dontwritemeoff · 10 months
Hello! May I req angst about the crew losing reader who ends up falling to the pit in that Orion lab please? Thank you!
i'm so sorry for leaving this in the ask box for like 10 months my life has been Wild.
i thought i would get around to writing this, but i always found myself uncomfortable about writing death (i'm just going through my own stuff) so i'm gonna put this ask on hold (aka if i find myself w inspiration or getting more comfortable with that kind of writing i will come back to this)
basically i'm sorry!! feel free to send in a diff request, I'm cleaning out my ask box rn so I should get around to reqs at least within this month
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dontwritemeoff · 1 year
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hi another update! I just arrived in Japan for my summer-long study abroad semester!! I'll be on a p regimented schedule but I'm thinking I'll get time to write stuff in. I wrote a bit on the plane too, so crossing my fingers I'll get that finished up and posted this week :) thanks for sticking around w me!!
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dontwritemeoff · 1 year
hello again lovelies :) thanks for sticking around with me! I will be getting to requests this week as I'm finishing up exams and final papers rn and should be done with the semester on Wednesday!! I will be spending the summer doing intensive language study in Japan so I may or may not get to writing more frequently, I'll just have to see what my routine ends up looking like! but I appreciate all your support regardless, it sure has been a year so far and it's only May.
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dontwritemeoff · 1 year
it's me again!!! hi!!! another traumatic incident has befallen me and I was in a car accident today!! thankfully everyone is ok but like holy shit can I not get a day off from misfortune
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dontwritemeoff · 1 year
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hi hi before I can get back into writing Emotionally Impactful stuff feel free to send in a character and a number and I'll do my best to write a little drabble for it :)
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dontwritemeoff · 1 year
I'm sure you're all tired of me by now but I survived a swat raid at my neighbor's house this morning so I'm seriously going through it Jesus mf Christ. best way to wake up is "police department, search warrant" and gunshots at 6:30 am. cursa ass neighborhood. anyways now I know how to describe Big Guns and Tactical Armor better in writing ig.
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dontwritemeoff · 1 year
hi everyoneeeee sorry for being inactive for a while again, I see ur requests and I promise I will do them ! if u saw my last post, you can imagine I've not been in a great headspace this past week or so, so I would appreciate some grace as I both heal and also get through midterms (major university said NO you do not get to skip midterms just bc 3 people died and 5 others remain hospitalized due to being shot in the same building you have anthropology class. get ur ass up and GO)
but otherwise: pls take this picture of me as a baby looking zooted as an offering in the meantime
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dontwritemeoff · 1 year
just survived a shooting at my university's campus. I'm safe and my loved ones are safe, but please, hold those you love close today. you never know when it could be the last time you see them.
my best friend often eats dinner at the student union where part of the tragedy took place. when she didn't pick up my calls I felt panic unlike anything I'd felt before. thankfully she was safe, just also preoccupied with checking in with people.
the shooting started at the hall I was supposed to have class this morning. where I had a club meeting just last Thursday.
even now I can still hear state police helicopters circling overhead, continuing patrol just in case.
you never think it could happen to you, and then it does. my muscles are finally beginning to relax after four gruesome hours of sheltering in place. please, appreciate what you have today, for it could be gone tomorrow.
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dontwritemeoff · 1 year
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A6 doodles as escapism
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dontwritemeoff · 1 year
okay indulge me please: who would you guys, realistically, have a crush on if you lived in haikyuu ?
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dontwritemeoff · 1 year
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I've found another very A6 meme everyone say thank you twitter
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dontwritemeoff · 1 year
i somehow have way more motivation to write than last semester? maybe it’s that my undergraduate research is actually getting funded now but my brain has more hope or something
anyways!! it was just vexx and cal left and i figured i’d write cal for @arcanadreams​ because i couldn’t decide between the two who yall would want more lol
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To allow himself even an afternoon off felt like battling with his conscience. The logical and rational side of him knows that he can take time off and it will be fine, that if anything were to happen he’s still onboard and accessible. But the guilty side of himself, that feels he doesn’t deserve any of the community that he’s gathered, that he’s an imposter in captain’s clothing, says that he must work night and day-or at least around the clock, since night and day aren’t very distinctive.
It wasn’t even through his own resolution that he ended up in front of your room, but from Aya who noticed he was fidgety on the bridge, with something obviously on his mind.
“Now, I know who I’m talking to, so maybe I shouldn’t even ask, but who spit in your coffee today?” She broached the subject as casually as possible, knowing that after what he experienced on Orion with almost losing you that he might not be ready for more honesty so soon.
