dietonthego · 1 year
Describing The Woman in my Life.
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A Beautiful Mother is her Role; A Dependable Woman was her Figure; A Decent Lady in her Teenage years a well Disciplined and a Gorgeous girl was she in her childhood. My Mother a lovely and stunning woman has been at my side for as long as 17 years and I know it will be so on and on.
Her charisma charms's our daily mood into positiveness and her caring words and actions depicts the richness and great passion of her love towards us. Her smile is our biggest strength, while her tears is greatest weakness and concern. She cooks us delicious dishes everyday with the help of my beloved father, Her disciplinary actions specially in taking care of us grants us protection and maybe it was a little bit strict, but I love how she worries for our safety. I love her on everyday without any basis. As she was the first person that accepted me in this absolute world and took good care to me. My Inquiries and insecurities,she handled them with authentic flavors of love,care, and passion.She was my Everything.
She was my precious gem, and the oasis of my ceaseless desert. I don't want to lose her. Hence, I will love her till forever again she was my Mother.
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dietonthego · 1 year
(A Personal Interview)
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An interesting story of a 83 years old lady an outstanding woman in her past whom to be called " The Woman Of Her Generation"...
A story of sacrifice, love, emotion, and passion.
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dietonthego · 1 year
It Was Never Too Late Diether O.Templanza 12-Humss/St. Adolphus Mrs.Justy Joy S.Pardillo
It was a very cloudy day, And the trees were dancing along with the barely strong wind. As I was in the balcony on the terrace of our house and was currently standing there watching the beautiful perspective of high altitudes of the optimistic outlook of the different corners of the sight. Later on while I was at my Peace my mom suddenly calls me.
"Drex, would you mind going to the market later to buy some groceries for tonight's dinner?.
"My mom Asked me politely,."Ok,Mom!." I responded and gasped a little,while I was still at at the terrace observing the beautiful outlook.
"Also please,feed the dogs before you leave ok!?. I'll get going now cause I'll be late from work if I stay any longer."My mom rushly said,while picking up her things.
"Wait Mom,."I answered and ran towards her. As I was running towards her,I fortunately reached and catched up to her. (Mwuah) a sound coming from me as I kissed her cheeks, and then I take her hand and put it on my forehead to do the Bless as a sign of honoring gesture.
"Goodbye Mom and take good care."I genuinely spoke,while I wave my hand as a goodbye sign and smiled at her.
"Ok I know I love you gotta go now bye."She replied, while walking towards the gate.
"I LOVE YOU TOO!!!!,."I shouted in response and then later closed my eyes, making me to realize the feeling of alone and boredom. After my Mom went to work,I continued to do the things I needed to do such as to wash the dishes.While I was washing the dishes, I was listening to one of my favourite music which is something classical . After I did it I continued to do other chores.After a very long time of hard work, I was finally able to finish all of my tasks, And take a little break,Then after a while I cleaned myself in the C.R.,.
"Ooohhhhh!!!!! Taking a long bath after a stressful time sure feels great." I murmured.
After a very long time of relaxing, I cooked something to have for lunch. And so I decided to cook something very delicious and so I took my recipe book and followed its directions…… The 1st step is to take the fish from the fridge and wash it carefully…. The 2nd step is to cut the fish into half and put it in the bowl…… The 3rd step is to squeeze at least 5 lemons into it to serve as a marinator substance…… The 4th step is to add a little bit of salt and pepper to taste…… The 5th step is to mix them properly and wait at least half an hour…….
While I was waiting for the mixture to penetrate the fish, I took the pan and placed it on the burner and heated it. As the pan was already heated, I took some oil and put some in the pan. After, I took my marinated fish and get some tongs and a clean plate,and so I put the marinated fish into the boiling pan and fried it to golden crisps . And I was so at heaven when the aroma and scent of a heavenly dish comes out and makes me more hungry.
As the fish is already cooked I cant stop myself from wanting to taste it and so I eat it right after with warm rice and some Lemon Juice.And Promise I was very satisfied with both factors of deliciousness and greatness, as the marinated substance has penetrated the body and we cooked it to golden crisps this waa totally awesome.
After I eat I rest a little and take a bath on the cr and then I change clothes to our school uniform, after I prepare my things to go to school. I get my bag and check if everything that is needed is there and so….."Ballpens…… check!!,,Paper……check!,Uhmmmmm, oh yeah bond papers…… check!Hmmm how about notebooks??!!...12345678Yeah, Its complete,wait gotta get snacks a Nissin Breadstick paired with Dutchmilk will do,,,Perfect, gotta close my bag now and prepare myself."I murmured with a smile and motivation.
When I finished everything that is needed to be done, I got my bag and went out the house so that I can go to school and so I lock the door, and so did the gates…"Haaaaaaaaah!!!,Finally I barely grasped."After going and attending school I need to go to the market cause mom told us to buy something for tonight's dinner!." I murmured while waiting for a motorcycle for me to ride to go to school.
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