doctor-shenanigans · 10 years
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Marriage is hard you guys.
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doctor-shenanigans · 10 years
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Rory’s visit to The Nethersphere. Inspired by (x)
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doctor-shenanigans · 10 years
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And here’s some pretty awesome photos that my friend took for me! Amy: Pondblog
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doctor-shenanigans · 10 years
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Decided I needed a new hobby, so I’ve been teaching myself the ukelele.
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doctor-shenanigans · 10 years
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"No sir, all thirteen!"
How else does one cap off the airing of the finale, and  LI Who2 the Long Island Doctor Who convention, than by gathering together all thirteen of us for a photo.
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doctor-shenanigans · 10 years
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Amy, Rory, and the Doctor circa Vampires from Venice hit up New York Comic Con today. 
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doctor-shenanigans · 10 years
How long until you get your computer set up? We miss you! (Take as long as you need, though.)
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Well, y’know. Got my spaceship…got my boys…
So we’ll be back soon!
// ooc: Oh goodness anon, you caught us RIGHT as we got back in the door from NYCC, so we couldn’t resist! I promise, I’m trying to get my life in order enough to be able to gif on a semi-consistent basis, but between working almost every day and having two conventions in the last two weeks, it’s been a little insane. We’ve got some adventures planned in the next few weeks (including Long Island Doctor Who; will any of you be there?), and I hope pictures from our adventures the last few weekends can tide you over! 
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doctor-shenanigans · 10 years
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11th doctor: haha…. got u good…. *dies*
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doctor-shenanigans · 10 years
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doctor-shenanigans · 10 years
Amelia Pond, it's like a name from a fairy tale.
Come Along Pondblog
// Today marks the one year anniversary since I started posting on Pondblog. Since it coincides with Munday, I wanted to make a post talking a bit about how much this blog, as well as all of you, has meant to me over the last year. 
I started Pondblog because I adored cosplaying Amy, but didn’t have any DW cosplay friends at the time, and had only been to two conventions. I was starting to accrue quite the collection, and frankly I wanted to show them off! I would often find myself in the “Doctor Who cosplay” tag and see posts from answers-from-stormcage and doctor-shenanigans , and they just looked as though they were having so much fun. My friend Neda suggested that I start a cosplay RP blog too, but I never in my wildest dreams could have expected that I would find myself interacting with them. They were just so cool and so talented, and I was just sitting in my kitchen with a laptop; I didn’t have a TARDIS! 
Flash forward one year, and it still baffles me that we’ve come so far. I’m part of the team now (which I still can’t believe), and I have a family. When my ex and I split Team Shenanigans took such good care of me, and when I lost my apartment Doctor!Mun and Clara!Mun were willing to welcome me into their home with open arms (yes, you read that right. Amy is actually (temporarily) living on the TARDIS) and have been nothing but wonderful. River!Mun came to visit for my birthday and nearly gave her old mum a heart attack when she jumped out from under a tarp. 
And Rory!Mun…
Oh, Rory!Mun.
Here’s your Whovian Fairy Tale for the day, followers: Rory!Mun and I are actually, properly together. Took a bit of prodding, and really, it was nearly word for word that scene in, “Let’s Kill Hitler,” when Teen!Amy finds out. But I’m wildly happy, and I’d like to think she is as well. 
But that’s not the only thing misterwilliamsandmisspond has done; she actually fixed all my computer woes with a new Macbook for my birthday (named, “The Pandorica,” upon suggestion from the Doctor; because really, what else do you name a box-shaped item that shows Rory’s devotion / Rory going above and beyond what anyone else would do for Amy?). 
What does this mean for Pondblog? The one thing you’ve all been waiting for: I should officially be back to blogging on a semi-regular schedule. 
This brings me to my final point in this little Munday writeup: you guys. You are honestly the best followers in the entire world. You have been so insanely patient while I figured things out in my personal life, and I want to thank you for that from the bottom of my heart. Some of you have sent me such kind messages, not only on here but on my personal blog as well, and there are even some of you who I’ve formed real and true friendships with, and I need you to know how much these mean to me. It’s wonderful to feel like I’ve touched even a few of your lives, and I hope you know how you’ve touched mine. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done over the last year, from the bottom of my heart. 