“It’s nothing, Ayame,” he responded, though there’s less aggression, like he’s so lost in his mind that he’s forgotten to keep his gruff act up.
“Ok, I really don’t want to push you, but you should just go see them.”
“What? What are you referring to-”
“Go see [Y/N], you know that they want to see you too.”
And so he did. He may use the excuse of getting Aya to leave him alone, but it’s true that he really did just want to see you, bask in your presence and love. God, how could you love so much and so fully? To him, no less.
So, while he’s waiting for you after knocking on your door, he feels both trepidation about possibly disturbing you and changing his routine, but it’s far eclipsed by the love he feels for you bubbling in his chest.
“Cal,” you smile at him, as you open the door.
“Stowaway,” he responds, returning the warmth of your smile.
“Ugh, still this? Are you stowing me away on your own ship now? Steal me under your own nose?” You jest, but the nickname does fill your stomach with butterflies.
“Oh, no, I’d love to show you off to everyone in the universe if I could,” and the smile that accompanies that statement shows no hint of joking, and knowing that he says genuinely makes you even more flustered than if he’d been teasing.
“Just get in here,” you wave him in, noticing how the tips of his perfectly coiffed hair grazes the top of the doorway from his height.
When he looks around your room and takes in all of the personality it exudes, from the items you’d bought just earlier that week to the notes exchanged with Bash, trying to out-pun each other, it just makes the love he felt already explode inside of himself. To know that he could provide you a home that allowed you to not just survive but flourish, it was the greatest gift he could ask for at this point. He would never let anyone hurt you again, and would accept nothing but the best for you, even if he couldn’t always provide it.
“Enjoying the decor?”
“Oh, yes, actually. Is this a [Y/N] Peg’asi original here? Very hard to obtain, very impressive.”
You chuckle at his joking, touching his hand lightly to guide him to the bed. By initiating that contact you’ve opened the floodgates, and he wraps his arms around you, pulling you towards him gently.
He takes a deep breath, burrowing his face further into your shoulder. It takes him a moment before he’s able to whisper out,
“I’m so glad to have you here with me.”
(i know you havent gotten around to ryona and ayame i just use LI as an umbrella term)
ELI!!! headcanon's on the LI's thoughts during the scene where they come to your cabin while everyone else is on chronos?
OMG ok i’m sorry i let this rot in my ask box, school started and i became a husk of myself for a minute there
I also wanted to replay those scenes to remind me of the headspace that they and traveler would be in
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In all honesty, as he stood at your door with Lizzie on his shoulder, he felt ridiculous. The amount of care he’d put into setting aside all of his duties for the day just hoping to spend time with you, he’d never done that before for anyone and he wasn’t sure who he’d become in the recent weeks. To be so head over heals for you, so stereotypically smitten. Despite that, he didn’t hate it, being allowed to have the soft parts of himself bared to the world, knowing that they rested safely in your careful hands.
Keep reading
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dontwritemeoff · 1 year
Heyy! So I was wondering what the crew was up to before they became andromeda six. We know Calderon and Ayame basically started it when she broke him out of prison, then they recruited Bash and Ryona. But what happened to June? If he left the facility at 16 years old and he's now 27, that's 11 years of his life. At what age did he join A6 and what did he do immediately after escaping bc he didn't know anything about the outside world presumably, other than what he could've learned at the lab. Did he start doing labor, join a militia, or rummage around for scraps? I would love to hear some takes on this. Like I want to know everything about this man, lol. Thanks!
Omg omg omg anon this has been sitting in my inbox for over a month and for some reason I haven't responded yet but I love the spiraling potential here.......
I'm not a wanderlust patron anymore so I can't go back and check what's "canon" but tbh who cares, if it's not addressed in the game then it's not canon yet to me lol
But seriously! we don't even know how he originally got OFF of Orion! like ok, you fuck up the lab, you kill several people and at least seriously injure many others, did he just hijack a ship?? did he smuggle himself onto a shipment of Orionite?? who knows! there's so much unknown!
and in the 11 years interim......hoooooooooooooooooo boy! because you have to consider the start point of an angry and hurt 16 year old boy who has literally 0 life experience or guidance and the June we know at the start of the game who is gentle and kind and yet still scared. so like, how do you bridge those two people into one person? what experiences would have led him to Terranium and the crew of the A6 in the first place? so many possibilites!
