doppelganger312 · 7 years
Hey take your time. Hell if you need to just put it on the back burner. We enjoy it because you like writing it. If you dont feel up to it, we dont want you to push yourself. I for one will happily keep an eye on the page and keep reading if/when you get back to it.
Thanks, that means a lot. I really do still like the story, I still think about it and how I want it to play out and think it’s definitely possible I’ll come back to it when I feel I have more energy. Thank you for believing in me.
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doppelganger312 · 7 years
(Poke, poke, poke) Oy you still alive?
Somehow, yeah, still alive. Really sorry there hasn’t been any activity in a while. I told myself I was going to try to keep the story going and not lose interest, but you never really see getting diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression coming when you make plans, and that can really fuck up your motivation. I don’t know if I’m going to stop working on the story outright at this point, but I really don’t feel I have the energy or willingness to work on it right now and I think I might need to sort some things out before I make a final decision on this. Sorry everyone.
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doppelganger312 · 7 years
you do realize that todd doesn't write dialogue. or make the patches for the games, right. and that they hire employees to do that
no todd howard made the whole game himself in his garage you fucking idiot. he does every voice in the game too. read a book jackass
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doppelganger312 · 7 years
how i always hope writing goes: crafting a solid outline, starting at chapter one, and flawlessly writing all the scenes i had planned until i get to the end of the story, feeling confident in my abilities
how writing actually goes: having a vague idea of what's going to happen written in shorthand in notepad, writing a bunch of random scenes and hoping i can magically connect them at some point, all while crying
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doppelganger312 · 7 years
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i spent 15 mins making this rather than writing
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doppelganger312 · 7 years
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doppelganger312 · 7 years
still working forgot
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doppelganger312 · 7 years
me externally: I write fanfic because I enjoy it! I write for myself!
me internally: validate me. drown me in kudos. i will sell my soul for comments and fic recs
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doppelganger312 · 7 years
…yes, it is always correct to punch Nazis. They lost the right to not be punched in the face when they started spouting genocidal ideologies that in living memory killed millions upon millions of people. And anyone who stands up and respectfully applauds their perfect right to say these things should probably also be punched, because they are clearly surplus to human requirements. Nazis do not need a hug. Nazis do not need to be indulged. Their world doesn’t get better until you’ve been removed from it. Your false equivalences mean nothing. Their agenda is always, always, extermination. Nazis need a punch in the face.
Warren Ellis, Orbital Operations (via thenerdsaurus)
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doppelganger312 · 7 years
I think I’m very suddenly suffering from very severe depression. I'll probably have to take another break, but the next few chapters will probably be shorter and released more frequently hopefully.
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doppelganger312 · 7 years
Anyone know if there’s a site for original stories?
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doppelganger312 · 7 years
This is bad. It’s getting worse. Almost half my keyboard is becoming unresponsive now and RWBY episodes are still coming out and there’s so many emails to go through
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doppelganger312 · 7 years
Oh no I just realized I have to figure out how these next chapters are gonna play out. And there was another episode I need to catch up on.
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doppelganger312 · 7 years
Hey at least you work on it and post it for us, even through everything. Iv been working on a kinda sorta dark souls/rwby story for a while and i doubt it will ever see the light of day. Unfortunatly i have a tendency to be A.D.D with my stories :P
Yeah, I really feel you, staying focused on writing instead of watching stuff or playing games or whatever has been getting increasingly difficult for me, I think. I don’t really know what to say that would be helpful, since obviously I’m not a master of putting out chapters quickly by any means, so I guess just...take it easy? Sometimes I’ll just get up and do something else for a while if I feel stressed or I hit a wall, and eventually I finish. And all that time let me think of new shit to put in later parts, so that’s always cool too. It’s no fun and probably not gonna be your best work if you try to rush through something at a time when you’re not totally into working on it. I think we can both get through this if we just take things a little bit at a time, and I hope you do eventually get through that story cause I’m super down to read that.
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doppelganger312 · 7 years
Another awsome chapter. Worth the wait :)
Also the scene with Ruby and 6 in the store talking about hobbies made me laugh for like ten minutes. Bravo.
I’m so fucking relieved people like it, that would have sucked if I came back with crap after like 5 years. I really like doing those dumb conversations after the chaos dies down but they always seem a bit hard to write, I either have to make it short or relevant to the actual story and both are tough when you’ve been out of practice. Thanks for the message!
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doppelganger312 · 7 years
It’s over. I did it.
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doppelganger312 · 7 years
Oh jeez I just realized I’m like three episodes behind on RWBY too jeez
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