “I’m Tia, Calum’s friend.” 
“They are so not friends,” you grumbled to your friends, days after the initial encounter. 
Your friends chuckled at your gray demeanor, each of them taking sips of their coffee or bites of their breakfast. After being discharged from the hospital, the band and their significant others thought it would be perfect to catch up with you during brunch. You had agreed, eager to learn about everything you missed, especially the new couple. 
“You’d be right and wrong, n/n,” Michael replied, setting his mug down. The group was significantly more relaxed to talk about the subject considering Tia needed to take a phone call and Calum insisted on accompanying her. “The way they’re friends isn’t the same as how he’s friends with us–”
“Speak for yourself, baby, Calum keeps my bed warm whenever Sierra’s out,” Luke teased with a wiggle of his eyebrows. Sierra rolled her eyes playfully, elbowing him in the ribs. 
“And Luke keeps mine warm when they’re both gone,” Ashton chimed in without missing a beat.
Michael sent the youngest and oldest members a glare before continuing. “As I was saying,” he huffed exasperatedly. “They’re in the weird phase between friends and dating. They met a little after the tour and were friends for a while. It was Tia that made the move on Calum, like, two months ago.”
Noticing the stark difference in your facial expressions after hearing Michael’s explanation, Crystal came in to quickly finish the story. “He hasn’t confirmed or denied anything, but they have been on a few dates. He’s taking it very slowly.” 
“That’s..nice to hear,” you slowly began. “But the more I hear about her, the more guilty I feel about feeling this way.” Your shoulders caved in as your friends shared a concerned look. “She seems sweet, and Calum and I are old news. It was my own decision to break things off in the first place.” 
Sierra reached for your hand, squeezing it gently. “Why did you break things off with him?” she asked in a quieter voice. 
You couldn’t help but notice how the rest of the group leaned in to hear your answer. “You mean Calum didn’t tell you?” you inquired the boys. 
“He just said it was mutual,” Ashton raised his hands up in defense. “I didn’t know you broke it off with him.” 
“Why didn’t you tell us she broke up with Cal?” Luke whisper-shouted to his partner. 
Sierra only shrugged her shoulders. “I thought you knew,” she responded, her hands grasping around her mug as she took a sip.
“No one knew,” you settled. “And it’s going to stay that way.” 
The group let out shouts of disapproval that were instantly quieted once Calum finally returned and took a seat. “What’s the fuss about?” he asked curiously. 
You shook your head, taking an overly healthy sip of your mimosa. “Oh you know,” you sighed. “Typical group shenanigans, as per usual.” 
“What kind-?” he pressed before being curtly interrupted.
“Where’s Tia?” Luke cut in, saving everyone’s necks for the time being. 
Calum took in a draw of breath after stealing Luke’s cup of coffee, much to the singer’s distaste. “Oh you know,” he copied you teasingly. “Manager calls, as per usual.” 
“She’s been getting plenty of calls lately,” Crystal commented. 
You tried to not show immense interest in the conversation. After all, you didn’t know much about Tia and the group had been too distracted to show you her Instagram profile, damn Michael and his random tangents. In the meantime, you absentmindedly twirled your straw between your thumb and forefinger as the conversation continued. 
“Tia’s getting a lot of public interest, what can I say?” Calum responded. “Her videos are getting more views every day. Her manager’s been calling her nonstop since companies keep reaching out to offer brand deal after brand deal.” 
Ashton let out a hopeful sigh. “Imagine having a brand deal set for life,” he pondered aloud, setting his salad fork down. “I’d adopt more goats and expand the garden.” 
“Cool it, Old McDonald,” Michael snickered. “I can’t imagine the band doing brand deals. Remember One Direction and their Pepsi commercials during the Super Bowl? Louis hated them.” 
The table laughed, recalling the memory. Recognizing your confusion regarding Tia’s profession, Sierra leaned in. “She’s an Instagram influencer and interior designer. She went to school for design but has branched out since. Last time I browsed her page she was doing promos for some yoga company.” 
“Great, so she’s perfect,” you grumbled to yourself, quiet enough for only Ashton to hear since he was right beside you. The drummer snorted, elbowing you roughly. 
Calum, thankfully deaf to your comment, nodded along to Sierra’s explanation. “She’s great,” he hummed. 
Your heart clenched at his words, but a hopeful side of yourself couldn’t help but perk at his courtness. Of course, it could be just to spare your feelings to not speak much about her. But a selfish part in your mind wondered if it was because she wasn’t his missing piece, the way that you fit perfectly for him. 
Stop that, you scolded yourself. Calum is no longer yours, you made sure of that. You were the selfish one who pushed him away. Why do you continue to torture him when he’s finally happy, no thanks to you. You can’t continue to pull him back, that’s why you broke up with him. And here you are,  falling back into old habits. 
You blinked back your tears, the tears you had so desperately fought back since the day you broke up with him. You didn’t deserve to shed these tears when you caused the problem in the first place. Instead, you sucked in a breath and maintained your rigid composure. It’s better than falling apart, which you more than desperately wanted to do at the moment. 
“y/n, you alright?” Calum asked, breaking you from your trance. 
You jumped slightly, lifting your head to face the group. Forcing a smile, you nodded. “Perfectly fine.” 
You weren’t sure why you were called here. After becoming mutuals on Instagram (and thoroughly stalking her pristine profile) Tia was quick to invite you out for yoga. You weren’t too keen on attempting yoga with a certified instructor, much preferring to save face in front of the already perfect girl. However, you found her nice and sweet enough to befriend despite the heartache it caused you. 
“I’m really glad you agreed to come with me today,” Tia told you honestly as you finished your session for the day. 
You settled yourself onto the mat, easing yourself into a simple stretch. “I’m glad you offered,” you replied, grunting at the ache panging slightly in your ankle. You were careful not to apply extra stress on your injured foot since it was still tender to the touch at times. “I’ve been eager to relax, especially after that accident.” 
“And you deserve it,” Tia reassured you, beginning her own routine. “Yoga’s good for recovery and stress, I’ve always tried to convince Cal into joining but he wasn’t the most graceful learner.” 
You giggled, recalling how clumsy the bassist would be. “Yeah, I’d leave that to Ashton.” 
Tia nodded in agreement. Her fingers danced down her leg as she continued to stretch. Even as jealous as you were of her, you had to admit she was graceful in everything she did (and you were sure of it with a simple browse through her Tiktoks). 
The two of you stepped out of the yoga studio, mats in tow as you continued to talk about random nonsense. On the walk back to your friend’s house -you had been staying there for the time being-, you came to realize that Tia was as genuine as they come and found it very difficult to dislike her out of jealousy. 
“So you know how Cal and I met,” Tia began, referencing the story of how the two met at an awards show. “How did you and Calum meet and get together?” 
Your mouth went dry. She knew you and Calum were a thing in the past? “I-“ you stammered. 
Tia laughed at your sudden awkwardness. “I’m not dumb, you know,” she joked. “I knew about yours and Cal’s past. He talks a lot about you, you know? More now than ever now that you’re back.” 
You had to stop the butterflies forming in your stomach. “He does?” you catch yourself saying instantly. 
Tia nodded, uncapping her bottle and taking a sip of water. “Oh yeah, big time,” she answered. “It’s really sweet to know that you made such a big impact on his life.” 
Your cheeks began to warm at her words. “He did the same,” you responded with full honesty. Tia patted your shoulder and grinned. “To answer your question, I met Calum a little over ten years ago, once the band started getting famous. I was just a senior in high school when they moved to L.A. I interned at their studio and that’s how we formally met.”
Tia gave you an impressed nod. “You guys got history,” she mused. 
You couldn’t help but smile. The memories of the past always brought a smile to your face. Dyeing Michael’s hair and staining your bathtub red, constantly buying Ash bandanas whenever you came across one you knew he’d like. Luke coming to you when he had writer’s block, and Cal crawling through your bedroom window whenever he felt homesick and wanted someone to talk to. 
“We do,” you agreed. 
Turning a corner down the street, Tia continued to ask you questions. “Who asked who out?” she questioned. “Three years of being friends turned partners was clearly not an overnight thing.” 
“It wasn’t,” you said. “It was Calum who asked me, but it took a whole lot of convincing from the boys.” You laughed quietly to yourself, recalling how he asked you to be your girlfriend. 
You heard music playing softly in the night air. You had been studying nonstop for your college finals and hadn’t seen the outside of your dorm all day. You hadn’t called the boys in a while either since they’ve been touring the world after releasing Sounds Good Feels Good. You were significantly proud of them but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t miss your boys. Now, hearing the soft guitar strumming from outside your window made you feel more longingful for them than ever. 
Especially Calum. You had a soft spot for the bassist, everyone knew that. You spent the most time with him when you interned at the music studio. He trusted your opinion above everyone else’s, and reached out to you the most while on tour. To say you had a little crush on him would be an understatement. The boys teased you relentlessly and teased Calum much more. They always said it was a matter of time until one of you would cave in and confess to the other. But they were wrong. You’re here in a small college dorm with no air conditioning single as can be while the boy you loved was halfway across the world. 
“Thinking of you,” you texted Calum with a heavy heart. “And the boys, ofc :P” 
You set your phone down and attempted to go back to studying when your phone pinged again. 
“You don’t have to feel so blue, n/n,” he responded. “Look outside”
You hopped out of bed and opened your window as much as the old rusty thing could go. On the campus grass were your favorite boys flashing lights from their phones at you. Calum was resting on Ashton’s shoulders, waving at you with the wild boyish smile you loved with your entire being. Michael and Luke were beside him, Michael playing the guitar and Luke grinning and filming. 
Concentrating hard, you recognized the sweet melody. It was the very song you wrote with him, Beside You. 
“She sleeps alone
My heart wants to come home
I wish I was, I wish I was
Beside you”
Your heart did somersaults at the presentation before you. You had always begged Calum to sing more for the album but the boy was too shy. It took some pushing but you helped him get his confidence up. Taking a cardigan, you ran out of your hall and joined the boys on the lawn, tackling each of them into a hug. 
“What the hell’s wrong with you!” you shouted out with a grin. You didn’t care if your yelling woke up your peers. Your boys were here in the flesh. 
“We missed our girl,” Ashton told you, giving you a strong bear hug. 
“One of us more than the rest,” Luke added with a cheeky smirk. 
Calum had long been off Ashton’s shoulders, awaiting your hugs he missed so much. You, on the other hand, hesitated to do so. 
“Come on!” Michael playfully shoved you. “We’ve come all this way, give the boy a hug!” 
Your face was on fire. The extra pairs of eyes made you embarrassed. Calum took an extra step forward, his hands bashfully in his pockets. 
“Didn’t you miss me, sunshine?” he asked you, awfully shy now after his confession of love. He was nervous he put you off and that he read the signs wrong. 
“I did,” you whispered back, equally shy. “But I think I want something more than a hug.” 
The boys let out whoops and cheers of joy as you decided to bite the bullet, grabbing Calum by the loops of his jeans and pulling him into a kiss.
Once you had pulled away, Calum’s lips formed into a dazed smile. “Be my girl, sunshine?” he asked you softly.
You pressed your lips against his once again, though this one was much shorter. “I was always yours, Calum.”
“Why did you and him end things, y/n?” Tia asked you, bringing you out of your thoughts. You seemed to be stuck in a trance these days, always pondering over the past and what could have been. 
You chewed the inside of your cheek, truly at a loss of words. What could you say? That you had been selfish and pushed him away so that he wouldn’t end up hurting you first? That you drove the knife deep into Calum, twisting it in every way shape and form out of self preservation? There was no other way to put it than that in your mind. 
“Time heals but also kills,” you told her with a broken smile. “Cal and I decided to put ourselves out of our misery and end things while they were good before it got worse.” It wasn’t completely a lie. Sure, he had no say in your ending things, but you spoke the truth about putting him out of his misery.
“Do you still love him?” she asked. 
You glanced over at her. Her eyes shone in the light, curious and innocent. She didn’t know the pain you both had endured that landed you in this position. 
Yes, your heart cried out. You love him. You love him with your entire being, that’s why you let him go. Because you’d rather kill your soul every single day of your life than stop him from reaching his life goals. If you had to go through that awful night that you broke your own heart again, you would, just to ensure that he is happy. 
Even if that meant that he would be happy with someone else. 
“He’s my first love,” you told her tearfully. “Of course I love him. But I am not his love, and that is okay with me. Life goes on, and so should I.” 
The two of you stopped in front of your friend’s house. Tia took your hand and squeezed it. “I really do appreciate you coming along with me today,” she said earnestly. “And I’m glad I got to hear about you and Cal’s history. It really puts things into perspective.” 
You smiled back at her. “Thank you for having me,” you responded. “I hope my words haven’t changed anything between the two of you. I meant what I said; him and I are in the past. I truly want the both of us to move forward and grow in our own separate ways.” 
Your butterflies in your stomach turned into fierce wasps, stinging you sharply. Lies, your heart hissed. Tell her you love him and still want him. 
You forced the bile rising in your throat down. Tia, blind to your inner troubles, continued to speak. “That’s actually what I wanted to ask you,” she chuckled nervously. She grabbed your other hand, bringing them together. 
“I wanted to ask Cal to be my boyfriend,” Tia confessed.
Crack. There goes your heart.
Tia seemed to notice the dip in your lips and immediately retracted. “But I don’t want to overstep or anything!” she rushed. “You and Cal have history, I’m not stupid enough to deny it. And that’s okay, that’s no one’s fault. If you still love him and want him, I’m not going to get in the way. Calum, well, it’s clear he loves you, too. I’ve heard countless amounts of stories about you to not get the memo. I really like Cal, I do. But that can’t go up against love.” 
This was your chance. To right your wrongs from the past and take back what you truly wanted. Calum. You could take this moment to run to his house right now and take him back, and you’d have Tia’s full support. Zero guilt. 
But why did it hurt so bad? 
No. You made your bed, you have to sleep in it. It doesn’t matter if the bed was built of blades of self doubt and hate, you have to slip into the sharp sheets and let it pierce through your skin. You created your own mess. It is you alone that must deal with it. Not Calum, and surely not Tia. 
You’ve made enough problems for everyone as is. 
You mustered enough strength to let go of Tia’s hands and instead cup her cheeks. “Tia, honey,” you whispered calmly. “Our love is in the past. I’ve missed my chance, and I have learned to live with it. I’ve seen the way Calum looks at you, and that’s something that can blossom into something beautiful. There’s no need to dig up something that has already run its course.” 
Tia’s lip trembled at your words. You nodded carefully. “You don’t need my permission or anything to date Calum. You don’t owe me anything. You both deserve to be happy, and clearly you make each other happy.”
“Are you sure?” Tia asked. “I promise you, it won’t hurt my feelings or anything if you still want him.” 
“No, Tia,” you reassured her, despite the burning feeling in your chest. “Please, make him happy. Make him happier than I could ever make him. He deserves that much.” 
Two weeks have passed since your encounter with Tia. Last thing you heard was that the two were very happy indeed, but you didn’t hear if they made it official. You had plenty of dates with the girls, but you insisted on changing the subject whenever they brought Calum up. You feared that if you heard about him one more time, you might burst into tears or do something stupid. 
You finished up your work from the office in your friend’s house. Grateful to be able to work from home for the time you stayed in L.A., you had to admit that sitting on a chair from 9 to 5 made you quite sore. Eager to stretch your legs, you decided to take a walk to the local park. 
However, it wasn’t any random park. It was the place you and Cal used to have endless dates when he was back from tour or the studio. You’d lay on the blanket he took from his apartment at the time and stare at the stars. Back when you both didn’t have much, you’d snack on soup crackers you took from each time you went to the diner across the street and share a can of Coke Cal took from the vending machine after work. So many secrets were shared at this park, and so many memories were made, too. 
“I’m glad to know I’m not the only one who still frequents this place.” 
You jumped to see the last person you expected at this place. Calum gave you a bashful smile before sitting beside you on the grass. You took in the last hour of sun beaming down your skin before the sky went dark, closing your eyes and tuning out the sound of the infamous L.A. traffic. 
“How can I not?” you quipped. “This park is the only place in L.A. that isn’t stuffy or gross.”
Calum let out a laugh, quietly agreeing with you. “So what brings you here, Hood?” you asked, nudging his shoulder. 
The bassist could only shrug his shoulders. “Could say the same about you,” he hummed. “Sometimes I like to sit here and write music. Other times I just sit here and listen to the ambiance.” You nodded, crossing your arms on your chest and making sure to keep a safe distance from him. His touch was mesmerizing, but you had to remind yourself that he was no longer yours. 
“This place reminds me to stay grounded,” he told you truthfully. “When I get too in my head, I always go here, even after we broke up.” 
You dropped your hands to the grass, braiding the blades absentmindedly. “I’m glad,” you spoke up. Calum looked over at you, awaiting an explanation. “It’s too good of a place to let go after a silly little relationship.” 
“It wasn’t a silly little-” Calum fought back. 
“Let’s not talk about it, Cal,” you sighed exasperatedly. 
Calum instantly frowned. “Why not?” he pressed. “You never seem to want to talk about the good old days.”
“Because it wasn’t “the good old days,”” you insisted, lying through your teeth. 
Calum let out a stubborn huff. “Now that’s a lie,” Calum shot back. “But whatever, I won’t push.” A pregnant silence took over the two of you as Calum tried to find something to say. “Have you found yourself a new boyfriend yet?” he decided to ask. 
“Calum-” you began.
“You said not to bring up the past,” Calum argued. “This is the best I can do.” 
You shook your head at his words, giving in nonetheless. “No, I don’t,” you answered. 
“Are you not ready for one?” he asked. 
“I-” You took a moment to find the right words. “I need to work on myself before moving forward with someone else.” 
“Well, I don’t get that,” Calum commented with a snort. “You’re perfect, what could you possibly work on?”
You choked out a dry laugh, though there was no humor behind it. “Quite a bit, I’d say,” you confessed. “Calum, I was a mess, I still am. I can’t put someone through that again.” 
“You didn’t put me through anything,” Calum persisted. “And now that you mention us, I can’t recall anything that you did wrong in that relationship. It was all me.”
“No Calum!” you raised your voice, standing up abruptly. He quickly followed, standing up to meet your frustrated, tired eyes. “It was me. And I’m tired of you insisting otherwise.” 
