Call your father “dapper”
Call your boyfriend “daddy”
Call your husband & tell him you’ll be home late
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Like or reblog for a starter from Mabel Rose.
       —  Muses, Rules ☙ ❧ Penned by Kay
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Like or reblog for a starter from Memphis Campbell. 
      —  Muses, Rules ☙ ❧ Penned by Kay
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Like or reblog for a starter from Ling Chan.
      —  Muses, Rules ☙ ❧ Penned by Kay
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Like or reblog for a starter from Theta Knight. 
      —  Muses, Rules ☙ ❧ Penned by Kay
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Like or reblog for a starter from Evie O’Neill.
     —  Muses, Rules ☙ ❧ Penned by Kay
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Open Starter ☙ ❧ Theta Knight
“We all got our secrets.” Theta drew in a luxurious lungful of her cigarette and let it out in a slow puff. “I’ll mind my own business if you mind yours.”
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OOC update
Sorry for disappearing... I am back. Msg me if you want to play.
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Queenie paused when she heard the girl, and the again upon reading her thoughts. She offered the girl a sweet a smile, fully understanding the dillema. She took the leaflet and opened it before looking back at the girl, who seemed vaguely familiar. 
“I’ll try to be there,” she said. “Say, haven’t I seen you at temple before? Also, you should be confident doing this sort of thing. Always. It’ll get more results.”
Tension she had not been conscious of holding left Mabel’s shoulders and she smiled. Charity is the greatest mitzvah, not that everyone observed it, but this meant they had a connection beyond harasser and harassed. "We used to go to Emanu-El but have been going to Lexington Avenue since it has been under construction.”
Her smile fell, then returned with a new stiffness. “Yes, ma’am. You are right, of course.” Confidence. As if she could conjure it out of nothing! She had confidence that her cause was just. That would have to do. “I hope I do see you there. Bring a date!” 
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after drawing those clara bow sketches and getting into the 20’s aesthetic, I wanted to draw my own take on Betty Boop <3
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“Not at all,” Charlotte said. The confusing talk from earlier aside, she liked the way these people acted. They were familiar with each other: they liked each other. She still felt like an outsider, but they wouldn’t be a bother to get to know.
Sometimes Sophronia doubted her own intentions in casual interaction: it was hard to turn her brain off, to stop thinking like an intelligencer. But the lessons had given her knowledge and context she could use outside of work. If she wanted to be friends, and if she used some techniques she’d learned, was it really so bad? Made it easier to make friends, rather.
“I wasn’t joking about the singing, though. Be warned. If you want to stage an escape, I can cover you.”
Memphis laughed. "That would take some doing. Henry got the ball rolling and Evie took it up. This is happening, whether we like it or not. And I'm stuck with them."
“I’m sure you’ll do fine,” Mabel said softly, showing up at Sophronia’s other side.
They piled on to the escalators. The chill winter breeze greeted them as they rose to level and were carried out into the street. The lot of them followed Henry like baby ducklings as he made a beeline down the street towards the neon lights of tonight’s venue. No coverage fee--and even if there had been, Theta’s name might have got them through. She wasn’t exactly bigtime, but between her and Henry, they knew people who knew people. Besides, the sleek black dress she wore could open doors anywhere. 
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“I realise you don’t know me, but please help me, I think I’m going to pass out.” “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I saw someone put something in your drink. You didn’t drink from it already, did you?” “Shit! Sorry, I didn’t see you there
 Are you okay?” “Charlie! Imagine seeing you here!– Oh. Wait, you aren’t Charlie
” “Excuse me, I was looking to get my girlfriend a bra, could you help me– You’re not the shop assistant, are you?” “Watch out for that truck!” “Is this your wallet?” “Look out where you’re going, asshole!” “Did you see that?! He had a gun.” “Err– I’m sorry to interrupt, but I was just walking behind you and I think you must have sat in something
” “I know I don’t know you and this might sound really strange, but do you have a room or a spare settee or something I could crash on? I could pay you
 I just
 I really need someone to help me out right now.” “HELP ME!” “Oh my god, are you okay? I’m calling the police. I think I saw who did this to you.” “Are you alright? You look really pale.” “The whole street is blocked off. The police won’t tell us anything, but I think there’s been some kind of attack
 Maybe a bomb?” ”Have you lost something? Can I help?” “Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?”.
First-Time Interaction starter sentences
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My dear, you would not take ‘everything’ well.
She didn’t say it out loud, just like she didn’t resist Evie’s over-familiar touch. Instead she smiled.
“Where do I start? And will you tell me everything about yourself, in exchange?”
Evie waved a glittery gloved hand. “I’ll give you the link later. No spoilers.”
“Season two, episode one, she finds a missing kitten,” said Sam, swinging his leg. The short, dark young man had a way of slouching even on the unforgiving subway seats. “Riveting stuff.“
"Tell that to your five followers!”
They stopped downtown and Henry ushered the lot of them out into the platform. They’d only just missed the afternoon rush. Evie fell in step with Sam, the two of them bickering back-and-forth like a pair of screwball comedy stars. 
Memphis separated from Theta to approach Sophronia, shoving his hands deep in the pockets of his faded jeans, and gave her one of his soft smiles. “You okay? If you’re having second thoughts, I’ll cover your escape.” 
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Oh dear. Such a tight-knit group they seemed. And to invite Sophronia along?
She wouldn’t call herself manipulative, because that word implied harm. Sophronia would never harm another person, not unless they really deserved it. But she saw no reason not to arrange things to her benefit, when she could.
This was not her work, just a stroke of incredible luck, but Sophronia would happily take it.
Evie snuggled up next to Sophronia, taking her arm as if they were old friends. Her brilliant blue eyes were already brightened by alcohol, though she was steady on her feet and her breath was sweet as roses. “So, tell me absolutely everything about yourself.”
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A few modern AU ideas:
- Evie has a reality show, obviously - Theta is on Broadway - Henry’s memento of Louis is not a straw hat but an ancient MP3 player  - Ling is a student at community college while also working almost all her off hours at her parents’ restaurant. She finds her dreamwalking clients online if not in Chinatown.
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“I always do when Evie gets near anywhere a mike,” joked Sam. “Lamb Chop’s got many talents but singing ain’t one.”
“Ha ha.” Evie wasn’t incensed enough to actually get off her seat to kick him in the shins, but flicked her glittery going-out heels in his direction as a promise of things to come. All together, the seven of them took up a good chunk of the subway car as it sped towards downtown and that new venue Henry had found. Karaoke night would give a marketing boost for Theta’s new show on Broadway. 
“It was lucky we ran into you, really,” said Henry. “Since Ling’s absolutely refused to come along, we needed another girl for backup.”
“You’ll get your moment in the spotlight, too,” Mabel promised. “If I have to embarrass myself for my friends, you do too.”
“Thanks an awful lot.” Theta shot Sophronia an apologetic look from under Memphis’s arm. “Really. It was all Henry’s idea.”
“You’re welcome, darling,” Henry said brightly, hanging on a handhold. 
inspired by this awesome meme right here that I wanted an opposite for. send a 💝 and I’ll generate a number, 1-75, and post a starter based on what scenario I get. |  @divines-and-diviners
You get number
57! Your muse invites mine to do karaoke
A group of strangers inviting you to karaoke was one thing. A group of strangers with interesting abilities was another thing entirely. And when you were as bad a singer as Sophronia (not terrible, but far from the best, especially when compared to the professional singer in the group)
well, then it was just tempting fate.
But a good intelligencer never says no to an offer like that.
“All right - but bring your earplugs. This is your only warning.”
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Alternative Book Covers → The Diviners Series
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