dramas-watcher · 2 days
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i know a ton of you are jessie fans (why else would you be following me she's all i draw). jessie's voice actress from OS, Rachael Lillis, is currently battling cancer and could use some help 💗 such a talented human being and voice for many iconic characters! im so inspired by her (clearly) and glad i had the privilege of meeting her this year
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dramas-watcher · 12 days
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From the river to the sea,
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dramas-watcher · 17 days
Fundraisers for Gaza
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dramas-watcher · 27 days
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Beautiful people of a beautiful land
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dramas-watcher · 28 days
The show is amazing, sadly not streaming anymore in my country. The show gives nostalgic feelings, not just because I love this show, it’s much more than to me. I love the symbolism the dreams give, the mystery within each episode. I wish there were more shows like this, which there is but I wish there were more.
If there were more seasons, I would like there to be more episodes on the class and their relationship Akumu-chan. I believe if her classmates knew she went missing they would go out of their way to protect or spend more time with her since she did so much to help them. Never watched the movie though, but I’m betting it was good based on how good the show was.
There’s an episode of Akumu-chan where this girl’s getting abducted basically and she texts her Otaku, shut-in brother (who people refer to as a zashiki warashi lol) for help
Anyway he uses the computer to track the cab she’s in, and calls a bunch of his Otaku friends to save her.
And then this huge line of like…. Super Sentai cosplayers show up to stop the cab and rescue the girl.
It’s so… funny.
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dramas-watcher · 28 days
What’s your Roman Empire?
How terrible our current society is and how we're slowly losing our right to live due to how expensive living is getting, also we have terrible people in power i think we should kill them all and also money needs to be given back to the poor
And also, Palestine 🍉🍉🍉 all eyes on rafah
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dramas-watcher · 1 year
If they had a kid meme
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dramas-watcher · 1 year
Enid: I know you and Tyler dated before and you have a soft spot for him, but I don't see how we forget and forgive him.
Wednesday: Well, you don't have all the facts.
Enid: Which are?
Wednesday: I love him.
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dramas-watcher · 1 year
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We all agree on this, right? I thank everyday the existence of Wylercentral @emmanelson because you can find these gems over there.
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dramas-watcher · 1 year
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Found these pictures on instagram by ULYA-LYA 
These are masterpieces, really, plus they basically sum up my expectations for season 2: Goody baddass bad guy, Wednesday and Tyler enemies to lovers fighting each other double personalities (Hyde and Goody).
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dramas-watcher · 1 year
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Beautiful sketches by @allium-cepa-39
The Hyde ones are so DEEP. I mean I can totally hear the Hyde hunting Tyler when he is happy. It’s wonderfully tragic. 
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dramas-watcher · 1 year
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Everything Everywhere All at Once.
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dramas-watcher · 1 year
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dramas-watcher · 1 year
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wednesday addams and tyler galpin icons  ● by tylrgalpins ↳ requested by @luckyricochet​
pack contains 40 icons in total
4 different icons in different colours, shapes and textures
please reblog if using or saving!! credits are not needed but appreciated!  
don’t claim as your own.
view them under the cut
you can find my other icons here
feel free to send me a request!
icons are 250x250px
Keep reading
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dramas-watcher · 2 years
US watchers, please download the CW app, ASAP! Old watchers share with your friends or someone you know will enjoy the show! Deception is on the CW app! New watchers your definitely in for a treat! It’s free!
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dramas-watcher · 2 years
Can anyone give me a few pointers on how to become a digital art commission artist? I’ve never had a job, and this is one of the jobs I’m interested in. I live in LA county, I’d like to do fanart and don’t mind doing OC art for others. But I’m just a little confused about the legalities involved with the job, do I need a permit or a license for doing commissions online? I’m guessing for fanart I need permission, and for that I need to fill out a copyright request form, and I might not have or have to pay royalties, since I don’t think a lot of people would like to buy my work yet if I started commissions for the first time. I’m not starting now, but maybe when I get my first job. Most of the information I have are from articles I found online.
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dramas-watcher · 2 years
This show needs more love
I have been rewatching Deception lately and I forgot how amazing this show is! Seriously you should watch it. And I have so many thoughts! There are spoilers below.