“You said that I was always gone,” Calum reminded you, his voice matching the same volume as yours. “I don’t see anything that involves you in that.” 
You threw your hands in the air. “Because I was needy!” you exclaimed. “And I was pushy, and I hated being alone all the time–”
“But I’m right here!” he yelled back. You took a step back in shock. He was never one to raise his voice at you, even when you fought in the past. It was your throat that got raw in those arguments from having a shouting match against yourself and losing hopelessly. “Goddammit y/n I’m right here. And I promised you that night that I would always be here if that’s what you wanted.” 
Tears began to stream down your face as you pulled your hair in anger. “You don’t understand, Calum,” you cried out. 
“Then help me understand!” Calum took a step closer to you, taking your hands in his. His brown eyes were desperate, searching yours for an answer. “Please, sunshine, let me in.” 
For a moment, you almost faltered. You nearly gave in at his sweet words and use of that old nickname. But Tia remained in the back of your mind, and guilt sunk in once more.
You released yourself from his touch, looking away from his eyes. “You can’t call me that anymore,” you whispered to him. “I can’t, Calum. I just can’t.” 
Calum watched you back away hopelessly. “y/n,” he sighed.
“I’m leaving for Boston in two days,” you told him. “I’m sure Ash told you that already, though. I overstayed my welcome at my friend’s house. I should start packing.”
The bassist followed you to the gate of the park. “But I feel like we should talk about this,” Calum pleaded. 
Your fingertips grazed the gate, the cool metal sending shivers down your spine. “I’ll see you at the party, Calum.” 
When you told the boys the date you were going back to Boston, Ashton jumped at the opportunity to throw you a goodbye party. In addition to catching up with you and spending every moment available with you, the boys insisted on planning the “biggest party of the century” for your departure. 
“I still don’t see the necessity for all of this,” you told the three boys with a shake of your head. 
“Trust us,” Ashton said with a wild grin. “We all need this.” 
So here you were, casually sipping your cocktail in the corner of Ashton’s home while their exquisite rager took the house by storm. Sierra and Crystal stayed by your side throughout the night, insisting  to keep up with each other while you were away. This time, you made sure to not end contact with them the way you did last time. Tia had also been in the group but left some time ago to deal with something. 
“Are you sure you have to leave?” Luke asked, pouting dramatically. “L.A. isn’t the same without you here, n/n.” 
You ruffled his hair playfully. The singer was always a little brother to you, no matter how close in age the two of you were. “I do, bub,” you said in a sorry voice. “I don’t think my boss could stand another week without me in the studio.” 
“Then move back to this location!” Michael proposed, raising his glass and nearly spilling his drink on the floor. “Transferring wouldn’t be a bad idea, would it? The studio would love to have you back, producing and doing whatever else you do.” 
You laughed at Michael’s drunken state. You were having a lot of fun relishing in the last few moments with your friends before leaving them once again. You almost didn’t realize the shouting that was going on in the dining room of Ashton’s home. 
The entire group ran to the source of the noise to find Calum standing on the dining table with Tia pleading for him to get down.
“Calum, babe, please,” Tia shouted. “You’re causing a scene.” 
All guests turned to see what was going on, especially to see why the bassist of 5 Seconds of Summer was shouting complete intelligible nonsense. 
Ashton ran towards the edge of the table. “Mate, you need to get down,” he begged hurriedly. “You’re not thinking straight, you need to get down before you get hurt.”
“No,” Calum insisted, his words slurring slightly due to his inebriated state. “I need everyone to listen to me.” 
Someone had managed to find the speaker and turn it off so everyone could hear Calum. Your heart was beating out of your chest, not from the alcohol buzzing through your system, but because of the drunk boy standing before you. 
Calum raised his cup to the crowd. “I’d like to raise a toast to the girl who broke my heart,” he announced sloppily. “The “heartbreak girl” herself, y/n l/n.” Calum clapped loudly. He was the only one who was clapping while you stood there in shock and humiliation. “I loved you, you know?” he sniffed. “And I bloody well still do. Tia’s great, though. Absolutely nothing wrong with you, Tia, I hope you know that. But you’re not the one. y/n right here, she’s the one.” 
His brown eyes, red from drinking and smoking God knows what, teared up as he looked down at you. “But what I can’t figure out is why won’t she love me?” Calum threw back the rest of his drink and winced at how strong it was. “I was getting ready to propose to you, you know?” he told you. “I had the ring in my pocket, and I was just waiting for the perfect moment.” Calum chuckled to himself bitterly. “Guess I fucked that up tremendously.”
“Calum, stop,” you pleaded. 
“Why should I?” he asked you incredulously. “You didn’t stop packing your things when I asked you to. You didn’t stop running when I chased after you in the dark. You didn’t stop when you booked that flight across the country to run away from me.” 
Tears were streaming down your face now. “It wasn’t like that, Cal,” you cried. “W-we broke up for a reason-”
“And that’s what I can’t wrap my head around!” he shouted. “You barely gave me a reason! You told me you never saw me anymore. I was willing to make more time for you, to end my career for you, to get down on one knee and be with you, and that wasn’t enough! There had to be another reason-”
“There wasn’t, Cal!” you sobbed. “So drop it, please.” 
Silence spread throughout the whole house. No one moved an inch, too shocked to make a single sound or move. All that could be heard was the sounds of your messy sobs that you failed to keep in. Cal dropped his cup and gestured his hands at you. 
“The Heartbreak Girl, everyone,” he announced with a broken sigh. “Hope you enjoyed this one hell of a show, with your heartbroken host, Calum Thomas Hood.”
You ran out of the house as fast as your feet could take you. The air was brisk in your lungs, but you didn’t care. You couldn’t care when the man you loved poured his heart out to you, only for you to squash it like it was nothing. 
“y/n!” you heard a voice call out for you. You whipped around to see Tia, scrambling to catch up to you. In the back, you could see the band -minus Calum- and their significant others peering out the glass door to see what was going on. 
Tia grabbed your hand tightly. “y/n, fuck, I’m so sorry about Calum,” she apologized, swearing profusely. “I don’t know what’s gotten into him. First we were talking about our relationship then-“
“Please, don’t bring up your relationship,” you cut her off, roughly shaking your head. “I know I gave you my blessing, but please I can’t bear to get my heart broken again.” 
“You don’t understand!” Tia pushed. “We don’t have a relationship to begin with! y/n, I never asked Calum to be my boyfriend, I just couldn’t. I couldn’t interfere with a love as great as yours and his.”
You stumbled backwards. “What?” 
Tia nodded, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “y/n, you and Calum are endgame, don’t you see? I only talked to him tonight to explain that you still loved him. I guess he was too caught up in the alcohol to think rationally.” 
“Tia,” you said, voice dripping in disappointment and dread. “That wasn’t your secret to tell him.”
“Were you going to say anything?” she shot back. “You weren’t, so I had to take matters into my own hands. n/n, I’m a firm believer in fate and second chances. This is your chance at making everything right-“ 
“But I can’t!” you cried, ripping your hand away from hers. “Don’t you get it? I’m the one that’s killing him! I put him through hell and I can’t continue to do that. Why can’t you see that I’m a fucked up mess that ruins everything I touch? I love Calum, I’ll never stop loving him, but I’m not blind enough to not see that my love is torturing him slowly.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose in frustration. Tears reappeared in the corner of your eyes, but you were too tired to wipe them away. “I’m never going to be enough for Calum,” you confessed. “That’s why I broke up with him. I can’t watch him waste his life away on a girl that’s only going to disappoint him. I’m not like you, Tia. I’m not perfect, or beautiful, or smart, or anything remotely interesting. And one day, Calum is going to see that and realize he missed his opportunity to find someone good for him, someone that he deserves.
“I don’t deserve him, Tia,” you finished in a broken whisper. “I never will. So I’d rather fade into the background and be a distant memory than become a face he can’t stand to look at.” 
“That’s not true,” Tia insisted, tears gracefully falling down her beautiful face. “y/n, you have to believe me when I say that’s not true.”
A car drove down the street, approaching the two of you. You let out a sigh of relief, recognizing it as your uber. “I don’t have to believe you,” you replied, opening the car door. “My word is all that I need.”
Calum woke up the next day with a pounding headache. He groaned aloud, sitting up on the couch and cradling his head. He wished he was drunk enough that night to forget everything that happened, but he remembered every single detail. From the beat of the bass from the stereo to the way your dress hugged your curves he loved to kiss and hold. 
He finally pushed you away, he realized. And for good, this time. Calum felt dread and regret rush through his system, and all he wanted was to crawl into his bed and sleep his life away. 
“You know grumbling isn’t going to cure a hangover,” Tia’s reprimanding voice rang through the living room. 
Tia. Calum jumped up to face her where she had been leaning against the door frame.
“Oh Ti,” he sighed, covering his face in embarrassment. “I’m so sorry for last night, I must have humiliated you. I’m a right idiot, and I’m so sorry I put you through that.” 
“Oh shut up,” Tia laughed, walking over to him and sitting him down. “I can’t say that I wasn’t hurt, but I also can’t say I was surprised with how things turned out.” Calum hung his head low, ashamed of his behavior. He never wanted to hurt either of you. “Cal, you don’t have to be so sullen. It’s okay, there’s no hard feelings or bad blood between us.”
When Calum couldn’t bring himself to respond, Tia decided to take it a step further. “I always knew you loved her,” she confessed. “That’s why I brought it up to you last night. I wanted both of you to work things out. She really does love you.” 
Calum let out a bitter laugh. “She sure has a way of showing it,” he muttered. “Tia, don’t make me feel worse by feeding me lies. It hurts enough that I hurt both of you, don’t make it worse by saying that bullshit.” 
“I’m telling the truth!” she fought back. “y/n still loves you, she told me that herself.”
“Then why did she break up with me?” Calum retorted. “If her love never left the table, where was it when she broke things off? Correct me if I’m wrong, Tia, but I don’t think that’s how you treat the people you supposedly love.” 
Tia screwed her eyes shut, heaving out a sigh. “She loved you so much, she thought you deserved more,” Tia finally explained. “She let you go so that you could find someone better, someone who makes you happier.” 
“That doesn’t make sense,” Calum shook his head, eyebrows furrowed in thought. “How could she think that? No one could be better than her, um, no offense.” Tia snorted at the last part. “If anything, I thought I didn’t deserve her.”
“Well you’re both idiots,” Tia deadpanned. “You two clearly love each other more than life itself but were too blind to see you were perfect for each other.” 
Calum’s shoulders caved in as he drowned in his thoughts. His hangover headache was piercing his skull but he couldn’t care less. He couldn’t process why you’d ever think so lowly of yourself when he praised the ground you walk on. 
“How can I go back to her and repair things when I never realized she was hurting?” he asked. “Why would she ever want me back when I wasn’t there at her lowest? All the signs were there. She stopped calling me every night to talk about her day while I was away. She’d dodge my Facetimes with bullshit excuses that I failed to point out.” Calum huffed to himself, beating himself up critically. “What makes you think I won’t fuck up again when she needs me?”
“Because you’ve learned from your mistakes before,” Tia told him, rubbing his arm soothingly. “And you can learn from them again. That’s what I like about you, Cal. You always made an effort to better yourself, no matter the challenge. And if you truly love her, you’re going to end up fine.” 
Calum smiled softly at Tia’s words, raising his chin to look her in the eyes. “I love her so much,” he whispered. The bassist took her hand, squeezing it affectionately. “I’m sorry things didn’t work out with us, Ti,” he apologized genuinely. “I really do hope you find someone who is willing to lay down their life for you.” 
“I’ve watched two lovers reconnect like no time has passed at all,” Tia smiled back. “Trust me, I have the groundwork laid out for what’s ahead of me.” 
Suddenly, Calum’s phone began to ring. Lunging towards the arm of the couch, Calum pulled his phone off the charger and read the caller ID. Eyes wide, he looked at Tia who gave him a knowing look. 
“I’ll start the car.” 
You opened your eyes, immediately squinting at the bright light. You were met once again with the familiar feeling of a skull splitting headache and aching ankle. 
“Must you always get yourself into these situations?” 
You turned to face those brown eyes and cheeky smile you adored. Calum shook his head in disbelief, taking your hand in his. “I thought you said you’d change your emergency contact,” he said in a scolding tone. 
Your face was on fire at his words. “I forgot,” you told him honestly. 
Once again, you ended up in the hospital with similar injuries to what you received at the beginning of your trip. But instead of a car accident, you’d clumsily fallen down the stairs on the way to your Uber to the airport. Luckily a neighbor next door heard the ruckus and loaded you into the Uber straight to the hospital. 
“Or it’s fate,” Calum suggested, resting his hand on the side of your head. 
“Calum,” you tried to counter.
He stopped you instantly. “I know why you ended things,” he simply told you. “And I think I deserve a say in it.” Closing your mouth, you let him speak. “You’re wrong, y/n. You do deserve me as much as I deserve you. And I love you no matter what. I don’t need a famous celebrity as my partner when I have you in my life. None of that superficial stuff matters to me, y/n, you know that. And I know that for as long as I live and you forget to change your emergency contact list, I’ll always come for you.” 
Your heart fluttered, and you allowed yourself to feel hope for the both of you. “But what if someday down the line you want more?” you asked in a small voice. 
Calum blinked away his tears. “What more can I want?” he said in response. “You’re all I want, y/n. I’m so sorry I ever made you doubt that.” 
“Don’t apologize,” you laughed, tears beginning to fall, too. “It was my stupid brain that made me doubt in the first place.” 
Calum leaned in, his lips brushing against yours. “So is that it?” he asked. “Are we done doubting? Will you finally come home, y/n? Be with me forever?” 
You raised your hand to cup his cheek. He instinctively leaned into your touch. “With you,” you told him surely. “I’m always home. I’m yours, Calum Hood.” 
if you enjoyed, please like and reblog! it would mean a lot to me <3
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dreamcafes · 7 months
wanna be yours | l.h
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luke hemmings x fem!reader
summary: luke had his eyes on you from the moment you met him so, it killed him when you couldn’t take the hint that he was in love with you.
warnings: two oblivious people in love, my bad writing, mentions of a lot of drinking
a/n: someone asked for jealous and protective luke ??? say no more. feedback is appreciated ! ALSO didn’t exactly turn out how i originally thought but it’s a good start !! enjoy !!
requests open
not proofread
Copyright © 2023 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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there is a scene in a movie where the lead character and the love interest lock eyes.
they lose sight of everything around them, leaving just each other in focus. you never liked seeing those kinds of movies, thought it was cliche, and never believed in love at first sight. if you're being honest, it was overdone, unrealistic, and plain annoying.
but, it was fate that it would fall on you.
you didn't enjoy parties because there were too many people there, you didn't like drinking, and people were making out all over the place, some of whom were newlyweds and others who were having affairs. you hated being messy, and gatherings were messy. also, you made an effort to limit the number of your friends because you found it uncomfortable to be surrounded by so many people.
but ashton, your best friend, pleaded with you to attend this particular gathering. hours would pass, and just when you thought he had finished pleading, he would resume. so you gave in.
that’s how you found yourself at ashton's house, sitting in your car, staring at your phone, and observing the passing of time. It had been over fifteen minutes since you had first decided whether or not to do this. hearing the faint music emanating from the house, your chest felt constricted. you pushed open the car door and walked over to the home. attempting to summon the guts to enter by standing outside the front door.
when the door opened, there was a strong odor of alcohol, as well as loud music and conversation. while searching among the throng of individuals swaying their bodies against one another to find your friend, you regretted your decision to agree. when you eventually located the man after searching the kitchen, the other person standing by his side immediately caught your eye.
everything around you vanished in an instant, leaving you only able to concentrate on the man with whom you had just locked eyes. wonderfully curled hair, flawless skin, eyes the color of the sea, and just enough of his white silk shirt's buttons were undone to make you flustered. he was stunning. all of a sudden, the room contained only you and him. there was only you and him; nothing else or anyone else was important.
but you were pulled from that thought As ashton grabbed your wrist and said, "cmon!", you were jolted out of your trance-like state. ”i gotta introduce you to everyone!" the australian cheered and dragged you into the kitchen where everyone was standing; all of a sudden, you were the center of attention. you waved to the small group of people while saying, "guys, this is my amazing friend, y/n," feeling a little uncomfortable at the unexpected focus. “y/n, this is calum, michael, crystal, sierra, and luke,” ashton said as he made an introduction.
the small group of individuals exchanged smiles, and you shook hands with each person before approaching luke with a gentle "hello."
your palm touched his, you prayed he wouldn't notice your flushed cheeks, and you both nodded. he was the most stunningly handsome person you had ever seen, by a long shot. ashton once again grabbed your arm away and dragged you out of the kitchen before you had a chance to continue admiring his attractiveness. while waving the group off, you glanced over your shoulder. You weren't angry with ashton since he knew you'd never tried something like this and that you were making a big step by doing so. he also needed a reason to prove to his buddies that you were real and an important part of his life.
at night's end, you were sitting in ashton's backyard, lounging around the pool, admiring the reflection as lights danced across the water of the pool. even though roughly half of the people left, music continued to play. people said he would always throw the nicest parties, and now you understood why. but you simply weren't made for this situation; you were too uncomfortable and worn out from engaging with everyone for so long. You simply wanted to return home, binge-watch your favorite movie in the coziness of your bed, and eat some frozen pizza.
the word "hey" surprised you and made you flinch just a little. your eyes landed on the person standing above you, holding one cup while concealing the other in his pocket. luke apologized for the quick response, "oh, sorry, i thought you heard me," but you just shook your head. you shrugged and turned to face the swimming pool, saying, "no, it's alright, was just thinking." there was a little period of silence since neither of you knew exactly what to say. you had just recently met. “do you want a drink?” he asked. “oh, no thanks,” you said as you once again looked up at him. “i'm not really a drinker.” the blonde let out a gentle laugh. "but you came a party?" while scratching your forehead, you chuckled alongside him. “well, ashton is a push-“ over. yeah. that he is," luke continued your sentence and you laughed. “i think i’m heading home now, im way too tired to stay much longer”. you got out of the lawn chair facing luke.
his mind began racings, he didn’t want the conversation to end just yet. he had to think of something so he could see you more. “do you need a ride?”
your hands were crossed, and your eyes darted back to his and then to the cup in his grasp. "thanks for the offer, but I just live ten minutes away," you said. he extended his hand to you after giving you a nod and pulling it from his pocket. “it was lovely meeting you, y/n,” “you too, luke”
you had no intention of seeing luke again after that. you had your friend group, ashton had his own, and you happened to be a part of both. you had no intention of ever returning to another party unless you absolutely had to be there; that atmosphere wasn't for you. it was too much for you, and you just wished ashton would be more considerate of your decision. you knew he wanted you around; you'd been best friends since high school, and it was difficult for you both to have separate lives.
but fate had something else in store for you.
it was subtle when you first became aware of his presence. you ran into him a few times in town, which wasn't unusual. but then he'd show up at your job, or he'd find his way into the same restaurant you were in. it was amusing at first because what are the chances you'd keep meeting like this?
so you confronted him one day. “you know, if you keep this up you’ll have to take me out for coffee” you started, putting down the record you pick up. this was one of the many times you had run into luke while running errands. this time, the both of you ended up in a local record store. you heard him chuckle softly before turning to you, “are you asking me out on a date?” he leans against the shelf raising his eyebrow. you shrug, “more like telling you to take me out” he nods, leaning in closer. “i see..then i guess i’ll see you tomorrow?”
you and luke are two opposites but somehow you two hit it off
he drinks while you don’t.
despite your differences, you detested parties, and luke's life was spent drinking; not you. you've never thought that opposites attract. yet it was odd because as time went on, you discovered that you were rather similar. you and luke had a lot in common, and you got along just well. it was never dull or tiring since the two of you could converse for as long as it took, even until the sun rose. you frequently found yourself stranded in ashton's or calum's backyard, relaxing on the chairs after talking until the wee hours of the morning like you were adolescents.
each time the two of you are in close contact, there is tension. You adored the quiet glances you two shared. It was much more enjoyable because it seemed as though the two of you were barred from being together.
