dr-anchor · 2 years
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dr-anchor · 2 years
What brushes do you use for lineart?
this for sai and 6b pencil for procreate
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dr-anchor · 2 years
Hey I hope I'm not disturbing you or anything but I just wanna say that I really love your work I'm trying to draw asra myself but the only problem I probably have when it comes to him is his lips, eyes, and hair. Sometimes when I draw him I found myself making it almost similar to some of my other drawings, do you have any tips or advice when it comes to this?
aaa thank you!!
Honestly I don’t think i’m the best guy to ask how to draw asra since,, i don’t look at references at all when drawing him and last time I actually tried to make him canonically accurate was,,, a long time ago LMAO tbh I think marina has the best ref sheet for him that explains deetz pretty well.
but bc this is perfect opportunity to talk too much about asra I still made some,, guides i guess on how I draw his hair, eyes and lips lel
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I had to actually dig my compilation of works of him to see what I usually tend to repeat bc honestly,, i don’t think it too much, i just do what i do and hope for a good outcome LOL but here u can see the things i do better (like the aegyo sal)
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hope this helps u out but honestly don’t stress yourself over it too much bc all asras are good asras and the most important part of drawing him is making sure u capture how full of love he is:)c
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dr-anchor · 2 years
hello hello
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WHAT HAVE I DONE blah blah and download links under the cut
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dr-anchor · 2 years
Asra's masquerade outfit
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first of all, I'm very sorry for the delay! I was getting so frustrated with the weights for this skirt I had to stay away from blender completely for a couple of days.
I don't have much to say about this one. it's bgc, located in costumes, not allowed for random or the opposite frame, lod0 is around 8k polys, doesn't suit laptop mode users because transparency. a little bit of clipping here and there, mostly around where the arms start, and the wrong positioning of arms while sitting (too low). I know the latter is connected to the slot rays but it would probably require cloning another clothing and fixing the slot rays there.
one more thing I've noticed is that sometimes the sleeves would become dark green. this is fixed by simply changing out of the dress and back into it. it didn't happen the last 10-15 times I loaded the save for any of the sims in this dress so I hope it doesn't happen anymore at all, but if it does for you then please inform me.
download (sfs)
if you like what I do, you can buy me a coffee
TOU if you’re interested
contact me if you have questions or if there are any issues. have fun, stay safe, and thank you for downloading <3
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dr-anchor · 2 years
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EUPHORIA SET - Cassie Party
Please read my TOU before download.
New mesh
Base game compatible
24 EA colours
Hat compatible
Clips colours found in hats
All LODs
Custom Thumbnail
HQ and non-HQ versions
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DOWNLOAD (Patreon Early Access) Free on April 30
Thanks to my lovely testers! @chewybutterfly​ @kiwitrait-sims​ @theblondesimmer​ @magbay​ @nsves​
Gradients by Simandy
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dr-anchor · 2 years
Please share with any Russian artists you know
As you know Paypal has stopped working in Russia and Twitter has been blocked so i have copied a thread on there for any Russian artists desperate right now. @xla-hainex this might help you. Paysend currently working. How it works below (Tutorial by -Seraphim)
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Note Paysend isnt perfect /(neither is Paypal), make sure it is the legitimate Paysend site you use reviews in Russian - https://ru.trustpilot.com/review/paysend.com
Article ' Surviving in a world without Paypal and Swift Codes'
Payoneer is still working (with VPN + Tinkoff and only with some banks). You can also connect Patreon and Payoneer. Buymeacoffee works, supports money withdrawal to russian bank accounts. in fact, it is a direct analogue of ko-fi. Google doc with alternatives (In russian ) - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Y8GLyrtF271Erlj93LcQXVubAIwpZ5-QtVrDu4XTyiI/edit#gid=0 I hope this helps. Every single artist i know in Russia hates this war and they are being punished for something their totalitarian dictator of a leader is doing.
