dream-dove · 9 days
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John Steinbeck, The Winter of Our Discontent
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dream-dove · 9 days
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Catherine + bubbles
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dream-dove · 9 days
Reblog this if you like seeing me on your dash
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dream-dove · 11 days
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dream-dove · 11 days
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dream-dove · 11 days
Bella glanced up from her praying, a hint of a sardonic smile playing on her lips. "Well, Dracula, maybe I'm not talking to you. Some beings are worth my time and breath, even if they're less inclined to lean against walls and make grandiose statements."
Bella sighed, her eyes still closed in prayer as she muttered, "Funny, I thought you'd understand the concept of atoning for past misdeeds. But then again, I suppose listening has never been your strong suit, has it?"
After a minute Bella stood up from her praying stance, dusting off the lower part of her dress. "Well, well, Dracula," she began with a smirk, "this must be the fifth time our paths have crossed. If I didn't know better, I'd say you're starting to miss me." She moved towards him with a confident stride, her eyes glinting with a mix of amusement and challenge.
Reaching for her scarf hanging on a nearby hook, Bella wrapped it around her neck with a practiced ease. "Tell me, have I become your latest fascination?" she teased, her tone light yet laced with underlying curiosity. "You must be seeing something intriguing in me to keep coming back. Or perhaps," she added, her smile turning sharper, "you're just drawn to what you can't quite capture."
Correspondence from @dream-dove
❝ I was praying. ❞
Vlad was scornful and also amused at the same time. She was praying, as if that could or ever would make a difference. He had prayed once and it had come to nothing. The Deciever was the only being who had come forth. No matter what he had said or cried out for, there had been no god who had answered him. Then, he had become the creature he was and if the lord had ever been there before, he was there no longer.
"You waste your time and breath on a being who won't hear a word you say." He told Bella, leaning almost casually against the wall, watching her with a savage amusement.
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dream-dove · 22 days
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Elle Fanning as Empress Catherine in The Great (2020)
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dream-dove · 22 days
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— Call me by your name (2017)
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dream-dove · 24 days
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The Great | 1x06 “Parachute”
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dream-dove · 27 days
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dream-dove · 1 month
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First name: Elara
Last name: Astraeus
Age: 20
height: 5’7
weight: 148.5
Catchphrase: “I think you need to lighten up.”
Mother: (Aurelia) Deceased
Father: (Caelum) Deceased
Family background:
Elara's mother Aurelia, was a graceful and compassionate figure, was known for her healing abilities and her gentle touch, which brought comfort to those in need. She possessed an innate understanding of celestial energies and passed down her knowledge to Elara, nurturing her daughter's connection to the stars from a young age.
Elara's father Caelum, was a stalwart and determined guardian, was respected for his bravery and leadership on the battlefield. He was a master of celestial combat techniques and trained Elara in the art of wielding her Stand, instilling in her a sense of discipline and resilience that would serve her well in the years to come.
Together, Elara's parents shared a bond forged in the fires of adversity and tempered by the trials of their celestial duty. They stood as beacons of hope and strength for their people, guiding them through times of darkness and uncertainty with unwavering resolve. Though most of all they highly loved and treasure their daughter Elara deeply.
Tragically, Elara's parents were among those lost in the cataclysm that befell Astoria.
Traits: Elara is adept at listening towards others, whether it's someone like dry humor, the eccentric and long-winded stories, or even someone deafening rock music... She takes it all in, like a curious sponge absorbing all kinds of experience.
Blending a deep sense of empathy and curiosity with the weight of her own fears and burdens. Her adeptness at listening reflects her compassionate nature, as she willingly embraces the diverse experiences and perspectives of those around her. Elara approaches each encounter with an open mind and a genuine desire to understand and connect with others.
Despite her outward strength and resilience, Elara grapples with a sense of longing for her lost home, a place that exists only in memories and echoes of the past. This longing serves as a poignant reminder of her vulnerability and the deep-seated fear that threatens to overshadow her every move. Yet, beneath her fears lies a heart of kindness and determination, fueled by a steadfast commitment to protect and defend those who cannot protect themselves.
Driven by her innate sense of justice and compassion, Elara dedicates herself to safeguarding the innocent and upholding the values of empathy and understanding. Even in the face of adversity and uncertainty, she remains unwavering in her resolve, drawing strength from the bonds of friendship and the guiding light of love that illuminates her path. As Elara navigates the complexities of her own existence and confronts the challenges that lie ahead, she embraces her role as a beacon of hope in a world shrouded in darkness. With each step she takes, she embodies the essence of kindness, courage, and determination, proving that even in the midst of uncertainty, the power of compassion can light the way forward.
Aspirations: Starting a small business crafting handmade celestial-themed jewelry, inspired by the stars and cosmic beauty.
