dmspiration · 1 year
It's good and cool to give your characters a single simple, straightforward, non-urgent, super-achievable goal that shouldn't really cost anything or hurt anyone, make that the driving factor for most of their decisions, and then have the Plot do everything in its power to stop them.
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dmspiration · 1 year
Fact 1: In most versions of Dungeons & Dragons, when infected – as opposed to natural-born – lycanthropes transform under the full moon, they assume the default alignment of their type during the ensuing mindless rampage.
Fact 2: In most versions of Dungeons & Dragons, the default alignment of werebears is Lawful Good.
Conclusion: When an infected werebear transforms under the full moon, they go on a mindless Lawful Good rampage.
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dmspiration · 2 years
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Architect Manas Bhatia used AI technology to create “symbiotic architecture,” showing how apts. carved out of Hyperion trees would look. 
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The architect questions: ‘Can the envelope in which we live & breathe as creatures do, instead of us dwelling in air-conditioned concrete and glass boxes we call apartments?’
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The result is a surreal series of apartment buildings that take on nature completely.
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Hollowed-out Hyperion trees are transformed into functional breathing architecture, with apartments facing inwards and natural lighting sweeping in to create an illuminated, enchanted natural space.
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In this envisioned alternate future, buildings are not machines made from concrete or steel. Instead, they are live and can grow to accommodate the ever-growing needs for housing.
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Manas Bhatia imagines apartment towers as giant hollow redwood trees that breathe and grow. They are magical, but would they continue to grow if they were all hollowed out and everything?
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dmspiration · 2 years
I think we need to take the “what if the conventional monster was friendly?” thing in fantasy worldbuilding further. “What if the dragon was friendly?” and “what if the orcs across the valley were friendly?” are well and good, but I’m thinking more like “what if the animated skeletons in the local graveyard were friendly?”
I think with the animated skeletons in particular the key is to play up their separation from the living in a way that’s still kinda creepy, but in an odd way rather than a horrific way. Something like:
Animated skeletons are explicitly not just skeleton versions of the living people their bones came from, and in fact don’t seem to have much in the way of individual identity – or, at least, if they do, they don’t express it in the way that humans do.  
They aren’t impaired by the loss of individual bones – including the skull! – and can freely swap bones among themselves. The same pile of loose bones won’t always animate into the same number or configuration of skeletons, nor does having more available bones necessarily translate into more skeletons.  
Consequently, questions like “how many skeletons are there?” are difficult to answer.  
Animated skeletons generally seem to understand both spoken and written languages, but don’t have much capacity for producing language; they don’t speak or write, and their capacity for signing is limited to stuff like nodding or shaking their head for “yes” or “no“, pointing to indicate objects or directions, etc.  
In spite of this, they appear to be able to communicate complex information and ideas amongst themselves, but it happens via some undetectable, (presumably) non-language-based medium.  
Their otherwise limited expressive capacity notwithstanding, skeleton “culture” (if that’s the word for it) is very big on making music. Instruments and sheet music are among the few material goods that skeletons value, though the former are typically limited to those that can be operated without breath.  
(This generally means percussion and strings. Wind instruments that can be operated without breath are an occasional feature; pipe organs are a big deal in those skeleton communities that can get their phalanges on them, as are a modified form of bagpipes, operated by two-skeleton teams where one plays the music and the other inflates the bag with a portable bellows.)  
Apart from music, skeletons are mostly into repetitive manual labour, though exclusively on a volunteer basis, as they’re uninterested in payment and will simply collapse into inanimate piles of bones if coerced. If you want a skeleton to do something for you, be prepared to explain why, in detail, to a silent, motionless, and expressionless audience.  
Skeletons are notably more likely to heed a request from a priest or religious scholar than from laypersons. There are a lot of theories as to why this is; the skeletons themselves are disinclined to comment.  
A skeleton with nothing better to do may squat like a gargoyle near some well-trafficked location and observe local goings-on, remaining motionless apart from turning its skull toward points of interest for days or weeks on end. It’s generally considered polite not to draw attention to their presence.
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dmspiration · 2 years
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Commission for @ponylamp <3
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dmspiration · 2 years
Recently joined an on-going Chronicles of Darkness campaign. It’s my 4th session and I just lost my soul to a demon. Got sucked into a photo diary and woke up near the Asylum. Oh boy, this is gonna be quite a ride.
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dmspiration · 2 years
Giant rats in fantasy universes inevitably lead to specialist giant rat catchers, once all the new adventurers start thinking that killing giant rats in the tavern cellar is somehow beneath them.
And in the field of specialist giant rat catchers, there inevitably comes a Jack Black (no not that one) who after years of killing giant rats starts catching giant rats alive. And once they start catching giant rats alive they start watching giant rats for the first time, and they get the wild thought to try breeding out the bloodlust in the species and see what’s left.
And soon they have pens full of half-tamed boggle-eyed rats, sweet as honey and big as malamutes. And after that, all it takes is one noblewoman eccentric enough to see them in the street and think “I simply must have them.”
And that’s how giant rat fancy starts.
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dmspiration · 2 years
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Some idioms for fantasy races and classes shared by u/nagonjin on reddit. Follow her on instagram (@lyresforhire) for more D&D idioms.
My favorite one is the bard one “When I am song”
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dmspiration · 2 years
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i have genuinely never been more obsessed with a magic item
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dmspiration · 2 years
Greater Baja Blast
5th-level Evocation
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (A taco)
Duration: Instanteneous
A blast of pure lime flavor shoots from your hands in 500 feet long and 5 feet wide straight line. Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 8d8 acid damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Any creature damaged this way must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the overwhelming flavor causes it to be charmed by you until the start of your next turn.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 5th.
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dmspiration · 2 years
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I love watching two people who can just fight perfectly together, and was like ‘how would you translate this to D&D?’ This is the first attempt, will probably take some tweaking to make it valuble but not overpowered. 
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dmspiration · 3 years
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new favorite cursed item
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dmspiration · 3 years
Sometimes your Mage just tries to do a normal human activity like introducing their new Mage fiancé at a family BBQ after avoiding them for months after their Awakening. Sometimes this ends with your Mage leaving the BBQ to walk into a trap set by the Seers of the Throne after they threaten your family through your brothers VR headset.
Sometimes your Mage and their cabalmate almost die and get all of Mage society locked out from the Arcadian Watchtower. Turns out the trap wasn’t for your Mage after all.
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dmspiration · 3 years
Next time I run a table top game, I'm giving any killed enemy, NPC, or otherwise a 10% chance of swearing revenge and coming after the player characters, followed by percentile ranks of how successful they are ranging from "never finds them" up to "merges with a malevolent demigod which threatens to annihilate a large portion of the population in their bid for revenge."
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dmspiration · 3 years
My Dice Collection so far.
How do you store your dice?
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dmspiration · 3 years
A thought that arises from the idea of tiefling babies often ending up being abandoned: A rich tiefling adventurer retiring and starting up a tiefling orphanage that takes care of rejected tiefling babies and children.
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dmspiration · 3 years
i think werewolves should be allowed to have fancy bloodlines and wealthy aristocrat families that go back generations amnd big fancy manor houses the way vampires do. aka yet another thing terry pratchett was correct about
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