my own vague theorizing is that he wanted to distance himself as much as possible from the empire and politics in general, since being a pawn against your own will your entire life would certainly sour at least me on that entire sphere of life. so from there, I imagine he probably ended up at an outpost like the crew stopped at on their way to Tilaarin and did odd jobs in exchange for a place to stay/a measly amount of credits. he probably also had to keep on the move fairly often because once his coworkers/neighbors realized What he was, he'd have to leave (either due to their own fears/prejudices or his anxieties about them)
it's that sort of nomadism that I think led him to encountering Cal and the A6 on Terranium, and it's possible that he could have known the other members from that wandering previously (meeting Damon during his gang time, meeting Bash when he was still a ring fighter, Ryona when she was a futuristic doctor without borders lol) and he just didn't open himself up to them then, and it took the 11 years of relative safety and finding what it means to be independent and distancing himself from who he was meant to be with who he is to be able to be the subdued and caring person he is at the start of the game
lmk if ya'll would be interested in a fic of this idea lol (vignettes of his nomad experience? meeting the members outside of the crew? something else??)
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dontwritemeoff · 1 year
hello :) if u didn't see it, I updated yesterday :) also pls respond lol I need validation (or don't if you think I write like shit lmao I get it)
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dontwritemeoff · 1 year
i spent all of break thinking about writing and not doing it (very cool of me) and now, on the last day (night even) before classes for the winter semester start, i am deciding to update again.
someone keep me accountable lol, it’s not even that i’ve forgotten i just do nothing with my motivations
anyways without further ado…..
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When he stands outside of your door, preparing himself to knock, it feels like he’s putting a mask of nonchalance on. Yet, when he notices himself adjusting his demeanor into something more “presentable” and “happy,” he frowns. You make him feel safe and cared for, even in his most painful moments, why is he still putting on a front?
You open your door at that moment, a look of pleasant surprise passing over your face.
“Bash!” You exclaim, and reach out to hug him. He embraces you with a soft “oof” and smiles into your hair. No need to fake that one, it’s genuine as he gives a gentle squeeze before pushing away.
“[Y/N]! I was just coming to see you!” he raises on the balls of his feet and drops back down in excitement a few times, “I’m sorry I haven’t been around as much, keeping the ship running while it’s already stretching it thin to get to Tilaari is a big undertaking.”
“You don’t need to apologize for that. I’d be expecting an apology if you had been neglecting your duties for me and we got stranded with a broken ship!” You joke, and he exhales a breath quietly, grateful for your jovial mood.
“Um, would you mind if I came in? Feel free to say no, but we could get interrupted very easily out here.” He scratches the back of his neck with his non-bionic hand, feeling a bit more awkward than just seconds ago at the prospect of Cal rounding the corner and assigning him more busy work.
“Oh, certainly, come in!” You shuffle back in the doorway to allow him entrance. He steps in, taking in your walls covered in the drawings he’d given you over the past weeks, each carefully taped up in order of receiving them. The care that you had given his gifts filled his chest with a warm and somewhat foreign feeling. While love certainly wasn’t new to him, uncomplicated love of true affection and no ulterior motives was different.
You notice him looking at the drawings, and you lean over to point at one in particular. He’d drawn you and him, dancing in quite a goofy way, which was prompted from one day when Aya had hijacked the speaker system and started blasting her own music, leading Bash to interrupt your training session for an impromptu break dance. Even just remembering that moment of joy and mundanity made him smile, and he was glad ot have spent it with you, someone who rolled with the punches and appreciated each moment to the fullest.
“That one’s my favorite,” you say quietly, waiting for a reaction.
Jokingly, to allow his heart some respite before it beats directly out of his chest, he gasps in abject horror, “How dare you choose favorites! Are these not all works of the highest art?”
This makes you laugh heartily, shaking your head before relenting to his teasing.
“Of course they‘re all my favorites. This one is just my favoritest.”
He side-eyes you, still playing, before saying, “Acceptable. But you’re on thin ice.”
You just laugh again, and pull him towards your bed before you both tumble onto it. He’s really flustered now, unsure of what your intentions are, and even more pressing what you expect from him. Yet, despite all the panic in his head, you just shift to your side to reach a hand out to his cheek, smiling so softly that Bash isn’t entirely sure if his brain even functions anymore.
Just then, your eyebrows furrow, even if your touch remains light and loving.
“You know, you scared the shit out of me. On Orion, when you carelessly put yourself in front of the K’merii. If it wasn’t for the Azure Dawn coming in, I think…” it seems that your words are really giving you difficulty, and you take a moment to recover, “I really think I would have lost you.”
