dotsea · 3 years
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Is it October yet?
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dotsea · 3 years
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dotsea · 3 years
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mean bisexual, meaner lesbian, and their golden retriever
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dotsea · 3 years
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a bard and a warrior walk into an emporium
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dotsea · 3 years
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That’s basically how that scene went right?
Life is Strange: True Colors + text posts (part 5)
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dotsea · 3 years
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dotsea · 3 years
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Life is Strange: The Shape of Water
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dotsea · 3 years
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@thealexchen here u go girlboss
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dotsea · 3 years
Rachel in Life is Strange: Before the Storm till now…
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Rachel in the E3 presentation video for the Life is Strange Remastered Collection…
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Aaaand Rachel, as she‘s supposed to look in the remastered version of the game… (this one does look really beautiful indeed)
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dotsea · 3 years
am i the only one that thinks rachel (and sometimes chloe) look kinda weird in the remaster 😭 max looks the best, imo, but even then some of the expressions…
I truly believe what we saw in the trailer is unfinished, especially the lighting. It's happened before between trailers and final releases of all the previous games, but what concerns me is this is the footage they thought was okay to show fans-- which makes me think that Square rushed D9 to create something for the trailer.
You're right though, I think all three of them look a little off. Max's hair almost looks like it changed shape and is too voluminous on top, while Max and Chloe's eyes are suddenly larger, brighter, and shinier, even in low lighting. Basically, it looks anime-fied. As for Rachel... she looks like she's wearing lipstick and her whole eye shape looks off. But then there' the trailer screenshot versus the new Square Enix screenshot and they look like totally different builds or even different models. The trailer shot on the right looks completely unfinished-- badly lit, too saturated, no depth or light source.
I might be more hopeful if the final build looks like the one on the left. But again-- why show something unfinished as the remastered version? It makes no sense.
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dotsea · 3 years
there’s a whole thing going on with lanterns in this game. The “saving” symbol is a lantern, the bar is named The Black Lantern, Ryan carries a lantern during the night time adventure he, Alex and Gabe embark on and finally, they set off a sky lantern after Gabe’s death. - Considering that there’s so much forest and wild life around and Ryan as a park ranger should know how dangerous a sky lantern can turn out to be… that’s an interesting choice? I guess they might’ve wanted to implement something that can be seen as a part of asian culture, but maybe there’d have been different options for that? Don’t get me wrong, I love the scene, the thought and meaning behind it… aaaaand of course sky lanterns are darn beautiful to look at. Just… Ryan as a park ranger sending a sky lantern off in this area, without a thread or something (if possible) being attached to it to safely get it down and not risk animals’ or nature’s wellbeing… haaa. I dunno how I am feeling about this yet.
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dotsea · 3 years
Charlotte’s statue (part two)
Ok, so I’m assuming this is a depiction of Ryan who’s carrying Gabe:
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This entire scene is accompanied by red light (red symbolizing anger as we know). I’m assuming we see Charlotte’s internal aggression in this sequence. Charlotte is not actually throwing the statue off the table, but mentally/emotionally she’s wrecking her atelier and we can see how full of destructive energy she is after Gabe’s death.
So, the statue is not actually depicting Ryan and Gabe, instead it could be an association Charlotte’s mind is making. Maybe it’s supposed to depict some act of heroism relating to the mines in real life. One colleague getting another after a mine collapse, or after the release of some toxic gases, etc.
Soooo, maybe Ryan brought back Gabe’s body or he found him, or maybe he didn’t manage to do either of those things. Charlotte may feel like blaming Ryan because she views him not as the hero persona people in town make him out to be or because he couldn’t protect/save Gabe, etc.
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dotsea · 3 years
Soooo… After taking a look at the trailer again, it came to my mind that it‘s not Gabe, who heroically carries a person and something I assume to be an axe (?). It could very likely be Ryan instead, carrying Gabe…
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Judging by the hair style it resembles Ryan more than Gabe. The silhouette of the jacket works for both of them…
(It also makes sense when considering that Ryan is a ranger, alas the “hero type“.)
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dotsea · 3 years
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Life Is Strange: True Colours - Alex Chen icons 1/?
“For the first time in years...I really let myself believe”
Click For Better Quality - Give Credit Or Reblog If You Use
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dotsea · 3 years
I know it‘s not what they had in mind but...
Guys? DeckNine? 👀
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...👀 I see potential.
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dotsea · 3 years
thoughts and speculation:
Gabe‘s girlfriend?
Gabe tells Alex about his regular visits to the local flower shop. If we choose to believe him on this, Charlotte seems likely to be the one he‘s refferring to.
Charlotte‘s art piece...
Charlotte is working on a statue.
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The statue we can see in the picture above is shaped pretty vaguely.
But the statue we see in the following shot... resembles Gabe.
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It‘s much more specific in it‘s look. Look at the jacket. It‘s just like Gabe‘s. The figure looking like him carries an unconscious person and an axe.
This picture seems to show what‘s going on inside Charlotte‘s head. The scene is potentially a visualization of her anger regarding his death.
T for traitor?
Diane wears a brooch in the shape of the letter „T“. She is the only one who does not show an aura when the sky lantern is lit on the bridge. She is also a relatively new resident in Haven Springs, judging by the statement she gives in the short introduction sequence presented to viewers. Her general apperance is rather formal and clean. Her behaviour on the bridge is somewhat strange. She seems to observe everyone there. Specifically, she’s got her eye on Pike (who looks incredibly guilty throughout the whole trailer) and Duckie.
My guess is, we will suspect her in-game to be connected to our brother’s death, but ultimately she might actually be an ally.
BTW: The name „Diane“ originates from roman mythology and means godess of the hunt and the moon. Sooo...
Who‘s got the gun?
The person who‘s holding the gun in the trailer, is a person with a pair of dark blue jeans. The model of the gun does not appear to be one used by the police or state authorities. In fact the gun has a vintage appeal to it. (Is it a pistol?) I‘m guessing we can see Duckie in this shot. It‘s his gun.
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Reginald McAllister The Third aka Duckie
Don‘t let his cute nickname fool you. „Reginald“ means ruler of the council. He‘s a retired entrepreneur.
wealth, influence, tradition... Does he not make a perfect suspect? Now, add Pike the cowardish police guy to the scene and corruption can blossom.
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dotsea · 4 years
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Life Is Strange 2 Blood Brothers
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