dollmaton-blog · 10 years
Really, being forced into the outside world of the humans every night only because he had a mission to complete wasn't terribly exciting. It was nice collecting body parts, being able to discover more about the human world along the way, but it wasn't like he could really go ahead and wander off somewhere. It was... disappointing, he supposed. He didn't really have much of a complicated vocabulary, and he wasn't sure how that word was even spelled, but he was relatively sure that was how the word was meant to be used. Disappointing. Maybe a 'dictionary' would know that sort of thing. Maybe -- hopefully!
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The idea of a 'frozen lake' rather excited him. He wasn't too sure that he'd been on a hike before, so it'd be his first time, and it definitely sounded fun. This is why it disappointed him when she scrapped the idea and suggested to go get hot cocoa. It wasn't that he didn't like the idea of getting hot cocoa, no -- he really liked hot cocoa and drinking it with someone else was better than drinking it alone, or so he speculated, as he'd never actually simply had it by himself. Sakuya, generally, had always prepared it for him, though, with him being able to mix it and whatnot... so hopefully this young woman would be willing to do most of the work as well.
"I have..." He's thinking. How many Monocoins does he have? "Two! Maybe three. Two or three Monocoins!" He's just guessing, really, but he doesn't think the actual sum could really be far from that. They're all in his cabin, anyway. He's not sure if either of them are willing to go back there just to look practically everywhere for a few coins. "Vice," he answers, finally. He doesn't really think about answering it first because it doesn't really matter to him anyway; he figures that as long as he answers the question it'll be fine. "Vice!" he repeats. There's a smile turning at his lips. It's always exciting making new friends. "I like hot cocoa a lot. Let's make some together! Yeah!"
Moongazer [Open!]
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dollmaton-blog · 10 years
Vice never had much of a mind for neither the cold nor heat. He never really could tell the difference anyway: his body wasn't too built to be sensitive to temperature changes or anything, which he figured was much more of a convenience than anything. Such was life as a Fleshchild.
He'd never really been able to actually admire the state of the sky during the night himself. It was always sneak around and go, with no time to gaze at anything. If he got curious with something, he needed to pry himself away from it as soon as possible. There was a mission to complete and he couldn't gaze at the stars as long as he wanted to. Night would end eventually, after all, and he couldn't take his chances when hunting within the city.
That was back home, however. There were no sewers to lurk under and no Mother to rest with during the hours in which the daylight shone brightly. He had to adjust everything about himself, nearly, to match this environment. Vice needed to become as close to human as possible in order to fully complete his duty while he was residing at Hope's Peak Academy.
He'd nearly failed once. He wouldn't do it again.
To blend in and pose as much as a human he possibly could, the best thing to do was to obviously do some things that would allow him to enjoy himself that he hadn't quite been able to do back home. Stargazing, as aforementioned, was one of these things. He'd take advantage of the opportunity happily.
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He couldn't say that he expected anyone else out here, but he wasn't expecting them not to be, either. He didn't mind the greeting and decided to respond as he was prompted to. "A hike?" he says, his voice rising and curling at the end not only in a question but in a bit of excitement and curiosity. "Okay, okay!" He doesn't really know who this person is, but he has a small kitchen knife with him, slipped into the large singular pocket of the hoodie he'd found within his cabin. He'd be safe, though in truth, the excitement and curiosity in his voice that he'd spoken with initially was completely honest and natural. "Where are we going?"
Moongazer [Open!]
It was growing late. The chill in the air had finally reached a point that it made Luka shiver if she stood still for too long. And yet she couldn’t move just yet. Blue eyes gazed up at the clear winter sky. Why was it that winter nights were the prettiest? Summer and summer were too rainy. Fall’s afternoons beat out its nights. But for winter - the time of year that seemed to be made of cold and darkness - there was no better time than night. Tilting her head back to gaze at the stars, the female couldn’t help but smile to herself. It was nice.