It was never meant to go this far. You'd been hanging out with Luke for quite some time. you've been wanting to be with him every other day for at least a few months now, waiting for his texts or calls saying he wanted to hang out or if he found a new restaurant he thinks you'd like. or the way he'd subconsciously hold the small of you back while leading you through a crowded area, or how he'd always go out of his way to make sure you got home safely.
it was never supposed to escalate this quickly.
you found yourself wanting to hang out with him even more, wondering if Luke would be there when ashton asked you to hang out. You started thinking about him all the time.
that's when it started getting more complicated. you knew something between you changed after being with him so long. and although you knew how it changed you, you were too scared to jeopardize anything between you not when it was fresh.
truthfully, you just displayed to him, that you'd always be available. you could say no to anyone who had ever asked you out because of your newfound feelings for luke. but you couldn't tell him that, it was too soon. but even then, you couldn't get the sound of his laugh out of your mind, or the way your name rolled off his tongue like it was meant to be there. you couldn't stop picturing what it would be like to lay in his arms, limbs tangled together as he sang you the sweetest lullaby.
unknown to you, luke made an effort to avoid you in the beginning because he knew he couldn't control himself with you. no matter how hard he tried to hide himself from you or push you away, you always managed to find a way into his head like an addictive substance. as you were the most gorgeous person he had ever seen, he wanted to shield you from all harm and evil in the world and would do whatever it took to ensure that everyone knew the two of you belonged together.
but, did you know that?
you began to watch him from then on, looking for clues that could point you in the right direction. you'd noticed him fiddling with his rings, then grazing over the leg of his jeans or joggers, slipping his hand between you on the couch. his hand would inch across the seat, pausing now and then. then he'd retreat without much thought, preferring to rest his hand on his thigh rather than bother with yours.
nothing would have made you happier than to come across his hand. any action would be preferable to simply waiting for him to take the initiative and pleading with your eyes as if it would help. you contemplated inviting him over, striking up a conversation, or even touching his hand. Instead, you remained silent despite your strong desire to speak but your inability to do so.
you have no idea how or why you began to feel more confident around luke; you were the shy and reserved friend before meeting him, but you changed completely after meeting him. and you knew people would judge you for it, saying things like, "oh, i can't believe you'd changed yourself for a guy!" however, this was not the case. he made you feel something that you couldn't put into words. maybe he inspired you to be someone you've never been before.
you were standing outside ashton's door, picking at your nails, debating whether this was a good idea. you were dressed differently than usual, wearing a tight dress with a large leather jacket over it to try to hide your body.
something like this was extremely unusual for you, and you may have been an idiot to dress like this for a man who probably only thought of you as a friend. but it had to be worth a shot, right?
you let yourself in, the music was blaring and the pungent smell of liquor was all too familiar to you. you pushed through the people and eventually got to ashton’s living room where everyone else was. they all cheered and greeted you.
ashton hugged you first and said a bunch of drunk incoherent words about how happy he was to see you. then you greeted luke with a warm while which he reciprocated. “happy birthday luke” you said, he nodded. “thank you, y/n”.
after the small reunion, the group dissolved. everyone was off doing their own thing. you found yourself standing outside, a cup in your hand filled with whatever you found. the night air was a bit chilly which caused you to curse at yourself mentally for wearing such a short dress.
“you look nice.” luke’s voice rang as he came up behind you. You looked over your shoulder and spotted him. “thanks.” you smiled, and he raised his eyebrow. “you dress up that pretty for me?” he was standing next to you now, his comment and proximity were enough to make you blush. “and what if i did?” you retorted. luke smirked, “i’d be thankful because you look so good in that dress.”
he leaned closer, keeping eye contact with you.
he was so close to you that your heart began to beat quickly. you were attempting to read him while his eyes were staring right through you. there are two possible outcomes here. one of two things will happen: either someone will interrupt you like in a cliché movie, or he has the ideal opportunity to kiss you right now.
he leans in even closer, saying, "i'd even say that you should start dressing like this too, it suits you." you felt the blood rush to your cheeks.
kiss me. please. just do it
you wanted him to make the first move because this moment had the chance to change everything. you didn't want to appear so desperate. luke must have noticed your begging expression because he started leaning in again, this time only a few centimeters from your lips.
oh, god. it’s happening. it’s happen-
“come on man, it's time for you to open your presents!" michael interrupted the situation by shouting from the kitchen. you sighed as you saw luke leave. you could almost sense the disappointment in his eyes as he turned to look at you to check if you were following him.
“okay, and it seems the last one is from….y/n!” michael and calum handed over the large box to luke.
luke unwrapped the box, displaying the guitar case as you watched. he looked perplexed as he tried to imagine what you may have given him. the one guitar he had been dreaming about was waiting for him when he opened the case. "y/n.." He takes the guitar in his hands and places it on his lap.
everyone who was gathered around him suddenly turned to look at you. he is the last one to do so.
"you bought this?" He asks, and you nod while beaming broadly. he had never looked so startled to you. how did you know, exactly? “how…how did you?” he trailed off.
"well, you talked about it for so long, and occasionally i caught you looking it up. so i thought, why not get it for you?“ you responded.
luke stood up and hurried to you after putting the red guitar back in its case. you were engulfed by his arms, spinning you. "im grateful. I have never gotten a present better than that. I promise i’ll treasure it” he smiles, “i know you will luke”.
and for the rest of the night, everything went great. until it didn’t.
"y/n," ashton said, pulling you out of your thoughts.
"hm?" he had a mischievous smile on his face as you dropped your phone to your lap. "have you ever tried playing the drums?" "no?" you shook your head. It came out as a question as if you were asking yourself a question. "why?" he approached you and reached for your wrist. "you're about to!"
ashton was perched on the stool and sat you down on his lap, having handed you his drumsticks and demonstrated how to hold them properly as his hands caressed yours. he explained that he would only have you play a simple beat. he taught you the basics and then let you play a few beats on your own. you didn't notice how close ashton was, how his breath tickled your spine, or how delicately his hand held yours.
you two were laughing because you couldn't play because you had almost no rhythm. "this is exactly why you guys are musicians," you laughed, rising from ashton's lap and returning his sticks. "nah, practice enough and you'll get good enough to join the band," he winked.
luke watched the scene unfold in front of him, how close ashton was, the way he eyed you like you were some kind of prey. his hand was supporting his chin, his elbow was resting on the couch arm, and his jaw was locked. luke began tapping his finger impatiently against his cheek, were you so oblivious? everyone was making moves toward you, and you didn't even look at him? he pushed himself off the sofa and out of the room to get some fresh air. if he was in there any longer he would explode.
he hated the fact that, despite your lack of effort, you had him in your grasp. luke hated how near the guys were to you and how they treated you like they were hunting prey. how did you not notice how they eyed you? how the other boys treated you like some kind of object. especially ashton.
we’re you so oblivious to their advances? did you not see how luke wanted to rip you away from them and keep you all to himself?
did you even notice his attempts to try and win you?
He wanted the world to know how badly he wanted you, how you were his, and that despite his best efforts to deny it, he was falling in love with you. Luke had difficulty accepting it, but he would go to the ends of the earth for you.
“what was that about?” you ask, after watching luke exit the room. calum shrugged, “who knows. it’s luke” he didn’t look at you as he was nose deep in his phone. you looked around the room, everyone seemed not interested. “he probably left because ashton was feeling you up” someone added. you huffed, grabbed your jacket, and walked outside to the patio.
you saw his silhouette and walked up to him. “luke?” he didn’t respond and you walked closer. “lu?” you spoke the nickname you had given him. he finally turned back to look at you.
you saw that look in his eyes, the only look he had when looking at you. “luke, what’s going on? why’d you walk out like that? did i do something wrong?” his back was still turned to you, refusing to look at you. “you just don’t get it, do you?” he still wouldn’t face you. “get what, luke? the fact that you’re ignoring me in front of everyone and leaving me in the dark.” you were feeling frustrated, upset that he wouldn’t even look at you. “god, luke, just look at me!” you grabbed his arm, spinning him around so he’d have to look at you now.
“talk to me.” you pleaded. your eyes begging as you stared into his blue eyes. luke hated it, he hated how you had him in the palm of your hand ready to do anything for you if you’d just say the words. he detested that no matter how hard he tried, it would always be you. “oh, baby,” his hand caressed your cheek. “don’t make me spell it out for you…you know i want you”
“what?” you were only able to mutter, feeling the heat take over your face. maybe it was the liquor, or maybe it just was the fact that he said those words. you opened your mouth to say something but he cut you off. “every fucking day, I wish you were mine- every single goddamned day.”
you removed his hand from your cheek, silently missing his touch. “how was i supposed to know you felt more for me than just a friend, lu?” you saw his brows furrow. “you never explicitly told me, you wanted me..why?” you trailed off, you watched as he tried to come up with an explanation. “you never, ever, use your words like.”
you watched as he examined your face. you were mad but calm. it scared him, we’re you about to reject him? “for someone who writes songs for his job, he would be able to express his feelings freely. i guess not.”
“how did you expect me to decipher the hundred different ways you look in my direction? this isn’t just on me yknow. luke goes quiet, his eyes looking deeper into your eyes than before.
“i thought my actions would say all they needed to” you reply, “i thought you were just acting as a friend? you and all the guys act the same” luke locks his jaw, balling his fits by his side. “they act that way because they want to fuck you y/n.” you look taken aback legging out a scoff.
“so what about you, then?” “what about me?” “are you acting this way because you want to fuck me?” you smirk as luke realizes he backed himself into a corner.
“i—no? that’s not what—fuck.” he runs his hand through his hair. “let me start over. y/n, i’m sorry i wasn’t honest and i’m sorry i didn’t use my words. but i want you more than a friend should and i need to know, do you want me that way too?” you try to hide your smile while you step closer and wrap your arms around his neck. “see now was that so hard?”
he looks down at you, raising his eyebrow. “you didn’t answer the question.” you let the smile take over fully. “luke hemmings i have been tripping over my feet since the day we first met. yes, i very much want you too.”
he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, allowing him to peck your lips. “i was hoping you’d say that”
(and you can predict the end u filthy ppl<3)
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dreamcafes · 7 months
i like thursdays
pairing: luke hemmings x booktuber! reader (fc: steph bohrer) description: y/n is a booktuber and and y/n starts to fangirl over luke. things take an unexpected turn and luke starts to become a regular visitor in y/n's youtube channel.
a/n: thank u so much @alonetimelover for the inspo! i really loved your harry styles x booktuber! reader smau, so i wanted to do a luke one myself 🫶 and special thanks to @gladexmuses for always supporting my work! i appreciate it immensely 🤍
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Liked by ynfan945, ynfan103 and 48,963 others
yourinstagram you'll never catch me without a book… swipe to the next slide for a sneak peek of whose book recommendations i am reading atm...
and the last slide is my mood currently bc one of those books keeps breaking my SOUL 🥲 i'll upload it on thursday as usual. so take a guess who the celebrity is in question! here's a few hints: blonde, singer... 🤫
View all 120 comments
ynfan95 thursdays are my fave bc of u 💞
ynfan304 A LITTLE LIFE?? is that someone okay??
yourinstagram 🥹🥲
ynfan241 TAYLOR SWIFT???
ynfan382 sabrina carpenter??! or niall horan???
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Liked by ynfan39, ynfan23 and 56,594 others
yourinstagram it's thursday & u know what that means...i uploaded a new video ❤️‍🩹 some of you guessed but...i read books that Luke Hemmings has recommended and that man has definitely faced the things he turned away from...the link is in bio <3
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yourinstagram and hey remember that i won't upload new videos for the next two thursdays since i am on a holiday! see u soon though 🫶
twilightmomentswithlu 'that man has definitely faced the things he turned away from...' LMAOOOO
iknowitwellcal Did you listen to WFTTWTAF?
yourinstagram yes. and it broke my heart in pieces. it was everything.
iknowitwellcal Favorite song?
yourinstagram bloodline or saigon 💔
lukesredline23 the taste is IMMACULATE
ynfan405 You sobbing to every book was a mood honestly
yourinstagram i mean...how could you not???
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Liked by calumsshoes, ynfan934 and 2,963 others
5sos.updates Luke talked about the user readwithyn's YouTube video in Zach Sang show which 5sos attended. In case you did not know, Y/N did a YouTube video where she read every single book Luke has ever recommended. Luke revealed that he now has the 'reading bug'.
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pookieluke poor lu got so flustered :( <3
tooyoungtoodumb5sos "I mean, why would anyone read what I've recommended?" I AM CRYING 😭😭
paintedheartonthesidewalk the man needs a confidence boost for real
disconnected!5sos i absolutely died when zach asked if luke had slid into her dm's and he looked so CONFUSED poor man!!!
redlinelrh I need to know if he slid into her dm's or not 🤯
pookieluke i mean it's luke, if he did, he would have reread the message 10000x times and then sent it :(
redlinelrh Or another option is that the boys encouraged him to send the message???
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Liked by lukehemmings, ynfan23 and 62,495 others
yourinstagram i've found my sweet escape when i'm alone with you
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ynfan29 You're so beautiful 😭❤️
ynfan203 Someone has been listening to 5sos I see 👀
yourinstagram yeaahh, i'm obsessed with their entire discography 😮‍💨🫶
lukehemmings A good taste in books and music. Also sorry for ruining your life
yourinstagram you're forgiven if you keep releasing bangers after bangers
lukehemmings We're doing our best!
ynfan45 what is THE luke hemmings doing here????
yourinstagram 🥹🥹💞
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Liked by yourinstagram, ashtonirwin and 390,384 others
lukehemmings On the road
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emotionalblenderluke i'm living for the converse content king
tears!5sos Luke reading Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo was not in my 2023 bingo cards 😳
yourinstagram you're the prettiest man i've ever seen
lukehemmings Any tips to make me prettier?
yourinstagram nope...just do you!
liked by lukehemmings and 240 others
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Liked by lukehemmings, ynfan203, and 71,483 others
yourinstagram i traveled all the way to LA see 5sos play. and it was so worth it 🥳🌹💖
View all 204 comments
lukehemmings Glad you enjoyed it 🤘🖤
yourinstagram i mean...how could i not?? thanks for the entertainment 🥰
lukehemmings Of course! Did you have a favorite song?
yourinstagram oh gosh....i loved caramel and vapor!! and ofc ghost of you 🥺🫶 and teeth!! u have too many amazing songs just to pick one
liked by lukehemmings and 204 others
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Liked by lukehemmings, ynfan986, and 89,213 others
yourinstagram i woke up. and went back to bed. this is 3 hrs later. and now i'm late
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ynfan304 you are such a mood honestly
lukehemmings 😳😍🔥
yourinstagram 🥹🙌🏼
ynfan875 You're so gorgeous it's unfair
jbhtilthedayidie Luke is simping and I can't blame him 😮‍💨
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Liked by calumsshoes, ynfan934 and 2,963 others
5sos.updates Luke seen before tonight's show!
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bloodlinelrh who is that with him?
5sos.updates We're trying our hardest to seek information, but at the moment we have no clue. Might be a friend, cousin, whomever who we don't know! The options are endless.
besideash such a cutie ☹️💞
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Liked by yourinstagram, ashtonirwin and 359,421 others
lukehemmings I like thursdays
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calumhood Cool
ashtonirwin Thanks for the information Luke, I really needed it
michaelclifford i swear you didn't like thursdays before, what changed?
lukehemmings 🫣
yourinstagram 🤩🦋💖
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Liked by lukehemmings, ynfan203 and 94,297 others
yourinstagram i had the holiday of my dreams <3 since it's over, it means that i'll upload a new video on thursday ☺️ see u then loves!
View all 384 comments
ynfan64 THIS!!!!!
ynfan575 y/n in her lover era 🌟❤️❤️
yourinstagram this is actually the cutest thing ever ☹️💞
ynfan293 Can't wait for the new video <33
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Liked by yourinstagram, caramelcal and 345,843 others
lukehemmings So rad
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ynfan92 There is no way that isn't Y/N???
visceralfeelings I mean Luke’s caption on his last pic would make sense if it was Y/N?