You close your eyes to allow your brain to slow, before you open your mouth to speak again.
But Bash is already talking.
“I know. I’m sorry. I wouldn’t leave you just after saving you,” he says it like it’s a joke, but it’s not. Far from it.
“You changed my life dramatically when you joined us, and have continued to give and give for us, for me. I want to change for you. I’ll be more careful, as much as I can be. We’ll live, and go explore other galaxies and-” at this moment he notices your eyes have gone glassy, and your eyebrows are pulled tight together in an attempt to keep the tears from falling.
“What’s wrong?” He asks so quietly that he’s not entirely sure if he’s ever heard his voice go that quiet without being inaudible.
You laugh wetly, still smiling despite it all, “Nothing. That’s the problem. I’m scared that this good can only last so long. That I don’t deserve it, and it’ll be gone before I know it.”
He knows how that feels. It’s how he’s felt since he boarded the Andromeda 6, and it will probably follow him for years to come. And because of this deep empathy he has for that, he pulls you close, your head resting against his chest, even if you’re getting his shirt wet with tears.
“I know. And things will always change, they will get worse. And then better again, and it will be an endless loop of crests and troughs in our lives. But I am never ever leaving you. Not when things get a little harder or when they become impossible. Whether you like it or not, you’re stuck with me.”
This causes you to sob into his chest and grip the back of his shirt like you’re clinging to that cliff again, like if you let go of him you’ll go tumbling down into that hole and this will have been one elaborate dream.
“I know the prospect of spending forever with me is bad, but you don’t have to cry that hard,” he jokes, and you wack his back with your balled up fists, even if there’s no malice behind it.
“Sebastian, you buffoon. I love you so much.”
And he smiles, like he’s never smiled before.
(i know you havent gotten around to ryona and ayame i just use LI as an umbrella term)
ELI!!! headcanon's on the LI's thoughts during the scene where they come to your cabin while everyone else is on chronos?
OMG ok i’m sorry i let this rot in my ask box, school started and i became a husk of myself for a minute there
I also wanted to replay those scenes to remind me of the headspace that they and traveler would be in
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In all honesty, as he stood at your door with Lizzie on his shoulder, he felt ridiculous. The amount of care he’d put into setting aside all of his duties for the day just hoping to spend time with you, he’d never done that before for anyone and he wasn’t sure who he’d become in the recent weeks. To be so head over heals for you, so stereotypically smitten. Despite that, he didn’t hate it, being allowed to have the soft parts of himself bared to the world, knowing that they rested safely in your careful hands.
Keep reading
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dontwritemeoff · 1 year
I'm genuinely so happy to see another trans man also be really dissatisfied and weirded out by the heteronormativity of A6- genuinely happy in a way that I feel validated, defs not happy that queer people have to experience a cishet experience wearing a dollar store rainbow pin to brag about "inclusivity"- if you don't mind me asking though, and it's always completely within your right to deny me, would it be alright for me to ask about the drama with the creators? I've heard little whispers but they always gets quickly silenced when theyre anywhere on A6 offical stuff and I don't want to end up believing something false while trying to educate myself on what is happening :( I want to be able to make my own judgements when I have the fullest picture I can have- I'm also totally fine with dms if you don't feel comfy talking about this kinda stuff on your blog! I don't want to intrude on your safe space! Either way, thank you for taking the time to read this!!! :D
hello and welcome! glad to be someone who you can relate to!
and the short of it is: I'm not super sure! I'm not currently on the A6 discord anymore since I didn't renew my Patreon sub with them, but from what I know the creator, specifically the writer, is just......really weird about people making a6 content or talking about backstory? I can remember a couple specific incidents, but to my knowledge the broader drama is that she's just a very defensive person who can't take criticism that her writing is bad in certain ways lol
I think in relation to how we feel weird about the thinly veiled heteronormativity, some people have expressed this to her and she's gotten extremely defensive about it (typical white woman behavior) and so it's also not really a safe space to be in as a queer person with thoughts lol
but feel free to stay here! im all for turning established characters into my little oc guys haha
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dontwritemeoff · 2 years
welcome to my blog!
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previously an only A6 blog, now a multi-fandom writing blog!
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I write: fics, x reader, headcanons, imagines
These can include: fluff, angst, really anything as long as I think I have something interesting to say
I will write ns/fw BUT I haven’t written much before so I wouldn’t say that it’ll be good
My requests are open! While I’m busy as a student, I’ll take requests just don’t expect them to be done very quickly.
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