dragoonwish · 7 days
Flash warning
Touchstarved Pause game
Someone was killed. Who?
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Who killed them?
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Who get's blamed
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Who has to go to jail for it?
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dragoonwish · 17 days
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It's my birthday today!
Finally turning of age🥳
This day also marks the one year anniversary of when I found this incredible game (kind of) and I couldn't be happier I did. I still hope to be many years inside this amazing community of people and play the game for many years after it comes out.
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dragoonwish · 20 days
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dragoonwish · 1 month
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"your presence makes this celebration one to remember."
so happy with this one, I love him so much ;-;
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dragoonwish · 2 months
Happy anniversary to the TOUCHSTARVED Kickstarter! Here’s a small gift from us to you… The game’s full trailer theme is now on YouTube 🎵 “Every Time We Touch” ft. Dan Avidan (Cover)
Check out the full song 🤍
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dragoonwish · 2 months
Okay..hear me out..
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dragoonwish · 2 months
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okay so I realize I did a mistake with the hand sign ‘Rock On” to “I love you” with my Sketch dump drawing I posted, so this is basically calling myself out making this.
References (Video)
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dragoonwish · 2 months
Some TS fan art!
The eyes meant to be Kuras crying, the hand is MCs hand, that drips onto a flower ( i don't remember what the flower represents in game, but I like it so here it is).
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dragoonwish · 2 months
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How many white shirts do you think Mhin owns?
Bonus lineart:
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dragoonwish · 2 months
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Imagine this smile was mr.chokey's actual smile
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dragoonwish · 2 months
What we also need to get into is how fucked up Kuras gotta be for Leander to turn out that way because, at the end of the day, Kuras was kind of like a mentor to Leander so if Leander can come out like That then what the fuck does Kuras have in store.
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dragoonwish · 2 months
Another pin prototype for Ais! We love how the details are coming out 🥺 We give him a smooch
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dragoonwish · 2 months
Things I noticed about Leander while playing the Demo
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Call me obsessed, but I need to get my thoughts across on this man. Btw I’m no expert in psychology this is all my own research using online resources. Updated version since the original post
First and foremost, the promo art. Leander is looking towards us, smiling, hand near his mouth. The hand to mouth gesture is a common body language when someone is lying. Kids cover their mouths whenever they’re lying to ease the guilt, whereas adults may be more subtle and lightly touch the corner of their mouths. This may not always be from guilt, but habit. (source)
Comment: don’t trust a single thing this mofo says.
When you refuse the flower at first, he doesn’t take no for an answer. Quote: “Leander’s smile widens as though he didn’t hear me at all.” This is the first red flag. It is flowered up because he states MC looks like they need it, but in reality what he said was officious. He believes that the only right answer was ‘yes.’ If the flower didn’t disappear, I’m sure he would’ve kept bugging MC until they took it.
Robin Thomas, an executive counselor and psychotherapist states that this pushy behavior is a sign of “insecurity and low self-esteem,” and the need to please other people is just a way for their “ego and self-image” to be boosted (source). That also explains why he’s always buying drinks for other people.
I also noticed how when MC refused their voice “came out weaker than (they) liked.” This is the opposite of what MC should’ve done. Instead of being reluctant, they need to be assertive of what they want or what they do not want so Leander doesn’t make it a habit of walking all over them.
Comment: From this interaction alone I’m going to guess that Leander’s fatal flaw is his manipulativeness. He will try to control you, make decisions for you, try and isolate you by talking bad about the others (more about that later), and make you completely dependent on him, abusive 101.
Now, this isn’t the only time that Leander has acted like he didn’t hear something. The other time was when the Bloodhounds were throwing insults at MC for talking about the Senobium. Quote: “only when he saw I was looking at him did he speak up.” Now, there’s three potential explanations why he didn’t come to MC’s defense right away:
He’s so used to Bloodhounds chatter that he tunes them out.
He was deep in thought that he didn’t notice.
He thought the MC deserved it since he dislikes the Senobium, but realized that he’ll seem like an asshole to his client if he didn’t shut them down.
Comment: personally, I would think it’s more interesting if it was option 3, but 1 and 2 is reasonable. If it was 3, it goes to show how he isn’t as caring as he tries to seem.
When you get reluctant to touch him, he grabs your hand, his face goes dark, approaches you, and tries to grab for your neck. Others have said perhaps it was due to the curse but I don’t believe that that is the case. In the other option where you do touch him nothing happens and everything is fine. This leads me to believe that Leander, like many others speculate, was ‘punishing’ MC for not trusting him. As far as Leander knows, the MC’s biggest fear is to hurt someone with their curse. By acting like the curse took affect, MC is emotionally tormented, which is a sadistic manipulation tactic. This interaction reminds me of the cycle of abuse by Lenore Walker: calm, escalation of tension, incident, apology/minimize seriousness, calm, repeat.