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Liked by lukehemmings, ynfan126, and 102,963 others
yourinstagram 🔉🔉 it's thursday! my 2nd ever day in my life vlog is now up! hope you like it :)
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ashtonirwin Had such a fun night! Let me know when you're hosting a wine night again 😎
yourinstagram of course! loved having you :)
lukehemmings I watched it. And liked it 🤩
yourinstagram yay 🥳
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Liked by mikeysguitar, ynfan201, and 2,963 others
5sos.updates A screenshot of Luke and Ashton in readwithyn's vlog!
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ashtonsunshine Fanfiction brought to life
ynfan39 oh my god i think y/n and luke are together???
oscodefender i hope they are :((( y/n seems like such a sweetheart
hemmingscinema It was so weird to see them just casually hanging out with people and giggling in some vlog?? ughh I just love them?? I hope we see more of them in Y/N's vlogs 🤭
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Liked by lukehemmings, ynfan203, and 155,451 others
yourinstagram u guys have been bombing me with questions. so here's an q&a for u little munchkins (with a very special quest) 🧸❤️‍🩹 the link is in my bio!
View all 460 comments
nitswmike You picking Lover of Mine as one of your fav 5sos songs is the reason I trust you
yourinstagram hehe thankss!!
babylonluke You should rank 5sos songs next
yourinstagram omg yes!! lover of mine defo didn't belong in the B tier???!
y/s/nownsmyheart I love you and Luke 🥺❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
yourinstagram 🥺❤️
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Liked by yourinstagram, 5sos and 469,467 others
lukehemmings The secret's out. Please go and watch Y/N's newest YouTube video 🥰❤️
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ynfan309 You need to film a video of you reading together PLEASE
lukehemmings Sounds like a plan? @ yourinstagram
yourinstagram i'd love that!
ynfan12 couple goals 😍
crystalleigh oh god you are adorable!! 💖🫶🏼
ynfan395 i'm coming for your girlfriend 🥵
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Liked by lukehemmings, y/s/n.islife, and 199,535 others
yourinstagram my fav everything 🧸🌟🎸❤️
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caramelcal Y'ALL I NEED AIR
ynfan23 too cute 😭😭😭
ashtonirwin You two beautiful souls
lukehemmings And my favorite everything ❤️
yourinstagram ily 🫶
lizhemmings Wow, a beautiful picture
yourinstagram thank you ❤️
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Liked by lukehemmings, ynfan203, and 194,435 others
yourinstagram A SURPRISE VLOG! 🌟 we read 6 books that ultimately shattered our hope in the humankind. there's not enough words in the world to describe the journey we went through...i hope you enjoy our rants though, the link is in the bio as always <3
View all 574 comments
lukehemmings Never reading those books ever again
yourinstagram preach 🙌🏼
karma5sos i need someone to read books with too :( even if they are horrible ones
almondmilkhunni literally i have never giggled as much to a youtube video than i did to this lmaooo, love u 2
yourinstagram thank u so much, i'm glad u enjoyed it lol 🥹🥰
michaelclifford i've never heard luke being so passionate about books wth??
lukehemmings I'm a changed man, pal
yourinstagram @ michaelclifford just wait until he starts to analyze books when the tour continues 😉
calumhood Oh jeez, can't wait for that one
© 2023 bloodhoundluke.
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dreamcafes · 7 months
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ur camera roll if ashton was ur boyfriend ❥
394 notes · View notes
dreamcafes · 7 months
The boss ~ Louis Tomlinson (Prt 1)
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Summary - Louis manages his own record label, known as a professional boss. His newest assistant may be the thing to finally break that purely professional reputation.
- no real warning, that’s for part 2 😏🙌🏻
“This is your desk okay?” The slightly passive aggressive older woman, who looks like she’s only ever worked here, says. She’s looking at me like I’m an infant and she’s teaching me to use a spoon.
“This is your phone, you can eat lunch here or go out, it’s a half an hour break at 12:30, okay?” She’s nods her head at me like I’m 3.
“Yes Sheila, thank you for the help. Can I ask where the toilets are?”
“Yes my love, down the hall take a right. This here is Mr Tomlinsons office” she points to the door set into the wall across from us. The office is entirely black with massive windows, posters of celebrities taken here and record awards across the walls. His door has a small window in it, but I can already image his office being the size of my flat.
“He shouldn’t be disturbed, try not to go in unless he asks for you or you have something you know is of importance to him. He’s not really the, make friends with all the workers kind of boss, y’know?” She’s shrugs with a smile.
Everyone knew who he was, even if you didn’t like music. Coming from the biggest boy band in the world, to a massive solo career, to eventually creating his own record label before the age of thirty was one way to get respect. I didn’t even meet him in the interview, just two men in suits described as his “left hand men”, whatever that means.
Sitting down at my rather large desk, I’d been briefed on what to do in my second interview and in an email after getting the job.
I was to:
Answer any phone calls for Mr Tomlinson, put him through after asking if he is decent to speak.
Bring coffee and any other refreshments/ documents Mr Tomlinson may need.
Arrange meeting based on Mr Tomlinsons availability.
Inform Mr Tomlinson of these set meeting.
Discuss and assist him with transport and travel for every meeting he had.
Remind of important task and deadlines.
BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH… the list goes on. Menial tasks that when you have enough money, you pay someone to do for you. But by 10am, just an hour after coming in, I learned how busy one man can actually be. His calendar was booked, I was already getting emails and phone calls on whether he was available for podcasts, radio shows, interviews and even being sent the most random MP3 files that had been begged for him to listen to.
Overwhelming slightly, writing them all down as I had been told he wasn’t in the office yet. My palms were actually slightly sweaty, I was here because his four previous assistants had expressed “unacceptable behaviour of the sexual nature” to him and been fired rather quickly after that. I didn’t want to make a bad impression, like I was some crazy fan girl who signed up to the job to sleep with him.
At 10:30, he walks in and I soon understood why the sexual misconduct had occurred.
He walked with this confidence I’d never seen before, I guess that happens when a whole building full of people respect and want to impress you more than anyone else. He had these black skinny jeans on and a black hoodie, rather casual, suddenly making me feel overdressed in my knee length black dress and black wedges. It seemed to be how everyone in the office dressed except him, Sheila in a midi skirt and long sleeved top.
He was taller than I’d read about (of course I had to google him beforehand), looking at least 5,9/10, and his hair looked messily thrown and styled around his head. The smartest thing about him was his briefcase. My desk was right next to his office, whereas everyone else seemed to be more spread out. It was mostly just the most important men and women from marketing and business, there couldn’t have been more than five of us in the small area.
He smiled at them individually, some saying a polite hello and earning one back. He finally gets to my desk, looking down at me as I can feel myself getting a rush of anxiety. Do I put my hand out to shake it? I know I should introduce myself, right?
“Hiya, you must be y/n, I’m Louis” too late. He sticks his hand out as I rise from my seat doing the same, wanting to smooth my dress down but stopping myself. The rest of the room has gone back to work already, something unfamiliar to me coming from a drama filled, love a bit of gossip office. His hand is warm as it connects with my freezing one, he keeps eye contact and I realise I haven’t said anything yet.
“Hi, yeah I’m Y/N, I’m really looking forward to working with you” very professional, well done. He blinks and this cheeky, almost smirkish, type of smile spreads across his face.
“Just let me know if you need anything, it can get a bit hectic up here” he says, releasing my hand that I didn’t know was still holding his. Disappearing into his office, I’m feeling almost starstruck, but not like I’ve met a celebrity. Like I’ve actually been struck by a bolt of lightning.
Keeping my composure, I shake my head and get back on with my work of arranging meetings, he leaves his office once for lunch and other then bringing people in to for his meetings and the occasional coffee run, that’s the most I see of him till the next day.
~~ 6 weeks later ~~
He was right, it’s more hectic than I thought. People are constantly in and out either coming to see him or the other people in the shared space. The building is massive, right in the centre of London with at least 500 people working all across it. My office was on the very top floor where I could see all across London, making me feel less stir crazy when the seventh man that day had ‘told me to put my boss on the phone’ after I’d told him not twice already.
I’d actually learned Louis was rather friendly, he could be stern about something but not humiliate you over mistakes. I’d started going with the flow, taking my lunch break outside to the park three streets down and understanding who was important and who wasn’t. I learned how he liked his coffee, that he had a balcony attached to his office where he was allowed to smoke, what brand of cigarettes he did smoke, where to buy them and how often.
I was working late tonight, it was at least 8pm but I couldn’t get this schedule sorted. He had things overlapping, I also had to call people over in America who were just getting to work, rather than calling in the morning like I had been doing and finding out it was 7pm over there and they were long gone.
Being pitch black outside, I turned my lamp on for the first time since I’d gotten here. It dimly lit up my desk, the only other light coming from the street light, and Louis office. I never really knew how late he stayed, I knew he worked hard but I was always leaving by five and he was always still here.
“Yes sir, I’m wondering if we could rearrange your meeting with Louis Tomlinson? It’s currently on the 13 on January, however, I’ve noticed an overlap with another silent. Is the 17th of February possible for you?” I spoke down the phone to one of the owners of Sony, trying to be as polite as possible as, even though it was only November, I knew it wasn’t ideal to mess things around.
“Thank you sir, that’s great I’ll put that in the schedule…yes thank you, goodbye” I put the phone done, pulling town my seamless t-shirt I’d put on under my oversized knitted jumper for the day. Running my hands through my long, dark and now slightly wavy hair, after a day of pulling whereing off the straightening this morning.
“Y/n” my heart fell straight to my chair, startled and with a slight jump I looked to my left to find a smartly dressed, slightly stressed, Louis. His voice was deep and gravely, like he’d been talking and smoking for hours. The thick Doncaster accent coming out more than ever.
“Sorry didn’t mean to startle you” my body is turned towards him as he pokes half his body out of his large office door.
“Can I borrow you for a minute?” He says with a small smile, his blue eyes being lit up by my own office lamp.
“Yes, yes of course” I suddenly feel like I should put my jumper back on, not feeling quite as hot and bothered, or as alone, as I did the hour before. Scattering up, he waits for me to get to his door, holding it open for me. I pull my black, above the knee skirt down a little as I hear my heels clicking on the cream floor.
His office wasn’t as big as I’d expected, except for the massive balcony, it was rather cozy. He had sheets spread out across his desk with a warm beige lamp sat on the corner. With two leather chairs in front, one more comfortable looking one in the corner and his own brown leather one behind his desk. The room had a few plants in that i’d been asked to water every few days that somehow managed to get enough sunlight with the floor to ceiling windows across his back wall.
He sits on his chair as I pull one of the spare ones to his side. “What can I help with” I ask, looking at the chaotic mess on his desk.
“Right so” he begins, leaning down a little and picking up a piece of paper. “These kids are coming, some band called ‘The Health Fiasco’ whatever that is suppose to represent” he continues shaking his hand in the air, I laugh slightly. “They’re trying to make me come all the way to bloody Australia, when I’ve got a meeting in New York the day before?” He looks at me with a ‘wtf’ kind of face.
“Right well, one, stupid name means stupid band” I say, earning a laugh and a shake of his head. “Let me look at your schedule again” I say reaching over him.
I soon realize just how close our chairs were, our knees were slightly touching and I could feel how close he was to me when I reached over. Feeling slightly embarrassed and hoping to God he didn’t think I was pulling a move, I sat back in my seat. Staring over the paper in my hand when I feel him tap the top of my knee over and over again with the palm of his hand as he says “hold on you may need this” whilst handing me another piece of paper with his 2024 schedule on it.
He leans over my shoulder slightly and I can smell his aftershave mixed with the cigarettes and coffee I’d got him a few hours ago. His hand gently rubs against mine as he hands me the paper.
“So” he clears his throat slightly, “the flight to New York is at 8am and I’ve also got meeting all through Friday” his long, tattooed fingers run down the paper in front of me. Stop thinking about his fingers god y/n, he’s your boss for god sake this man has control of my livelihood.
“Yeah well we could move Sony around but I did just rearrange with him once” I say looking up, something I wish I hadn’t done.
His face, more specifically his lips, were impossibly close to me. He had leant in to see the paper next to me and now I could basically feel his breath on my face.
“Um, yeah, yes” he stuttered out “let’s not rearrange that again” he seemed..nervous? He hadn’t moved away yet and neither had I. Looking into his impossibly blue eyes, I could feel my heart getting a little faster. I was definitely reading this wrong, I was praying this wasn’t putting thoughts in his head of me being like his last assistant. The money was too good to loose this job.
“Anyway” I say, moving away quickly as he did the same with a deep breath. “Maybe we can move some of those meeting to the next day so you’re not as jet lagged”
We carried on like the world hadn’t stopped for those few seconds, talking business like I wasn’t thinking about being over his desk with him right behind me. He was hot, but I’d never let myself think like this, I knew the rules and the consequences.
9pm roles around, after me calling and moving people around with him in his office. “We should probably leave it at that, maybe look at these other issues with fresh eyes” ,with my hands in my hair and Louis with his head practically on the desk with how frustrated we both were. It was neither of our mistakes, he just had to much going on to fit it all in.
“Yeah alright” he says puffing out air between his lips and pushing the papers into a pile in the corner. I stand up, getting my stuff together on my desk outside. Putting my jumper back on, my long wool coat and turning my lamp off, I’m about ready to go, and it looks like Louis is to.
“Got anything going on tonight?” I thought he wasn’t friends with his coworkers? This was new territory.
“Just gonna make some dinner and fall asleep probably, what about you” I say, pushing the lift button.
“Smoke, eat, sleep” he shrugs. Riding down in the elevator, I lie against the wall across from him. It’s not awkward, just a little tense. I feel like we’re both thinking about the same thing, each other.
He looks so good today too, he’d had a big meeting and dressed up for it. This black tight fitting shirt with dress pants and a loose fitting jacket. His hair was still the same, just a little less messy. The harsh elevator light flashed as I stood thinking about the man across from me, something I planned on doing most of the night.
The elevator opens, we walk out together, our cars two spaces apart from each other. His being an Aston Martin and mine a black ford.
As we walk, I can feel us getting closer together, most likely because we’re walking to the same place, but I can feel the tension getting weird again.
“Thanks for staying late, and for all that help” he says stopping in front of my car and facing me, his shoulder could be rubbing against mine if he got an inch closer, dangling his keys in his hand.
“It’s not problem, I actually really enjoy it” why am I chatting on, get in the car and go home already.
We’re just looking at each other, the two street lights in the car park make it dimly lit. It’s like we’ve been on a first date and we’re trying to figure out if we’re having a good night kiss or not.
My skin feels like it’s burning the way he looks at me, like if he touched me I’d explode. “That’s good to hear, you’re doing a great job, I’d struggle to live without you now I think” we both share a chuckle as we inch towards our cars, still as close as ever.
Why can’t we stop fucking looking at each other, what is wrong with me, get in the fucking car already for christ sake.
But then he touches my arm, and I’m done for. He doesn’t just touch it, he grazes it with his hand, I almost think it’s a kind of ‘proud of you’ rub of the arm, that’s sweet and innocent, one you’d give a friend when they get a new job or finish something they started months ago. But it’s not, it’s gentle and goes down to my hand where our fingertips touch slightly. I can feel him staring at my face, maybe to gain a reaction, but all I can look at is that hand of his touching my covered arm. I play with his fingers slightly with mine, somehow getting a some sort of confidence.
I think about how I got here, this morning I was excepting a normal day, maybe be home a little late, watch some crap movie, sleep and do it all over again. Now he was the one looking at our hands, mine moving slowly and gently between his, before he starts doing it back. We’re like two 16 year olds who’ve never been this close to someone before.
I want to say something, but I think it’ll spoil it.
We’re both breathing silently, cars and people are going past in the street but I’m positive no one can see us, even if we weren’t doing more than 16 year olds do.
Our fingers interlock as he moves forward slightly. It’s nothing and I can barely breath. His hair is close to touching the top of mine as we both stare down at this contact that, to put it frankly, is getting me hornier than I’ve been in months.
Pulling my hand from his, I push it up his sleeve, moving myself close to get higher up. The closer I get to him, the closer his hand gets to my hip. It’s inches away and all I want is for him to rest it there. He goes under my coat with his hand, grabbing my side less delicately than he did my hand. My cold hand is rubbing circles under his sleeve and I knew if I lifted my head, my night would be set.
It’s been less than two minutes of this back and forth in silence, it’s intimate yet we’re stood in the middle of one of the biggest cities in the world. My head is lifting slightly, his head being above mine, almost resting his cheek on the side of my head at this point. I can feel in his body he knows this isn’t right, that it’s unfair to fire so many women for one reason and then disregard another for the same issue.
I just don’t think either of us could control ourselves, I finally lifted my head fully, looking into his eyes. His hand gripped me harder, our lips millimeters apart, moving as slow as possible, they meet slightly. Moving our heads up and down slightly, lips touching gently, like neither of us wants to be the one who truly made the mistake of interlocking our lips.
We give up, connecting them fully, my hand shooting up to his hair, tangling my finger in the sides. He takes both his arms around my waist, lifting me up to my tip toes where I wrap my other arm around his neck. His lips are warm, soft and delicious. You can taste the coffee I’d slipped on his desk just hours before mixed with the cigarettes he’d smoked while we were working. It was slow, but so intense, it’s like it had awakened these feelings I didn’t know I felt.
His hand finds it’s way to just below my throat, his fingers spread over my collar bones as his thumb gently tips my chin up, opening up my mouth. His other hand is firmly around my waist, pressing me against him. Slipping his tongue past my lips, he deepens the kiss. The world feels like it’s spinning, like we should be doing this every second of everyday.
His hand replaces itself onto my waist, turning me around as he backs me up into the side of my car. It’s hot, it’s intense and it’s getting faster.
“Fuck” I hear him say under his breath, pulling away slightly and looking down. I press my hips up towards him as his hands support the bottom of my back. His voice is raspy and I can feel something happening in his pants.
I rub my waist up against the tent I can feel forming in his pants, going in circular motions as he does the same. One hand around my waist the other on the back of my neck, I let out a slight whimper than causes him to let out a deep breath he’d been holding in. My back pressed against the car and waist pressed up against him, I can feel wetness pooling in between my legs.
My mind goes into overdrive, what if this is what he does? He’s get with these girls and fires them? Am I gonna be next? The mood is quickly ruined for me, and I think he can tell.