Most people preferred to spend these nights in the warmth of their cabins. Luka, too, was usually one of those people. But for some reason, she wanted to see this world at night. This world that seemed so different from her home. If they had a limited time to spend outside, she might as well enjoy it. For now, her headphones rested around her neck - the music cranked up as loud as it could go, allowing the teen to hear it without having to pull on her headphones. This was, after all, a school in which people murdered. Blocking one of her senses so completely would be dangerous.
The sound of snow crunching behind her only reinforced her thoughts. Someone was coming this way. With a deep sigh, Luka ruffled her hair. She could do this. It was a good night. She was feeling confident. And so, the female turned on her heel to look at the approaching person - little more than a shadowed outline in the darkness. “Hey!” Luka was more than a little surprised with herself. Actively seeking someone’s attention? Maybe she really was growing. “I was going to go on a hike just now. It’s probably dangerous to go alone. Do you want to come with me?”
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dollmaton-blog · 10 years
☢Headcanons - Send a word and the mun will write out a response of how it relates to their character. ☢Truth or Dare - We all know how this one works, don’t just overrun it with dares! There’s a truth part to it y’know! ☢Ask My Character/Mun - Ask the character anything, they are even allowed to break the fourth wall. Even send questions to the mun, this can help to know them better! ☢Drabbles - Give the muse a prompt and they may write a short drabble on it. ☢Nile - If you weren’t at Hope’s Peak where do you think you would be right now? ☢Volga - What are you hopes for this christmas? ☢Amazon - What have been your favorite things about this field trip so far? ☢Yangtze - Do you have a Christmas wishlist? ☢Mississippi - If you were an animal, what animal would you be? ☢Murray-Darling - Do you think you would be able to survive in the wilderness here all alone? If yes, how would you do it? ☢Rivers - Free Question
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dollmaton-blog · 10 years
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Visi got mad at him the other day. What a guy. Given, he understands why: he was being careless even if it was for the sake of messing around with Levi and Jojo, and if Visi hadn't come up with some sort of excuse both of them would've gotten in trouble. Last night, though, he managed to use his ability as a Fleshchild to their benefit and got Jojo his cup of hot cocoa without getting caught. He knows humans like it when people do stuff for them -- favours -- so maybe Levi and Jojo would like him more, especially since he said sorry! For the time being, though, he's found something called a "colouring book" with "Crayola crayons". He'll amuse himself with that for the rest of the day, or until he gets bored, at least.
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dollmaton-blog · 10 years
There he is, in the kitchen. The scent of it had very nearly crawled under his door, but he'd smelt it far from down the hall. His sister had told him that this 'wolf head soup' was his favourite; he'd trust her on that. He was unsure as to why he couldn't remember his supposed last visit here. As far as Vice was concerned, he'd been with Mother the entire time. But he figured he'd have to trust Visi on a lot of things while he was here.
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Chewing on the inside of his cheek absently, he peered down over into the pot of the wolf head soup. The head of the brown wolf he'd caught and killed, and partially dismembered by his sister's request, was definitely there in the soup. "I've never eaten something like this before," he said absentmindedly. "Ah, or, I don't remember. But I'm excited." He's not sure if he's using that word correctly, but oh well.
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dollmaton-blog · 10 years
                         { I never told you what I do for a living. }
       crunch . . .
                         { Well, I guess it's a little bit odd, isn't it. }
Just because he was away from the Flesh Mother did not mean he could not collect. He doubted there was a place for proper storage for his body parts, here, but perhaps he could just stuff them under his bed. He doubted his roommates would notice. Humans never seemed to notice anything.
Never would Vice had thought that he'd have to slay an animal for the sake of one of his body parts. He supposed he really had to consider anything and everything, though. His pupils slowly observed, left from right and back, repeat, the area before him, his tendril wrapped around the base of the kitchen knife he'd acquired before entering the premises of where the wolf had been in before. That woman had promised to get his hand back if he'd allow her to borrow his knife, but apparently she'd lied to him. How cruel.