Comment: I’m going to assume that throughout his route and possibly others, he’d try to guilt trip you with his nice guy act, manipulating you with threats like this or playing with your emotions.
Depending on if you give a positive or negative opinion, he changes his answer. If you give a positive answer, he tries to disuade you. If you give a negative opinion towards a character, he doesn’t try to warn you because you’re already wary of the others. You’re just where he needs you to be, dependent on him.
AIS: when you say Ais is honest, Leander calls the people at the Seaspring a “red-eyed minion” that “lost their mind” and became a “brainless pet.” Intention: wants to tarnish MC view of Ais so they’d avoid him.
MHIN: When you say Mhin seems lonely, Leander states that Mhin wants to be left alone and if they wanted to be friends MC would know. Intention: he doesn’t want MC to make friends with Mhin. He wants to be MC’s only friend.
KURAS: When you say Kuras seems like a good person and ask if he’d able to cure the curse, Leander puts down Kuras’ ability to help and adds that Kuras makes you wait in line all day unless emergency. Intention: doesn’t want Kuras to help with MC curse and tries to make Kuras seem less good.
VERE: MC wants to learn more about him. Leander warns that Vere is dangerous and that he’d rip MC’s throat out for fun. Intention: Doesn’t want MC to get close to Vere. For safety’s sake or possessiveness we’ll never know. Both?
Comment: By bad mouthing the others but flowering them up like he is giving sound advice, he is controlling MC perspective and future decisions. AND THIS isn’t just the MC, he’s trying to manipulate us, the players of the GAME, how we see the other LI’s. Leander is clearly trying to keep you loyal to him and him alone, both in the game and irl. Which makes me wonder what would happen if you do try to approach the others in his route, specifically Ais. We already know that he has an inferiority complex with Ais, though he tries to brush it off as healthy competition. Would it lead to more conflict in the future if you ask for their help or maybe flirt with the others Ais in his own route? Let’s be real, Leander would murder Ais if MC is flirting with them in his own route. Leander, out of all the LI, is the only one that has blatantly shown romantic interest from the very start. Therefore, it is likely in every route he would love MC, and get butt hurt if they don’t choose him Pick Me boy much worse if they choose Ais of all people!! I mean, they’re so similar! Why not just go for him??
Except, Leander can never replace Ais because people like Ais for Leander’s weakest quality: honesty. Both are charismatic and attractive in their own way, but Ais just exudes that naturally because he’s surprisingly honest and caring on a personal level, something that Leander can’t emulate. And for that it’s more insulting to him if MC chooses Ais over him, because no matter how much money he has or how nice he is, he can’t provide MC what Ais can provide.
So I’m not done with ranting about this man, but I pointed out the things that stuck out to me the most when playing the demo. THIS IS ALL speculations, but I’m excited to see what the TS team has got in store for this man cuz hey hey he’s not normal Ok? He really wants to bank on the only normal person bull, but we’re smarter than that :))))
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dragoonwish · 2 months
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dragoonwish · 2 months
wait a min… you got me thinking….
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Are we get murdered by a creative way from a novel if Kuras finds us unworthy….!!??
Revisiting Red Spring Studio's Interview with Blerdy Otome - Select Quotes
It's been almost a year since RSS had this interview, but I think that many people have not listened to it, or recently revisited it. I thought I'd highlight some quotes from it, though the entire interview is worth watching! Some of these quotes I have lightly modified for clarity or succinctness but the majority are direct transcripts.
23:30: "Touchstarved is a horror romance visual novel where the entire cast is made up of characters where you're like, "I can fix them!" but you actually can't. I think that Touchstarved is a very complex and mature story with really really complex themes and interwoven routes and obviously it's very sexy at the same it's a romance - and I think it's one of those games that I've always wanted to see exist and I think that a lot of the team has always wanted to see this game exist as far as being this kind of like dark, broody, moody, but also very deep, right, and authentic and honest exploration - Monsters, and the feeling of being a monster - feeling of being an "other", right, whether you're queer or POC or anything like that… we've created a game that's not only really fun and action-packed and bloody and all that kind of stuff… but very heartfelt in a way that I hope readers can pick up on.
Imo, this line of reasoning ("you can't fix them", and the cast's monstrous nature and how it intrinsically ties to/is an analogy for being queer, or POC) - makes me think that even in the good endings for the game, your character won't be minimizing the character's monstrousness. For example, even if your character has the Power of True Love, it's not going to make Vere nonviolent or absolve Kuras's guilt.