My hips are going slower, I’m thinking way to hard.
I pull back from the kiss.
“This is stupid sorry, I’m not the kind to do this with a boss” I lie, I would, if I knew I wouldn’t be fired the next day.
“What?” He looks so hurt, I feel bad, but I’m old enough to know this is a stupid thing to do, especially in a parking lot with other peoples cars in, people that probably work in the same building as us. He pulls his hands away from my hips slowly, likes he so desperate not to.
“I gotta go, can we just forget this” I say, turning around and opening my car door with a wave of my hand. I momentarily think ‘god what the fuck is wrong with me, turning down a rich, hot, famous dude who can kiss like a god?’
“Y/n, you’re not going to be fired you know? This isn’t what’s going on?” He’s stressed, almost rambling, like he’s desperate for me to stay. But I feel like he’s said that before, I need to leave, I need sleep and I need to move past it.
Driving away from him as he watches my car drive out the parking lot, why do I want to punch myself?
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dreamcafes · 7 months
𝖺𝗐𝖺𝗋𝖽𝗌 & 𝗁𝖾𝖺𝗏𝗒 𝗆𝖾𝖽𝖺𝗅𝗌 ☆ 𝖼𝖺𝗅𝗎𝗆 𝗁𝗈𝗈𝖽
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Calum Hood x Famous!Reader Summary: Requested! After 4 years of agreed no contact, one phone call and song takes back all that you've worked for. Warnings: Mild Cursing, Slight of Explicit Content. Word Count: 1k (not rlly proofread lol) Copyright © 2023 Valentiyne. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻
"So, Y/n tell us more about Calum Hood"
A name I hadn't heard in exactly 4 years to the very date.
48 months, 1461 days, and 35040 excruciating long fucking hours.
My face immediately lights up at the name nevertheless, brushing my hair behind my ear nervously,
"Hood? I'm not quite sure what this has to do with my upcoming EP coming out at midnight", I breathlessly laugh out, my eyes locking with the interviewer in front of me. My new work titled, "Bittersweet" was launching at midnight, only containing 4 songs to go along with the 4 bittersweet years I've spent away from him. It was hopeless of me to write about him, but he was the only source of inspiration I could find.
"Well you two had a bit of chemistry as far as we know, is that right?"
Sure we did. We spent over 6 years together on and off, but always came back to each other. He was my rock, my everything, but ultimately we knew it wasn't going to work out.
"Sure we did, I mean it was nothing but a mere innocent crush", I cross my legs now, my shaky hands clasped on top of my knees. The crowd was silent as excited fans packed into the small room to hear the soft launch before midnight.
"Well it was surely more than innocent", she motions to the screen next to us. "This picture was taken four years ago in Bali during the second leg of their tour", I mentally roll my eyes but smile anyway. A few people from the crowd squealed as the iconic picture of us in cuddled up on the beach was displayed, the same one he posted himself as an excuse to have me on his page.
"Like I said- It was a small crush" I was trying to convince myself more than everyone else.
I watch as the slideshow continues on, the screen filled with every single moment in time that Calum and I were spotted together across the world. A few innocent ones of us walking next to each other, to one taken on the balcony of a hotel. We were just kids who didn't know what they were doing- lost in the moment together. He will always have a place in my heart. When things ultimately ended, we both agreed to never speak again- it was only weighing each other down.
"Well I thank you for your time, I hope everyone enjoys the album and finds some comfort in the chaos", I stand up abruptly, extending my hand to shake the interviewer's hand. The crowd cheered quietly as I walked off the stage with a slight wave. I needed to get out of here, I felt like a complete idiot working myself up over someone that I no longer talked to.
I slipped past the stage crew as I shuffled out past the backdoors and towards the parking lot, my fingers fumbling with my keys as I tore my driver's door open and plopped down dramatically. The door shut behind me and I sighed to myself loudly,
That was fucking ridiculous, they didn't even ask anything about me. Just about someone I never wanted to mention. Of course, I could talk about him until the end of time, but it wasn't my place to do so anymore. He was playing sold-out shows every other day and had no worry about a girl back home who happened to have matching tattoos with him, right? The tattoo we shared was of a small flower underneath our ribs, the same flower he gave me on our one-year "situationshipversary" as he called it. It was a silly gesture that I treasured, the California wildflower that he pulled over on the side of the Pacific Coast Highway to pick during peak traffic on the way to my house. It now lay inside a small glass bottle hung around my neck, all wilted like our history.
I pull my phone from my purse, scrolling down to the bottom of my contact list, and clicking on the "DO NOT CALL!!!!" number. I hesitantly dial his number and bring it up to my ear,
"Hey! You reached Calum, I'm away from my phone right now but leave a message!", He declined it immediately, either that or his phone was dead. Not quite sure which one makes me feel better. I roll my eyes at the stupid prepubescent voice and turn my phone off.
I tossed my phone down onto my lap and leaned my head against the wheel. I subconsciously wanted to log back into my Instagram and scroll down an update page to find out anything about him. I had no idea what he was up to or who he was with, it's been years since I've last heard his voice.
"You know this isn't good for either of us, Y/n", he rang through my head as I remember standing on his porch in late July.
"Calum, we've been through this so many times- why can't we just try?"
He runs his hand through his freshly cut hair and shakes his head, "It never ends well, I feel like a fucking lost dog who always limps its way back to you.. I just- Fuck- I can't do thi-"
The last thing I remember was the door closing in my face, leaving me all alone with no closure. I could hear him on the other side, a thump on the door indicating he was leaning against it. I tried for the handle, jiggling it a few times before banging on it, begging for him to talk to me. I couldn't stay mad at him forever, as much as I wanted to. I wanted to scream at him, slap him in his beautiful face, and kiss him all at once.
My phone vibrating snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked down,
My heart skips a beat, staring at my phone on my lap buzzing away. I bit my lip softly, pulling it closer to my face as I accepted the FaceTime call.
The camera was pointing to the ceiling when I answered, his voice booming loudly as he spoke.
I let let a breath I didn't know I was holding, trying to gather the right words to say. What was I supposed to say after all this time?
"Cal?", my voice is softer than I had hoped for, the word slipping past my lip like it's begging to finally be let out.
"Holy shit", the camera shifts and he props it up against the wall, waving at me with one hand. Calum sits in his studio chair with his old bass in his lap, headphones pushed back against his long curly hair. His eyes are wide as he raises an eyebrow, "Shit, long time no see."
I adjust the camera against my steering wheel and scoot my seat back, allowing for a better view of myself as I smile innocently with an awkward wave. "Hi Cal, how ya been?" I see his eyes travel down to the necklace around my neck, my fingers dancing around the bottle as I speak.
"Shit, Y/n if I'd known it was you calling I would've answered way faster, I just had deleted your number-", he stops himself, looking up with a sympathetic crooked smile before sighing. I raise a hand up to reassure him instead, "Calum", god saying his name tugs at my heartstrings, "It's okay, I get it... we don't have to dance around it.. now what are you up to?"
He was lying, Calum hood was bluffing to my face and I had no idea. After all this time, he still had my contact listed as "My wildflower", but he couldn't dare admit to me that he didn't answer sooner because he was scared.
Scared of what I was going to say
Scared id tell him I found someone new
Scared of seeing or hearing me again
"I'm actually working on a song right now", he laughs and holds the iconic bass up, a small spot right under the strings that once had a star sticker I placed on it- now scraped off.
I make a face, reminding myself that that was the past and I shouldn't dwell on it too much, but seeing him happier without me didn't make me feel like I thought it would. A part of me wished he was as miserable as I was, cooped up in my room writing stupid songs that were confessing my raw feelings.
"What's it about?", I chirp up as he bends down to play a few notes on the keyboard next to him, assuming it's the intro.
"It's about someone that was in my life, uh someone you don't know- she came around afterward", he says slowly, not meeting my eyes through the screen. I just nod in agreement, opening my mouth to speak.
"Would you like to come over for dinner sometime this week?", The words flow out before I had time to think about it. As I wait for his response, I pick at my nails- a habit he absolutely hated. He would smack my hand out of my mouth every chance we were together, telling me "I'd get worms in my belly" I did stop for a while, but my bitten nails were the only reminder he was actually gone.
"Yeah, I would love to!- Look I'll let you go but we'll keep in touch alright?", He speaks quickly, his hand flying down in one swift movement. With that, he ends the FaceTime call and I'm left looking at my reflection. I looked dumbfounded, smiling to myself as wide as I could.
I couldn't let myself fall for this again, for him- we both knew it wasn't going to end well for either of us. But hell it's been 4 years and I've changed as a person, and by the looks of it, he has too.
My phone buzzed once, twice, and then three before I looked back up at it to see three new messages from none other than Hood.
DO NOT CALL!!!!: I kinda lied, you do know the person I wrote it about
DO NOT CALL!!!!: mp3.wildflower.calumdemo.rec
DO NOT CALL!!!!: my wildflower ;)
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dreamcafes · 7 months
roommate’s best friend part two
pairing: calum hood x ashton’sroommate!reader
summary: after your make out session with calum was interrupted by ashton, you were both very excited to spend more time together at a 5sos gig. (part one)
word count: 2.7k
warnings: unprotected sex, public-ish sex (it’s backstage), tiny praise kink, minors DNI
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You were planning to see Calum tonight for the first time after your little make out that was interrupted by Ashton.
You both had planned to have a little date night at Calum’s apartment, where you couldn’t be interrupted by Ashton. Before you could leave, you and Ashton had a plumbing emergency that kept you both at your apartment.
When you called to tell Calum that you couldn’t make it, he practically begged you to let him sneak over just to be with you for a little bit. You knew it would just end with Ashton accidentally seeing something he shouldn’t, and you couldn’t handle that embarrassment again.
Calum and Ashton had both invited you to a gig that the band was having tonight, so you would finally get to see Calum.
You were in the middle of picking out your outfit, obviously wanting to look nice to impress Calum.
“Oh, is somebody getting ready to see her boyfriend tonight?” Ashton teased you from your open doorway. You turned to face him and saw the smirk on his face. “C’mon, Ash, we can’t just be adults?” You pleaded. He chuckled and shook his head. “I caught you hooking up with my best friend. It’s a perfect opportunity for teasing, I can’t waste it.” He told you.
Ashton stepped towards you and held out a lanyard. “Wear this and security will let you in tonight. I’m about to head out, I’ll see you later.” He told you. You took the lanyard from him and said goodbye to him.
A few hours later, you were on your way to the concert, and you had butterflies in your stomach as you thought about seeing Calum.
You had picked out some leather pants and a red lace top that you were hoping Calum would like.
You got to the venue and security let you in quickly after seeing your badge. A security guard led you back to where the guys were hanging out. “They were in the lounge last time I checked, but if they’re not there, I’ll bring you to their dressing rooms.” The security guard told you.
You approached the room and saw a few couches sprawled around the room and a minibar against the wall.
You saw someone sitting on the couch on their phone. You recognized him as Luke from Ashton’s Instagram posts. “Here you go,” the security guard said, gesturing towards the room and then leaving.
“Hi, I’m Luke,” he said, jumping up to greet you. You quickly shook his hand and introduced yourself to him.
“Ashton just ran to the bathroom, he’ll be back soon.” Luke informed you. You nodded your head. “I’m really excited to see the show tonight. I got to go to one of your shows before, and I had a great time.” You told him.
“Oh thank you, yeah tonight should be good.” He agreed. You both heard footsteps and turned to see Calum walk into the room.
His eyes scanned over your outfit slowly, taking it all in. “Hi, there,” he said, softly. You gave him a smile as he walked over to you. “C’mon, Cal, give her a hug.” Luke said, teasing Calum for how stunned and speechless he was.
You giggled at Calum’s flustered expression. “Wait, but how do you—” Calum started to ask Luke.
“You really think Ashton was able to keep you guys and your thing a secret?” Luke said, chuckling.
Luke made sure not to stare so he wouldn’t make you both uncomfortable. “Hi,” you said, softly. He stepped closer to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. “You look beautiful.” He whispered as he pressed a kiss to your temple.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, holding onto him tightly. The scent of his cologne filled your lungs. You both pulled away, not knowing what to say to each other with Luke in the room.
“So, you two met already?” Calum asked, gesturing towards you and Luke. You both nodded. Then, Ashton and Michael walked in the room.
“Hey,” Ashton said, smiling once he saw you. He walked over and gave you a hug. He turned around to gesture towards Michael and introduced the two of you.
You noticed Ashton walking over to Calum, probably to tease him in some way, so you started talking to Luke and Michael. You were telling them about the first show of theirs you had gone to.
You were trying your best to make a good first impression, considering you’d probably be spending a lot more time with them.
You felt Calum’s hand slip around your waist, and he brought his lips to your ear. “Can I get you a drink?” He whispered in your ear, keeping his tight grip on your hip. You nodded your head, “yes please,” you said.
He walked away to get you a drink. Ashton joined your group and was smirking at you. “Don’t you even,” you said, stopping him before he could make a comment.
“I wasn’t going to say anything,” Ashton lied through his teeth. Luke and Michael chuckled at his horrible poker face. “I’m trying to make a nice first impression with your friends, and you just can’t stop yourself.” You said.
“You made a pretty good first impression with Calum,” Michael muttered under his breath, trying not to laugh. You were too stunned to speak. You sat there with your mouth open as the three of them started cracking up. “All three of you now?” You asked.
Calum appeared at your side with two drinks, handing one to you. “Yeah, she did make a pretty good impression, y’know until Ashton ruined it.” Calum said, winking at you.
You slipped your arm around Calum’s back and leaned into him. “You both are pretty cute together actually” Ashton said, making your cheeks heat up.
“Hey guys, you got like five minutes til you need to be on stage.” Someone said, as they walked in the room. You looked over your shoulder and saw someone who looked like their manager.
“C’mon,” Calum said, interlacing your fingers and pulling you behind him. You followed him to the side of the stage. You both set down your drinks and one of the crew members handed Calum his bass.
You gave Calum a kiss on the cheek. “Have a good show,” you told him. He thanked you and gave your hand a quick squeeze. The other three guys started to walk on stage, but Calum stopped.
He held up two fingers and beckoned you closer to him. He quickly cupped your face and kissed you. You were surprised by the kiss, but kissed him back.
“Gotta get my good luck kiss,” he said, before running out on stage.
You got to watch the whole show from the side of stage and had the best time. Calum even looked over at you a few times and winked at you once.
As the show ended, you cheered for the guys, and they took their bow. The guys filed off the stage past you, giving you high-fives as they went by.
Calum came off the stage last with a giant smile on his face. He handed off his bass and then grabbed your hand. He started pulling you down the hallway.
“Calum, where are we going?” You asked him. He didn’t answer your question, but continued pulling you behind him. You both got to his dressing room door and he pushed the door open.
Before you knew it, he had pulled you both inside and closed the door. He pinned you to the back of the door. “You remember when we talked about you fucking that bassist in his dressing room?” He asked you, his mouth almost pressed up to your ear.
You nodded your head. “Yeah, I remember,” you said, breathlessly. Calum’s entire chest was pressed up against you, and you were finding it hard to focus.
“Well that bassist really likes your outfit and got really turned on seeing you on the side of the stage, so if you were still okay with that plan,” he said, practically growling.
“Yes, yes, just touch me, Cal,” you begged him. As soon as the words left your mouth, Calum’s lips were on yours. His lips moved quickly against yours.
He grabbed at the back of your thighs and picked you up against the door. “No one to interrupt us this time,” he said, smirking against your lips.
You raked your fingers through his hair, causing him to groan. He planted his lips on the side of your neck and started slowly sucking on your skin.
You tried to silence the moan that fell from your lips. “Don’t hold back, let me hear you.” He coached you.
He pulled you away from the door and laid you down on the couch. “You look so gorgeous,” he said, in awe as he looked at you.
You pulled him towards you and tugged at the bottom of his shirt. He quickly pulled it over his head and threw it to the side. “C’mere, rockstar, can’t wait,” you said, pulling Calum on top of you. Hearing you call him “rockstar” turned Calum on more than he would ever admit.
His hands slipped under your shirt and traced your sides, caressing your skin. “Help me take it off,” you said, putting your hands up and allowing Calum to pull your shirt up over your head.
“So gorgeous,” he mumbled as he quickly got rid of both of your pants. He grabbed your legs and wrapped them around his waist. You cupped his face and kissed him hard.
Having Calum’s hands on you made you feel like your skin was on fire in the best way. A moan slipped out of you as Calum rocked his hips against yours. “Please, Cal,” you begged.
“Please what, sweetheart?” He asked, placing kisses along your jaw. You groaned, twisting his hair around your fingers.
“Please, fuck me,” you told him.
He pulled down your panties and carelessly threw them to the side. “You know that when Ashton showed us a picture of his roommate, I think I fell in love with you right then, most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen.” He told you, placing a kiss to your forehead.
“You look so hot on top of me, like this.” You said, as he slipped out of his boxers.
He grabbed your hips with his large hands to steady himself. “You ready?” He asked, meeting your gaze. You nodded your head quickly.
He slowly pushed his length into you. You clawed at his back as you adjusted to his size. He stayed still, buried inside you, for a while. He peppered soft kisses on your shoulder as he waited for you.
“Keep going, I’m okay,” you assured him. With one final kiss on your lips, he pulled himself out and started thrusting into you.
Calum’s eyebrows were furrowed in concentration as his hips hit against yours. You let your eyes roll back as you grabbed at the couch, desperate to find something to hold on to.
“Here,” Calum said, grabbing both your hands and pinning them above your head. You let out a whimper as you felt the strong grip of his hand on your wrists.
“Let me do all the work, just focus on feeling good,” he instructed you. He placed sloppy, wet kisses down your chest, using his free hand to caress your breast.
“So good, Cal. Just like I imagined,” you mumbled, your eyes still shut. You noticed a break in Calum’s rhythm. You opened your eyes and noticed he was just looking at you as he continued to push his hips into yours.
“You were imagining this, baby?” He asked you, curiously. You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment, both from the pet name he’d just used and what you had just admitted.
“Don’t be embarrassed, what were you thinking about?” He asked, turned on by the possibility of your fantasies. You hid your face in the crook of his neck. He peppered kisses all around your face, hoping to get you to open up.