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dr-anchor · 2 years
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dr-anchor · 3 years
Dana Rune is running an incest zine and The Arcana has p much washed its hands off of it
Preface: if you think portraying incest as healthy and sexy is fine, block me. Just save us both the time and energy and block me, because I don’t fucking care what you have to say.
Now buckle up, cuz this is gonna get long.
When I found out about The Arcana, I was delighted. The plot seemed interesting. The characters were absolutely darling. The art was gorgeous. And, most importantly, it was being run by a dev group I felt I could trust.
Then I found out Dana Rune, The Arcana’s head artist, ships incest. You know, I’ve drawn some shit. I’ve shipped some shit. I’ve learned better, and I believe others can too. What I found was an old picture, so I thought “maybe she doesn’t do this anymore, you know? I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt.”
Imagine my surprise when I found out she’s not only still engaging in this content, but running an entire fanzine about Fire Emblem: Fate’s protagonist being in a relationship with her two older brothers, Ryoma and Xander. (bold may be obscuring the links)
Now, miss Dana Rune is clever. She has removed any and all mentions of her name on the zine website. She has deleted any and all old fanart she has made of these incestuous relationships, except for the banner of the site, which is easily recognizable as her style. But don’t take my word for it:
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[Picture is two twitter comments by twitter user nebula_rum, the first which reads “btw this pic was a collab between @danarune​ and I! I’ll be announcing all the details of it once everything is ready to go! ^v^”, the second “oh wow, I wonder what this project is that I’m working on… eyes emoji” followed by a picture of Fire Emblem: Fate’s Avatar with her shoulders bared, along her brother Ryoma at her left and her brother Xander on her right, both also, presumably, nude.]
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dr-anchor · 3 years
Do you have any tips on drawing lips in the Arcana style cuz it's hella hard especially Asra's TwT (love your art btw!!)
....Christ, you had to ask the thing I’ve been struggling with.
Well, first things first, try and research lip anatomy and reference real mouths as the Arcana style draws from a fairly realistic base. I’d recommend drawing from life reference and looking at anatomy photos.
Arcana Lips Tutorial
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This is my general process from a 3/4 view as most sprites are from that perspective.
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Stylistically, these are the main things that the Arcana specifically uses with the lips, especially the closed cresents for a lot of lower lips (though sometimes it’s only a single line so it’s not universal), and the sharp edge of the corner of the mouth.
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Referencing his sprites and CGs, Asra has very nice lips. Unlike a lot of other characters, Asra’s upper lip isn’t a closed line (he also has dimples when he smiles). Sometimes only his cupid’s bow is outlined so it’s important to get an understanding of the 3D shapes that make the lips.
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You can vary the shapes and sizes of the lips to make them unique for each character. For example, Nadia and Portia have fairly thick lips, but Portia has more of a defined cupid’s bow. Julian and Lucio have very thin lips, but Lucio has quite a wide mouth that wrinkles when stretched.
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dr-anchor · 3 years
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Main 6 + animals winter ball sprites and backgrounds
(click for better view)
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dr-anchor · 3 years
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Henry Clive- Sultana (c. 1925)
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dr-anchor · 4 years
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A guide on my process for colouring like in the Arcana which I developed through studying the style.
Now, this is just for sprites or for neutral lighting. In the case of most memories/CGs, you have more interesting colours to use, but the process is identical. There are just extra steps.
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Using my favourite memories for each character as examples (hopefully, you can tell which ones) you can see this process. All of this happens on layers above the base drawing.
Usually, you set a colour-filled layer to the setting “multiply” over the entire drawing, then using a “screen”, “add”, or “hard light” layer, you add the lighting. Depending on the intensity of the lighting, the outline will be coloured to be lighter.
The shading colour rarely changes, aside from slight hue changes.
Misc advice/tips/tricks below. I may update it depending on if I get further questions.
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dr-anchor · 4 years
YOOOO, okay so I'm not very creative when it comes to clothing. Especially the arcana clothing, its difficult for me to get the hang of and all the patterns are overwhelming. Your apprentice looks so cool in all thier different outfits too! Basically do you have any tips for the clothing? Or reference images?? Please and thank you, you're amazing
First off, that is a mood. Every time I draw any of these characters I’m hit by how complicated their outfits can be and I’m tempted to chuck them all into t-shirts and jeans.
