djwhitebooty-blog · 7 years
Original RP; Mutant
Will add more information as it comes up.
No preference on role.
- Backstory
-- Around the year 2020 an asteroid crashed to earth around the area between Hong Kong and Jeju Island. It devastated the coastal countries and left them barren. 
-- In the asteroid contained an alien substance, purple in color, that affected human DNA and had multiple disease-curing properties.
-- The substance was confiscated by the UN and put on lock-down from countries accessing it until they could find a proper way to tax and distribute it, along with funding to research and recreate it. This, in turn, sparked fury between countries to have rights to it, creating a third world war by the year 2030.
-- The war ravaged the world. Many countries stole the recipe for the substance and tried recreating it themselves, to no avail, making the most insane bio-weapon the world has ever seen. The world crumbled in a matter of decades, humans almost extinct. 
- Abilities
-- In this story abilities are varied but are different variations of body enhancement. Enhanced vision, strength, speed, etc. Nothing is too crazy, but there are a few cases of abilities being almost supernatural. 
-- There is no magic, alchemy, etc.
- Time period
-- The story is set in the year 2160, somewhere between Jerusalem and Pakistan. 
- Categories, genres, themes
-- No pairing trope
-- Dark-themed 18+ Violence, gore, death, smut.
-- Action/adventure/romance/sci-fi/post-apocalyptic
- Common enemy
-- Called mutants. Humans who have survived the world war and bred on while containing the weaponized virus. They are born normal, but upon death their body reforms into a body twice its size. They have red/purple skin, white eyes, no visible hair, and their cravings have been multiplied tenfold. They are always hungry, thirsty, lusting, and angry. It is unknown if they feel pain or not. They are known as immortal beings because of their superior regenerative abilities. The only way to kill them is with a shot (or stabbed, etc) to the back of the head, in the cerebellum, as any other part of the brain reforms itself.
- More plot related information
-- There is no formal currency in this world. People trade anything from clothes to weapons as long as they see its valuable.
-- There are people who are hired to kill mutants in an area.
-- Most people with abilities travel and take on protection jobs.
-- There are no known strongholds or fortresses that protect a society or group of people from mutants. Certain areas and cities are more infested than others, while most people live in areas too dense for mutants to move freely, or areas void of life (deserts, tundras, etc)
-- Animals cannot contract the virus, but can carry it. 
-- The virus can be killed by cooking the meat its in, killing the host, and when it runs out of organic substance to feed from. Once the host body dies the virus dies with it.
-- The virus is spread through consuming contaminated food and exchange of any bodily fluid (including sweat, tears and spit).
-- Old tech like computers, cell phones, TVs, etc are considered lost technology and are collected by the rich for novelty and use. Most satellites are still functional, making some of the tech usable. 
- Main characters
-- Male MC - Has an ability of enhanced vision, reactions, and hearing, making him one of the most notorious hitmen known in many countries. It is unknown to him, but he is one of the few people who can carry the virus and not be infected. His family was killed by a mutant attack when he was younger, from there he was raised by gypsies (who’s culture had remained mostly the same after the war). He has an indifferent personality, tends to work alone, and is easily annoyed by loud noises. He has a weakness for his adoptive family, but has no issues dropping/killing anyone he doesn’t know. He is often seen with earbuds or headphones in his ears to block out noise. 
-- Female MC - Is the result of an experiment done by her parents to create and sentient mutant. Her mother, a carrier, infected her father with the virus and continuously had sex with the mutated man to give birth to the female MC. This resulted in a the female MC being born a mutant with silver hair and purple eyes, with the same regenerative abilities and strength as a wild mutant. Her mutant state is triggered by death and suppressed randomly- usually within the matter of a few minutes. Her personality is very outgoing and friendly, but narcissistic and snarky. She tends to work alone as well, worried that her partner will just slow her down. She is a quick learner as well as having a near-perfect memory. Memories from her past have been erased, leaving her vague fragments that she has a hard time recalling. She is also seen playing stupid often, making out embarrassing moments for herself in order to hide her traits.
- Meeting
-- They meet in a bar after the female MC gets in a bar fight with people who robbed her a few days before. She pretends as if shes going to kill them then plays it off as she has no bullets. The male MC gets annoyed by the noise and ends up taking care of it himself. From there, they are both summoned by the bar owner for a well-paying mission across the country to retrieve a piece of lost tech.  
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djwhitebooty-blog · 7 years
Original RP; Demon hunters
Will add more relevant information as it comes up. 
I prefer to play the Female role.
- Magic
-- Magic in this world have scientific and natural use. This makes it more complex, allowing for more people to use it freely. Most races in this world are able to use natural magic but would rather amplify it through scientific means, while other races are not natural users and use artificial magic.
-- Magic of this world is raw energy and it is very uncontrollable. It requires many years of training in order to master, hence the reason most users would rather enhance their talent through science.
-- Items that are created through science to amplify/control magic can be anything from a tattoo to a ring, there are very few limitations.
-- Any other aspects are subject to addition
- Time period
-- The time is set in modern day society, somewhere in the 2010s.
- Origin setting
-- The beginning of the story is set in the UK.
- Categories, genres, themes
-- Rich boy x poor girl
-- Action/adventure/romance/fantasy
-- Dark-themed; mental anguish, mental instability, death, gore, stories of abuse and rape (can happen to the MCs if you so desire, but isn’t in the original story)
-- Two incompatible personalities forced to work together.
- Races
-- Human, Elf, Fairy, Vampire, Dwarf, Hobbit, Dragon-people, Demi-humans
- Most common enemy
-- Known as demons. These entities spawn from the dirt as lost souls trapped on earth due to trauma or intense emotion. Most are deadly and irrational, but some have shown signs of sentience. When they are defeated they drop precious gems and metals such as diamonds, ores, rubies, etc.
- More plot-relevant information
-- Drops are sold to legal, verified vendors all over the world, which is controlled by one monopoly. (Related to male MC)
-- Black market exists and hurts the Hunter immensely.
-- Demon hunters have to be verified and own a license (by the monopoly) in order to hunt and sell their drops to vendors. 
- Characters
-- Male MC (Name subject to change by partner) has a snobby personality. He is narcissistic, thinks he can get whatever he wants, and most of the time does. When he cares for someone he tends to push them away in fear he will hurt them. He has a soft spot for children. He was born from an affair; making him mixed between Elf and Vampire, and was used in experiments by his father to see if the possibility of materializing demons was possible. His father’s family resides in Romania as royalty, while he has no information on his mother. As the partner, you’re free to change and add small details if it doesn’t strongly affect this text. 
-- Female MC has a background with the (edited) story from the movie Anastasia. Same name and nickname, as well. The Romanov’s were demi-humans. In the past the Romanov's tried to take over the monopoly (owned by the main male’s family) and was shut down harshly- and quietly. No one in the country knows what really happened and was sent into a state of chaos after the disappearance of the royal family. Anya was smuggled away from the kidnappers was left on her own, from which the trauma she received from the incident left her with no memory of her past. She’s lived homeless since, hunting demons and selling the drops to black market vendors in order to scrape by. She is proud, stubborn, far from shy, bossy, and daring. She has a weakness towards almost all people and her empathy/sympathy get her in more trouble than good. However, she has no problems with fighting her morals when it comes to the rich (or seemingly rich). 
- Meeting
-- They both meet whenever Anya breaks into MMC’s home to steal something to pawn. The area has been free of demons for over a week and she was desperate for food.
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