It was ironic. His cock was deep inside you, but you could barely bring yourself to meet his gaze.
“I saw pictures you posted from tour, and I thought about what it’d be like to go on tour with you. We’d travel around together, and I’d know all the fans you met were imagining you the way that only I would get to see you. And I thought about what it’d be like to ride you.” You confessed.
A groan fell from Calum’s lips after hearing the words leave your mouth. “That’s really hot, gorgeous.” He told you, moving his grip to your hips.
He reached deeper inside of you and hit your g-spot. “Oh, fuck, Calum,” you moaned.
“Y’know, we could make those fantasies happen if you want. We could at least do that last one tonight.” He told you, making your cheeks heat up even more.
“C’mere, honey,” he said, holding onto you and sitting up so you were straddling him.
He kissed you to make you more comfortable. “I’ll help you,” he mumbled against your lips. He grabbed your hips and lifted you up. You started rolling your hips against his.
“Oh, fuck, baby. You look so good on top of me.” He moaned, throwing his head back. He pushed his hips forward, meeting yours halfway.
Your thrusts started to become more rushed as you got closer to your high. “I’m almost there, Cal,” you mumbled, grabbing his shoulders to steady yourself.
“Me too, baby,” he told you. You both quickened your pace. You arched your back as you started to feel it approaching. You both were breathing heavily.
You were mesmerized watching how quickly Calum’s chest was rising and falling.
“Oh, fuck, Calum,” you called out, as your orgasm hit you. He wasn’t far behind you. “Oh, shit,” he mumbled, his thrusts beginning to falter.
He slowed down his pace, slowly thrusting up into you to help you both come down from your highs.
You collapsed against his chest, resting your head on his shoulder. “That was amazing,” you mumbled against his skin. He chuckled at your exhaustion. “You did amazing, baby,” he said, kissing the side of your neck.
He ran his fingers up and down your back as you caught your breath.
Once you finally got up, you both got dressed again and headed to Ashton’s dressing room, where Calum was told the guys were hanging out.
“Look who finally decided to join us,” Michael said, smirking at Calum as you both entered the room. All three guys were in the room, along with their significant others. Luke handed both you and Calum a drink.
“You both finally sort out that sexual tension?” Ashton asked, causing you to choke on your drink. Your eyes darted to Calum for help.
He leaned in to whisper in your ear, “I may have left you a little present on accident,” referencing the hickey on your neck.
“Calum,” you whined, dragging out his name and trying to cover your neck with your hand. This earned a chuckle from the group.
“C’mere,” he said, pulling you into his chest and wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
“I’m going to have so much fun teasing the two of you,” Ashton said, chuckling to himself.
“Don’t worry, we won’t all be teasing you. Not yet, at least” Luke promised you both. You let out a small giggle. “That felt a lot less comforting than I think it was intended to be.” You replied, earning a laugh from Calum.
He slipped his hand in the back pocket of your pants, keeping you next to him.
“So, Ashton mentioned that you guys were planning to set us up anyway. How was that going to go down?” You asked, curiously.
“Well the girls had to talk down Ashton because he was ready to steal Calum’s phone and send you some raunchy messages, and Calum would have killed him. Michael and I suggested a blind date, but Ashton wasn’t going to settle for that. He suggested that we lock you both in a room together and just wait it out.” Luke explained to you.
“Your great matchmaking plan was to hold us hostage?” Calum asked Ashton, exasperated.
“Oh, come on. Don’t tell me it wouldn’t work, neither of you can keep your hands off each other.” Ashton argued.
“That’s true.” Calum said, smiling down at you.
taglist: @laurakirsten0502 @miraclesoflove @nathaliabakes @millipop18 @azghedaheda @shyinadarkplace @vanteguccir @missroro @guacam011y @sw33t-cupid @ice-dtae @leyannrae @sia2raw @nyx2021 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @shyconversationalbookworm @shadowhuntyi @visenyaverse @ruzannetheseahorse @superdeath @wandaswifeyforlifey @spookyqueen @mcuswhore @bookwormchick91 @princess-evans-addict @n3ssm0nique @peakascum @cjand10 @namsey1987 @multitargaryen @stephv213 @impossibleapricotlampbat @lickmymelaninn @holding-on-to-my-youth @spiderstyles04 @ahoodgirl
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines or for a specific character/fandom!!
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dreamcafes · 7 months
𝖺𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗍𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍 716 ❀ 𝗅𝗎𝗄𝖾 𝗁𝖾𝗆𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌
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Luke Hemmings x Fem!Reader Summary: Paper-thin walls and numerous noise complaints. Warnings: None! Slight swearing if you squint hard enough Word Count: 2.8k Copyright © 2023 Valentiyne. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·..·:*¨༺ ༻
Game Night was hosted every third Friday of the month. Cramped in the new tiny apartment, 7 friends and their significant others wound up on my shitty couch shouting nonsense at each other.
The living room consisted of the old couch, my TV on top of a cardboard box I hadn't quite unpacked yet, and numerous card games.
Holding the slip in my hand, I eye the timer in front of me on the makeshift coffee table My eyes scanned the paper quickly before jumping up and snapping my fingers, "Okay okay, it's born in the water but moves onto land when older."
My friends stare at me dumbfounded, their minds elsewhere as I furrow my brows and tap my feet numerous times. "Come on guys, it's what a tadpole turns into when it's older!" I'm practically yelling now, eyes darting between my friends sitting down and the tiny timer on the table.
"A baby turtle?"
"Andddd time"
I groan in annoyance, dropping the slip of paper while walking back to the spot on the couch, and plopping down with a huff.
"A baby turtle? Seriously?' I scoff, rolling my eyes at my friends who couldn't contain their laughter at my obvious annoyance.
"Okay I'll go nex-", My friend Abby was cut short by a knock on the door. It wasn't necessarily a pound, but it definitely made all of us go silent.
We all look at each other quickly, almost mentally counting everyone to make sure it wasn't an expected visitor.
I slide off the couch, my eyebrows raised for a moment before I walk towards the door. Standing on my tiptoes, I look through the peephole to see my next-door neighbor, Lucas, standing there with an annoyed expression painted on his face. I sigh and unlock the door, poking my head out with a smile.
"Are we too loud?", I ask with innocent eyes, my bottom lip tugged into my teeth as I speak quietly. Lucas gave a friendly smile, his eyebags hidden behind his eyeglasses as he turned to point at his door, "I know it's a Friday night but I'm really busy in the studio tonight... kind of hard to concentrate when there's a bunch of girls next door squealing over....?"
I finish the sentence for him, "If tadpoles are baby turtles." I rub the back of my neck shyly, laughing almost to myself.
"Right yeah, is there any way to keep it down just a tad?"
I give him a thumbs up before we part ways- him rubbing his eyes and kicking his door shut with his bare foot and me turning around and closing it softly. My friends all huddled up behind the door, eavesdropping on our conversation, and as soon as the door shut, they all squealed quietly.
"Oh my gosh! Y/n!", My friend Abby gushing, nudging me with her shoulder harshly. "You never told me you have huge chemistry with your neighbor?"
My eyes grow wide and my hands shoot up in defense, "Oh no- Lucas? He's just a neighbor"
All of my friends' eyes were on me now, and an awkward silence fell upon us. I give a mere shrug before walking back over to the coffee table to scoop up all the cards spawled across it.
"Game night at mine next time?", Abby asks from beside me, picking up the numerous cups with mysterious liquids in them with a disgusted look on her face.
I just nod in response, shoving the cards in their rightful places before sighing softly. We said our goodbyes with platonic kisses on the cheeks and dramatic waves before I was left alone in my apartment again.
It was cold, empty, and dead silent in here- completely opposite of the neighbor beside me I'd assume. My bedroom was similar to the living room- a tiny mattress rested on the floor and my toiletries were packed away in numerous boxes I was too lazy to unbox. My head hits the stiff pillow below me and I could hear Lucas in his bedroom strumming his guitar, humming to himself lowly.
It was a little after one o'clock in the morning, but he seemed to be wide awake singing.
"some things are meant to be secret and not to be heard"
It had officially been two weeks since the game night and two weeks since he came to my door. Lucas and I would occasionally make eye contact on the way to the mailboxes or even hold the elevator for one another- but not a single word was shared between us. He was always in his own world, his head bobbing to an imaginary beat inside his head.
Every night I could hear him singing to himself softly, the wall dividing our bedrooms was as thin as paper. The occasional groan and the sound of notebooks hitting the wall distracted me on nights I needed to sleep, but I never once said anything to him. He was a musician- and a very good one to say the least. I didn't want to be the annoying next-door neighbor.
I swing my door open, looking out into the hallway and scanning each door before finally averting my eyes to his own. The wrench in one hand was held on with a tight grip while the other hand carried the TV mount at my side. I could hear the sounds of various instruments being played from behind his door, his voice clearing every few moments to restart a lyric if it didn't sound right the first time.
The hand that held the wrench swung up, knocking on his door a few times before I took a step back and awkwardly looked around the hallway once again. The sounds from behind his door abruptly stopped and I could hear his heavy footsteps making their way towards the door now. Taking one more step back, I watched as Lucas opened the door and looked down at me,
"I'm sorry, am I being too loud?", He cheekily asked, a smile painted on his lips.
"No no, you're fine.", I laugh at his innocent teasing, quoting our most recent encounter. "I was actually coming over to see if you knew how to mount a TV", I poke my head around his figure and motion towards his apartment, "but seeing as you're busy-"
"I'm not busy." He corrects me, leaning inside his door to grab his keys before turning back towards me and grabbing the box from my hand. "Let me help you out, it'll take 10 minutes tops."
It didn't take 10 minutes. Hell, It didn't even take 30 minutes.
There Lucas and I both were, tools of various shapes and sizes sprawled out across my apartment floor and a cheap bottle of wine I found at the back of my fridge.
"Lucas are you sure you know how to-"
"It's Luke and yes, I know how to do this", he grumbles nonsense to himself as he flips through the instruction manual for the third time tonight. I sighed to myself slightly, trying to keep myself from laughing by taking a swig of the wine.
"Could always just use thumbtacks"
This makes Luke laugh, his eyebrows relaxing on his face and cheeks going bright red. He tosses the manual at me, and I put my hands up to defend myself.
"I'm pretty sure some thumbtacks couldnt hold a 35 pound Tv," He holds his stomach as he rolls around my floor, laughing loudly. I roll my eyes at this, groaning and tossing the screwdriver on the floor.
"Look, it's getting late. I'll just have you come over and do it another time.", I point towards the clock, which was held up with thumbtacks, that read two o'clock in the morning.
"Oh shit, sorry I totally spaced it," Luke stands up now, gathering up his tools quickly and giving me a crooked smile. "I'll swing by sometime this week to help you, I promise." I'm smiling now, shooing him out the door quickly.
"Yeah yeah see you later, rockstar", I tease and close the door abruptly, only to be stopped by a foot in the way.
"What are you doing tomorrow?", The way his eyes glimmered in the hallway light, his hair slicked back from sweat and cheeky dimples appeared as he smiled at me.
"I have finals tomorrow morning, and I'll probably be dead by the time its over- anytime after that I'm free.", I groan dramatically and push my palm into my forehead.
Luke just nods, freeing his foot from the doorway, and gives me a thumbs up, "I'll be sure to be quiet tonight so you can get your rest." I thank him kindly and give him a soft wave before closing the door behind him.
Luke was anything but quiet. I tossed and turned throughout the night, pushing the pillow closer to my ears as I heard him attempting to sing a lyric he wasn't even finished with. if there's one thing I've learned about him in the month and a half I've known him- he was a perfectionist. He sang the same things over and over countless times making sure it was absolutely perfect.
"Cause all these bodies are hoping to get addicted-"
I swing my arm up, smacking on the wall a couple times before groaning and letting it fall to my side once again. His side of the wall went silent immediately, the shuffling of papers and a small mumbled "sorry" was heard.
Luke had avoided me from that point forward: he didn't hold the elevator for me nor did he come and check his overflowing mailbox.
I found myself at his door once again, knocking in one swift movement before clearing my throat. I could hear him shuffling around his apartment, a loud thud followed by a "shit, one second!".
The door opens and a dripping-wet Luke is before me, a towel tightly wrapped around his waist. I blink a few times, holding my gaze above his shoulders out of respect.
"Why are you avoiding me", I ask in a monotone voice, cutting straight to the point. He raises his eyebrows at this now, one hand sassily on his hip.
"Who said I was avoiding you?", He chuckles lightly and opens the door wider, motioning for me to enter. My nose is filled with the smell of the oven baking something sweet mixed with his charcoal body wash. I step inside with a smile, closing the door behind me.
Luke wipes the water from his face and turns away from me, entering his bathroom for a split second, leaving me standing in his kitchen.
I glance around his living room: Pictures of his friends and family are hung up neatly on the wall, his instruments are laid out on the floor around his couch, and his bookshelf is overflowing with numerous copies of musical books.
He emerges from the bathroom once again, now clothed in a sweatshirt and basketball shorts and the towel that was once wrapped around his waist was now encased in his curls.
"I was just going to invite you over actually," He laughs again, flashing me his million-dollar smile before pointing at his dining table. It was decorated with a lace tablecloth, a small bouquet of flowers sitting in a glass-decorated vase, and a plate of steaming hot pasta was laid out. I smile to myself slightly, looking back up at him before taking my seat at the table, he rushes forward, scooting my chair in for me before taking his own seat across from me.
"What's the occasion?" I ask while picking up my fork, poking at the seafood pasta that was professionally plated. If you would've told me he hired a chef to make dinner- I would've believed you.
"I was loud on the night of your finals and I felt horrible knowing I kept you up all night", He picks up his napkin and places it neatly on his lap, "I wanted to make it up to you after I mounted your TV buttt you showed up a little early", He teases.
I take a bite of my food, groaning into the fork with a muffled giggle as my eyes look up at his. The food was amazing, and the flavor was intricately picked out to perfection.
Going back, this perfectly proved my point that Luke was a perfectionist.
We found small talk, conversing over what I was majoring in and what he was busy working on.
"So the album is almost done, I just need to finish this last song," He shrugs his shoulders and scrapes at the remains off his plate. I smile to myself, looking up now with innocent eyes, "Maybe I can help?"
He stands up abruptly, turning around and opening the oven to reveal the freshly baked brownies he had made- from scratch may I add. I groan in anticipation and rub my hands together dramatically. He grabs the brownies with oven mitts, turning around and facing me.
"If you want to help me, I'll allow it", he laughs and places the pan down gently and walks towards his living room, picking up a notebook that was previously thrown across the room.
"Here", he places it in front of me, removing my empty plate and walking
The notebook was written in barely eligible handwriting, with numerous words crossed out and mental notes scribbled on the sides.
Some things are meant to be secret and not to be heard so if I tell you, just keep it and don't say a word. when the doors are all closing.....It's bound to get ?? all these bodies are hoping to get addicted to
The rest of the page was scribbled out, lyrics that never made the cut. I snatch the pen from the metal spiral holding the pages together and click it once.
"it's bound to get.... loud?" I scribble it down next to the question marks and look up at him, scratching his chin with a nod. His cheeks were red now, the wine flushing through his body.
"What rhymes with loud?"
I look up at him now, as he scoots his chair right up next to me to the point our legs are touching.
"Cloud, hmmm,"
"Sound," we both say in unison.
Luke claps his hands together and grabs the pen from my hands, opening the notebook to a new page and scribbling down the new and improved lyrics. I watch him closely, the way his eyes twinkled and dimples poked through when he was concentrating.
I was so screwed. I was falling for my next door neighbor.
I didn't see him for another two weeks, his side of the wall seemed eerily vacant and completely silent. I even knocked a few times in hopes he'd knock back in some sort of rhythm, but there was no response.
Hearing the knock on my door shot my body out of bed, sweat dripping down my neck and sides. I groan and tap on my phone to check the time, blinding myself in the process. The pounding never stopped, not until I stumbled out of bed and opened my door. My heart skipped a beat, praying that the blonde would be on the other side with that cheeky smile I adored.
"Hello?", I ask in a groggy voice whilst rubbing my eyes and squinting up at the person who disturbed my slumber- at 2 a.m. may I add.
Instead of a person, I was met with an empty cold hallway. I avert my gaze down and towards my door mat. There, set up neatly was a bouquet of flowers with a note tied to the front with white lace.
I smile at myself and crouch down, picking up the thoughtful gift and looking down the hallway one last time before kicking my door shut.
I'm sorry I didn't see you before I left. Our album releases at 2:30am today and I was supposed to leave at 2... I just knew I had to leave you something on my way out. I hope you like the flowers I picked out my mom helped me.
I'd have probably sent you the link to the album by the time you finish reading this note.
I'm going to be all over the world, touring and doing what I love. I can't wait to be back home and see you again, i'll make sure to facetime every change I get.
your rockstar
I could hear the familiar ringtone from my bedroom, alerting me that Luke was a man of his word. I wipe a few stray tears and make my way to the bedroom, snatching my phone up with my free hand and clicking the link he had sent me.
This is the song I spent the last 3 months working on, keeping you tossing and turning until finally you perfected it.
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dreamcafes · 7 months
roommates best friend
pairing: calum hood x reader
summary: having ashton irwin as your roommate had its perks: he was nice and would always help out around the apartment, sometimes he’d be gone for months while on tour, and he had a hot best friend
word count: 2.3k
warnings: swearing, some heated making out, minors DNI
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You were scribbling down some notes in your planner when you heard a soft knock at your bedroom door. You glanced over your shoulder and saw Ashton, your roommate, in your doorway.
“Hey, Ash. What’s up?” You asked him. He crossed his arms, leaning against your doorframe. “I’m going out to run some errands. Do you need anything while I’m out?” He asked you.
You thought for a second and then shook your head. “I should be good, thanks for asking though.” You said, smiling. He nodded and then left your shared apartment.
You returned your attention back to what you were doing.
Ashton was a great roommate. He was nice and not too messy. He was on tour often, so sometimes you had the whole apartment to yourself. You liked it when he was home though because you both were pretty good friends.
About two hours later, there was a knock at the front door. You stood up from your desk and headed towards the door. You assumed Ashton had left his key at home, which he’d definitely done a few times before.