Love always and forever, 
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doctor-shenanigans · 10 years
// Reblogging this for all those who didn't see it last night, and doing it all sneaky like while she's on her way home from work.
// Psst… Guess what, everyone? It’s pondblog's birthday. She's awesome and you should totally tell her so. ;)
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doctor-shenanigans · 10 years
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doctor who + text posts night vale tweets | part 2/? (rtd edition)
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doctor-shenanigans · 10 years
Doctor Who Re-watch: The David Tennant Specials
In which I tangent a bunch of times, talk about the Doctor as a person, and most people won't read on, because they don't want David Tennant to go.
But I'm straying from the topic, which is the specials themselves. The Doctor goes through quite the wringer in these specials. It's a really interesting take; and makes good on an element that has been quietly living through out RTD's Doctor Who; free of companions, what sort of person does the Doctor become? Not entirely a good one. (In paths not taken, having that be a marker of the Doctor's alien nature would have been very interesting; rather than making the Time Lords decedent, and corrupt by their power, have it be that their boring, over-wrought empire, with it's refusal to interfere be because were they to interfere, they'd all become the Time Lord victorious, reshaping time on a whim as it suited them,) 
There's a core aspect of the specials that is just that; having mind wiped Donna, the Doctor decides he will travel free of companions from now on, and with no one to reign him in, he goes to far, leading to his "death," and rebirth.
Tennant's acting continues to excel but on some level I kind of start to feel like he takes a hit from all the sads. This is where things being "too big" like I talked about last time begin to impact the character. Eccelston was the man who rages, Tennant is the man who regrets, and Smith is the man who forgets. We only had Eccelston for one series, and the short run made it all the more powerful, but with Tennant, we get four years, four great years, but it's four years of his grief and regret over the loss of Gallifrey. And that becomes the background noise of his character. And it's so big that things like  Rose, or River, or Donna, all things that are upsetting, that would be upsetting if we lived through them, that the writers want us to feel the full weight of, lose impact, any time I'm expected to see him devastated I always think "Yeah, this is bad, but ya know, the Time War and all, so he'll get over this.
And so we remember Tennant as the sad, wounded soul, because there was so much pain piled on him, that even the happy moments feel more like faked smiles knowing how much hurt he has, and it's a testament to David Tennant's skill as an actor, that four years of everything sucking for him we can still see each new thing and it still feels like the worst thing to happen yet.
No regular companion joined the Doctor on this journey, instead we got a series of companions each of whom are wonderful in some capacity. David Morrissey is so much fun, two Doctor's later, and I know more than a few people are a bit sad he wasn't the next Doctor. Lady Christina is a controversial figure, there are a few fans who don't like her, there are also a few who think she'd be a perfect companion.  Personally I like her, I'd enjoy seeing more, though it'd be a challenge to write her as a companion given how similar she is to the Doctor. Adelaide Brook as a humble, rule abiding, duty oriented officer, she makes a wonderful contrast to the Doctor. We've had a Christmas special, and a full series to learn the delights of Wilfred Mott, and  I dare a single Whovian out there to say they too wouldn't be proud if he was their dad.
And finally before I do my final run down of the RTD era, I will say, that though I've been critical, we can't say enough about what Russell T. Davies has done for Doctor Who. He brought it back, he brought it into the modern era,  we wouldn't be talking about the show right now, and I wouldn't be in potentially the best place my life has ever been with some of the best people I have ever known around, so for that if nothing else I have to express a profound amount of gratitude and praise.
But alas, we are down to the nitty gritty, and let's see how this series stacks up; Given the specials, usually an episode is rated out of five stars, for thirteen stories, but seeing as we only have five stories, to ensure an even count, we'll be rating out of thirteen stars.
