Bruce watched Betty carefully. She was shaken, literally and figuratively.
So was Bruce. Not that he’d expected a holiday, but damn.
“We teleported straight here without alerting them that we’d fixed the portal,” he told her, voice low but tense. “Unless Heimdall takes a peak over here and sends help, we’re on our own.”
He glanced at Jane, then to Sue.
“Uh...at the risk of being more melancholy than usual, I think it’s safe to say that I’ll only do more harm than good if I try to help.” He licked his lips as he mentally added, And I don’t want Betty to conjure up whatever Loki put inside her and blow her secret.
“You’re one of the most powerful people here, Sue; you should help them.” Bruce jerked his head toward the general ruckus around them. “We’ll get out of here and find some help.”
He looked to Betty and took her hand, then waved his free one at Jane. Clustered together at the edge of the Sue’s shield, they awaited her word, Bruce glancing over his shoulder one last time to signal that they were as ready as they were going to be to run like hell and hope they didn’t have to get involved in the fight.
Into the Well | GROUP EVENT (26 July 2014)
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He exited the elevator to see Jamie waiting for him and smiled, his hands folded in front of him.
She returned his smile. "Hello, Dr. Banner. Miss Frost is ready to see you."
Bruce followed her into Emma's office and took a seat as it was offered, then opened his hands as though in offering.
"It's been a while," he agreed. "I'm sorry I haven't kept in touch, and, uh..."
His smiled again, but this time with a hint of self-deprecation. He really should have brought her something to make up for how eloquent he wasn't.
"I'm sure you've heard this to exhaustion, but -- my condolences. About your father. How, um...how have you been doing?"
How To Treat A Guest || Bruce & Emma
Emma was moving over to make herself a cup of coffee when Jamie rushed into the office and stood beside her, excitement all over her face. “Miss Emma, Dr. Banner is here. Remember the guy who came and-" Emma put a hand on the girl’s shoulder and her finger to her lip. 
"I remember, what do you mean he’s here? And why are you acting like a high school girl with a crush?" Emma couldn’t help but feel a small amount of happiness at seeing her this way. 
”The new girl at reception called up and said it was Dr. Banner, so I said it was ok to send him up. If not I can turn him away." Emma shook her head and shooed the woman gently from her office. 
"Just send him in when he gets here. Please. I’m actually kind of glad he has showed up." Emma left the door to her office open as she moved to sit on the arm chair in the other corner of her room, beside her bookshelves and the old magazine covers of her and her father. Looking over to the couch, she frowned a moment and stood, fixing the pillows that had been there. 
”Miss Emma, Dr. Banner is here." Jamie still had the giddy tone to her voice and Emma smiled and looked up at Bruce, empty handed. His aura was a murky blue, the color of concern and empathy. Waving a hand at her other couch, Emma smiled at the man. 
"Please, sit dear. It’s been tpo long."
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For some reason, Bruce was surprised to find their victory with the portal short-lived as he blinked away the post-teleportation spots before his eyes and saw lots and lots of really big, really unhappy insects. All he had time for was a resigned sigh before he turned to Jane, only to immediately have to duck as the swarming insects took notice of the newcomers.
"Come on!" He tossed an arm around Jane and made a break toward where Sue and Betty were standing together a few yards away, lashing out at an insect whenever one came too close for comfort. Of course, as soon as his arm connected with one, he regretted it -- the pain of the impact sluiced up his arm, though on the bright side, he wasn't bleeding -- but there wasn't much more he could do. He was fairly confident he could direct the Hulk toward warding off the insects, but there was little he could do to minimize collateral damage; he could just as easily tear the tree apart while trying to protect it.
"Betty, Sue -- what's going on?"
Into the Well | GROUP EVENT (26 July 2014)
Far be it for Jane to overly revel in her own success, but as the portal subsumed the group of scientists, thrusting them towards their destination, she couldn’t help but smile to herself with silent pride.
Of course, she wasn’t exactly prepared for the experience.  Her portal was a little less organic, more constructed, than the Bifrost.  And it made her a little dizzy.  But it worked, and that was all that mattered.  She could fine-tune the algorithms later, but it was important to know that it worked.  No comment from her fellow scientists- it was okay, she understood they might be shocked, perhaps nonplussed.  They were going somewhere, though, and that’s what counted.
As their brief trip came to a jarring halt, Jane tumbled, feet fumbling forward as she attempted to catch her balance.  Her taller, more imposing fellows seemed not to be as destabilized by the experience.  No matter, Jane quickly regained her posture and brushed her hands off on her thighs.  ”Gentlemen, you’re welcome,” she muttered to herself as she looked up at her fellows.  What more was there to be done today?  Surely they had succeeded in their task, now all that was left was to check the progress of those left at the Tree, more than capable and competent enough to handle themselves.