You quickly unlocked the door. “You forget your key again, Ash?” You asked, opening the door. The door revealed someone standing outside, but it wasn’t your roommate.
A tall brunette man was standing in front of you. You recognized him as Calum, one of Ashton’s band mates. You knew his face from some of Ashton’s posts on Instagram. You both had never actually met in person, though you both had heard stories about each other.
“Oh, sorry. I thought you were Ashton.” You said, feeling embarrassed. You’d always found Calum attractive, but he was your roommate’s friend. “No, that’s okay. Is Ashton not here? I didn’t mean to bother you. You’re Y/N, right? Ash’s roommate?” He asked you.
You nodded your head, giving him a soft smile. “Ash went out to run some errands. He’ll probably be back soon, if you want to come in and wait.” You offered, trying desperately to not embarrass yourself in front of him.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to get in your way. I can just come back when he gets home.” He said. Neither of you really knew how to act in this situation. You had never hung out before, and you both wanted to make a good first impression.
“No, it’s okay, I promise. You already drove all this way. You won’t be a bother at all.” You offered, stepping back and letting him walk inside. He gave you a soft smile and walked past you.
The smell of his cologne surrounded you as he walked by you. You could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks. It wasn’t your fault that he made you weak in the knees.
“Do you mind if I go work on some stuff in my room? You can watch tv or whatever you want.” You asked him. He looked over his shoulder at you, with a look that made you feel like a schoolgirl. “Yeah, go ahead. I’ll keep it down.” He told you, sweetly.
He was super nice, which wasn’t helping with your little crush. You retreated to your room and continued working on responding to your work emails.
You could hear Calum turn on the tv, and he made sure to turn it down, so he wouldn’t distract you. You went to take a sip of your water and noticed your cup was empty.
You weren’t ashamed to admit that you checked your appearance in the mirror before you walked out of your room. You fixed your hair and smoothed out your outfit.
You walked into the living room, and Calum’s eyes shot over to meet yours. He gave you yet another soft smile. It turned your insides into jelly.
You continued to walk past him into the kitchen. You caught your breath as soon as you were out of his view. You slowly filled up your cup up with water and screwed the lid back on.
As you walked out of the kitchen, you noticed Calum was watching one of your favorite shows. You stopped near where he was sitting. “You watch this show too?” You asked, looking over at him.
He quickly nodded his head. “Are you kidding? I love this show. You’re the first person I’ve ever met who actually knows anything about it.” He told you. Both of your eyes lit up as you found this common interest.
He patted the seat next to him, causing you to giggle. You happily joined him on the couch. You couldn’t help but feel your face heat up as his arm brushed against yours.
“Oh, this is such a good episode.” You said, recognizing it instantly. Calum agreed with you.
You both could already feel the chemistry between you two. You had always found Calum attractive when you had seen pictures of him, but there was something about being next to him that made him near-irresistible.
He smoothly moved him arm to rest along the back of the couch. You definitely noticed what he was doing, but you didn’t make any attempt to stop it. Calum smirked a little as you leaned in a little closer to him, but still weren’t touching.
You both stayed like that til the episode ended. Neither one of you had been brave enough to make a move yet.
Calum turned off the tv and turned towards you. “So, you’re the infamous Y/N that Ash is always telling me about.” He said, smirking at you.
“And you’re the infamous Calum,” you added. He chuckled and his smirk only grew.
“So, how have we never met until today?” He asked you, pushing a piece of your hair behind your ear.
You both were playing a very delicate game of cat and mouse. You both knew exactly where this conversation was headed, but weren’t sure who was gonna make the final move.
“We actually almost met once.” You said, only remembering the story in that moment. He cocked his head to the side, curious as to how he could have forgotten almost meeting you.
You turned to face him more, and Calum rested his hand on your knee. “Ash invited me to one of your shows and told me I could come backstage after the show to meet you all. I went to the show, but had an emergency, so I had to leave early.” You told him.
“So, what’d you think of the show?” He asked you, still with that grin on his face. You paused for a second, making him wait for your answer.
You shifted closer to him. Your legs were almost pressed up against his. “I thought it was a really great show. I also thought the bassist was really hot.” You said, your voice barely above a whisper.
You could see Calum’s eyes grow wider. He was left speechless. “You gonna kiss me or not?” You teased him. This seemed to snap him out of his trance.
He grabbed your waist and leaned forward to connect your lips. You pulled yourself onto his lap as you kissed him. He ran his hands up and down your back. His touch felt electric on your skin.
His lips tasted like spearmint as they moved against yours. “You are so fuckin’ gorgeous.” He mumbled against your lips. You pulled away to catch your breath.
Calum had other plans. He buried his face in the crook of your neck, sucking on the soft skin. “Oh my god,” you mumbled as your eyes fluttered closed.
You rested your hands on his shoulders. Before he could kiss you again, you stood up and grabbed Calum’s hands. “C’mon,” you told him, tugging him towards your room. He smirked at your eagerness.
You pulled him inside your room and lightly kicked the door closed.
“C’mere,” Calum said, when you both were standing next to your bed. He ran his fingers down your arms, and then lifted your arms and wrapped them around his neck. “You look breathtaking.” He said.
He placed soft kisses on your jawline and all over your face, except on your lips. He let his hands slide down the curve of your back and continue until they stopped on the back of your thighs.
He effortlessly picked you up and laid you down on the bed. He crawled on top of you, and you could feel the butterflies in your stomach.
He leaned in to kiss you, but stopped millimeters from your lips. “Such a tease,” you mumbled, flipping him over. You were now straddling him, and he looked stunned. “That was so fucking hot” he mumbled.
You leaned forward and slipped your hands under his tight tshirt. You let your hands trace the outlines of his muscles. He loved the way that your hands felt on him.
“Take it off,” he encouraged you, as you balled part of his tshirt up in your hand. You smirked and slowly peeled the shirt off his large frame, pulling it over his head.
“So much better,” you said, leaning in to kiss him. He quickly wrapped his arms around your waist, keeping you as close to him as possible.
Then, you both heard the front door. “Shit,” you both mumbled at the same time. Both of you had been so caught up in the moment that you completed forgot about Ashton coming home.
“Does he know you’re here?” You asked Calum, to which he shook his head no.
“Hey, I’m home.” Ashton called out.
You quickly jumped off your bed. “You stay here and put this back on,” you said, handing him his shirt.
You slipped out your bedroom door, closing it behind you. “Hey, you’re back.” You said, smiling at Ashton. He was in the kitchen putting away some groceries he had bought.
“Can we maybe talk about something?” You asked him.
He turned around to face you. His face changed from one of concern to a smirk. “What?” You asked him, cluelessly.
“I know what this is about.” He boasted, still smirking at you. You furrowed your eyebrows. Did he really know about you and Calum? “What do you mean?” You asked him.
“I’m guessing it has something to do with the hickey on your neck.” He said, chuckling. Your eyes went wide as you quickly tried to cover your neck with your hand.
“So, thank you for giving me the roommate courtesy and letting me know about the guy in your room, but don’t worry about it. Calum and I are gonna hang out today, so I can just ask to hang out at his place and you can have the apartment all to yourself with your new friend.” Ashton told you.
You would have really appreciated how considerate he was being if the circumstances were different.
“No, you don’t understand, Ash.” You started to tell him, “you know the guy.”
It wasn’t out of the norm for you both to discuss your love lives. Ashton knew all about your ex-boyfriends, and you had had plenty of awkward conversations with some of Ashton’s flings who stayed the night.
“Is it Jonathon? He was such an ass to you. I can kick him out if you want, but don’t get involved with him again.” He asked you, referencing your semi-recent toxic ex-boyfriend. You quickly shook your head.
“Ash, it’s not him, I promise.” You told him, still having trouble actually telling him who it was.
“So then…” he said, trying to think of who it could be.
“Ash, it’s Calum.” You confessed. That was the last answer Ashton expected to hear. “Wait…you and Calum? When did you both, wait what?” Ashton asked, his shock was very clear to you.
“He came over to hang out with you, but you were out. We were watching tv and then we started talking and, I don’t know what happened.” You explained.
Ashton chuckled. “I know what happened,” he said smirking.
“Cal, you can come out.” Ashton called out. Calum walked out of your room with a slightly awkward expression. “Hey, man.” He said, softly.
“Y’know, me and the guys have actually been talking about ways to set you both up. I guess you both had that covered though,” Ashton said, chuckling.
You all paused, not knowing what to say next. Ashton was having a blast with how uncomfortable you both looked.
“Alright, this is sufficiently awkward enough. You both should go hang out, like you had planned.” You said, trying to find a way to end your embarrassment. They both nodded, agreeing with you.
“I’ll go wait in the car and give you both a sec,” Ashton said, winking at the two of you. Once he walked out the door, Calum turned to you.
“Sorry we got interrupted,” Calum said, kissing the inside of your palm. You gave him a soft smile. “That’s alright. Ash is going on a date tomorrow night if you want to bring me over to your place. You got any roommates?” You asked him.
He shook his head, “Nope, no roommates.”
“Perfect, then we should have the place all to ourselves.” You whispered, kissing him on the cheek.
He grabbed your waist and pulled you close to him. He leaned in so his lips were inches away from your ear. “I’m looking forward to it,” he whispered softly.
You felt goosebumps spread all over your body. He gave you a peck on the lips and headed for the door.
“Oh, wait. One more thing,” he said, walking back over to you and pushing you against the wall. You felt your stomach do a flip as he did it.
“Y’know how you said you only got to see part of the show last time?” He asked you. You nodded your head.
“We have a show in a few weeks. You should come, and then afterwards, maybe you could fuck that bassist in his dressing room?” He whispered in your ear.
“I would really like that,” you said, pressing your lips against his. He smiled at you and squeezed your hand and then left with Ashton.
taglist: @laurakirsten0502 @miraclesoflove @nathaliabakes @millipop18 @azghedaheda @shyinadarkplace @vanteguccir @missroro @guacam011y @sw33t-cupid @ice-dtae @leyannrae @sia2raw @nyx2021 @just-a-littlebit-of-everything @shyconversationalbookworm @shadowhuntyi @visenyaverse @ruzannetheseahorse @superdeath @wandaswifeyforlifey @spookyqueen @mcuswhore @bookwormchick91 @princess-evans-addict @n3ssm0nique @peakascum @cjand10 @namsey1987 @multitargaryen @stephv213 @impossibleapricotlampbat @lickmymelaninn @holding-on-to-my-youth @spiderstyles04 @ahoodgirl
Let me know if you want to be added to my taglist for all my imagines or for a specific character/fandom!!
Requests CLOSED
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dreamcafes · 8 months
I'm literally barking I need part two immediately
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i feel like i don’t see enough louis one shots and it’s criminal😭
could you possibly do a one shot where the relationship between louis and reader is forbidden like reader is one of the boy’s sister and forbids anyone dating her etc. and they sneak around and almost get caught?
love reading your work!!🩵
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you know what ? it IS fkn criminal !! these requests were mixed together .. they both just seemed to flow together too nicely ! hope you both enjoy ✌️
TW : alcohol consumption, smutty-esque
Word Count : 2k
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“fuck do you think you’re doing ? someone’s gonna see,” louis exclaims, pushing your hand away.
you were out celebrating niall, your brother’s, birthday. you were excited when he had asked you to join him and his friends, always having had such a crush on louis. and you knew he’d obviously be there.
ever since the day you’d met him, so many years ago now, when the band was formed, there was an intense attraction between the two of you. and well, tonight, with the amount of alcohol coursing through your bloodstream, and the unquestionable amount of luck you’d gotten with the seating arrangement, your drunken mind decided to have a little fun.
what you didn’t know is that, as much as louis wanted nothing more than to bend you over the table, and fuck to hell anyone who sees, niall had forbade any of his bandmates from even coming close to hitting on his sister. now, that may have been a promise that louis made well over 10 years ago now, but it does still remain. and he can’t say he totally blames niall. couldn’t imagine any of those lads trying their luck with any of his sisters. knows what those guys are like, and he would not second guess sending his fist into their jaw if they did anything to his siblings.
but with a buzz induced fog, damn all those rum and coke’s, you don’t really care about louis’ warning, your hand softly trailing from his knee, following the inseam of his pants, slowly gliding up his inner thigh, occasionally squeezing into his clothed flesh.
and well, louis was only human, his resolve slowly fading with the continuous sips of his vodka and sprite. he can feel the interest springing in his cock, his heartbeat starting to accelerate. he wants you. wants you more than he’ll ever admit to you. or to anyone, really. but niall’s right across the table, and your arm’s suspicious stretch over to louis’ lap isn’t quite as subtle as you probably think.
“c’mon love,” he groans, hastily moving your hand away as it’s gotten fairly close to touching a certain hardening appendage that’s tenting louis’ pants. “the others will see. seriously what’s gotten into you ?” he murmurs quietly against your ear, in an effort to keep the conversation to a low volume.
a shiver runs down your spine, louis’ warm breath hitting your neck and ear, the heat shooting straight down to your pussy, getting wetter and wetter by the moment. you bite your lip, your shoulders relaxing into an almost slump, as you look over at him, need evident, no, screaming, at him through your gaze. “i can’t resist you anymore,” you whisper embarrassingly, your cheeks warming at your confession, as your hand darts out to touch his leg again, fingers gripping into the meat of his thigh.
“louis !” niall shouts at him, “you’re not even fuckin listening mate,” he shakes his head. “fuck are you two on about over there anyway ?”
louis’ head snaps quickly to face niall, a nervous chuckle leaving his lips, shaking out his hair, as his brain gets snapped back into the reality at hand, “sorry mate, sorry. you know how annoying your little sister can get,” he chuckles, no malicious intent evident in his tone, clearly needing an excuse. and honestly, it wasn’t all that far from the truth, with the amount of times your hand ends up on him. “what was it you were saying ?”
you huff, leaning back in your chair, arms crossing over your chest for a moment, before reaching out for your drink again, taking a few sips, throwing your leg over your knee, your foot now rubbing up and down louis’ calf. 
it was more subtle, which louis was thankful for, especially as he attempted to keep his cool and have a full blown debate with niall and deo. but as your heel gets slid off, and your toes make contact with the end of his pant leg, he can feel you sliding up his calf, skin to skin. you were so warm, leaving a trail of fire as you work your way higher up, close to reaching his knee, and for a moment, he was cursing himself for having worn sweatpants instead of jeans.
“stop,” he groans with more vigour against your ear, as niall and deo delve deeper into the debate, knowing that his request will surely be falling on deaf ears, apparently doing as you please, without much regard for anyone else tonight.
you turn yourself more towards louis, your back practically facing the table, murmuring against his ear, “and what if i dont ?” quickly taking his earlobe between your teeth, and tugging.
louis’ swift to bite his lip, holding down the moan that’s threatening to escape, his hand shooting out, nails digging into your hip, from under the table, as a form of warning. he cannot get caught. especially not on niall’s birthday. it would ruin it for him, and louis’ not about to let that happen.
“fuckin christ, y/n, leave louis alone,” niall snaps at you, shaking his head, adding playfully, “don’t make me separate you two.”
you turn back to face the table, rolling your eyes at your brother, “m’not doing anything you wanker.”
niall flips you off, a smirk pulling at his lips, knowing that you wont take him seriously for a second, before getting up and taking everyone’s drink orders, heading off to the bar for another round.
louis turns to you, the others at the table not paying so much attention, “fuckin hell, love,” he groans, “you’re going to get us both in trouble. niall’s not that stupid, he’s surely reading right through this.”
“have you met him when he drinks,” you giggle, “s’not gonna remember anything. but if it’s more privacy you want, meet me in the bathroom in a few minutes.” and with that, you stand, not waiting for any form of confirmation, heading off to the washroom.
you head down the hallway, going into the bathroom, leaving a small crack in the door, hoping to see louis coming by, in search for you, very soon. your resolve was waning, and if he wasn’t going to come back here in the next few minutes, you’d shimmy your underwear off and take matters into your own hands.
your patience was thankfully not tested tonight, as a moment later, you notice louis, making you pop your head out of the door, and beckoning him over. he checks his surroundings quickly, making sure no one’s paying attention, before slipping into the washroom, clicking the door locked behind him.
instantly, your hands grip into his shirt, right over his chest, pulling him closer to you. but louis’ quick to grip into your wrists, stopping you dead in your tracks, tutting at you, “m’not here to hook up with you. you’re drunk aren’t you ? there’s no way you’d be doing this if you were sober.”
you look up at him, sadness mixed with need mixed with years of pent up arousal and want, biting your lip as you hum, “i wouldn’t be doing this sober,” you admit. “but it’s not because i dont want to, it’s because i wouldn’t have the courage to.”
“love,” louis sighs, feeling your hands slide from their perch in his chest, down to his hips, pulling him closer, in a silent plea. “i can’t do that to niall. he’s like a brother to me, he’d fuckin kill me.”
“well, he’ll have to go through me first,” you huff, pressing him against you, feeling his stiffy. “what is it you want ?”
you can see louis’ determination diminishing, his hand gently cupping your jaw, thumb rubbing against your cheek, trailing over the plushness of your bottom lip, “wanna do this,” he hums, leaning in, and pressing his lips to yours, because, really, fuck it all. he’s a saint for having resisted you so long anyway.
a groan instantly works its way up from your chest, hands instinctively gripping into his soft hair, holding him as close to you as you can.
you moan breathily, your mouths fighting for dominance, a decade of pent up attraction finally finding its way to the surface. with louis’ one hand against your jaw, the other gripped tightly into your hip, he begins to walk you backwards, your back hitting into the wall, his hips rolling against yours, a moan leaving his lips at the friction his cock has been desperately craving since your hand first made contact with his thigh.
“you’ve no idea how long i’ve wanted this,” louis whispers against your mouth, his teeth biting into the flesh of your bottom lip, as he grips your thigh, throwing it over his hip, giving himself much better access to grant you some pleasure as well.
the newfound angle makes you whimper, your breath picking up, losing yourself into louis. your fingers scratch at his scalp, foot digging into his bum to hold him close, closer. 
your cunt was an absolute mess, clenching around nothing, your panties completely soaked through, clit throbbing for attention, fumbling your way to try and discard his pants.
