draconisvenenum · 3 months
Every scientist, of any sexuality is valid here in The Outpost! And of any gender! My lab is a safe space, and i will NOT tolerate malevolence here! Any and all idiots will be ripped to shreds by Sciuros!
Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.
I'm trying to prove something.
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draconisvenenum · 3 months
Well, lets see if this is true. If this is real i am going to send a picture of a squirrel and a corresponding fact in return
every single person who reblogs this
will get “doot doot” in their ask box
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draconisvenenum · 3 months
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Haha im broke now
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draconisvenenum · 3 months
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Rex, my rainbow Reganta Plumaro! Expcept for pink, this angry birb has every aingle colour a Reganta Plumaro can be!
Body: orange (listed as brown in the predictor)
Head: red
Wings: grey
Belly: brown/dark brown (listed as Umber in the predictor)
Butt fluff: blue
Tail: brown again
White: its in the markings, the splotches on his belly and the eye on his forehead (qhich isnt a real eue according to the lore, its just a marking! Regantas are fully blind critters!)
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draconisvenenum · 3 months
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The newest of the Godkiller projects has matured! His name is He Who Crushes Bone, or Crusher/BoneCrusher for short! Beeg ol' beefy lad, at 310 hardiness! Hes one of the few sciuros who i juiced up on Click Multipliers, so it seems that worked! Although, most of his hardiness comes from his parents, obviously, his dad, Hypocrite and his mom, Diamonds! He looks nothing like them! They are both brown, with blue wing markings! Hypocrite has green wing membranes, Diamond has purple. But im going on a tangent! Crusher here is the focus! I drew him very fluffy and chonkt, to sjow how strong he is compared to his 200 hardiness parents! Think Gourmand from Rain World, but a Sciuro.
Here is his link, so you can click him to make him happy!
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draconisvenenum · 3 months
play final outpost
play final outpost
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draconisvenenum · 3 months
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One of my fabourite squirrels, hell, my most favourite! Yukon! She's the firstborn of my progenitor squirrels, Glowstick and Lovely, and she is the main breeder for my Goldwing sciuros! Shes so lovely looking, i draw her with a golden helmet sometimes to differentiate her from her mate, Klondike, who looks exactly like her! She's also on my Lab Profile as the header animal!
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draconisvenenum · 3 months
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The worn out, rusty door might lead one to think this lab was abandoned- but stepping inside reveals a world of life, dark purple walls and neon lights more reminiscent of an arcade than a lab. But those bright lights arent from the ceiling lights, they're from Sciuros. Hundreds upon hundreds of them, all shining colourful wingtips and scurrying about like they own the place. You barely avoid stepping on one when a dark haired man with a twisted jaw steps out of a hallway. "Oh, hey! Wasnt' expecting visitors, lemme show ye around!"
Hello! My name is DraconisVenenum, both here and on Tfo mainsite, but ye can just call me Ven! I go by He/They pronouns, and Stranga Sciuros are my favourite animal in TFO! My favourite character is probably Roy Shade or Sherman Kamada. Both are tied for favourite. Posts will be disorganized and iregular, but will probably be about sciuros, mostly.
Godkillers: my favourite of the projects. How high can hardiness get? Well, this project aims to do that. I am currently breeding together a bunch of stranga sciuro to get the most hardy animals possible. I eventually want to breed them to a ridiculous number, 1000+, or perhaps, even a number so high it goes off screen, but i dont think thats actually possible. I want the hardiest sciuro onsite. Also, breeding this many creatures helps me with my next project....
1500 Sciuros: simple as that. I want the most sciuros in the game, and i think 1500 is a good number to aim for. It will put me well above the current highest sciuro count, which is 1144 sciuros, owned by animatedrose. I have 422, and when i first started this, growth on animatedrose's lab was slow, but now has become very active. I see you mate, ima catch up! >:]
Digimon: i like digimon. Alot. Perhaps too much. Its just a simple fanscrying and fanbreeding project for me. So far, i have 2 Birdramons, 2 Sabredramons, 3 Tentomons, and a Hagurumon, which i was gonna give to Coral M Mui, but the trade didnt go thru. I might post some scrys here.
So yea! All my projects. Godkillers will probably get the most attention, because i need to keep track of it and pay very special attention to the breeding, esp. Because i want to avoid inbreeding, so i think having a visual reminder will help immensely.
Well, i hope your enjoy your stay here in my lab, fellow scientist! Enjoy the squirrel related nonsense!
Oh, and before i forget, heres my lab link! I appreciate any and all clicks sent my way!
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