dommemyself · 5 years
Not a foot fetish post
I’ve been working on my feet.  
No, I haven’t been learning how to properly maintain them or tart them up.  I just have shockingly inflexible feet and easily injured ankles.  After yet another tweak, it was time to get serious about the various exercises I got in PT like...two years ago?  
I’m starting slow.  I’m starting with a towel.  (Anyway, I read somewhere that it’s the most important thing you can carry.)
How does this relate to kink and domination, you’re asking?  Uh...there are activities that are known to be toe-curling that are less sexy with cramping?  Also sometimes your skilled hands are busy, and I’ve been known to occasionally do some fun stuff with a third limb.
So anyway, I smoothed a towel on the tile and the idea was to bunch it up with all my toes and gradually bring it all under my foot.  I knew that it would be difficult, but what I didn’t know was that my foot would glide smoothly over it.  Like I’m a ghost trying to move something in the physical, living world and looking on in disbelief when nothing happens.  At one point @dommesticpet wanted to know what I was doing (or trying to do) which is fair.  He made the astute observation that it looked like I was petting a cat.  Then he wanted to try and tore that towel UP.  He was bunching, he was plucking it and raising it between toes, it was a marvel to behold.  He’s so dexterous...mmm.  (Honestly I had already known he was capable of these amazing feets [sic] because I have sometimes wistfully snuck peeks at his naturally curving toes when extended on an ottoman, and thought to myself “Yes.  That is what toes do.  Also ouch.”)
I’ve done it four times.  I skipped yesterday because yes, I totally overdid working out and my ankles are angry.  The good news is that there is progress.  If I focus I can gradually pull it up.  All my toes are now getting involved.  Just a tiny bit, but enough to draw it toward me with pretty, if lopsided, folds.  The brain/body is a marvel; sometimes you just need to remember to give them the attention they need, and they’ll start to make connections and work together.  
Also, incidentally, I control both of those things on my husband, or at least when it’s sexy time.  Wink.
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dommemyself · 6 years
Time distortion
There are just so many things I want to do.  Sexy.  Non-sexy.  Sometimes it feels like I want to do ALL THE THINGS.  How many of them can I actually do?  I don’t know.  Because I don’t know how much time I have to work with.  Sometimes it feels like a lot, other times not enough.  
Step one has been trying to figure that out.  What I do, I tend to do slowly.  Ruminate.  Research, even if I’ve done it before.  (”Wait, how do I chop an onion again?  It’s been like 6 months.”)  If I have a couple hours between when I’m done with work and when the husband is done with work, what can be accomplished?  Honestly, what it has looked like for a long time is this:
Throw down purse, kick off shoes in a place they should not be
Eat a cookie
Surf the Internet the WHOLE TIME
So yeah.  I am working on a new rule which I hope will help me break some habits.  (These rules I will refer to as my “Rules of Acquisition”, as I am a dork for Star Trek: DS9 and I’m hoping to acquire an amazing life.)  Rule 1: Do not go from one screen to another.  I have a job that has me sitting at a desk, in front of a computer, almost all day.  Should I get up and walk around?  Sure, but that’s a different rule for a different day.  Anyway, when I get home, I am not allowed to immediately sit down at the computer in my office.  I need to do literally anything else.  Right now, it might be just staring at a wall.  Later, it will hopefully be to mop the floors or something.  
I realize that this doesn’t solve the shoe and cookie issue, but I’m told you should work on one thing at a time.  But for what it’s worth, I did move most of the shoes into a pile in our bedroom, albeit not an ORGANIZED pile.
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dommemyself · 6 years
Hello.  You might know me as @dommestic.  I have been blogging about my hypnosis-related exploits there, and will continue to do so.  However, I wanted a separate space to explore something that is similar-but-different.
I am in a D/s relationship with my lovely husband, @dommesticpet.  He’s a strong man, a total cutie and sweetheart, who happens to love submitting to me.  I wouldn't say that dominance comes naturally, but I am absolutely getting the hang of it.  
Anyway, I’m a little bit addicted to reading about self improvement.  I have been known to lament the fact that I don’t have my own D-type to give my life structure, as I am lacking self control and tend to be easily distracted.  Sounds like a sweet deal.  Charts and graphs! Rewards and punishments!  The occasional funishment!  
This led me to thinking...can I actually turn it upside down, and achieve my goals by asking, “What would a domme do?”  I mean, she’d probably lift the occasional weight so she can more effectively administer spankings, right?  Or get more sleep so she has more energy to plan devious scenes for her sub?  
Look forward to (hypothetical) future posts like, “Today I took control of this kitchen and made a delicious meal!”,  “Flogging for health and well-being”, and “Improving your memory while making others forget”.  
Welcome to my experiment!
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