“christ, not here, darling,” louis groans, hips bucking instinctively into your touch, his lips working their way over your neck, finally getting a taste of your skin, something he’s begrudgingly withheld himself from for so long. “make it so hard to resist you,” he moans, nipping at your sensitive skin, where your neck meets your jaw. “you’re so fuckin gorgeous, and you know it don’t you ? always teasing me, fuckin gagging to get into my pants, christ, look at you.”
you whimper louder, tugging on him, needing him, craving absolutely any form of touch at this point.
you’re both quickly startled, frightened as you’re both caught off guard, a loud knock rasping against the door, “louis, you in there ? have ya seen my sister ?”
“fuck,” he whispers too quietly for niall to hear, adding louder, “yeah, m’here. haven’t seen her though mate.”
you both wait, holding your breath, hearing niall mutter a curse under his breath, the faint thumping of his footsteps retreating.
“fuckin hell,” louis groans exasperated, his heart about to burst out of his chest.
your eyes were closed, forehead pressed against louis’ chest, shaking your head, “that was way too close.”
“we can’t do this here,” louis murmurs sadly, catching sheer disappointment plastered across your features, as you roll your head back against the wall, needing a breather, knowing full well that your chance has flown out the window.
and for a moment, louis feels his heart squeeze. he can’t leave you high and dry, and quite honestly, doesn’t want to hold back from you anymore. he’s pretty sure he could take niall anyway, if the day ever comes. “think you can hold it together ? just a little longer,” he murmurs softly, lips pressing a soft, comforting kiss into your chin. “we can sneak off together later, smuggle you into my uber,” he chuckles breathily, “do this alone. no brother to get in the way.”
and if the way your face lights up was anything to go by, louis can bet that he’ll be having the best night he’s had in a long while.
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dreamcafes · 9 months
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126K notes · View notes
dreamcafes · 9 months
@justmeinatree made of something new be like
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48K notes · View notes
dreamcafes · 9 months
i got you gf🫡
BESTIE have you heard the new leaked song that was supposed to be on MITA it's so mf good
bestie i suck at the internet 😩 no i haven’t heard !! help a sista out and send a link ?? 🫶
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dreamcafes · 9 months
oohhh bitch i WILL BE TUNED IN to those oneshots!!!!! nouis are my men🤤i am fr your biggest fan now kisses on your forehead
the louis niall threesome got me fucking BARKING
LOL woof woof 🐶 no but seriously this made me laugh out loud ! thank you infinitely for reading !!
4 notes · View notes
dreamcafes · 9 months
you literally dont understand how fucking good that shit is, i fr sent it to my friend because we are not gatekeeping your blessed creation💅
the louis niall threesome got me fucking BARKING
LOL woof woof 🐶 no but seriously this made me laugh out loud ! thank you infinitely for reading !!
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dreamcafes · 9 months
Let Passion Get Too Much
Summary : niall x louis x reader threesome. that’s all it is.
TW : smut, threesome, anal, double penetration
Word Count : 3.2k
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the timing could not have been worse. and why the fuck do connecting doors to hotel rooms not come automatically locked ? neither niall or yourself ever even thought of checking. assuming, for obvious security purposes, that the door would absolutely be locked.
maybe it was the fact that you knew louis was staying on the other side, the fact that actual danger wasn’t present. 
but now, you wholeheartedly wished one of you had checked. because niall was laying on the bed, back sitting slightly up against the headboard, stark naked. and you were on your knees, next to him, hand rolling down niall’s rock hard length, spreading a bead of precum, also stark naked. 
with a bit of pressure on his cock, niall’s eyes closed, a breathy whine could be faintly heard from the back of his throat, making you literally dribble arousal onto the mattress beneath you. 
and that’s the moment louis comes waltzing in, “did i leave my smokes here ?” he asks, looking around the room, not having looked up at you yet.
both you and niall do nothing but stare at louis, frozen into position, your hand wrapped around the base of niall’s cock, one of niall’s hands gripped into your ass. 
but then louis looks up, takes in the scene in front of him, eyes wide, “fuckin hell, please dont cover up on my account,” he exclaims sarcastically.
“teach you to fuckin knock mate,” niall’s hand leaves your body, scrubbing over his face, groaning, “could you please hurry up. we’re kind of busy, yeah”
louis shakes his head, keeping his eyes down, looking around the seating area of the hotel room, where you’d all spent the evening passing joints around, and catching up.
“can’t fuckin find them,” louis mutters to himself, loud enough to make niall groan again, “c’mon louis.”
but you look over at niall, and christ, he knows that look all too well. you want something. something that surely isn’t going to necessarily be in his favour, judging by the size of puppy eyes you were flashing.
and then it dawns on him. a conversation you’d had a long time ago. about wanting to have a threesome. you wanted to try it, finally felt comfortable enough with a partner to know that you’d be totally safe. and with that in mind, other than niall, louis’ the next person in line, in terms of comfort.
“you can’t be fuckin serious,” niall blurts out, eyes locked on yours. “s’him you want ?”
because you’d never explicitly mentioned a name, just said that you’d know it when the time was right. and honestly, what could be more right time than this ?
“hey, you said you wouldn’t judge,” you pout at him, puppy eyes getting bigger, as you look down at him.
“christ, m’not judging, just- c’mon, it’s louis,” niall groans, scrubbing his face again. this was not how niall imagined his night going. he never imagined you’d pick louis of all people. although the more he thinks about it, the more it seems fairly comfortable for everyone. 
but louis’ ears perk up at the mention of his name, looking over again, keeping his eyes up by your faces now that he knows he has to. “sorry, sorry, fuck, they’re not here. i’ll leave, sorry again.”
“louis, wait,” niall calls out, making your eyes go wide, figuring this means that he’s agreed.
louis turns around, looking over at niall, “what is it ?”
niall takes a deep breath, looking over louis with a bit of a chuckle, “christ- “ he cuts himself off, looking at you again, “sure about this ?”
you quickly nod, looking over at louis, “join us ?” you ask lightly, as if it was the easiest thing in the world. because to you it was. by now, you’d become really close friends with louis. you were incredibly comfortable with him, there was no shame or awkward discomfort for you in this conversation.
“you- what ?” louis laughs, “are you serious ?”
“please, louis,” you look over at him, biting your lip, crawling off the bed, leaving niall to sit up straighter against the headboard, watching the interaction between you two.
louis’ eyes roam the expanse of your exposed self as you approach him, he was only human afterall, but your body is quickly shielded from his gaze, as you step right up to him, body pressed against his.
his eyes flick over to niall, as his hands instinctively went to your hips, checking in with him, only to find niall nodding back at him, giving him the okay, “s’her you should be checking with.”
as louis’ eyes land on yours again, he finds you smiling back at him, “s’okay to touch. i want you to. will you please join us ?” at the flash of hesitation in his eyes, you add softly, “no shame, louis. if you don’t want to, just say, we’ll never mention it again.”
you watch as his gaze flick between you and niall, two of his best mates, whom are dating and have been for quite some time. but he doesn’t want to say no. he’s curious. 
“what are the rules then ?” louis asks softly, smirking down at you, a wide smile taking over your features, as you make your way back to the bed, pulling him behind you.
you crawl back up onto the mattress, your hand colliding with louis’ chest as he attempts to follow you, his eyebrows furrowing. “gotta strip first,” you smile at him, wanting him naked.
louis chuckles, stripping his clothes off quickly, not wanting to think this through too much, going on feeling, joining you and niall on the bed, looking at you both expectantly, “anything i shouldn’t do then ?”
you look over at niall, having a silent conversation with your eyes, niall shaking his head, “for tonight, nothing’s off limits. we just go with the flow. if anything’s ever not feeling good, we speak up.”
at that, you nod, looking over at louis, who’s nodding as well, his fingertips gliding down your backbone, following the dip in your back, rounding out over your bum.
niall reaches for your hand, pulling you close again, to lock his lips with yours, his cock still incredibly hard.
you groan, getting momentarily lost in the kiss, swinging your leg over his, straddling his thighs, as your hands tangle into his hair.
louis comes up behind you, both hands gripping into the swell of your ass, spreading you apart, his hardening length gliding between your cheeks, biting his lip as he watches.
“think you’ll be able to take us both, love ?” louis asks, watching the head of his dick catch on your puckered hole. watching your body clench every single time.
you whimper against niall’s lips, pulling away momentarily to answer louis, “fuck yes, please. want you both. wanna be so full.”
“such a good girl hmm ?” louis murmurs, pulling his member away from you, in favour of watching his thumb roll around your hole, pressing gently, massaging your tight ring of muscles. “just want to please, dont you ?”
“she’s the fuckin best,” niall hums, biting on your lip, his fingertips tickling over your tummy on their way to grope your breasts, thumbing over your pert nipples. “can’t wait to show off what she can do.”
your hips roll down against niall’s cock, listening to them talk about you as if you weren’t right there, a glimmer of pride from your boyfriend, an intense turn on you seemingly didn’t even realize you had.
“getting a bit needy aren’t ya petal ?” niall groans, having been so hard for what feels like forever now. he watches you nod, your cunt dripping down onto niall’s length steadily, as he passes a bottle of lube over to louis. “she’s done this plenty. shouldn’t take too too much.”
you instantly feel the heat rising up your neck to your cheeks, embarrassment evident in your features now that louis knows you’ve enjoyed anal a bit more than you’ve ever cared to admit.
but niall knows you well, catching the look etched on your face, fingers darting out to smooth over your cheek, as you feel the dribble of cool lube leaving the bottle and hitting your hole.
you flinch slightly, feeling yourself clench, hiding your face in niall’s neck, feeling his hands run up and down your back in comfort, hearing him coo against your hair, “dont need to be embarrassed, pet.”
louis’ eyes flick up at the mention of embarrassment, just as the tip of his middle finger breaches your hole, a breathy moan now fogging up niall’s neck, “s’just me lovie,” louis hums, the tightness around his finger not going unnoticed. “fuckin love that you wanna take us both. love that you’re ready for it.”
louis works his way up to 3 fingers, twisting them around inside you, petting your inner walls, learning what it is that makes you moan loudest. so far, he’s absolutely obsessed with all your pretty sounds, loves that he’s the one able to elicit them from you too.
“think you’re ready, beautiful,” louis coos, his fingers slipping out of you, both hands now gripped into your bum again, watching the gape he’s created. “who’s going first ?”
“ni, please,” you whimper, blinking at niall, watching him nod, needing to feel some sort of relief, your cunt absolutely weeping for it.
“help me, petal,” niall hums, not having the best angle as you’re straddled onto him. without a second though, you reach down, sitting yourself onto his hard length, a loud relief filled moan echoing through the room, from both you and niall.
you work your hips over him a few times, head tipping back onto louis’ shoulder, biting your lip as you breathe in his musky scent. it was so different from niall, yet incredibly comforting as well.
louis’ face dips down to kiss along your shoulder and into your neck, leaving tentative licks as he does, getting a taste at your sweet self for the first time. he couldn’t deny ever having thoughts about you, he always thought you were gorgeous. but he’s met you as niall’s girlfriend, and learned to push the thoughts aside because of it.
but this moment, now that he’s gotten the okay, and he’s slowly pushing into you, his mind goes completely blank.
with your head still leaned on louis’ shoulder, your body starts lightly trembling, breathing getting shallow as you’ve never felt so incredibly full in your life, “fuck, fuck,” you whimper breathily, bottom lip quivering.
louis’ arms were wrapped around your body, holding you up against him, niall’s fingers digging into your hips, as louis’ cock slowly starts thrusting in and out of you, niall staying completely seethed inside you, feeling the drag and pull of his mate’s cock.
“christ, fuckin hell,” niall groans loudly, “can feel you. fuck, can feel you moving,” he whimpers, the overwhelming tightness of it all not only affecting you, but also both men. “gotta fuckin feel this, lou,” niall moans, hands darting out instinctively to grip into louis’ hips, stilling his movements inside you.
as niall starts to roll his hips, you moan louder, if at all possible, a shiver running through your entire body, the head of his cock grinding into your sweet spot deliciously hard, tucked into you with so much less space than usual. 
louis moans as well, one hand reaching out for niall’s arm, the glide of his friend’s cock adding to the intense pleasure, “christ mate, fuck. weren’t kidding eh ?” 
niall shakes his head, all three of you working through breathy pants, niall’s cock thrusting slowly, the overwhelming pressure, overwhelming sensitivity, overwhelming pleasure taking over all of your bodies.
it all starts to unravel for you when you feel louis’ hand gliding down your body, stilling over your stomach, and pressing down, making him feel the head of niall’s cock bumping into you with each thrust. “s’he filling you up good ? fuck, can you feel him in your tummy ? being so good for us, sweet girl. so fucking good.”
as he catches you nod, whining and biting your lip, your brain a little too lost to properly answer him, his hand keeps gliding down, fingertips flicking over your clit, you now really start to lose it. 
your head peels itself from louis’ shoulder, forehead resting on niall’s, your hands gripped tightly into his hair as some sort of anchor. your body starts steadily shaking, gasping for air, your body clenching with every passing flick of louis’ fingers on your sensitive button.
a loud guttural moan rips through you as your body seizes, intense pleasure coursing through your bloodstream, both louis and niall’s lengths pressed up deep inside you, feeling you clenched up tightly on them.
unable to hold himself back, with the tight vice grip you have on his cock, niall’s head drops to your chest, groaning, as he cums, spurts of hot white coating your inner walls, his grip tightened on louis’ hips.
“fuck, are you cumming too ?” louis groans breathily, peering over your shoulder to catch a glimpse of him.
“christ, how are you not ?” niall moans, another tremor wracking through his body, as your head falls back onto louis’ shoulder, panting for air, bottom lip trembling as silent tears falls from your eyes, wetting louis’ neck. “so fuckin tight, fuck, fuck,” niall adds, working to catch his breath.
he can hear louis chuckle, feel him slowly pull out and thrust back into you, niall whining loudly as he feels the drag against his overly sensitive prick, reaching back without thinking, fingernails dug into louis’ ass to keep him in place, “don’t you fucking dare.”
“sorry mate, sorry,” louis giggles, resting his head against yours, his hand gently petting your tummy, “feeling alright love ?” as you nod, taking a shuddering breath, making louis coo quietly, “s’a lot yeah ? feeling a bit overwhelmed ?”
“yeah,” you whisper, not trusting your voice entirely, as niall gains some composure, looking up at you, kissing the underside of your chin, “lemme pull out, petal.”
his hands glide from louis’ bum, back onto your hips, holding you steady as he pulls out of you, a large dribble of cum following suit.
you feel your body buckle, muscles going limp, louis being the only thing truly holding you up, as niall pecks a series of kisses over your chest.
“want me to pull out as well ?” you hear louis ask, immediately shaking your head, no. 
“want you to cum inside me too,” you murmur, no more embarrassment present, completely lax with the moment. 
“can i move then ?” he asks quietly, feeling you nod, as he hooks his finger under your chin, turning your face towards his, lips crashing onto yours in your first kiss, beginning to work his cock inside you again.
you whine, a bit sensitive, a quick shiver running down your spine, feeling niall drop down on the bed, shimmying himself further between your legs, his tongue taking a tentative lick at your folds, collecting some of his cum.
you moan louder against louis’ lips, one hand reaching down into niall’s hair on instinct, body relaxing further into louis’, your muscles rendered completely useless. 
louis’ eyes flick down, catching a glimpse at the dark brown tousle of hair between your legs, groaning, “you fuckin tasting yourself ?”
you can feel niall moan, nodding against you, the languid strokes of his tongue collecting each drip of his cum.
“always knew you were fuckin dirty,” louis chuckles breathily, feeling your body start to clamp down again, obviously overly sensitive. “s’ni making you feel good, love ?”
you nod, moaning out a series of yeses, your other hand, the one not in niall’s hair, reaching above you to bring louis’ face back up to yours, kissing him deeply, tongue quickly slipped into his mouth.
“s’louis making you feel good ?” niall asks, breath fanning over your abused cunt, his thumb coming up to swipe repeatedly from your entrance to your clit as he settles further, playfully taking one of louis’ balls in his mouth, pulling away with a pop.
“yes, yes, yes, fuck. everything’s so good,” you groan loudly, gasping for air, completely lost in the feeling of them.
louis groans louder as well, one hand leaving your body to grip into niall’s hair alongside yours, nails scratching at his scalp.
niall shudders, his cock starting to gain interest again, his hand working over himself as he licks his way back up to your clit. his other hand slides behind you, gripping into louis’ ass again, making his hips move faster, harder, working you up more.
“fuckin christ, so fuckin good,” louis groans, head tucked into your neck, arms wrapping around you tighter, thighs starting to shake.
as niall slips his tongue inside you, flicking it over your sensitive walls, louis shudders harder, teeth digging into the skin of your shoulder, whining loudly, “can feel your tongue. fuck, dont stop ni.”
so niall doesn’t stop, his tongue keeps flicking inside you, catching on the underside of louis’ cock through your walls. your body starts convulsing, louis sucking over the bite mark he’s left on you, thrusts growing more and more erratic, the more he feels. feels niall’s tongue. feels you squeezing down on him.
“gonna cum again pet ?” niall hums, mouth still pressed to your sopping cunt, his entire face stuffed against you, struggling to breathe, and not caring one bit, too caught up in the overwhelmingness of it all.
“mhmm, fuck,” you groan out loudly, another orgasm ripping through you, a string of curses coming from behind you, as louis finally lets go, filling you up to the brim.
as you start to come down, louis pulls out of you, niall giving your cunt one last kiss, shimmying his way out from under you, helping you lay down next to him, louis following suit.
“remind me to lose my smokes more often,” louis jokes, a breathy laugh escaping his lips, one hand up in his hair, working at regulating his breathing.
“only one thing left to do,” niall hums, leaning on his elbow to be propped up, looking over you at louis. “after all that, think i deserve a little smooch,” he smirks playfully.
“fuckin hell,” louis laughs, shaking his head, leaning up as well to press his lips to niall’s, both of them laughing through it all.
you hum, laying under them, smirking up at the scene before you, “definitely making a note to steal your smokes sometime.”
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dreamcafes · 2 years
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⌗ umji (viviz) ᎒ lockscreens ᝰ
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