Jekyll whipped his tears away then pinched his cheeks “you are in so much trouble young man!” Jekyll sounded like a mom at the current moment “you couldn’t have sent a message or a letter letting me know you were ok!” 
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“Oi, we’re the s a m e age!” the young man comment and the p i n c h i n g of his cheeks made his face turn a little red at the embarassment of it, but he didn’t mind too much since it had been brought on by concern instead of belittlement-so, instead, he rubs the back of his neck and gives a sheepish grin. “IIIIIII actually thought master had told everyone, turns out they forgot. I woulda sent a letter if I knew they didn’t tell you.”
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I’m gonna add some more muses on here + fate verses for all of them
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Oh shit, he d i d n ‘ t expect Jekyll to start crying- since the only thought he had was that he’d be semi relieved to see he wasn’t dead and then he’d lightly s c o l d him. “Uh...” Reaching up to pat his head, Billy spoke. “Master asked me to get some stuff but there’s been like so much complications getting back that it took me f o r e v e r.”
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If your muse was in a otome game meme
Send a symbol to get….!
❀: What my muse will say to yours when they first meet.
✩: What my muse will say when it’s your birthday.
♡: What my muse will say when they start falling in love with you.
♥: What my muse will say when their heart has been completely won over by you.
☠: What my muse will say when you pick the wrong choice/make them unhappy.
☼: What my muse will say when you give them a gift they like.
☹: What my muse will say when you give them a gift they dislike.
〄: A random line my muse will say!
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Let’s play the ‘I have an icon for that’ game.
Send me a scenario and I’ll show you the perfect icon I’d use for that situation.
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“Shit, I took a long time to come back didn’t I?” Master is gonna be fucking p i s s e d.
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      feel free to change pronouns / wording !
warning for bad language.
“ you have to hide. ”
“ you have to get the fuck out of this terrible place. ”
“ guard your life, son, you have a calling. ”
“ you have to help me ! ”
“ you can’t make me. ”
“ don’t hurt me anymore. ”
“ who’s there ? ”
“ i want to share something with you. ”
“ just another ghost. ”
“ i didn’t want to have to do this to you. ”
“ you can’t leave. ”
“ accept the gospel and all doors will open before you. ”
“ get the fuck away from me ! ”
“ don’t you dare look at me. ”
“ i would like to kill him. ”
“ you look like you’ve seen a ghost. ”
“ what the fuck is the matter with you ? ”
“ what, you like to watch ? ”
“ just shut up and let me think for a minute. ”
“ i’d like you to stay quiet. ”
“ i detect sarcasm. ”
“ i need to tell you a secret. ”
“ i’m gonna need some help getting clean. ”
“ if you showed a caveman our technology, he would think it was magic. and if you showed modern man magic, he would think it was technology. ”
“ we have faith in all the wrong things. ”
“ you don’t have to be scared of me. ”
“ you must be exhausted. ”
“ heavier than you look. a little cardio wouldn’t kill you. ”
“ nose to the grindstone, i like that. ”
“ people get scared, they’re as like to turn to god as anything else. ”
“ don’t pass out on me. ”
“ you can’t control it. ”
“ if there’s one thing i cannot goddamn stand, it’s quitter. ”
“ i don’t make the rules. ”
“ you fucking sick motherfucker ! ”
“ you think i’m scared of anything ? ”
“ nobody cares about a few forgotten lunatics. ”
“ you are no longer in any danger. ”
“ mind over body. ”
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🖤-Hyde to Billy
Make em talk: accepting
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“I ain’t the sort of hide my intentions, I’m assuming this context is sexual right? Is there anything I haven’t done…? Uh, I’ve done it before but ya wanna fuck on a table in public? shit like that’s always hilarious,” Billy no- you said you’d stop being a thot. “But if not sexual, I guess I haven’t told you this plan yet but ya know the movie Suspira? …Ya see where I’m goin’ with this one?”
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Force my Muse to Spill their Secrets
🌧- For a heavy, emotional secret
🙃- For a lighter, slightly embarrassing secret
🌟- For a secret wish or desire of theirs
🍏- For something they secretly wish didn’t exist
🍎- For something they secretly wish did exist
❤️- For a secret crush
📲- Talk about someone/something you dislike, but only pretend to like
👁‍🗨- Talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike
🍻- For something bad/mischievous you did as a child or teen that your parents don’t know about
🌜- For a ‘weird’ habit or tic that no one knows about
💃- For a talent that they like to keep hidden from others
🏹- For a talent they wish they had
👻- For something that scares or disturbs them, but they refuse to tell anyone
☢️- For a controversy or scandal they have been able to keep mostly under wraps
🐇- For a secret item they keep (stuffed animal, comfort object, etc)
📒- For a secret journal/diary they keep (Bonus: Share an entry from it!)
📔- For a secret sketchbook they keep (Bonus: Share a sketch or doodle within it!)
🖤- For something they secretly wish they could do with your muse
❓- Free Space! Ask them about a specific secret!
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“ Out of all the idiots in this world, I suppose I'd be able to stand you the most. ”- Elmott toAdonis (adjusted bc tsun cat dad is tsun)
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“I’ll take that as a compliment then. Thank you, Elmott.”
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Shit said in my Discord starters (some nsfw)
he gives me that look and all I say is pass the popcorn and cheese
it’s a sock cult, huh
baguettes are threatening
have you ever been whacked by a stale baguette
____ is wondering if the sock gives bjs
Christ is nothing against Mr Fizzles
Someone has a sock fetish
Sock fetishes are the only fetishes that matter
you know I think the baguette was very threatening
Who’s gonna give me a shrek AU
I want to die by Jason dohring suffocating me w/ his biceps or thighs
Shriek is Love shriek is life
Too much legs
Why the nipples
Idk what I are
I have an icon of his nip up close if u want it
How would ur muse react to lord Farquaad’s nipples in shrek
_____ is sharkphobic
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"biwwy something is tewwibwy wwong hewe i feew wike he is cwose we need to hide"-Hyde
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“Who awe you tawking about Hyde? owo shouwd we go hide in my woom ow omethin’? owo.” He wants to die, he hates this, thanks.
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serpentinewxman replied to your post “MA! Billy has to speak the OwO language for as long as Hyde has to...”
"I'M GONNA DIE, HOLY SHIT!"- She's laughing at your suffering, Billy.
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“Mastew, you'd bettew wun! i've stiww got independent action!”
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bleep3 replied to your post: bleep3 replied to your post: ...
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“If wouw thwink wat Pwat will not want a womance wiv wouw; wouw’re wong.”
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MA! Billy has to speak the OwO language for as long as Hyde has to keke
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“wou wiw swuffer at my handies.”
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