dream-projectrwby · 8 years
Steppin’ Up My Dating Game 💞
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dream-projectrwby · 8 years
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dream-projectrwby · 8 years
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dream-projectrwby · 8 years
(1) Starting animation
Supported by the help of Patreon
So I’m not going to pretend that I am the best animator, but there are a few things I learned that some people may find useful.
Basic shapes.
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Seriously, use basic shapes when you start a complex animation! They help tremendously with establishing the movement of form. If your object is in the same plane throughout the movement, keep the size of their parts the same.
If you look at pro animators, their first starting point is almost always something lose and messy.
Add a little.
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Don’t go overboard. Just add a few things on another layer. Again, you are just worried about the transition of form in the animation. Just use simple shapes. if proportions begin to be a problem, just copy and paste the part you are animating and morph it a bit.
Finish up detailing.
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If there are a lot of things to worry about, just keep adding them on separate layers. Don’t try to draw everything in one go, it almost never works to your favor.
Ink and fill with color.
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If something does not look right to you, you can always go back and change it on that particular layer. 
That’s pretty much the basics of how you would want to plan your animations. There are a lot of other things you need to worry about when animating, but that’s what I wanted to say about form.
If you’d like to see how I do specific animations, consider supporting me on Patreon (nsfw).
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dream-projectrwby · 8 years
(2) 2d Character animation
Disclaimer: Art isn’t a science: there are no definite proofs, there is no “correct” methodology, there are no facts. That’s not to say there aren’t cool ideas for you to explore. I don’t claim to be the best animator, I’m just showing you what works for me.
OK, so we want to start animating a character. One of the most important things about characters are the faces. It can really throw off a perfectly good animation when you see the face deform into something you can’t even recognize. What we want is consistency, but how do we get that? Well I can think of three ways : Make face guidelines, generate a 3d animation and rotoscope it, or get a clip from real life and rotoscope that. I’m just going to focus on the first one for reasons I’ll explain later.
You should start with a rough sketch, I like using simple shapes, but a lot of pros just go straight into outlines of the major forms.
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OK, we got a very basic construction of a head (eyes, mouth, neck, etc). Now to keep our parts of the head consistent relative to eachother, we can add another guideline to help us (I used a triangle).
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Now I made up some hairstyle and eyes on the first frame. Then I applied it on the other 3 keyframes and added inbetween frames to make it smoother.
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You see how the eyes and mouth are within a certain boundary. This is really helpful to get it looking believable. Keeping the ratio is critical to make your character’s face consistent. Now remove the guidelines and you get a half-decent animation.
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You can expand your animation to do whatever.
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You can do all this relatively fast if you feel comfortable with drawing your characters. 
You can also use 3d. The problem with 3d though is that it takes alot of time to get assets made, rigged, and animated. By then you might as well render it and keep it 3d. I should say, a lot of modern day 2d animations do use at least some 3d. I’ve noticed it a lot with backgrounds and that’s understandable since you don’t want to redraw every single frame as the camera pans. 
As for rotoscoping, I think it’s a bit vacuous. Most of my favorite animations are done with exaggerated movements of different body parts to accentuate emotions (e.g. mouth getting bigger when angry or surprised). This problem applies to 3d as well, but if you’re skilled enough (and have enough time) you can make great animations that have this exaggerated element.
*This works for other “styles” that are more realistic.
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The thing to keep in mind, is that the skull is a complex shape, and it follows that the face is also a complex shape. Having simple shapes still helps because those complex shapes fit inside simple shapes.
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Hope this helps, and thanks again for your support.
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dream-projectrwby · 8 years
(3) 2d character animation - Keying
One of the most important things you need to worry about when you create an animation is the keyframes. Keyframe animators, are usually considered senior animators (in a professional studio) that decide on critical aspects of the animation. Each studio has different roles that keyframe animators have to fill, but generally speaking they are in charge of translating the storyboards into a fluid animation. Depending on the size of the studio, you may also find “regular” animators and in-betweeners. Since I come from a position of someone who does everything from the beginning to the end, you’ll be getting a more holistic view. Going into the animation hierarchy is really beyond the scope of this mini-lesson. I’ll be focusing on how you would want to handle yourself when you are creating keyframes for your animation, specifically keyframing characters.