So one of the things I don’t get is why everyone in the FBI is so distrustful of Jonathan. I mean I get that he is a convicted felon but like, it was for involuntary manslaughter. Which isn’t good but the word involuntary is also in the literal name of the crime. It means he did something reckless and person died and he is being punished for his stupidity but he also didn’t kill a woman on purpose?! And yes after the crash he ran. But they don’t act like there was a massive manhunt so it was more of a run in the moment panic but he also let himself get caught even though he is a master of disguise? Which could also be attributed to not wanting Cameron to go to jail for his mistakes because I doubt that the first thing the cops did after Cam said the man in the photo was his brother that they let Cameron go with a pat on the back. Cameron was probably brought in for questioning and would have been convicted if Jonathan hadn’t turned himself in to corroborate the story. So while he ran he did still make sure another innocent man didn’t take the fall for a crime that neither of them committed. But when Jonathan is let out of jail to help save Cameron Deakins and even Kay act like Jonathan is some master criminal who can’t be trusted in the slightest. Again it isn’t like it was purposeful and premeditated murder. It was literally an accident and is even how he was convicted. As in causing an accident in which a person died! And if the argument is that well of course he is bad he has been hiding his existence for 30 years...well, so has Cameron! And Dina and Jordan and Gunter! But they can be trusted. They also lied! I will come back to this in a minute.
Why is the FBI so mistrustful. Especially once they have evidence that maybe Jonathan isn’t making it up and is actually innocent. I can actually get on board with Deakins’ not trusting Jonathan. She doesn’t know him beyond‘convinced criminal bad’. But Kay believes Cameron when he says his brother was set up. She knows that she is getting an innocent man out of jail to help find his missing brother. And yet Jonathan is treated like a low life scum bag. Mike is just as distrustful but he also has personal issues with Jonathan so...and yet Mike treats Jonathan the best because he doesn’t actually think sending Jonathan back to jail is the right move because he knows he can help find Cameron. Mike even takes Jonathan back to the Archive to say goodbye to Dina despite the fact that Mike can’t stand him. Mike’s issues are purely personal and have nothing to do with Jonathan’s conviction and yet Mike puts aside those personal feelings. Mike has my respect for that.
It does make me wonder though why Jonathan isn’t allowed to benefit from this deal with the FBI. There are people who have done truly heinous things. People who murdered dozens of people and sold drugs and done a lot of horrible things and yet are allowed to go into witnesses protection or have lighter sentences in exchange for turning in people who are actually worse than them! And yet Jonathan who accidentally (again that is his legal conviction!) killed someone isn’t given any sort of incentive? In Escapology Kay straight up says that Cameron needs to be careful about having Jonathan ask questions in prison because people won’t be happy to find out that he is helping the FBI. So Jonathan is helping the FBI, is basically a criminal informant and is risking his own life to save a woman’s life and yet is not allowed to get some time knocked off his sentence. If he is helping the FBI why can’t Jonathan be allowed to go under house arrest instead? That way he can help while not being in prison and can a little more comfortable for his incarceration? Why can’t he get some time off his sentence for community service? The FBI wants to take and take from a guy who isn’t the worst criminal out there and yet despite all the help he has freely offered with nothing in return they act like he is the lowest of the lowest. Like if he was given the chance to run he would and he would gladly leave his brother to who knows what kind of fate. And in a moment of adrenaline and weakness where Jonathan pointed a gun at a woman (which he didn’t fire!) it confirms all their suspicious that he deserves to be labeled a criminal. Again, this is coming from Kay who says that she believes that he is innocent. Kay even made sure that MW was caught on camera because she believes that MW is the real criminal. I don’t get why Jonathan is given the short end of every stick and treated so terribly because he made one mistake. Even for the people who believe he caused that accident. No wonder Jonathan snaps at the end of the season. The FBI wants to treat him the worst bad guy, then fine he’s the bad guy. And unfortunately Cameron is the face the FBI sends in to talk to Jonathan for help and so Cameron gets the brunt of that anger.
