dokiedoke-blog · 7 years
Footnote of youth
I INTRODUCTION: Footnote to Youth Jose Garcia Villa When Jose Garcia Villa was born on August 5, 1908. His parents were Simeon Villa (a personal physician of Emilio Aguinaldo) and Guia Garcia (a wealthy landowner). He graduated from the University of the Philippines High School and enrolled on a pre Medical school medicine course in University of the Philippines UP, but then switched to pre Law school. He tried painting but turned to creative writing after reading Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson.On February 5, 1997, at the age of 88, Jose was found on a coma in his New York apartment and was rushed to St. Vincent Hospital in the Greenwich area. His death two days later was attributed to "cerebral stroke and multilobar pneumonia". He was buried on February 10 in St. John's Cemetery in New York, wearing a Barong Tagalog Thesis Statement: Dodong want to marry Teang and asked his fathers permission. Thinking that since they are young their love would be short he allowed them to get married. After nine months Teang gave birth to achild named Blas.For six consecutive years a new child came along. Teang did not complain even though she secretly regretted being married at an early age. Sometimes she even wondered if she have the same life if Lucio her other suitor who was nine years older than Dodong, was the one she married.Lucio has had no children since the time he married.When Teang and Dodong were twenty they looked like fifty.
When Blas was 18, he told his father that he would marry Tona. Dodong did not object, but tried to make Blas think twice before rushing marriage because Dodong doent want  Blas to end up like him.
It simply tells the story of an older person who made a mistake in the past who ended up with  a not  so pleasurable life. Then he had a son who is like him when he was young. His son is hasty in making decision to get married just like he was when he was 17. Despite this Dodong din not and could not stop Blas from marrying Tona.therefor he didnt object. Instead he just reminded that Blas is still very young and might as well think twicce before rushing to marriage.
II SUMMARY: Dodong,17 is impatiently waiting for his father to return home so that he can tell him of his love for Teang and his desire to marry her.  He feels that at 17 he is a grown man and is ready for the next important step in his life.  When he tells his father that he has asked Teang to marry him and wants his blessing, there is a long and cruel silence. His father asks if he must marry her because Dodong is very young. Dodong resents his father's question, and finally his father gives his consent. Nine months later Dodong is waiting outside while Teang gives birth to their first son, Blas.  He feels young and inexperienced, a contrast to how he felt nine months ago. Dodong did not want any more children, but they came anyway.  For the next six years, Teang gave birth.  Seven children in all. Teang did not complain.  However her body was now shapeless and thin from bearing so many children and from the hard work of caring for them and the household.  Even though she loved Dudong, she cried and wished that she had not married so young. There had been another suitor, Lucio, who was nine years older than Dodong. She chose Dodong because he was so much younger. Lucio had married after she married Dodong however he was childless. She wonders if she had married Lucio, would she be childless? She feels that would have been a better lot in life.  But she loves Dodong even though life has made him old and ugly. One night Dodong goes outside and thinks about his life.  He wants to have the wisdom to know why life does not fulfill Youth's dreams. Why did life forsake you after love?  He never finds the answer. When Blas turns 18, he comes home and tells Dodong that he wants to marry Tena.  Dodong at this time is only 36 years old, but he is portrayed as a much older man. Dodong does not want Blas to marry so young. He asks the same question his father asked him.  Does Blas have to marry Tena?  He does not want him to make the same mistake he did. Blas also reacts with resentment.   Dodong realizes that he is dealing with Youth and Love, and they will triumph over this situation.  After that comes real life. He gives his consent, feeling sad and sorry for his son. He called this "Footnote to Youth" because a footnote is an additional comment or reference on the content of the text. He is telling youth to pay attention to the lesson of this story.
III REVIEW CRITIQUE: Its about the situation of the present life of teenagers today.Where in an event was happened 3 times or more in different times. It shows that what our parents keep us out from, was the same things their parents also do.Sometimes life can be cruel but the cruelness of it gives us lessons where in we can reflect on and learn on. We may be the one making our path in life but the is always someone above guiding us and look over us choices are in our hand yet we are only given a chance to pick one from them... lets be rational enough yet with the help of our heart. Making a choice with the use of the heart alone is useless as well as with the mind.We can have so much regrets over it. But if we use our mind plus our heart its a perfect decision. parents always thinks the best way for their children. When can we appreciate them? As a son its difficult to follow their orders sometimes i feel I'm not loved by them yet as i have read this article. I had so much things to think over which only my parents and the parents out there can give the answer.
IV CONCLUSION: Was a Filipino poet, literary critic, short story writer and painter. He was awarded the National Artist of the Philippines title for literature in 1973 as well as the Guggenheim Fellowship in creative writing by Conrad Aiken. He is known to have introduced the "reversed consonance rime scheme" in writing poetry as well as the extensive use of punctuation marks especially commas which made him known as the Comma Poet.
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