drakfluga-blog · 7 years
@homesworn ( x )
           "It suits you", she says. Practiced fingers moving throughout her own hair with the hairpins between her lips, taking one by one to fasten the bun properly on her head. She should be doing the same, cut it all off and keep it at a length that never hindered in battle, but young vanity kept its hold still. So, Roséli does what she can, trims it when needed and looks at the brown roots with a grimace and hopes there’ll be a way to fix that soon.
   The last pin is fastened as she takes the last step down the stairs, turns left and walks towards the way out with the same resolve she always carries. “All set? Daemon’s don’t wait for lost items”, it’s not meant to be harsh, more of a joke really, but it ends up that way anyway when her voice reaches a decibel louder.
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drakfluga-blog · 7 years
@servomundi ( x )
   It’s almost fascinating how time seem to slow down in battle sometime. She has time to see the daemon launching at her in the corner of her eye, watches its claws stretch out and jaws open, but her dagger is still rooted in the goblin’s chest. She doesn’t have time to throw the other away or raise her hand high enough to ease the incoming crash and simply accepts that it’s going to hurt and that there might be a scar ( she won’t die — never from something like this ).
   Instead there’s a blue flash and a monstrous whimper and her hand reaches the protective stance it was going for. She’s not proud of the involuntarily flinch, and even less of how surprised she looks when Nyx is to her left, a momentarily stillness from the battle at hand. “——Thanks”, Roséli musters after what feels to be far too long, “I’ll pay it back”, it’s Nyx who saved her after all.
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drakfluga-blog · 7 years
ya know when ur casually reading the info and libertus entry hits u with that ‘traded in his badge when lucis handed over galahd’ and u kinda. that happened. and rose could probably not Relate cuz battlehardened and roughness aside shes incredible naive w these kinda things considering her upbringing and blind trust in the royal family. and the coming chaos & fishiness of it all aside she probably kinda saw it as a step in the right direction?
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drakfluga-blog · 7 years
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proper starter call for something short-ish ?
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drakfluga-blog · 7 years
im tired but reminder for self to make a post about rose&her scars l8r
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drakfluga-blog · 7 years
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drakfluga-blog · 7 years
@drakfluga  (  🌺  )
He doesn’t know how, but somewhere along the way Rose has become inexplicably IMPORTANT to him. He had always admired her for her voice, loud and demanding, ( everything he was not ). She was a tidal wave crashing against the shore, firm and strong, declaring, “ you will yield, or I will make you. ” in every roll of wave. He never believed the stories that Altissia had rivers in the skies and waterfalls cascading off buildings, but since he had become privy that it was Rose’s homeland, if he were told Altissia was built on clouds and dragon fire he would have believed it. 
He never had a sister before, but he thinks if he did he would like her to be like Rose. The thing was, Faust would save those he could no matter what, but Rose made him think of an AFTERWARDS, like those he saved would go out and do good instead of die some other inopportune time. He even thinks of his own afterwards, as if he won't one day die in battle to some daemon, scraped upon the pavement.
- But she makes him afraid too. Afraid because he always imagined his death to be a standard glaive funeral of a man they could barely name ( if they could find his body ). No one would say any words because no one knew him, and he would burn on the pyre, a memory forgotten, and that was GOOD for he could be as reckless as he wanted in battle, but he thinks of dying now, and Rose would be disappointed, sad even, angry perhaps. He wants her to be none of those things. He wants to go to Altissia with her, rebuild her home like he never had the chance to do with his own. He wants her safe, with that shine in her eyes she gets when she looks at the waters and remnants of long lost luxuries. If he were to ever make her sad, then he would have failed at whatever unspoken job he placed upon himself. So yes, Rose made him very, very afraid, and he had not been afraid since they handed him a pair of daggers and a uniform. Neither death nor destruction had power, for he had nothing, was nothing, and would be nothing until the very end. He was no longer a son or a brother, just a soldier to command, but now he was a friend. To be someone was very frightening indeed, and he was not quite sure if it was a good thing.
But she was golden in his eyes, and he adored her far more than he ever cared for himself. 
“Rose is brave and loyal…and kind. To hear her speak is a privilege, and to see her fight is to be inspired.”
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“She is…” he pauses, it would be difficult to describe even if he was good with words. He stutters a bit, an internal struggle, but there’s only one word for it - “…my hope.”
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drakfluga-blog · 7 years
@homesworn ( x )
   ‘Yes, it’s fucking bad’, she thinks and pushes the fork through as many vegetables as fits. Thinks it, but doesn’t say it. Because how do you share something so negative to someone who put such trust in you? Different wasn’t good, not like this, but different wasn’t good when she worked in Insomnia either. Different was compared to her childhood and the ideal world, of gondolas and bridges decorated with flowers, of expensive taste and wedding dresses. So, this, of preparing for a war with an empire to fighting the setting sun, was always bad.