 First you would ideally have a character sheet (to make your life easier, to make it more accurate to the vision of the designers or directors or… to yourself)
 I didn’t make one, but you’ll have to forgive me.
 I like martial arts, so I wanted to try animating a “jump spinning hook kick”.
The first thing you need to do is to make the “keys,” or keyframes. For those who don’t know what keyframes are, they are just points in the animation that define major movements and/or change in movements of objects (in our case characters).
So here we have the character:
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We definitely want the point of contact to be a key.
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And the landing.
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Now that we have the major keys down, we can start breaking them up into smoother and more refined movements. We have to ask ourselves how does the human body move when performing this kick and to answer that question you would have to get references!
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Keep adding keyframes at important positions in the movement, this you really need to develop a feel for.
I added another element to the animation to have the character seemingly be reacting to something (just to make it more interesting).
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Expand on what the element is by laying out important keys (as you did before)
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Now as a key animator you are in charge of laying out the length of exposures each frame has. If you’re working in a professional setting, you will probably get an X-sheet (or exposure sheet). This is a good time to start thinking which frames need to be extended and which need to be shortened.
I wanted to exaggerate the kick so I extended the exposure of the kick.
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Now that you have a blueprint of where you want to go, you can start filling in the spaces where extra frames are needed.
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Really once you have your point A and point B set, it’s fairly simple to fill in the blanks. The important part is getting point A and point B just right. Having a smooth animation is not as important as having good movement (imo). Part of the charm that Japanese animation has is the interesting choice of shots/angles/poses that make up for the lack of frames (in comparison to the fluid frames you would normally see in a Disney animation).
Keyframes can also be used for changing the backgrounds, and perspective lines more broadly. Although seeing hand-drawn backgrounds has become rarer and rarer these days because of how much easier it is to generate it with 3d software.
Hope that helps, I realize these are very basic but hopefully I can expand into more complicated stuff in the future.
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dream-projectrwby · 8 years
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I love my little Rubbles so much
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dream-projectrwby · 8 years
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dream-projectrwby · 8 years
how to be a winner
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dream-projectrwby · 8 years
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dream-projectrwby · 8 years
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d.va  Soldier:76
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dream-projectrwby · 8 years
This took way too long to make, but everyone was urging me to make one, so here we are
As I’m sure quite a few of you have heard, on the long drive home from RTX this year, my car’s engine blew a rod and seized up, breaking down in the middle of nowhere Texas and forcing me to leave it behind as a friend rescued us and took us home. After talking to the auto shop my car was towed to, the engine would need to be replaced completely, and that would cost just as much, if not more than, what I bought my entire car for. Honestly, fixing it isn’t worth it. (Especially given how many other issues my car was having) So, we’re going to scrap my car and I’m only going to get about $200 for it. I haven’t found a decent used car nearby just yet (apparently finding a new car without having a car/ride already is very hard), but I don’t want to go over 10k for it. I realize the timing of this emergency couldn’t be worse, but literally any and every donation, no matter how small, will help greatly, and if you can’t donate, signal boosts will also help greatly. I’m really in a dire pinch now. Without a car, I’ll be forced to start taking an Uber to and from work, and the cost of that will stack up very fast, but I’d much prefer that as opposed to losing my job. I’d rather not think of that at all. I need everyone’s help now more than ever before, and as I said, even the smallest of donations and signal boosts will help immensely! Thank you all from the bottom of my heart <3
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dream-projectrwby · 8 years
one for my highlight reel ✨
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dream-projectrwby · 8 years
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Terminator Penny complex emotions! by  顔芸モアイ ‏
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dream-projectrwby · 8 years
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Mercy had enough of her team.
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dream-projectrwby · 8 years
when u have anxiety but ur still spongebob af
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dream-projectrwby · 8 years
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Special shikishi board commission of #RWBY #rwbyfanart lady #yangxiaolong . #roosterteeth
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