25:35: "These themes are pretty complicated in a way that's messy and honestly bloody and I think for that reason is why we're looking at a mature rating - that said, when we set out to make the game our goal wasn't really to be explicit, it was much more to focus on sexiness . . ."
Just clarifying that there won't be explicit sex scenes in the game.
28:55: "What are some aspects of the story that you are most excited to showcase?" "I'm so excited that people get to die terribly, that just gets me so pumped up. Like in previous jobs I have not been allowed to brutally murder . . . main characters permanently and it's very important to me that I now have the power to write really just messed up awful endings…Don't worry, there's also good endings there too, they just get as much passion and all that stuff as the bad endings… but the bad endings, oh my gosh, those are some of my favorites."
This line makes me curious about whether the main characters are just MC, or if the other characters will brutally die as well!
30:50 "A little while ago we posted Kuras's character reveal and people really like the fact that he can't cook so for me it's really cute and innocent seeing people obsess over that fact and I really just want them to see the contrast between that version of Kuras in their head and what he's actually like in his route. Like I just really want to see them react to like the terrible things he's going to do. . . They're all awful in different ways that I'm really excited for people to see it - it's very funny to see everyone be like _Literally name any of the characters of the cast and be like "they're my little meow meow" and it's like, oh. good. I hope this continues once they learn more about the characters. Obviously they're all wonderful - right, the characters are all awful but they're also all wonderful".
32:26 : "the theme of monstrousness and how each character kind of approaches it differently . . . because they're all monsters, even if they're not literally monsters . . .it also plays into each character's brand of horror in their own way as well that ties into their monstrous nature."
This line especially (to me) hints at how Leander is likely not SPECIFICALLY a monster, but a human with a monstrous nature.
34:30: - Ais was the first character they made and each of the other characters build upon him, so they spent a lot of time getting him right. Vere was the easiest to create and they made him in a weekend. Kuras was the hardest to create (especially visually).
38:00 "This is a romance game and a big draw of the game is making a love connection with these characters - do you all plan on including platonic friendship routes in addition to romance routes, or is it strictly romance?" The way that we planned out this game is that we wanted to focus on the intimacy of these individual relationships between the main character and the love interest and the route that they're on, right, so this is the way we had planned the game from the beginning. We really like poly romances, for example, and friendships, but we think that it wouldn't have made much sense for the characters in the story that we had written for them because this entire story - with who the main character is and why they're having to turn to these mysterious monstrous strangers - there's a level of intimacy involved in the themes and stories that we really focused on for how we're writing…
It's almost like a narrative design intentionality we did early on because each route that you'll be able to play from the main five cast is very driven and each character is like a ticking time bomb in their own way. So if you choose to romance Vere, Kuras's route still continues and you can see the effects of what not choosing Kuras is in Vere's route when you're playing Vere's route. So the world is meant to be very interwoven and interconnected where you can see the ripples of everyone's choices even when you're not romancing them and in that way we've designed this cast that's woven together. So if we did want to do a poly route, we would probably have to do entirely new characters . ."
43:30: "One of the fundamental goals of this game was to have, as you've been saying, a living world - a world that's evolving, and one of the ways that we wanted to communicate that was with the idea that these characters are not doing great… um, they're all in very very bad situations, uh, they're all essentially doomed if you do not go with them and it's seeing that carried out in each route that I hope will be really interesting for people.. it will be very sad, in a good way".
ARGHHH this is the WORST. This means that if you choose a character, you're essentially dooming the others. Though this will undoubtedly manufacture delicious angst, I'm soooo sad at imagining each of the other characters faltering and ultimately failing on their paths because you didn't chose them. Though, I wonder if there are some routes where multiple characters turn out ok, or if the entire cast is doomed as soon as you don't select them (in different ways depending on the route)?
54:30: "I also want to clarify too that even though we've been talking about blood a lot and all that kind of stuff and death and we love those parts of the story, um, if you get those endings there's a reason why, you know what I'm saying - you have to actively try to get those endings - poke the bear with a stick."
Definitely referencing Vere's bad ending in the demo. Personally I am too curious to avoid them, but it's encouraging that some of the MC deaths appear to be because you deliberately make dangerous choices, rather than simply "tricking" the player and surprising them.
Let me know what you think of these quotes, and the whole interview is definitely worth a watch if you haven't seen it!
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dragoonwish · 2 months
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dragoonwish · 2 months
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I definitely rushed this one but still enjoyed the end result :) might fill up a whole sketchbook of just him until the game releases<33
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