And now back to the secret that has been kept for 30 years. Why is Cameron the scape goat for being the one to keep Jonathan trapped when there were 3 other people who knew? At least Cameron and Jonathan have the excuse of having an abusive father who pounded it into their heads that Jonathan must remain secret and I’m sure there is some leftover mental scaring which is part of what kept both of them in the cycle of keeping Jonathan secret even after their dad died. It’s the only kind of life either of them had ever known and it must have been terrifying to think about breaking out of that. And what is the crew’s excuse. They were all fully adults when they found out and none of them helped the twins get out of that toxic mindset because it does make a really cool show. Dina dated Jonathan and obviously liked him but she wasn’t any more willing to help Jonathan step out of the shadows than anyone else.
Why is Cameron blamed so heavily for Jonathan’s life being miserable? I mean think about it. Sebastian is obviously the one who started the whole mess and is truly to blame for everything. Cameron and Jonathan were just kids forced to do their dad’s bidding. Then after they became adults neither of the brothers revealed that there were two of them. Jonathan was legally an adult when their dad died. Why couldn’t Jonathan say screw the show and walk out on stage with Cameron and reveal the truth? No one was stopping him. And you can’t tell me that if Jonathan really and truly wanted out that Cameron wouldn’t have made it happen. Cameron spent a year of his life ruining his own career and driving himself crazy trying to find proof of his brother’s innocence long before meeting the FBI. Cameron refused to do anything to better his own life until he saved Jonathan. Cameron loves his brother more than anything and it’s so obvious. Cameron even turns his back on Kay, a woman he is starting to fall in love with. Cameron decided to become a criminal and go on the run because he loves his brother. Cameron would give his own life if it meant his brother could be free. Everything Cameron does is for his brother. And yes, Cameron didn’t steal the diamond but letting an innocent woman get in trouble for his own crime isn’t that crazy of a line to not want to cross. Cameron knows intimately what it’s like to feel guilty for an innocent person losing everything because of his own perceived mistakes. But when it’s just Cameron’s life on the line he is all in.
When I think about Jonathan wanting to end the charade I imagine the conversation going like this:
Jonathan: I want out.
Cameron: but we could do such a cool show.
Jonathan hesitating for a couple of seconds: ok.
I don’t think Jonathan put up that big of a fight. If he had made it clear that he wanted nothing more than to get out Cameron would have let him! Jonathan gave in easily and let himself stay there because it was easier than dealing with the consequences of actually going through with it. Again that mental scaring coming into play. Jonathan has only been known as himself by a very very small number of people. Everyone else in the world knows him as Cameron. So he is probably scared of what would happen if he were to reveal himself. He knows everyone loves Cameron but would people actually accept Jonathan? What if the answer is no? What if everyone is disappointed to find out that Cameron has a brother? What if Cameron is accepted and Jonathan is rejected? Would Cameron continue living his life and Jonathan would be forced out and stuck watching his brother from afar and wind up completely and totally alone? So Jonathan stays.
And Cameron loves his brother and knows his brother is amazing. What happens if people discover Jonathan and they all realize how amazing Cameron already knows he is? Will Cameron lose his brother? Will Jonathan realize there are people out there who are better than Cameron? And since Jonathan isn’t forced to spend time with only Cameron will he leave? Cameron couldn’t be truly known any better than Jonathan. Despite having a ‘life’ Cameron was just as trapped and isolated by this secret as Jonathan. Cameron lost a woman he loved because he couldn’t tell her he had a twin and so was accused of cheating because no one thought he should be allowed to trust her with something that important. I think the psychological toll this whole act took has been affecting the twins their whole life. It’s just that when the truth came out it was way worse than either ever imagined.
Again the crew sees themselves as family but they never did anything to encourage the twins to reveal the truth. I’m sure they heard Jonathan express his desire to stop hiding at some point. And none of them advocated for him. None of them helped the brothers to see that their life was actually messed up and that they both needed help. They saw Cameron devastated over his breakup because of this secret and they never said ‘hey, maybe it’s time you were both allowed to have a full life?’ Jonathan was able to actually maintain a relationship unlike Cameron because Dina was aware of both brothers and he didn’t have to hide from her. Jonathan screwed that up all on his own. Because at the end of the day Jonathan and Cameron were both victims of Sebastian’s terrible parenting.
This show has so much going for. I will be forever disappointed it never got the second season it deserves!
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