"The Next Doctor" This is a quality episode, though it starts with a roughly dour Doctor, and has a few sad moments, over all it's fun. David Morrissey lights up the screen being the most over the top Doctor we'd seen in the revival, and Tennant is really fun to watch playing at being a companion. Their interactions bring a considerable amount of charm to the story. Add in that we get a genuine happy ending, and the episode is just solid in quality. Eleven out of Thirteen stars
"Planet of the Dead" A light hearted, but softer episode than "The Next Doctor," Not as much charm as the previous one, though Malcolm is adorable. And this may be the first time we really see Tennant have one of this sit down and encourage the little guy moments. Lady Christina it's hard to say if she's supposed to be the "perfect' companion, or someone who seems like it, even though they aren't. In either case, she immediately takes charge in the crisis, speaks several languages, is always prepared, a far cry from what we usually get, certainly it would be an interesting story, though some fans found her a little too take charge apparently. Nine out of Thirteen Stars
"Waters of Mars." I'm not sure what to make of waters of mars. We're back into sad ominous Doctor Who here. Also the set up is some what contrived, there's an attempt to flesh out what is and is not a fixed point in time. Fixed points were already a bit convenient as a plot device, but the moment you try to explain why something is or is not, it invites you to examine it and that's when it breaks down. Like, without the loss of Bowie Base One, no one would *ever* go into space? Or Adelaide couldn't go home and encourage her descendants while alive? Why does killing herself inspire her descendants? All the logic falls apart when you think about it for a moment. Fortunately, no one is thinking about it, because it is so beautifully performed. During the Time Lord Victorious you feel the same sense of hope that the Doctor will save the day that you do every episode, but it's also a sense of dread and fear at how wrong it all feels. It's so well done you don't even notice that it kind of makes no sense. Eight out of Thirteen Stars
The End of Time Part 1/The End of Time Part 2 And here it is, the end at last. It ends with the Time War, as rightly should, part of me wonders if RTD shouldn't have resolved it, and brought Gallifrey back, created a fresh status quo for Moffat, though I don't mind that such an event was saved for the 50th. (on the subject of Gallifrey never coming back, I'll discuss that when I get to the 50th.) These episodes are so full of stuff, Wilf, the Doctor, the Master, the Time Lords, but it never feels over burdened, it never feels like we're missing out on good character interaction because there's so much. The only mis-step to me is the "I will die" mentality of the Doctor. It's a tragic mis-step too, because the "knock four times" prophecy is the best set up in the history of New Who. Knocking four times is the Master's thing, and that big tragic moment we all thought this is gonna be it." And then, it was a small personal moment. After all of it, the Tenth Doctor sacrificed himself to save one person, and it was so well done. Except for the ten minutes or so of the episode devoted to David Tennant saying he was going to die, or regeneration is exactly like dying and treating it like this is the last we'll ever see of the Doctor. Once again, trying to wring that "GOING TO DIE" drama out of a character who isn't going to die, when what will happen has a powerful emotional component, and why can't we just deal with that? Despite that awkward attempt, I do get choked up at the actual regeneration. I wanted more episodes with Tennant, I wanted more time, hell I even watched his segment of the 50th just to get a little extra. But every time, every time I watch it, that glowing energy comes, and I'm so desperate for more Tennant, until it fades, and I am *so* excited for Matt Smith. All in all, with essentially one exception, it's a wonderful episode. Eleven out of Thirteen Stars Twelve out of Thirteen Stars
  FINAL TALLY: 51 out of a possible 65
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doctor-shenanigans · 10 years
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The Doctor - Doctor Who
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doctor-shenanigans · 10 years
What does the Doctor see in the mirror of Erised?
Dunno, never looked. 1200 years of life, I wouldn’t see desire, it’d be regret, and I wallow in that more than enough without having to see it, I can scarcely imagine what I’d see, but I know it’d be upsetting. 
So no Mirror of Erised 
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How’s about the Sorting hat instead?
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doctor-shenanigans · 10 years
Hey, Clara--you better keep the Doctor away from Zonkos and Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes!
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Oh, but look! These are my people! “Shenanigans for All!” These are my people!!
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No! But… Clara… there’s… there’s so many things inside, wait, wait-!
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doctor-shenanigans · 10 years
What's your favorite spell?
Oh, easy,  favorite spell; expelliarmus.. Easy to do, simple, and you'd be surprised how quickly people are willing to sort to other solutions when robbed of weapons. 
Did it a couple of times with the sonic, even did it to River... well Melody... one time. 
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You can't do spells with a sonic.
Well, technically they aren't spells,  and the wands are merely a focus for latent psychic ener-
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My favorite spell is the refilling charm. No need to get up, no need to buy more drinks, just boop and refill.
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