Hobbies: 1. Stargazing Enthusiast: Elara has a passion for stargazing and spends many evenings under the open sky, marveling at the constellations and tracing imaginary shapes among the stars. She finds solace and inspiration in the vastness of the cosmos, feeling a deep connection to them.
2. Herbal Tea Connoisseur: Elara enjoys experimenting with different blends of herbal teas, using ingredients she gathers from her surroundings. She finds joy in crafting unique flavors and aromas, and she often shares her creations with friends as they gather for cozy conversations.
3. Animal Lover: Elara has a soft spot for animals and has a habit of befriending stray cats and dogs she encounters during her travels. She enjoys spending time with her animal companions, finding comfort in their company and forming deep bonds with each furry friend she meets.
4. Secret Sweet Tooth: Despite her disciplined exterior, Elara has a weakness for sweets, particularly chocolate. She indulges in the occasional treat when she thinks no one is watching, savoring each bite with a guilty pleasure that she keeps hidden from others.
5. Eco-conscious Gardener: Elara takes pride in cultivating her own small garden, where she grows an assortment of herbs, flowers, and vegetables. She practices sustainable gardening methods and enjoys tending to her plants, finding peace and tranquility in the rhythm of nature.
Triggers: None
Fears: Feeling powerless to help someone in need, losing control of her stand and hurting someone she holds dear and being alone forever.
Comforts: 1. Reading: Losing herself in the pages of a good book, whether it's a fantasy novel or a book about astronomy, allows Elara to bring back fond memories of her home.
2. Friendship: Spending time with her friends and loved ones, sharing laughter, stories, and moments of connection, brings Elara a sense of belonging and reminds her that she is not alone.
3. Helping others: Offering support and assistance to those in need, whether it's through acts of kindness, lending a listening ear, or using her abilities for good, brings Elara a sense of fulfillment and purpose.
Favorite food: Okonomiyaki, Ramen, Red bean desserts, Fruit parfaits, Pizza Margherita, Arancini and Cannoli
Likes: Enjoys helping those who are in need, shopping for new outfits, sewing but her favorite is making blankets, peppermint tea, baking, rain, gardening since she has one at her home, singing, jogging during mornings, and star gazing in secret since strangely night time no one is never out.
Dislikes: Having cold water immediately on her skin, ginger, needles, dancing in public since she becomes a nervous wreck, blazing heat, betrayal, and carrots
Flaws: Self-doubt, Impulsiveness, Naivety, Guilt-proneness, Fear of vulnerability
Habits: When Elara is nervous she would fumble with her fingers or when sitting she would move leg up and down.
Backstory: Elara hailed from the celestial planet of Astoria, a realm deeply intertwined with the creation and manifestation of Stands. As a guardian of Astoria, Elara was entrusted with the sacred duty of nurturing and guiding the Stands that emerged from the cosmic energies of her world. With her innate connection to the stars and celestial forces, Elara possessed a profound understanding of the intricate bond between Stands and their users.
However, tragedy befell Astoria when inexplicable calamities threatened to engulf the planet in chaos and destruction. As the fabric of their world began to unravel, Elara's people faced annihilation, their once vibrant civilization teetering on the brink of oblivion. In a desperate bid to preserve the legacy of Astoria, the celestial elders chose Elara as the sole survivor to carry the hopes and memories of their race.
In the eleventh hour, as Astoria's demise seemed imminent, Elara was whisked away from her crumbling homeland by a cosmic teleportation spell. With tears in her eyes and sorrow weighing heavy in her heart, she watched as her beloved planet faded into the void, leaving behind only bittersweet memories and unanswered questions.
Arriving on the unfamiliar terrain of Earth, Elara found herself in a world vastly different from her own. Determined to honor the legacy of Astoria and carry on its teachings, she embarked on a journey of adaptation and self-discovery. Guided by the wisdom of her people and fueled by a resilient spirit, Elara embraced her new role as a guardian of Earth, using her knowledge of Stands to aid those in need and protect the balance of power in this new realm.
Stand name: Steller Nova
Stand namesake: 4:00 am by Taeko Onuki
Stand appearance: “Stellar Nova” is quite a tall figure, its humanoid form bathed in a radiant glow reminiscent of starlight. Its body is sleek and graceful, with 4 elongated limbs and a slender physique, within its stomach holds a levitating star-shaped crystal.
The Stand's skin appears to be composed of shimmering stardust, giving it a celestial sheen that twinkles with an inner light. Its eyes gleam with the intensity of distant stars, glowing brightly.
Adorning its celestial form are intricate patterns and symbols, resembling constellations and cosmic motifs etched into its skin like celestial tattoos. These symbols pulse and shimmer with an otherworldly energy, casting dynamic patterns of light and shadow across its luminous form.