   But he couldn’t know that, so she shuts her mouth with food and chews.
           “I’m not quitting ‘til the Prince’s back”, Roséli says instead and gestures vaguely with her knife, “and after that...I’m not quitting either. It’s pretty hard to just quit fighting”, and she meant every single word. Putting down her weapons was one thing, burning her former jacket another, but stopping? That hadn’t been possible. “You don’t have to. This will all be over one day — do you really still wanna do this then?”
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drakfluga-blog · 7 years
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your face is like a melody…
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drakfluga-blog · 7 years
“i won’t get hurt, i promise.”
protector/protectee meme
   She frowns. Lips laid thin and arms crossed over her chest, shifts her weight from one leg to the other and scrutinizes him. Stands like that for seconds that are too long and sighs. “Fine”, her arms falls to her sides instead and for a moment Roséli looks away rather than on him. He wasn’t here for nothing, hadn’t joined the Kingsglaive for nothing, and while she was worried she shouldn’t stop him from doing whatever dang mission he wanted.
           “Just — contact me when you’re back, all right?” under the condition that she wasn’t out slaying daemons herself, but that had reached the status of being so natural they didn’t have to say it these days.
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drakfluga-blog · 7 years
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drakfluga-blog · 7 years
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proper starter call for something short-ish ?
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drakfluga-blog · 7 years
“you can’t save me from this.”
protector/protectee meme
   It was a little like those fairy-tales her mom read her, she thought. But maybe that was what legends always had been. The protagonist loses everything and goes on a great journey and sacrifices everything for the people of their land; a classic tale and a bitter-sweet reality. She didn’t like it very much now.
   The determined arguments fell short before she even had a chance to express them, her entire demeanor accepting the defeat from his words alone. She thought it’d be easier, considering their age difference, but now she was standing quiet. Maybe that was a good thing. She hadn’t seen him for ten years, barely before that either, yet even Roséli could tell the change in his demeanor.
   Shoes stomped against the ground, one, two ( her left leg still hurt from a near-death experience a week ago ) and hands rested on her straightened lower back. It had always been easier to show respect this way.
           “It was a pleasure serving you, my King.”
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drakfluga-blog · 7 years
protector / protectee starters
“no. you can’t go, it’s too dangerous.”
“it’s not dangerous. i’ll be fine.”
“i’m not going to let anything happen to you.” 
“you can’t keep me safe from everything.”
“just be careful.” 
“i’m always careful.”
“you’re going to get yourself hurt.”
“i won’t get hurt, i promise.”
“i won’t let them hurt you.”
“you can’t save me from this.”
“please try and stay out of trouble.”
“if anything happened to you…” 
“i’m not sure how to keep you safe.”
“i’m not going to let you out of my sight.”
“this is the only way to keep you safe.”
“you can’t keep an eye on me twenty four seven.”
“everywhere you go, i go.”
“it’s not your job to protect me.”
“it’s my job to protect you.”
“don’t worry, i’ve got you.”
“no one will hurt you as long as i’m breathing.”
“you don’t understand how dangerous this is.”
“please come back in one piece.”
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drakfluga-blog · 7 years
They said he died. That they all died. In the newspaper and from strangers lips, letters spelling the fall of Insomnia and she who gripped it and desperately wished it was a lie. People fell silent when they saw her, the ruined attire and torn Kingsglaive mark, the bandages and wounds, the disheveled being of a soldier who lost as much over the night as they had. Some of them clung to her, asking questions for answers she didn’t have or wanting reassurance she wasn’t in the strength to muster. This wasn’t how stories went.
She stopped wearing the jacket she wouldn’t let go of after that. Still protectively situated in the bag she had been offered ( it was during this time she learned how natural kindness came to people in disaster ), until she started to make peace with everything that had happened. The hunters she was staying with didn’t say anything when she threw the jacket into the fire.
At some point the rumors of how the Prince might still be alive reached her and she started considering chasing the news. Follow the word of destruction and hearsay of ruined enemy bases to find the person representing the city she had vowed to protect. She never did. Stayed with the bounty quests and doing what she could to protect the people. If the Prince was saving the world then she would make damn sure it was there to save.
And then he was gone.
Not dead, but gone.
And she was given the attire again. A bit too big but it didn’t hinder her fighting, and the mark was neatly sewed onto the back of it. Nostalgia rushing over her as calloused hands pressed against it. The work didn’t differ nor did her promise, but if it was with the people she used to fight with she’d work harder than ever.
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drakfluga-blog · 7 years
anyway good dynamics is rose only recently learning what it’s like to not have money for everything etc and in general can’t relate to harsh upbringings when she almost always got everything she needed (and wanted).
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drakfluga-blog · 7 years
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