disventurecrab · 20 days
Gabby: -does something evil-
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disventurecrab · 20 days
Man I’m tired of the Jake this season ngl. Man’s attitude is trash and trying.
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disventurecrab · 1 month
Crab’s Disventure Super Hero AU:
I came up with the idea of this au at 12:30am and then asked my fiancée who knows nothing about DC what powers they think the characters would have based on vibes (and then changed half the answers to actually fit vibes or be drama)
Tom - Shadow Powers, can dissolve into shadows and use darkness to obscure himself/others or blind others.
Aiden - Hydrokinesis. Basically water bending. Can also boil or freeze water with it.
Ally - Technology/Electronic sync. So long as she is touching a piece of tech, she can hack/control it. But her body is completely useless while connected. She can take control of a security system or a giant mech, but her body can’t do anything while she’s doing that.
Hunter - enhanced reflexes/senses and increased durability. Good at weapons, so he is basically like a hawkeye / nightwing hero.
Connor - semi-retired hero, but still on call for major crisis or for the annual work party. Has the ability to emit chemical gases with different effects, but can only due it a limited number of times per day and in large quantities, so he typically bottles the gases and uses them as bombs in combat.
Ashley - super strength but fights in a more Wonder Woman style. A classic.
Lake - telepathy and minor telekinesis. She is essentially a Professor X character but she rocks wigs.
James - Flight. Gotta give him a power that would both be very showy for the tiktok, and cause some initial drama with Aiden.
Riya - minor time manipulation. Can basically rewind time for up to a few minutes. If she does longer than that or a multiple times she physically exhausts herself. Is useful if something bad happens that she can prevent. Is also useful for being an actress as she never misses a take. (Is also useful for whenever her and Connor get into a fight, she just rewinds it so it never happened :-) )
Lill - physical adaptability. Basically if she is in a situation that is life or death, her body will adapt to safe itself, but she has no control over what it does. So if she is submerged underwater she might grow lungs, or she might develop skin that absorbs oxygen through it. More useful for saving others/being a rescue hero
Karol - animal communication. One of the most obvious powers.
Dan - Drawing Creation. Anything he draws temporary comes to life. Allows him to also communicate with little drawings like the Sandman in Rise of the Gaurdians.
Drew - Heightened intelligence. He runs management back at the hero command and actually does the hard work in locating villains and stopping attacks before they happen.
Jake - Can command/charm speak. Basically could order you to do something, but can only do it to one person at a time or else he over exerts himself. Is primarily a thief who is doing the villain stuff cause the system is broken and he needs money.
Fiore - a literal cyborg child. Is physically 2, mentally 6-8 years old, and also heightened intelligence. And she has a fun for a hand :D
Alec - probability manipulation. Can basically change fate/chance and manipulate the probability of something happening. But the greater the change in probability the more energy it takes. For instance, if there is a 95% chance he makes a jump, he can change it to a 100% chance with relative ease. But if there is a >0.01% chance he succeeds in making a jump, raising it to even 20% would cause him to pass out.
Ellie - physical destruction/dissolving of molecules. Great for breaking into buildings. Also good at combat if you really want to mess someone up. Also here primarily to steal things and make money, but unlike Jake, she’s not “half-assing” this being a villain thing.
Gabby - plant manipulation. She is an eco-terrorist and is essentially Poison Ivy with Harley Quinn’s personality. Doesn’t so much as do villainy as she attacks fur farms and people who abuse animals.
Yul - combustion powers like Bakugo from MHA. He can create explosions and start fires with them.
Nick - no powers. Is essentially a Batman/superman villain who buys a lot of weapons. Wanted to be a hero but was not allowed in because he didn’t have powers.
Kristal - Stamina stealing. She is able to take the energy/lifeforce of another person she touches and grow her own. Technically she could kill someone by stealing years of their life away, but usually just steals someone’s energy for the day so they fall asleep. Has great control over her powers.
Trevor - Undetection. He can be ignored by anyone. And by technology and cameras. Great for sneaking around and causing problems for heroes. Not for getting Derek’s attention.
Derek - blood/body manipulation (fiancée suggestion). He can basically control the blood in a person’s body. Would be great if he actually studied anatomy and learned how to be more precise with his powers. But instead he can either give you a massive bruise and a ton of pain in your legs when he makes them physically stop moving, or could just kill you by making you instantly have massive internal bleeding or a stroke.
Emily - hearing. She lives to listen in on the gossip and see what’s up. And then sell that info to the highest bidder.
Jensen - Electrical powers. Literally has enough voltage to shock deliver a shock that can stop a heart from several feet away. Super dangerous alongside Derek.
Tess - local artist and subsequent “therapy friend”. Has friends who are heroes and friends who are villains. Somehow manages to not let either side know she is a neutral party in these shenanigans by just being chill.
Miriam- grandma figure/roommate/co-business owner with Jake. Lost her family in the same freak accident that killed most of his family and also gave him powers. Is the one to bandage Jake up after his fights. Wishes he wouldn’t do bad things, but understands why he does it.
Grett - former villain who is currently retired and reformed. Occasionally acts as an informant/advisor to the heroes since she has underground connections. Her super power is that when she is in direct sunlight/strong uv light she is basically invincible and has super strength, but she gets weak in darkness.
Rosa Maria - super powered (wind/storm manipulation) but only a hero to her daughter. The heroes have her number in case “it’s a world ending scenario” and she is Lake’s foster parent/roommate.
Will - no super powers, just Ashley’s super supportive boyfriend.
Kai & Maggie - lumping them together. Kai has healing powers and uses them to aid heroes and some villains when injured. Maggie is his gf, and is stronger than an average person but doesn’t have a super power.
Oliver - villain sympathizer. No powers. Runs a safe house for villains/people who need to get away from society. A primary contact of Kristal’s for when she needs something but also has hero connections.
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disventurecrab · 1 month
Will probably start sharing my super hero au later today. It’s been sitting in my mind for the past week.
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disventurecrab · 1 month
I think some of y'all need to realize that Ellie is a bad person and it's okay to still like her despite it lmao
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disventurecrab · 1 month
Idk if this has been said before, but if Ellie was a contestant in s2, she would have done to Aiden that thing that actually happened in Survivor where that one contestant outed another as trans.
And like that episode, 99% of the season 2 cast would have jumped her ass for it.
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disventurecrab · 1 month
First post hot take: all of the “villain” contestants on DC have their redeeming qualities/enjoyable quirks.
Except Yul.
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