As it moves, trails of stardust swirl and cascade around its body, leaving behind a trail of glittering cosmic particles that hang in the air like a celestial aura. With each step, it leaves behind a faint imprint of starlight, as if walking through the fabric of the space itself.
Stand main ability: Stella Nova has the power to manipulate celestial energy and harness the power of stars. It can create miniature star-like projectiles that explode upon impact, emitting intense heat and light.
Stand Statistics:
Destructive Power: B
Speed: C
Range: A
Stamina: B
Precision: C
Development Potential: A
How did your character become a stand user?
Elara's parents were stand users, their genes were strong. It was 50/50 if Elara would have gained one. But she was blessed to have developed one by the time she was 6.
Fighting style
Weapon: None
Hamon usage: None
Stand usage: Stella Nova is indeed a versatile stand.
1. Cosmic Shielding: Elara could summon "Stellar Nova" to create protective barriers of celestial energy, shielding herself and her allies from enemy attacks or harmful effects. These barriers could be formed in various shapes and sizes, depending on the situation.
2. Healing Light: "Stellar Nova" could emit a healing aura of celestial energy, replenishing the strength and vitality of Elara and her allies. This healing light could mend injuries and restore stamina.
3. Celestial Strikes: Elara could channel the power of "Stellar Nova" into her physical attacks, imbuing them with celestial energy and enhancing their strength and effectiveness. These celestial strikes could pack a powerful punch, delivering devastating blows to her opponents.
4. Cosmic Guidance: "Stellar Nova" could serve as a guiding light for Elara and her allies, illuminating the path ahead. This cosmic guidance could help them navigate through dak unfamiliar terrain.
Hand to hand combat: It's decent for her. However, Elara's focus would likely be on utilizing her Stand's abilities to their fullest extent rather than engaging in physical combat herself. She would prefer to rely on the celestial powers of "Stellar Nova" to overpower her opponents and protect those she cares about.
That said, Elara's hand-to-hand combat skills serves as a valuable backup option in situations where her Stand is unavailable or disabled. In such cases, she would rely on her agility, reflexes, and instincts to defend herself and outmaneuver her opponents until she can summon "Stellar Nova" to her aid.
Swordsmanship: None
Defense: Average.
Offense: Mid level
However Elara does possess a viable mark on her chest, it is in the shape of a fragmented star which when activated would emit a low faint glow. Yet this is a curse set upon her, a Celestial Fracture a reminder to Elara of her being the only survivor of that destruction. When this curse activates it disrupts Elara's ability to channel and control the celestial energies that once flowed freely within her, causing her powers to become unstable and unpredictable.
As a result of this curse, Elara's Stand abilities would now spiral out of control, unleashing chaotic bursts of energy that threaten to harm both friend and foe alike. In moments of intense emotion or stress, the fractures in her celestial powers flare up and leave her internal pain. However there is a way to free her of this burden, something which she had never obtained in her life yet. This mystery will free her of this curse.
Love interests: Josuke, Rohan, Giorno, Prosciutto, Bucciarati, Mista, Jotaro, Dio, Josuke 8
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dream-dove · 2 months
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dream-dove · 2 months
“As always, Nimerah, your penchant for keeping your plans close to the chest both intrigues and amuses me,” Joan remarked, a faint smile playing at the corner of his lips. “You do have a way of making things needlessly complicated.” His gaze lingered on her, admiration flickering in his eyes. “But then again, it’s that very defiance of yours that I find so enthralling. It’s one of the reasons I’ve chosen to stand by your side, to be your sword.”
“What elaborate machinations have you concocted today to keep us on our toes?” His tone carried a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty.
@dream-dove sent a message.
“You enjoy making things complicated, don't you?” (For Nimerah)
A small smile rested on her lips as she shrugged her shoulders. She didn't see it as a concern or as a problem. Her father definitely disagreed and Joan probably disagreed too but there was nothing either of them could do about it. She was strong and willful and she knew her own mind and used up all the agency she had.
"So I've been told. Regularly and often." She laughs, shaking her head. "Some would call it complicated, I call it being exciting."
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dream-dove · 2 months
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Dracula Untold Alternative Opening Scene 3 / 3
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dream-dove · 2 months
“It is an art of the most exquisite kind to touch someone’s soul before touching their skin.””
— a.y.
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dream-dove · 2 months
love is torture. not in the sense of physical pain, no. but in the sense that no matter how many words spill from my mouth, no matter how i look at you. none of it would be enough. you will never know how much i yearn for you. it is torture to love you, to love in a way the poets do. and it is torture, for you to have no clue how much you kill me in all the best ways.
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dream-dove · 2 months
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