Moments after Jane had gotten herself stable, the ground shook and she shook with it.  ”What’s going on?”  There was no way that was her fault, right?  ”This can’t be an earthquake- Asgard has no fault lines.”
Further up, there was a sort of clamor and a roiling black mass of-
"Oh, oh no," Jane said, shaking her head.  "I did not just travel through the interstellar medium to show up to that!”  She pointed at the howling cloud of insects, unsure of what to do.  Were they hostile?  Was that what was ailing the tree?
And what could she do to stop them?
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Where is Bruce when this movie begins? I think he’s definitely matured a little bit since the last one. He’s become more acclimated to this thing and to being part of the team. I think he feels more a part of them all. But in this particular take on it, it’s a much more character-driven version of The Avengers than the first one. It gets a little deeper into each character. S.H.I.E.L.D. is not happening anymore, so there’s not that much time spent with the S.H.I.E.L.D. stuff. I feel that every character has their own cool little thing happening. I had great stuff in the last one but there’s even more stuff in this one.
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I need your love
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When he had first heard the news, Bruce had almost missed it; he'd been tinkering with a prototype swatch of a solar-powered heated blanket that ideally wouldn't feel like tin foil and had had the television on in the background for white noise. It had taken several repetitions of a familiar name before he had finally glanced up to see that Winston Frost of Frost International had passed away.
A few days later, he called Frost International, where he'd first met Emma Frost a few months ago, and asked the receptionist if Emma was in. She informed him that she was but was rarely seen without an appointment and asked if he'd like to leave a message, but Bruce politely declined and hung up.
Granted, losing his own father hadn't been that big of a loss, all told, and yet it had rewritten who he'd been up to that point. He had no idea what Emma's relationship with her father was, of course, nor had he been very good about keeping in touch with her since their lunch, but it only seemed right that he should reach out now. Maybe it was a arrogant to assume that she would see him unannounced, but she'd been gracious to him when they'd first met, and it wasn't as though he had anything else to do that was more important than reaching out to someone who had reached out to him.
And so, twenty minutes later, he arrived at Frost International. On his way there he'd stopped at a flower shop, a grocery, and a wine shop, but buying something as a show of condolence had always seemed pretty artificial to him, so he ended up arriving empty-handed. As he entered, he confessed to being the person who'd called earlier and asked if she'd phone up to Emma to at least let her know that a Doctor Bruce Banner offered his condolences. She looked skeptical, but she did ring up, though it sounded as though she wasn't talking to Emma but someone else -- probably Jamie, now that Bruce remembered with some small degree of embarrassment that she had been there to offer him a change of clothes.
She hung up and told Bruce to take the elevator up and wait in the lobby. As he ascended the elevator, he began to rehearse the conversation under his breath, but quickly gave up; she was bound to pick up on what he meant to say even if he couldn't get himself to say it. That much had been made clear during their previous meeting.
How To Treat A Guest || Bruce & Emma
Emma was tired of business meetings, of being around people who offered insincere apologies and offered to send flowers to the funeral. Of course people couldn’t make it in person, that was too much to ask. If you asked Emma, she didn’t want any of it. She just wanted to put the man in the ground and get on with her life. God knew Christian didn’t need this either. 
Looking down at her appointments for the day she physically cringed at the sight. Another set of old business partners, a client, her friend from Paris she had cancelled on the week before, and a meeting with the board. Leaning back in her seat and looked out towards where the sun was just hitting the high point over the city, making it closer to noon than to six. She let out a sigh and slipped out of her heels and leaned back in the chair. 
"Jamie… If there are any appointments that can wait, cancel them. I need time to myself." Jamie agreed and Emma could hear her dialing from where she was sitting at her desk. She could almost wish there were more sincere people around her, but she also knows very well this is the life she signed up for.
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Hulk v3 #10 - "The Hulk Ω VI" (2015) pencil by Mark Bagley / ink by Drew Hennessy / color by Jason Keith
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This was made by my friend Graham Thiel, Thank you Graham!
There is still a lot to learn about the dangers of hydrofracking. Don’t let your community be a guinea pig for an industry that famously shows brazen disregard for the people and places they do their business. Love to all.
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Getting a taco. Feeling calm and grateful. #GoldenGlobes2015 picture I sent to my daughter Bella this morning.
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Another thing I love about LA is that people never pick the fruit off their trees so there is plenty of treats while you walk.
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Beautiful Losers. #Foxcatcher #GoldenGlobes2015
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Get a load of Paul Rudd as Ant Man. I’m looking forward to this new Marvel film and I’m kind of a fan of Paul Rudd.
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Getting @BAFTA ready. Brushing teeth is an important part of one’s proper #EEBAFTAs hygiene program. Ta Ta!
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