As a disclaimer, I costume design is a weakness of mine, so I’d advise asking other, better artists for their tips before turning to mine. But, if it helps, I’ll go through my process by designing costumes for a few of fanchildren I made (x)
First off, I think about the style/inspiration of a character. The devs use a range of inspirations: (x) (x) (x) But, they said their main inspiration for the setting is Egyptian/Arab, Italian, and Mediterranean design set around renaissance time. Researching this type of fashion helps it fit the setting.
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To fit their characters/cultures, I make notes on the type of impression I want them to have. If they have complex or simple outfits, flashy or dull, revealing or conservative, etc.
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With a LOT of references, I get the basic shapes down. I try to use a lot of repeating shapes. To get the complexity of the Arcana costumes, it’s good to add layers/extra details such as belts, coats, or jewellery.
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Then I choose the main colour for them. This is something to centre the pallette around and can be used to indicate about the character.
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Then using a maximum of 3-4 new colours, I flesh out the different areas of the costume. Using different colours to highlight the repeating shapes is especially effective. 
Now, the old me would have stopped here because I like the simplicity of it. However, in the Arcana, costumes a buttload of patterns and gradients.
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If there’s a large blank space, add a subtle texture or hue change to it. At the rims of clothing, add chains of patterns, think about the character’s personality and life to see if you could add paint marks or dirt etc. One trick I do to think of what to add is the give a character a motif. 
Here, Atiya has a dragonfly motif, so her dress has a slight iridescence and insect wing pattern, Timur has a lotus motif, so the rims of his jacket have lotus designs, etc.
This was a bit rambly, but I hope it can help in some way. Like I said, I still have a lot to improve on when it comes to costuming but these are just some things I’ve picked up.
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dr-anchor · 4 years
What are your thoughts on Portia/Asra? :)
Asra/Portia is top-tier. They have so much in common: love of magic and travelling, cheeky cat smiles, giving the devil the middle finger! I can’t believe this isn’t a popular ship!
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dr-anchor · 4 years
note: Some of the lineart is out of order
I’ve got to say, the entire time I struggled with that good old lineart issue of never looking as good as the sketch :/
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dr-anchor · 4 years
💕Apprentice Couple Asks💕
an ask meme for your MC(s) and their partner(s)! 
👄 How do you refer to each other? (”This is my…” boy/girlfriend, partner, fiance(é), etc.)
🌟 What’s your celebrity couple/ship name?
🌙 Night out or night in?
🕯 Turn in early, or burn the midnight oil?
💤 Sleep in, or up-and-at-’em?
🏡 Do you move into the shop, or somewhere else? (The Palace, the hut, etc.)
🛌 Who hogs the blankets?
🛠 Who cooks? cleans? fixes things?
😴 Who snores?
💰 Who handles the money?
🚔 Who gets you both/all in trouble? What for?
🥂 What do you do for date night?
🎂 What do you do for your anniversary?
🎨 Any hobbies in common? What do you like to do together?
☁ Who’s the big spoon? little spoon?/What’s your favorite cuddle position?
😈 What’s your favorite other position?
🍯 What cutesy nicknames (honey, sweetie, doll) do you have for each other? 
💋 What do you call each other in bed? 
🌶 How often do you have sex?*
🔥 What’s your safe word?* 
👀 Do you ever get jealous?
🤺 What do you fight about?
💣 How do you argue? Do you shut down, or blow up?
💄 How do you make up?
🐛 What does your partner do that drives you up a wall? (tics, habits, idiosyncracies, etc.)
💖 What do they do that you love?
🌹 Who was the first to say “I love you”? (How did that go over?)
💍 Who proposes? How?*
🌼 Kids, pets, or plants? How many?
🕷 Who kills the spider?
*if applicable
send me some emojis for Valentin + an LI! (Asra, Muriel, or throw me a curveball 😉)
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