dizzidreamz-blog · 7 years
There is certainly inequality in this country, we can all see it. It's easier for some to succeed than others. But this has little to do with race. A lot of it is upbringing, most of it is mindset. We live in a country with astounding amounts of opportunity. If you can't appreciate that first and foremost you are doomed from the start. So many people blame everyone but themselves for their misfortune. Take responsibility for your life and your own success. You definitely SHOULD fight for equality, that doesn't mean give up and sit on your hands and complain that there's no point in trying. Go out and get it and don't stop until you do. If Lil Yachty (An African American "Musician") can achieve success by mumbling senseless garbage over a beat I think you can make a nice $70,000/ yr at least if you just stick to a path and keep your eyes peeled for opportunity all around you. Not everything is going to go your way, know that from the start, but you gotta keep pushing anyway. You will get whatever you believe if you truly believe you deserve it. Poverty IS a mindset and Success is a process. At the end of the day each day, you know you could have done more to improve your life. I promise you every step you take without hindering excuses will be the best step you ever took. Walk tall mis amigos.
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dizzidreamz-blog · 7 years
Parents urgently need to teach their children how to deal with and embrace stress at a young age. Nothing in life is so serious that you need to lose your composure. A lot of people start losing their composure at the very first sign of stress, and these attributes are passed down. I see it all the time. Working class parents have given off the impression that stress and tension is always a bad thing, but hardly ever to they preach on dealing with tension when it arises, they just complain and cower. A parent’s worse nightmare is their child lacking the necessary ambition to carry out their full potential, You can never unlock your full potential if you can’t properly deal with tension. Tension is the barrier you need to brake to see the greener grass on the other side. This is something I am also working earnestly to change in my life. I’ve gotten so lazy. I don't want to deal with anything that takes me out of my happy place. But what happens if your happy place isn’t as happy as you think it is? that’s what you call settling. You can always be so much happier. And it begins with lending a helping hand from time to time, for when you are a help to those in need, you shall have a helping hand when you need it most. 
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dizzidreamz-blog · 7 years
Its been over a year since I fell into a complete hole. I have to say I've made outstanding mental progress. However mental progress will only take you so far. I try to give advice to people who need a little nudge but I'm far from the person I need to become. I’m at the point now where I can motivate myself through things when I'm not feeling 100% but what I struggle with is being decisive and making the initial move. What use is having the knowledge you need to push through the room if I can't even get up to the front door. This is not okay. I am certainly thankful to be able to highlight this issue at a young age, as it is a major factor in what holds people back in life. You gotta do your research and you HAVE TO SHOW UP. Look opportunity in the face and own it. This is something you can never stop improving at so it’s important to make the effort to improve on a daily basis. 
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dizzidreamz-blog · 7 years
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dizzidreamz-blog · 7 years
You will lose money overtime actively trading in stocks
Warren Buffett
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dizzidreamz-blog · 7 years
You don't need brain power, you need discipline
Warren Buffett
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dizzidreamz-blog · 7 years
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dizzidreamz-blog · 7 years
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#GrizzNation forever baby! #GritnGrind #Whowantit #ganggang #Grizzlies
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dizzidreamz-blog · 7 years
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dizzidreamz-blog · 7 years
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dizzidreamz-blog · 8 years
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dizzidreamz-blog · 8 years
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dizzidreamz-blog · 8 years
Y'all remember when..... 😂😂😂 #DonaldTrump #StoneCold
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dizzidreamz-blog · 8 years
Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars.
Servian Proverb (via lazyyogi)
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dizzidreamz-blog · 8 years
You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.
Jane Goodall (via fyp-science)
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dizzidreamz-blog · 8 years
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If you like bitter-tasting foods, are a CEO or a lawyer, have an anti-social or narcissistic personality, are fearless and impulsive, like to stay up late, and don’t find yawning to be contagious, you’re more likely to be a psychopath. Source
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dizzidreamz-blog · 8 years
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