With the bleak, winter landscape before him, his pale body parts would most definitely prove of utmost use. Ah, the convenience of building a body from long-dead humans. They were only dead by his fault, of course. Vice began walking, tracking the depression in the snow left by the wolf's paws. It'd took some searching to find the tracks, as it was still lightly snowing, but it was minor and, as such, no matter. As he walked, intently following the path, he began to think. He couldn't simply slaughter the wolf right away in a surprise attack, or else he'd certainly get killed, his flesh torn and butchered from the creature's sharp, white fangs. He'd have to set up some sort of trap. Trick it.
Suddenly, he stopped, looking around. How was he going to go about doing so? His male brain had definitely proved the most useful out of anything, allowing him a wide array of intelligence. Perhaps he could make a regular trap designed to fool an animal (he'd seen a picture of it while he'd been exploring the apartments, once), but he wasn't very sure that it would be able to capture something as big as a wolf. He was also rather uncertain of there being any immediate metal cages around as well. Those two men, Eren and Jotaro, had led the animal with a piece of meat, right...? Ah, he should've gotten some before heading out. But it was a bit late to turn back and get some now, if he was only going to come back. He had to preserve as much energy as possible, after all.
A squirrel, perhaps. Yes, that would do. One that he'll quickly take his knife and, rather roughly and without much care to skin it or anything, slits at the neck, the liquid blood pouring down onto the snowy floor and spreading onto some of his body parts and his clothes. It didn't really matter, though. As long as he got the job finished. The end result was the most important. He took his knife to another passing squirrel, this time slashing open its stomach. The stench of the blood from two separate creatures would most definitely attract the canine.
Vice waits. He is a very patient being -- that is what his job calls for, though right as he figures to himself that it won't be long before his target appears, it does. He doesn't really notice it that much, at first, thinking it a simple passerby or other animal. Maybe a bear, judging from its mostly brown features. As it continues to approach Vice's direction -- the squirrel's direction --, however, he notices the distinct qualities of a wolf. Its colours were not like that of a bears, and the build, with each step towards its destination, looked more and more canine. It was rather close to the small, simple trap he'd set up, now, and it seemed to have both the build and features of the wolf he'd seen before --
Including the hand he'd acquired so long ago in the art gallery. Perfect.
The Fleshchild's red tendril tightened around the handle of his knife. He could get that hand back. He observes as the wolf sniffs one of the two squirrels with curiosity, and he fears for a moment that because of its hesitance towards the kill it will not devour the dead animals before it. However, his hopes are restored as it bites down tenderly into the meat of the prey, tearing it away and gnawing into it without much rush, though there is still hunger.
He was positioned from the side. He stiffened his body, preparing to rush towards it. Yes. He could do this. He would get his hand back. Given, it might be a bit messy, since the wolf had probably been gnawing at it every so often. It had set it down to feast upon the squirrels he'd laid down, but he wouldn't be able to go without a fight. It was dangerous.
                         { I hope you don't get scared, easily. I like keeping friends around, now. }
There. He'd struck, and he hadn't missed, the blood splattering onto her clothes. The wolf shrieked, letting out a vicious growl shortly after. He swung with his knife again, aiming for the throat. He managed to cause it to stumble, and he rushed towards it, his knife aimed with purpose. Do not aim for the throat. Strike at the throat. As the human saying was, shoot to kill, he believed.
He slashed at his desired point. The wolf yelped and recoiled in pain, successfully collapsing onto the floor. It attempted to scamper up and flee, panicked, but he'd already rolled onto it. He plunged the blade into the neck of the wolf, staining its fur, the cold and sharp metal, and further onto his clothes. Over and over. Stab and stab and stabbing, before, finally, slicing its throat completely, the blood spilling out onto the snow. The fashion in which it did so was almost similar to the squirrels he'd slain earlier, but the wolf was much, much bigger. The blood was thicker, perhaps.
Gently, he picked up the hand. The wolf was dead. He slipped it onto his tendril, balling and stretching out his hand and fingers to see how it felt. Ah, yes. Perfect.
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                         { It's about murder. }
i got ittttt
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dollmaton-blog · 10 years
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and the guilt I expected never came.
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dollmaton-blog · 10 years
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I need to pay more attention in class
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